Be still and know that I AM God, and know that I AM still in control of everything that you face this day. For if you seek My face and not My hand, I will take you through your trials in victory, but if you take the time to try to figure out a way in which I can help you out, then you will lose your vision of what I AM trying to do through you.
I want you to watch and pray and be alert to the tactics of the enemy. He wants to distract you from seeking My face and drawing close to Me. He wants you to spend your time searching frantically for a scripture that will fit your circumstances, but if you draw close to Me, I will quicken My word to your heart, and I will direct you to the sources that will bring relief.
For this is the day of salvation, and the choice is yours to make. Will you go about nonchalantly, acting like there is no tomorrow, unprepared, because of the distractions the enemy brings? Or will you draw close to Me in the secret place seeking My face? Draw close to Me, and I will draw close to you. Even if you don’t feel My tangible presence, I AM there with you strengthening you every step of the way, because you are Mine, and I keep My promises.
Examine your heart. What keeps you occupied the most in your life? What draws you away from My intimate presence? Is it the cares of the world or entertainment trying to appease the flesh? How are you spending your time? Don’t you know that you have ample time to do what I have called you to do. If not, then it is because you are being involved in that I did not call you to. Take hold of your flesh, and shake lose of its hold this day. Be determined to crucify it, for if you continue to allow it to control you, you will surely die, for the Spirit brings life. All that I direct you to do will bring life and peace and security in Me. So check your heart and see what is motivating you.
Your chief call in life is to know Me and more intimately. I created you to worship Me and to draw near. For the enemy is right at the door tempting and enticing you so that you fall away from your chief purpose in life. Don’t fall in his snares. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Put on your helmet of salvation, and think on things that are above. Cast down the vain imagination that draws you away from Me. Secure your grip upon My reins, and ride with Me, and never turn back. Release your grip on the world and its ways. Shake loose of all that holds you back, and be free to be all I called you to be.
Lose yourself in My presence in the secret place, and I will prepare you and build you up. I will feed you like calves in the stall My word exactly what you need at every moment that you need it. For if you do your part, to draw near, I will supply all your needs. I will bless you, and edify you, and give you strength, for this is the day of salvation, and I AM your deliverer.
July 18, 2003
Fear thou not for I AM with thee. Be not dismayed for I AM thy God. I will strengthen thee. Yes, I will help thee. I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness.
Do not measure your faith by how well things are going for you, for I AM strengthening you by what I allow you to go through. Yes, it shows that you have great faith by the intensity or the severity of your trials at this point. For many are going through the fire and say that I am turning up the flames even more, but it shows how much that I can trust you by how much I allow you to go through.
So draw near, My holy ones, and fret not, for I do love you and want you to be ready for what is ahead. Yes, My children, I want you to be prepared to the max, for the battle rages, and the enemy is coming on stronger, yet I AM right by your side giving you all that you need to succeed in the fight. Yes, I have given you My name and My authority enabling you to pull down every stronghold set up by the enemy of your soul. I have given you My very own weapons of warfare and My armor to wear in the fight. I have given you the power of My blood able to extinguish every weapon the enemy hurls at you. But most of all I have given you My love enabling you to repel all the powers of the evil one.
Yes, My love is My greatest force, and don’t allow the enemy to rob you of it this day. Do not allow offense, bitterness, or unforgiveness to defile you for this is where you will greatly fall short, for great faith works by the love you allow to flow forth. So I admonish you this day to do an inner heart check. Make sure you do not have anger suppressed towards anyone that I gave My life for. Make sure you have not developed bitterness in your heart for those things I’ve allowed you to go through, for all things work together for your good if your heart is right towards Me.
So measure the intensity or the severity of your trials at this point, and you will see the level of trust I have in you. Do not fret that you don’t have what it takes to make it through to the end. Keep your eyes upon Me and My promises, and most of all, keep your heart pure, not tainted with any form of offense towards Me or My children. Walk uprightly and give your life a sacrifice holy and acceptable unto Me.
I love you and admonish you so that you will not fall short in any way. For this is the day of salvation. This is the day to count the cost and not retreat in any way. Rise up and take the land. Be aggressive in the fight and not try only to cover your own back. Fight for your brother, for I said that if you pray for others, then I will heal your own. For My ways are higher than those of man, and love is the only way that you can overcome your foe.
Be assured that I AM with you and that I keep My word. No matter what you see or feel I AM faithful. Keep your sword and shield at hand. Keep My word fresh in your heart, and do not dwell on your circumstances. Be ready for My great outpouring. Do not lose vision. Refresh yourself in My presence, and rest in My secret place often, and rise up, My mighty army. Rise up!
July 1, 2003
Listen closely to what I have to say this day concerning women in ministry. For My heart is grieved concerning the imbalance and the misinterpretation of My word. I never meant for anyone to go to such extremes trying to embrace My call on their lives. I only want for you to be quiet and still, and submit to My perfect will for your life. Do not compare yourself to what others feel their call is. Look only to Me, and I will lead you into all truth.
I want you to embrace Me and cry out to Me and seek My face, and I will show you those areas where you were led to believe a lie. For this is the day of salvation…the day where I will set My people free to be all that I called them to be. Cry out for the fullness of grace and truth, and do not be afraid to receive revelation in areas you are not sure of. Many have followed error from teachers who have read into My words which was not true, and this has caused a hindrance and more confusion. Please read closely My words and listen intently, and I will show you what you need to know.
For those who are open and teachable, I will bring them the revelation that they need. For those who are proud and arrogant, they will continue in their wicked ways. Be very careful these days. Do not become hasty in making decisions on changing the path that you have been taking. Don’t throw everything out that you learned. Be patient for I AM doing a fine tuning in your heart teaching you love in discernment for faith only works through love. Everything else is from the wicked one.
So do not become alarmed if you come across a teaching or revelation from one you trusted that doesn’t sit right with you. If you be still, you will still learn from their mistakes. All things work for your good if you walk in love, and continue to keep your eyes on Me. Yes, this is the day of salvation…the day I AM setting My people free. The choice is yours to make. Will you be still and know that I AM God, or will you take matters into your own hands?
I love you dearly and want you to choose life and more abundant, for this is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and I AM preparing to do a great work through you. Fear not, do not be dismayed, troubled, or discouraged. Look to Me and praise Me, and I will lead you through the rough waters, and bring you where you will be firmly grounded upon the Rock, My truth and My ways. You will not waver, My children, for I will have you firmly planted in Me, and no lie of the wicked one will ever get you off track again. Press on for you are getting stronger and wiser this day.
Everything that I take you through is for your purging and purifying, for I AM making you like gold that has been taken through the fire. Yes, pure gold. You are My faithful ones, and I know you will make it through to the other side where victory reigns. Just continue to cross over for I AM making you like giants in the land for the enemy is under your feet. No longer will you look at your circumstances as mountains, but only stepping stones into My glory.
My hand is upon you, and I AM lifting you up, and carrying you upon eagle’s wings, and you will soar for you are hidden in Me. I love you, so be encouraged!
June 27, 2003
Watch and pray that you fall not into temptation, for the enemy is going about as a roaring lion seeking all that he can devour, but I have prayed for you. I have interceded on your behalf that you would stand strong and waver not into unbelief. For I love My children and gave My life that all would be free from the bonds of fear and bondage. I have prayed that you would stand strong against the enemy in the area of busyness and complacency for you need My word in order to grow and to take the enemy by force.
Be aggressive I say to you this day. Don’t give into any form of intimidation. Be bold as a lion and gentle as a lamb. Yes, be full of My grace and truth, and stand up to take the land. Do not allow My enemies to perish without having heard My gospel of truth and light that I came to set the captives free. Yes, I came that all would have life and more abundantly, but the enemy has so many possessed in his clutches serving him in so many detestable ways.
Forgive them for they know not what they are doing. Pray that they will see the light and escape the snare of the fowler. For this is the day of salvation, not just for a particular breed, but for the whole world. So, I want you to stand up and be bold and take the land. Do not retreat because of apparent circumstances that look like defeat. But rise up and put your right foot forward and march. I say march out across the land as a mighty army, and My glory will cover you because you are united. Yes, there’s much power when there is unity and love among the brethren.
Do not take on the appearance of evil in any form. Be clothed in purity of truth, and wear a garment of praise. Allow My joy to be your strength and My overwhelming peace be your refuge. My shadow of glory will follow you always if you step out in faith, firmly grounded in My truth, and covered with My armor of light.
Yes, this is the day of salvation. Do not allow the enemy to distract you. He’s coming on strong to cause you to retreat, but rise up even stronger, My bride. Cast all your cares upon Me, and stand behind your shield of faith, and wave your sword fiercely, and tear down the strongholds of the enemy. I say to you this day to rise up and be strong, and I will take you to victory, says your God.
June 18, 2003
I AM the Wine; you are the wine skin. I AM the Vine; you are the branches. Wherever I go, I expect you to follow. For My people know My voice, and the voice of a stranger they will not follow. Listen not to the lies of the evil one for he comes only to steal, to kill, and to destroy. But I come to give life and more abundantly.
So follow hard after the truth that I have placed in your hearts, and do not trade it for a lie no matter how tempting it might be. For if you sow to the flesh, you will reap that which brings death and destruction; but if you sow to the Spirit, everlasting life is yours. For the things of this world are temporal. Do not let them distract you from My call on your life. Pay the price, for in the end you will greatly benefit from it.
Love not your life unto death this day. Do not compromise your faith no matter what comes before you, for they are only lies from the evil one. Yes, I promise you life and more abundantly, but the way to it is full of many snares and tribulations. But keep your focus upon Me and My truth, and you will never be led astray. Remember that all things work together for your good. Do not worry about what others think of you. If you are walking in My will, you are in a place of safety no matter what. No one can ever rob Me from your heart.
So be still and know that I AM your God and that no evil can overtake you. No plague can come near your dwelling. No terror can distract you from pressing in to My will and My ways. So draw close to Me in the secret place, and allow Me to fill you to overflowing with My grace and My truth. Let Me stir the gifts up within you so that you can be My mouthpiece, for I have a word to share to the Nations.
And I need every one of you to take your place on the wall and intercede for My will and My ways alone to take place. Pray for the leaders. Do not allow the enemy to frustrate you with their plans and decisions. Look to Me, the author and finisher of your faith, and know that I have complete control over all that is taking place this hour.
Draw close to Me, and let Me fill you up. Press into My glory, and reap the benefits of My power flowing down upon you and through you. Yes, I will help you to stand strong. Yield your life fully to Me, and I will live My life through you. Yes, your hands will be My hands to heal and to raise up, to tear down the strongholds of the enemy, and to build up My kingdom. Let others see My love flowing through your own eyes and heart.
Be yielded, and I will do mighty things through those who believe. For this is the final hour, and I AM calling the true worshipers together to let out a victory cry for the King of Glory has come to reign. For yes, this is the final hour. So be ready, says your Lord and King.
June 11, 2003
The streams are coming together this day in reliance upon the awesome King of Glory. Come together, My dear ones, and seek My face like never before upon the knees of humility as one race, one creed, one in glory, counting upon My holy name. Yes, the King of Glory has come to take you as His bride to be His one true, sanctified tribe of believers of every race, every creed, coming together as one in My name.
What is My name? Is it just something you call out when you are in trouble? Or is it a name that is close to your heart every day and every hour? For I love My beloved, the redeemed and holy ones. You will reap the fruit of the harvest very soon for you are called by My name. But what is My name, is it close to your heart, or is it just a name you call out in need. For I am coming to do a separation this hour. I am calling out the faithful few, My holy remnant, that are willing to pay the price to stand by My name and My people.
My land is under siege but I am faithful to redeem it, to provoke the enemy to ransom, to fall out under the power of the wicked one. Yes, the enemy will turn upon itself, and I. Myself will come in as a flood and wipe out every wicked race coming against My people and My land. Yes, this is the time and the hour to rejoice, to know Me more intimately like never before. Bow down before Me and pick up My mantle, My power, and My glory for I give it to you this day. Rise up, mighty worshippers, and let out a victory cry for the battle has been won. The victory is yours. Now rejoice!
June 9, 2003
Yes, the battle is raging for the enemy is coming in as a flood. He knows that his time is short and that these are critical moments and that the prayers of the saints are like poisonous darts against him and his works. So buckle down and press in for what is important. Cast all your cares upon Me for I care for you. And lift up the burden of intercession that I have given to you, and never lose your focus of My promises being fulfilled.
Do not look at the circumstances surrounding your life. Just keep your eyes upon Me, and waver not in unbelief for the time is at hand where I will pour out a mighty wave of glory upon My land and people. And My people must gather together like never before, and worship Me unceasingly, and continuously thank Me for the victory for the battle has been won!
I have My hand upon all things, and I AM in total control. Nothing happens without My allowing it. So, do not become alarmed at all the apparent set backs and the behavior and decisions coming forth from the leaders. I AM working it all for the good. Whatever plan the enemy means for harm will work together for the good of My people and My land. I AM doing a purging and a cleansing of hearts, and I AM allowing what it will take to humble and cause a total dependence upon Me to take place.
So, rejoice and do your part by praying, keeping your vision on My promises being fulfilled, and most of all, worship Me, for there is much power going forth when My people just delight in My presence and seek to know My heart. Delight yourself in Me, and I will give you the desires of your heart. Seek ye first My kingdom and My righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. And you will prosper and be in health as your spirit and soul soars in Me.
For this is the time and the hour for the great outpouring of My Spirit, but you must keep your focus upon Me in order to enter in. Yes, the battle is raging, but My people will overcome by the power of My blood, the word of their testimony, as they love not their lives unto death.
June 3, 2003
Believers in Christ, examine your hearts this day to see if what you are doing is purely My will or if it is a work of the enemy to distract you. For this is the time and the hour to come before Me with fasting and with prayer believing that what I had promised concerning My people Israel will come to pass.
Examine your heart to see if what you are doing is a work of the flesh or if it is by My Spirit. For this is the day for the latter rain outpouring, and you must be ready to be used in a mighty way. You must be able to know My voice so I can direct you through the storm for the enemy will try to come on strong to deter you from going the way I AM calling you.
You must be able to go only with My flow and not the way of man. For many will be going a direction unknown by My people, but it will appear to be a safe path, but beware along this path is set up many snares to try to catch you off guard. Keep your eyes on Me and your heart sensitive to My leading, and I will keep you safe even though the path may look dangerous. Yes, I will lead you through the desert once again, but on the other side is a land flowing with milk and honey.
For yes, I AM a God who keeps His promise. I do not lie. Just because there seems to be a hindrance to its manifestation doesn’t mean that I do not have My hand in everything that you face. All things work together for your good if you are Mine. So gather together for strength. Yes, gird yourself with Truth. Cover your mind with the helmet of salvation. Walk boldly in righteousness for I AM your rear guard.
Lift your head up high for your Redeemer reigns mighty. You are sons of the King, and you have mighty power dwelling within you. Speak out My words boldly. Prophesy to the nations “Let My people go!”. Yes, speak to the nations great grace for I died for their salvation. Yes, I will gather My flock from around the world, and the gates of hell will not prevail.
For yes, this is My road map, and it will not be hindered. Yes, speak to the nations My truth. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy that he will prevail for he is under your feet and is defeated. So keep your eyes upon Me, and My truth through My word, and press on to victory, says your Redeemer and King.
May 29, 2003
Ever since time began My people have been crying out to know Me more. They want to be completely immersed in My presence so that they even may swim in My will and My ways. Oh that My people will even draw closer and let go of all that they’ve been holding on to for it has been all false security. I said that I would prosper My people and cause them to walk in divine health, but they won’t let go and latch on to all I have for them as provision of their needs.
Let go I say to you this day and latch on to all I have for you. Do not delay any longer for you are only delaying coming into My promised land. Cross over I say to you. Cross over the River Jordan and come into your promised land full of milk and honey. I AM a loving Father, and I want to provide all your needs, but you must trust in My ways to provide. If you are willing, I will pour out My grace and make the transition in you. I will cause you to be able to let go and latch on to what I have to offer. For trusting in the arm of the flesh brings a snare. There’s no way out of it, because it is not My perfect will for you.
If you will cry out to Me with a heart of repentance, I will deliver you out of the snares you are already in this day. I will set you free and restore to you all the enemy has robbed you in the area of prosperity and health. Yes, I will restore unto you all that the cankerworm has destroyed and the palmer worm and the locust. For I have redeemed you from all of the Curse. Why do you still act like you are under it? Why do you settle for less than what I gave My Son’s life for you to have? I gave you My all so that you would have the best, and you settle for less than the best.
I want you to take the time to search your heart to see if you are willing to even walk away from what you have settled for. Are you willing to let go and trust Me completely? Remember it isn’t in your own strength that you overcome but by the power of the blood of the Lamb, the word of your testimony, and loving not your life unto death. Seek Me, My children, and know that I AM faithful to complete the work I’ve begun in you, but you must trust Me wholeheartedly. I say to you to let go and latch on, says your God.
May 26, 2003
Happy is he who delights in the praises of My people. Be joyful and be glad for the bride has made herself ready for the coming of the Lord of Hosts, the King of Glory. For this is the time for great rejoicing. This is the time to make yourself ready like never before for I AM getting ready to release a burst of energy through you. Yes, I AM ready to revive you, to exhilarate you, and to fill you to overflowing. For you have been faithful, and you have never given up. You have pressed through the storm. You have overcome the drought. And you have submitted to the fire of My love, and I AM most pleased with you.
Yes, I AM ready to release My glory and My rain upon you. Look up for your Redeemer reigns! All chains of bondage are dropping off of you now. Open up your hearts, and let Me fill you to overflowing with My love. Examine your heart to see if there may be any hindrance to your receiving My grace in this final hour. See if you have misjudged your actions by the direction of the enemy for there is no condemnation for those whose love is in the Lord.
Reach out and know that I AM God, and that I AM in control. I AM sovereign ruler over all things. Nothing takes place without My allowing it. Do not give any glory or credit to the enemy for anything for he is only a tool in My hands. Everything that I allow his kingdom to do is working together for the good of My will being done. And remember that!
What the enemy means for harm I turn around for the good of My land, My will, and My people. So rejoice and be glad and make yourself ready for this is the final hour, and great glory is being released. My Son will reign mightily through My people for they have made themselves yielded for His return.
Rejoice and be glad for many have died to see this day coming. They longed to see My works in the final hour for even My works in the days of Moses will not compare! So be ready and be glad. Don’t let anything distract your focus upon the vision you’ve received from the Lord. Don’t lose vision of My many promises to you. Refresh your memory of My prophetic words to you, and be ready, says your God.
May 19, 2003
In order to come apart from the cares of the world you need to be able to seek that secret place that I have for you alone. You need to be willing to cast off all the distractions and be still, and know that I AM Faithful to draw you in. Absolute solitude is what you need. That peace and stillness of spirit is important to be able to hear My voice. I want you to draw near, and listen closely for I have so much of My heart I want to share with you.
For these are the end times, and you need to be able to tune out everything so I can direct you through the storm. You need to be able to worship Me and to allow My peace and love to permeate your whole being. Listen closely, My overcoming warriors, for I will fill you with My grace and truth. My Son is the Light that will direct you. Follow Him closely, being willing to forsake all to be in His perfect will, for He needs willing and yielded vessels to perform the works He is about to do.
For I promised that you will do greater works, because He went to His Father and left you His Spirit to move through you in power and might. Seek His face in the stillness of the night, and draw close for He’s about to pour out an abundance of rain upon you, for He is the Rain and Glory that you need to take you through all that is ahead. Keep your eyes upon Him and His promises, and waver not in unbelief for you need to stay shielded in truth.
For many deceptions have been loosed in the camp, and you must beware of the snares planted for you by the enemy. Do not waver away from My straight path for deep in your heart you know My truth, and the remnant will stand by it no matter what any man will say. A true overcomer will know My truth and will not waver away from it.
Be willing to pay the price to walk the crucified life for the benefits from it are priceless. My resurrection power will flow through you like a tidal wave sweeping away doubt and unbelief and all types of hypocrisy. For I need a pure bride that I may flow through, one that I can trust with My power. My bride knows to give all the glory to the Lamb no matter what. One who will step back and allow My Son to be recognized.
For I call you close this hour that I may prepare you. I have My hand upon you for the enemy can never snatch you away. You are My beloved and I AM yours. Find the place of absolute solitude this day. Allow nothing to get in the way to hear My still small voice, and be still and quiet, and I will fill you up.
May 8, 2003
Be still and know that I Am God and that I AM faithful to complete the work I’ve started through you. For these are the days of the latter rain outpouring, and I AM beginning to do a quick work in My people bringing them to the place they need to be in Me.
For suddenly there will be missions going forth to every part of the world. People will be ready to pack their bags and go off ready to forsake all to follow the Lamb where He leads them. For I will take care of all your needs, and I will keep you safe based on My word promised to you. For I AM not a man that can lie or a son of man that can change his mind. What I said in My word, I will perform.
Be still and know that I AM God and that I AM faithful to bring forth the gifts and calling that I have placed in you. For, yes, this is the time to stir them up by faith and believe they will come forth. For yes, this is the time and the hour for My great outpouring, and I will touch multitudes through you. Just rise up and claim your position restored in My body. Do not allow any man to discourage you. Wait upon Me, and I will place you where you need to be where you will be needed and appreciated. For My people will no longer be used and abused by the taskmasters in the religious system.
For this is the time to come out and to rise up and be counted in the army of God. For I AM calling My army forth with banners and swords, and no weapon formed against them will prosper. For this is the time to take the land and to conquer every force that has hindered My work. This is the time to pull down every stronghold, and let out a mighty roar for the enemy is under your feet.
For I will roar through My people, and the enemy will have to loose all who have been bound to be able to receive all that I have for them. For I gave My Son so that you may have life abundantly. Worship Me without ceasing and stand faithfully in the gap for all who are lost for I will bring them in. I know who they are. Just be sensitive to My leading, and I will put many on your heart. Claim them for My kingdom, and I will bring them in.
This is the day to be counted faithful as warriors of worship. Lose yourself in My presence, and I will do the rest through you. Just be still and know that I Am God.
April 30, 2003
This is the day for restitution of all things. What the enemy has stolen from you will be returned in full measure and even abundantly above all that you have ever hoped or believed possible. For yes, this is the day for an outpour of gladness upon My people. I am coming to restore hope to you that yes, I am a Father who reigns sovereign above all that the enemy has access to do. He is under your feet, and you have victory over his plots and schemes.
Everything that I allow you to go through is strengthening you so you can stand bold and unwavering against the evil one. This is the day that I am pouring out My joy for the joy of the Lord is your strength. You need to be able to laugh in the face of danger and calamity, because you know the promises I made to you. All things work together for the good of those who love Me and are called according to My plan and purpose.
So rise up and rejoice, and shout a victory shout, for the bride has made herself ready for My return. I see that you are Mine for I see your heart above all things. Yes, there are things you are walking through and things you need to overcome, but I see you perfect, covered with the blood of the Lamb.
So rise up and worship Me, and hide My words in your heart. Cover your heart with your shield of faith, and make sure your sword is ready for battle. March out for it is not time to retreat. Don’t look at the giants for they are many and are ready to devour you as you claim your land. You have My promises. Don’t look at the circumstances that face you. Be strong and waver not in unbelief for this is the time to really claim your inheritance. It does not belong to the evil one, whether in relationships, health, finances, household salvation.
You know My promises. Do not accept the lies of the evil one. Look past them and press forward toward the culmination of all things. Look forward to the manifestation of your loved ones, that marriage restored, along with every creative miracle you have claimed from Me. Never give up for My timing is always perfect. Delay does not mean denial for I love you and see your heart. I know your needs. Just draw close to Me.
Rest your head upon My brow for I have so much to say to you. Listen closely and hear My heart beating for you. Open up your heart, and I will pour out My love to you, for you have grown cold in so many ways and weary from the battle. Let Me pour out My excitement upon you. Let Me fill you to overflowing with the magnitude of My love and joy, for there’s a world out there that needs you. Pick yourself up and brush yourself off, and rejoice for you have My victory. The joy of the Lord is your strength. Just receive and believe all that I AM to you.
April 24, 2003
This is the day for a great outpouring of My Spirit upon My people for I come as the rain, the former and the latter rain. One I pour out My rain, I will pour out My glory, and then I will mix with it My fire and rain, and bring a deep purging of the hearts of My people.
Deep inside the hearts of My people is a desire to please Me, but many have allowed the evil one to distract them from their highest calling which is to worship Me in spirit and in truth. Many have allowed religious activity to wear them down to where they no longer have the time or the desire to draw close to Me in the secret place, but I am calling you close to examine your heart to see if what you are doing is truly of Me, or is it just to please man and to build up his kingdom.
For this is the day of the great outpouring of My Spirit, and you must be ready. Get your house in order, and set your priorities straight to where I am high on your agenda. Set your heart to serve the Lord and to be blessed beyond what you have ever hoped or believed possible. For I am coming to bless My people, the young and the old, with gifts of My Spirit.
I come to stir you ablaze with My glory and reap a harvest of souls through you. For how can the world see that I am alive if they can’t see Me in My people, for many walk around like they are dead in spirit. You cannot see My life in you. Draw close to Me so I can set you ablaze in My love so you can share it with others. Draw close so I can touch your heart like never before and heal your inner hurts.
Let Me refresh you and restore you to where you need to be. Just slow down and rest in Me and meditate on My promises to you. Cast off the stress and anxiety and just rest in My love. You will come out a new person full of the zeal to do My will for I will set you on the right path and free you from all that has held you back. For this is a new day, a new hour to start afresh. Cast off all that’s held you back and run forth in My glory. Do not care what men will say because I will have you do things that will appear odd.
I have come to set you free of all structure and formality. I’ve come to break the chains so you will have joy unspeakable and be full of My glory. For I have a work to do through you, and you must be ready, head set like flint against the evil one. Be ready I say to you for My great outpouring.
April 19, 2003
Assume the responsibility of a watchman, and watch and pray without ceasing, for this is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power, but you must be ready. Cover yourself daily with the power of My blood and carry your cloak of humility upon your shoulder. Ask of Me and I will give you the nations. Just call each one by name as I give you direction. Reach out to Me and know that I am faithful to set the captives free and give them place in My kingdom.
Be faithful to your calling by being sensitive to My voice when I call you close. Be yielded and I will use you mightily to tear down the stronghold of the enemy over each and everyone of you, your family and your nation for I came to give you life and more abundantly. So call out to Me, pray without ceasing, be discerning to the snare of the evil one when he tries to entrap you in sin. Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect for you are My children, and the evil one who comes as an angel of light has no part in you. I have made you Mine by the shed blood of My son. I have covered you with My own name. I see you perfect, and I see you clean, fit for your Father’s use, a vessel for My glory.
So rise up, My mighty conquerors, and let out a victory shout and march out to take the land. Remember the nations are your inheritance. I want you to be bold and yet be loving; wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Follow the example of My Son who always spoke My truth in love, full of grace and truth. Reach out and touch Me and know that I am faithful to fill your mouth with good things. My children will never beg for bread if you put My kingdom first and My righteousness.
Ask of Me and I will show you the root of iniquity that is holding you back. I said that you are to prosper and be in health as your soul prospers, but you must obey Me. Cast off the works of darkness, and I will heal you and make you whole. Be an example of My faithfulness and walk in divine health. Seek My face and I will set you free to be the people I called you to be. Be strong in My righteousness. Choose this day who you will serve and reap the fruit of it. Will it be life or death, blessings or cursing, for this is the day of salvation.
So seek My face, assume the responsibility of a watchman, and watch and pray unceasingly. Call out the nations by name for they are your inheritance. Step out by faith as I direct you. Overcome the workers of iniquity and walk in My light. This is the day of the latter day outpouring, and you must be ready. Cry out to Me, and I will set you free, for I see you fit to do My greater works, for this is the day, says your Lord.
April 14, 2003
Watch and pray that you don’t fall prey to the enemy, for these are perilous times, and the enemy is going about as a roaring lion seeking all who he can devour, but I tell you this day to stand strong with your head covered with the power of the blood of the Lamb of God. Yes, cover your mind and your heart so that no impure thoughts could go through and take root in your heart. Watch and pray that you don’t fall prey to the enemy. Examine your heart and see if there are any impure motives behind what you do for I look at the heart and not at the outward actions.
Teach the younger ones by setting a good example of love and righteousness for you are the epistle that they read daily. You can quote the scripture to them, but what they really see is your actions for they speak louder. Once you set a good example, cover them with a blanket of love, and encourage them. Tell them who they are in Me, that they are warriors of light, and that all darkness is under their feet.
Show them the weapons that they have and how to use them. Build them up at a young age on how to stand strong and to be independent in Me, that they don’t need no man to teach them My word and My will. Help them to seek Me in the scripture, and teach them how to pray for these are perilous times, and they need to be build up on the truth of My word, for the enemy is going about seeking who he can devour.
Concerning relationships be bold in My love. Cast down vain imaginations, and cover your heart with My truth. Watch what you speak forth concerning your brother. Be a vessel I can use to build up and edify, to exhort, not to tear down and discourage. Speak truth to one another not what you see. Every idle word that is spoke forth will be judged. Cover your heart so that the enemy can not plant poisonous darts within and cause division, for you need to bind together and stand strong against the wicked one. If he can’t attack from without, he will fight from within.
Let out a victory shout, and rise up and take the land. Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. Escape the clutches of the evil one once and for all. Run and leap and shout—be free! Don’t let any one hold you back. Spread My word so all can see My love and grace, for I died so all can have life. Today is the day salvation. Choose this day who you will serve. Will it be Me or will it be the pride of life which is idolatry. Humble yourself before My throne of grace, and I will lift you up.
Be clean in mind, soul and spirit. Be free and walk the crucified life. Let My resurrection power engulf you and guide you into all truth. Cast off all deception. Be discerning for these are perilous times, and the enemy is attacking the leaders with compromise trying to water down My word to justify the error of their actions. They allow pride to keep them locked in the snare of the enemy. Deep down they know truth but won’t admit it.
Don’t sit under leadership who lie and say black is white and white is black. Speak out for truth. Do not lead the babes astray by what is allowed in My house. Take a stand and repent of your wicked ways for I am coming in judgment, and surely I start in My house. So I tell you this day to watch and pray and be bold. Stand for truth. Cast off all forms of wickedness, and rise up and take the land.
April 9, 2003
For truly I say to you that many of My people have fallen into the sin of unbelief, and this should not be happening at this time, for these are perilous times, and you need to draw close to Me and rest in My faithfulness to protect you and keep My word to you. For the enemy is seeking all that he can devour, and he is doing it through the sin of unbelief. This is the only way that he can get you to fall into his snare is if you fall away from My truth and believe a lie.
Do not believe everything that you can see and feel for the enemy works in the sense realm, and you must stay behind the shield of faith believing only the promises of God. Walk only by faith and not by sight, and you will have the victory over every circumstance that the enemy hurls at you. This is the day of salvation, the day to choose who you will serve. Will you bow the knee to the spirit of fear and unbelief, or will you continue to trust in Me?
For I love you, My people, and I want you to draw near, for I want to feed you fresh manna that you may grow strong. I want to speak revelation to your heart that you may be illuminated with My words, but you must draw near and hide yourself within Me. Stay in the special place that I have assigned for you alone, for you are My child, and I want to feed you specific truths that you do not yet know. But you must be able to come before Me and be still and know that I Am God and that I Am in control of all things.
The enemy has no rights except those that you allow him to have. So be still and seek My face, and I will show you any area that is an open door to him. I will show you the iniquities not yet dealt with, and I will break off all curses. But you cannot do this on your own. I will show you the way, so draw near.
Watch and pray that you fall not into temptation for the enemy is seeking who he can devour through the spirit of lust and covetousness. Be content in that which you have, and believe My promises of prosperity and the abundant life, for I want you to have ample amount so that you can provide for others in need. Didn’t I say you would not lack any good thing and that My people would not ever have to beg for bread? Bring all your requests to Me alone, and then I will put it on the hearts of others to provide for you when you are in need. I Am your Father, and I care for you.
Concerning relationships I want you to cast off all vain imaginations for the enemy is seeking to devour through the spirit of division. Believe the best in all people in the Body. Do not believe what you see or feel. Stand on My promises of love. Do your part to reach out to others, and be obedient to My law of grace. If you sow to the flesh, you will reap death, but if you live in grace you will reap everlasting life.
I loved you first when you did not know Me, and you were unlovely and covered in sin, but I saw you through My Father’s eyes the finished product. He saw My blood covering you. So I want you to walk in My steps, and cover a multitude of sins with My love and My blood. See others perfect as I see you. Be one as I and My Father are one. Do not allow the enemy to divide you. Cast down your petty differences and crucify your flesh. Pick up your cross and follow Me.
For children, I admonish you, I encourage you to stay under My wing in the secret place. Believe every aspect of My word. Psalm 91 is for you to keep in your heart and to apply daily. Stay under the protection of My blood, and the death angel will pass over you. For this is the time of judgment of those who are independent of Me, not only the unbelievers, but for those called by My name who choose to believe a lie. For you serve who you truly believe, and many choose to believe the lies of the evil one, and cast aside My promises.
Be strong and be bold for the Lord thy God is with you. Do not be dismayed for I Am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness. And I want you to rejoice for you have the victory, and the enemy is under your feet if you only draw near.
April 02, 2003
Are you afraid to enter in My Spirit in a new and profound way that you are not familiar with? Are you eager to know Me more intimately? Then you are to let go of all your fears, your traditions, all your basic training from before when you were indoctrinated, and enter in. Let go and let Me be God completely in your life. Don’t let fear of man hold you back or your own flesh. Let Me burn off all the dross and all that gets in the way from you being able to bow down and worship Me. Let Me burn off all that holds you back from totally rejoicing in Me.
Be free, says your God, as a child full of joy for his Maker. Dance and shout and cry out for this is the day of jubilee to receive back all that the enemy has tried to steal from you. For I know what is your inheritance, and I have My hand on it for I have promised you health and prosperity and every good thing if you follow Me and put Me first in your life.
Those who are called by My name are to be free to be all I called them to be, for I am getting ready to stir up those gifts that are lying dormant, not being used to their fullest potential. I am getting ready to loose My dread warriors who are to tread upon the enemy and to worship Me unceasingly. I am getting ready to travail and to roar down the strongholds of the enemy and set the captives free. This is the time to release a shout of joy and rejoice for this is the time you have been waiting for and preparing for. I will release My heart cry and roar down a powerful rain, an anointing never before released through My people, for this is the time for greater works, a greater anointing.
So let go of everything that has held you back. Humble yourself before Me, and be willing to look foolish, for I will use My remnant and rain down My glory, and it will come down as fire and rain. I will release a refreshing, and I will release a burning in the hearts of My people to press down like never before. I am getting ready to relase the Manchild Company through My people who are desperate to see Me move like never before.
So line up in your ranks, and march out to take the land. I am releasing you for your final mission. Signs and wonders will follow your words as I cry out through you. The final harvest is at hand, and it will be a bountiful crop. So let go and let Me have you completely to use you to the fullest. Do not be afraid to enter in by a new and powerful way not familiar to you. The elect will not be deceived for they know Me by name. They know My voice and will only follow Me. The voice of the fowler they will not follow. Those who are called by My name I will prosper and I will restore. The fire only lasts for a season, and joy comes in the morning.
Trust My work in you. Do not be afraid. Stand on My promises and waver not in unbelief. Stay behind your shield of faith and wave your sword. Keep your armor on. Be ready to take the land. Walk by faith and not by sight. Overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of your testimony, and love not your life unto death. Be ready for this is the final hour, says your King.
March 26, 2003
Examine your heart this day. You say that you love Me, but do you really love Me? For you have as much of My presence as you want to have. Too many have become laid back and satisfied with their self sufficiency. The little bit of time that they have they spend on appeasing their own flesh and not on getting to know Me better, and this should not be. For this is a tool of the evil one to deprive you of a good and lasting relationship with Me.
Do not become content with the condition at hand which is complacency. Cry out that you may hunger and thirst for Me once again for these are evil times, and you cannot make it outside of being connected to the Vine which is My Son Jesus. Once again examine your heart and where you have fallen away from your First Love.
Remember the times when you wouldn’t allow anything to get in your way to be able to commune with the saints. But now you forsake the assembly. You longed for My intimate presence no matter how you felt in the natural. You knew that I would lift you up. You came to Me regularly to feast upon My word and to seek My face whenever you had a chance, and looked for opportunities where you could witness through Me. Where have you fallen from?
What causes My people to forget Me when times are comfortable? What will cause them to turn back? You know your own heart, and you know what it will take, but will it only be for a season. For I am your Life and the air that you breathe. Without Me you have nothing. So why do you try to make it on your own? You know you are depriving yourself of having the abundant life, for when you give into the flesh this brings death. You might feel like you are living, because you are doing all you want to do. But examine the fruit. Look around and see. Yes, open your eyes and see how far you have fallen.
For these are serious times, and you need to draw close to Me now more than ever. If you come to Me, I will fill you up to overflowing, and the joy of My presence will be your strength. My perfect peace will surround you like a shield. I will stir the gifts within you and refresh you once again. I will renew your mind with the mind of Christ if you will step out and draw near. Take the time that you have and bask in My intimate presence for I love you and want so much to have you back again. Do not dwell in the deception of the evil one that you are too tired, for coming to Me is like being by streams of living water for I Am Life and the air that you breathe. Without Me you have nothing.
So I tell you this day to examine your heart, and allow Me to prick it with My conviction Spirit. Allow the fear of the Lord to permeate your being for that is the beginning of wisdom. Cast off all vanity and folly and follow Me, and I will restore you and stronger you will be. Do not be content in complacency for I Am the Lord.
March 19, 2003
Even though you might not know what is ahead of you, I want you to know that My love will take you through with real assurance and knowledge that everything will be alright with you. For this is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power with signs and wonders following it. Keep your eyes straight ahead. Do not look behind you. Just keep pressing in for the fulfillment of My perfect will to take place around you.
More likely you will see many being swayed away from their faith in Me, because they weren’t fully grounded in My truth and had their eyes following a man. And when that man falls away, what do they have to stand on? Do not depend on anything expect My word and My grace to take you through. Step out in faith and be bold in what you believe I would have you to do. But at the same time I want you to be open and teachable when I want to show you the way using a man. Remember I can use anyone to show you the way to go even though they might not even know Me.
Stay balanced in My word, and learn through My grace by having a humble and contrite spirit. But most of all I want you to know that I love you. Be secure in My love, and know that this life is temporal. So do not make attachments that could hold you back. Commit everything into My hands, and stand on My promise for household salvation. Commit all your loved ones into My hands, and rest in My faithfulness to bring them into My fold.
Examine your heart to see if there be any unclean way within you. Make yourself ready by coming before Me so I can search your heart, and bring to surface areas you need to repent of. There can not be anything standing in your way, for when I pour out My power you must be ready. For judgment will begin in My house. I will shake lose all demonic hold off of My people, but you must want to be set free. When My glory falls, many will be crushed by its power, because they refused to turn completely and follow Me. Anyone outside of My blood covering because of wilful disobedience will be judged. This will be My final wake up call to make yourself ready.
I tell you this day to cry out for My grace and mercy to set you free from apathy and complacency. Come, My people, before it is too late. I will turn your mourning into dancing if you will truly be real with yourself and with Me. You see the state at hand of your spiritual walk. You see the extent of your comfort zone. Are you willing to pay the price to be set free so I can use you mightily in the near future? Cry out to Me. Be real with yourself before it is too late for this is the final hour. Examine your heart. Do you do what you do to be seen by man, or are you truly out to please Me alone? It is important that you know the motives behind your actions, for I see your heart and not what you do on the outside. Actions can be deceptive, but you can never hide the heart.
This is a strong word but a necessary one. You know that the church is not where she needs to be. There are just too many that aren’t pressing in even though you are at the edge of a major turnover. The attitude of My people can either bring it to the way I truly desire it to go. But if not I will have to allow circumstances that will pressure My people into a state of humility and dependability upon Me. Many are just too proud and carefree and settled in their own ways, and this should not be. I shake you because I love you. I chastise all that are Mine. So if you are not willing to change on your own, I will use necessary measure for I love My people. And I see the hearts of those who are sincerely struggling to do right and just keep falling back.
There are going to be some changes that will shock many. I will take out of the office of leadership those who have not sincerely sought My face and just acted like they were, and this has hurt My people. This has hindered My word coming forth that they needed in order to grow. And I will raise up those who were cast to the side as not being useful to My kingdom and unimportant to become leaders over My people. I know My people for I see their hearts, and My people need the room to grow to be all that I called them to be. So be ready for I am going to make some changes in My house.
The time is short, and you must be ready. I will move in these ways only because I love you, and I cannot allow sin to continue in My house. So for those who have been seeking Me, and know that something must be done for the state of the church to change, be encouraged for I am moving in power, and I will shake lose all that will hold back My plan and purpose in this hour. For all, I say to be encouraged and rest in My faithfulness to complete what I have begun in you. My bride will be without spot or blemish, and she will be fit for the Master’s use.
March 14, 2003
Do not become alarmed at what you are going to see for perilous times are at hand, and the evil one is terrified at the great cost for freedom that My people are willing to pay. Many are willing to give their lives so that many can be set free from the harsh treatment from their taskmasters. But I want you to know that My word stands strong, and it stands true that no weapon formed against you can prosper if you stay hidden in Me.
For this is the final hour, and all who have stayed committed to Me and My word will stay strong, and they will be protected by the covering of My blood. Just like in the days of My people when the death angel passed over, all who stood hidden in Me together, covered by the blood were protected. Don’t take it for granted that you have My word and My power. I want you to use it as a sword and shield
Enforce your authority over the evil one and run towards him. His troops will be scattered at My voice as I shout through My people for the victory is at hand. Fear not for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I AM your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with My mighty right hand. Keep on marching forward and do not retreat. No matter what you see around you, do not let go of My promises, and I will come through for you.
Once you walk through the gates, do not let go of My inquiry of the evil one. I am asking back sevenfold all that he has stolen from My people in the way of land, finances, health, relationships. All that he thought he succeeded in tearing down My kingdom will be restored concerning My missions to other lands. Even the bodies of believers who were called together as one to pull down strongholds over the land and to promote My truth will once again rise up. Maybe not in the same form, but the calling will be restored and promoted once again.
Do not give up on the vision I have given to you. Do not lose focus of what I called you to do in the way of prayer and intercession. Don’t let go of it and believe, and I will bring it forth, and as you birth it forth, it will stir a birthing in many others, and the vision will spread like wild fire.
So do not become alarmed at what you see. Keep your eyes on Me. Even though the enemy will roar, and he will try to destroy, keep hidden in Me, and I will take you through in victory. For we are taking the land, and you will crush the enemy under your foot like a serpent. You have the authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. So tread on My holy ones, says your King.
March 9, 2003
Today is the day of much torment and disagreement in the land. Many are going about in missions to put down those who are in leadership to promote that which they believe is of Me, but they are all wrong. They should be gathering together and praying for peace in Jerusalem and that repentance would fall on the hearts of the people. But instead they are tearing down and destroying that which needs to be built up and that is the wall of faith and trust and unity.
For I have covered you with a cloak of humility through September 11 when I allowed the enemy to come through the hedge of protection because of the pridefulness and hardness of your own hearts. I say to you this day to repent of your evil ways of rebellion and stubbornness. Pick up the cloak of humility and follow Me. Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Me, and I will direct your paths.
Trust Me when I say to pray for your leaders for they need to know My precise plan of attack to come against the devil’s tool to destroy and pull up that which I have built. But know that only good will come forth if you humble yourselves and seek My face as one and turn from your ways of pride, independence, and lust. Look at the mountain and say be cast into the sea. Look above at the weapons of warfare and decree no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Pray that the spirit of confusion will fall upon the enemy that their own plan to deceive others will cause their own destruction. What they had planned for your harm, I will turn for your good.
So rejoice that I AM for you, and I will fight for you for I AM the Captain of the hosts of heaven, and I AM unleashing My great white horses to trample down the enemy. Keep your eyes looking ahead, and believe for great things to happen. I will allow the warfare to go so far, and I will allow the flames to go so high, until I see the hearts of My people turn to Me once again. I know My people, and I know what it will take to break the hardness of hearts. I know what will cause them to turn to Me out of desperation and helplessness. They will try to defend themselves out of pride but will see their own plan fail. And then hearts will melt of fear, and they will cast off their worldly desires for fame and recognition, and humble themselves as one before Me. All will bow down before Me and acknowledge Me as the one true God.
I AM your Lord and King, and My love will not fail. Keep your eyes on Me, and I will see you through, and in peace and safety you will dwell for I AM your God.