November 22, 2006
To the Army of God:
Every time you walk through the valley of the shadow of death you are to remember that I AM God and there are to be no strange gods before you. For I am doing a work of deep intensity in you, and you are to keep your eyes on Me no matter what is around you. Do not look to the left or to the right but straight ahead, and I will lead you to safety where you will be able to kneel down and praise Me.
Even though the heavens may appear to be like brass, you are to keep pressing in for breakthrough. Keep worshiping Me believing that I will come through with that which I promised you. I am not a man that can lie nor a son of man who would change his mind, but I AM God, and I change not. I will keep My words to you!
Believe in what I have said to you and rest in My faithfulness. I am a faithful God and I love you and will always protect you, and I will only allow those things to happen that will bring good in your life, and that will prepare you and strengthen you for what is ahead. If you can’t run with the footmen, what will you do when the horses are loosed against you!
This is the day of the latter rain anointing, and you must be ready at all times so that I can use you. And I will use you in a mighty way, My people. I will pour out signs and wonders and gifts of discernment and grace that you will not be deceived. For at the same time the evil one will pour out signs and wonders so strong that would even deceive the elect if I would allow it.
So remember to keep your eyes upon Me and know My word. Keep no strange gods before you, and walk in peace and love with all men. Love your neighbor as yourself, and be willing to die for him if need be, for these are the end times, and all will know you by your love. Walk in My steps, take My hand, and trust in My faith to get you through.
I love you, My people, and I need you to be faithful. In a little while I will be coming back and you must be ready. Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. Be free in Me. Love Me with your whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. Do not quench My Holy Spirit. Allow Me to move through you. Be My willing vessel that I can live My life and purpose through.
You are My mighty army, My bride, and I AM your King! Represent Me in the land and only Me. Represent me in all the nations, among all the tribes and peoples. Wave My banner high and shout for you do have the victory, and every land that you step into shall be yours, and everything that you decree will come to pass, for I AM your God and I will be with you to the end of days and forever, says your God.
Yes, wave My banner high, and march on, and fear not. Love will cover a multitude of sins and is your greatest weapon of warfare against the enemy. Love will repel all evil and will cover you with My light and glory so strong that will blind the enemy. Love will confuse the enemy’s plans. My ways are so much higher than man’s and will free your heart, and will give you joy unspeakable, and will fill you with My glory.
So walk in My ways, and I will be with you, and honor you, and will give you long life. He who walks in the secret place of the Most High shall abide in My presence. I encourage you to hide My word in your heart. Fill your mind and your heart with My word and live it for now is the time to prepare. Use this time wisely!
Yes, hide My word in your heart, and I will lead you through to safety. Use your shield to block all the fiery rockets the enemy will send your way. Stay covered with My armor of light, My love, and My faith. Be encouraged, for you do have the victory! These are My equipping orders for you.
October 20, 2006
When the heaven is like brass, the enemy wants you to believe that I do not hear your cry in the night, but that is when I AM the closest to you. I want you to know that when you press in, even though you don’t feel My presence, is when you receive My greatest reward. For I said I would reward those who diligently seek Me and those who walk by faith and not what they feel.
For this is the day and the hour when I am drawing My bride the closest to Me. For I know your pain, and the turmoil of your soul, and that the enemy is coming in as a flood trying to distract you from entering in, but if you cast him aside and continually seek My face, you will receive the breakthrough that you have been believing for.
Continue to worship Me and delight in My presence when you have the opportunity. Yes, lose yourself in My presence, and I will lift you up and strengthen you, for this is the final hour and watching and praying is an essential necessity to make it to the end. Do not allow the enemy to find you off guard.
Do not give into what you see around you, but continue to stand on My word believing that I will come through. I am in control of all that you see around you, and all of it will work for your good if you just trust Me.
Yes, this is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and I am drawing forth My bride to do great exploits with signs and wonders following. Don’t give up, but keep pressing in, My beloved, for you are at the edge of a powerful waterfall Whose river will take you swiftly to the end if you would just enter in and press through.
Yes, you will have breakthrough. Yes, you have the victory! My will be done on earth as it is in heaven. My kingdom is within you. Let it flow forth. Expect the greater works. Expect the revival. Expect the salvation of your loved ones. Expect healing and restoration. If it is in My word, then it is My will for you. Don’t settle for less than the best that I gave My life for you to have. You are to have life and life abundantly. You are to prosper and to be in health as your soul prospers. Seek My face. Yes, even if the heavens are as brass, press in, says your God.
September 29, 2006
Dream I had at 1 am:
It took place in a large apartment building. Steve Hill, a dear brother I’ve known in the Lord for years, was the main character, representing the apostolic ministry and the ministry to the youth. I was in it representing the older women, and my husband Lee represented fathers or pastors. One man who was brought into our home for Lee to minister to appeared to be crippled, poor and homeless, emotionally distraught, etc.
The first thing that this man did when he came into our home was to go sit down at the keyboard, and we were amazed at his talent. He was so musically inclined, and I felt he would be so precious to the body of Christ! Those who appear to be a loss cause, a basket case, are those who are true jewels to the kingdom of God. They are precious in God’s sight and a true threat to the enemy, and that is why he has attacked them so hard. This man represented the disabled like when King David reached out to Saul’s grandson, Mephibosheth.
After I had the dream I immediately started writing the following:
The five-fold ministry is coming together to be a multi-faceted ministry where one of the ministries is to help the poor, like when King David helped Mephibosheth, Saul’s grandson, and also to father those who are crippled (emotionally). It would be a ministry where you would even bring young men into your home where an older man would father them. This will be an Elijah-type ministry, turning the hearts of the father to the sons, a ministry to those who were wounded or abused from being brought up in a divorced or disfunctional family. It also would be a Paul and Timothy type relationship training to those who are wounded and abused.
These young men had a family life that was so bad that they got robbed of having decent futures or even a proper preparation for one. They had been tossed around like a reed in the sea, wayward. Even though these young men were born and not aborted, the enemy was still out to rob their lives, and their destiny, and they need restoration and a chance to be made whole in God’s kingdom with the saints.
The church is to be a multi-faceted teaching, equipping, and healing center!
September 28, 2006
This is the time and the hour to rise up in power and pull down the strongholds that have given you the most pain. No more are you to go about struggling with that which the enemy tries to oppress you with. For now is the hour that My people will rise up from their sleep and apathy and possess the land that I gave My life for you to have.
Are you ready to go out as a mighty army united as one? Are you ready to cast down differences and stand together on that which really matters? If so, then listen closely for I am about to give you your marching orders for it is half pass the hour and it is about time that you rise up fully equipped with your armor of light with sword in hand and start marching forward.
Do not look at what might come against you. Quench it all with your sword and spear of intercession and stand behind your shield of faith. Only confess My word and not any negative report. Do not accept anything but the best that I have for you. Pull down the strongholds by letting out a cry of victory. Yes, blast the trumpet of praise and victory. Blow the shofar loudly across the land and start marching forward. For I will march across the land, and I will lead My mighty army of worshipers, and we will tear down the unholy strongholds set up by the enemy.
Yes, annihilate the enemy completely from your midst. You have My authority and My banner. You are covered with My blood. I am your Captain, and you are My faithful ones. I trust you with My power and light for I will pour out My glory and I will blind the enemy and confuse his efforts.
You are My bride, and I am getting you ready for a mighty feat. No more will you be looked upon as defeated but as one who will be feared by the enemy’s camp for you will rise up and cast down anything that will try to hold you back. For you are making yourself clean in My presence, and you are not allowing anything to stand in your way, and you are pressing in like never before.
Yes, we have the victory over this battle. We are one and we reign mighty! So rejoice in My victory, My beloved and faithful ones.
September 11, 2006
You are coming up to a new dimension in warfare, and I want you to be ready to exercise your authority like never before. Yes, I want you to take a stand for the land, and decree the promises that I have made to you. You need to rise up in faith, and accept nothing less than the best that I have for you.
No more are you to go about like a chicken scratching in the dirt, but you are to rise up to be the eagle I called you to be, soaring high above the powers and principalities, and using your own storms and trials of life to lift you up.
Yes, you are seated with Me at the right hand of My Father, the place of power, strength and au thority, and I have given you all the weapons of warfare that you need to be able to take the land and to excel in the calling that I have placed upon you.
This is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and the enemy is going about like a lion devouring all that is a threat to him. So you need to be ready, covered with My armor of light, watching unless you be devoured. Yes, the enemy is no respecter of persons. Young or old, rich or poor, he is ready to take them all captive and yes, many are already captive and don’t even know it.
So do not become comfortable in My righteousness feeling that it is all it takes to make it in for it takes a lot more. It takes watching, and prayi ng, and fasting, and keeping yourself pure. Gather together with the saints, and worship Me, and feast upon My word. Get rid of all forms of pride, hypocrisy, and compromise, and humble yourself like a small child and trust Me.
Yes, draw close to My side, and just listen to what I have to say. Be attentive to My truth for there is a famine in the land. Do not take it lightly the freedom that you have. Guard what you have, or the enemy will rob you. Yes, do not take it for granted that you have a place to gather together and that you have those who cover you and love you. Yes, they have given their life for your care in My word. They are your overseers.
I have raised up pastors, teachers, prophets, apostles, and all the rest to equip you with your own ministry, but you must submit, and take advantage of the gifts they have to offer. Yes, this is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and you must be ready.
Wake up, you slacker, rise up from your sleep, for the day is at hand. Do not waste your time. Use it wisely to prepare in My presence. Do not take it for granted the freedom that you have. Hide My word deep in your heart so that it can take root and grow into a giant oak tree that no one can tear down.
Yes, this is the time and the hour to rise up to prepare yourself in My power. Make yourself ready for I am calling My troops together to be one in unity, having one mind, and in one accord. No more are you to bicker over petty differences, and taking your sword against one another. Stand behind your shield of faith, and use your sword against the enemy, and love one another. Be understanding, and kind hearted, and cover over a multitude of sins. Cast down vain imaginings against one another, and always believe the best.
Remember that love is your greatest weapon against the enemy and can repel all forms of evil. So wake up, and be set free, and rejoice, for this is the day of victory for you!!
August 14, 2006
First of all I want to encourage you to never underestimate the value of your inheritance in Me. For I have given you a wealth of untold riches that you cannot give a value to in the natural realm for it outweighs that even of the richest man. For if you truly got into your heart every promise that I have made to you, you would have the wealth that would cover your every need. Yes, I have made provision for your every need if you would only take My word literally and only believe.
I love you, My children, and I encourage you to believe Me when I say to you that I love you, and that you can truly rest in Me in that I will care for you, and protect you, and that you are safe in My arms. Yes, you are Mine, and I have made provision for your every need.
This is the day that I have made, and you are to rejoice and be glad in it. Yes, I have come to set the captives free and to make My joy your strength. For many have become battle weary and have even given up their arms in the fight to take care of their physical needs. Yes, they are weary and do not believe that they have the strength to carry on to the end, but I have come to put a wind in your sails and to lift you up with My breath. Yes, I breathe life in you once again. I lift you up that you may worship Me unendlessly.
No matter what the circumstances may be you can overcome them. Look at the testimony of those who are elder to you. They appreciate their every minute in Me and thank Me for it, and everything that they have. Yes, they thank Me for their every breath and can’t even wait to make every minute worthwhile and even pleasing to Me.
Do not waste the time that you have. Pick yourself up, and rejoice, and know that all that you have gone through has not been in vain, for I have been with you every step of the way working all things for My glory. Know that I am coming soon, and that I am preparing you for greater works.
I have seen the desire in your heart to break through in intercession. I have seen that you have never let go of the vision I’ve given you and the purpose of worshiping Me in spirit and in truth. Yes, this is the day of the latter rain outpouring and do not give up hope because you have not seen even your own prayers answered.
Be faithful to your calling even in the little things, and I will raise you up to the mighty. Keep faithful to My word even unto death. Yes, lay your life down to prove Me faithful, and I will surely raise you up and use you mightily to set the captives free, to open the blind eyes and cause the deaf to hear, to raise the dead, and do the miracles and signs that will bring in the lost.
Yes, they are hungry for My presence and don’t see it anywhere. Even on the television all they see is the nonsense of the evil one, and they want to see life and it abundantly. So worship Me and expect to see the finances rolling in to provide the media to promote true worship overseas and abroad. Yes, I will provide the means that true worship and sounds of heaven will come forth even through the television. You know who they are who I will raise up and use in a mighty way to touch the hearts of the lost……those who would even die to their own glory to promote Mine.
So never give up on what I called you to do…. to stand in the gap, to worship Me, and to believe and to stand on the unending value of your inheritance in Me. Yes, you have riches unheard of in the natural realm. You have the capacity to heal the sick, raise the dead, to do the signs and wonders that would even reach the hardest Pharaoh’s heart. Yes, this is the day of the latter rain outpouring. Yes, look up for it is beginning to rain!
July 22, 2006
To assume the responsibility of a rich man you must respect the property of others. You must respect the name of others. For this is the day when I am in the process of raising up My bride to be the one I called her to be. No more must she loft around prying in other man’s affairs. She must be diligent to be about My business alone. She must be respectable in order to keep My name pure. She must allow the process of brokenness to take place in her own life in order to come to the place that I would have her to be.
For yes, this is the day when I am raising up My bride, but she must be respectable. She must carry about a code of ethics that outweighs that of the world. With the amount of prosperity and riches that I am about to pour out upon My bride you need to be able to be trusted with it. For I am about to gift My bride with the creative ability to bring forth witty inventions that will bring forth an abundance of income for My kingdom.
For I am about to enslave the enemy to his own cause for he was out to steal, kill and destroy, but now he must pay back not only seven fold but one hundred fold to those he had taken from. For yes, this is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and not only will I bless My bride with riches unknown to the common man, but I will pour out supernaturally the finances needed to build up My kingdom around the world. For yes, I will build up what the enemy has destroyed in My own land when I uproot the enemy completely.
For yes, I am faithful to keep My word. Whatever I have said I will bring to pass. You can rest in that I will protect you and restore you to health, but most of all I will raise you up to be a respectable bride to carry My banner of love. You will be honest in all areas of your life, one that can be trusted with your words and with your actions. You will not line up to the actions of the world but excel over them with the credibility and honor which is Mine.
Yes, I will raise you up and prosper you, but first you must know how to handle these finances. You must not run over others to maintain this wealth. You must honor and respect others of the world for yes, you are Mine but you must act like the bride of the King, not one of an unruly master. I am the King of kings and the Prince of peace and honor must reign in My camp.
I am pouring out a code of ethics and those of My remnant will grasp ahold of My word and hide it deep in their heart and run with it. For My word brings life and health, riches and understanding, but most of all wisdom.
Reach out and touch the hem of My garment for you must be whole. There is a lot for you to do, and you must have the strength to finish this race with victory. Rejoice for this is the time for war, the time to reap the spoil, to tear down and to build up, to cast out and to plant. Do not look at the severity of the battle, but look to Me, the author and finisher of your faith. I will lead you through, My beloved, and My bride.
June 29, 2006
Why do you cry when no one is looking and then act like everything is OK when you meet together with the saints? Don’t you know that this is the time and the hour to pour out before Me your sacrifice of praise, in the midst of your tears and sorrows, and know that you will be totally accepted by those who love you?
This is the time that I will pour out My grace and enable My people to truly be who I called them to be, but first they must be willing to humble themselves before Me and be cleansed, healed and made whole. Don’t act like everything is all right and struggle on your own. That is why I have the bride to meet together so that you all can be lifted up and strengthened and made whole.
Before you come before Me in warfare you must be strong. There can’t be any weak areas in your life where the enemy can come in and cause you to be ensnared. Cast all your cares upon Me for I truly care for you. I care if you are hurting that is why I have others who can hold you up and even weep with you if need be. Please don’t go off on your own and struggle needlessly.
This is the hour where I will pour My power out upon a strong people who have been made ready in My presence by humbling themselves before Me and reaching out to others. I love you, My people, and I want you to unite together. I want you to take off your masks of having it all together. Yes, it is important to stay in My word and to confess My truth and My promises, but you also must confess when you have a need that I am to fill for you. Do not hide who you are at this point. How are you going to make it to the end if you keep hidden the areas that you need healing in?
I want to prove to you My faithfulness in keeping My word. I want to make Myself real to you. I want to pour My glory out upon you and through you, but first you must show Me your face. You must trust Me by opening up to Me. You must trust My people to help you. You know who My true lambs are. They are the ones who will love you unconditionally and see you the way I see you; through My blood, through My love, and through My words spoken over you.
You are My beloved! You are My bride. You are My overcoming and conquering army. You are strong and you are faithful. Now rejoice and be glad.
May 25, 2006
Remember the day of your youth, or when you were without child, or even remember when you first read your first story, or rode a bike. These are all new beginnings for you. And now I am starting a new phase of your life where you are able to reach out to Me like you have never done before with a new zeal and a new wind in your step.
Yes, I am giving you a new beginning where you are able to take the first step into your destiny where you will have no hindrance from the enemy. For I am about to give you fresh wind in your sails, and I am going to do a fast work where you will bypass those who have struggled to find their way without crying out to Me. This shows that you can’t make it on your own in your own strength. Those who cry out to Me will find their way into the destiny that I have for them. Those who cry out to Me will never lack any good thing.
This is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power upon those who have humbled themselves before Me and that have realized that they are poor in spirit without Me. They know that they can’t make it on their own. And now I am realizing that the only ones that I can use in this end time work are those who have emptied themselves of all strength in the flesh and have cried out to Me to fill them. They know that this is the final hour and that the enemy is going about as a roaring lion seeking all who he can devour, and that the only place of safety is in the secret place of the Most High.
Humble yourself before me and cry out for the infilling that you desperately need. I will give you the wisdom and the strength if you will only cast all your cares upon Me. Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. Cleanse yourself of any vain thing. Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect, that is to be whole and complete in Me, for I AM the author and the finisher of your faith. I AM your high tower in which you can run into.
Keep My word in your heart and covered with My armor of Light. Let My sword and My shield protect you. Cry out for your destiny and for your call, and I will reveal them to you. Yes, this is the hour to know what your call is and to walk in it. No more will you be struggling to find your way for I have filled you with purpose, and I have given you a new name.
You are My faithful ones who never gave up when the way was hard and you had no direction. You walked by faith and not by sight knowing that as you took the first step I would always be there to meet you, but now is a new day and a new hour. You will not struggle. You will not go without. You will know Me more intimately for I am taking you higher. You will make it to the end and redeemed you will be in experiential reality. Yes, you will walk in My word in a new light, and with a new zeal and understanding.
What you have been believing for will come to pass. Yes, you will walk in what you have been believing for. You will see your loved ones saved and those made whole and in their right mind. They will no longer be held captive by the enemy because you were faithful to stand in for them believing and yet not seeing any good results to your prayers. Yes, you walked by faith and not by sight, and now I am rewarding you for not letting go of Me.
This is a new day and a new hour for My power to be poured out and upon you. Now go in peace and be glad, says your Lord.
May 6, 2006
(A Word of Restoration)
Every single day there is a call upon your life to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, but there is also a call that you would love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself. But how can you love others if you don’t love yourself? I AM calling you that you would come closer to Me and to examine your heart why you don’t take the time to seek Me first and My righteousness. Why do you take the time to do everything that is of less importance than what I am calling you to?
For this is the day where I am preparing My bride to be strong and fit in My Spirit so that she will be ready when My trumpet blows as I am calling My mighty warriors to the front lines of battle. Yes, I am calling My mighty worshipers that they may sing and that they may dance in the face of battle but yes, you must be strong and yes, you must be fit, and you must be prepared by drawing close to Me seeking My will and My righteousness for your life.
Do not make this your second priority next to what you think is of utmost importance. I am preparing My bride so that she will be able to take the land and the promises I have given her to promote My kingdom and righteousness. I want her to know My will in every area of her life so that the enemy has no way that he can get into her life to hinder My plan. Yes, this is the day of the latter rain outpouring of My glory, and I am stirring up My Spirit within you that you may let out a mighty cry of My heart that the lost would come into My fold and be saved from the wrath to come.
For there is a battle going on in the spirit, and it is the enemy trying to hinder My people from coming into My fullness. He is out to hinder My plan of drawing My bride closer together and with Me as one drawing forth the flood gates of My glory for that mighty outpouring. Yes, we all must draw together and cry out for that outpour as that cloud is ready to burst.
Deep calls unto deep in the midst of the turmoil as the faithful press in for My glory cloud to burst. Yes, it is beginning to rain but you must cry out and press in and birth forth My will. I need you to seek My face and to listen closely to what I have to say.
Yes, this is the day of My latter rain outpouring, but you must be ready by preparing yourself in My secret place. Shake off all that would bind you. Shake off the pride and the complacency and all deception for many have fallen prey to the enemy and have fallen into a snare of deception, and they need you to stand in the gap for them.
Yes, you know who they are. Cry out for mercy upon them that they will be set free and that the enemy would not ensnare them even deeper. Be gracious to all who call themselves by My name but have fallen prey to the enemy. Cry out for them that they would be set free. For I need My bride restored as one and not divided by the pride and complacency and the apathy.
Be sensitive to what I will show you and yes, stand in the gap and I will use you mightily to heal and to restore as I bring the wounded back into the fold. Yes, great torment will be revealed as eyes are made open to the truth of those who were working for the enemy to lead My people astray and captive. But great rejoicing comes with the morning for yes, this is the day that the Lord has made and we will be glad.
Yes, great rejoicing will come at the revelation of Truth to those who were blinded by many types of deception for surely I AM restoring My bride that she will be ready. For I am not slack to bringing forth the manifestation of My promises. I just have a perfect timing for them. So wait upon Me and trust Me that surely I will act and promptly on your behalf for I AM the Captain of the hosts of heaven, and I AM marching forth and with My bride, says the King.
April 21, 2006
This is the day of the Latter Rain Outpouring, and I AM preparing a people who are not afraid to take a stand for the land in which they dwell. Yes, many are coming to the conclusion that if they decide to fight for which is theirs, that all they have to do is to step out, and obtain favor and grace from the Master, and once again do all that they can to possess it. But that is not true!
In order to obtain what is rightfully yours you need to bow down before the King of Glory, and reach out to Him crying out for repentance for those less able to come to their place of victory in their lives. Yes, it is not that you can’t fight for what is yours, but you must also be concerned with the body of Christ as a whole.
Many are just wounded, and weary, and at the place of giving up their inheritance, and returning to the place where they were before they came to know of the saving grace of the Lamb. We need to fight for those who are weak by bowing down and crying out for repentance. There are many who are apathetic, and complacent, and don’t realize there are those who need their help. They are more concerned with their own needs. But I need you to take this time in prayer and intercession that I would strengthen those who are weak.
You are to be a body not an individual island. When one hurts, you all hurt but yes, there are many who are off to themselves, cut off from the Vine, and feeling that everything is all right with them. But this is not true! The reason you are off to yourself is because you got wounded, and offended, and deep down suppressed this hurt. But off to yourself you are losing ground, and you are not growing, because you are not tapping into the Vine of Life, but are feeding on that which brings death. Yes, you are ministering to your flesh and enabling it to grow strong while your spirit man is crying out for that which brings life and peace.
Yes, this is the day of repentance from false works, from error, from compromise, and justifying sin, and it is time to return and become a part of My body. Repent from error, and pridefulness, and religiosity. Repent from everything that would tear you away from Me, and return as a prodigal son returns, and I will pour out upon you My grace and favor in abundance. And I will give you Truth and Peace, and fill your heart with the healing touch of My love. Yes, I will comfort you because I love and understand you.
Yes, this is the day of My favor that you would surely be ready for that outpour of My latter Rain and Glory. Be ready for I AM calling you out one by one that you may escape from the snare of the fowler and, that you may dwell once again with Me in My secret place. Come quickly and return for time is running out to prepare. Stand together as one, a strong and healthy Bride. Stand together and take the land that I alone purchased with My blood. Stand together and allow My love heal you and flow out through you to the sea. Return to your calling in Me for this is the day, says your King.
April 1, 2006
Marked By The One I Love
Examine your heart once and for all to see if you are truly one of the King’s chosen ones. We need to know beyond the shadow of doubt if we are to be one that the Master has called to take a stand for the land. Yes, there is going to be a final battle, and one must know Whose side he is on.
One must be faithful unto death no matter what might come your way. You must be ready to stand fully armed against the wages of sin which is death. Do not take the pleasures that last for a moment and jeopardize your whole future. Resist the enemy and he will flee.
A good solder must be equipped to fight at all times standing guard. So we must watch and pray and not let our guard down. Remember when there is greatest victory is when the enemy is ready to attack.
I want you to be ready, My people, and I want you to know that you have a proven identity for I gave My life for you and sealed you with My very own blood. And yes, I have marked you that you will stand out in the darkness with My glory streaming out in all directions. Yes, you are like a diamond in My crown, and I love you deeply.
And I have called you to march out as My victorious ones for I trust you to invest your life in that which is highly favored before the Father. Yes, you are a camp that is highly favored, and I will do great exploits through you. Yes, I promised that I would do greater works and through My remnant bride.
I can trust you with the keys of My kingdom. I can trust you with My power and glory. I can trust you that I can live My life through you.
Yes, this is the time for war, and I want you to do it through worship. I want you to take the land and on your knees. I will let out through you a mighty roar, and the walls that have held My people in bondage will come down. Yes, those walls that have kept My people divided will crumble and fall. And as you let out My decrees, the enemy will scatter in your midst of pride and deception.
This is the day to rejoice and celebrate the victory for My bride is made pure and is coming together as one new man. Yes, this third day church will arise and shine for the Light has come to take over. He is the King of Glory, the Faithful One.
And we must stand in our ranks, esteeming one over the other, serving without grumbling and complaining through our hardships. For through much tribulation do you enter in and are made strong and purified.
This is truly the day the Lord has made. We must rejoice and be glad and take our stand. Be ready, for the Light has come, and we will win! The price has been paid. The decrees are let out. It has been prophesied. It has been written. It has been sealed. It is done!
March 15, 2006
Once a year I call My people to come apart from the regular routine of activities to partake of a fast and a celebration to be able to partake of all that I have for them in this season of time. For I AM about to pour out a blessing that will enable you to feast upon My hidden Truth and riches. I need you to be cleansed from all impurities of your flesh and spirit enabling you to be able to reach out and touch the hem of My garment producing in you a power that will heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, open blind eyes and even cleanse the spiritual leper.
For this is the day and the hour where I will call upon My faithful remnant to do mighty exploits in My name sharing My Word with mighty signs following. This is the day where I will enable My Bride to come apart from the cares of the world and just bask in My intimate presence and partake of the fruit of My Spirit in a way that you have not been able to do so.
Many have not crucified their flesh and have given into every lust and temptation that has come their way. And now is the time to rise up and be strong and to take a stand against the enemy and also the lust of the flesh, the eyes, and the pride of life. How can you be used in a mighty way in these end times if you are serving every strange god and idols of the land? It is time to take a stand and tear down the strongholds and the altars built up by the enemy.
Are you My Bride? Then be faithful to Me only and love Me and draw close to Me. Don’t let the enemy lie to you saying that it is okay to be complacent and to do your own thing for you have much time that you can waste. How far from the truth that is! For if you only knew the time and the hour, you would be at My feet resting in My presence gleaning from My Words the strength and wisdom you need for war.
For this is the time of the end time ammunition to take on its greatest strength. This is the time for preparation in My secret place securing every piece of armor and readying every weapon to its greatest power. Yes, this is the time to go out and be aggressive against the enemy and claim all that is yours. Yes, and the nations of the world!
Be free in Me and rejoice for the Bride has made herself ready and I AM going out to meet her in high praises even with heavenly hosts uniting as one force. Yes, this is the time to enable Me to let out a mighty shout and through you to bring down the walls of deception and division. And those who don’t yield to My finishing work will prove that they aren’t Mine.
For this is the time to die out and to fill up with My Spirit and to allow My love and glory to flow out like a mighty River repelling the powers of darkness that have held My people captive. Yes, this is the day for war, and I AM counting on you to be ready, join ranks, and to take the land. Line up, march out, cry out My decrees, and watch the enemy scatter, for surely We have the victory!!
February 18, 2006
Be not confounded by what you see for I am doing a good work in your midst. I have seen your heart as you sought after Me, and I heard the cry of your heart as you brought forth your prayer requests and supplications, and because you have waited patiently upon Me to bring forth the manifestation of My promise to you, I am ready to bring it forth.
This coming year you will see mighty changes in your circumstances and in your environment and even with your loved ones that you have committed to My care. I will lift you up and anoint you and cause you to grow leaps and bounds in Me because you have waited patiently upon Me knowing that I will be faithful. And yes, I do trust you.
I will enable you to walk through the testings and the trials with victory for they are mighty testings, and you have been faithful to lay your life down trusting in the faithfulness of My Word. And yes, you have committed all that you own into My care. You have said, ” It is all Yours, Lord”. And some have lost all that they had, even loved ones and homes. And since they relied on Me alone, I will reimburse them seven fold.
Yes, this is the day of Jubilee….to be freed from your debt and debtors and to be free indeed to serve Me and to walk in My promise of prosperity. And yes, this is the year I will heal your heart of all the hurts and give you a new beginning because you have truly forgiven those who have hurt you, and you even blessed them!
Yes, this is a word to the wise because you have learned to walk in My ways and not followed the ways of the foolish. And I see a true heart of repentance, and I will heal your land. I am truly pleased with you, My people.
This is the year of healing and restoration because you have seen that My grace and My word is mightier than any foe. You are to live a life of abundance and freedom for I pour out a double portion anointing to worship Me, to put Me first, to excel in My gifts, to set the captives free, and to walk in divine health with a super abundant reservoir of rain to pour out upon all that you know and love and will reach out to.
Yes, this is the year for favor, for grace, and for growth in Me, says your God!!
January 27, 2006
(A Dream Brought Forth as a Warning)
I had a dream where I was with a group of women at someone’s home, and a lady came up to me and gave me a dress that was soiled and large square piece was missing that was to cover the front mid section. It was on a hanger for all to see. Others were give nice dresses that were clean and well made. I got so upset that I was given such a messed up garment. After sounding off others started to turn their backs on me to avoid me and even started to pray for others behind closed curtains. I was marked as someone to avoid because when a young child came to me to sit on my lap, a mother came quickly to get the child. And I sounded off again saying “look at that, they’re even afraid that I will transmit demons to them, and I touched a man and said “a legion just went into you by my touching you!”
Well, that is the episode. Is it familiar to you? We really have to be careful how we treat those who need help when they come into our churches not to expose their shortcomings and mark them as one that is beyond help because of their oppression or large need of deliverance, their spiritual state needing repentance, or their torn lives. Because the way they are treated in the church will determine whether they make it or not to wholeness or even to salvation.
The church is to be a teaching center on how to share God’s love and not one of pride and of cliques if they all conform to the normal makeup of the church’s behavior. This is a warning from our God Almighty that if we don’t repent of our ways He will take away our lamp stand. Yes, He will take away our light which is the Truth given through the Holy Spirit. He will turn us over to the state of Ichabod where He has departed from our midst completely. Repent before it is too late, says your God. Do not be like the Laodiceans that believe they are all together when really they are naked and sick and in chaos and poverty from within and on the outside they appear to be all together.
Let this dream be a wake up call. Have you ever seen this episode happen to you or a loved one? I pray healing and restoration for you and the grace to go in forgiving those who had wounded you. Be whole, says your God. And bask in His grace and love and healing power. Yes, this is the day for repentance and restoration to what God has called us to be…..an anointed healing and teaching center, a place to share the love and saving grace of Christ.
Why should the Lord sent the lost to us if we treat one of our own with such distaste? Can the Lord even trust us with those who truly need help? We need to repent of our cliques and be open to the lost, the broken hearted, the wounded and the needy, those who could truly need a friend. Come down from your high horse and be real. Humble yourself before the Lord, and He will lift you up and give you His anointing to take out to the lost and the hurting souls of the world.
What is it all about, Church? It’s not about us but about Him!!!!
January 25, 2006
(A Word of Restoration for the Bride)
Draw close, My precious ones, for I want to discuss with you what is on My heart. For there are many who have not paid the price in their own lives to have My glory flowing freely. For this is the day of the Latter Rain Outpouring, and I want you to be ready now more than ever before.
Forget the days when I moved in your life a certain way for I don’t want you to be tempted to put Me in a box. For I am about to do a new thing, and I need free reign in your lives, in your services in which you dwell with others, in your neighborhoods. I want you to let go and allow Me to be Me. Don’t hold back. Just open up your mouth, and I will fill it with My fresh manna that will set the captives free and will bring comfort to the oppressed.
Yes, I am about to do a new thing where you will see Me move in signs and wonders even through you in the marketplace. For I am about to open up blind eyes that they may see Me in your, and they will discern My voice as you speak forth My words of grace and mercy. For I am about to have you go out and reap a harvest of lost souls that I have even prepared for this day as you have cried out to Me to use you.
I have seen your heart that you truly want to get out of the way so I can live My life through you. Stretch forth your hand and lay hands on those who are hungry for My presence and My love. And as you touch them, My power will flow through you in a mighty way to heal the deep wounds and break down the walls that kept Me from entering in, but it must all start with you!!
Are you willing to die out to all that has held you back? Are you willing to step back and allow Me to reign through you? Are you willing to give up your pride so you can appear foolish at times? For others need to see your example of faithfulness as a true worshiper. Yes, worship is to be your lifestyle. And you worship Me as you obey Me by allowing Me to love through you.
Yes, this is the day of the Latter Rain Outpouring of My glory. And I need a broken vessel of My praise to move through. As the alabaster box is broken open, My sweet fragrance pours forth. And I will move through you, says your God.
Why do you say “How is this a new thing when it is less than the norm in the Early Day Church”? Yes, it is less than the norm in the book of Acts, but to see Me moving freely this day is a beginning of Me doing a new thing. For the church has been sick within and scattered and have not put Me first in their life.
Everything else has taken priority, and you have seen the fruit of it as the enemy has touched your finances, and your health, and your relationships. But many have allowed Me to do a work in their hearts in restoring relationships and in setting them free from all forms of oppression, and they have tasted My glory once again, and have been restored to My will. And now they are beginning to see Me move once again.
Yes, this is a new thing in this new day. I give you a fresh new start. I give you My life in exchange for yours. It’s all in dying out that you see My life, and My glory, and My presence. Be filled with My truth and My Spirit this day. Be filled to overflowing. Be ready for My rain is beginning to fall!
You have made it through the flames of My burning love as I allowed the dross to come forth. And I have purged it and you are clean. Just thank Me and praise Me for all things that have passed away, all your shortcomings and failure to walk in My ways. Behold, all things are made new. Yes, you are a new creation in Christ, a broken vessel of My glory, My love, and My favor. Now walk in it.
Walk in My prophetic mantle as I speak forth My decrees through you. Look past that of the natural and speak forth My favor. Speak forth My blessings. Speak forth My will. Speak forth life and truth wherever you go, and you will see the harvest. You will see the multitudes entering in. Let out a war cry of My love and see the walls fall that have divided My people. Speak forth unity and restoration and life.
Reach out and touch the hem of My garment, and claim the health that you need as a whole living and breathing organism of glory, My bride, My love. And as you step forth speaking forth My will, you will see the scales of deception fall from the eyes of My true remnant. I said that the elect would not be deceived. That is that they would not dwell in deception forever for once they see My truth, they will be stronger than ever.
They will march for proclaiming My words, and they will be aware to not listen to man no matter who they may be. They will be harmless as doves, but they will be wise as serpents. They will know to whom they have falley prey, and they will never fall into that snare again.
Yes, this is the day of the outpouring of My glory and a day to rejoice for Restoration has come your way!!!
January 7, 2006
What are you believing for? Is it of lasting value towards My kingdom, or is of temporal value towards your own life? I encourage you this day to get your eyes off all that is yours, and get focused on what is truly important to Me. For I said to you many times before that if you seek Me first and My righteousness, all these things will be added unto you, and that is all your temporal needs.
I just want you to take focus on what I desire to be done and that is setting the captives free, to raise the spiritual dead, to open blind eyes that they see Truth, to open up deaf ears that they may know My voice, that the lame may leap with joy. Yes, I want you to take focus on those I gave My life for that they may be free to truly know Me and love Me.
Many are too concerned with their own needs—–their own kingdom—–that they have no concern for why I call you in the first place. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t pray for your own needs and family, but I want you to know that if you commit all things into My hands that I will take care of them. If you stand on My words and My promises, you will lack no good thing.
Yes, I will provide for you and take care for you and restore all to health. Yes, you are to prosper and be in health as your soul prospers in Me. See that is the condition to prosper in Me. Not to leave Me out and work it out in your own strength using your own plans. Seek My wisdom and knowledge and guidance to know My will and then rest in Me.
This is the day of salvation and to set captives free. This is the day to press in like never before, because the day is coming when the gates to My saving grace will be shut tight, and everyone that has not entered in will be lost to everlasting damnation. You act like that will never happen, but in a sense in the realm in which you dwell, the environment in which you influence alone, that if the day came when I would take you home, who would be there to minister to those close to you with your same touch and influence?
For you are important to Me and My kingdom, and I have a mighty call for you to walk in and to complete the accomplishment of My will for your life. For no one else can touch others like you can. For I made you all very unique, and there are only those out there that you can minister to alone.
So be sensitive to My leading you in the marketplace and in your neighborhood and communities. Listen for My still small voice and speak out when you are out and about. You never know who you will touch that day with My saving grace to save, to encourage, to heal, to bless.
So remember that your life is not your own. It was purchased by the blood of the Lamb of God, and He wants to use your life in a mighty way. And in turn you will receive My joy and My glory—–a life full of wealth and riches in Me. The by products involve prosperity and health, but the true riches overpass anything you could ever hope or believe for.
So, what are you believing for? Is it for My kingdom or yours, says your God and King?
December 23, 2005
(A Word To God’s People – 2006)
All that I ask you to do is to fast and pray and draw close to Me in preparing for what lies ahead this coming year. My people, watch and pray for the spirit is willing to walk in My ways but the flesh is weak and is so susceptible to defeat and despair. And you need to be strong with head set like flint against the coming chaos of the land. The uproar of the enemy is mounting, and so many have already fallen to the wayside, but don’t let that be you.
Rise up and worship Me, and stand behind your shield of faith. Don’t look at the circumstances surrounding the land, but look to Me and to the promises I have made to you. Yes, you are to prosper and to be in health as your soul prospers, and nothing by any means shall harm you. Remember, I can raise you up and restore all your wounds. I can make you stronger than before by the calamities that you might go through. For I am purging your faith and making you able to stand strong no matter what the enemy hurls your way.
Do not dread defeat but rejoice that I have you in the palm of My hand shielding you and guiding you through the storm. Don’t let the wind and the waves cause you to fear, but let out a victory shout, and I will raise you up that you might be able to walk upon high places and tear down the strongholds over the land.
For I am in the process of raising up a mighty army that is covered with an armor of Light. My words flow through their mouths and will spread like wild fire after the deceptions of the enemy. And I will raise up your children as mighty warriors of My Truth and praise that no enemy can quench. They will be bold in the face of danger and will be ready to die for their King, but I will arm them with the fire of My love that no enemy can break through.
Yes, My force field around these mighty warriors no harm can penetrate. And I rejoice at seeing the glow upon their faces and the example that they will give to the older generations. The testimony of the young, that they are willing to die for Me, will increase the strength even to the elderly. Yes, the elderly will rise up as mighty warriors as I stir My word up in their hearts and spirits and give them the strength to take their stand for Truth and holiness. Yes, young and old alike will join hands and march for restoring promises I have made over this land.
So I tell you this day to not fret and don’t despair, but rejoice knowing that I AM the God of faithfulness to you. I will keep My promises to you. I will restore you and I will bless you. I will strengthen you that you might return to Me, and gather with the saints of like faith in holiness and Truth. Yes, and together you will rejoice in what I AM doing, and you will let out a victory shout that I AM a sovereign God who reigns mighty.
Yes, I AM the One in control and not the enemy no matter what the condition of the land says! I work all things for good for My people and for bringing forth My will in this land. My kingdom come and My will be done on earth as it is in heaven. That is My decree and that is My destiny, says your King, the Lord God of Israel, I AM.
November 23, 2005
(End Time Admonition)
Frequent purging as you go through the fiery flames of My love doesn’t mean that you have missed the mark or that you do not have what it takes to come to the place of victory, but it does mean that I have turned up the fire because I am doing a quick work, and that time is running out.
Yes, I am in the process of preparing My bride, and I need a pure vessel that I can work through. For I will be moving with My power against the enemy in the way of complete defeat and devastation, and there is no time to have My people tripped up with areas of pride or presumption. Everyone that is called into My army must be a vessel that is well trained to avoid the pitfalls of the enemy. For pride cannot be the banner that she waves but to have a heart that is pure and spotless before Me.
I am the keeper of the house, and everyone that is a part of My sure foundation has been tried and tested through the fire of My love and has been proven that this vessel will stand up through any type of storm without crumbling in defeat. I know those who are called by My name, and I know those who are pure and those who are a counterfeit. Only the fire will prove the metal that they are made of….those that are of the highest quality of tempering.
Examine your hearts and know if you are able to stand the heat and if not, then prepare yourself further in My love by communing with Me and in My word by trusting Me. You have what it takes so that you can stand, but many don’t know it in their heart so they shy away from My heat. Yes, many try to escape My constant attempts to purge the dross and anything that could stand in My way. Yes, many run to the arm of the flesh for help which just hinders My work. For if you would only stand faithful, then I could finish the work that I’ve started without any hindrances.
For this is the time and the hour that I must pour out My power and against the enemy. Yes, I must wipe away the forces that try to hinder Me bringing in My harvest, but I know those that I gave My life for, and I know those who will answer Me when I call, and I know those who will not. For when My people get in the place they need to be in worshiping Me, then I will release My heart cry, and I will repel the forces of darkness away from the lost. And I will usher in My end time harvest.
Yes, I am waiting on you, My glorious ones. Yes, I am waiting upon My lights of glory. And as you come closer to Me, you will burn brightly as the noon day sun. And My glory will blind the enemy. For you have gone through the fire of My love, and you have proven faithful. And together we will reign a mighty army. Yes, today is the day, and now is the hour.
November 10, 2005
(A Word of Exhortation to the Bride)
Why do the heathen rage and prepare a vain thing against Me and My Son? For I AM preparing Me an army that will go out against My enemy, and all that they will use as their defense will be the shield of My glory for it will be as strong in penetration as the noon day son. And I will be their weapon of warfare, and I will come in such fury as lightning striking.
For this is surely the latter day, and you must take your place this day in My army. I tell you to stay in rank, and march forward taking all the land I promised you. And you must not fear what is in front of you for the power of it will surely dissolve as you speak forth My word and My will against it. Make your claim of My promises and march on taking the land.
I love you, My people, but you must make yourself ready in order for you to be able to stand. Put on your garment of Light which is My Son each day. Draw close to Him in intimate communion for it will be the only way that you will be able to make it through the power of the storm. Don’t draw back into apathy and defeat caused by complacency.
Don’t become busy in vain things for the only thing of importance to you is My presence. For I love when My bride draws close to Me and loses herself in My sweet embrace. For that is the only way I can strengthen her with My words of power and light. For when she listens I can speak, otherwise, I will stay still and wait until she draws near.
For I AM not a man who can lie or even a son of man who changes My mind. Whatever I speak forth I bring to pass. You can stand on My words of faithfulness to you. Yes, you can bet your life on them. Hold fast to My promises and escape the hold of the enemy upon you of deception. Don’t look at the circumstances and say they are truth for if they don’t line up to My word, then cast them down as lies from the enemy trying to rob you of My promises.
You are to prosper and be in health as your soul prospers. Yes, you have your part by drawing near to Me in the secret place under My wing. I love you and I AM calling you near. Be sensitive to My still small voice and worship Me, and I will raise you up a powerful army, My bride, and My beloved.
Don’t allow your trials to bring defeat to you, but use them to build you up and cause you to draw near to Me. For I said that what the enemy uses as harm against you, I use to bring good to you out of it. If I AM for you, who can be against you?
Stand strong, My beloved, and use all things as building blocks into My glory. Yes, you have My favor. You will not be defeated, so march on! Let out a victory cry and rejoice for you do have the victory. No weapon formed against you will prosper. You are covered with My armor of light, and you have My shield of faith, and surely you have My sword.
Wait patiently upon Me for My perfect timing for I have precision in timing, and you cannot step out before Me. If you step out in the battle in your own strength, surely you will die. Stay under the shadow I cover you with, and walk in My light and I will protect you. You must join together in unity casting down vain imagination.
Keep your eye focused on Me as your Redeemer. I purchased you with the power of My own blood. You are Mine but you must obey Me, draw close to Me, and fear not. Now that you have My orders, rest in Me for I AM your Captain, and My love for you is pure and everlasting.