ARCHIVES IV – MARCH 24, 2001 THRU JUNE 14, 2001
June 14, 2001
It is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. And by two or three witnesses His word shall be established. I tell you this day that if you desire to go deeper with your Lord, then it is time to go straight to the source of your power, and that is the Word of God. Too many are going to other sources for their supply, and their fountain is going dry.
Bubble up, O Well. Spring forth, O River of Live, and flourish my life with Your breath and Your being. Draw us to the Well, Lord, and help us to see that You are our main sustenance. You are our all in all. Why do we even try to make it on our own? Help us to truly give up, and rely on you completely, for you have everything under control.
Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened, but most of all, ask and you shall receive. You have not because you ask not or that you ask amiss. Why not just turn over everything to Me, and just rest in My faithfulness, for I AM the One who has brought you into being. I AM the One who has created you and formed you in your mother’s womb. I know everything about you. I know your lying down and your rising up each day. I know your thoughts, your emotions and your feelings, your aspirations and dreams. I know all about you. So why don’t you just give it up, and quit trying to make it on your own. Give it all to Me and just rest.
I say to you this day, “Cease striving to try to please man, and just be the vessel I created you to be, so I can flow through you, and live My life through you. I want you to rise up now, and cast off all that has stood in your way. Overcome the lies of the enemy that have come on like a flood. Do not listen to the evil one any longer, for he is the father of lies, and no truth lies in him. He might try to take truth to get your attention, but he takes it and twists it and perverts it to where there is no truth left. So take My advise, My children, and rise up and take your land.
Ask Me to bless you, to bless you indeed, and to increase your land, your territory and all that pertains to life and godliness in you. Expect a blessing. Expect life abundantly full of My promises of prosperity, and health, and a multitude of spiritual blessings. Put on your robe of righteousness. Put on your crown for you are kings and priests in My kingdom, and walk with the authority I have given you, for this is the day to take the land, and exercise your power through your spoken word of faith. Speak forth My word and see the enemy’s kingdom fall, says your Lord and King.
June 11, 2001
My child, I have called you as an intercessor, but you must first draw close to Me and seek My face and get quiet and still before Me to be able to know the burden that is upon My heart that I want you to bear. Yes, draw close in My secret place. Draw close I say to you tonight that you may share the burden of My heart and I will travail through you. For right now you feel that you heart is hard and that you cannot feel to pray for anyone. But I am healing your heart as you come before Me. I will release you in your calling as the walls begin to come down and I will flow through you mightily and will give you your heart’s desire to serve Me in this capacity.
June 7, 2001
Speak clearly of My faithfulness. Rise up and take a stand. When all around you are running in opposite directions from My perfect will because of panic, stand still and see the faithfulness of your God. For I have seen your hearts. I have seen that you want more of My presence, but you have ensnared yourselves to the arm of the flesh in many ways. Because you did not trust totally in Me, you went on your own to get things accomplished.
So I say to you this day, “Are you willing to give up the ways of the arm of the flesh? Are you willing to trust Me totally and go through the fire so I can prove My word faithful to you? Are you willing, truly willing, to do things My way?” Then if so, open up your heart completely to Me, and listen for I will show you My ways. I will set you free of the things the enemy uses to eat up your finances and to keep you bound up even in areas of your health.
Remember I have said to you that every perfect gift comes down from your Father of lights. I AM the way, the truth and the life. No man goes to the Father except through Me. I AM the way in the wilderness. I will light up your path with My truth, but you must be willing to see it. Examine your hearts. Are you truly willing to go through the fire? Are you truly willing to be stretched to lengths unknown to your own physical capacity? For you are not to walk by sight but by faith, and you take too much time dealing with things in the natural rather than what My word says.
My word says that you are to prosper and be in good health as your soul prospers. But the way you have taken has ensnared you to the way of bondage and fear. You are listening to what man says, “What if this happens as a result of if you don’t do things my way.” This is what man says, those who deal with things in the natural. But I have placed you far above that realm. You are seated with Me far above the realm of powers, principalities and rulers of the heavenly realm.
You are far above the realm of darkness. I conquered that realm at the Cross so that you could soar with Me as the eagle. But you have allowed yourself to take focus of that in the natural. So rise up and set yourself free of the chains that bind you. I came to give you life and that more abundantly. I came to give you freedom, health, and prosperity. So look up to Me, the author and finisher of your faith. Look to Me to set you free, to set you on high away from the snare of the fowler. Rise up and set yourself free, says your God.
June 4, 2001
You might think that Jesus had it hard in the Garden, that if He struggled so much with apprehending fear of what was ahead, then I don’t have a chance! But that is not true. What exactly did Jesus battle in the Garden? He conquered all the fear, the stress, the worry, all the apprehension of what is ahead of us, so we would not have to struggle with all that robs us of our joy and peace.
Jesus took our place even in the Garden and conquered all so that we would not have to. He did so much for us there when the great anguish of the world was upon Him. He was not just stressing out about what was ahead of Him… the Cross, He was carrying the burden for the whole world that they would have victory over the flesh and the lies of the enemy, so that we could go to the cross victoriously overcoming the power of the flesh.
Oh glory to God!!!! The true victory was won in the Garden, and we have to claim that victory in Jesus’ name, and cast down all the lies of the evil one that we don’t have what it takes to overcome. The victory is ours through the power of the Blood, the grace and truth of the Lamb, and that He loved not His life unto death. Rise up and take the land! Be bold, be strong, for the Lord thy God is with us! We serve a mighty God!
If we could grasp a minute portion of the victory Christ won for us, we would be shouting “Halleluiah!!”. The measure of victory won in the Garden is dynamic, much less contemplating on the immense measure of power contained in the stripes He took for our healing, and His death and resurrection!!
Oh Lord, open up our hearts to all You have in store for us. Help us to rise up and use Your Sword of Truth as a powerful weapon of grace. Oh Lord, touch Your people! Stir up the gifts of healing and miracles that Your church may be well to be a light and testimony to the world of Your faithfulness.
Shake us! Wake us to Truth!!! Open our eyes and our hearts to our abundant life in You. Set the captives free to live and worship and rejoice. This is the day of Salvation! This is the day to choose life!!!!
June 1, 2001
Most assuredly I say unto you that those that follow their Master will be like Him and do exceedingly powerful and wonderful miracles in His name. For our Lord is looking for those who are completely sold out to do the will of their Master, the Lord Jesus Christ. So I say unto you if you are
willing and just, I will give you the fruit of the land. I will give you the nations as your inheritance. All you have to do is be willing and yielded, and I will move through you in a powerful way. And signs and wonders will follow your words when you speak in My name.
So rent your hearts and not your garments. Humble yourself before Me. Turn from your wicked ways of wanting to promote My kingdom in your own ways. Give Me your heart and your time and draw close to Me. Take the time to draw close and be still and know that I AM God, and it is My work and not yours. It is My name you will lift up, not your own. So die
out to anything that breeds that of the flesh. Be still and wait on Me to move through you. Die out to your own agenda. Put Me first in all things. Acknowledge Me in all your ways, and I will direct your paths.
I AM the Lilly of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star. I AM the Way in the Wilderness. I AM all you will ever need. I have given you everything you need to live an overcoming life, but you must believe and stand on My word. Cast down vain imagination and all the lies of the wicked one.
Rise up and be strong. Be of good courage and take the land. Lean on Me and not your own strength for the battle is the Lord’s, and We win!
I AM calling all intercessors to come before Me with the sole purpose to worship Me. You can get much more accomplished when you are walking in My perfect will, and to know My perfect will, as to what I would have you to stand in the gap for, is by being before Me seeking My face and not My hand. I AM calling you to put aside everything that you thought was of Me, because if it was truly of Me, it would never have deterred you from getting before Me and spending time with Me. Now I want you to listen closely to Me, My faithful ones. You can get much more accomplished on behalf of My kingdom if you get your orders straight from Headquarters.
And I AM the Head, Ruler of All. And I AM in charge. I AM the Captain, but more than that I AM your best friend, and I want to be to you closer than a brother. So examine your heart to determine whether what you are doing is truly of Me. Remember that what I call you to do would never draw you away from coming into My secret place. My plans for you would never have you so busy or worn out that you can’t come home before Me and spend time with Me. For I AM your sole purpose for living. I brought you into this world that I may share My life with you, that I may commune and fellowship with you. I’ve called you that you may feast wit Me at the banqueting table of My love.
I want you all to join together as one, as I and My Father are one, and love one another. Be united with one purpose and that is to worship Me, to be intimate with Me that My love may freely flow through you to each other. For the only way the world would ever know Me is through My people. And they will come to know Me through My love. So assuredly I say to you this day, if you are truly My disciples, worship Me. If you are truly My Bride, then love Me. Cast off anything that would stand in your way of having an intimate relationship with Me.
And trust Me by being real with one another. Let others see who you really are, and let Me transform you into My image. I cannot work with a mirage. I can only work with the real thing, the true you. So join together and encourage one another this day. Be kind and gentle and avoid areas of controversy that would cause strife or division. Do not give into the spirit of offense or anything that would divide My people; because that of extreme importance this day is that you be united in My love with the sole purpose to come together to worship Me. Seek those things that are above of lasting value. Seek My face for I will pour out My glory, and I will use you mightily if you do things My way, says your God.
May 25, 2001
I have come to warm your hearts with My love. Yes, the fire of My love for I have come to purify your heart. For I must have a pure people to move through. In order for Me to move in the way I intend to, My people must have a pure heart. So come before Me, and open up to Me those things deep in your heart that you struggle with. Don’t you know you don’t have to hide anything from Me? Open up all the rooms of your heart, and let’s do a deep cleaning! Let Me expose those things, bring them to the light, that you have even tried to hide from yourself. But who are you trying to fool? You know they are still there. Just like sweeping the dirt under the rug, it’s time to clean it all out!
This is a new day, even a new hour where I will pour out My power in a fresh new way. I will move through My people in such a way that will bring in the multitudes into My kingdom. Yes, this is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power! I will sweep across My Bride like wild fire burning up all that stands in My way. I need yielded and broken vessels to move through, vessels cleansed by My fire.
So come before Me willing for Me to do a deeper work in you, a deep cleansing by My Spirit. Yes, open up all the doors in your heart, and even open the windows for I am bringing down any hindrance to My Spirit freely flowing through you. I will air you completely out of all false doctrines…anything you have picked up that wasn’t of Me.
I am delivering you and setting you free for it is My time to rule and reign through My beloved children, My Bride. Open up your hearts, and let My rain refresh you and cleanse you and rejuvenate you! Open up, My people, and truly be real with Me and others around you. It’s time to take off the masks, and it is time to really join together in love, and work together with one purpose and one calling. My will be done! My kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Be ready for the end time harvest is at hand! Take your place in the army of the Lord. Stay in rank and worship Me. Let out a victory shout, and watch the walls fall and My river flow, says your God.
May 20, 2001
Why do you hide from Me, My little ones? Why do you hide from My intimate presence? For I have called you from the foundation of the earth to serve Me in a way that would bring glory to My name. And that way is to have an intimate personal relationship with Me. For you bring Me much glory when you spend time with Me in the secret place that I have prepared for you and Me to dwell in together. For I have called you to commune with Me, to spend time resting and basking in My presence.
For this is where I anoint you. This is where I prepare you for the feats ahead of you. For you will face many battles, and you will face hardships beyond measure, but I have prepared your heart that you would be able to endure much, and I would produce fruit in you that many would see in the days ahead. For you would be able to endure with the fruit of joy unspeakable and full of glory and peace when those around you would be trembling in fear. You will be able to reach out to them, because you will have faith, because you had been through the fire before, and you have seen My faithfulness.
You will be able to reach out to them with an encouraging word and with My love that they will see and receive. For they will even feel secure in your presence, because it will be My presence upon you. And they will humble themselves and open up to you, and you will share with them your many testimonies of faith, and they will want what you have. And open doors of opportunity will come in abundance, because you know My name. You will share My love with many, and they will receive My love and be welcomed into My kingdom. Yes, many will receive My saving grace.
All because of your faithfulness to come before Me often in My secret place and dwell with Me in unbroken communion. Yes, this place of intimacy will become a way of life for you. You will walk and talk with Me in the garden as a way of life. You will hear My voice above the hustle and bustle of life’s daily tasks. And yes, in the midst of persecution and opposition of the enemy, you will be able to be quiet and still before Me, and praise and worship will continually rise up from the midst of your heart.
Deep calls unto deep at the sound of thy waterspouts. Let the trials of your life and many hardships cause you to draw even closer to Me. All things work together for your good. So draw close and rest in Me, My little ones, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.
Rise up, O mighty warriors of praise! Rise up, and take the land for I AM about to pour out an anointing that will pull down the strongholds that have held you bound. Yes, I AM pouring forth an anointing that will enable you to take the land for this is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power. And yes, you have been faithful, and you have held fast to My promises and the vision I have given you of the latter rain outpouring. And yes, this is the hour. This is the time. So come before Me, My bride. Make your garments ready to meet your Maker.
Yes, this is the hour to come forth out of obscurity and to be the bride I called you to be. Come forth in fastings and prayer, and draw close to My side for I AM about to reveal to you secrets that I have not shared with anyone until this time. I said I would reward those who diligently seek My face. And you have never given up on My faithfulness to reveal Myself in a deep and profound way. This is the time where I AM drawing My Bride close to Me , and she is leaving behind everything that had been a distraction to her, and she is picking up her mantle of praise, and she is running forward to worship her God like never before has she worshiped.
Yes, she is running toward Me with such anticipation of My unveiling of My glory that nothing by any means will stand in her way. She is so determined to bust free of everything that has held her back. So come forth, My mighty warriors of praise, and run forward towards the enemy with such anticipation for the breakthrough of victory that I have promised. And yes, strongholds are coming down over the land, and the flood gates of My glory are opening up, and My river will flow across the land and sweep in those I gave My life for.
Yes, this is the time of My latter rain outpouring, and yes, this is the time of many suddenlies to take place. Those who have held fast to My promises for years, and have endured many a suffering, and even loved not their lives unto death to prove the faithfulness of My word, will receive their healings. They will receive their healings and their deliverance, because they trusted only in Me and My faithfulness to perform My word on their behalf. So rise up and take the land, and be ready to share with all I send you to your mighty testimonies of faith for I AM your Father, and I reign faithful, says your God.
May 10, 2001
1 Cor 13:11 – When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
When you were a child, you thought like a child and had corresponding actions that followed. But when you came of age, old things passed away, behold all things had become new. Yes, this is a new day. All things have passed away, and all things have become new. Just as long as you have placed your past under the blood of My Son, no ill effects will take place from it. Just as long as you have closed the doors to the enemy and have renounced any ties with him, he can no longer have any hold on you.
So rise up and be free. Who the Son set free is free indeed, and Jesus set you free. It is time to rise up and take your authority over the lies of the enemy, and cast down the strongholds that have held you bound. It is time to cast down vain imaginations, and take your position in Me over the enemy, for you are seated with Me at the right hand of the Father, and the enemy is your foot stool. He is definitely under your feet. So it is time to rise up and be strong and put aside your childish ways.
Make amends with one another. Put aside your differences and come together in unity over that which is important. For I called you a mighty army to come together and join forces against the evil one. Use your sword and do warfare against the enemy and not against one another with pet doctrines and even personal conviction. And yes, that is what they are, your own personal convictions that which I have given you to walk in. That is your light and not to overshadow another. You are not to force your ways on another for that is My place to pour out holy conviction upon another.
So I say to you this day to rise up, cast off all that has held you back even of childish ways. It is time for My people to rise up and be strong and to grow up and be the mature bride I called you to be.
May 5, 2001
One day as I was praying for my husband, this list of positive confessions just kept flowing through me. And I share them with you.
My husband is free to praise the Lord with all his heart and can dance before Him like David danced. He delights himself in the presence of the Lord in intimate fellowship alone and with others. He is walking only in the presence of good company and Christian fellowship.
His life is a testimony of God’s faithfulness, and he presents himself as a light in the midst of a world of darkness. His heart is pure and honest in every area of his life. He is full of integrity. His feet will only lead him in the paths of righteousness. He is full of holy boldness ready to present the Gospel wherever he goes.
He is the priest of his household spending time with them before the Lord nurturing and admonishing them with the Word and in prayer, praise and worship. He is a good husband loving his wife like Jesus loves the church and is a good father. He is sensitive to the needs of his wife and children in the area of fellowship. He has a wife who stands behind him praying daily and only encourages and lifts him up. He has a Proverbs 31 wife.
He takes care of his body by being conscious of what he eats, drinks, exercise, and cleanliness. His hands only do what is good and he gives into no unclean habits like smoking. He is totally delivered of any type of bondage or addiction. He does not pollute his body with nicotine, alcohol, drugs, food or drink in excess, or even that which will contaminate his thoughts.
He is in the Lord’s perfect will and his flesh is subject to the Holy Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit is maturing in his life. The joy of the Lord and His peace and love overflow in his life like a river.
He is sensitive to the burden of the Lord and stays focused on the vision God has given him of breakthrough and revival. He is an anointed man of God full of grace and truth and the Gifts flow through him as he is being conformed into the image of the Lord Jesus. He is full of wisdom and discernment and the fruit of patience abounds in his life. He is an overcomer and has the mind of Christ and is hungry and thirsty for the Word and His presence.
He is covered with the Blood of Jesus and God’s angels watch over him and protect him and fight evil off on his behalf and he is fully armed with God’s armor. No evil can overtake him and no plague can come nigh his dwelling.
He is strong in faith, dead to the flesh, continuously being filled with God’s Spirit and he puts the Kingdom of God first and loves not the world and its ways. He is prospering and in good health and his soul is prospering. He receives grace from both God and man.
No evil can overtake his speech because the Lord guards his mouth that only what edifies comes forth. He watches or reads nothing that will not edify his spiritual growth. He does not fulfill the desires of the flesh and the mind but only crucifies the flesh because he builds himself up daily praying in the Spirit and staying in God’s Word. No evil can overtake his mind in the area of uncleanness. He is totally delivered of any pornography, lust or self abuse because he has the mind of Christ.
My husband is truly a blessing from God for he walks in the balance of grace and truth that he receives from the Father. I know that the Lord is pleased with him and will bless him abundantly in every area of his life. Therefore, I am blessed and I pray in return that I will be a blessing to him by yielding to the Father as He transforms me into the image of His dear Son.
May 3, 2001
Luke 22:31-32: And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon, indeed Satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail, and when you have returned to Me, strengthen the brethren.”
For I sit at the right hand of the Father, and I constantly intercede that your faith fail not, for the enemy has come to sift you as wheat, and even though I have given you the faith that you may stand unwavering before Me, you have given ear to the temptations of the evil one. You have listened to his lies instead of standing on My word, and you have wavered in doubt, fear and unbelief, and in this state of mind, you are far from knowing Me experientially in your heart. Yes, I am far from you in this state of mind. Even though I AM closer than a brother and will never leave you or forsake you, you leave Me by not completely trusting Me.
Who do you choose to believe in this condition, the lies of the enemy or all the promises I have made to you? I know the enemy comes in as a flood, and he is loud and boisterous, and he comes as a roaring lion to distract you from coming into My secret place. For in My presence there is peace and there is power, and the victory waits for you there. In My secret place there is refuge, and it is a strong fortress against the evil one. And the chief purpose of the siftings of the enemy is to keep you from entering into My presence, for that is where you find your strength.
Just like a lamb who has wandered away from the flock and have become lost, you have become. At this point you do not have the comfort and protection of your Shepherd. So rise up, little ones. Put on your shield of faith and use My sword against the fiery darts, the lies of the evil one. Position your armor. Plead the power of the blood shed for you at Calvary. Rise up a mighty man of war for that is what I called you to be. I have given you My name and My authority so take your stand. Take back what the enemy has tried to steal from you. And return to Me stronger than ever, and come and encourage the others by your testimony of faith, that you have overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb, the word of your testimony and that you remained faithful, you did not love your life unto death.
Live My word. Breathe My word. Speak My word and pull down strongholds over your own life and those of your loved ones. Stand faithfully on behalf of the brethren. And listen closely to My directions for I will lead you and guide you into all truth. And I will give you opportunity and the words to reach out to the lost to pull in a mighty harvest for My kingdom. Just be willing, yielded and available and I will do the rest. I will complete the work that I began through you, for you are My faithful followers, My believers, My lambs, and I AM pleased with you, says your Lord.
April 30, 2001
My little ones, draw close to Me for it is your Father’s pleasure to give you the Kingdom. Don’t let the enemy hinder you with the thoughts you are experiencing. Cast down vain imaginations that exalt themselves over the knowledge of your God. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy that say you are nothing. And you don’t need to listen to him when he says you are special over others. For I made you all special in My eyes. You are My beloved children, and My heart goes out to you that you will stand on My word…..who you are in Me. I make you special.
And I have a unique and special love for each and every one of you. So know this day that I AM for you. I AM on your side. All things work for your good for I AM strengthening you. And nothing can compare to the love I have for you. So lose yourself in My presence, and be encouraged, for I AM pleased with you, and that is all that counts, doesn’t it? Trust Me to complete the work, and rest in My faithfulness today and always.
April 25, 2001
Many of My children have been struggling so with emotions of hate and unbelief, anger, rage, and many other emotions that have even been shocking to those who have exhibited them. Yes, this is a time of My purging for I AM getting you ready for My outpouring of glory, and I need vessels that are pure made ready to carry My glory. For if My vessels have not been purified through My fire, and when I pour out My glory, these vessels can bring more harm than good. For I need vessels of honor purified through the fire, those that carry My love, grace and glory. For if My vessels portray a heart that has not been purged, then that which is in the heart will taint My work through it.
I say to you this day to let Me expose that which has been hidden, that which has been suppressed of past hurts and bitterness. Let My fire continue to bring these things to the surface so that I can totally cleanse you of all impurities. Do not be shocked by your frustration of not knowing how to handle this process. You feel totally out of control. Nothing seems to work to alleviate you of your pain, and you have become angry with Me. Do not hide these feelings. Express them to Me so that I can heal your pain.
For many are hurting even from past hurts from their earthly father or even husband and do not know how to open up completely to My love. You have built a fortress to try to protect yourself, but all it has done was separate yourself from Me and imprisoned yourself with your worse enemy which is yourself. Let Me heal you with My love. Let Me bring the walls down so that My power, love, and glory can flow through you to touch others who are also desperate for My healing touch and saving grace.
So come before Me broken. Humble yourself before Me so I can lift you up. Let go of the reigns of control in your life, and give Me total control. Let go completely. Give it all to Me, and I will take over and make everything right. You are only prolonging My process, and if you would truly admit it, making a mess of your life by trying to work it out in your own strength.
Trust in My ability and My faithfulness to transform you and give you the freedom of the abundant life you long for. Quit listening to the lies of the enemy. Cast down vain imaginations that exalt themselves over the knowledge of your God. Stand on My word and My faithfulness, and I will bring you through. For I AM the Lord God Almighty, and I reign in you for you are Mine, and I love you and will never leave you to the end of time. And we will be together for all eternity. The suffering you face this day will never compare to what I have in store for you for I have blessings beyond measure in your present life and even in your heavenly inheritance.
Seek ye first My kingdom and My righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. Give no thought for tomorrow for I will provide all your needs according to My riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Look only to Me the author and finisher of your faith. With this in mind, I say rejoice for I have overcome all things, and the enemy is under your feet. Soar high above all powers and principalities for you are positioned with Me at the right hand of the Father. I have given you My authority and My name, My victory, and My all. Stand in Me complete, says your God.
April 25, 2001
My child, I AM calling you to trust in Me completely. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy when he says things like if I am in control,then I am the root cause of all your pain. I know you don’t understand My ways for they are so much higher than yours are, and you have a hard time understanding. Didn’t I say in My word to not lean on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Me, and I will direct your paths? They why do you doubt My faithfulness?
Do not look at what you face daily in your trials. Look past it and know that I AM doing a good work in you. I AM purifying your heart, and in the process I AM pulling up to the surface all the impurities that have even laid dormant for many years. You didn’t even know they were in your heart until the fire of My love drew them forth. So know, My child, that I AM in control, and know that I AM doing a good thing in you. I AM your loving Father, and whatever I allow is for your good even though it doesn’t feel good, just know that it is good, because I AM a good God, and I AM a just God, and a God of love and truth.
So I say this day to trust Me, and submit to My refining fire, and I will give you the courage and the strength to make it through to the end. And you will come out purified like gold that has gone through the furnace seven times. Yes, the number of perfection. I will complete the work, and in My timing I will make you whole and bring forth the deliverance and healing for you, and your life will be a testimony to others of My faithfulness of those who endure to the end. Remember it is the fire of My love, and it will not bring harm. Trust Me, I say to you. Trust Me, says your God.
April 23, 2001
Come unto Me all who are weary and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Yes, come into My secret place where you and I may sup so that I may refresh you and encourage you with My words of comfort and love. For many of you have gone through several trials and hardships where the enemy was out to sift you like wheat. But know that I AM with you always and that the enemy cannot have any access to your life that I don’t allow. All things work together for your good for you are Mine, and I know you love Me.
Come into My secret place so I can fill you to overflowing with My glory and grace, My power and love, for My love is My greatest force against the enemy. For I gave My life so that you can have victory over the enemy, you are to give your own life for the brethren. Esteem others over yourself. Serve humbly with a heart of love. Wash each other’s feet so that you may be clean. Humble yourselves before Me that I may lift you up.
But most of all, My children, grieve not My Holy Spirit. Allow Me to have free flow in your meetings. Be very sensitive to My leading and not to the clock, for I have a purpose to accomplish through you, and there is not much time to accomplish it where you are all gathered together. Do not be confined to tradition or to structure but to My leading. When I AM leading you in worship, be sure you end your service when I say to. Do not worry about others that they may be offended that you go over the set time. Just excuse those who are willing to go, and open up freedom to those who want to go deeper with Me.
My presence is of utmost importance to you now. It is time to draw down My glory with fasting and prayer and worship unlimited. Seek Me in the secret place those who oversee the flock. See if I would have you to open up times of gathering outside of your normal schedule for I will provide your finances. I will bless you and prosper you if you seek My kingdom first and My righteousness, says your Lord.
Stir up your hearts for an outpouring of My glory. Gather together in My secret place in unity and in intimacy with your Father. Open up your hearts that I may heal you so that all the walls may come down that have hindered My flow. I want to come and move through you in a mighty way, but you must humble yourselves and cry out to Me that I may fill you beyond measure.
Yes, this is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power, but things must be done My way and in My timing, for you know that I AM not limited by time, and you aren’t either. Arrange your schedule so that I can have free reign in your life, nothing holding you back from going deeper with Me. Stand on My word that I will bless you and prosper you. I gave My life that you would have health and life abundantly. So seek My face and open your hearts that I may make the changes in you and yours, says your God.
April 20, 2001
Deep within the heart of man there is a calling “deep calls unto deep at the sound of His waterspouts”, but how many really yield to the calling? How many truly develop a heart of intimacy with their Father God? I AM calling you still “come away with Me, My beloved”. “Come into My secret place where I may speak with you and share My heart with you, for there is so much I would love to say to My children, but who will come and listen?”
I AM warning you to come apart from your daily activities, and meet with Me where there is time so I can prepare your heart for what is ahead. Later, if you do not prepare in My secret place, you might not have what it takes to get quiet and still before Me, for I will pour out My glory in judgment, and it will not be as easy to come apart from your daily activities to seek Me in a quiet place. Many will be surrounded by persecution. Some will be behind prison walls. Some will be homeless. Some without family and friends in a distant land.
Yes, I will scatter My flock, and I will turn things upside down for many, because they didn’t put Me first above all things, and they did not heed My warning to prepare in the secret place with Me. What I say to you is of utmost importance. You have the choice which way to go. Will it be glory or judgment? Will you be a vessel of honor or dishonor? Will it be blessings or cursings for you, a life of submission to My will, or will you continue to do your own will?
If you will yield to Me, I will prepare your heart. I will change you. All you have to do is to yield and obey to My Spirit drawing you. So I tell you this day to come apart and be with Me. Draw close to Me and listen to what I have to say, for I AM a jealous God, and I will not allow My people to go a way of futility, vanity, and idolatry without having to pour out My fury in judgment upon you.
So rise up and be strong. Cast off all that comes between us. Be the people I called you to be, the called out ones. Come into My secret place and be one with Me as I and My Father are one. Follow My example, and I will bless you, says your Lord.
April 17, 2001
Cut the enemy down to size. Don’t listen to his threats for I have positioned him under your feet. Exercise your authority over him in My name. Exercise your God given rights as a believer in My name. Do not be intimidated by him any longer for he cannot do anything that I do not allow. So know that what the enemy means for harm I turn for your good. Stand on My word and waver not in unbelief, and I will bring to past what you have sought Me out for. I say to you this day waver not in unbelief. Stand upon My word, and I will bring it to past for you.
This is the day of salvation. This is the day to take your stand against the evil one. For yes, he has come in as a flood, and yes, I have allowed it for your refining work. But you must rise up and be bold. Stand upon My promises and use My word as a sword to tear down the evil one. Cover your heart with My shield of faith that no fiery dart will penetrate your heart. Walk in temperance in all areas. Persevere as an overcomer for I made you that way.
So I say to you this day, rise up, be bold for the Lord your God is with you. Be not afraid or be dismayed for I will strengthen you. Come to Me for I will comfort you and encourage you. Stay close to My side. Do not waver away in unbelief. Be still and know that I am God and that I will come through for you. Keep the enemy under your feet for that is where I have positioned him to stay. Rise up as mighty warriors and worship Me for the victory is Mine. I have defeated the enemy at Calvary, and no weapon formed against you shall prosper.
So rejoice, be glad, and know that I am with you always to the end of time. And since I am for you, no man can come against you nor any created being can overcome you for I have shielded you with My grace and glory. Yes, I will protect you always for I am the Lord God Almighty, and I reign King of Glory forever, says your God.
April 10, 2001
Draw close to Me that I may speak to you, My children, for these are the end times, and you need to have specific directions from your heavenly Father at this time. Come and seek My face, and I will show you the areas of bondage in your life. I will show you the root causes so that you can uproot them once and for all. For so many of My children suffer needlessly. This is the day that I will set you free, because you have cried out to Me for answers. You have never given up on My faithfulness to set you free.
You have endured many a traumatic episode for I have brought you through the fire to purify. Even though you may call your trials areas of bondage in your own heart, I have used what the enemy has brought you as harm and have turned it for your good, for even for the furtherance of My gospel. But you say, “How is this so, Lord? How does this all work together?” For I tell you, My children, that those areas of bondage you have struggled so with I have used to strengthen you that you may relate to those out there who do not yet know Me.
For I know My people those I gave My life for. I have had My hand on them, and I am working all things together in their life to bring them to the place where they will look to Me. You remember the days of old when you struggled on your own, and you went through many a battle, and I preserved you and brought you to the place where you would look up to Me? And the pattern goes on with My people dying out to their own ways and yielding to Mine. You might say you feel you were never set free, but My word says “Who the Son sets free is free indeed, and I have set you free!”
So, My people, do not question why you struggle so, for it is all a part of My plan of salvation and redemption. But I AM faithful to lead you in My promises. The abundant life is there for you to enjoy, but you must come to the place in yourself where you are willing to die totally to your wants and needs, and look totally to Me, for I want to live My life through you. That’s where the abundance comes in. It is in dying that you will reap My resurrection power upon you, and My glory will rain upon you as I promised. In order to live, you must die. For My ways are not your ways. They are so much higher that you cannot understand them with your natural mind.
So draw close to Me in the secret place, and be ready for Me to show you those areas that have held you back, whether they may be in the area of prejudices, or pride, or presumption, or the like. I will set you free if you will truly open up to Me,” says your God.
April 8, 2001
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. My abiding favor rests upon those who seek My face. There are many promises to those who overcome and rest in My presence. Yes, in order to overcome you need My enabling power, My grace, to rest upon you, and this comes as you abide in My secret place.
Oh, I long for My beloved children to come and meet with Me in the secret place that I have prepared for them. No one else can take the place that I have prepared for them. This is their place of intimacy with Me that they alone can fill. Yes, I long to meet with My children where I can commune with them so that I can fill them to overflowing with My glory for there is so much I want to do through each of My children but they must meet with Me that I may prepare their hearts.
Come one, come all, to the banqueting table of My love for there is an ample supply for all. I have a special menu prepared for each and every one of you full of My nutrients that you need to be strengthened with from My word. I have hidden Manna for you. Yes, fresh and living Manna that I want to open up to you from My word. Yes, I want to open up My word to you in a new and fresh way.
I want to enlighten you to My glory that is hidden in each and every page. Yes, you must dig deeper, and I will open it up to you and strengthen your faith, for strong faith comes by hearing, believing, and confessing over and over My word, for they are words of life, and they will create My will to come forth just by you speaking them forth.
So come to Me, My children, and sit at My feet and humble yourselves seeking My agenda and not your own. Die out to your own will and yes, seek My own will. And yes, I will fill you to overflowing, and I will prepare you for I AM coming soon in My latter rain outpouring. And signs and wonders will follow your words for they will be Mine coming through you.
Yes, draw close to Me, and I will fill you and prepare you. You can count on it for it is My promise to you, but you must come to Me and give Me your full attention, your heart, and devotion. Put Me first in all things, and be sensitive to My wooing you into My secret place for I will refresh you and cover you with a blanket of My love for you are Mine, says your God.
BEWARE OF THE COUNTERFEIT – a dream and prophesy
April 2, 2001
In my dream my father and I were checking out a job where a lady wanted someone to come to her house twice a day to check on her puppies. She had several litters of different ages of cocker spaniel puppies. We were to check them at 3 AM and 3 PM each day. I was led to believe that this lady was old and sick and could not do it herself. When we went to her house she was in bed, and the puppies were in her room with her. I went and sat by her side like you would with an elderly lady in a convalescent home. I took her hand or she took mine, I can’t remember, but she rubbed my arm, and I felt such love that I cried.
I believe that my father and I represented the five-fold ministry and those of the congregation. The cocker spaniel represented a very attractive subject, something you would love to spend time with. This was to mislead you into a very messy job, something outside of the will of God, with the covering of something that is attractive to the flesh. It taking place in the bedroom represents the place of intimacy you should have with the Lord, and the puppies being in the room showed that they were a means to distract you from that intimate presence with the Lord
Then I ended up in the dream at a different scene with a group sitting at a table, I think at a restaurant, and they told me this lady was young and had a job, I think selling real estate, and something about marijuana being grown near her house. The clover in the marijuana blend came from the field by her house. I was shocked because they laughed at me thinking she was a sick old lady who had showed me love by her touching (rubbing) my arm.
I had other dreams of this nature where I was misled by the appearance of a woman disguising herself as a man to be seduced by her. I felt at first this meant that the enemy leads women astray into unclean relationships with other women under the pretense that the woman was a man. This is what took place in my dream. I was misled by the appearance of a kind man, and then the true revelation of her identity came forth. The woman was trying to seduce me into an unclean relationship.
In the natural, the physical realm, there are strong seducing and deceiving spirits involved in the immoral relationship of women with other women in uncleanness. After seeking the Lord more on the revelation of this dream, I see that the Lord is trying to warn us that the woman being seduced is the Church, and the woman out to seduce her is the spirit of Jezebel coming in the form of an angel of light. Beware of the seductive woman for she will come in many different forms. Her main purpose is to control you, to hinder you from your calling, and to ensnare you into deception.
The enemy comes under the pretense of truth to seduce the Church into deception, which is a relationship that is spiritually immoral, causing her to be whoring after false gods to lead her astray. Seducing spirits and deception are running rampant at this time to try to delude the Church to sidetrack her from her main calling which is to worship the Lord, to love Him with all her heart, mind and strength, and to love her neighbor as herself.
Also there is a warning here to those who have need of emotional healing, because of a blockage of the love of God to their hearts. They need to be very careful, because the enemy will try to lead you astray by false feelings of love to ensnare you. When you finally “feel” a breakthrough into God’s presence, beware because the enemy can counterfeit an experience. There are false anointings, experiences, visions, etc., to ensnare you into deception.
As I sought the Lord deeper on the revelation I received the following words:
The puppies are those things that distract you from My intimate presence. I say to you this day that the puppies in the dream are the areas in your life that the enemy keeps you bound up with in the area of religious works, even doing those things that cause you to be constantly cleaning up after the messes made by those the enemy has planted in My body, even those tares that constantly try to distract by their whims, their criticism and complaints, the gossip and backbiting, the undercurrents in the Body that try to disrupt My peace among you. Be discerning, My people, of those who truly need My ministry, and do not cast your pearls before the swine. I warn you this day to not get caught up in those areas that would distract you from My perfect will and that is spending time with Me.
The times represented by 3 AM and 3 PM are in accordance with My latter day outpouring of My glory that I AM pouring out in My third day anointing. Yes, this is My third day, and I AM pouring out My glory, and the enemy at the same time is trying to trip My people up with distractions. The times you should be spending with Me communing, represented by 3 AM and 3 PM, he wants you caught up in cleaning up after the puppies. So beware of the tactics the enemy will try to use to distract you. Watch and pray that you do not fall into temptation.
The marijuana is representing the luring to sleep of My people with tactics that mesmerize My people from being sober and vigilant. Even false anointings coming forth. Lay hands on no man suddenly I say to you for the transference of spirits is rampant these days when every man is desperate and hungry for renewal that they are willing to receive ministry from anybody. And many are losing My discernment, and have let down their guard, and have opened themselves to many a snare. So do a deep cleaning I say this day. Repent of placing yourself in a place of vulnerability, because you did not wait on Me, and did not completely trust in My faithfulness and in My timing to set you free.
Look to Me the author and finisher of your faith. Cast off all that would hold you back. Be sober, be vigilant, for the enemy goes about as a roaring lion seeking all he can devour. Make yourself clean. Yes, wash your garments with the washing of water by My word, and apply My blood to your heart, your mind, and your whole being. Do not be careless for this is a time of war and there are many casualties. So beware of the many tactics of the enemy I say to you this day. Stay close to My side, and I will direct you. I will fill you with My grace and glory, and fill you with My truth for these are your weapons of warfare. Stay close I say to you, says your God.
April 2, 2001
Deep within the heart of man, there is a desire to worship Me even though they did not yet know Me. I have created man to be a being of worship. I have made you now that you know Me to be partakers of the manifold wisdom of God as shown in scripture under Ephesians 3:10. That is the multilevel, diversified, ever-increasing knowledge and wisdom of the triune God I have placed within each of your grasp just for the taking. I have given you wisdom of every level that you may walk in My perfect will, that you may know at any time just by tapping into My Spirit the breadth, the width and the height of My love.
For I truly love you, My people, and I want you to walk in the blessings that I have for you, but you must come to Me and partake of them. You must draw close to My side and lay your head upon My breast and hear My heart beating for you just like My apostle John did often. It wasn’t that this was a special privilege set apart for John alone, but that he loved Me so much that this is where he longed to be. I want you to draw close to Me under My wing, My children, so that I can keep you safe and that I may strengthen you with My words.
Oh My Children, draw close to Me for I want to fill you to overflowing with My wisdom that you may extend it to others in ministry. I want to give you the revelation in My Spirit that you need to be able to touch others deeply to uproot that which have held them captive by the enemy. Yes, I want to increase in your disposal multilevel of My wisdom that you may uproot and tear down the strongholds of the enemy over the lives of many. And I want you to strengthen and build up in My name those who have been cast to the wayside as hopeless because the revelation they had needed to set them free they did not have.
In prophetic ministry you need to tap into My wisdom. You cannot make it on your own. Lean not upon your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Me, and I will direct your paths. You need a close walk with Me to touch the lives of others that I may stir My gifts within you. Yes, I have created you to be a being of worship.
Yes, I have created you that way. Stir up the deep within you and cry out to Me for My ever-increasing River of Love that I may fill you to overflowing with My joy which is your strength. My joy, peace and love are the most powerful weapons you have against the evil one along with My armor of light. So keep dressed every day and stir up My river. Keep stirring up My gifts within you. Do not let them lie dormant because of the enemy trying to keep you in the snare of complacency and busyness.
Cast off anything that would hold you back. Let out a victory shout and kick up your heels and rejoice for this is the last stretch of the race for you. The finishing line is right in plain view for you. Yes, I am coming back and very soon. So be ready, My bride, draw close I say to you. Stir up the deep within you. Prepare ye the way of the Lord. Make your garments clean and without wrinkle. Get your veil which is My glory upon you. Make ready your boots for you are trampling down the enemy. Yes, I have made you My bride with boots on, a very peculiar people I made you to be but very powerful. Greater in you am I, than he who is in the world. Look up I say to you this day for your redemption is nigh, says your Lord, the Mighty God of Israel is My name.
April 1, 2001
I poured Myself out as a drink offering that you would have life and more abundantly. But many of My children are honestly crying out for the gift of repentance. They see the error of their ways and the wickedness of living a life not completely sanctified and set apart for Me. My children, cry out for more grace for I will abundantly persevere for you on behalf of the enemy trying to hold you captive. I won the battle at Calvary and the victory is surely yours. Just reach out and receive all that I gave My life for.
I will abundantly bless you with the life you are desperately crying out for. You don’t know how to replace that of your addictive lifestyle with that which is pure and fulfilling so you hold on to that which is familiar to you. You know who I am talking to. Not all have it all together. There are areas in all your lives that are not completely submitted to Me if you are truly honest with yourself. Anything that you replace My presence with to receive gratification is of the evil one as a temptation to appease your flesh. It may be in the area of eating. It may be entertainment, addictions to caffeine, or even nicotine. You know what you turn to, to gratify that inner longing for more satisfaction deep within you.
Don’t you know that I AM the only way, truth and life? There is no other way that leads to abundant life. So I say this day to cry out to Me. Lay it all out that I may see what you are dealing with. Do not try to cover it over and say it is all OK. Be completely honest with Me how you truly feel. Cry out to Me like My son David often did. And I faithfully lifted him up because he humbled himself before Me.
I said in My word that if My people would humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then I would hear them from heaven and heal their land, and that is their individual lives, My children. Do not try to make it on your own. Turn over everything to Me completely. Yes, give it all to Me in desperation that I may heal your land and revive you, My people.
Cry out to Me and watch what I will do for you out of My heart of mercy and grace for you. Don’t do it on your own for that will only result in dead religious works which My fire will burn up. What I will do in you will be pure and lasting, and will produce a bumper crop of good fruit, and an abundance for others to benefit form.
So look to Me, the author and finisher of your faith. Never look away from My faithfulness for it is all in My hand, and in My perfect timing that you will see the manifestation of My glory for you. I say again “Never look away!”. Look longingly unto Me, and I will fill you, says your God.
March 24, 2001
Rise up, mighty warriors! Rise up and take the land for there is a mighty battle on the horizon, one that the enemy will try to use to persuade you to turn away, to lay down, to put aside all that I called you to do. And he will come as an angel of light in the form of deception to make you think that this is a time to take off from the regular things I’ve called you to do and take the time to lay back and rest. Even though in the natural a rest is very much needed, because the enemy has come on strong and long to beat down My people to wear you down to nothing. But do not give in.
Come into My secret place so that I can build you up and refresh and rejuvenate you. Come into My secret place so I can speak into your heart words of encouragement so you can go on in the battle. For this is an important time to keep pressing in on the enemy. He is losing ground and breakthrough for My kingdom is right at hand. So do not give into the episodes the enemy is using to dissuade you, to discourage you, and to pull you back. Do not give in. Look to Me the author and finisher of your faith. Look to Me, and I will sustain you and restore you to health. Didn’t I promise in My word that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and nothing by any means can harm you? For this is My truth to you, and I AM faithful to keep My word.
Rise up, mighty warriors! Rise up and take the land! Press in on the enemy with forehead set like flint. Be bold, and be courageous, and do not look back for the strongholds of the enemy are crumbling in front of you. And yes, things look bad in many ways, because the enemy is panic stricken and is pulling in his troops ever stronger, because he knows this is the end of the race, and he wants to pull down with him all that he can. He knows his time is over, and that he is a defeated foe. He cannot deny it, because he knows I defeated him at the Cross when I gave My life for you. So rise up ever so faithfully, and keep on pressing in for the victory is yours, says the Lord.