October 24, 2005
This is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and I am preparing My bride in a mighty way that she might be ready to move in spite of the interference in the spirit realm because of the doctrines of man, the legalism, the pride of man, and all the other that spiritual leaders have given into. I am not pleased with the way things have and will continue in My house. Every one is out to make a buck, and by using My word as the means to bring it in, and this is an abomination to Me.
If My people would humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from the wickedness and abomination, then I will be faithful to heal the land. My people who are called by My name need to take a stand, and walk in the holy conviction of the Lord upon their hearts. Don’t give into fear of man, but with the right heart, move out in My Spirit in worship, and in praise, and in obedience to My perfect will as I show you.
Yes, watch your heart that you don’t give into rebellion, but just take a holy stand in the congregation of the saints, by moving by the leading of My Spirit. How do you know if you don’t step out if I truly will be accepted or not. If those in leadership have the right heart and are truly seeking My will, then I will be able to set them free from the deception of the enemy. If their hearts aren’t right, then I don’t want you to sit under a delusion, or you will be coming out sounding the same way justifying compromise and the sinful ways of the flesh.
Yes, this is the day of My latter rain outpouring, and I will use My bride who has been purged by My fire, who have taken a stand for truth and holiness, and did not give into fear of man. How can My people who are called by My name take a stand for holiness and example for truth in the world’s eyes if they can’t stand in the congregation of the saints of God. Yes, there are wolves in sheep’s clothing, but there are also My people who have been led astray. They have been so hungry for My love and truth and acceptance, that they have given into a counterfeit way of being accepted through the leadership of those who have not walked in truth.
Open up your eyes and cry out, and I will lead you out and enable you to join up with those with the same heart as yours. ….those who are seeking true worship, and the manna that will bring encouragement, and the strength, and the grace to enable them to grow. Cry out and I will lead you out to feast at My table, to rest by streams of Living Water, and to be able to voice what I AM saying in their hearts. Yes, many are hungry for freedom, for truth, for light and are seeking My face. And I assure you that the truth will truly set them free!
September 26, 2005
Come walk with Me, My beloved, for I want to talk to you face to face explaining to you what is upon My heart for this season of time. For I have a burden upon My heart that My people have not been able to bear up to this point, but I am willing to prepare hearts, to enlarge them to carry this capacity, to fill them to overflowing with My compassion. For My faith moves through the gift of compassion enabling mighty healings to take place.
Are you willing to bear down to birth forth healing in behalf of others who are struggling so? For this is the time and the hour where I will prepare My bride to do mighty works for I said you would do greater works that even I because I have gone to the Father. And you are My body and I have a mission to do through you in a mighty capacity, and that is why I need you to be whole, healthy, and of a sound mind, full of My joy which is your strength.
So if you are ready to stand in the gap in behalf of My mighty army of overcomers who have been held bound by many infirmities of the mind and body, reach out and touch the hem of My garment, and bear down and birth forth healings in the spirit realm. For these people need you to stand in the gap that they might be set free to do the work I’ve called them to do.
Yes, this is the time and the hour to travail and to worship at My feet, and I will stretch your capacity to receive My burden and My love. For I have a large heart for you, full of grace and truth, and I want to pour out upon you My fresh manna to be able to feed others that they may be made strong once again. For My body has not been fed the nutrients that they need and have been made sick by the complacency and deception of those in leadership. Many don’t seek Me for My word for the hour to feed My sheep. Therefore, they are being led astray by every wind and doctrine.
My body is truly hungry for truth. But who will bow down at My feet to receive it? Yes, I AM looking to see My bride made whole once again walking in My light, casting down strongholds and every high tower built up by the enemy. Yes, this is the day to be made free and to rejoice. For only My truth will set you free!
August 30, 2005
Examine the entranceway into your heart. Is it full of clutter or is it a clear pathway full of My wisdom and grace? I want you to be able to get to the place where you can be quiet and still before Me. Many are so scattered in their thoughts that they have actually become divided within themselves.
This is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and I AM examining My bride to see if she might be ready to even move in My glory. The enemy has been working overtime pulling out all his props causing so many to fall away into complacency and apathy. Many don’t even desire to be in My presence to seek My face. Everything else catches their attention, and it grieves My heart to see this happen.
For without Me there is no life within, and for My life to flow within you, you need to draw close to Me, and listen to My still small voice. Are you able to get quiet before Me? Do you even desire to do so? For I AM calling you back to your First Love, and I AM ready to put in your heart a deep thirst and hunger for My love. I AM even going to make you like a dry sponge ready to soak up all that I will pour out into you. If you would only die out to the props of the enemy to tear you away and return unto Me.
I will give you the grace to be able to stay before Me if you desire it. For I see your heart, and I see that many have just lost interest in having an intimate relationship with Me. I encourage you to not give up. I know it has been a long dry road, and the appearance of the Bride has been discouraging, but you must know that revival begins with you, by you crying out for repentance, and by standing in the gap for others to repent and to want purity in their lives and truth.
Look to Me, the Author and Finisher of your faith. I have begun the good work in you, and I AM faithful to complete it. So declutter the pathway that leads to your heart. Stay focused on the vision I’ve given to you. Be still and know that I AM Faithful, and that I have called you, and will use you in a powerful way. Yes, be still, stay focused, press in, and break through, says your God.
August 4, 2005
Radiant glory is being poured out upon you for this is the day of the Latter rain Outpouring, and I AM preparing My bride to receive all that I have for her in the way of giftings and ministry. Open wide the flood gates for the King of Glory to enter in.
There has never been an outpouring before of this amount of tremendous power. Do not delay in the preparation by doing your part, by just dropping everything that you are doing at present, and enter into My glory. Do not question whether this is of Me or not. Just trust Me, and listen, and prepare your heart to receive.
I AM doing a quick work in the the body, especially with the youth, because I AM going to enter into their presence with such glory that many will not be able to stand, and I will pour out My fire, and burn by the power of My love. I will come down in such strength that lives will be completely changed just by being with those who have received their calling. For they will be known as the fire of My remnant anointing.
Reach out and touch the hem of My garment, and receive the healing of your heart, soul, mind and body, for you need to be ready to go out to spread My glory. Bow down and receive My touch of transformation into My image for I AM doing a quick work in the hearts of My bride. Yes, reach out and touch Me and receive the gifts and anointing that I have for you in full portion. Yes, this is the day of My latter rain outpouring, and I AM out to make My bride ready to receive.
Glory to the Lamb of God who sits upon the throne of grace. And you are to be stationed in positions high and lifted up in My army, if you would only humble yourself before Me, and repent of all worldliness and distraction. Cry out for the hunger you need for My presence and for My wisdom, for many are complacent and apathetic.
If you would cry out for a portion of My heart in the way of burden, I will pour it out in measure that you will be able to receive the breakthrough you will need to see the victory. Many are crying out for My touch, and for My saving grace, and need those who are the vessels of My glory. I will radiate My love and glory out through you in such power that not only will the enemy be blinded, but also My own. You will walk by faith alone through the glory for it is of tremendous strength.
Do not fear for it is I who is pouring it out, and it is I who is in the glory, and it is I who is the glory, the radiance of the Father’s presence, I AM.
(A Call To Restoration)
July 14, 2005
I AM calling you to come up higher, but you must respond by drawing close to My side and seeking My face, enabling Me to speak clearly to you. For this is the day when many are starting to fall away as they chase after their lusts of the flesh rather than to chase after Me.
I tell you that if My people would turn from their wicked ways, then I will be able to heal their land, but if they continue to draw away, they will lose their inheritance in Me, and the enemy will be able to steal, to kill, and destroy everything that they have. Every trace of ever knowing Me will be gone, and they will be just like the world who are lost.
But where is the sacrifice for those who once knew Me, but then fall away? There is not any! For those who go back into the mire and begin to chase after their lusts, and lose interest in knowing Me and loving Me, there is nothing to draw them back for they will be lost forever.
So I tell you this day that you must watch and pray, for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, and you need My grace and the strength of My Spirit to carry you on in victory to the finish line. Don’t think that you have it all together because you say that you know My name, but in your heart you are far from Me. You don’t seek My face and draw close to Me in the secret place. You don’t even draw close to Me in worship with others in My presence as before. You allow everything else to be more important than Me. You allow the cares of the world, your lusts of the flesh, and trials of life to quench what fire that you had in Me.
Cry out that I may pour out My fire to burn up the dross before it is too late. Cry out for My grace and mercy that you may return to Me, and dwell close to Me, and once again worship Me unceasingly. For I desire your fellowship, and I send out to you a warning that if you don’t start to watch and pray, you will lose all that I called you out to do for Me.
For I have created you to worship Me, and to carry out the mission that I created for you to bear, and only you can do this specific type of work that I called you to. For My work for you is unique, and only you can fill this call and position. There are people out there that only you can reach. And there are people out there that only you can heal. And there are greater works that I have for only you to do with a special anointing that you must claim. And the blessing that I have for you, if you will carry out the calling on your life, will effect every area of your life.
Yes, you will prosper in every area of your life if you put Me and My will first. And you will walk in health, and My peace and joy will flood your life. But most of all you will have My love and My light and glory to radiate out from you.
So contemplate My calling upon you and restore your vision of why you are here. Don’t lose out, My people, for this is the time and the hour for restoration and the time for jubilee. Yes, return unto Me. Cast off the lusts and independence, and humble yourself before Me, and I will lift you up. I will bless you and honor you and give you a long life if you live your life truly for Me. Don’t just go by My name, but be My people, those who love Me and want to be with Me.
Worship Me and I will stir the gifts within you, and give you the zeal and the fire and the glory. You cannot make it on your own or you will be destroyed, for you must continue to be sensitive when I call you near, and you must be sensitive to hear My voice, but most of all you must follow the leading of My eye. Follow Me and trust Me to know My will, and receive for I give you My kingdom and My power and My glory forever and ever. Amen.
July 1, 2005
Rise up, you mighty man of war, and worship Christ your King, for I called you to be an overcomer, not to dabble in situations that weigh you down. Pick up the pieces of your life, and march out and claim the inheritance that I invested My life for you to have. No more are you to dabble in situations that weigh you down or bring discouragement or despair. For surely this is the day the Lord has made, and you are to rejoice and to be glad in it.
Bring glory to My name by seeking My face far above all that the enemy tries to bring your way. Fly high above all the powers and principalities of the evil one, and soar with Me. For surely I have made you an overcomer and that you would march out conquering over all the foes in your life. For this is the day to rejoice and to be glad counting this day to be a new beginning for you. All things have passed away, behold all things have become new. And I am calling you to take My hand and to walk with Me leaving behind all the weight and the heaviness. I have given you life and that more abundantly.
So pick up the pieces of your life that seem to be scattered and are of disarray. Don’t look at the present circumstances but look to Me. I am closer to you than a brother. Yes, I am your best friend, and I am calling you to a deeper and more intimate relationship that I may speak into your heart all that you need to know to overcome in the onslaughts from the evil one. Yes, I will give you the strategies and the tactics you will need to be able to strive in the flight to freedom from the snares of the enemy.
Many have been defeated because they have not drawn near to Me and listened to My heart beating for them. For I love My people so and long to see them overcome and prosper and to be glad. But many have been so defeated and have drawn themselves into a pit that only I can pull them out of and only if they will cry out to Me.
So I am calling you this day to rise up and overcome the defeat. Cry out and I will lift you up and place you high upon a Rock and once again you may soar like the eagle that you are. Leave behind the weight and heaviness and look forward for surely this is a new day in Me.
June 20, 2005
This is the final hour, and I AM calling My bride to come up higher to escape the snares of the evil one. Once you know that I am calling you, you need to respond by drawing near. Don’t allow the evil one to distract you by saying that you need your rest or that you don’t have time.
For I AM your meat and drink, and I AM your refreshment, and all I want to do is to encourage you and strengthen you. For you have gone through the onslaughts, and many are weary from the fight just to stay above water, but I want you to just let go and flow in Me.
Let go of the props and the formality, and just worship Me and bask in My presence. Don’t pay attention to who is around you whether they are worshipping Me or not. Just allow My Spirit to take you deeper in Me, and many will follow your lead. For I have called you a worship leader just by your example of worshipping Me in spirit and in truth.
Yes, this is the final hour, and I AM calling My bride to come up higher, and to tear down the strongholds of the enemy, especially of pride, disobedience and complacency. For these are snares many have fallen into because of their carelessness in not watching and praying and seeking My face.
Don’t think that you have it all together and that you don’t need to draw near to Me, for outside of the Vine there is no life and no health, and surely there is no prosperity. If you have been struggling in all areas of your life, examine your heart whether you have become independent or not. Do you still need Me, or are you just going through the motions, and trying to say all the right things, but in your heart you have drawn away. Return unto Me, and I will strengthen you and restore you, and fill you to overflowing, and the overflow will touch others.
Yes, return and I will bless you with My presence. Cast all your care upon Me for I surely care for you and love you and long to have you come before Me. I want you to trade places with Me for I want to live My life through you using your hands to heal and your feet to carry you through the mission field, whether in your own neighborhood or abroad. Yes, I want to use you in a mighty way so others can see My face in yours and hear My voice speaking forth the oracles of My Father, loosing and setting free the captives with the truth of My word.
So be ready for a mighty move of My Spirit and through you, My bride, but you must return unto Me. Yes, this is the final hour, and I AM drawing you near, but I hear you saying what must I do to be saved. And I tell you this day just to trust Me and rely on My word and be open, willing, and available, and I will do the rest.
By My grace I have called you, and by My grace I will enable you, and by My grace alone you will grow strong and mature and excel in the giftings I have placed within you. Be willing and I will give you the Kingdom and My glory forever and ever. Yes and Amen.
Things aren’t always what they appear to be. Don’t judge your circumstances and say that this is the way your life is at present, because that is the way the enemy is trying to rob you of My truth. He is trying to get you to look and judge the way your marriage is or your relationships are with other people. He wants you to look and judge and then be discouraged with the way things appear to be.
I want you to rise up and tear down the strongholds built up by the enemy by our misguided mind sets. Be determined to not judge our circumstances and say that is the truth. For I tell you this day to look to My word and say that is the truth for your life. Walk not by sight but by the faith I give you through My word.
This is the day that I AM beginning to change your circumstances based on the truth of My word, but you must cooperate with Me for this to happen. Yes, I AM giving you a fresh start once again that you may dive into My word and see what I have promised you there. I want you to say “no more!” to the enemy and that you won’t allow him to destroy relationships with others any longer. For he is out to steal, kill and destroy that which I began in you. For I started a good work and I AM faithful to complete it, but you must work with Me and not against Me.
If you want Me to bless you, you must stand on My word. If you see it in My word, then it is My will for your life and don’t accept anything less. Yes, I promised that you would prosper and be in health as your soul prospers in Me. And for your relationships with others, if it doesn’t line up with what My word says love is, then cast down the lie and stronghold. And build back up based on My truth. You know I AM out to bless marriages and not tear down. And I AM out to draw My people together so they can worship Me as one. Be sensitive to the devices of the enemy.
Yes, I give you a fresh start full of My grace and truth. Don’t look back at your failures and striving based on what you can see, but trust in My word and only look to Me, and see how I will bless you and transform by the truth of My word the appearance of your everyday life. Yes, no longer will you focus on what the enemy has done but what I AM doing, but you must look to Me and trust Me, and stand behind your shield and use your sword to tear down.
Keep covered each day with your armor of light. Let My love blind the enemy and bring discouragement to his camp. Yes, turn the tide and let Me wipe out the enemy from your life. Walk in truth and not by the lie the enemy tries to build up around you. Cast down the stronghold of darkness and walk in my truth and light.
Yes, this is the day to rejoice because the truth has set you free! My love I give to you is powerful. Don’t allow the enemy to rob you. When the enemy uses others to come against you, rise up and forgive. Don’t let him weigh you down. Walk in the principles based on My word, and then the enemy cannot ensnare you. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. A kind word can turn away wrath. Don’t feed the flame of the enemy’s devices. Yes, quench it out using the truth of My word, My grace, and My love.
May 5, 2005
Have I not said that the meek shall inherit the earth? I call you by My side once again and explain to you that once you have chosen the narrow path, there is no turning back to the ways you once walked. This is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and I AM preparing My bride to take up her cross and follow My example in how to deal with your enemy.
Do not fall into the snares he has set up for you to fall into. Don’t respond the same way that the world does in defending yourself. Don’t you know that My ways are so much higher than the ways of man? The way of My spirit is opposite to that of the flesh. So if you feel the urge to defend yourself and to rise up in a way to hurt back, then know that you are to crucify that desire and allow Me to live through you.
Yes, give the enemy the defeat that he needs and allow My kingdom to reign on earth by obeying My still small voice. Yes, every time you lash out at one that the enemy uses against you, you bring his kingdom up and bring defeat to yourself. And if you love yourself the way that I love you, then you will crucify the flesh and rise up in My resurrection power, and allow My love to defeat the enemy.
Yes, this is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and I AM looking for a people that I can rise up in power through and to show the world that My love reigns supreme on earth as it does in heaven. Let My kingdom come and My will be done by being obedient to My word. If you want to see My power flow with signs following, then step aside and allow Me to move through you. What is the price to pay to see your loved ones saved, to see the dead rise up and the blind to see? It is the death to the self life.
Why don’t you see Me move in your congregations and in the marketplace? There is too much of the flesh reigning. I call you this day to search your heart and see what is standing in your way between having the victory or walking in defeat. Are you paying the price to see My fruit in your life? I AM ready to pour out a pearl of great price, but you need to be able to sell all to purchase it. If you are willing and able, I will give you the land, but only the meek will inherit it.
April 28, 2005
Stay calm even though things may seem to be falling apart around you for it is not what it appears to be. For I AM doing a shaking and all that is not based upon the foundation of My word will be torn down. I am at the point now where I will not allow those who call themselves leaders to control and manipulate My people. So many have had a submissive and teachable heart and have subjected themselves to much deception and abuse. And because they have kept a right attitude in spite of the pain, I will set them free from the snares they have fallen into.
Yes, this is the day where I will reveal My truth in the matter concerning leadership, and I will open the eyes of My people to the misleading of those who call themselves by My name but really are only ravenous wolves. Yes, they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Yes, many have left the congregation of My people because they felt that they could not sit under the compromise and deception, but where are they this day? Are they growing in My Spirit? Have they held on to what they’ve known to be truth, or have they fallen to the wayside? This should not be.
I have called together My people to be one in Me and not for anyone to lord over another like cruel taskmasters. I’ve told you to trust in no man but to look to My word for revelation and counsel. Always check it out in the Scriptures what you hear over the pulpit. That is your own responsibility as a blood-bought believer in Christ.
I AM examining the hearts of My people to see if they are pure, to see if the motives behind what they are doing is of Me. Many are out to make a name for themselves and to build up their own kingdom. But I say this day that all that is not based upon Me will crumble and fall.
I AM doing a separating work. I am separating the vile form the pure, and those who have gone through the fire of My love and are still faithful will stand in My end-time army of worshiping warriors. Yes, it is not over yet. The enemy might look like he has the upper hand but it is all temporary. I am still in control, and I am using all things to bring about My glory and My will. And My bride will rise up glorious as the new morn sun.
So, do not fret and remain calm when it looks like things are falling apart around you. It is not what it appears to be. Rise up and be strong. Don’t lose your vision. Yes, keep your focus of intercession. Rejoice in your heart for We have the victory!!!
April 15, 2005
Extreme measures must be taken in order to bring about a restoration of heart. Many have been trying by their own strength to heal that which was wounded years past. I want you to know that the only way to bring about a healing is by listening to the still small voice in your heart and obeying Its direction. In order to listen you must be quiet and still and be able to rest in the assurance of knowing that it is I who has started a good work and that I AM faithful to complete it.
This is the time and the hour that I will set the captives free. Yes, those who many have even given up on, but I have seen their hearts crying out to Me in travail. I have seen the faithfulness in their hearts that no one else has been able to see. And yes, I AM the One who will bring to pass their healing and deliverance. With a mighty travail of My heart’s cry, bondages will be broken off and scales will fall from the eyes of those who have been lost by the enemy’s lies and confusion.
Yes, I will set the captives free, but I AM looking for those who are willing and able to be the vessel I can move through with a mighty roar. For when I pour out My travail, the enemy’s camp will be scattered, and many will rise up, even like Lazarus being raised from the dead. Yes, the grave cloths will unravel, and the minds that have been held captive, even by mental illness, will be set free. And those plagued by the deaf and dumb spirit will rise up in the revelation of the truth that Who the Son sets free is free indeed.
And I have set you free to set the captives free. So be willing and be available to reach out to those who are lost, not specifically to those of the world, but to those of your brethren. Yes, many of your sisters and brothers have been plagued by many infirmities of the heart and need those who are willing to reach out with My love.
Yes, My love is a powerful weapon against the forces of darkness. Never underestimate its power for it is I who broke the forces of darkness at the Cross, and it is I who broke the forces of darkness in the grave. And most of all when I rose up, I broke off all the chains of bondage off of all humanity with My victory shout.
So let out a mighty cry and say that the devil is defeated and is under your feet, and go out and claim your inheritance. Yes, lay hands on the sick and see them recover. Raise up the spiritually dead. Cast off the bondage from the mentally oppressed. Reap a mighty harvest of souls, those that I have placed a mighty calling upon. Yes, see those that have been disabled and see them as a mighty threat to the kingdom of darkness and a great asset to My kingdom.
Be on the winning side and fight for those I’ve given My life for. Don’t cast them aside as waste. See them as a valuable jewel in the crown of the King. Yes, fight for those who are held captive, for this is the time and the hour to avail as you travail, says your King.
March 19, 2005
Every time that I call you to My side I expect you to come and that is always, because if you don’t then you remain vulnerable to the enemy’s devices and warfare. Many have fallen prey to the enemy only because they have given into a spirit of pride in independence and was subjected to trials of testing that need not be. Remain faithful to Me, and I will give you My crown of life which enables you to fight the enemy from the place of freedom and victory. Otherwise you will wear the ties and fetters of bondage and manipulation from the enemy.
This is the day to break lose of all that has held you back so that you can run the race freely in Me. Examine your own heart to see if your motives in ministry are truly of Me or are they used for making a name for yourself. Many have fallen prey to the spirit of pride only because they have given into the flattery the enemy uses through those who are far from Me. Don’t look to be a vessel of honor for display but be a vessel of honor only because of your fruits of humility and servitude towards the body of believers in which you dwell.
Glorify My name only and lift up My words and never those of your self. Step back and make sure that the ministry that you have is truly of Me. Are you bringing encouragement and exhortation to My bride, or are you bringing items for discussion that only ends in bondage? There are many in the camp that spread stories that are steeped in deception. They have listened to the twisted lies of the evil one and have spread rumors about My Son’s death and resurrection that are not true.
I said never to add or take away from My words. Do not read in heresy between the lines of My truth. You know who you are who are bringing division to My body, and you need to wake up to My most holy truth and only say what I say and not what you have heard for you will be judged for every vain and idle word that did not stem from the mouth of My Son.
So listen to Me this day. Humble yourself before My mighty throne of grace, and I will lift you up and set you free from the bondage of independence. I will wash you clean and give you a new beginning in Me. Cast aside the lies of the evil one, and seek My Spirit of truth to teach you what you need to do to undo the lies planted in your heart from your forefathers. Yes, this is a new day to be free and clean in Me, says your God.
March 6, 2005
Make arrangements with yourself to be determined to quit beating yourself up. You are not judged by the quality of your work but by your availability and your heart attitude to be willing for Me to use you continuously. Yes, I look at the heart, and many feel that they are not being used; therefore, they are not useful or needed by Me.
I do not look at the quality of your work, whether it is up to par, but I look whether you have been available all the years that you have known Me. I love you and I want you to know that I appreciate you and every prayer that you have petitioned for My people.
This is the day that I am calling My troops together, and I am looking for the faithful remnant, those who did not give up in the fight when it looked like nothing was going their way. They remained faithful to My word no matter if they saw results or not even after years had gone by. Yes, I am measuring your service by years and not by quality for I look to the heart.
Remain faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life. Love not your life unto death, and I will reward you with fruit that will last. Every time that you look at your situation and you see no change, remember that I AM the Faithful One. No matter what you see know that My word is true. I am just taking you through the fire purging the dross, and soon you will come forth pure as gold that has gone through the fire seven times. Yes, the number of completeness, and I will complete the work I have begun in you.
Yes, I am gathering My troops, and I am calling together the faithful, those who walk by faith and not by sight. Every time you look to My word see it finished for I have added to it My “yes” and “Amen”. My word will never return void but will complete that which I sent it out to do.
So when you see that years have gone by, and there is no change to your situation, do not fret, for I see that you have endured the fire. I see that you have been faithful and even willing to die for Me. I know that you are willing to pay the cost no matter what it might be.
I am raising up My army, and I am looking to the heart. I know those who have not given up on Me no matter what they saw in the natural. They kept their peace and knew I would be faithful.
Now continue to look to Me for I AM the author and finisher of your faith. Don’t look to your own faith to see whether it can endure the test, but look to Me, and I will take you to the finishing line where you will have reason to rejoice for I give you My victory. I give you My weapons of war. I give you My armor. All you need to do is follow closely after Me and stay behind your shield. Use your sword effectively.
I AM your Captain, and I have defeated the enemy. So take your land and your inheritance I gave My life for you to have. Today is the day to rejoice for this is your Jubilee!
February 15, 2005
Rise up and prepare for the Lord thy God is with you. Awake from your slumber and count the cost for this is the day I will be examining the hearts of My people to see if they are ready to go to war and fight for what is theirs or will they lay dormant and allow the enemy to have what he is after and that is their inheritance. Don’t allow the enemy to have what is rightfully yours for I promised you divine health and I promised that you will prosper in every area of your life.
Why would you settle for less than the best when I gave My life for you? Don’t you know that when you took Me as your Lord and Savior that you took also all that the Father gave to Me? I died that you would have My authority over all the power of the enemy and that you would fear no evil and also be able to live the abundant life.
Yes, this is the day to count the cost for when you lose all for My kingdom, you gain all that My kingdom offers. I give you My joy which gives you great strength. I give you My love that conquers all things, and I give you peace that passes all understanding.
So know this day that I AM for you and not against you. No matter what struggles you face I give you My victory to overcome. No matter what you have done in the past I will not let it count against you if you truly repent and make yourself clean by the power of My blood. If you asked for My forgiveness, I remember them no more any sin that you have committed. I love you, My people, and I raise you up as great warriors of My love. Yes, My love is the strongest weapon that you have. Don’t allow the enemy to rob you by taking offense against others.
Yes, this is the day to count the cost………..your life for My life for I want to live My life through you this day. Step aside and see what I will do through you for I have called you to join together to do greater works. For I can reach the multitudes through you. Yes, I can reach the lost and the broken hearted. I can heal the sick and set the captives free.
All I want you to do is to love Me and respect My calling upon your life. Don’t abuse the power that I’ve given you. And don’t abuse your position in authority for great authority over the enemy comes only through submission and humility to My perfect will.
So I call you to love one another and allow My light to shine through. Bow down and worship Me in the secret place. Bask in My presence, and I will strengthen you and give you My wisdom as you go out and be My ambassadors, for this is the time and the hour that I AM calling you.
Rekindle the flame you once had for Me and stir your hearts in My word. Yes, love My will and My words to you and hide them in your heart. Prepare now while you have the time while it is still day. Do not waste it over complacency and busyness. Be cautious that the enemy doesn’t rob you of what is precious. Set your priorities right. Know what is of most importance and cast off the vain.
I love you and give you My armor and weapons of war for I AM your Captain. Now I call you to pick them up and march out not looking back at what you are leaving behind. For all is worthless compared to what I have in store for you. You will never regret to having taken Me as your all in all. There’s no life outside of Me. Yes, rise up and count the cost for this is the time for war.
February 3, 2005
Every time that I look at My Father’s heart I see love, because that is the way He made me to be. By spending quality time with the Father you are also able to see this same kind of love which is unconditional love. I want you to examine your own heart to see that whether the love you display for others is also the unconditional type or whether it is of the world which is based on performance.
This is the day that I AM calling My people to draw close to My Father’s heart, so that they can once again see the type of love that He has for you, for He sent His only begotten Son to die so that His own would see the type of love that He has, so that you also would be able to display love that is lasting for others. I want you to see that I died not for a perfect people but for those who in their hearts was far from Me.
So when you see others who act like they despise you, don’t reward them on the basis of their performance, but reward them with the grace that comes only from the Father’s heart. I want you to see those who are hard and unloving with a heart of compassion, and pray that I would soften their heart so that they could receive My love and be saved from the wrath to come. For I will pour out My fury upon those who are rebellious, not because they willingly chose to walk this way, but because there was no one who was willing to stand in the gap for them. Do not become hard in your own heart.
Do not reward others by the way of performance. Die out to your own flesh so that I will be able to flow through you to touch their hearts.This is the day of salvation. This is the day to choose who you are to serve. This is the day to reap the harvest from the seed that I have sowed. I want you to go out and be sensitive to My leading. I challenge you to die out to your flesh so that you can watch what I will do through you. Your arena of ministry will be the hard-hearted, those who have been rejected from their own father’s love, and you will watch and see what I will do as I perform miracles of My love. Watch and see as I melt the hearts who have been broken as they receive the anointing that will flow through you.
Yes, this is the day to reach out to the hard cases which many have cast aside. Do not look at their appearance whether they are cleanly dressed, but look at their hearts. Those who are the hardest are those who I AM after with My love for those are the ones who will then turn around and reach the multitudes with My love. Yes, those are the ones who will reach the most for My kingdom. Those who are forgiven for the most will love the most.
So when you go out this day and reach out to those who I lead you to, do not examine them by their performance of whether they receive you or not, but see them as those who I can flow through with an abundance of grace and mercy. I encourage you to not give into rejection yourself, but overcome the enemy’s lies and see an army that I will raise up through those who look like there is no hope. Yes, look past the lies of the enemy and see a people ripe for the Father’s love, for I was also rejected and despised by men because of My own appearance. I can relate to this class of people and My heart goes out to them. Don’t cast aside the pearls that I have scattered around for they are of most value to Me.
Be watchful for I AM sending you out to glean a harvest. The field is ripe but the laborers are few. Be of those who are the most valuable to Me. Be those who enable My love to flow freely with no hindrance. Be of those who will die out to see Me live. Be those who the King adores for this is the day of rejoicing for I know you will meet the challenge with victory. I am calling you out this day to do greater works, and it involves the melting of people’s hearts, those who are broken and despised. Watch as I raise up an army and through you, My people. Be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life. Die out so I can live, says your God.
January 14, 2005
Rest assured that I know everything that you are going through this day. Even though the trials come your way, it is I who is in control of the wind and the waves. Remember when I first called you by my side, and the rage of the enemy burned brightly against you? But you stood firm no matter what you felt and saw. You didn’t waver in unbelief, because you trusted in My faithfulness to keep you safe.
And now I AM calling you even closer, and the enemy doesn’t like what he sees, because I AM raising up an army that will not waver in unbelief. Anything of the enemy that will be hurled their way will be repelled by the blinding light of My glory and love, Yes, I AM raising up an army that will not waver and will set their heads like flint against the enemy and will continue to take the land.
They are determined to possess their inheritance no matter what the enemy says to them, because they know he’s a liar and the father of lies, and they know what is rightfully theirs. They know that the nations are their inheritance. They know that whatever ground that their foot will touch will be theirs, because they are claiming it for My kingdom to come and for My will to be done.
So be strong. Do not waver in unbelief because of what you might feel or see. Be still and see My hand move on your behalf. Fear not and stand firm and see My salvation for I AM the King of glory and I reign mightily. Once you make up your mind to stand firm, then wait upon Me patiently believing I will keep My word to you for all of My promises are “yes” and “Amen” to you.
This is the day to rise up and be strong for there is not to be any defeat in your vocabulary just words of victory. You are to proclaim only My truth and never to repeat the lies of the evil one. Spread only My good news and never anything the enemy is doing. Never bring any glory to the acts of destruction and defeat the enemy may bring your way or across the globe. Only proclaim truth, and you will see My power over-compensate the works of the enemy, for this is the day to only rejoice and to be glad.
Don’t allow the trials of life to weigh you down. Be free in Me and see my glory fall. You are My mighty army, and I will flow mightily through you. Keep your heart shielded with My love. Keep your mind covered with My blood. Keep only words of victory flowing from your mouth, and see the enemy scattered before you. I AM raising you up this day. If I AM for you, who can be against you?
January 4, 2005
Watch and pray that you fall not into temptation for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. It is so important to draw close to Me while it is day for soon disaster will cover the earth, and it will not be as easy to draw close in the secret place as it is now. You must learn to develop that quiet time in your heart so that you can draw close to Me always. You will not always have your prayer closet to draw into where it is quiet and peaceful so you need to have your own heart to be that dwelling place where I long to be.
You say that you have invited Me into your heart, but have you prepared a place for Me where I am welcome? There is always the hustling and bustling of preparation and the rushing to and fro and never a time where you just settle down and rest with Me, but you must develop this place when you have the time. It doesn’t come that easy when you have had the habit of being busy and distracted.
This is the day the Lord has made and you are to rejoice and be glad in it, and the only way to do this is by committing the day to Me first and draw close to Me. I want to be the Lord and savior of your life so that you will be free from all harm and to walk in My wisdom. In order to know My will you must know My voice. Otherwise, surely you will fall into a snare that the enemy has set up. These are basic directions but they are so important. I want you to know My voice in order to know My will, and in order to do this you must know My word. So draw close to Me this day and open up your heart that I might enter in.
I want to open up the flood gates of My love and glory. Yes, I want to engulf you with My tangible presence. I want to move through you with My gifts and touch you with My healing power. That is what I will do, but you must do your part to be in the place where you can receive from Me. Resist the enemy and he will flee. Yes, flee the temptations and the distractions and enter in to a close communion with Me.
Prepare that place in your heart for Me. Walk with Me and talk with Me in the cool of the day. Join with Me to bring about My perfect will and My kingdom. If you put Me first and My righteousness, all good things will be added unto you. Yes, I will provide for you and give you the desires of your heart, but I first must have your heart. I love you, My children, but you must draw close.
December 23, 2004
Count the ways that you can worship Me this year. Many are preparing ahead so that they can prosper in their soul this season, but I say that you are to prepare for what is ahead so that your spirit may soar like an eagle far above all power and principalities. Yes, this is the day to count the ways that you can worship Me this season and all through the year.
This is the day to count the ways that you can reach out to your brother in My Spirit. Yes, reach out to the brethren with love and encouragement so that they can overcome in the onslaughts of the enemy so that they don’t get caught up in isolationism. So many have been burned out by the constant attacks of the enemy and just need an encouraging word. Give them that much needed time of respite by keeping them lifted in prayer. Do not become offended when it seems like they aren’t responding to your reaching out to them. Just trust Me that I will bring them through to victory.
This is the day to rejoice and to look ahead to what I will bring forth in your life. Don’t give up on My promises to you when you see no positive results to your prayers, especially when it looks like things are getting worse. Just stand on My word which is the truth for everything else is a lie. Don’t go by what you feel or see, but go by what you believe in your heart through My word given to you.
Yes, this is the day to rejoice, because the enemy is defeated in your life if you stand on what I did at Calvary. Don’t lose vision of My victory when you see things growing worse in the nation. Yes, many are trying to take Me out of Christmas, but you know the truth in all that. Just keep worshipping Me in the ways you feel led to do, and be bold in your faith and testimony of faithfulness to Me.
Remember that the best is yet to come. You know the end time revelation. You know who is under your feet. You know your place in the heavenly realm seated with Me at the right hand of the Father, so rejoice. Reach out a helping hand to those in need and encouraging word to those who feel defeated. Share My love, peace and joy for you have reason to be glad.
They may try to take Me out of Christmas, but they can never take Me out of your heart. So rejoice and know that I AM in control and that I reign as King of kings and Lord of lords forever. This is a new day and a new hour. I call you to put the past under your feet with the enemy of your soul. Wash yourself with My word and My blood. Pay off any debts whether in material, financial or in spirit to one another. Make amends with one another.
This is a new year. Make sure your heart is clean. Be sensitive to My leading in showing you areas that need to be made right. Rejoice for this is the day to break the chains and to run freely. Yes, this is the day to be free, says your God.
December 9, 2004
Remain faithful in your walk no matter what you go through with others. Keep your heart right and live righteously , and I will bless your efforts. Everyone will pay the price for how they ministered to one another, whether it be out of a heart of love for the brethren or whether is was from a heart of seeking after gain. You lose and pay for your mistakes when you seek after worldly gain by using the brethren to make a profit.
Why do you follow after the multitudes who lust after riches, and at the same time use My word and the gifts I’ve given you as the tools in which you wish to profit by? I tell you this day that if you don’t repent of using My people for your own gain that you will pay for your mistakes and greatly will you pay for from which you sow you will reap the fruit of.
This is the day that I am putting before you a choice to make. Will you continue in your dishonesty or will you repent and allow Me to prosper you? Don’t you believe that My will for your life is prosperity and health? Then why do you strive to get ahead using worldly measures? Examine your heart whether you want to trust Me completely and be completely honest in what you are doing, or do you feel that you have to succeed on your own. For the error of your ways will find you out and you will lose in the long run.
I am talking about your finances this day. Are you in debt because you were careless in your measures of handling want? Cast all your cares upon Me for I desire to care for you. I want to take you from glory to glory if you will draw near and keep your eyes upon Me. Turn from mammon to Me once again. Yes, return to your first love, and I will bless you and those of your household. Yes, this is the day of repentance. This is the day to return…… check your heart, your motives and your love for one another. For without love you will not prosper in anything that you do.
Join together and seek My truth. Worship Me in the spirit of holiness, and I will bless you. Pay off your debt to one another. Be honest and dependable. Keep your word for it is better to say nothing than to say and not do. Do not allow the little foxes to spoil the vine. Stay focused on the basics of living a good life by watching your character. Do not be like the world, but follow Me for this is the day of repentance.
November 28, 2004
Resume the responsibility of a watchman. Watch and pray and then ask of Me the petitions that you desire of Me. For when you ask, you are letting Me know that you care about the situations that you are facing concerning the brethren. A good watchman not only cares about himself, but he cares about all that concerns the body of Christ. In these latter times I will be raising up many who will be acting the part of a watchman, but really they are taking on the call of an intercessor who is seasoned for war on behalf of those who I gave My life for.
Reach out and ask of Me the details of the intercession you are to take in pulling down the strongholds that are effecting My people. So many don’t know how to war for themselves and need those who will stand in the gap and roar on their behalf. Yes, when you roar, you are letting out mighty power of My love that repels the powers of darkness so that many can receive My love. So many are so bound with deception that they don’t even know that they are bound in chains and fetters. And I need those who will stand up and say to the enemy that this is as far as you go. I command you to let God’s people go.
Reach out to Me and pray and I will give you the details that you are to follow. You aren’t on your own in this battle for I AM your Captain in chief, and I AM leading you on in the fight for freedom, not only for your own life but for those of the multitudes who I will raise up as mighty warriors of worship. Yes, I have an army who is now in chains who will be loosed and turn on the enemy, because they know how it is to be bound, and they will be full of compassion, and will not stop warring until they know in their hearts that they have conquered the land.
So, I want you to rejoice and know that your travail is not in vain those who have been giving birth to My will. I know it has been long and heavy, and the transition period you felt totally out of control, but you have held on to your faith in My word and promises and have not let go of them. I want you to rejoice, and know that you are at the edge of a mighty breakthrough. Don’t give up hope.
Don’t look at circumstances stating that things are growing worse and that you have lost the fight. Don’t believe the lies. Stand behind your shield of faith and wave your sword against the enemy, and use your lance of intercession on behalf of your brethren. Believe the nations are your inheritance because they are sealed with My blood. Escape the clutch of the evil one and run the race freely. Let out a mighty shout of victory for you will prevail, says your God.
November 5, 2004
Never before have I seen such desperate and fervent desire to have Me move on the behalf of My people come from the heart of My intercessor army. And I AM also moved by the commitment of My people to have Me place into office the man which would stand for moral dignity and truth. And I AM also moved by the compassion of My people toward those who need to know Me as their Lord and Savior. And I AM about to pour out My wrath upon those who have hardened their hearts against Me once again.
For I said in My word that I would move the hearts of My people towards Me. I know those who I gave My life for. I know those who would seek My face in this end time hour and repent of their wickedness, but there are still those people who will not humble themselves before Me in the secret place that I provided for them.
What will it take for My people to draw close to Me once again? I have poured out My grace and mercy, and I have given them their heart’s desire to have a man whose heart is pliable towards Me lead them as a nation. I have provided protection against the forces of darkness who seek to destroy them. And I have also provided the way in which they could dwell in peace and safety, but yet they still act like they don’t know Me.
I love you, My people, and I long for you to come before Me to hear My voice. I seek after those who will long after My holiness to be their way of life–one who would love what I love and also hate what I hate? Why do you still go after the idolatry of the Nicolaitans? Why do you continue to be lukewarm of heart? For I do not want to have to spew you out of My mouth, but I will have to.
Come before Me once again and rent your heart and not your garments. Come before Me and pour out a heart that longs for repentance and change. And I will bless you with My presence like never before, but you must take that step to come before Me. And I will take your hand and heart and change it to having a heart of love and compassion for My will and My ways. And then you will see the signs and wonders following My true word. And then you will see the multitudes come forth who seek after a word that is full of My grace and truth.
I know My people long to have their hearts stirred once again for holiness and conviction. They do not long to continue having the freedom to express themselves in an unholy way, but many have seared their hearts against My truth and need to cry out for repentance and the deliverance they need from complacency and apathy.
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will heal their land. But you must pray and turn in order for Me to hear you. Otherwise, I will take it that you want things and conditions in this land to stay the way they are.
Come before Me. Let Me know what you want, and I will answer you. Draw near, come before Me, and I will draw near to you. Let us break bread together and become united with one mind and in one accord. Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. Delight yourself in My presence. Yes, bask in the rivers of living water, and I will fill you to overflowing. I will allow you to excel in My gifts, and you will once again see My truth and holiness reign among those who are called by My name.
The choice is yours to make for I AM ready to move in a mighty way, but I AM waiting for those who will step out and say that they want to be counted in My endtime army of holiness. I AM looking for those who will cast down their idols of pride and mammon and just delight in having Me move in their presence. You cannot fool a true believer those who try to bleed My people of their money. Why do you use methods known by the heathen to get what you think is My will to be done?
Seek My face and My righteousness and I will provide for My will to be done. Aren’t I big enough to spread My word across the land? My word spread like wildfire by man that did not have your technology before, and I will do it once again if you would allow My anointing to flow through you where you dwell. Do not be deceived by the enemy. Return to the simplicity of just knowing and loving Me, and I will do the rest for I AM your God and I AM faithful.
This is a word to the wise and humble of heart. My people know My voice and will follow. Do not be afraid to admit when you are wrong. If you want your ministry to grow, seek Me for changes in your heart and the revelation of any area that might be holding you back.
This is a new day and a new beginning. I want you to take advantage of it. True revival begins with you. As you take steps to come before Me to seek My face and not My hand, I will bless you. Then agree with Me that I will touch the multitudes with My love and repentance. Believe for the best for your nation. Believe for My prosperity to spread across the land and for My truth to prevail. This is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power and through you I will move, but you must be ready.
This is a call to My faithful.