January 11, 2002
Why do you hesitate in coming before Me early? Why do you not look forward to coming into My presence early? For I look forward to being with you and bringing comfort and encouragement into your life, but you must come before Me to receive it. Yes, this is the day of salvation. This is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and I AM getting you ready to do a mighty work through you. I love you, My people, and I want to spend time with you communing and fellowshipping. I want you to be able to bask in My presence and enjoy Me as I long to enjoy you for I created you that we would be together forever.
Mighty works I will do through you as I prepare you in the secret place. As you come before Me, I will speak to you things you need to hear about the time and the hour at hand. If you seek My face early, I will prepare you even before the onslaughts of the enemy occur. I want you to be ready and prepared so that you will be able to stand with head set like flint against the evil one. For he is coming in like wild fire, and he is on a tangent to demolish your testimony before Me.
Do not be like the heathen who have their own agenda. They live with the only motive and that is in appeasing their flesh. They live like there is no tomorrow. Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die so they think. They don’t realize that after life is the judgment for they will be judged for what they do on this earth whether they chose to follow Me or not.
Acknowledge Me, seek Me, seek to know Me intimately. Draw close to Me as I draw you near. Do not run from My intimate presence for I want to heal your inner wounds. Yes, I want to heal your heart. Do not suppress the pain any longer, but let it come to the surface so that I may take it away and restore life to you. For yes, the cancer within is draining your life from you when you suppress it. Face the hurt and be healed once and for all from the wounds inflicted by your loved ones.
Be bold and be strong for I AM raising up a mighty army that will stop at nothing but to press in to see My will be done and My kingdom come. Seek Me in the inner room, in the inner circle of My heart. Deep calls unto deep. I AM drawing you near. Respond to My calling you close that you may lay your head on My breast. I want to hold you close and give you time to rest in My presence. I want to strengthen you and refresh you and speak to your heart encouragement. Seek Me early where I may be found, says your Lord.
January 8, 2002
Hey everyone! If you are living in the war zone, be of good cheer. It is because the enemy knows he has lost the battle! Halleluia! Otherwise, he would be keeping his identity totally hidden and remain dormant so that he can keep control of things. But because he is coming on strong, it shows that he is panicking and doing all he can to put up a fight to try to wear us down. But every time he shows his ugly head, he gets blasted by us, and more and more he is losing his grip on matters. Soon he will be cast off once and for all.
So if we weren’t such a threat to his kingdom, he would be leaving us alone. So you see we are valuable to the Lord, and the enemy knows it. What the enemy means for harm is working for our good. All things work for our good. So you think the enemy would have learned by now that all he is doing is causing us to be strengthened in the might of the Lord and causing us to draw even closer to our Lord and Savior.
Yes, what we are going through is not comfortable. Dying is not fun, but God’s resurrection power is surging through us every step of the crucified life. If we haven’t gone through what we have over the years, we would not be ready for what is right around the corner. If we can’t run with the footmen, what would we do when the horses come? So rejoice, the victory is ours, and the enemy knows it. He knows he has lost the fight, and soon he will be on the run.
If he knew the outcome of what would happen when Jesus died on the cross, he wouldn’t have done it. Everything the enemy is doing is working against him, and working towards the culmination of God’s perfect plan and purpose. Halleluia to the Lamb who sits on the throne, the King of kings, the Mighty Lion of Judah, and He reigns sovereign Lord of all. He’s a big God and on our side. We rejoice in His victory and rest in His faithfulness.
January 8, 2002
Yes, this is the day of salvation. This is the day where My people will rise up and take the land like never before. For many are battle weary and have struggled in their own strength to see the victory manifest in their lives. But this is the day to be still and know that I AM God. This is the day to rise up the mighty warrior that you are, and give a final blow to the enemy. Let out a victory shout and watch the walls fall, the mountains crumble.
Watch with your eyes and see the victory before you, for I said suddenly and there appeared light. For I AM taking off your grave clothes, and I AM equipping you with My glory, My power and light. I will blind the enemy with the glory I pour out upon you for you are My glorious ones. Yes, I call you My sons of righteousness and glory, and no foe can stand up against you and succeed in the attack. You may struggle in the battle and may even have battle scars to show, but I AM equipping you and strengthening you through this warfare.
So I encourage you this day to rise up in faith, and give all the weariness to Me. Yes, cast all your care upon Me for I care for you. I AM for you. Only good I allow for you to go through even though your flesh struggles to leave My perfecting work. Be still and know I AM God and that I love you and will see you through. For you will see My promises comes to past for you if you do not waver in unbelief and doubt.
Do not leave your post. Be strong and bold and do not give up the fight. I will heal you and restore you for you have gone up against the “big guns”. Yes, the enemy is defeated, and he is throwing out against you all he has this day. Yes, you are going up against the giants, and your testimony is that you overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of your testimony and that you love not your life unto death. Yes, you have laid your life on the line to prove the faithfulness of My Word, and I AM very pleased with you. The enemy has a fight on his hands, because I see you not giving up until you see the promised land in your hands.
Be strong and be bold for I AM with you. Do not dismay for I AM your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Pursue in victory, My lambs, for I AM always by your side leading you and guiding you into all truth. For My truth sets you free says your God
January 4, 2002
You shall not add to or take away from anything that is written by the hand of God. For there are some of you who have taken and persuaded others to believe that which they have added to My words written by the hand of God. For they have even listened to the evil one and have given into hearing and believing foolish fables and have even given way to that which has stemmed from the spirit of the antichrist and have created heresy. But I say to you this day to not give ear to these lies any longer. Wake up and be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Do not give way to that which the enemy wants you to follow after.
Read My words with simple childlike faith. Do not take out of context that which needs to stay in its place. Read the whole section before you take one verse and make a story of it alone. And that is just what some have given way to. They have taken one verse of scripture and taken it out of context and read into it what the enemy wants you to hear and have given into the spirit of sensationalism and lies and deceit and even have tricked My people to believe that which stems from heresy. I say to you this day to not add to or take away from My written word, My holy scriptures, for there is a grave punishment lay waiting for those who fall in this error. Just the same as when you read that of Revelations, the prophesy says to not add to or take away that which you read here.
So I solemnly warn you this day to open your eyes and purify your heart. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and cleanse your ways, you double minded for you cannot sit both at the table of idols and that of the Living God. You cannot mix that which is tainted by demons and put it on the table with that which is prepared by God. Do not allow the enemy to trick you any longer. Wake up to the deceit of this matter and get set free once and for all and place on the table fresh manna that brings forth life and growth for My people.
Wake up and wash yourself clean and partake of My grace and truth alone says your God for I AM not pleased with the error of your ways unless you repent. I admonish you. I even adjure you to return to your first love. Return to grace and truth, and I will bless those of the household of faith who long to be fed from their Father’s hand that which is pure that brings light and life and love. This is the day of salvation. This is the day to purge all that is not of Me and walk in the light of life.
December 29, 2001
Soar with Me for I have healing in My wings. Soar with Me high above all power and principality. I say to you this day that if you want to overcome in the attack from the enemy of your soul, look past that of the natural, and keep your eyes on Me. Keep My word before you and hidden in your heart. For the enemy is trying to rob you of your faith in Me by trying to get you to look at the negative circumstances surrounding you.
Be still and know that I AM God. Do not waver in doubt and unbelief, and fear that I will not come through for you. As I take you through the fire, I AM purging all that is not of Me out of your heart. And this is a very uncomfortable situation. Open up to Me. Do not run from Me panicking, and do that which stems from the evil one. For the enemy wants you to give up the fight, and drop your sword and shield and run. But this is not time to retreat, but to gird up your loins, and press in even stronger against the enemy.
Stand firm, My people, press in for the land is yours. Even though you see the giants, do not retreat! Press in with head set like flint against the evil one and push. Push, I say to you this day, for you are right at the edge of a major breakthrough in your life. Even though the fire gets hot, it will not burn. Be assured this day that I will take you to the other side. I will take you over this hurdle, and you will never have to go back to this spot again if you hold on to what you have and don’t let go. I have given you a rich inheritance of prosperity and divine health and victory in every area of your life.
Be bold, be strong, for the Lord your God is with you. Fear not or be dismayed for I AM your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. This is the day for victory for you. Do not retreat. Press in. The flames will not burn you, but will only purify you, because they are the flames from the fire of My love. Be strong. Faint not for My love will take you through!
December 28, 2001
This is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and I AM preparing My people in this day to do a mighty work through them on behalf of the people I gave My life for. Yes, for I gave My life that all would be saved from the wrath of God that is coming upon all that deny My name. For I said in My word that all would be saved who will call upon My name and believe that I AM He who comes in the name of the Lord, the Son of God, the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world.
For My heart cry in this day is that My people would wake up before it is too late, and escape from the snare of the fowler. I have come to open up blind eyes, and open up deaf ears that they may see and hear, and repent of their evil doings of sin and unbelief. For I will come as the rain, the former and the latter rain, and I AM washing away all the darkness and oppression that is hindering My people from coming into My fullness.
Come unto Me, all who are weary and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. I say to you this day that My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Cast off all that is of legalism and of religious works, and be free so that I may move through you in mighty power. Escape, I say to you, from the wicked task masters, all who lie to you and deceive you with their religiosity. Be free in Me and escape like a bird out of a snare.
Sing and shout and be the people I called you to be. Act like you have the victory, and proclaim deliverance to the captives and healing to the oppressed. For I came that you would have life and life that is abundant. So look up. Your redemption is drawing nigh. The catching away of My saints is at hand and none can prevent it.
I AM preparing your hearts with the fire of My love. I AM drawing you near like never before. I AM pouring out My heart cry as travail through My people. I AM getting ready to let out a mighty roar through My people. I AM even strengthening My people to be able to give their greatest and even final push to release the birthing of My called out ones.
For I AM about to manifest the true sons of God even those that are the manchild, those that will bear My name and allow Me alone to move freely through. I AM raising up an army who will worship Me alone, and they will lead my company out to battle with Me out in lead. Prepare your hearts for the coming of the Lord. Be ready for I AM coming soon in power and might, and nothing will stand in My presence that is against Me. For I AM the mighty King, and I AM coming for My redeemed and nothing will stand in My way because this is the time and the hour that I pour out My power.
Be still and know I AM God and that I am for you. I AM not coming to take sides but to take over. I AM sovereign and in total control of all things, and all things work together to bring about My purpose in this land. Don’t look at the adverse conditions. Look past the natural and look to Me. Trust Me and find yourself hidden in Me, for I will take care of you and give you all that you need through it all, for I AM your loving Father and nothing will ever separate you from My love. So look up, My precious ones, and feel the rain for I AM coming soon, says your King.
December 22, 2001
My ways are not your ways. I did not bring you up in a way that you are able to understand My ways. I brought you up that you may trust Me, and walk by faith and not by sight. Every time you look at circumstances that surround your trials and doubt My faithfulness, you are allowing the enemy to trip you up and rob you of the soon manifestation of My promise to you. Yes, every time you look and see things that do not line up to what you expect to receive and doubt, you are hindering My work in your life. For I want you to trust Me and rely on Me that I know what I AM doing and that what I AM doing is on your behalf.
So watch and pray, and do not let the enemy succeed in robbing you. For I promised you health and life abundantly. Every time you give into the enemy and turn against Me, you are pushing back from you My hand of grace. For through much tribulation do you enter into My kingdom. For I have made you a kingdom of kings and priests. And I have made you a mighty army of warriors, and you are a threat to the enemy’s camp. That is why he is coming in like a flood to hinder you coming closer to the victory that I purchased for you with My blood. Do not fall into the snare of the fowler. Be aware of his tactics and devices to pull you back from reaching the destiny I have for you.
Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Walk in My ways, and let Me fill you with My grace and truth. Let Me fill you with My wisdom and mercy. Do not be as the heathen where all they have is what they see before them. Walk by faith and not by sight, and believe in My promises for I have an inheritance set up for you of wealth and prosperity and abundance. Yes, I have promised you a vast supply of everything you have ever longed for if you put Me first and My righteousness.
Yes, this is the day of salvation. This is the day to step out by faith and claim all that I have for you. Do not waver in doubt and unbelief. Cover yourself with the power of My blood and the power of My word. Keep My armor firmly fastened to you. Do not let any part of it become unfastened. You need to walk in My word in balance. Do not be legalistic in any way that you walk in My word. Do not let the enemy rob you of My grace and get you caught up in vain works and in religiosity.
Be free in Me, and be a blessing to others around you in the way you share My light. Be sensitive to the leading of My Spirit for it is easy to push people away by the way you approach them with My truth. Remember the way I gave you light in certain areas. I did not overwhelm you. I AM full of grace and truth, and I do only what I see My Father doing. And you are to do the same.
Walk in My ways. Lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Me, and I will direct your paths. Remember that My ways are not your ways for they are so much higher, and I have a plan and purpose for your life. Do not allow the enemy to hinder it by causing you to look and doubt My faithfulness. When you don’t understand My hand, trust My heart for I AM your loving Father, and I only allow that which is good and beneficial to you and your growth in Me. Seek Me, and love Me, and trust Me, says your God.
December 18, 2001
I want you to step back and observe what you are all doing. I want you to even listen to what you have confessed as late. For I desire to pour out My glory upon a prepared people who do not allow the distractions of the world and of the traditions of man to come between the communion and fellowship of Me with My chosen ones. Come unto Me with fasting and prayer and seek My face concerning what you are doing at present. If what you are doing is keeping you too busy or tripped up with that of the natural, then what you are doing is not of Me.
For I desire a people who have the desire that was of Mary who came and knelt at My feet only to be close enough to listen to all I had to say. She could not see how that which Martha was doing could be of any edification to Me. If you truly examine your heart and desire in this season of time, you will see that most of what you are doing is catering to the flesh in how you will minister to others. All the preparations going forth in this season of time is only distracting My people from truly coming together and coming before Me.
For I desire a people to cast off all the distractions caused by the evil one. I desire to have a people who long to draw together and before Me with the sole purpose to minister unto Me. For you say that coming up is a celebration of the birth of My Son. Then why are you not seeking Me as how I would have you to minister unto Him? Humble yourselves before Me, and I will lift you up. Cry out to Me for grace and truth, and I will fill you to overflowing.
If you seek Me first and My righteousness, all these things will be added unto you, even that which the world seeks after. Put Me first, and I will bless your finances and restore healing to you. I will draw you into the throne room of My grace and bless you with that which you long for. I will reveal to you secrets which you long to hear. Yes, I will give you fresh insight into which the enemy has had you bound. I will give you strategies to be able to stand and pull down the strongholds of the enemy. For these are perilous times and time is too important. Do not allow the enemy to get you caught off guard where he will try to snare you with empty vain things, things that only distract you and cater only to your flesh.
For this is a time for new beginnings. This is a time where I will bless you with that which you have never experienced. You think the fulfillment you receive these times is of Me, but it is nothing compared to the blessings I will pour out upon you. If you will only seek My face and be open and willing to die to your ways, even that which is of tradition. For yes, I want to set you free and lead you into the true reality which is only of Me. Seek My face in the quiet of the night. Bow before Me in humility, and I will give you the fruit of the land.
December 12, 2001
Deep calls unto deep at the sound of thy waterspouts. And I AM calling you deeper unto Me. I AM drawing you deeper that you may be able to enter into My throne room in a new and profound way. For these are the end times, and you need at all times clear access to My grace and glory. You need to have that clear communication with Me to walk in the fullness of My wisdom and knowledge.
As you know, so many things get in your way to be able to clearly hear My voice. So many distractions sent from the enemy to try to deter you from My presence. Take the time to sit quietly to listen to My still, small voice. For I will make you attuned to it that at all times you will know the way in which you are to walk. I AM making your spirit so attuned to Mine that in any circumstance you will be able to hear My voice so you can know My perfect will. For in My will is safety and the assurance that everything you are going through will work for your good.
Be still and know that I AM God and that I AM drawing you closer to Me. Every step of the way, through the purging of My love, you are being conformed to the image of My Son. The sufferings of the present will never compare to the glory that I will pour out upon you when I make you ready. Be patient and walk steadfast after Me, and I will give you the fruit of the land. I will manifest in full measure your inheritance where others will see My faithfulness performed on your behalf. For yes, you have been faithful and have not wavered in unbelief. You have held on to My words promised to you. And now I will pour out upon you and through you signs and wonders that all will see. I will perform creative miracles on your behalf….healing and restorations you have been believing for.
And yes, I will restore vision to you that the enemy has tried to rob you of….callings and prophesies I have spoken to you in years past. Yes, I will restore vision to you. Do not lose hope. I see the yearning in your heart….that longing in you of having My Spirit flow freely through you. For I AM bringing down the walls….all that has even caused My Spirit to be dammed up. For I have allowed the purging and all the tribulations to bring you to the point where you would cry out to Me and give up your independence. For I have made you as a free flowing river….one which shall never run dry of My glory. And I will come forth in power through you.
I will have My way in your life for I have made you a chosen vessel….a vessel of honor to bring glory to My name, and nothing by any means will hinder My will through you. For this is the day of salvation. This is the day of My glory, and you are the vessel I have chosen to use. So yield your hearts to Me. Open wide and let Me have your all, and I will refresh you and revive you beyond measure. And all will see that you truly are My sons of glory, says your King.
December 9, 2001
Join in. Do not be afraid to enter into My presence in a new and profound way. Enter in with praise and thanksgiving, and let out a victory shout for all I am doing in your midst. For yes, I Am a warrior, and I have placed in you My warring spirit that you may trample down the enemy. As you praise Me and worship Me, you are pulling down the strongholds of the enemy that are over your area.
So gather together, and do not be afraid to enter into My presence in a new and profound way. For this is the day where I will rend the heavens and come down if you humble yourselves before Me and cast off all pride and complacency. Seek My face and not My hand, and I will bless you with treasures from My heart of grace. Yes, I have promised you prosperity and health if you put My kingdom first and not yours. Yes, if you seek Me and My righteousness, all these things will be added unto you.
I know the desires of your heart. I know the yearning of your spirit to come up higher. For there are angels in your midst. Allow them to show you the way to even come up higher. And yes, it is through the door of worship that you enter in. Do not let anything hinder you. Cast off anything that would try to hold you back for I have made you to delight in My presence, and your chief joy is to worship Me. Do not let the enemy rob you for he knows how important it is for My people to enter in and worship. That is why he causes strife and disunity among My people and also division and deception. If he can keep My people tripped up in these snares, he can hinder the breakthrough of My Spirit coming forth. But do not be of those that allow this in My midst. Be free in Me and enter in.
Seek My face, and I will fill you with grace and truth. I will fill you to overflowing with My joy for you need My strength to enter in and prevail against the attack of the enemy to hinder My Spirit coming forth. Press in for breakthrough like never before. Groan before Me. Prevail against the enemy by humbling yourself before Me. Cry out for mercy and My great grace. Cry out for hunger for My presence that I may set you free from the snare of complacency. Do not settle for less than the best. Press in for My glory, and I will pour it out upon you. Do not assume that it will come without you crying out for it.
How desperate are you for a move of My Spirit? Do you want more of Me in your midst? Then show Me the yearning of your heart. And if you feel nothing, then cry out to Me out of desperation that I will set you free. For I do not want to see any of My people miss out on what I am going to do. For I will pour out My power, and I will pour out My glory, and through My people it will come. Out of broken and desperate hearts it will flow.
Like the alabaster box…..unless it is broken open, the fragrance cannot flow forth. So I say to you this day to humble yourself before Me. Cry out to Me. Be real, and let Me know you want Me to come, and I will, says your God.
December 4, 2001
Watch and pray that you fall not into temptation for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. I want you to seek My face to know My will and to have the grace to walk in it. Do not follow after preconceived notions on how you feel I will respond. I say to you to not put Me in a box, and let Me be God. Many already know how I will respond to their prayers so they say, but this is of the evil one and is a form of control and manipulation, which is witchcraft. Don’t you know that My ways are not your ways for they are so much higher? And My thoughts are not your thoughts? You are to have the mind of Christ, not the other way around where I portray the thoughts of man.
Now this is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power, but you must be ready with the expectancy to see My power move among you with healings and miracles, and signs and wonders following My word for this is the norm, not what you are seeing in your midst. For I AM out to do a humbling in My people, and I AM out to take away the pride if you are willing to let go of it. Humble yourself before Me, and I will lift you up, and I will purge the hard heartedness and the complacency if you completely give Me your agenda so I can replace it with Mine.
Are you willing to let Me run the show? Are you willing to give Me the program completely? And I will replace it with My power and glory, and I will pour out My rain. I will send out My full portion anointing upon you for you cannot do anything without Me. Are you truly hungry to see a mighty move of My Spirit? Are you willing to pay the cost which is your all? Do not settle for less than the best. Go for the full package for your inheritance includes an abundance of wealth, both spiritual and natural.
Yes, I promised you the rain, but with it comes the fire for I will purge you. And I will stretch you to your full potential so I can flow through you mightily. Yes, this is the day of salvation. This is the day where I will release those in captivity. I will set you free if you cry out to Me and trust Me and never give up on My faithfulness no matter what you see. For I AM in control of your circumstances. I allow all things you go through for your good. Do not be afraid of the purging through the fire of My love. Look to Me and Keep My words before you, and stand strong unwavering with head set like flint against the evil one. I say don’t look at the natural and waver in unbelief. Look to My word alone for I AM faithful to keep My promise, says your God.
November 27, 2001
Most likely every child of God has been given a holy mandate in which to follow, but how many really respond to the call to give their lives completely to worship the Lord wholeheartedly? For this is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power upon My people, but you must be ready. You must have a heart that is receptive and able to carry My glory. For if you are not ready, for if you have not been purged through the fire, the devastation and the molestation that surrounds you will overtake you, and you will die.
This is not a physical death, but one of the spirit. For your spirit man must strive to surrender all to the calling at all times to remain strong in spite of all that you will see around you. For many will have their love wax cold, and will live many a downfall in the spirit.
You must keep your eyes on Me and the vision I have given you. Waver not to the left or to the right, but look straight ahead in the direction I AM taking you. For yes, I direct your foot steps for you are My righteous ones. I see your heart of desperation. And I see your strength waning in the natural. For yes, I will lift you up, and pour out My great grace and My joy and peace upon you.
Do not grow weary in well doing, or give up on believing in My faithfulness. For yes, I take you through the fire to purify your character, to make you into the person I called you to be, a warrior. For a soldier does not involve himself with the affairs of this life, but looks only to the battle and for its preparation and affairs.
So I tell you this day that when you see wars and rumors of wars, when you see the devastation and molestation surround you, look up for your redemption is drawing near. I AM coming back to meet My bride, My true faithful servants, who have given their lives for the cause of My kingdom alone. For I love you. I said I would never leave you or forsake you. No matter what you see or feel, know that I AM for you and that I will deliver you and honor you and give you a full life, says your Lord.
November 21, 2001
Unto eternal damnation many will go unless My people, who are called by My name, go to their rescue for this is the day of redemption. This is the day of the going forth of My grace like never before. For I AM calling you. I AM beckoning you to draw near and to receive your marching orders from My throne room. This is the time to receive from Me all that I called you forth to do.
For I know you, My children, and I know that the enemy has hindered you greatly but yes, I know your heart, and I see that you don’t want it this way. For yes, you have seen your lack, and you know that without My grace you can do nothing. So I say to you this day to cry out to Me that I will pour out My anointing upon you. Don’t just wait for Me to move on your behalf. Cry out for it. Cry out for My great grace for if you do not ask of Me, you will not receive. Cry out to Me to set you free from the bonds of the enemy….that which is holding you back from even having a heart for My will and My ways.
For the spirit of apathy has come on to My people like a flood, and many have been swept away by it. Yes, this is the day of salvation and yes, I AM coming first to set My people free. Let go and let Me have all that you have held back, even that which you have suppressed of your depressed state. Don’t hold back in letting Me know your desperation for unless you humble yourself before Me and cry out to Me, I will not answer you. I see your needs, but I want you to let go of your independence and pride and cry out to Me for more of My presence, for My wisdom and guidance in everything that you face. Don’t try to make it on your own for I desire to have a needy people…those who are desperate for only Me.
I love you, My people, and am pleased that you have not given up even though your situation at times look hopeless. Keep looking to Me and never lose the vision I have given you. Know that I AM faithful no matter what the circumstances say. Know that I always keep My word and that I AM a good and just God. All that I allow works for your good. I AM preparing you every step of the way. No time has been lost since you have surrendered your life to Me. Even that which seems as an apparent set back is working for your good and when you return, you will be stronger than ever before.
So know that if I AM for you, no one can be against you and win. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. You are My dreaded ones to the enemy. That is why he fights you so. There have been many casualties, because they try to fight on their own. Know that I AM your Captain and that I do the battle. Just stand behind Me and worship Me, and press on and take the land for it is your inheritance. I died that My people would be free. So seek Me and receive My marching orders this day. Press back the forces of darkness, and decree release to the captives, and go out and reap, for the harvest is ready to draw into My kingdom. Go out and possess the land for this is the day and the hour of My power, says your God.
November 11, 2001
Why do you struggle so with unbelief? Why do you doubt My faithfulness to perform all that I said I would do in My Word? By your actions you show that you are not resting in Me. By your anxiety and your worry, you show that you have not left all in My hands. Now I admonish you, My children, to completely let go and let Me take over. Leave all your cares to Me for I care for you. I will supply and I will restore. Yes, I will provide for you all your needs if you will only trust Me. You have not because you ask not and if you ask, are you thankful showing that you have the answer?
This is the time of the latter rain outpouring, and I AM preparing hearts so that I may move through you mightily. This is the day where I will do a great purging of all that is not of Me. By My fire I will burn up all that is by the work of man. Only that which I have established will stand. Give Me your agenda, and let Me show you what is not of Me. You have given way to complacency and busyness, and you have no time to come before Me to seek My face. How can you say that what you are doing is of Me if it takes you away from My presence? Examine your hearts whether you are building a church under your name, or are you truly promoting My kingdom.
Be as Mary and sit at My feet and be nourished and lifted up by My word. Do not be as Martha by fretting over what needs to be done in your ministry. If you are truly overloaded with things to be done, is it really all being done in My name with My leading? I want you to live a simple life where you can even take the time to smell the flowers and to even enjoy My handiwork. I have given you the heavens, and I have given you the earth to enjoy the beauty of the work of My hands. If you are caught up in distractions from the enemy, how can you partake of My blessings.
It is time to set your priorities straight in your life so that you can get proper rest so that you can walk in My healing power. You are over working yourself, because you are not truly putting Me first. If all My people would humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I would heal their lives. If all My people would truly get before Me to know My will, then all that I have My people to do would be accomplished. The work would be properly divided among all. No one would be overwhelmed in ministry needs to be done.
So I tell you this day to search your heart to see if what you are doing is of Me. Let go of all that comes through vanity and even religious works. Let go and be at peace for it is My work, My ministry, and not yours, and I AM in control of the timetable, for I created time, and I have it work for Me and not Me for it. Do not be a slave to time or to anything. Only be a bond slave of My love for I long for your intimate presence. I long to see your face, who you truly are, and not a mask. I can only work with the true you and not a counterfeit.
Give Me your all and watch how I will transform you into the image of My Son for you are My glory. You are all I live for. Even though I AM complete within Myself, I long for your fellowship and your communion. I created you to worship Me, and to bask in My presence, and to be in unity with Me and each other. Return to your first love. Return to a life of simplicity. Return unto Me, and I will bless you, says your God.
You do well to seek My face and to consult Me concerning My word and will for your life. If you seek Me early, I will give you deeper revelation of My will and My ways. For you know that My ways are so much higher than your own, and at times you just don’t understand what I am doing in your life. But you must trust Me even though you do not understand. Lean on Me and not on your own understanding. Pray to know My will, and believe that I will enable you to walk in it.
I AM calling you to a higher plane in faith. I AM calling you to cast off all doubt and unbelief and to just come unto Me knowing that I will never let you down. Yes, step out in faith, and believe that I will meet you right where you are at, and enable you to meet the conditions and requirements of My will. Yes, I will pour out great grace upon you if you will only ask for it. You have not, because you ask not or that you ask amiss. Cast all your cares upon Me for I care for you. Be like a little child and trust Me. Do not get your mind into it, but just step out upon My word and trust Me. Whatever I ask of you, I will supply.
Lean on Me, My child, and know I will never let you down. I will give you deeper understanding concerning My word, even that which relates to the King James version. Yes, there are many added words that might bring confusion and misunderstanding to you, but I will give you clear revelation if you will just ask of Me. Many translations man try to make it easier for you to understand, but the bottom line is that you ask of Me and not lean on all the helps man provides.
This is a new day and a new hour for you to draw near to Me and to trust Me, for I AM cleansing you, and preparing you for a great move of My Spirit. So continue on and do not grow weary, for I will sustain you and restore you, for I AM allowing your trials for a purifying and a strengthening. Yes, this is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power, but you must be ready. Wait on Me. Seek My face. Expect Me to move on your behalf, and I will for I AM a faithful God, and I keep My word to you. What I have promised I AM faithful to perform. Lean on Me and trust Me for this in itself pleases Me, says your God.
October 31, 2001
Before time began, I was there. Before you were even born I knew you. Why do you question why I do the things I do? Don’t you know that all things work together for your good because you are Mine? If you try to figure out the reasons why I do what I do, you will lose track of My sovereignty for My ways are not your ways. They are so much higher. I see the finished product of what I am accomplishing in you. You only see the temporal realm. You must look towards the vision of My promise being revealed to you in the natural. Yes, you must see the finished product of what you are believing for.
The enemy is trying to rob you of what I AM planning to do in you and through you by coming on strong with adverse situations. Yes, he is trying to wear you down to defeat you. But yes, you are wise because you have been seeking My face. Yes, wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove I have made you. And you have been bold to take your stand and not give into the fear of man, and I AM pleased with you.
Now I want you to return unto Me even stronger than before. You have gone through the fire and have submitted to the purging, and I AM taking you up to a higher level. Now worship Me unceasingly as a way of life with your actions and attitudes of your heart. Worship Me with your speech by speaking things that are edifying to My will. This is the day and the hour where I AM preparing you for a mighty move of My Spirit, and I must be able to trust you and that is why I AM purifying you in this hour. I AM burning off all that is not of Me, and I AM cleansing you deeply.
Beware of the tactics of the enemy trying to defeat you. Be wise with all your decisions. Yes, seek My face and My will, and I will guide you in the way you are to go. Be ready for I AM pouring out My glory. Be ready for My greater works ministry. Be a part of My end time army, and never hesitate to believe that you are worthy to partake of all that I AM doing. You are Mine, and we are one, and I have a major part that I want you to play in. Keep your focus on Me and not your circumstances, and even be thankful for all you are going through, because I AM preparing you, and I AM making you strong.
So know that I AM with you always, and I will never let you down. Even when it looks in your natural eye that I am not fulfilling My faithfulness to you, believe that I AM. Trust Me always no matter what you see or feel, because everything is working for your good. Now rejoice and be glad. I AM a faithful God, and I keep My word to you. When you look back you will see that My hand has always been upon you working in your heart that you may totally rely on Me.
I AM working out of you that independence and pride that you can make it on your own. I AM humbling you that you may cry out to Me “Abba Father”, and with the faith of a small child trust Me. For if you do not enter into the Kingdom of God as a small child, you will not enter in and see My glory. So humble yourself before Me and rest in Me, and let go completely and let Me take over, says your God.
October 25, 2001
Things aren’t what they appear to be. Do not look at the circumstances surrounding your situation, but look to Me the author and finisher of your faith. Do not judge your situation as if you are losing the battle or not by how you are handling it. Do not judge it by saying you do not have the victory over it, because you do not feel that you are overcoming through it the way you would like.
Don’t you know that all things work together for your good because you are Mine, and all of your steps are ordered by Me? I AM your loving Father, and I AM concerned about your attitude that you have as you walk out your trials. Cast all your care upon Me for I care for you. Be anxious for nothing, but in all things ask of Me, and I will reply graciously. But remember that it is all in My timing will you see the answers to your prayers manifest for I AM working in you endurance.
Let go and let Me have total control of what you face each day for I AM stretching you and preparing you for mighty things to take place through you. Yes, I AM preparing you so that I can do a mighty work through you for yes, these are the latter days, and I promised you that I would pour out the rain. An outpouring of signs and wonders and miracles I will do through you. So do not fret that you feel you are not overcoming the way you would like to be. Remember that I AM in control of all things, and let Me be the judge of your actions.
I lead you and guide you into all truth, and I deliver you always from the snare of the fowler. I cover you with a blanket of My glory. I engulf you in My grace, and I bless you with all good things, because you are Mine. Look up for your redemption is drawing nigh. Yes, I AM drawing you closer to Me and preparing you for My return, for you are My bride, and I embrace you with My love. Yes, I love you so and long for the time when we will be together in glory. It is sooner than you think.
Prepare your heart by examining your attitude towards others and toward what I allow you to go through. Refrain form murmuring and complaining. Count your blessings. Do not allow the enemy to rob you by focusing on the negative circumstances. Yes, count your blessings one by one, and be grateful for I AM your loving Father and I supply all your needs. Yes, even those things that might not be comfortable or pleasant at present. Look to Me and not to your own strength to endure for I AM stretching you and preparing you. You are about to run your final stretch of the race and yes, it will be hard and the times will be treacherous, but keep My word in your heart and keep Me before you always.
Reach out to Me, and I will keep you safe, for I cover you with a multitude of angelic hosts that surround you always. Yes, they are assigned to lead you and guide you through the storm and protect you. Yes, I keep My promises for I AM faithful. These are the latter days and you are My people, therefore, you are victorious. You are mighty warriors. You will overcome because I say that you will. Keep My word in your heart. Do not look at the circumstances, because things are not what they appear to be. Now just trust Me, says your God.
Rest assured that if I called you to partake of a certain ministry unto others, that I will give you all that you need to fulfill it. And most importantly remember that it is all in My perfect timing that you will complete or even begin what I have called you to do. Many are going out and completely on their own believing that they are reaching out to others in My name, but they are not listening to My still small voice as to what they are to do. And what they are doing is in vain and producing little or none at all good fruit from all their effort. It is time to step back and examine your motives and seek My face as to what you are doing, because time is precious and should not be wasted on that which isn’t of Me.
Rise up out of your slumber and complacency. Cast off the chains of apathy and lethargy, and rise up a mighty army of Mine. Be assured that if I have called you, that I will completely equip you with what you need. Many have been wounded with arrows of deception, and I AM faithful to open your eyes to the lies the enemy has given you. Be assured that I AM faithful to keep My word that the elect will not become deceived and if so, I will deliver and even strengthen them more for all things work together for your good for you are Mine.
Lean on Me and trust Me. Do not lean on your own understanding. Do not try to understand all that is happening during this time of transition. I AM in total control of what may look like a time of complete upheaval. Many have lost their jobs, their homes, churches, and they feel like they have no roots and are on the run. But those are lies of the enemy, because all that you lose in My name I will restore to you. I AM strengthening you and preparing you for an even greater intimacy with Me. I AM trying to take away, if you will let Me, all the distractions from the enemy. But many are even glued to these distractions, and do not even want to part with them. They say they are so tired and need a time to recuperate. But the only place you can really become strengthened, restored, and revived is in My presence.
Draw close to Me and be still and know that I AM God and that I will reward you if you diligently seek Me. I will lead you and guide you into all truth if you seek My wisdom and counsel and not man’s. Trust in what I show you alone. Do not follow the multitudes but follow Me alone. Trust in the discernment I give you even if no one else agrees with you. Trust Me in this for I will bring confirmation if you step out in faith.
This is a time of restoration. This is a time of healing and blessing if you will sincerely humble yourself and turn from your wicked ways and pray and seek My face. I tell you this day to come before Me and cast off all chains of bondage of apathy, lethargy, complacency and prayerlessness. It is not time to give up. It is time to rise up and take the land, all that I have promised you. The nations are your inheritance so let out a victory shout.
Stand on My word and waver not in unbelief. It is not time to give up, because the complete manifestation of My promises to you is at hand, even sooner than you think. So lean upon Me and rest in the knowledge that if I AM for you, who can be against you. And no weapon formed against you can prosper. The enemy can never bring any harm against you without first coming through Me. And what the enemy means for harm always works for your good! So what do you have to lose?
Rest I say to you this day, and listen closely to what I say to you as to specific directions of My will to you. Spend your quiet time with Me. Develop a lifestyle of staying in My secret place in spite of your circumstances. Worship Me and praise Me and commune with Me always for I love you. I AM your God and you are My people and we are one so be assured that My words are true. Keep them in your heart for they are life.
October 16, 2001
Most of all, My children, I have called you to partake of My glory in a way where others will see My light and be drawn to it. For these are perilous times, and there are many who are desperate now for My grace and truth, and I have an abundant supply to pour out upon all who come yielded and open to My love. Be open and yielded at all times, My children, to share My light with others. I have called you into My throne room of grace to partake of My nature in a way where others will see and know of My glory and will not resist it.
Yes, these are desperate times, and there are many who are trying to survive on their own. Even in My own body many are trying to lean on their own understanding to try to make it through the turmoil of fear and unrest. Come into My presence and let Me fill you with My peace and My unfailing grace. I will give you the wisdom and knowledge that you will need to unlock the doors of captivity. Many need those who are able to tap into My river at any time and be able to minister to those who need deliverance. Many are waiting for those who have the key to unlock the doors of captivity and set them free.
Those who know Me know of My grace and truth. They do not try to cover over My truth to minister in love for that is a deception for love will give what others truly need and that is My word, My truth, and grace. Come into My throne room and abide in My presence, and I will fill you and prepare you and stir up My gifts within you of revelation. Do not lean on your own understanding to try to help others. Lean upon My knowledge and wisdom, and I will give you exactly what is needed to set the captives free. For this is the day of jubilee, of restoration of all the enemy has tried to rob My people of.
This is the day when My true prophets will rise up and My teachers and also My much needed wise men to take their place of authority in My body. It is time for these offices to be accepted and appreciated, because they are much needed, for many in My body are turning to worldly wisdom for counsel. And that is to be for the function of body ministry to take over. I have placed gifts in My church, and I have placed callings and offices to fill and function. It is time for those leaders to step to the side and to bring honor to those I have raised up. No more is there to be a quenching of My Spirit. No more is My voice to be squelched. No more are My gifts to be diminished. It is a time of a great awakening of My Spirit upon My people.
Rise up, mighty warriors of worship, and do not give into intimidation and discouragement. Overcome evil with good by blessing those who have been ensnared by deception. Do not mark them with your words, but decree freedom to the captives. Decree boldly for I have given you authority to bind and loose. Loose My giftings. Loose My people to their callings in My body. Boldly proclaim freedom to the captives, and expect a mighty move of My Spirit. Repent for the sins of many, and ask for their forgiveness. Break the curses off My people, and rise up boldly taking your place in My Spirit. This is the day of salvation. This is the day to proclaim freedom, says your God.
October 14, 2001
In the midst of the fire there is rain. I have been calling you to draw closer to Me so that I may pour out upon you My glory, but you stay outside of My courts of grace. Why do you only come so far and then turn away from Me? Why do you not come fully to My throne of grace for I have an abundance of blessings I want to pour out upon you? This is the day of My latter rain outpouring, and I want all of My people to partake of My giftings and take them to those I gave My life for, those who do not yet know Me.
Did I not say that you would do greater works than I because I go to My Father? Then why do you doubt My faithfulness to perform all that I said I would do in My word? I want you to come boldly to My throne of grace, and ask favor of Me, and expect Me to move on your behalf. I want you to trust Me unceasingly no matter what you face in the natural. Do not trust in what you see with your eyes, because these things can be deceiving for the enemy deals in the natural sense realm. You are My people and you are to walk by faith and not by sight. For if you come out from behind your shield of faith, the enemy will hit you with his fiery darts, and he will pierce your heart where you will struggle to gain back your ground. Look towards Me the author and finisher of your faith and waver not in doubt and unbelief.
Don’t you know that I take you through the fire to purify you and to strengthen you so that you may stand in the evil day when the enemy comes to sift you like wheat to see where you stand. Are your words and your confessions like gold or are they like wood, hay and stubble which can be burned up? Well, that is what I AM out to find out. Are you able to stand when I turn up My fire? Will you stand boldly when I turn up the oven seven times. Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego I was there with them in the flames and they escaped unharmed.
Yes, this is the day of My latter rain outpouring, and I will move through vessels that have been purified like gold. Yes, I will only move through pure vessels for I will not share My glory with no man. And yes, this is the day of My greater works ministry, and many signs and wonders will be done in My name that no man can deny will be of Me. But I want you to be ready. I don’t want any of My people left out standing on the outskirts of My glory. I want all My children to partake of the great move of My Spirit. For yes, My glory, the river of My love, will flow across this land like a mighty tidal wave. It will destroy all that isn’t of Me. All that repel My love will be taken away into eternal judgment for I AM a just God and I AM a mighty warrior. And even though I AM long-suffering, there comes a day when My wrath will overflow upon the unjust servants of disobedience.
So I tell you this day to examine your hearts to see if what you are doing is truly of Me. I gave you a conscience that you may walk in My will, and if you turn away from My still small voice, your heart will be hardened. Beware of the deceitfulness of riches and the pride of man. The pleasures of the moment are not worth losing your heavenly inheritance in Me. Your rewards you receive from man will not last. So do not rob Me of My glory any longer for it will snow ball into that which you can’t escape.
I AM speaking to those who sell My riches to those I gave My life for. Did I not say that what you freely receive of Me, freely you are to give to others? Then why do you sell that which is Mine for ungodly fees? I AM abhorred by this for I turned the money tables before and I will do it once again. This is a warning that you may escape My wrath before it is too late. Wake up to the snare that you are in. Escape the trap by crying out for My grace and My mercy for this is the day of My judgment. And I will first judge My church.
Humble yourself before Me and I will lift you up. Yes, I said I would pour out My fire but it is the fire of My love, but I will also pour out My rain. Who I love I chastise for I AM your Father God, and I will do a quick work for you must be ready before it is too late. I admonish you. Yes, I even rebuke you. I want to wake you and shake you to the seriousness of the hour. There is no time left to play games and to do your own thing in My name. Give Me your all and I will transform you into vessels of glory meet for your Master’s use. So accept My words in love and repent and return unto Me, says your God.
October 11, 2001
Listen closely to what I have to say. I want to bring to you the assurance that there is no unclean thing allowed in the camp of My true believers. Yes, you can rest assured that if you know without a shadow of doubt that I have placed you in a body of believers, that all things that you face, good and bad, will work out for your good. Yes, all things will work together as a learning experience on how to cast down vain imaginations that are set up against your brother and turn around and return blessings for evil. This in itself will promote unity and cast down strongholds set up by the enemy to bring division and discord in My body.
But I tell you this day that if I bring admonishment to those in leadership and it is not heeded, and therefore a continued pattern of worldliness and deception continues, then you are to pick up and brush the dust off your feet and move on to where I lead you. If you continue to sit under knowing there is mixture and deception coming forth from the pulpit, then you are opening yourself up to the same deception.
Yes, all things work together for good, and all things are learning experiences in how to cast down, build up, edify, and to promote My love. Even though you might not agree all the time with leadership, be sensitive to My leading you to as to what to overlook temporarily and just commit into My care. But you also must be sensitive to when I say come apart from the “unclean” thing.
Yes, you are in the world but not of the world. You are to be lights and truth to a world of darkness. If you pattern yourself after the ways of the world, then how can they see Me in you. Remember I AM full of grace and truth. Do not compromise your faith or convictions in holiness to win souls. Those I have died for will see the truth in you by your life of holiness and will be attracted to it. Those who are won over by trickery and deceit are truly not of Me and are only experiencing that of religion.
So remember this day, I AM calling you to put on a cloak of humility and to cover yourself with My blood and walk in My holiness. Be real in every aspect of your life, not one way in the congregation of believers and another way when with the world. Be not double minded but stay focused on My will and ways. Be true to your faith by embracing My promises. Hide My word in your heart, and never fear to walk in My word fully. Stand on My word for it is true. I will keep it and bring it to past in your life in every area if you will only believe and rely on Me completely.
This is the time and the hour to truly know My voice and will. Do not follow the multitudes who are now embracing a lie from the enemy. People are leaving and going where My word is. They want grace but also they want truth. So Pastors, know this day, you cannot win the lost by the ways of the world, even that which has the appearance of evil. You will win them by My love which is pure. Cast off the lies and deception. Listen to that still small voice within you. It is not too late to repent from your wicked ways of leaning on your own understanding. Lean on Me, and I will accomplish My work through you, and I will prosper you and heal you and draw you close. For this is the day of salvation! The choice is yours. Choose life!