OCT 31, 2003 – MAR 27, 2004



March 27, 2004

From the heart of the Father to the heart of His people the Lord expressly gives a warm welcome that you envelope yourself in His love and grace and that you visit the lost as if they were your very own family. Love your neighbor as you would your very own family, but in this day and time many families are not close, because the enemy was allowed to steal, kill and destroy relationships, because they were not grounded in the love of the Father. But I tell you today to not allow it to happen any longer.

Be open and ready for the Lord is pouring out His grace in restoring all that the enemy had set out to do. And that includes relationships between those in the body of Christ that had been divided through the deception of the enemy in pouring out heresies, yes, lies, doctrines that were from demons, and legalistic encounters to control and manipulate My people. Yes, this is the day for restoration. My heart cry is that we be one as I and My Father are one.

Yes, join together in My truth. Cry out for Truth and restoration, for unity, for without it you will not make it against the enemy of your soul. Join together, My beloved, and open your hearts that I may teach you even the basics of My word once again to gain a sure foundation. Yes, this will be a refresher course in My word, and we will breeze through this undoing the lies of the evil one and gaining the knowledge that had been lost in the turmoil, and you will come out stronger than before, and we will build upon a sure foundation of My truth and love, and we will go out and spread the gospel of My love to those I gave My life for.

Be ready for a breakthrough, for the revelation of My light, for the purging to begin, for I AM pouring out My fire and My rain, and I AM readying My people to go out to reap the harvest like never before. For this is the time I AM pouring out My grace and glory and My love upon My Bride, and I AM restoring all that the canker worm has destroyed, and the palmer worm, and the locusts. For you have no part of the curse that is poured out on the disobedient.

I have promised you life abundant. And those who have suffered great loss and have endured long, this is the time I will reward you for your faithfulness for staying by My side. You have looked past the loss with the hope and expectancy of restoration. And the promise is yours. For I AM the Lord of the breakthrough and of new beginnings. Let the past melt away. Keep your eyes on tomorrow, the day of new beginnings. Look past the threshold and see the open door of blessings for it is yours to take for you and your household, for the nations. Reach out and take what is yours.

All My promises to you are yes and Amen if you hold first in your life My will and My kingdom, if you will reach out to the lost, and love your families. Yes, if you meet My conditions, you will prosper and be in health as your soul prospers. And as you step out and ground yourself in My word, your joy and peace will return, and My love will flow like a river through you.

Yes, this is the day that My people rise up and be all that I’ve called them to be…..a worshiper, a warrior, one that will not settle for less than the best. My will be done, My kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven!

March 19, 2004

Open up the door and let the King of Glory come in. All the futile attempts to please Him in the flesh be demolished, to be torn down completely. All the wastelands be cleared and built up to be fresh with the newness of the wine and manna, the Gift of Life which is in the Son. Jesus is His name. Yes, the Giver of Life is He.

All who are weary and are heavy laden come unto Him. For He will lift you up and take you into His glory, His eternal haven of rest. My most precious servants, come unto Me and rest and listen for I have much I would have to share with you. But you must come unto Me, and be quiet and still, and listen. Quit striving and running around, but settle down, be at peace, for I want to bless you with the touch of My hand alone. Yes, individually come unto Me and sup for I have much to bless you with, like nuggets of gold I want to pour out upon you.

You are My children, My precious servants, and I long to meet with you in the beauty of holiness, in true holiness and fellowship and commitment to My perfect will. Yes, My call is to holiness, a life of separation from the world and its ways, and intimacy, true communion with Me. Quit striving to make it on your own to build My church. Aren’t I the Master Builder, the Chief Cornerstone? Didn’t I say that all men would be drawn unto Me if you lift Me up? And how are you doing it being engulfed in busyness and striving after the wind, doing things in vain outside of My will?

Seek My face when I can be found. Not on the basis of your timetable, but by Mine. Early….put Me first on your list of priorities to meet with Me. Gather with the saints with the purpose of seeking My face, My presence, and My touch….to minister unto Me alone, and I will do the rest…… to pour out the latter rain as I promised; to prepare My people as the end time army I proclaimed; to do greater works through them, because I go to the Father. Yes, the call is to seek My face….to lay all upon the altar…..to proclaim the victory of the shed blood of the Lamb…..to pull down strongholds over the land and any evil vain thing.

For this is the year of jubilee, and I AM coming soon, says your God, coming for My bride for the Lamb is ready. The marriage supper of the Lamb is prepared. The table is set and the chairs are ready to be filled. Come unto Me, My holy ones, My called out ones, My remnant. Prepare your hearts for the time is at hand for the ultimate rapture of My love.

Deep calleth unto deep at the sound of thy waterspouts. Listen to the rushing of the waters ready to sweep you away unto the ecstasy of My love. Come unto Me, My good and faithful servants. Come unto Me.


March 18, 2004

My child, I have called you before the foundation of the earth, and I love you with a never-ending love. There is never anything you can do to separate yourself from My love for it is unconditional and it is lasting enduring any hardship, dismay, agitation or the like for I do not look upon these things. My love overcomes all things and it is in you, My child.

Yes, My love is in you and perfect love casts out all fear. Open yourself fully and completely to My love and receive not the torment that comes from the evil one. My love is pure and holy, and is full of goodness and graciousness and joy, and it is everlasting. Come into the deepest most depths of My love for I want to take you in deeply.

I want to transform you with the fire of My love and purge by the trials you have faced all dross, all that is not of Me. My child, I AM cleaning you up, and I AM baptizing you with brokenness with My fire, and you will not come out the same. Yes, I AM transforming you into My image by you not turning to the arm of the flesh and enduring the suffering of the crucifixion of your flesh.

You must quit striving to make it on your own, and yield completely to My will, which is to let go of all independence, and trust totally in My faithfulness to take you through. Unless the alabaster box is broken open, the sweet fragrance of My presence and the aroma of My love cannot come through. Yes, I want to engulf you with My love where it becomes a way of life to you, where no type of offense will ever take place in your life from man or beast, that is which is from the devourer, that is of the demonic realm.

No situation or circumstance created from the evil one will pull you down, because you are an overcomer, and I lift you up as one that carries the banner of My love, and one that carries the sword of My Spirit and shield of faith, one who uses your lance effectively consistently praying for all saints that I put on your heart. Above all you are covered with the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of My righteousness, prepared to minister My gospel, and loins girded and strengthened in truth and integrity.

Yes, you are an overcomer, and I lead you into battle. I AM your rear guard and I cover you completely round about as with a cloud, I AM your shield and your glory. I AM your captain. You will not go wrong with Me as your head leading you in the way you should go. And yes, I AM leading you and taking you through the fire, and I promised it would not burn you or your loved ones. Your family is covered with the precious and efficacious blood of the Lamb.

My Son Jesus Christ died to give you the abundant life of peace, joy, fulfillment, and happiness, full of prosperity, health, and every good thing, but promised with much tribulation, but I carry you through it. And I AM doing a good work in you. So rest and know that I love you and that you and your loved ones are in the palm of My hand for you are Mine, and I’ve called you and blessed you. With My name you will bring Me glory, says your God. And My love is lasting and enduring forevermore.


March 16, 2004

Deep calls unto deep at the sound of thy waterspouts. I AM calling you deeper into My secret place……deep into My hiding place that I have established for you. For many are caught up in busyness and even in things that produces complacency, but I have ordered your life that you have little choice than to just draw close to Me. I have allowed certain things to take place to even get your attention to the seriousness of the hour. For the enemy is coming on strong seeking those he can devour, and those who have not made themselves ready in My presence will become even devoured in his midst. For he will come on strong with lies, deception and deceit, seduction in all types and forms, and lusts beyond measure. He is trying to draw My people even into a web of confusion, but do not let this happen to you.

Draw close in My secret place…..My hiding place I established for you so that I may speak into your spirit things you need to know to effectively intercede for those around you and to be able to stand guard against the attacks of the fowler. So draw near so that I may feed you fresh Manna so that you will be well fed and nourished for strength in the battle, and draw close to Me that I may refresh you with My living water for I AM your River of Life. I AM all you need. I will provide for you all your needs. I AM your all in all things. So seek Me early so that I may be found. Hold fast for I AM faithful to keep you standing in the storms for the enemy will try to remove you from the picture.

So use your time wisely. Cease falling into distractions. Draw near and I will sustain you. I will give you life abundantly, even the desires of your heart, and wisdom and knowledge beyond measure if you will tap into Me for I AM your source, your life, your all. And yes, because you have been faithful to Me, I will give you all things. I will set you all completely free and restore your minds, bodies and soul. I will refresh you and protect you and prosper you in all things. Yes, I will direct your paths for the steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord.

Take authority over the demonic attacks for I have given you My name and My power over all the power of the enemy. And most of all I say to you is to WAIT! Wait on the Lord, and I will give you the desire of your heart. I will not let the enemy rob you of the progress you have made in Me. Hold fast to My promises of divine health and deliverance, and I will bring them to past. And yes, I will sustain you all and restore you all to health, says your Lord. Trust Me. Cast down vain imaginations established by fear from the enemy. Think on things that are true, lovely and of a good report for I AM a good God and a loving God, and I AM on your side, and if I AM for you, who can be against you?



March 9, 2004

Come into that secret place for that is where you will truly find Me and abide with Me, and I will commune with you and speak to you My plans of how you will defeat the enemy. Many have been trying and scheming, not realizing that the only way that you can defeat the foe is by staying close by My side and resting in My faithfulness to set you free. Realizing that you can do nothing without Me gives you great strength for when you are weak, I AM made strong in you.

For I have come to take over the battle and to free you up so that you can relax and rest and worship Me unceasingly. For this is truly the day of the latter rain outpouring, and I AM preparing My bride like never before. Many have felt that their time of ministry was over, but believe Me, it has just begun. For I will take you higher in My power as I strengthen you by My Spirit. I entrust to you My royal robe, My scepter, My authority, and I put upon your brow My crown for I come to bless you with the anointing and power of the King…… yes, a kingly anointing of an apostle.

For I have made you all kings and priests, but now I AM calling you higher into the place of power and authority and might. You know who I AM talking to, those who do not go for the title but the humility of a meek and humble servant. For those who are great are those who are called to serve others, those who are called to edify others, and cause others to excel in their giftings.

Yes, a true apostle is one who does not lord over others. They might oversee the work being done, but they will not in any form draw attention to themselves. One who walks in the apostle’s doctrine is one who patterns themselves after the lordship of Christ. If you have the gift and calling, My authority will be upon you and will be recognized by those sensitive to My Spirit.

I AM calling the body to repentance of robing Me of the glory. All glory goes to the King of kings and Lord of lords, and you are the vessel I choose to move through. But you must be a pure vessel. Why give the enemy the right to rob you of My glory being upon you? For isn’t that what you truly desire is to have My power flow through you to heal the sick, raise the dead, free those from captivity? But you can’t have that if you allow a mixture of mammon to penetrate your lives. For I AM grieved with those who sell what I freely give. What gives you the right to do this? Don’t you know that you limit the full scope of your calling and giftings by doing this?

If you think you are touching lives now that there is mixture, much more when you are free! For the gifts I don’t take back, but you limit the power flowing through them by your lack of sanctification. Yes, you are to be set aside as a sacrifice that is pure and holy before Me. I call you this day to repentance. Accept this gift by humbling yourself before Me with a heart that is open and teachable.

This is an important aspect of your ministry. Do not continue to rob My people. I don’t even desire to prosper My people so that they can pay to be taught My word. What is the calling of the five-fold minister, but to equip the saints for their ministry to reach the lost?

Separate yourself from the world and its ways. My kingdom is not about business, but it is about Me. I AM calling the faithful this day to pour out a kingly anointing upon them that they may walk in the apostle’s doctrine and to walk in power and authority. And just because I call you to be meek and humble doesn’t mean that you are weak, but powerful to the pulling down of strongholds. This day I AM gathering My bride that they may overcome the snare of the enemy and to rise up in My power and might.

Cast off all deception. It is your choice whether to believe the Truth or a lie for My Spirit is your guide. I have promised you freedom, and only by walking in the balance of grace and truth is this possible. So rise up, mighty warriors. Put on My robes of Glory, My crown of righteousness, and march on for you are the redeemed, says your King.


February 27, 2004

The pleasure of sin is but for only a moment, but the effect of the Cross is eternal. Take the opportunity today to decide who you will serve. Will you be slave unto sin which brings forth death or will you choose the Cross of Christ and live?

This is the message. It has always been the same, but many have watered it down and preached another message. Yes, a false gospel of justification of sin. Not true justification, but one that says it is all right to sin since it is just a weakness of the flesh. Yes, just an infirmity that you overlooked brought on by your forefathers. Many justify sin by just saying that it is the effect of a chemical imbalance, but what it really is but the effect of a lack of discipline, a lack of subjecting the flesh to the lordship of Christ.

Do not become blind to the enemy’s tactics. Do not settle for second to the best for the crucified life is one of constant contentment and victory, one that is totally free to serve the will of God and not Satan. The life of the Cross is full of the resurrection power of Christ. He who
by His own life overcame the power of sin, how much more now that we are His friends are we able to overcome by His life.


(A Wake Up Call)

February 19, 2004

A nation without seeking My presence is a nation without My power for I AM calling you once again to repentance from your ways of pride and independence. This is the day of the latter rain outpouring, but you must seek My face to be able to enter in.

No more are you to say that you are Mine if you are not able to take the time to draw close to Me. For I AM calling My true believers to My side to ready them for battle for the enemy has been deceiving many with thoughts that you have the time to waste on vanity and the frivolities of life. But this is not so for you must take the time that you have and use it wisely in order to prepare for what is ahead.

Even those involved in the occult and every type of cultic activity know that commitment is important to succeed and to grow in strength. They long to know their leader well which is the enemy of their soul, but still they take the time to meditate and practice so that they can excel.

And, My people, if you don’t far exceed the commitment and practice of the heathen, how do you expect to overcome in the battle for your soul? What do you feed on? Is it that which comes from the world or that which is from My kingdom of light? Examine your heart to see if you are truly My child. Do you love Me, My people? Then why don’t you dwell with Me?

I AM calling you to overcome before it is too late for the work of the enemy is subtle and it is deadly. It is the work of desensitizing your soul from the evil of sin by wooing you and mesmerizing you through temptation and complacency. Do the things that once grieved your spirit now entertain you? Why do you delight in what is an abomination to Me? For I AM calling you to repentance, and to fast those things that have ensnared you, and cry out for restoration of your First Love.

Get into My word, My people. Seek My face! Draw near for this is the hour that I AM gathering My bride for the battle is at hand of the final hour, but you must be ready!!


(A Message of Restoration)

February 6, 2004

Move into the realm of the unexpected cautiously for one needs to know both My ways and the ways of the enemy to discern if what is about to happen is truly what you need to be a part of. For the enemy also moves in the realm of signs and wonders and also by an anointing, but it is a false anointing. So don’t go by what you see or feel, but walk by the surely and trust of My written word, by the scriptures and by prophetic messages you know to be true.

For these are the end times, and the enemy is going about like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour. But those who keep themselves hidden in the secret place he cannot see, much less touch with his devices. So I AM calling you close to know My word and to know My ways and to draw close and listen intently to what I have to say for I AM preparing a people who will do great things in My name. Yes, they will go out and rescue the captives from the clutch of the enemy. They will heal those who had been ensnared by deception and restore them to spiritual health. They will open blind eyes so they can see truth once again. They will even loose the tongue of the dumb, of those who could not speak in My name because of fear. I will even deliver those of confusion so they will have a sound mind. Yes, they will have the mind of Christ.

For these are the called out ones who the enemy had carried away captive, because those who had been shepherds over them did not pay the price to keep them safe. They did not teach others to walk in love but to follow after signs and wonders and anointings. Yes, they were taught to follow after every wind of doctrine and not to pay the price to know My word. And now I will cause these unfaithful shepherds to repent of their complacency for if they truly delighted themselves in My word, there would be good fruit in the congregation of the saints. Yes, this is the day of the great awakening. I will use eye salve so that they can see the error of their ways and repent and come back stronger than ever. For their mistakes will make them more aware of the devices of the enemy. They were too confident in their spiritual stand, too trusting in man, and not aware enough of the enemy’s plan to trip them up.

Draw close to Me and seek My face daily. Cry out for deeper revelation of My will and for holy boldness to stand for the message of the Cross which has become an unpopular message, but it is one of life and grace. Do not separate yourself from a message that will produce truth in others. What I say to you this day is to take heed to not become too confident in your walk for that is when you become careless and become independent and then you will fall.

1 Cor 10:12 – Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.

I will deliver you from the snare of the fowler. I will sustain you and restore you to health. I will set you free from all complacency and deception. Be open and willing, and I will give you the fruit of the land in plenty. I will give you your heart’s deepest desire to know Me more intimately for I will restore you to your first love when meeting with the saints was truly a place of refuge from the storm. But when you got your eyes off of Me and on to man, you became disappointed and discouraged. You lost desire for My presence, because you went your own way. If you return unto Me, I will restore your zeal and your fire for Me.

Trust Me and see what I will do for I will bless your step of faith in obedience. I AM calling you back to Me. Be one with Me and with My people. Set yourself free from the critical heart and the legalistic attitude. Walk only in My grace and truth, and let Me be the Head of the body. I started a good work, and I AM faithful to complete it. Return unto Me. Press into My intimate presence, and you will have breakthrough, and surely the plans of the enemy will be defeated!


January 29, 2004

Who is this Man from Galilee? Is He one of the brothers of the carpenter who works in the mill, or is He just a passerby from the village? Who is this Man was a common saying back in the days when My Son was growing up, because He did not act like the other children. And even this day many ask the same question, but are you ready to reply with an answer that can change their life even from death to life?

We need to be ready at all times to give a testimony to our Lord Jesus of His love and faithfulness. Many ask but really do not want to know. So beware not to cast your pearls before swine for surely they will turn and trample you. Even with what you give them they will run and try to cause you harm. For this is the day to have greater discernment and victory in every area of your ministry. Do not get caught up in areas that I did not call you to. For the enemy will set traps to try to seduce you to leave what I called you to do. Yes, he will try to entice you and tempt you, but do not listen to him.

Cast down vain imaginations that would delude you from the path of holiness which is having a humble and contrite spirit. He will try to rob you of your time by planting tares that only want to distract you from your true calling. Beware of those that have big problems but will not repent of their wicked ways. If you help them, you will only strengthen them in their sin. For this is the day to seek out those who I have died for. For they are ready in their heart but just don’t know how to receive My message of grace and truth. So seek out those who will reply in a positive way and receive My life in abundance. Yes, they will receive My gospel message.

Who is the Man from Galilee? Listen closely to those who are crying out with a heart of sincere desire to know Me, not of one who is sent to lead you astray to a pit of no return. Many are called but few are chosen to follow Me in the path I’ve set out, one of suffering and endurance. For I have set out a cross for all to carry that will transform your life into one of fruitfulness for My kingdom. I have set out a path of humility and grace. I have set out a place of peace in the midst of the storm; secret place calling you to draw close to Me. Come apart from the cares of the world and dwell in My presence so that I can prepare you. You are like sheep in the midst of a pack of wolves and if you stay close to My side, I will protect you and guide you. Yes, I will lead you by streams of living water to refresh you.

Yes, I will prepare you to carry My anointing in greater measure to walk in My power and grace to gather in the wheat. Yes, you will know those who I have died for. You will see the desire for My love in their eyes and a willingness to receive all I have for them. So be ready when I call for I AM sending you out to reap a bumper crop for My kingdom. Yes, this is the day for great grace in ministering to the lost and even those who have fallen away.

Yes, this is the day of restoration, for truly I AM that Man from Galilee, and I AM walking in the midst of My faithful ones who will carry on My calling, to reconcile unto My Father all that I gave My life for.


January 24, 2004

I AM calling forth those who are willing to forsake all in the way of comfort, pack their bags, and go where I would have them to go. Yes, I AM calling you forth to speak the oracles of God and to prophesy even to kings. Are you willing to pay the price to have My anointing flow through you freely? For I have taken you through the purging by the fire of My love in preparation so that I could pour out My glory in waves upon you. Yes, the healing power of My glory. And you will lay hands on the sick and watch them recover.

So many have obeyed My word with no signs following and never gave up that My word is true. And now is the time and the hour that I will use you and mightily, My people. Yes, this is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power and through you. So step up to the bat, and be yielded and willing, and you will see what I will do. Do not be concerned that you have never done these things before. What if it doesn’t work? Well, what if it does? Don’t be concerned with the outcome, just do it.

Don’t be just a hearer of My word, but a doer of it. Watch and pray that you will be counted worthy of these things that you may lay hands on the sick, set the captives free, raise the dead. I need a clean vessel to move through. So watch your heart attitudes and your motives, and be willing to step aside and let Me take over. And yes, you are to be a nameless and faceless generation, a bride with boots on, one that will only promote My Son and His name. Proclaim the victory for this is the time. Lift up the King of Glory! Rest assured that He can handle any situation of hindrance that the enemy will try to bring your way. Just step out. All things will work out for good when you put forth My kingdom and righteousness.

So count the cost this day to see if you are willing to forsake all to follow the King in wherever He takes you. Count the cost to see if you will put Christ first above your agenda and even reputation. Are you willing to look foolish to have My glory flow through you? Do you call yourself prophetic people? Then examine the lives of the true prophets of old and the price they paid to be used. Even King David as he danced through the streets with all his might. Even Stephen dying at the hands of the mob seeing My glory and knowing he was a good and faithful servant. Forgive them for they know not what they are doing. Are you willing to even die to have My glory.

For these are the last days, and I promised you greater works, but it comes with the great price of forsaking all for the Kingdom. Yes, a great price indeed, but I guarantee you that these days you will be blessed beyond measure for I will prosper you enough to take care of others. I will move through you in glory, and give you your heart’s desire to see Me more intimately. Yes, your quiet times will intensify with the power of revelation and discernment. And you will have My wisdom manifest in all areas of your life. You will know the snares of the fowler, and you will avoid them. You will know My thoughts for you have the mind of Christ with no hindrances. And, yes, you will move with My heart of compassion and travail. In your quiet times I will roar through you for My people Israel and for those I gave My life for, and you will see the multitudes set free. For this is the day of the latter rain outpouring. Yes, the third day of My glory, and I AM calling you. So be ready!


January 14, 2004

Stand on every promise that I have given to you in My Word. This is the day to take authority over every weapon formed against you, and decree them null and void and that they can bring no harm to you. For this is the day I call you to rise up to tell the enemy that this is as far as you go, no more, and that you are taking no more of his harassment and pain.

I have taken you through the fire and I have taken you through the rain, and you have remained faithful, fixed on My promise that I would sustain you and restore you to health. All that you have gone through you have never let go of Me, and now I will bless you and prosper you and restore all that the enemy has tried to steal from you. Yes, this is the day of restoration and for rejoicing. No, it is not time to let go but to hold on ever tightly for the manifestation of your loved ones and those things you have been believing for is at hand. Yes, you are right at the edge of a major breakthrough that will bring glorious change in your life. Reach out and decree that this is the day of salvation and the day to decree victory and to rejoice!

Count your blessings this day. Don’t allow the enemy to rob you of them by having you to focus on the negative around you. Look past the circumstances, and keep your eyes on Me, and know in your heart that I AM faithful. I AM in control and am working all things for your good. Take this day and rest in My love and goodness and be lifted up in your spirit. Don’t allow the enemy to bring discouragement and despair trying to get you to believe that there is no end to these trials. I AM sovereign and yes, I AM in control. The enemy can do nothing without My allowing it so in that aspect he is My servant, and he is under your feet.

If you are Mine, he can bring you no harm without good coming out of it. I AM teaching you and molding you into My image by the suffering that you go through in My name. If you are standing on My word and are struggling, then take heed to My word that it will not return to Me void without accomplishing what I sent it out to do. Do not look at the severity of the trial or the time involved in walking it out, that is not yours to be concerned with. All you need to do is stand unwavering knowing that I AM faithful. Don’t panic in these last days and give up and run to the arm of the flesh.

Don’t trust Me only when you can see the end, but walk by faith knowing My promise to prevail over the enemy. Whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe that you have them and the answer is yours. If it is according to My will, then I hear your prayer, and if you know that I heard you, the answer is yes and Amen. Secure yourself with the basics of your faith, and waver not in unbelief for these are perilous times, and you need to be able to trust Me so I can take you through in victory. Yes, I will sustain you. I will restore you to health and prosper you. Rejoice this day for you have the victory.


January 9, 2004

Many times when I draw My people to come close, I see that many run in the opposite direction and avoid coming into the secret place with Me. For this is the time and the hour where the enemy will do everything in his power to draw you away from coming into that place of intimacy with Me. For in this place I accept you as you are, and you are able to receive healing from all your hurts and pain. I will build you up and prepare you for battle. I will speak to you of My battle plan on how to defeat the enemy in your life. There is nothing to fear so draw near for I have defeated the enemy on your behalf.

I love you just as you are, and there is nothing you have to do to make Me love you any more than I love you this day. I loved you before you ever knew Me, even when you chose to live a life of sin. And now that you know Me I give you My kingdom authority, My name, and I call you to even sit with Me at the right hand of My Father, the place of power. Why do you shy away from Me? What do you feel you have to hide? Or is it that you just don’t desire My presence for you have as much of My presence that you want.

Do not be afraid to come into that place where I examine your heart to bring conviction for that is a place of purity and freedom. You must delight in that place. Do not believe what the enemy says about coming into that place, for he is a liar and even the father of lies. All he comes to do is to twist the truth. Do not listen to anything he has to say even if it sounds like it makes sense.

This is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power, but you must draw close to receive it. Even draw close upon My lap and rest your head on My chest. Let Me hold you close to bring comfort and strength for many are so weary and battle fatigued. Give Me all your cares. Give Me all the battle. Don’t try to fight it on your own in your own strength. Let go and let Me take over for you. Do not be afraid for I AM in control, and all things will work for your good. Just trust Me for I love you and care for you.

This is the final hour, and you must develop that place of intimacy with Me. Run to Me every chance that you can. Escape the cares of the world and the distractions of the enemy, and come sup with Me for I will fill you with that hidden manna to give you strength. Yes, I will strengthen your inner man as you pray in My Spirit. I will fill you with My strategies against the enemy to defeat him in every way that he tries to come against you. I will give you discerning of spirits and knowledge and wisdom. Yes, I will stir the gifts up within you, and show you how to stand even bolder in the face of danger for I AM making and calling you My soldiers of light and truth.

Come out of the darkness and come into My glorious light in My secret place. For I will give you joy unspeakable and fill you with My glory. I will cause you to delight in My word that it May be planted deep in your heart. I will refresh you by streams of living water that you may bask in My Son. Look forward to your times with Me, for this is the final hour, and you must make good use of the time you have. Take all opportunity to prepare, to draw near, while it is still day. For soon I will send you out like lambs for the slaughter. That will be the way it will seem in the day of persecution, but I will raise you up as mighty warriors, and every word that I will say through you will be like a mighty roar to defeat the enemy. For just because I have made you meek, don’t think that you are weak for I AM mighty in you and through you.

I love you, My beloved. Come close this day. Listen closely to what I have to say. Rest in My presence for I AM faithful. I will prosper you. I will heal you. I will raise you up for I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and I AM calling you near.


January 3, 2004

As the year comes to an end and a new one is well on its way, I want you to look to Me like never before, for I AM going to show you things that will surely amaze you concerning what I will have you to do. For I have taken you through the fire in preparation for a deeper calling upon your life. You have been more than willing to serve Me and have been patient in seeking My face, and now I will surely reveal to you what you have been waiting for.

I will pour out My glory in a fuller measure, and give you the discernment you will need for I AM taking you up to a higher level in worship and warfare, and that means that you will be coming against greater devils. For we all know what My word says, and that is, “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.” But you can’t go into battle without knowing what you are up against. Many have been come against hard where you might feel like you aren’t able to stand this pressure any longer. But I will not allow you to go through anything you cannot handle if you look past the natural and look to Me. For I AM the author and finisher of your faith, and you have the mind of Christ, and the joy of the Lord is your strength. With all the Truth you have going for you, you will truly overcome, succeed, and take the land.

Rise up in the might of your King. Let out a mighty shout of victory for our God reigns. Reach out and touch My hand and unite your heart with Mine, and I will take you forward as one in a mighty march against all that has tried to hinder My work in this land. Yes, unite ranks and hearts, and begin to praise Me. Yes, reach out and lean on My faith to take you through. Don’t trust in your own understanding, but in all your ways, acknowledge Me, and I will direct your paths.

And yes, I have promised you health and prosperity if you delight yourself in Me. Put Me first in your heart and in all your ways, and My righteousness will be yours. For you have a promised package if you love Me and obey Me. This is the day for quickened blessings. This is the day to stir up My anointing by basking in My secret place in worship and intimacy. Draw near to Me and I will draw you even nearer so you will even heart My heart cry for the lost and My heart beating even more for you.

Yes, feed My sheep. Look out for one another with a kind word of encouragement and a helping hand for you can’t make it on your own. Include Me always in your agenda. Don’t leave Me out, because of vanity and independence. Cast off the pride and unbelief. And I will show you the way to stand to pull down the strongholds, and once and for all be the bride I called you to be. Yes, I have called an army of worshipping warriors, a bride with boots on, but you must not entangle yourself with the affairs of the world, and be My kingdom-minded.

This is the day to step out and take the land for I AM calling you to battle, and worship will be your greatest joy and asset that will lead you in the fight. I have given you My armor. And I’ve given you My sword and shield. Your greatest and most powerful weapon besides worship is My love for without love you are nothing against the enemy. So do not allow the enemy to separate you in any way taking sides over affairs you think are important. For nothing is more important than My love shared through grace and truth.

This is the day for salvation and to take a stand. May your heart and mind be pure, and from this day forth walk as a victor in My might. A new day to you, new beginnings. All things are passed away, washed in the blood and made whiter than snow. Nothing to hold you back. Reap My promises. Gather the wheat together. Spread My word and be discerning, says your King, for We are going on.


December 26, 2003

Last night I called My people to come up higher, but how many caught a glimpse of My sweet embrace. Too many were taken apart by the festivities of the season or by the distractions set up by the enemy. This is the day and the hour to come up higher, to even bask in My presence in a way never experienced before, for I AM letting out a trumpet call to draw men to My side for the final preparation before I loose My double portion anointing. For I AM letting out My battle cry. I AM letting out a warning like never before. Those who are sensitive to My call will be separated from those who have given way to complacency, to worldliness, from those who will miss out in what I AM planning to do through My bride.

For lo, this is an open invitation to all, to come to My banqueting table to celebrate the victory of the Lamb, for He is the great warrior of light, and He has made His bride ready. Those who have spent hours in My presence waiting upon Me with no lasting reply. Even though the heavens appeared as brass, they still bowed at My feet and waited. And I promised a reward for those who sought My face diligently. And now this is the hour where I will pour out My anointing for manifested promises. Yes, I have come to set the captives free. Yes, those who stood on My promise for household salvation. This is the hour to open the blind eyes that they may see My truth. Expect a change in their countenance for I have touched their heart in a profound way this night.

Shout Halleluia! for the Bride has made herself ready. I will do greater works through My bride, because she remained faithful through the fire and her love endured the test. And a great embrace is let out from the Father’s heart, and great grace is abundantly falling like drops mixed with fire and rain.

So for those who did not catch the call to come up higher, it is not too late to join in for I AM a Father that gives second chances to shake off the complacency and the distractions of the enemy. Be open to a fresh wind of My Spirit to even tenderize your heart to conviction that you will not sin. I gave the life of My Son that you would have life. Now don’t waste this chance once again. Come apart from the unclean thing. Cast off the chains that bind you. Cry out for renewal of your spirit that you may embrace Me once again. Return to your First Love, for this is truly a call to come up higher.


December 21, 2003

For yes, I have come to set the captives free that they may have life and life abundantly. Worship Me in the Spirit of holiness for there is no other that can meet your need for Righteousness. If you will rely on Me, I will provide all your needs. Why do you fret, O captive sister of Zion? Why do you go about like there is no tomorrow? Escape the clutch of the evil one and run in the freedom of your God. For this is the day that I have come to transform you into My image.

Bow down before Me and I will bless you with what you need that will carry you to the end. For these are evil times that the enemy has come on like a flood with many deceiving thoughts that you will not make it to the end. But do not listen to him or pay attention to the lying circumstances that surround you. For I call you to just let go and let Me be God. Let Me do the work needed in your heart for that is why I allow the fire of My love to burn even higher in your life. I am burning out the dross and purifying you and preparing you for what is ahead. I am calling you to even a deeper walk with Me that calls for a deeper trust.

Do not accept defeat but continue to stand on My promises. Through the wind and the waves I will preserve you. Do not be anxious. Look past the signs saying you will not the reap the promise. What will you believe? Will it be what you feel or see or will you believe My Word. Don’t rely on how long it is taking and still things look like they are getting worse. Hold on to Me! Reap the benefits of My promises by faith.

I will give you My wisdom and I will direct your paths in the wilderness. Yes, I will provide even streams in the desert. I am with you always to the end of time for I am eternal and you will go on in eternity with Me. So look past these natural and temporal circumstances. You are but a spirit inside a shell, and I am causing you to die out to the flesh and its nature. I will restore your youth as the eagle if you will walk in My Spirit. The secret to your success in Me is that you will not love your life unto death and that you will commit all that you love into My hands. Yes, all of your loved ones and everything that you have. Nothing can harm or rob what you commit to Me.

And I am calling you to a deeper rest for you need your strength for the final onslaught from the enemy. Yes, you will make it to the end because My hand is on you and I am calling you forth. I am your strength, your righteousness, and I am setting you free. Rest, My beloved, for this is the final hour.


December 12, 2003

Warriors, do not retreat in the battle. Do not run in the opposite direction of the enemy, but run towards them for surely I have given you the land. Do not give up in what appears as defeat for the enemy is lying to you. You are right at the edge of a mighty victory, a breakthrough you have been waiting for. For yes, you are at the threshold of a great awakening of My people. For I will take away the scales off their eyes of pride and deception and anoint them with the eye salve of humility and strength. For many have given way to the enemy without knowing it and have been in the enemy’s camp. Now it is time to wake up and escape the clutch of the enemy.

Rush forward, Mighty River of God, and cleanse us of all filthiness of the flesh. Take away anything that would hinder our calling in You. Strengthen us to do battle, to lift up a mighty shout, and unite us as one.

No, it is not time to retreat, but to be strengthened in My presence. So draw together as one. Yes, join ranks, and I will give you the strategy that you will need to win this fight. The strategy is to humble yourself before the mighty throne of God, and I will lift you up. Trust in My strength for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Trust in My grace alone and My wisdom. If you feel you don’t have a plan to take, then just rest and wait on Me for My timing is perfect in all things. Don’t think you have to do something all the time for you need to take this time to rest.

Be sensitive to My calling you forth. You will hear My voice when I know you are ready. Join ranks I say this day. Put down petty differences and seek My face alone, and worship Me as a way of life by trusting and resting in Me. I will bring forth the victory through those who have childlike faith, one who trusts Me no matter what they feel or see. For I AM calling those who walk by faith and not sight and those who love above all things for that is your greatest weapon that will win the unlovely and will repel the enemy from the lost.

Yes, above all things I will have you to love your neighbor as yourself and love Me with all your mind, soul and strength. This is My greatest commandment. And to trust Me as a child would trust one who is a good father to them. Remember to keep humility as your mantle of praise, the joy of the Lord as your strength, and love your greatest weapon this day forth. This is My greatest battle plan for you is to join ranks.


December 3, 2003

Present yourselves as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing unto the Lord. Present your body and your mind as a sacrifice for you are not your own. You were bought with the price of the precious blood of the Lamb of God. So remain faithful by examining your heart this day. Are you a keeper of the grace of God, or are you one that gives it away and gives honor to the will of God by reaching out to the lost? I want you to start afresh this day if not. I want you to seek My face for My will for your life. And I will show you the areas that you can change so that you can be more free in Me to go out and spread the Good News.

I don’t want you to just knock on doors for I feel that is barging in on the privacy of others. But I want you to be sensitive to My leading, and I will show you the appointments I have set up for you. Yes, you will meet them on the street, at the park, at the shopping plaza. Anywhere I can set up an appointment to meet with the lost. And I will stir up the anointing and the gifts so you will have the knowledge to meet them where they are at. For yes, I will set up prophetic encounters, and you will reach the root of their problem immediately in a way where they will open up to My love, and I will embrace their heart and set them free. Yes, deliverance is the children’s bread, but I also came to set the captives free from spiritual bondage. I came to bring life abundant.

So set your calendars straight. Get also your priorities straight to put My will first and not your own. If you haven’t met up with the lost in a productive way. If you haven’t led others into My kingdom. If the hours of your day don’t even meet your own needs. Be ready for I AM bringing forth a change over. My time for your time. My appointment book for yours.

Break out of your routine. I will bless you with new ideas to enjoy your own life, and in the process you will be doing My work. This is the day to usher in the End time harvest, but you must be ready and willing to break away from the norm to set captives free. Remember your life is not your own. It is bought with the price of the Lamb. And for what, but to bring in the lost souls. For this is the purpose for which you were called.


November 25, 2003

Don’t be discouraged, but rejoice for you do have the victory even though you might not see it at present. I AM doing a deep work of purification as you go through the testing and the tribulation. For I AM preparing you for the work that I will have you to do, and you must be ready. I AM calling a people so dead to the flesh that I will be able to trust them with the glory I will pour out. For I AM calling a people, a holy remnant, to greater works, and one must be in the state of mind of such consistency that would not want to stand in the way or to try to rob me of the glory.

I AM purging the church of all traces of manipulation and control even of My Spirit. I AM calling a people that will honor My Spirit and not try to get Me to work according to the will of man. For I AM the One with the authority, and you are only to be the vessel I AM to move through. You can’t get Me to work according to your own time frame and plans. You are to yield unto Mine until My work is completely finished.

So many think that if they set up a date and plan for a revival, then I will show up. But it doesn’t work that way, because the enemy appears like an angel of light and moves with counterfeit gifts and anointing to try to deceive others thinking that it actually is Me calling the revival together. Do not be deceived, but test the spirits to see if it is truly Me who is calling you to these appointments. I AM calling My people to be discerning and not one who will follow after men or even an anointing. Yes, do not chase after anointings or healings, but seek My face and My presence, and I will supply all your needs. If you will put My will first, I will take care of all your needs.

Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. Don’t go after the fanfare or the amusement. Just because people are shouting and jumping doesn’t mean they have the true joy. What I mean to say is look past the outward appearance and look to the heart of the matter. Do you sense My true presence in the midst of all the turmoil. Then if not, leave and seek My still small voice. I will lead you to that remnant that calls together a meeting led purely by My Spirit seeking My agenda. Even if it might appear like I didn’t show up, they still will rest in My presence, because they don’t seek the hype, the signs or the feelings, only My face and to worship Me.

Yes, don’t be discouraged, but rejoice, because I AM doing a deep work in My called out ones. I AM preparing the remnant for an end time work never experienced by man of such intensity. Greater works I AM calling you to, but I need those I can trust. So that is why you are going through the sifting and the purging. I need those who are contrite and pure in heart, and then I will pour out My glory in waves. Yes, mighty tidal waves of glory I will pour out that will wash away the works of the enemy in My church. Those who will be left for Me to work through will be the faithful, My remnant, My bride.

Yes, I AM calling the overcomers, those who have endured through the wind and the rain, all the storms of life. They never gave up on My faithfulness to keep My promise of the vision given to them. And now is the time and the hour where I will pour out honor and blessings abundant. Those who loved not their life unto death and forsake all for My Kingdom. Yes, those who laid their lives down and of their own loved ones to prove Me faithful. My word means everything to them.

So pick yourself up and rejoice in the victory. Walk by faith and not sight and don’t trust in feelings or circumstances, but in Me alone, and I will lead you through to manifested promises of life and health divine as I usher in the end time harvest of souls and through you, My beloved.


November 18, 2003

Escape the clutch of the evil one for he has had the church under his power long enough. It is time to run and be free and to proclaim the victory for it is truly the time for breakthrough. Do not give up hope for the battle has been long and hard, and many have returned back to their post because of having battle fatigue. But if you just worship Me and give Me the warfare, I will do the fighting for you, and I will lead you on to victory.

March on and take the land. Do not retreat for you are right at the edge of a major outpour of glory. Do not stop pressing in now. Even though you might feel defeated, it is not so. You have taken much ground and scattered many enemies just by your praise and worship, and when you cry out in travail for My people Israel, strongholds over them come down. So don’t give up now. Do not listen to the enemy. Cast down all vain imaginations. Do not give into the feelings of discouragement and defeat.

Rise up and rejoice for you do have the victory. I promised you the nations as your inheritance, and I keep My words. So be strong and stay covered with My armor of light. Be insatiably hungry for My presence, and I will fill you to overflowing with My grace and truth. Yes, I will give you the balance in all things. Yes, you will truly walk in My full gospel of truth, and I will bless every area of ministry. And signs will follow My words as you speak them forth.

And yes, I will open the blind eyes, and set the captives free so that they can hear My truth proclaimed. And yes, they will respond to the fire of My love and be saved. So don’t give up now! Get before Me like never before and pray the heart of the Father for My people Israel and for My church that they will be saved from the clutch of the enemy and be able to run and be free and proclaim victory, says your God.


November 11, 2003

Examine your hearts, My righteous ones, and see if there be any unclean way among you, for this is the day My Spirit is crying out for a remnant to step up and take her place in the end time army of God. This is not just any remnant, but one that has been through the fire of purging and has come out smelling with the fragrance of the Bride herself.

Examine your heart to see if you are one of the called out ones, one who has been prepared in the fire of affliction and has remained faithful. No matter what came her way she chose life and not death, blessing and not cursing.

This is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and I AM calling out a people who have been prepared in the fire, because they have paid the price to love not their lives unto death. Yes, they have overcome, because of the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, and their attitude towards their physical life itself.

Once this attitude is established nothing can stand in their way, because they can be bold as a lion in the face of the evil one and take their land. But once you have made up your mind or resolve to remain faithful until death, the enemy will test you. He will begin to throw all kinds of flaming arrows upon you to test your faith in every area imaginable. Yes, he will attack your health, your finances, your family relationships. But you must remain faithful through it all, because I AM allowing the testing to strengthen you even more.

Yes, I AM in control for what the enemy means for harm I turn it out for good. For I AM preparing a mighty warrior that will stand up bold against her enemies just like My son David. He is a mighty worshiper and he knows his God and does exploits.

So march up. You are coming up to the finish line. The battle is raging, because the enemy knows the final report. He hears the shouts and testimonies of My faithful, and he knows he has lost the battle, but even though, he acts still like he is the victorious one to try to deceive the weak.

So I admonish you to get into My Word and prepare your heart. Strengthen yourself with the truth of My word. Prepare yourself in the secret place to know Me more. And rise up to take the land. Know your inheritance, and do not settle for less than what I gave the life of My Son for you to have. I love you and I call you close, for this is the final hour, says your God.


October 31, 2003

For it is through the fire of affliction that I AM molding you and changing you into My image. Testing brings forth endurance of character, and you learn much through what you have suffered. I AM producing long endurance in your character and the strength of quality that will never give up until one sees the finished product of My promise.

This is My end time admonition to you that you weary not in well doing, that you not let go until you receive the final prize. For you do not run aimlessly like those who bat against the wind, but you are one who has focus, a purpose, a goal, because you have never lost vision even through the fire, the wind, and the waves. And yes, I will reward you, because you have kept My promise, My words to you, deep in your heart no matter what you have gone through.

And now I AM ready to give you your reward. I said I would reward those who diligently seek Me. You have not walked by feelings or by sight but by faith. You have never lost focus of your vision no matter how much distraction has come your way. For now I bring forth the promise of My latter rain outpouring of glory. And I call you one of My faithful remnant.

So march forward and receive from My hand a crown prepared just for you; a kingly blessing, an anointing full of My giftings of the five-fold. Yes, I give you now a pearl of great price, because you have desired it, and fought for it. A prize for those who have endured and suffered much. I bless you this day, and I ask you to take this five-fold gifting and even circulate it. Yes, lay hands on the sick and watch them recover. Yes, heal the sick, raise the dead. Blind eyes will open, the lame will walk, and even leap with joy.

For this is the day of great revival. And I begin with you to raise you up and send you out to spread My glory abroad and even to the nations. This is the day I promised to you where I would pour out greater works and through you, My child. You paid the price of faithfulness, and I see that I can trust you. You didn’t follow Me just for your reward, but because you loved Me, and honored Me, as My bride. And I AM calling you closer even now to bring you up to a higher level of worship where I will pour out My heart cry for the lost, for this is what it is all about. One life for the life of many, and it all comes through the preparation of the fire of affliction, says your God!