JUN 14, 2001 – OCT 5, 2001


October 5, 2001

Come before Me, My children, and rest in My presence for this is the day of salvation. Yes, this is the day where I will pour out My glory upon you and teach you My ways in the midst of calamity all around you. For these are perilous times for the enemy knows that his time is short, and his chief mission is to rob you of your peace and joy and love in Me. For yes, these are My fruits, and even so they are powerful weapons against the evil one. These enable you to stand sure-footed no matter what the circumstances surrounding you.

Come, My children, and humble yourself before My throne of grace so that I may lift you up. So many have allowed the enemy to rob you of your peace and joy, but I said that I have come to give you life and that abundantly. Don’t allow the enemy to rob you of My presence for I have all that you need in order to stand. I have given you My life. I have given you My armor. Yes, My weapons of warfare are mighty, but you must worship Me. You must come to Me often and rest in My presence.

Do not become discouraged if you do not hear My voice. Just draw close to My side and rest. Be still and know that I AM God. I will reward you if you diligently seek My face. For I AM God, and there is no other one like Me. You can trust Me to take care of all your needs. You can trust Me to speak to your heart and lead you and guide you into all truth. For I have the fullness of grace and truth, and I AM faithful to fill you to overflowing that you may bless My people. I will encourage you. I will comfort you and lead you by streams of living water. I will feed you with fresh manna, because you have been faithful not to leave Me through the fire, through the purgings of My love.

For this is the day of salvation and the day of the Latter Rain Outpouring. Look up for your redemption draws nigh. Look up and feel the rain. Be ready for I AM coming soon for I AM preparing My precious Bride. You are the love of My life. I have created you to be Mine. I have ordained that you reap the abundance of My glory upon you. Cast all your care upon Me. Be anxious for nothing in all prayer and thanksgiving let your requests be known. And I will fill you with My perfect peace. I will fill you with My joy and strengthen you.

Draw near unto Me, and I will draw near to you. Rest, be still, trust Me to complete My work in you for I AM faithful. I will heal you and prosper you and help you to stand always and to the end of time. I have called you and redeemed you. Now be all that I called you to be. Shake off the shackles of fear and discouragement. Rise up and be strong and let out a victory shout. Sing and dance for you have won the battle. It is all in My hands. I AM in total control of all things. I AM sovereign ruler of all. The enemy is under your feet. Now dance and sing and rejoice for the victory is Mine!!

September 29, 2001

This is the day of salvation. This is the day of the coming of the Lord of Hosts, but how many are truly ready to meet Him in the sky? How many are truly ready to meet His arrival? I tell you this day to check your hearts for attitudes and motives that aren’t of Me. Be truly honest with yourself, and examine your heart for out of the heart comes the issues of life. And your heart must be pure and honest before Me.

Yes, this is the day of salvation. This is the day for deliverance from all that has been holding you back from running the race freely without any hindrance. Because if you are truly honest with yourself, you can see that this is not where you want to be. Be willing to sacrifice your time to come before Me, and seek My face to make sure that your agenda is of Me. Be sure that what you are spending your time in the way of ministry is not just keeping you from My intimate presence. Because to sit at My feet and to rest before Me and worship Me is your highest calling. All good things stem from having an intimate relationship with Me. All other things are just striving after the wind and are all in vain.

So I encourage you this day to examine your heart to see if you are in My perfect will and that your heart is pure in all ways. Yes, this is the day of salvation. This is the day of My pouring out of My glory. This is the day to examine hearts to be in a place of readiness. Be honest with yourself. Be open and honest with Me, and I will truly set you free that you may run the race unhindered. Run the race as the eagle soaring high above all power and principality for you are seated with Me at the right hand of the Father, the place of all power and authority. The enemy is under your feet.

Shout a victory cry, for your enemies will scatter, for My glory and presence will be with you always until the end of time. So rise up, mighty warriors, and lay down all worldly allurements at My feet and run towards the enemy. Do not retreat. Do not give up on My promises to complete and restore My kingdom here on earth. Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. Rest in My faithfulness. Rise up and be strong for I have given you the victory, says your God.

September 24, 2001

I will rain down My glory as you worship Me!!! Come closer to Me, My children, and worship Me. Come into My secret place, and I will let you embrace Me. You have been longing for My sweet embrace. Come closer and lay your head upon My brow. Draw close, and I will speak to you those things you long to hear. I AM your Bright and Morning Star. I AM He who you long for. Come into My secret chamber and just bask in My presence.

This is the day and the hour where I will pour out My power, but you must be ready to receive all that I have for you. Open up your heart so that I may clean you, that I may change your heart attitudes, that I may reveal to you even the motives of your heart, why you do the things that you do, so that you may turn from all that is not of Me. Yes, this is the time and the hour that you must repent of all that is not of Me. I have given you plenty of time to change, but you do not realize how important that it is. The time is shorter than you think.

Draw near to Me, and humble yourself in My secret place, and let Me do this deep work in your heart, and then and only then will I be able to flow through you freely like I intend to. I bless you, My children, for You are Mine, and I love you with a never-ending love, and I AM faithful to complete the work I have begun in you, but it is up to you to draw near and sit at My feet and receive My embrace for I AM waiting on you, My children. Draw near, says Your Lord.

In My secret place there is freedom from the storm. You are able to receive My uplifting grace and strength that you may stand in the evil day. And having done all to stand, now just rest in My presence, and let Me touch you and refresh you and encourage you with My word. Be still and know that I AM God and that I AM in control of all that faces you. Remember that all things work together for your good, for I AM allowing My refining fire to come and purge all that is not of Me out of your heart, if you will be still and let me do My work without trying to escape the fire. Just face the flames of My burning love, and let Me show you areas of your heart and your faith that need My purging fire.

I AM a faithful God and I AM a Loving Father, and I will complete the perfecting work that I have begun in you. My children, draw near to Me, and trust Me that all that I allow you to go through is for your good. I AM using all things to prepare you for what is ahead. Step by step you are being strengthened as I purge you and stretch you as you face the trials that are ahead of you. Keep walking boldly into My freedom. Yes, I AM setting you free from all the chains of the enemy. All that has held you back I AM cutting you loose from. This is the day and the hour where I AM pouring out My power, and since I AM faithful, My bride will be able to stand bold, unwavering, with head set as flint against the evil one.

Cease striving and know that I AM God and that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. I AM your God and you are My people, and we are one and no enemy can ever separate you from My love. Stand on My word and be bold believing that I will keep My promises to you. You have authority over all the power of the evil one and nothing by any means can harm you. This is the day of salvation. This is the day to rise up and be the army I called you to be. This is the day to come rest in My secret place and be strengthened. Let not anything deter you from your highest calling and that is to worship Me. Draw near, My children, My holy bride, the ones I gave the life of My Son for. You are precious to Me and I long for your intimate presence. Draw near for this is the hour.

September 22, 2001

Many are called but few are chosen to walk in My will and ways. Because many walk in their own personal agenda, My ways and will are put aside because it is not convenient, but this should not be. Many within My body are hurting and deprived of the precious ministry through which each of My body parts provide. For even I said in My word that the most comely parts have lesser value. Those parts that seem of least value I deem greatly needed. So I say to you this day, do not deprive one another of what they need. Step out and take your part in body ministry and be of help to one another.

I am even speaking to those who are leaders in the body, I say to you this day to not deprive those I have put in your care that which they need. Be sensitive by My leading to reach out to minister even without their calling upon you to fill their need. For I have called you a leader and a nurturer and a supplier of those under your care. Cast all your cares upon Me for I will care for you. I promised you that if you put My kingdom first and My righteousness, all your needs would be provided for. I have encouraged you to trust Me, but you strive after the wind to no benefit to yourself. This results in you having lack of time to meet your needs because you don’t put me first.

You must get your priorities right within your ministries, and then and only then will your ministry be blessed, and you will be prosperous in what I called you to do. And what is that? It is to win the lost to My kingdom that they may benefit from My saving grace. Isn’t that important to you, or do you have a more important agenda? I have said to you to feed My sheep and that is to serve them and care for them that they may be strengthened to stand in the evil day.

Yes, many are hurting because the pastors have scattered the sheep by not caring for them as I have ordained. So I say to you this day that My judgment begins in the house of God for this is a wake up call to you, My pastors. Be instant in season and out. Cast all your cares upon Me for I care for you. Put My kingdom first, and I will provide for you. Feed and care for My sheep for that is your highest calling. And as you deny yourself, I will lift you up and honor you because you are walking in My ways.

Be there for My sheep! And then and only then will I bless you because you will be fulfilling your calling. I did not only call you to the pulpit. I have called you to your knees to receive the Father’s heart for those He loves and has given the life of His Son for. Remember this is your highest calling……the place of a servant. And as you walk in My ways, I will bless you beyond measure. For this is the heart of the Father that you feed My lambs.

September 12, 2001

These are the days of the latter rain outpouring. Yes, these are the days where I will pour out an abundance of rain upon you. I will pour out My anointing upon you in full measure. Yes, My glory will be upon you as I have promised to you before. I will even cause your shadow upon you to touch those around you with My abundance of grace. I have promised that even your shadow would set the captives free. And as you worship Me, I will break off of you all that the enemy tried to keep you bound with. Yes, the chains of oppression are falling off of My people. And yes, I am setting them free and healing their hearts resulting in an abundance of healing in their bodies.

You are My people and I am your God, and I have come to bless you and anoint you and set you free. Keep your eyes on Me, and do not pay attention to all the enemy is trying to distract you with for they are all lies. Stay behind your shield of faith, and use your sword of the Spirit to demolish the strongholds of the enemy. Keep your mind covered with the blood of the Lamb that keeps you safe from all harm. Keep your armor securely fastened together never to be removed. For this is the day of perilous times, and the enemy is coming on strong trying to devour My plans and purposes through the remnant.

Worship Me, My people, and I will strengthen you and encourage you. My joy will therefore be your strength if you stay in My secret place. Yes, you may abide in My intimate presence in the center of My perfect will. Do not be anxious for anything. Cast all your cares upon Me, and I will provide and keep you safe. Walk with Me in the cool of the day for I am closer than a brother to you. I am your best friend. Yes, walk with Me and talk with Me. Commune with Me, and know Me intimately for that is the only way you can know My heart and My will for you. For I love you so, and I want to speak into your heart what you long to hear. I am all you will ever need.

I said I would set a table for you in the presence of your enemies. Nothing is impossible to Me if you believe in My faithfulness to keep you and provide for you. Everything you commit to Me, I will keep. So cast all your care upon Me. Put everything in My hands and then rest, My children, in My loving arms and in the comfort of knowing your Father’s love for you.

Yes, these are perilous times, but I promised you the rain. Yes, the latter rain. My children, I have given you My all when I gave you My Son. Will I not give you the same now in My Son? Keep your eyes on Him, and walk in His foot steps. Keep His example, and I will draw all men unto Him. Be still and know that I am your God and that I intimately love you, and you forever will dwell in My presence.

September 3, 2001

Rushing waters pouring out from the throne room of God. I AM pouring out upon you an over abundance of grace that you may be able to run the final stretch of the race. Yes, you are coming up to the finishing line, and because of this the enemy is coming on like a flood of evil. An over abundance of darkness is surrounding you. But do not fear for I AM with you, and the light of My Spirit blinds the enemy for he was defeated at Calvary, and nothing by any means can change that. Yes, he can come on strong, and he can come on loud but he cannot sway you. He cannot defeat you because I have caused you to become strong with head set like flint against the evil one.

And yes, you know your authority in Me and in My name. You know that the enemy is under your feet and that nothing can harm you. You do not get distracted from the lies of the enemy for your mind is set upon Me. Yes, you have the mind of Christ, and you have on My armor when you put Me on each day by embracing Me, by loving My calling upon you, by your obedience to My will. So rise up, mighty warriors. This is the day to let out a victory shout. This is the day of jubilee for I AM returning unto you all that the enemy has tried to steal.

Be not weary or dismayed at what may look like an apparent failure or defeat. Do not look at that. Always look towards Me no matter what you feel, hear or see. Look to My promises of victory and provision for you for they are true. I AM your provider. Yes, I AM your Father, and I care for you. I AM strengthening you.

Look up for your redemption is drawing near. Look up and feel the abundance of rain for there is healing and health in the rain. And I AM pouring out this day an abundance of rain. Believe and receive all I have for you. Yes, torrents of an abundance of grace is falling this day. I AM pouring out a waterfall of grace for you. You are My children and I AM your God and evermore shall be.

Rise up and receive the victory and continue running the race for the end is so very near. You will not be defeated for I AM for you. Be strong, be courageous, for the Lord your God is with you. Be not dismayed or discouraged, for I will provide. I will heal you and restore you and strengthen you. Stand on My word this day and never give up, says your God.

August 27, 2001

Wake up, My Church! Center your focus upon Me and not on that which is around you, even that of your own mind, body and soul. Look to Me, the author and finisher of your faith, and trust Me to complete the work I have begun in you. For this is the day of salvation. This is the day for full release from the powers of darkness. All that has held you back will fall to the wayside for this is the day where I will completely restore you. This is the day where I will return unto you all that the enemy has tried to steal from you. If you will only look to Me and not try to work it all out in your own strength.

For I have seen your struggles. I have seen your many hardships trying to walk in My way and will, but you are trying to do it in your own strength. Let go completely. Admit that you are weak, and then and only then will I be able to completely take over and make right all the areas of your life that need healing. For you are My children, and I AM your loving Father, and I want so much to care for you, to gather you under My wing and comfort you. But you have allowed pride to take over that you may do it in your own strength. You have truly hardened your heart with the sin of independence that you may work it all out your own way. But I call you this day to humble yourselves before Me, and admit your failure to completely trust in Me alone. Admit your sin of pride, independence and indifference.

Repent and return unto Me, and I will once again heal you and restore you unto My fold for the state that you are in has caused you to become outside of My fold, and you have become open prey to the enemy. So I say to you this day to return unto Me. Be as a little child and trust Me and My words to you for I will never lie to you. You have believed more in the words of the father of lies than the words of your loving Father. So return unto Me, and I will lift you on high. I will deliver you and set you free from the snare of the enemy. I will honor you and prosper you in all ways and pour an abundance of glory and rain upon you to refresh you. Return unto Me, My children, for I love you and want to abundantly bless you, says your King.

August 20, 2001

Walking through the purging through the fire of My love I did not say it would be easy, but it would be necessary. Because I need a people who are baptized with My brokenness totally dependent upon Me, and are yielded to doing My will no matter the cost. For when you go through the fire, all that is not of Me will come to the surface and a humbling of the spirit will take place. You, therefore, will be able to see what had been hidden that which has been a hindrance to your walk with Me.

Are you sincerely honest with Me about all things? Are you even sincerely honest with yourself? For I AM doing a deep cleansing and an unveiling if you are truly willing to go through My purging process. At times it will not be pleasant finding out areas in your life that have been done under presumption and not of faith. Yes, you presumed that I was leading you in a certain direction, and it was not Me. But what have I said to you in the past through My word? I said that ALL things work together for good to those who love Me and are called according to My purpose. Yes, even your mistakes work together for your good.

So lay it all out upon the altar. Humble yourself before My mighty throne of grace, and I will lift you up. Take off your masks before others and be real. Do not pretend to be something that you are not before My people, because this causes even My little ones to stumble. My young ones need to see real experiences where people show their humility and weakness before the Lord. It causes them to grow when they see Me work in people who are being their real self and not pretending to be something else.

Oh, My children, I AM so pleased with you that you have endured through so much fire. You have never given up on My faithfulness even though you struggled so, and at times did not walk in My victory. But I love you just as you are, and when you fall, yes, I lift you up and encourage you and meet you right where you are at. And yes, we take off on the path of righteousness I have ordained. You have lost no ground so do not let the enemy beat you up with discouragement and despair. There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.

So remember everything you go through is for your good. I love you and since I AM for you no one can come against you and succeed. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. This is the day of salvation. Choose ye this day who you will serve. Will you continue in works of flesh by putting on a false face, or will you be real before Me and my people. Be an encouragement to others by walking in My love, My unconditional love. Be willing to accept others who they truly are, and be real yourself and willing and trusting to receive My love through others.

Yes, this is the day of salvation, of deeper revelation of who you are in Me, and that you are truly loved and exactly who you are. So remember it is more important to stumble and fall before Me out of humility, rather than give into pride and work it all out in your own strength. Where do you think the most growth will come? For I will exalt the humble and bring down the proud. Stay close to My side and walk peaceably with all men. Do not give into offense. Pick up your cross and follow Me for I AM meek and humble and My words are easy to receive. They are mixed with grace and truth. Who the Son sets free is free indeed, and I have set you free! Believe and receive and rejoice for this is your Jubilee!!!

August 13, 2001

Come be intimate with Me, My bride. Come into My secret place and worship Me for this is the time and the hour to come apart from your worldly cares and abide in My presence. Come close to Me, My bride, and I will fill you to overflowing with My love and grace. I have come to heal the brokenhearted. Yes, I have come to heal all your inner wounds, but you first must come close and wait upon Me. Serve Me with a heart of thanksgiving and of rejoicing for it pleases Me when My bride shows that she has an abiding trust within her.

Why are you downhearted? Why do you not show that you trust Me by you coming and resting in My presence? Be still and know that I am God and that I am faithful to perform My word on your behalf. So come before Me and kneel at My feet and let Me bless you. For I come to bless you with My kingly anointing for you are a royal priesthood, and I will do mighty works through you on behalf of those I gave My life for. Yes, I will touch you and anoint you and send you forth to do mighty works in My name. For yes, this is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power. And yes, you have faithfully waited on Me, and you have trusted in My faithfulness to bring to past all that I have said I would do concerning My latter rain. For yes, I am the rain, and yes, I am the fire, and I am the wind. And I come to shower out upon you My glory.

You are My precious gems. You are My rubies. And I rejoice that you fill My crown with precious jewels. Yes, I wear you as My crown for you are so precious in My sight, My bride, My love. So know how much you mean to Me. Let Me touch you with the fire of My love that you will burn for Me even more. For I long for your intimate presence. I love to feast with you and to dance unendlessly for this is the time of coming forth where I will present My bride at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Be ready. Yes, make your garments ready and rejoice. Look up for your redemption is drawing nigh for I will embrace you and catch you away into My everlasting arms of love. Yes, this is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power and the fire of My love, says your God.

August 9, 2001

There is a true shaking that is coming forth through the land, a much needed shaking, for many in the land have grown complacent to the urgency of the hour, and My people need to wake up! Muster up your faith for there is natural tendency to wind down and avoid any confrontation with the enemy. But I have not called you to retreat, but to rise up and be the mighty army that I called you to be. Do not look at the giants in the land, but look to Me, the Captain of the hosts of heaven, and I will lead you in the battle.

You will conquer. Yes, you will win, and you will possess the land. Many are the exploits of the righteous, and I will deliver and give you victory through them all. So do not look at the circumstances surrounding your situations. Do not look at them as difficulties, but look at them as ways and means of being strengthened. This is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power, but you must look to Me. Do not rely upon your own strength or your measure of experience in dealing with these things. Just yield to My Spirit, and I will move through you in power and might.

Look to Me, the author and finisher of your faith. Do not trust in your own faith, but rely on Mine which is perfect. Just hold My hand, and I will lead you on. Yes, I AM rising you up a mighty army, My bride with boots on, mighty warriors of worship. I AM pleased with you! Be strong, be bold, for the Lord your God is with you. Stand covered with your armor and the power of My blood upon your head. Yes, cover your mind. Do not accept the lies of the evil one that you are weak, for greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

You are mighty in My eyes. You have dynamic power residing in you, the same power that rose Christ from the dead dwells in you. And I will quicken your mortal body if you will only look to Me and trust Me. Rise up and take the land. Pull down the strongholds over you and anything that tries to pull you back. Be willing and I will make you able to endure to the end. Let go completely and let Me move through you with signs and wonders and miracles for I AM anointing your words with My creative power. Let go and let Me have it all completely. It is My work and not yours.

Set yourself free from all pride and religiosity for they are your greatest stumbling blocks. Live in My resurrection power and soar as the eagle with the serpent in your claw. Yes, he is under your feet and ever more will be. You are more than conquerors so hide My word in your heart and rise up and take the land.

August 8, 2001

These are desperate hours for the presence of the Lord. This is the time and the hour for the manifest presence of the Lord to come forth, but we must be ready. Eye has not seen before the great wonders that the Lord will perform. Through the grace and mercy of the Lord blind eyes will be opened, the dead will rise up and take their place in the army of the Lord. Complacency, apathy, and lethargy are being cast out once and for all.

Yes, captives are being set free this very hour, those who have been held bound by the enemy. I say to you “Rise up!”. Take your place in the army of the Lord. Cast off anything that would try to hold you back from taking your promised land. Yes, I have given you My word and My power over all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means can harm you. Cry out! Cry out, My people! Do not settle for less than all that I have for you. I have come to set you free, but you must be open and teachable, and willing to let go of your bondages and worldly deceptions.

I have come to set you free of religiosity and idolatry. Are you willing to even admit that you might have a problem in these areas? Why do you completely justify your areas of bondage? Why do you put up a wall against My truth? Don’t you know that My truth will set you free, but you must be willing to embrace it. For I love you, My people, but you are not where you need to be, and there is a great urgency in My Spirit that you must be set free, once and for all! Do not put up for less than the best. Humble yourself before My mighty throne of grace, and I will lift you up. I will remove your scales of deception off from your eyes if you are truly willing. Let go of your pride I beseech you.

Be still and know that I AM God and that I AM in total control of all of your circumstances. I AM allowing them to deal with you and to bring things in your life to the surface, things that are holding you back. So I warn you that there is no time to waste. There is an urgency in My Spirit that you must come out of the unclean thing, the temple of religiosity and idols. If all are not ready to go forth, separate yourself. Cut your cords and go on with Me, for I will bless you with My presence. I will bring you your breakthrough. I will completely set you free that you may truly worship Me! This is the time and the hour for freedom. I AM calling forth hearts of desperation for My intimate presence and for the burning and purifying of My love. Open up completely, and I will cleanse you, says your God.

July 27, 2001

Come before Me, My children, with fastings and with prayer for I AM your God, and I desire you to walk in true humility and repentance. For this is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power upon you, but you must be ready. You must be a pure vessel to carry My glory and My

Too many in this hour have become deceived in thinking that what they are doing is purely of Me and it is not. Too many have taken my Words in vain and twisted them to their own justification of what they are doing. Come before Me with an open and teachable heart, and I will show you the error of your ways in justifying your own works. I AM calling you to true humility, My people. I AM calling you to true repentance.

If you are willing, I will pour out upon you my gifts that will enable you to walk in My perfect will. I will enable you to stand up bold. You do not need to fear man or any other created thing, because I gave you authority over all the power of the enemy. You do not need to hide your convictions any longer. If I AM for you, who can be against you?

You do not need to compromise your faith. Walk with Me uprightly not hiding your light in any area, but just shine My love and grace upon others. Do not hold back in any area that I am calling you to walk in. Just step out boldly in faith, and I will meet your every need. Be My people and I will be your God.

What is the true motivation of your walk with Me? Are the things you are doing from a pure heart of adoration of Me, or are they from a heart of competing with one another out of jealousy? This is a time to truly examine your heart. Are you making a name and a fame for yourself, or are you lifting up My name? You need to truly examine your heart, and be honest even with yourself.

What is motivating most of your actions in ministry? Is it love or pride? What is keeping you from receiving all that I have for you? For My hands are tied when there is willful sin present in your life. Do not suppress that which isn’t of Me any longer. Let the truth of your actions rise to the surface so that I can skim it off that you may be clean through and through.

You are My people, and I understand what you are going through. I have been tempted to sin in every area, but I had victory over it all that I may come through victorious for you that you may overcome. Pridefulness and deception comes in many different forms for the enemy is so subtle
trying to trip you up in it.

There may be deceitfulness in your own heart, and you not even know it. Who knows the heart of man, unless I reveal it to you? That is why I say be open and teachable, and I will show you the error of your ways that you may be humble and broken before Me. Like the alabaster box, unless it is broken open, the fragrance of the perfume cannot come forth.

So I encourage you, My children, if you want to be used in a great way in My end time army, humble yourself before Me that I may clean your heart. Cry out for the baptism of brokenness that I may freely flow through you. This is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power. But only on those who are ready. Open up that I may show you the error of your ways, and show you that of your heart that isn’t of Me, for I AM ready to do a total heart cleansing of those you are willing. Dying brings forth life. Brokenness brings forth freedom in Me.

July 17, 2001

It is your Father’s good pleasure to give to His children the Kingdom blessing. Come into the secret place and sup with Me for I want to pour out upon you in full measure a kingly blessing. Once again I know that your heart is pure and that you desire to please Me, because you come before Me seeking My face. Even though you may not feel My presence at times, you never give up on coming before Me, because you know that I reward those who diligently seek Me.

This is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power. And I will use you, My people, in full measure of My power and glory. This is the time of My latter rain outpouring, and I AM calling My people to come forth that I may use you in greater works, because I have gone to the Father. Seek My face, and I will fill you to overflowing with My Spirit. And yes, I will reward you with blessings without measure for you delight yourself in My presence.

Yes, come to Me early and continue to seek Me. By early I mean as your first priority may it be at midnight or midday. All I care about is that you put Me first in everything. For I love you, and I long for you to be with Me and dwell in My presence. Yes, I want to bless you, and comfort you, and bring forth your healings, and set you free completely, but you must truly trust Me for My timing is perfect.

So, My people, come unto Me, and I will bless you with a kingly anointing and authority that you have not known up to this point. The demons will tremble under the anointing I AM pouring out upon you, for I AM preparing your heart to be filled to overflowing with My grace, and mercy, and compassion. My love that repels the darkness will flow like a river, because I AM healing your heart of deep wounds, and tearing down the walls of rejection that you may receive My love in full measure.

So know this day that I love you. I gave My life for you that you would be completely free from the effects and power of the enemy. Know that since I AM for you, no man can come against you. No weapon formed against you can ever prosper, because I AM God, and I reign sovereign and supreme. I know all things, even the deep desires of your heart to want to know Me and love Me even more. And I AM so pleased with you, My people, My faithful followers. Stay in the path I have showed you, and walk in My ways for they are so much higher than yours, and I know what is best for you. So know this is the day and the hour I will pour out My power and My kingly anointing upon you, says your God.

July 16, 2001

Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. In the kingdom of God one very important aspect of worship is coming before Him and releasing the high praises that proceed from the heart of God.

God is in pure unity and delight with the fellowship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are one and function as one. And we, as the Body of Christ, are to follow the holy and pure example of the Godhead; to be one in unity with each other, and to function as one in complete delight in fellowship with one another.

There is nothing like being in the perfect will of God and having the peace that you are. As we put the Lord first and His kingdom, we can be assured that He will supply all our needs. His children will lack no good thing. He will be sure of that. As we give unto Him, we are putting our wealth and worldly possessions in a place of safekeeping with Him. Where your heart is will be where your treasures lie also.

As we commit all our cares into His hands, He will be sure to take care of us and every aspect of our lives. There is no one in this earth who can love us like our heavenly Father does. He sees to it that we are taken care of every hour of every day. He sends His angels to watch over us, and protect us, and fight evil off on our behalf.

He loves us with a never-ending love, one that is not merited by what we do for it is unconditional. Yes, we can never do anything to make Him love us any less or any more than He does this day. He loved us so much even when we were sinners. How much more now that we are His friends, now that we are embraced by His saving grace. We have so much to be thankful for, that He poured out His grace and mercy out upon us, and drew us into His family. We are one with Him, and nothing will ever separate us from His love. So we are to act like we are part of His family.

We should never fret when it looks like He will never supply all our needs. He allows us to go through trials to try our faith to see what needs purging out of our hearts. Our faith needs to go through the fire so it will become pure as gold, nothing tainted with the evil that the enemy tries to plant in our hearts of doubt and unbelief. Fear is a byproduct of these things, and can snare us in so many ways, and is so hard to break the hold of it upon your life.

Stay in the Word so faith will grow in your heart. And keep on your armor so that you can stand in the evil day. And having done all to stand, stand firm, immovable against the fiery darts of the evil one sent to rob your faith. Stand behind your shield. Don’t look at the circumstances believing that they are God’s will for your life.

What does the Word say? Believe it, for that is the truth upon which you are to base your decisions. Do not be motivated by fear, but by the wisdom of God, which He will lavishly pour out upon you if you only ask Him for it. He longs to reveal His will to His children. He delights in blessing His children when they draw close to Him. His will is that we may prosper and be in good health as our souls prospers.

So remember this day the important aspects of worship are being in unity, and being in obedience to His perfect will. And as we press into His presence, He will be right there to fight the battle against the enemy. And we win, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus this day.

July 10, 2001

Open up the door, and let the King of Glory come in. All the futile attempts to please Him in the flesh be demolished, to be torn down completely. All the wastelands be cleared and built up to be fresh with the newness of the wine and manna, the Gift of Life which is in the Son. Jesus is His name. Yes, the Giver of Life is He.

All who are weary and are heavy laden come unto Him. For He will lift you up, and take you into His glory, His eternal haven of rest. My most precious servants, come unto Me and rest and listen, for I have much I would have to share with you. But you must come unto Me and be quiet and still and listen. Quit striving and running around, but settle down, be at peace, for I want to bless you with the touch of My hand alone. Yes, individually come unto Me and sup, for I have much to bless you with, like nuggets of gold I want to pour out upon you.

You are My children, My precious servants, and I long to meet with you in the beauty of holiness, in true holiness and fellowship and commitment to My perfect will. Yes, My call is to holiness, a life of separation from the world and its ways, and intimacy, true communion with Me. Quit striving to make it on your own to build My church. Aren’t I the Master Builder, the Chief Cornerstone? Didn’t I say that all men would be drawn unto Me if you lift Me up? And how are you doing it being engulfed in busyness and striving after the wind, doing things in vain outside of My will?

Seek My face when I can be found. Not on the basis of your timetable, but by Mine. Early–put Me first on your list of priorities to meet with Me. Gather with the saints with the purpose of seeking My face, My presence, and My touch, to minister unto Me alone, and I will do the rest: to pour out the latter rain as I promised, to prepare My people as the end time army I proclaimed, to do greater works through them, because I go to the Father. Yes, the call is to seek My face, to lay all upon the altar, to proclaim the victory of the shed blood of the Lamb, to pull down strongholds over the land and any evil vain thing.

For this is the year of jubilee, and I AM coming soon says your God, coming for My bride for the Lamb is ready. The marriage supper of the Lamb is prepared. The table is set and the chairs are ready to be filled. Come unto Me, My holy ones, My called out ones, My remnant. Prepare your hearts for the time is at hand for the ultimate rapture of My love.

Deep calleth unto deep at the sound of thy waterspouts. Listen to the rushing of the waters ready to sweep you away unto the ecstasy of My love. Come unto Me, My good and faithful servants. Come unto Me.

July 7, 2001

Deep within the heart of man is a calling, deep calls unto deep at the sound of thy waterspouts. The calling is to bring glory to God. How can we lift Him up higher so all the world can see and know that He is God? How can we truly lift up our Lord and Savior? In the Word says that if we love one another, we are lifting up the love of Christ so all the world can see and be drawn to this same love. But if we give into the enemy, and let him harass us, and cause offense and then division among the brethren, then how can the world see and know of His love?

For some we are the only example for them to follow. We are to be living epistles for all to see the true fruit of Christ among His people. But if there is bickering and there is back biting, gossip and hurt feelings, then how are we doing our part as being the Bride of Christ? How are we drawing the sea unto the Savior who loves them so?

So rise up, mighty people of God. Rise up and take a stand against the enemy of our soul and the enemy of God. Join ranks with your brothers. Cast down the hurts and resentments, the jealousies and competition, and unite together in the Spirit of love and grace with one purpose, and that is to promote the kingdom of God, righteousness, truth and joy in the Holy Ghost. Rise up and take a stand this day to unite and be in agreement with our Lord’s prayer to the Father that we would be one as He and the Father are one. That is our greatest weapon against the enemy, our love for one another. It is our one and only true command to love our Father with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Its time to cast down our petty differences, the pride and competition, to take off the masks and be real, and let God’s love flow between us. And then and only then will we see true revival. Then we will see our differences cast down and true unity take over. And then we will see Light triumph over darkness, Truth over unrighteousness. By His love alone shall we overcome and be the army He has called us to be.

So wake up to the wiles of the enemy to separate the Body. Wake up to the snare of the fowler to pull down prayer in unity. Wake up for this is the day of salvation. This is the day to reign victorious in Christ. The choice is yours! Choose to win and by love is our only way.

July 2, 2001

Come unto Me all who are weary and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest for I see your hearts…..those who are struggling so with torment and fear and are having a hard time taking authority over the enemy of your soul. Rise up! I tell you today. Rise up and take your land! Do not let the enemy access to your thought life any longer. Did I not say in My word that you have authority over all the power of the enemy and that nothing by any means can harm you? Then why do you doubt My words to you?

Rise up and take your land and take a stand against the enemy decreeing “No more! Take your hand off of my finances, off of my health, off of my family, away from my mind for you are trespassing on God’s property. This land was bought with the price of the precious blood of the Lamb!”

And I command you to depart right now in Jesus name. for the word says we are to prosper and be in health as our soul prospers. And we are to have abundant life full of peace, joy and love. So I refuse to listen to the lies of the enemy any longer. And I choose life and not death, blessings and not cursings. The enemy is under my feet for I am seated with Christ at the right hand of the Father, the place of power and authority.

So, do not receive the harassment and the torment of the enemy any longer. Rise up and take your land, all of your inheritance, for I paid the price for you with the shed blood of the Lamb. This is the day of salvation. This is the day of deliverance. Choose ye this day who you will serve. Choose life and life abundantly, says your God.

June 25, 2001

My children, you are seated with Me at the right hand of the Father, the place of power and authority, and because you have submitted yourselves unto authority that I have placed over you in leadership; therefore, you have My authority. Submission brings authority in righteousness, in power and might, and even in respectability. I said that if you would humble yourselves, then I would honor you and raise you up into positions of honor.

So cast your crowns before Me, all that you would even call accomplishments in Me. Let them go and look totally to Me, for this is a new day and a new hour, and I AM doing a new thing. No longer will things be done the way they were done before in My kingdom, that is in My body. I AM bringing a freedom that you have never before experienced before for I AM breaking the bonds of the enemy off of you. Yes, I AM breaking the chains of pride and fear of man, and I will work with yielded hearts to bring them together as one.

For I have seen the hearts of My people who are desperate to see a move of My Spirit. I said before to not look for a trickle of rain, but to expect a downpour for this is the day of My latter rain outpour, and I AM about to release a deluge of rain. So be ready, My people. Be ready for a move of My power across the land that will set captives free to worship Me like never before.

And I AM giving the heart of David anointing to those who are truly ready to worship Me unceasingly. Their life will be worship, and I will intercede through My people the burdens of My heart. And in My timing strongholds will come down, and revival will flow even out to the sea. And be ready at any time where I will use you with gifts of healings and miracles, and signs and wonders will follow your words.

So stand on My word, and believe for My promise to you. For those who are submissive and under authority, great authority and power are yours. Its all up to you to watch your attitude of heart. Cast down the vain imaginations the enemy tries to plant to divide My people. Do not look to these lies and give no place to the spirit of offense. Humble yourselves before Me and I will raise you up and bring honor to you. Remember meekness is not weakness but sign of great strength. My ways are not man’s ways. Mine are so much higher, and the only way to achieve anything in My kingdom.

For I will burn up all works of the flesh. Nothing will stand that I did not establish. If My seal of approval is not on it, if it did not originate in Me, it will fall. For I AM building My kingdom upon the Rock of truth and honor and integrity and humility, all the character of My Son. So lift Me up with a shout of praise. Gather together and come before Me as one, and I will watch over you and protect you.

Rise up, My army! Rise up and take the land with a victory shout! And watch the walls fall. I say to you this day to be ready for you do not know the time or the hour of My return. Do not be caught in a snare of complacency, of busyness and slumber. Draw close to Me as I draw you close. Do not be distracted away from My secret place when I call you. Be sensitive to My leading at all times, because it is crucial that you obey My voice for there is safety within My will. My perfect will is where you need to be.

So I admonish you to not give into the snare of the fowler in the area of offense. Love one another for it is My highest command. And by doing this you are lifting Me up where all men with draw unto Me. You will win the lost by My love and compassion. So be yielded so I can live My life through you. This is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power, but I can only use a broken vessel. A humble and contrite heart is of great value. The way of brokenness is through My cross, and resurrection power comes through the death of the flesh life.

This is a new day. All things are passed away, behold all things have become new. Start new this day to purify your heart and mind and will with the washing of water by My word. Put on the Lord Jesus. He is your Captain, and He will lead you in the battle. Worship Him and watch the enemy’s camp crumble. If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear them from heaven and heal their land.

The choice is yours. Who will you serve this day? Is it My way of humility and submission and love, or will you choose another way which will not be of Me? It will be serving another master which will result in death. I came to give you abundance. I came to give you joy. All My promises to you are yes and Amen, but you must serve Me and Me alone, says your God.

June 17, 2001

Be still and know that I AM God. There are no other gods before you, and I AM pleased with you, My children. You are righteous in My eyes, because I no longer see your sin, but I see the shed blood of the Lord Jesus, My precious Lamb, who was slain even before the foundation of the earth. So come before Me with holy boldness, and ask of Me the desires of your heart. Come before Me with fastings and with travail, and cry out to Me for your brothers and sisters who are without comfort at this time.

Cry out to Me that My promises would manifest on their behalf of prosperity and health and divine intervention for their complete deliverance in all areas of their lives. For I come to set the captives free, and to bless abundantly, and to heal the brokenhearted, that they would have life and life abundantly. So cry out to Me the travail of My heart that My people would be blessed and abundantly, says your God.

Wait on the Lord, and be still, and know the Father’s heart of love for those I have placed you in contact with. Be sensitive to the wooing of My heart to come into My secret place for I will prepare you for a deeper moving of My Spirit in your midst. For I AM taking away the hardness of heart, and I AM bringing down the walls, and opening up the flood gates for My glory to enter in. And I will sweep across the land in a move where healings and deliverance will come suddenly. And signs and wonders will come in such intensity that it will confound the wise even in the market place. For they will not be able to give answer to the move of My Spirit except to say, “It is God in our midst!”

So draw close. Come into My secret place so I can prepare you, for this move of My Spirit will come through you, My faithful ones. So be ready, My children, for at any time My glory can fall upon you and touch all those who are in your midst. Just like the anointing that flowed from My apostles in the days of My early church, even their shadow would touch and convict and bring healing. But now, much more will be My glory upon you, that not only will it touch a few but multitudes, for My glory will come like a mighty tidal wave, and breakers will come in triumphant victory, and My river will flow out to the sea. And My love will abundantly triumph over captivity. And many will cry “Abba, Father!, Glory is the Lamb!” This is the day of miracles and breakthrough for this is the third day, the day of My glory, says your God.

Cry out for souls. Cry out for the captives to be set free. Cry out with My compassion and travail, and you will move My heart for I long to hear the cries of My children. So I say to you this day to draw near and crave the silence in My presence that you will know My heart’s cry. Time is of utmost importance, and that is the quality of the time you spend before Me and not the quantity of it. So be ready for I AM preparing hearts for a mighty move of My Spirit. And it all begins with you to be faithful to My call. Be willing and yielded, and I will give you the nations for it is your inheritance.

Think big for I AM a big God and a mighty God. No more looking for a trickle of My glory. It is time to look for the downpour of My latter rain. This is the time and the hour to pour out My power, says your God. Shout “Glory and Halleluia” for the coming of your King is oh so close! If you only knew how close is the culmination of all My promises to you! Take My word to heart and be ready and crave the time of silence, the time of intimacy that you may dwell in peace now in My secret place. Crave the quiet time for I will do a mighty work in you during the quiet time, says your God.

June 14, 2001

I just wanted to share a little lesson that I learned. I might not give into speaking gossip about others, but I have given into listening to gossip, because I don’t rise up in boldness and say that I should not be listening to what was said. For an example, I was talking to my neighbor, and I was beginning to witness to him about the Lord. But because this man had a problem with his neighbor, who was a christian who had been taking advantage of him, he was turned off to listening to anything about the Lord. I understood where he was coming from, but because I listened to him, I opened myself up to offense towards my christian neighbor.

The neighbor said that the christian neighbor takes the liberty to park his lawn equipment in his front yard without asking while he is out of town. I was hurt for my neighbor, but still it wasn’t my place to have listened to this. My neighbor should have kindly walked over to the christian and told him that he didn’t feel that it was right for him to do this and that he felt taken advantage of. OK, it turned out wonderful in that the Lord still moved through me, and I led him to the Lord!

And then he moved away and that was the last time I seen him. But since he has been gone, my christian neighbor was actually parking his truck in his front yard. Wow, was I mad! I was so irritated with him, and this was causing a division in my heart towards him. I finally got a hold of myself and asked the Lord’s forgiveness for listening to what was said about him and repented of it. Then all the bad feelings left towards him!

This isn’t the first time I had become offended for someone else’s hurt from someone. And in Jesus’ name I pray it will be the last. I just pray that we rise up with love and boldness and discernment to not listen to the gossip about others so that we don’t fall into the snare of the fowler to divide God’s people. The right thing to do is to go straight to the person we felt hurt by and clear things up and not talk about the incident to others! Just a little lesson I have learned that God’s way is so much better!