January 17, 2001
My children, come unto Me for I want to encourage you. Many have grown weary because of the onslaught of the enemy against them. But this alone shows you that you are on the right track and that you have taken great strides in tearing down the kingdoms of darkness, and the enemy is coming in as a flood trying to stop you from taking all that I have promised you. For you are taking the land, and you are a tremendous threat to the enemy’s camp. And yes, strongholds are coming down over My people, and breakthrough is surely as imminent as the break of day.
So continue seeking My face. Continue worshipping Me with your whole heart, because if the enemy sees that you are not fully committed, he will come in and try to destroy your testimony at your weakest points. So stay fully committed to My will and My ways. Stay fully covered with My armor of light and truth. Protect yourself with the power of My blood and worship Me. For I will pour out My grace upon you in full measure. I will supply all that you will need to win this race of time and commitment to My plan and purpose in these latter days.
For I have called you and raised you up a mighty army of overcomers, and I have many promises I will fulfill to you. Every promise I have made has your name on it, and you have a great inheritance of wealth that I have stored up for you. It all is yours for the asking. So feast now, My children, upon My word. Bask yourself in My presence, and I will build you up. Worship Me unceasingly.
Confess My words when you wake in the morning and as you go through the day. Meditate upon them for they are your life blood. My life in you is My word in you for you cannot separate Me from My words. So hide them in your heart. I AM all you need….the author and finisher of your faith. I started the good work in you, and I AM faithful to complete it. My victory is yours so rejoice.
Look at your circumstances….all that I have allowed in your life to try your faith…..for as you go through the fire, you are made pure. All that is not of Me is being revealed, and I pour out the grace for you to endure it. Your faith has been tried and it is true. You are faithful even unto death. I see your heart, and it is pure. So continue, My children. Look up for your redemption draweth nigh, says your God.
January 13, 2001
Come unto Me and rejoice for this is the season to praise Me for what I am about to do through you, My children. Yes, this is the season to praise Me not just for who I am but what I will do through you. For I have been preparing you, My children, through many hard times in order that you would be prepared to carry My glory for I can only move through a broken vessel of honor and glory.
Come unto Me and let Me continue to purge you of any impurities. Let Me bring all the dross to the surface so that I can completely skim it off. For that is what these hardships that I have allowed you to go through were ordained to accomplish in you….a total cleansing and purging of your heart. For it is under the fire of My love, through the trials that I have designed for you alone, that you find out what is really in your heart.
Yes, you want to trust Me, but there is still so much in the way that hinders that perfect trust to come forth. For I have placed in every heart of My people the measure of faith that they need to walk through ever trial victoriously, but because of the root of unbelief you have not been able to stand on My word.
So come unto Me and let Me show you that you really do have what it takes to stand against the fiery darts of the enemy of your soul. Let Me show you that deep in your heart that you do have My word planted. Let Me show you that you can stand and yes, you can rest in My faithfulness.
It is utmost importance, My children, that you come unto Me and rest in My presence. Let Me hold you close and refresh you with My loving touch. Let Me hold your head against My breast and let you hear My heart of love beat for you. Let Me whisper in your ear what you long to hear of My grace and truth and My comforting words of love. Let Me strengthen you and show you the way to go and prepare you….. for what is ahead of you is a mighty move of My spirit. Yes, I will move through you mightily and it is all up to you. Will you draw close to Me and let Me do My work, says your God.
January 12, 2001
Come unto Me and seek My face in a deep and profound way. Seek Me in a way you have never done before for I want to reveal to you more of your Father’s heart in the way of revelation for the year 2001. Come unto Me, and I will reveal to you My heart for I am weary of the ways of man even those who call themselves of My kingdom. For I do not know them, and I am going to do a separating work in My body that only I can do for there is way too much of the carnal nature portrayed from those who call themselves believers in Christ.
Come unto Me for I will shake the heavens once again. As Lucifer fell because of the sin of pride, many more will fall because they have not repented of their selfish deeds….. for their main concern is to make a name for themselves and build themselves a kingdom that will be based upon their name. For I will raise up an army of nameless faces….those who only go by the name of My Son. They live only to bring glory to My Son. They will exalt His name alone and draw men only to Him by their selfless deeds of love and compassion. Their main goal is to lift Me higher, and to build My kingdom and to bring down the strongholds of the enemy.
So draw close to Me and let Me purge your hearts of any religious pride and contempt for My name for that is what it is when you rob Me of My glory and lift up your own name. This is the time where I will do a sifting like never before. I will sift the wheat from the tares, the goats from the sheep….for I am raising up a pure and spotless bride…..a holy army….that I can move through mightily.
I will shine My flood light even on the hearts of My people, and I will purge all the impurities with the fire of My love. This is the time and the hour for separation…..the wheat from the tares, the goats from the sheep, and also I will separate the thoughts and intentions of the hearts….that which is not of Me…..the false from the true.
So come unto Me and let Me do My work, My sifting and purging, My cleansing work, for I will move through a clean vessel alone with My power and glory for no man will stand in My presence whose heart is not made pure. For this is the time and the hour for My purging, says your God.
January 8, 2001
Oh, My children, I long to hear you cry unto Me and completely yield to Me in every area of your lives. For many are still holding back from Me areas in their hearts where they have not completely surrendered to Me. Don’t you know that the little foxes spoil the vine? My little ones, the areas you feel are of least importance are those that make a world of difference in your commitment to Me.
Open up your heart and let Me speak to you about these things. Don’t turn away from Me but yield for I will give you the grace that you need to be able to overcome in the onslaughts of the enemy. My children, lean on Me for I am the author and finisher of your faith. You cannot make it on your own….so why even try.
Cry out to Me and I will fill you with My glory and grace. I will supply your every need. So don’t fret at your apparent circumstances for they are there for your good for I said in My word that all things work together for your good for you are My chosen vessels of glory and honor.
So lean unto Me. Do not lean unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Me and I will direct your paths. Walk in My wisdom and not the ways of the world….the wisdom of man. Break away from your old habits of lifestyle. This is a new day….a new beginning for you….a day to have a new outlook on life….a day to say that all things are passed away, behold all things are made new.
I want to completely renew your mind with My word if you will allow Me to come and uproot the old….those seeds that have been planted through the worldly ways, the traditions of man, and of science. My ways are not your ways or My thoughts your thoughts for My ways of doing things are so much higher than yours. So be willing to be open to all I have for you in the area of grace and truth.
Do not be afraid for I will give you the perfect balance. I am your Shepherd, and I will lead you in the way that was ordained for you to walk….by the streams of My living water I will lead you that you may rest in green pastures. I will give you the oil and the wine that you may be whole. I will feed you as hand-fed calves in the stall.
I love you, My children, but I have a better way for you but you have not been listening. Before you ask you have your own preconceived ideas of what I will say to you, and this blocks you from receiving all the light I have for you. Do not be afraid to be the only one walking in a way far different than the rest. I am your Master, your Captain, you are to follow Me and not man. No matter what man may say, walk in My paths that I have for you….for you are unique, and I have a unique plan for your life that no other can fill.
So yield unto Me and be ready to receive new revelation….a deeper revelation of the Word you already know but now you are ready to go deeper with Me. This is a time of separation completely from the ways of the world to be able to walk in the fullness of My glory, says your God.
January 6, 2001
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, You are my refuge, My strength, My God, in You I will trust.
My children, draw close to Me, underneath My wing, for I will keep you safe and secure. I will not let anything harm you, My children….My faithful, beloved children. Why do you fret at the sudden attack of the enemy who has come in as a flood? For he is out to destroy you and your stand in Me, but didn’t I say in My Word that what the enemy meant for harm I will turn for your good? Didn’t I say that all things work together for your good for you love Me and are called according to My purpose?
So stand strong, My little ones. Be courageous. Stand behind your shield of faith and use your sword of the Spirit. Don’t you know that when you come out from behind your shield and look at the circumstances with your natural eye, the enemy immediately gets the upper hand and his fiery darts start to pierce your heart because you are no longer covered?
Keep My word before you at all times. Stand on My promises no matter what you see in the natural. Believe My word and do not doubt My faithfulness to keep My word to you. Stand on My promises and waver not in unbelief…. for I take you through the fire to purge your heart of all that is not of Me.
For I am preparing you for a great move of My Spirit through you. And you must be ready for this move. You must be a clean vessel that My glory can move through, and you also must be strong to be able to hold My glory. For if you are not truly ready, the move of the mighty power through you could destroy you for it will move like dynamite. For I will be doing a quick work and a powerful work through My people, and a mighty harvest will be soon reaped through My people.
So stand still and see the salvation of the Lord upon you. I will do a mighty work of restoration in you and through you, and many signs and wonders will begin to follow My words through you. Be ready, My people, for this is a new day and I am doing a new way. Old things are passed away. Behold all things are made new. You will learn adjustments in the Spirit that you have not had the opportunity to behold before. New moves of My Spirit will come forth. New sounds of glory will be released in you and around you. Yes, a new dimension of authority through worship, warfare and prayer will be released. It all begins with you. Are you ready to go through the fire to let Me prepare you, says your God.
January 4, 2001
Draw close to Me, My children, for I delight to be with you….. when you give Me your undivided attention. I am so pleased when My children draw near to Me and delight to be in My presence.
Come unto Me all who are weary and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest and will refresh you….. because the enemy has tried to come in as a flood to destroy you….to try to discourage you and divide you from My intimate presence. But you, My children, will not allow that! Nothing will separate you from My love. You love to draw near to Me and bask in My presence. I am your chief joy…to be able to worship Me, obey Me, and seek My face. You love so much to be with Me for I see your hearts.
For some My word is like a stumbling block, and for those who are close to Me, it is a stepping stone. Keep your hearts pliable, My children, for I will soon be revealing to you things in your heart that you need to let go of. I will be bringing to the surface areas in your heart where you are not completely and fully trusting Me. There are areas you are holding on to doing things your own way. You have not completely let go and let Me have full control. There are areas you are still holding on to; therefore, there are areas of bondage in your hearts.
So come unto Me and open your heart completely for Me to enter and purge all that is not of Me. For this is a time of new beginnings….time to set the captives free to be the people I called them to be. Now is the time to make amends with your brother. Now is the time to pay back your debts to those in My body….words that you have not kept and even things you haven’t returned after you have borrowed them.
Now is the time to search your hearts to see if there is anything on your part that is holding back unity in My body….even anything that you have done to cause bitterness in the heart of your brother. Now is the time to search your heart for the little foxes are those that spoil the vine! Things that seem minute and unimportant could be that which is holding your brother in bondage.
So I say to you…..draw near to Me… your heart. Let Me do a deeper work in you of utmost importance for this is a time of uniting My body, says your God.
December 31, 2000
Come, My little ones, come close to My side for I want to draw you near to My heart for I love you so much and want you close to Me. Many have drifted away from My intimate presence because they have chose to put other things first. But what is more important than drawing near to Me?
For in My presence I give you the strength you need to stand against the wiles of the enemy. And in My presence I fill you with My glory that you may touch other’s lives with My grace and glory. Do not wander away from My side and take on a ministry of your own. Do not get caught up with works and acts of busyness that only distract you from My perfect will for your life.
For in My presence I will prepare you to do My works to touch other lives….to heal the sick and set the captives free. In My presence you will receive orders to carry out My will….but how do you know My will if you don’t spend time with Me? Give Me your whole heart and worship Me by just drawing close and basking in My presence. For this pleases Me so much to just have My children gathered around Me and receiving My love.
So draw close to Me, My children. Draw close to My side and rest in My presence, and I will refresh you and anoint you with My power. I will heal you and strengthen you because you have been in My presence receiving all I have for you. So draw near and be blessed, My children, for I love you and want you to stay close, says your Father.
December 28, 2000
Draw close to Me, My children, the faithful followers of My Son Jesus. Draw close to Me and be attentive to what I have to say. Yes, listen attentively with your whole heart. Cast aside all that would distract you from drawing close to Me in the secret place that I have prepared for you. Yes, come close and listen.
Be still and know that I am God and know that I am in control of all that you are facing this day. I am in control of that uneasiness and that questioning within your heart to be able to understand more of My ways. You know that in your heart you want more that I have to offer. You know that where you are now is not the place that you want to be. Yes, you are restless and there is a stirring within you. You want more of My Spirit; and yes, I will fill you to overflowing because you are so hungry and are longing to truly go on with Me. You want Me to live My life through you completely and fully. You want My love to flow through you like a river. You want My glory to fall in such an extent that those around you will feel My presence.
Well, children, I am working in your hearts this day and yes, you will not be satisfied until you receive in manifested form My glory upon you. Yes, you want My tangible presence to be able to touch those around you with My glory and grace. You are so hungry, My children, and I have made you that way. You are like a dry sponge that is so ready to sop up My glory to the maximum potential.
Your spirit man is so dry and is panting for My glory to fall upon you….like the dew of heaven to touch a parched and dry land. Yes, you have experienced My glory but in such minute proportion compared to what I have to pour out. Press into My presence and trust Me and I will tear down the strongholds over My Body of deception and pride, of lust and covetousness, of greed and selfishness. There are so many walls and divisions that need to be brought down, but you need to be open to My healing and cleansing work within you. Open up your hearts completely and let Me come into every room in your heart. Do not let any door be shut to Me. Let Me have it all, My children. Let Me come in and sup with you completely. Let Me share My heart fully with you and you share yours with Me. Let us be made fully complete together in spirit and in truth. Do not hold back any area from Me.
In order for Me to do My work in you and through you….you must open up to Me. And then and only then will I be able to pour out My glory and use you to the maximum potential that I have ordained. This is the time and the hour to reveal to the world and to My church the manifested sons of glory….the man child that I have called before the foundation of the earth. Come forth My bride, My called out ones, My remnant people and let Me live My life through you….. for this is the time and the hour to pour out My glory, says your God.
December 26, 2000
Rise up, mighty warriors, and climb up upon the nest that I have prepared for you to lodge in these last days, for I have prepared for you to be of one mind, and to have courage and peace that passes all understanding. Draw unto Me and listen closely, My people, My chosen vessels of honor, for I have many revelations of truth that I want to pass on to you.
For you have drawn close to Me and have rent your hearts and not your garments. You have stripped off anything that would hold you back in this race of time and honor. For you are My true chosen vessels of honor, and you have done all to be able to stand, and it is up to Me now to complete the work that I have begun in you. You are coming up to the last stretch of the race, and there are many in the grandstands that are watching the decisions that you will make whether you will go on or turn back.
For I have put some hard and serious decisions ahead of you to ponder upon whether you are willing to pay the cost to run the race to completion. Many of you I am bringing under tough testing of your heart about things that you have held dear to your heart. But are you more concerned about the things that bring you great pleasure, or are you concerned about casting aside anything that would hold you back?
It is time to cast off all excess baggage, to seek My face for My perfect will, and to cry out for more grace. For the decisions I have called you to make are not easy and they are costly. Many are called but few are really willing to pay the cost of their life…full and complete surrender to My will.
So continue to rent your hearts and not your garments. Anoint your heads with the oil of gladness that your Father has called you to this time and hour. I have called you to do a mighty work of power through you. I will anoint you with the gifts of greater works. Signs and wonders will begin to flow freely through your ministries, because the hindrances to My power will be gone.
So, My children, draw near to Me and listen closely, and be ready for Me to do a work of restoration in your hearts. I will restore unto you the years the cankerworm and the moth have destroyed. I will restore unto you full measure of all the enemy has tried to rob you of.
Climb up into My lap and wait upon Me. Listen closely for I will begin to speak the words that you long to hear of My comfort and love. I will give you understanding to what I have allowed you to go through for years. Things will begin to be clear to you the purpose behind many of your trials. You will start to see fruit unfold to you like never before.
For I am raising you up, My mighty warriors, My eagle saints, for it is time to rise up higher in Me. It is time to soar higher than all powers and principalities for you are positioned in Me at the right hand of the Father. Be ready to soar for your time in the nest of preparation is almost complete. It is time to soar in Me, says your God.
December 19, 2000
Come unto Me all who are weary and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. You are My beloved, and I am so sure that you will adapt to the changes that are taking place around you and in you….for I am pouring out upon you an abundance of My grace and glory. I will supply your every need because you regularly come before Me to seek My face. Those who put My kingdom first and My righteousness will be blessed beyond measure in the coming months and years.
The prosperity that I will pour out upon you will be a great testimony to those around you that do not know Me. I will pour out My blessings upon you in abundance. I have said before that your enemies will set a table before you….but I will through you set them a table. I will pour out upon them an abundance of grace and mercy, and you will win their hearts to Me through My love.
Yes, I will use you mightily to bless the wicked hearts. Their hearts will melt in My presence as My glory flows through you to them. I have given the life of My Son to save the multitudes, and only I know who will truly respond to My love. Your place is to be a yielded vessel, a broken vessel through which I can freely flow. I will touch the hearts of those who have been severely wounded through their loved ones. I will touch the hardened hearts and make them pliable with My love.
Be available at all times because you will never know when you will run into one who is desperate for My loving touch. I will send your way those that are unlovely. They will be cold and hard in appearance because they have protected themselves behind a fortress of steel. You may feel rejected by them because of the forces of darkness that surround them. But don’t let that intimidate you. Let My love flow through despite of their first reaction to it. Keep pressing into My presence and let My glory fall around you. They will surely be swept away by the love flowing through My Spirit touching their hearts….penetrating through the barriers of sin.
So, My children, My chosen vessels of honor and glory, be available at all times. Your life is not your own for it is hidden in Me. Let My eyes by your eyes so that you can see things the way I do. Let My hands be yours that I may flow through you with My healing touch. Let My heart be yours so you can feel My pain and burden for the lost. Let My life by yours that I may freely live My life through you.
Exchange your garments of mourning with My garment of praise. Cast off anything that will hinder My life flowing through you for this is a new day…a new hour of My glory. This is time to reap the abundance of end time harvest. Prepare your heart to be used to the fullest extent….for I have called you for this time and this hour, says your God.
December 18, 2000
Mount Moriah on the sides of the north is the place to be for My people Israel at this time and hour. Warn My people Israel that they may not look to any other god besides Me. I AM the one true God, and everything else is a lie and a deception from the evil one.
Look unto Me, and I will give you clear direction as to where you must go…..even where you are to be planted. For there must be a sifting and a shaking of My true church. And everyone that is not standing after My work of separation is done are those who have chosen another walk besides the one I have called them to. For many are called but there are few that are chosen. And I AM separating unto Me this very hour My remnant….the ones I have chosen even from the foundation of the earth to be My vessels of glory in this final hour.
I AM calling My people higher into My realms of glory in which they must dwell. To stay in this place of glory you must dwell in My secret place of intimacy. Draw close, My people, and I will whisper into your ear that which you need to hear in this final hour. I will give you clear directions as to where you must go and what you must do every step of the way. For things here in America will not be pleasant for those who are not made ready in My presence. It is so important to draw close to Me and to know My voice. Your whole life will depend on your close walk of intimacy with Me.
So, My people, I admonish you to draw close to Me, and listen closely to what I have to say to you. Be sure that your ear is fine tuned to My voice. Do not give ear to the voice of a stranger. My people know My voice, and the voice of a stranger they will not listen to.
So, My people, draw near to Me, and I will draw near to you. Listen closely to what I have to say. Listen closely, and I will speak into your hearts even that which you long to hear…that I love you. And I long for you to come into My secret place daily and regularly throughout your day, because you can cultivate within your heart this secret place in which you can dwell.
I will establish within you My kingdom authority and power. I will raise you up mighty warriors, because you have been in My presence. I will pour out upon you My power and glory, and signs and wonders will follow you wherever you go. And holy conviction will fall upon My people who I have given My life for.
So come before Me, and let My glory shine upon you and through you. My light will shine brightly among the darkness. You are My light for others to follow to come before Me. Lead others to My throne room of grace and glory. Freely I have given unto you….you will give unto others. Be the people I have called you to be….the called out ones, My chosen ones, My remnant, and I will continue to bless you, says your God.
December 13, 2000
Come sit at My feet, My children, and just be still and know that I AM God. I want you to know deep in your heart that I am in control of everything that is happening both in your personal life and in the world around you. Yes, I AM in control. I AM Lord of all the universe and everything is in My hand. Even the things that you see around you that consist of pure utter confusion. Yes, I AM in control of even that.
And you know what I AM talking about at present. The situation that is taking place now in Florida. My children, this is the result of man trying to play god and taking things into their own hands. They will strive and strive to have things done in their own way. And I will allow this until they are completely burned out with the attempt. I will let them come to the end of their ropes, and they will cry out in their hearts to Me for My help.
I know My true people…those I have given My life for. I know those who are Mine from the foundation of the earth. No one knows their hearts except Me. So do not judge at this point what you see of the hearts of men. For I am bringing to the surface all that is not of Me. I AM purging and skimming off all the dross. So, My children, do not judge what you see around you. Do not believe the lies of the enemy when he tries to convince you that he has won the battle. He is a liar and the father of lies, and he has no part of you.
So stand on My truth that My kingdom will come, and My will be done on earth as it is in heaven. And rejoice that we have won the battle. You are more than a conqueror in Me. You are victorious through the precious blood of the Lamb. So lay all your cares at My feet and rest in My promise to heal and restore you, to prosper you, and to make you more alive in Me than ever. I raise you up, My children, as My army, My bride, and no weapon formed against you can prosper. And since I AM for you, who can stand against you?
All I want you to do is to come sit at My feet and meditate on what is truth. Bask in My presence and feast upon My word and be made whole….body, mind and soul. All My promises to you are yes and Amen. I AM the same….yesterday, today, and forevermore. I keep My word to you. I AM not a man that can lie or the son of man who can change My mind. If I said it, I will do it. I keep My word to you!
Draw close to Me. Rest in your Father’s arms and know that I AM faithful. Be filled to overflowing with My grace, My power and My love. And flow, My children, in My Spirit. Cast down the works of the flesh. Be one with each other and with Me. Seek My face, My will for your life, and rest, says your God.
December 12, 2000
My children, I am drawing you closer now than ever before. I want to do a heart check…an inventory of your heart. Yes, I am doing a deep cleansing, a purifying, in your midst. I am preparing your hearts to be able to open up completely to Me. Anything that is hidden will be exposed for the fire of My love is doing a purging of all that is not of Me.
Open up your hearts completely, and do not be afraid to let go of all that is not of Me. Do not keep it hidden any longer. Let it go for I need a pure heart, My people, for I will soon fill you with My glory but your hearts must be pure. Do not be ashamed of what may be exposed but just rejoice for this is a good work I am doing.
Don’t you know that if you don’t humble yourselves and come before Me, I will be forced to humble yourselves for you and that will not be pleasant. I have said in My word that the humble will be exalted, and the proud will be brought low. In other word, fall upon the Rock and be broken rather than having the Rock fall upon you and being crushed to powder.
You have the choice, My children. To have a pure heart you need to be open to My search light ready to yield all that is not of Me. I say to you, My children, do not receive any shame or condemnation from the enemy. But rejoice at the finished work of your Father’s hand will bring forth what you truly desire to be….a pure vessel fit for the Master’s use.
So come before Me and open up completely, and let Me have all that is not of Me. And I will bless you for your yieldingness. And I will raise you up a mighty army. And these walls of sin will be brought down, and My glory will fall mightily upon you and through you. Your heart’s desire will be met to praise Me and love Me wholeheartedly with nothing holding you back. My high praises will start to flow once again, and the song of the Lord. You will be able to dance and rejoice and shout because you will be free of all the excess baggage. So rejoice….your Father is at work in you, and I will not stop the work until the finished product is in My hand.
Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day to rejoice. This is a new day. Old things have passed away. Behold all things have become new. You are a new creation in Christ, and you have a Father who loves you dearly and will not let you go. Yes, you have a choice but I know in your hearts you would rather choose life. So come before Me and humble yourselves, and I will lift you up, says your God.
December 11, 2000
Come My bride. Come into My secret hiding place that I have for you and Me. For I love you so much with an unfailing love. There isn’t a thing you can do to separate you from My love. I have called you from the foundation of the earth to be My bride, to be My one true love. And I am calling you now to come away with Me….to just bask in My presence, and let Me refresh you.
Ease your thoughts with the knowledge of My unfailing love for you…. for I have promised you My blessings of peace and security, happiness and joy. My mercies are new for you every morning. Come and seek My face and draw close to Me so you can hear My heart beating for you. I love you, My bride.
Come dance with Me and worship Me and lose yourself in My warm embrace for you are the only one for Me. Come lose yourself in My presence and be refreshed. Cast all your cares upon Me for I care for you. Forget your troubles for your life is secured in My hands.
There isn’t anything that you go through that I haven’t allowed for your perfecting work. Yes, I am doing a work in your hearts through everything you go through. No time has been lost or wasted since you have chosen to follow Me. All things have and will work together for your good. So come and rest in My love and in My faithfulness.
And I have worked everything together in your life that you would have this time to come apart with Me. Yes, I have appointed this time of intimacy with you….a time where you are able to put all things aside and just be with Me. This is a time of rest, of strengthening, of rejuvenation.
This is a time to gain strength for the birthing that is ahead. And I will send those who will stand with you and support you in prayer until this process is complete. You will bring forth in My Spirit My will.
My government will be established. The tabernacle of David with perpetual prayer and worship will be completed and set up around the world.
Look to Me the author and finisher of your faith. Do not lose vision. My promises to you I will keep. It is closer to you now than when you first began. Do not lose hope but rejoice, My chosen ones.
This is a time of being built up…. to receive what I have for you that you will be able to stand strong. For this is the last stretch of the race, and I am breathing into you now the winds of My refreshing grace. I am filling you now to overflowing.
Come be with Me. Let yourself go. Rejoice in your heart, and I will touch you. And loose you into the endless dance of My love. I call you, My people, My bride. Come dance with Me. And for this you will never be the same.
December 7, 2000
He that waits upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint. Teach us, Lord, to wait.
Many shall call upon My name, but those who come before Me and seek My face and wait upon Me are those who I can truly bless. For it isn’t a matter of how long you wait upon Me, but how you wait. Are you anxious and fretful that I might not come through? Or are you resting and have peace in My faithfulness to move and manifest My promises I have made to you in My timing?
I know the hearts of My people. I know those who are at peace and I know those who are truly afraid. For those who have fearful hearts will not enter into the provision that I have for you. For righteousness and faith comes to those who have hearts that are focused upon My will alone.
Do not be anxious that I will not come through. Haven’t I said in My word that I pour out My rain upon the good and evil? Yes, and I will shower out My glory in such a powerful way that it will effect all that I have prepared their hearts to receive. I have planted My seeds of truth in the hearts of many, and I have watered them immensely, but still not fruit has been produced.
But there will come a day soon when My glory falls that all will respond to My love. And repentance will spread as wild fire and also My holy fear and conviction. I pour out My gifts of repentance and also of judgment upon My church because I love them, and I want them to wake to the seriousness of this hour.
I am drawing them closer to Me that they not only will bask in My presence but they will partake of the burden of My own heart. I will travail through My people like never before because I have made their hearts tender to My heart’s cry.
So I draw you close that you may wait upon Me with peace and assurance in your hearts that I am faithful. I am restoring your strength and raising you up as My eagles. My glory reigns upon you, and I am calling you to come up higher in Me where My glory abides. Yes, I want you to partake of My glory in a new way. I want to envelope you with it that even your shadow will touch the multitudes.
I will have My signs and wonders follow you as you share My love in the market place. And many will know that it is I who had visited them. And many will respond to My love and glory and receive My grace and be immediately be transformed by My glory….a new creation in Christ. And this same anointing will spread through My people.
This is the beginning of a new day. The glory upon My new house will be much more excellent in power than the old. So be ready for My visitation in a powerful and new way. I will come in a way that you have not expected to happen. Each day will be more glorious and challenging than the day before, but also the warfare will increase because of the gigantic threat upon the enemy’s kingdom.
But many more are for you than against you, and you will overcome by your testimony, the word of your mouth, the blood of the Lamb, and you love not your lives unto death. So be ready, My children, for I am calling you higher says your God.
December 1, 2000
Be still and know that I am God and that I am in control of all that is going on around you. Do not be dismayed at what you see….the great calamity that surrounds you at every point. Don’t you know that I have to allow certain things to take place to bring about My perfect will? My ways are not your ways nor My thoughts your thoughts. Even though you press in to have the mind of Christ, you still do not have a full understanding of My ways.
For I love My people, and I want them to know that these are serious times. I want to shake them and wake them to alert them to not allow the enemy any place in their lives. For the little foxes, the things you easily overlook and not even try to overcome….they are the things that spoil the vine….the fruitfulness of My life manifesting through yours.
You are My people called by My name, and I want to use all of you as vessels of honor. But where many of My children are at this point in their walk with Me is not a place of overcoming victory. Many are laid back, apathetic at My calling them to seek My face and pray. Many are complacent, wrapped up more with current events than they are coming before Me honoring Me with their intimate presence and feasting upon My word.
I need you to come before Me and sit at My feet and just bask in My presence. I need My children to draw close to Me and humble themselves before Me. I need My children to pour their hearts out before Me.
I said if My people who are called by My name would humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways….then I would hear them from heaven and I would heal their land. But many are not desperate to see Me move across this land. They are not desperate enough to stay close to Me. They do not love My presence….to draw close and feel My heart beat for them, nor do they really want to partake of the deep cry of My heart that all My children would be saved from the wrath that I will pour out upon the earth.
Draw close to Me, My lambs, and let Me snuggle you close to Me. Let Me pour out My peace upon you that you may lay down in My safety. Feast upon My word. Be still and know that I AM God and that I am in control. Be still, be quiet and assured that I will lead you and guide you into all truth. For I love you, My little lambs.
November 30, 2000
Be still and know that I am God. Know that I have called you to do a mighty work of restoration through you, My children, My called out ones. Come unto Me and receive the strength that is needed to carry out the task that is ahead of you.
For these are treacherous times. In many places around the world many are dying for proclaiming My name. Even in remote villages that many don’t even know of. For many have given up their own lives…their own comforts and family, friends, and finances to put Me first. They have given up their lives completely to serve Me. They live out My word….that they love not their lives unto death.
Now I am saying this to remind you this day that your life is not your own…for it was purchased with the blood of My own Son. He gave up His life that you would have life and more abundantly. But your interpretation of abundant life many times is much different than Mine. What you may have allowed the enemy to do is to give you a false security and a false freedom.
Yes, your life is truly hidden in Me alone. I am your security, your refuge, your high tower. But many trust their lives in the arm of the flesh and build their own snare. For true blessings and prosperity come only by waiting upon Me and trusting in My timing and provision. Many are debt free because they have stood upon My word and in My provision and timing. And now they have ample amount to live comfortably and to also give an abundant amount into My kingdom.
I am telling you this to remind you that your time is not your own. It is purchased by the blood of My own Son. So look unto Me as how you should spend your time. Be conscious of My will at all times. For it is not your will to be done but My will to be done in you and through you.
Look unto Me the author and finisher of your faith. Stand on My word alone for I have so many promises to manifest in your life….so many blessings to pour out upon you. But you have given into the lies of the enemy in many areas of your life for you do not live completely for Me. I am not the one who is on the throne of your life, but you are. You are the one who makes many of your decisions of how you are to spend your life.
Now I admonish you. I have given many the freedom to decide who they are to follow each day. Many do not live the life of a missionary whose life is completely directed by Me each step of the way. They have to trust Me completely for their safety and provision and without My anointing–maintained by prayer and fasting–they are nowhere. They have a holy fear within their hearts that if they don’t live close to Me, they will not survive.
Now this is an ample blessing for them, but it is a hard life but much fruit of My Spirit results from this. And signs and wonders and miracles follow their words because they have been before Me. They do not have all the distractions that many in the world have. They have a life of simplicity and faith in Me.
Now I am saying all this to you to warn you that the time is short and that your priorities in life must be set straight. Be determined to weed out all that distract you from My presence. Be concerned only with the things of necessity when you go out to make your living. Do not make the plans that determine how much materialistic gain you would acquire in your life. Seek ye first My kingdom and righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Make sure the desires of your heart are pure, and I will bless you.
Examine your hearts, My children, and determine to know the truth behind your actions. Be open and I will reveal to you all that has been a hindrance in your life. Let Me uproot all the rebellion, the selfishness, the pride and vanity….and even the desire to make a name for yourself. Do not fool yourself any longer. Are you truly living for Me or are you still on the throne of your life? This is the time to truly examine your heart and believe for the changes that I have in store. I have promised you the abundant life, but it is only hidden in Me, says your God.
November 29, 2000
Rise up, mighty warriors! Rise up and fight. For this is the day of salvation…..the day to take back what the enemy has robbed you of…..the freedom, the liberty I have given you to speak My word boldly.
Speak it from the mountain tops, speak it from the valleys and the plains. Speak if from the desert places. Shout it loud and clear. Prepare ye the way of the Lord. For I am coming quickly, and I expect My bride to be ready.
So trim your lamps and prepare your marriage garments and sit in awe at My feet and know that I have called you for this time and this hour… prepare you to take your stand against the wiles of the enemy.
Prepare your garments and set your clock for this is the time and the hour. Set a watch before your mouth, and speak only that edifies. You will win the unlovely by the kindness of your words.
Do not be thrown off by what you see around you. Keep your eyes upon Me and praise Me and do My bidding on the earth for this is the time and the hour.
November 23, 2000
Search your hearts, My children, and see if there be any wicked way within you. I AM sure you do not realize that I see the motives of your heart or you would not continue in the ways you are going. For I AM out to expose hearts, My children. I want to show you the intent of your hearts if you are willing.
You have the choice this day to willingly expose your heart on your own to Me as many are doing, or you have the choice of having Me expose your heart for you, and this will not be pleasant, My children, for all the world will see it. Yes, you have the choice to come on your own and humble yourselves, or you have the choice where I will humble and expose the proud.
Choose ye this day who you will serve. Do you choose to worship and serve the lusts of the flesh, the eyes, and the pride of life? Or will you humble yourself and exalt only Me? I have brought you into My pasture to be My flock, to be humble and united as My own children. But the enemy has sown tares among the wheat, goats among the sheep. And I AM doing a separating this day. I AM doing a cleaning up of My people, cleansing hearts of all the motives and intents of heart that are not of Me.
So, I AM calling you to search your hearts and to repent of any wicked way. I AM your loving Father, and I don’t want any of My children to miss out of any of the blessings I have in store for you. But I AM also a jealous God, and I will not allow anyone to rob Me of My glory.
November 23, 2000
This is the day the Lord has made. We are to rejoice and be glad in it. But how many are truly living the life God has called them to live? I tell you this day that it is time to truly search your hearts and see who you are really serving. Are you casting down vain imaginations and living a victorious life in Christ? Or are you just playing a pawn in the hands of the enemy.
Watch and pray that you don’t fall prey to the plans and schemes of the enemy. I tell you this day that there is so much more that I have for you than what you are experiencing this day. There is so much more success, prosperity, health, victory, and so much more. You are living so much lower than that I have for you of the abundant life.
Search your hearts and see if there be any wicked way within you. Examine your heart….are you really walking in victory? Then cast down the vain imaginations….everything that doesn’t line up with My perfect will. Do not settle for less than the best!
This is the day of salvation. Choose ye this day who you will serve. Life and death is in the power of your tongue. And also in your heart speak life. I see the quiet thoughts you experience of defeat, of anxiety and fear, and of frustration.
Give it all to Me, My children. Quit striving just to make it one day at a time. Give it all to Me! Turn it all over to Me and rest and let Me exchange with you the abundance of a victorious life in Me of prosperity and health and victory.
I have called you to overcome. So line up with the calling I have for you. This is the day of salvation, and the choice is yours to make. Don’t settle for less than the best that your Father has for you.
November 11, 2000
Come unto Me, My children. Bow down before Me, and I will lift you up. I will give you the strength you need to carry My burden in the last days. Please, My children, I plead with you. Get before Me and bow down and seek My face, and I will pour out upon you My burden you desperately need. But you must really want it or I will not give it to you.
Come before Me and bow at My feet, and I will feed you the hidden Manna you really need to make it in these last days. You need to be fed to receive the nourishment you need to grow and to be strong to be able to stand in the face of danger to say “Be gone from me! You shall not hinder me any longer.”
Rise up, My church. Rise up and receive the strength you need to stand strong. And worship Me and I will pour out upon you My anointing and My manna that you need to grow.
Come unto Me those who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest and the comfort you need and the encouragement you need to know that I AM in control.
Please, My children, do not lay down your armor, your sword, and your shield. Rise up, My mighty warriors, for it is time to take the land. I have given it to you. It is yours to claim. I gave My life that you would excel in warfare and to be strong to be the mighty army I called you to be.
So, My children, worship Me and bow down, and I will lift you up, says your God.
November 9, 2000
Come, My children, come to My banqueting table of love for I want to meet with you and feast with you and share with you all the good things I have in store for you. Many may speak of judgment, but this day I speak of grace to you, My children, for I see your hearts and they are pure. I see that you want My will alone for your lives and for your country.
And I AM so pleased that you have taken the time to humble yourselves before Me and have searched your hearts and cleansed your hands and your hearts before Me. You have made the reconciliations needed in the Body and have united yourselves as a mighty army.
And I AM repositioning you among the Body. You are leaving one station where you were posted, and you are in the process of seeking where you are to be repositioned. So know I AM faithful to show you soon. In the meantime keep seeking My face, and especially I want you to worship Me for there is great power in warfare when you lift Me up and pour out of your heart your love for Me.
So gather together, and cast all your cares upon Me, and lose yourselves in My love and worship Me. And I will lead you in the battle, victoriously pulling down strongholds over your land, by your praises alone. Proclaim My word and make your decrees by My leading, and pursue the enemy as a mighty army. You have won the battle by My victory at Calvary. My word will prevail.
I AM the Captain of the hosts of heaven, the Mighty Lion of Judah, and I come to roar through you, My people. As you lift up your praises to Me and worship Me alone and dance, the enemy is being trampled under your feet. For I have given you feet of fire and teeth of steel, and every motion you make with your hands is slapping down the enemy, and every twirl and jump, you are releasing My glory.
So know this day that I have called you to worship Me and to leave the battle to Me. Release your praises and show Me your love un endlessly. Lose yourself in My love for I AM pleased with you. You have taken My word and have applied it to your lives and stood on it, and I have come to heal your land.
If My people who are called by My name would humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will heal your land. I have seen your hearts, and I see your hands for they are clean, and you have repented, and made right your relationships, and united yourselves, focusing only on that which is important, and that brings unity. And now I will keep My promise. I will heal your land!
November 6, 2000
Come closer, My little ones, there is so much I want to share with You of My love. I want to fill you to overflowing with My grace and truth. Just soak in My presence so I can refresh you and rejuvenate you and bless you.
You are My children and I am Your King, and I want to pour out upon you My kingly anointing. Come feast around My table. I bring you to My banqueting table, and My banner over you is love. I want to prepare your hearts to receive more of Me….to stretch your borders to receive the maximum capacity that I have to offer.
Don’t settle for less than the best that I have to offer. I want you to receive full portion of Me. Be like a sponge and drink up. You have been so dry and crying out for so much more of Me. I have brought you to the place that you can receive. I have prepared your heart, and I am bringing you up to a higher level in Me….a level where you can get lost in My love and delight in My presence like never before.
So, rejoice, My children, and know that I am with you now and till the end of time. So, never cease to press into My presence into My secret place that I have prepared for you. For this is the reason I have called you that you may worship Me and delight in My presence and just bask in My glory. Do not let the evil one distract you with the cares of the world and the busyness that comes with being with a church.
Your chief joy is to be with Me. The answer to all your needs is in intimacy with Me. I am your all in all, and I will flow through you with My glory to touch those around you because you have been with me. And I will cause revival to fall because you have been with Me. And I will cause breakthrough in your churches because you have been with Me.
I am all you need. So, quit striving and rest and delight and refresh yourself in My love, says your God. And never forget this night and what I have shown you about my presence and about intimacy with Me.
November 4, 2000
As I got before the Lord, He alerted me to the following things to do:
Cut myself from past thoughts, fears, tragedies, broken dreams, mistakes, and humiliations. Cast down all negative thoughts from the past. Refuse to play the record any more. Break it in Jesus name.
All the negative from the past is covered with the Blood of Jesus. I am not to be effected by its ill memories any longer. Completely repent from the past.
This is a new day. I have the mind of Christ. Old things are passed away, behold all things have become new. I refuse to let the past memories rule my life.
Word from the Lord:
Do not let the thoughts of the past (what if’s) and visions (flashbacks of fear) dictate your life. Set yourself free and do what in your heart you want to do. And trust Me! Am I not big enough to take care of your every need? Don’t you believe I watch over you always and that I AM in control of everything? Be free in Me! Take your life back from the enemy! No more “what if this happens!” I will give you wisdom. I will guide your steps. Stand on My word. All things work together for your good.
You have the mind of Christ. Take back your mind from the enemy. Cleanse it and purify it with My blood and renew it with My word. This is the day of salvation. Choose this day whom you will serve. Do you want blessings or curses, life or death The battle is in your mind. Choose life so that you and your seed may be free.
Did I not say “nothing is too difficult for Me”? I AM faithful to turn your life around. Give it to Me completely. Let go of it. I will show you how. Just be wiling to let go. I will unwind the cords of distrust. I will open your heart to completely trust Me. Just be willing, says your God.
November 1, 2000
Come unto Me, all who are weary and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. And I have done all that you need to be able to live the victorious life that I have ordained for you to live. Look unto Me the author and finisher of your faith. Do not lean upon your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Me, and I will direct your paths.
These times are not what you expect to receive from Me. I am doing a deep purging of your heart. Things that have been hidden, deeply rooted within you, are now coming to the surface. And this may appear shocking to you….the thoughts and behavior you may be displaying. But I am doing a good work…a much needed work. I am doing a deep cleansing of your heart. I am removing all that has become a hindrance to your ministry. I am preparing you in such an extent to where My glory will be able to radiate through you to touch those around you.
I know your heart’s deep desire to please Me…to do My great works in this land. But there has been hindrances, and I am removing them. I am exposing the enemy that has tried to stay hidden so that he could continue to work against you. But I am shining My flood light upon him, and I am purging with My fire all that is not of Me.
And I work only through a yielded vessel…one who is broken and contrite of heart. I am looking for those who are willing to reveal who they really remove the mask and expose their weaknesses. For this encourages others to drop their defenses, to take off their masks, and be real. And then, and only then, will I be able to do the deep healing, the strengthening, and the restoring that is needed.
For I am building My church upon My Rock, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His example alone are you to follow. So come before Me as little children, humbled, willing and trusting in their Father to care for them, to help them through the struggles, to lift them up and cause them to be strong. For only in your Father’s love are you accepted.
All trace of fear of man must diminish. Be the people I called you to be…mighty warriors! Be wise in My wisdom alone. Don’t lean on your own understanding, I admonish you. And know that I am your God, and I stand for you eternally. Make sure there are no other gods before you.
Be strong in the strength of the Lord. Walk in My faithfulness, and rest in Me for I have everything under control in preparing you to be My yielded vessels, says your God.