Rise Up: Possess The Land
December 23, 2018
A word for the Year 2019
In the midst of all the hustle and bustle of the hour, I want you to draw close to Me for I am the author and the finisher of your faith for I began a good and perfect work in you and I am faithful to complete it.
Many do not know that I brought them forth to do a mighty work of transformation through them. In order to be able to change one needs to be able to give up their old ways and start anew. ‘To do things the same way produces a repetition of the past for it is insanity to think there would be anything different.
Yes, this is the coming of a new year and also the beginning of a new era where My ekklesia will rise up and take their stand against the evil one. No more are they going to accept hindrance for they are going to break through into a new dimension of faithfulness and be the body of believers that I called them to be.
It isn’t by might nor by power but by My spirit says the Lord. I will move mightily through you pulling down the strongholds of the evil one. My people will rise up fearing not the loss of anything even of their own life. They will plow through the enemy’s strongholds with a victory shout confessing that they will possess the land and that multitudes will come into My kingdom.
Yes, this may be the day of the great falling away but it is also the day of a great uprising of My people coming into the power and authority that I’ve given them.
Rise up, My mighty ones, and possess the land, says your Lord and faithful King!!!!
December 9, 2018
In order to come into the Kingdom, you must be like little children with a childlike faith willing to believe everything the Father tells us, taking Him for His word, believing and trusting, and laying down our life for Him expecting Him to move faithfully in every situation.
Yes, Jesus, is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. If He said He would do it, He will keep His word. Every promise is yes and amen to His faithful children.
Rejoice and be glad and celebrate His presence because He delights and enjoys every one of His children. Like a loving father, He rejoices when we draw close to Him. Snuggle close to Him and listen to Him.
Be still and know He is your God and He will be faithful to you from the beginning to the end. He will never leave you or forsake you. Trust Him even when you don’t see a positive change in your circumstances even when He allows the fire to get hotter. Just know He is in your midst causing all things to work for your good.
Yes, He is with you. He will never leave you. Now just draw close to Him and bask in His intimate presence and love for He loves His children so!
December 4, 2018
I have come to set the captives free from the spirit of religion and tradition so that they can enter into all that I called them to be and do concerning the Kingdom.
Many do not even understand their calling or all that I am doing in this new season. They have given ear to all the naysayers and religious hypocrites and now cannot discern the truth from the lies. Once you give ear to the spirit of darkness it works like a cancer. It is the same way with criticism and gossip. It ends up that they see fault in everything and then spread it around.
I say to you repent. Watch out for whom you listen to and what you watch because the enemy twists the truth. He has ways that make these things appear to be truth. Walk not by what you see or hear in the natural but walk by My spirit. Hypocrisy is another form of deception. It is those who wear a mask and parade around like they are of Me but the truth is that they are of the enemy.
There are witches in sheep clothing. They know how to talk the talk and walk the walk but they are only planted where they can do the most damage. They con and scheme and conjure up vain imaginations to lure away those who are weak and lack discernment of their lies.
They are planted in every church in every nation. The way you can tell the difference is the fruit that they bear and how they affect the people around them. They use My word out of order and bring confusion and distraction. They accuse others of what they are doing. They call evil good and good evil.
I tell you this day to come up higher where I dwell. Do not remain in the realm of the evil one with all these works of darkness. See things by My perspective and I will show you ways to combat these things and to take the Kingdom by force. It isn’t by might or by power but by My spirit.
I have come to take over not to take sides whether one is liberal or conservative where many dwell. I am the Lord of the breakthrough and I have come that you would have the light that will pierce through the darkness. I’ve come that you would carry the Sword of My spirit with the truth that will cut to the quick the schemes of the evil one. I have come that you would have the abundant life in My kingdom realm, which is peace, joy and righteousness.
Yes, I have come to set the captives free that they would walk in liberty. Yes, I have come to bring breakthrough in every area of your life that you would walk with Me in victory combating the kingdom of darkness. The Kingdom suffers violence and the violent take it by force.
It is all by your perspective whether you see as I see or whether you see as the enemy would have you to see. It is all up to you. The choice is yours to make whether you walk in liberty or in the will of darkness.
November 14, 2018
Do you really believe that I would allow My plans and purposes for your nation to be sabotaged? Listen closely to what I have to say. It is not by might or by power but by My spirit says your Lord.
We are coming into the end of all times and the enemy is coming in like a flood to try to diminish My light and My plan upon this earth but My plans says the Lord shall not be thwarted. They will not be disturbed.
They will not be diminished for I reign on high and I have called into being the president of the United States Donald J. Trump to fill the office to accomplish what I have called him to do, and he has stirred up a beehive and they are rampant to kill, to steal and destroy My plans and purposes on the earth. Yes, they are like wild angry hornets, these demonic powers, and principalities that are coming against Donald J. Trump, My plans, and My purposes in the land.
I say to you this day to look up to Me the author and finisher of your faith, the King who reigns on high, the King of all kings, the King that is over all authority, power, and dominion. Look to Me; don’t look at the circumstances. Don’t waver in unbelief. Seek My face. Draw close to Me. Stand behind the shield that I have given you of faith, of My faith, that can accomplish My plans and purposes, that can pull down powers and principalities and every weapon formed against you shall not prosper.
Keep your eyes on Me and I will lead you in this battle in victory. Be still and know that I am God. Be at peace. Listen closely to My strategies, My purpose, and My position for you in this battle. And yes, be still and know that I am God and that I rule and reign over all power and authority. There is no authority given unless I give it. So do not fear I am in control of all things. I am in charge. Be at peace says your Lord.
November 8, 2018
Be still and know that I am your God. Be still and know Me not just know about Me but to commune with Me and love Me. If you love Me, you will spend time with Me and learn of Me through My written word. Through the scriptures, you learn of My ways, My works and My love for My people. Many do not spend enough time with Me just basking in My intimate presence and love.
This is the day of the great falling away and it all begins with the spirit of independence and pride, that feeling that you do not need God; I can do my own thing without Him. You spend time with the one you love. The basis for having a pure and holy relationship with the one you love is undistracted communion, undivided attention, and love.
Spend time quietly with Me even if you have to go into a prayer room, a place you can go that is set aside and sanctified for Me. Learn to hear My still small voice by being still. Hunger for My presence and to hear from Me. Yes, this is the basis of all life to be able to commune with Me.
It is of great importance that you hear My voice. I will lead you in My word. I will share the burdens of intercession with you. Lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Me and I will direct your paths. Be desperate to know Me so you can pray in unison with Me alone not what you think you should pray about.
I am your God and you are My people. Draw close to Me and separate yourself from the busyness of the world and all it has to distract you that includes the electronic devices that many are addicted to. They devote more time and commitment to those things than Me from first thing in the morning to the last thing at night. That is a god! That is idolatry.
If My people who are called by My name would seek My face and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear their prayer, forgive their sin, and heal their land. Because so many have given into idolatry they are tossed about by every wind of doctrine, deception, and demon, from witchcraft, spiritual adultery, fornication, every lust and perversion of spirit thinking that what they are dabbling in is of Me but it is all of the enemy.
Repent, get set free and close the doors and start anew. Make Me the first of your day to commune with and the last thing at night and see what I will do for you and your country says your God. Cast off your idols. Choose this day who you shall serve. I am the Lord your God do not have any strange gods before you.
Joshua 24:14-15 New King James Version (NKJV)
14 “Now, therefore, fear the LORD, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the LORD! 15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
Proverbs 9:10 New King James Version (NKJV)
10 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Exodus 20:3 New King James Version (NKJV)
3 “You shall have no other gods before Me.
October 28, 2018
When Paul and Silas were in prison they raised up their voices in praise and the angels came in and broke them out. The enemy is trying to bring people under bondage especially this time of the year, and the spirit of opposition and oppression is coming upon many. We are being tempted to allow the enemy to drown out our praises but we must rise up and be strong and blaze a trail through the darkness.
Do not do what you feel like doing. Do the opposite. Rise up and be strong and praise Him. The angels are waiting upon us to rise up using our sword of the Spirit and proclaim the victory through His word. We must let out a victory cry and praise Him. The Lord said if My people don’t praise Me, the rocks will. I’m not one to give in to what is around me. If everyone is silent, I get loud. I want the Lord to hear our praises because I know it grieves His spirit if we don’t rise up and be strong against the opposition of the enemy.
Praise and worship is a mighty weapon of war. Every clap of the hands literally is like slapping the enemy in his face. Every stomp of our feet and even an attempt to dance is stomping upon him for sure the enemy is under our feet but dance keeps him there! We must wave the tambourine and the flags and banners! Wave them high.
Worship Him like King David with all your strength. Yes, David danced until his clothes flew off. Yes, every weight we might have upon us will be broken off when we give Him all we have in praise and worship. Rise up and be strong for the Lord our God is with us. He is the Lord of the dance and He loves to dance upon injustice and He wants to live through us. He wants to freely dance among us. When we quench the flow of His spirit, He cannot live through us and His perfect will is not being done!
October 17, 2018
Deep in My heart I have a special place for you to dwell to be kept safe, to be ministered to, to be refreshed, built up, edified. My great grace is poured out upon you there deep in My heart.
I want you to bask in My everlasting streams of love there. Be refreshed, My people, and know that I am always with you even in the deep and darkest night.
Many are experiencing a place they’ve never been before and don’t even know how they got there but I want to tell you that being there is not without waste. Every moment of your life there is a purpose for it building you up to be My people.
You will experience what I’ve experienced. I share with those who are close to Me a portion of My sufferings so you can relate to those who suffer. You gain great compassion, which moves My heart and empowers you when you suffer in those deep dark places.
You are not alone. You are Mine and you are pure and the enemy has no right to you. He is not with you there so give Me all your heart, soul and strength. Give Me your all and I will transform you and enlighten you to My truth like never before.
So have peace those who are struggling right now. You have My mind. You might feel you are losing yours but I am only taking you through transition where you feel you have lost all control.
Have peace and know this is a good thing. I am just taking you higher and breaking off the chains that bind you. This is the day that I am doing a transforming work in My bride and bringing her deeper within My heart, a safe place for you to dwell says your Lord and King
October 14, 2018
What is strange fire? It is a sacrifice offered up to God with wrong motives and/or with hearts not right towards one another. Remember Ananias and Sapphira! (Acts 5:1-11) God will not receive!
Once I had a dream I was in a large room with a high ceiling and it was very noisy even though I was the only one in this room. There was masquerade masks floating around in the ceiling and at my feet were these little twisters. The Lord showed me these were spirits of hypocrisy and undercurrents of backbiting and gossip. I took authority of these spirits and commanded them out of this room and they scattered and swarmed out of the doors and windows. I ended up in another large room with a high ceiling and there was peace there and the words Bethel, the house of God came to me. (Gen 28:17)
Over the years I had been in many congregations where there was the same thing happening and during worship there was the sound of static and noise and much spiritual warfare that made it very hard to worship. The Lord has called me into worship intercession and I will stand in the gap for the body before the Lord. He doesn’t only see me but He sees the body breaking through. God told me there is much power in worship that He would use to usher in the end time harvest of souls, but for this to happen we must have right hearts before Him and each other.
Worship is the key and the enemy fights us to have breakthrough because he knows we would be a real threat to his kingdom when we arrive to the place of having pure worship. When there is breakthrough in the spirit during worship the enemy fights even harder against this body and usually there ends up with a large church split. I’ve experienced these major breakthroughs so powerful that once I felt it knocked me against the wall and my husband felt it in the back of the room.
There is great power going up during worship when hearts are made right. The Lord told me He was going to release His roar through His people, which is His heart cry for the lost. I see this happening where the body will be united around the world and the release of the roar of the Lion of Judah would go up and out. Powers and principalities over nations having strongholds would come down being broke by the roar! That is why the enemy fights us having unity and worshiping Him with our whole mind, body, soul and spirit.
We need to be like the alabaster box broken enabling the sweet fragrance of the Lord to be released! (Mark 14:3) To have His resurrection power to flow through us we must die out to the flesh and live the crucified life. (Gal 2:20) It is not worth giving into the lies of the enemy and puffing our self up! Living in the flesh brings death but living in the Spirit brings the fullness of life. (Rom 8:13) Choose this day whom you shall serve! (Josh 24:15)
October 13, 2018
God gives wisdom when to speak out and when to pray believing God will prepare hearts to receive His truth. God gives different levels of light to those with a different calling than others. He will wean many from the ways of paganism of the world to draw them closer to Him that needs a more separated holy life just because of the way He prepares us.
I have made many mistakes coming on strong and most of the time it is either because of a fear of deception or a religious spirit causing it. God is teaching and training His people and humbling them even through our mistakes. An apostle told me once that God would use me to speak to leaders but I must learn to use tact or they would not listen to me and it is so true!
No man is infallible that is why we must not follow man and only follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and trust that He will lead us and guide us into all truth. Even if we make mistakes, they will work out for our good if we humble our self before Him.
As we mature in the Lord we become more like Him who is full of grace and truth and know not to fall into the snare of religion or legalism. Yes, deliverance is a walk coming out of the dark into His marvelous light and love!
Yes, Lord, forgive me for all the times I might have wounded others or caused confusion or offense and bring healing to these people in Jesus name.
October 9, 2018
There has been an extreme measure of commotion among the netherworld because they know their time is running out. They know that every time they attack one of God’s children they rise back up with healing in their wings.
Every time My children come under attack they draw closer to Me more than before and they overcome the attack and become stronger. You see they have the victory over all the power of the enemy and nothing by any means can harm them totally destroying the power of the enemy.
This is the day of the great apostasy but at the same time many are overcoming all obstacles to having a deep and committed prayer life for without it you have nothing against the enemy.
Reside in My presence and I will lift you up over all the power of the enemy. Escape the clutch of the evil one by worshiping Me as a way of life. Speak out My word. Hide it in your heart for it is your sword against the lies of the enemy. Tear them down every time he comes to you with them.
Rise up and be strong, run the race with vigor, cast off any chains that bind you with the key of worshiping Me. Make worship your way of fleeing and keeping the victory over all the snares of the evil one.
Rise and shine for the Light has come and has risen up upon you. Yes, My glory falls upon those who are called by My name and truly are My ambassadors. Not upon those who just call themselves Mine but upon those who allow Me to live through them. They hold nothing back but are completely sold out to Me.
Yes, the enemy knows who are a threat and have pulled out their big guns of war against them but continue to be bold covered with My armor of Light to blind the enemy.
Flee temptation to sin for he is coming with strong temptation. Resist the enemy and he will flee. Resume your place of holiness. Be careful what you listen to and be discerning, walk circumspectly. Teach your children to do the same.
Reach out and touch the hem of My garment and breathe in My abundant life. Rejoice for surely you have the victory says the Lord.
September 26, 2018
I am calling you to attention. I am waking up your spirit man to come forward with a word of warning. Many have fallen into having a spirit of slumber. They have not heeded My call to pray as they should for this is the day that I am awakening My bride to come forward to be what I intended her to be. Fret not that you think you do not have what it takes to pull down the strongholds over the land for it is not by might nor by power but My spirit says the Lord. Resume the position of faithfulness and yieldedness and I will use you in a mighty way. Break off the chains that bind you from speaking forth in holy boldness. Break off the chains that keep you from running with My word of truth. Resume the position of faithfulness and yieldedness and I will use you in a mighty way for this is the day I am breaking off chains and raising up My intercessors says the Lord.
September 20, 2018
There’s an invitation going out to the children of God from our Heavenly Father and it is a calling to enter into the secret place of protection and provision. Yes, in this place there are many benefits but it will cost you your life to enter in and to stay in this place.
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, the All Sufficient One! A secret place is a place that is kept hidden from others. A shadow can be a shelter from all danger or observation, a protective covering.
To dwell in the secret place you must first enter into it and then remain there. How do you enter in? You would say by worshiping the Lord, staying close to Him, listening intently to Him, walking and communing with Him, obeying Him, and loving Him. This is what you do when you are there but how do you enter into this secret place that is made hidden from others seeing you and where danger cannot get to you?
You must go deep to first enter in, not having a shallow relationship with the Lord. How do you stay there where your life becomes one of worshiping Him? You must become Kingdom minded having a life of peace, joy, and righteousness continuously. Joy and peace are mighty weapons of warfare. It is our strength and it keeps you balanced and tranquil through all types of situations,
We must respond to the deep presence of God within you when He says to come apart from it all to be with Him. To have His intimate and powerful presence at all times and to maintain it you must commune with Him like Adam did before the fall. Before the fall Adam was not distracted by anything. He walked and talked with the Father in the cool of the day until he sinned and it brought separation.
That is why we must crucify the lusts of the flesh, the temptations of the world, and pride for it separates us and makes us open targets for the lies of the enemy saying we don’t need God because we have all these other things to entertain us.
Sinful living independent of Him keeps us out of the secret place of the Most High. There are so many distractions that eat up our time. They are methods of escaping the life God intended for us to have. It is living in the kingdom of darkness producing fruit of sin.
A life of holiness is the fruit of dwelling deep in the secret place. This is a choice we must make. Is it life or death that we want? Choose this day whom you shall serve and eat the fruit of it. There is no middle ground. You cannot have the benefits God has for us if we are not willing to pay the price. He gave us His life for us to have a life hidden in Him, where we are protected and provided for.
Yes, Psalm 91 is our assurance policy for peace, safety and provision but to have these benefits we must first enter into the secret place with Him and stay there.
September 13, 2018
Father God wants to pour out prosperity, protection, purpose and peace upon our lives but many have settled for the opposite in their life. We must return to Him, go to the Cross and crucify the flesh and be filled to overflowing with His spirit life.
Allow Him to live His life through you then His divine health will flow and you will have purpose and prosperity and peace will cover you. Because you will walk in His perfect will you will be under His protection for those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High will dwell under the shadow of the Almighty.
Everything we need is in Him but we must abide in Him. We must walk with Him and talk with Him as a lifestyle not just when we are in trouble. We must be in a state of desperation for Him every hour of every day not being independent of Him trying to make it on our own walking in our own will and ways.
Yes, this is the day we must make the choice whether we want to serve Him and be blessed or continue to walk in lack. Those who walk with Him will never lack any good thing.
We must come up out of the snares of the enemy and his enticements and entrapments and quit biting the bait of distraction. Many don’t realize it but that is what they are doing.
Even in their prayer life they are being distracted praying for things God never called you to pray for. We must draw close to Him and pray what is on His heart with His leading. When you know His will you will see results in your prayer life. He will give you the strategies even in one word you can pull down the strongholds of the enemy.
Yes, we must return to our first love walk with Him talk with Him and love Him. Be excited about Him and be set free from all complacency.
We must come to the place where we delight in Him make your abode with Him for He is to be our all in all first desire and life goal!
Then peace will flow like a river and you will prosper in all your ways. You will be under His protection and you will have the same authority over the enemy as He.
Yes, this is the day to return and be blessed
September 6, 2018
The enemy is trying to separate us from those we love by bringing offense and disillusionment. He’s trying to make us look at things in the natural and feel overwhelmed rather than staying behind the shield of faith keeping our eyes on the truth of God’s word. The enemy is trying to attack our heart, our emotions, and our mind with confusion and trying to distract us from Truth to go after false winds of doctrine. The enemy knows that this is the time to go deeper into the secret place so he is setting snares of ways to get there which just sets you up for deception. There’s an open door to the occult through new age practices that many have gone through. They have opened themselves up to many demonic spirits and channeling them to others through false prophecy and teaching. This is the time to walk in discernment and to not ignore the checks you first receive in your spirit even though it might be different from what others may believe to be truth. We must trust our discernment and not let go of the warning signs from the Lord. Walk circumspectly following after God and not man for the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:15-16 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
August 29, 2018
The Lord is saying, worship Me in the beauty of holiness. Cast aside anything that would distract you from coming into My intimate presence to receive My love for I long to be with you. I long to speak to you those things that you need to hear for gross darkness is covering the earth and you need to be the light that others can find their way by.
Yes, you will lead multitudes if you come before me often to be filled to overflowing with my love, grace, truth and glory. Yes, I will radiate My glory through you where the lost will be saved just by My presence upon you. They will fall down and they will weep with true repentance in their heart.
If you prepare yourself in the secret place, I can do all kinds of things through you. I said these signs would follow those who believe. They will cast out demons, they will heal the sick, open blind eyes so that they can see me, open up deaf ears so they can hear Me calling their name, raise the spiritual and natural dead. These are to be natural super-natural signs to become accustomed to seeing and being a part of.
Yes, this is the day I have made and you will rejoice and be glad in it. You will find the time to be with Me. I am calling your name and I am waiting for your soon response says your Lord and King.
August 27, 2018
Be still and know that I Am your God. Be assured that because I started a good work in and through you that I Am faithful to complete it. There is no one else who can do what I called you to do the way that only you can do it because you are one of a kind, unique individual with a personality and traits that I gave you that is necessary to complete the mission that I gave you to do.
This is the day where many are falling away because they feel that they are not important enough to be useful in the body of Christ. They believe the lies of the enemy to distract them and to discourage them. Many do not believe that they have what it takes to complete the mission that I have called them to but if I called them to do it, I will see them through it.
Seek My face and not my hand. Seek My face to know Me not just to know about Me; commune with Me. Seek to have an intimate relationship with Me.
Deep calls unto deep at the sound of thy waterspouts. What are these waterspouts but spirit to spirit eruptions enabling one to break through the walls the enemy places in front of you dying out enabling My spirit life to flow through you.
Escape the temptations of the enemy by drawing close to Me in the secret place. Seek to receive fulfillment through Me not through the lust of the flesh, the eyes, and the pride of life.
Delight yourself in the presence of the Lord. Feast upon My word so that you may know My will. Use My word as Your sword. Draw close to receive truth in the purest measure. Walk in My righteousness to be able to overcome every onslaught of the enemy. But most of all seek to love Me with your whole heart, soul and spirit and to love others as you would love yourself.
August 25, 2018
Many I know desire to dance before the Lord but they do not think they have what it takes. All it takes is a desire and a yielded heart. I didn’t always dance in the Spirit. I have always been very shy around people. I went to a church where there were ladies who danced. It wasn’t what I was used to seeing. Many used to hop and skip in place but these ladies twirled and flowed by the leading of the Holy Spirit and you would sense a freedom upon them. I desired this but in the natural there would be no way I would do this!
One morning these same ladies even though they were heavy they were graceful they didn’t allow their physical bodies to hinder what God was doing in their heart and through them. These ladies came up to me and said they wanted to pray over my feet so that I could dance like them. To myself I laughed. One year later during a fast and prayer with worship at the church I felt a movement in my Spirit almost like when I first received the baptism in the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I yielded to this movement within and I have been dancing ever since.
Dancing is powerful. You are actually pulling down strongholds of the enemy and dancing upon his head. He doesn’t like when we do a holy dance. It activates the angels to dance with us! Every motion that we make we are doing it in power against the enemy whether you raise you arms and wave them, clap your hands, shout, or dance. There is a purpose in every motion. Many churches do not allow dancing I know because I’ve been told to sit down many times. I’ve been ripped up off my knees in worship and told we don’t do that here. When that happens, I grab my son and just leave because I will not allow anyone to try to make me quench the flow of the Holy Spirit. We must love God and obey Him and not man!
The Lord loves to dance! He loves to take us by the hand in romance. He will lead your every step. And He loves to dance what some may call a “wild man” dance just like what King David would do. David became very undignified that brought embarrassment to those close to him. And at times when we yield completely to Him in dance the enemy will get real loud saying you were foolish and make you look at yourself whether you were graceful or not. He will do whatever it takes to stop you but don’t allow it. Go with the flow and never quench what is in your heart.
For many years I would not bow down because no one around me would do it but I knew in my heart God was saying to do it. One day I said OK I will do it and immediately the presence of God was so strong upon me I didn’t know why I didn’t do it much sooner. We are to be a forerunner whether others will follow or not. We are to be a trail blazer giving others the confidence to yield wholly to His leading!
I know when many were in the world they went out to the bars and drank a little and danced. They would go to the football games and act foolish and shout for those with a dumb football. But when they would come to church they put on a front that they are dead to life that they have to become so dignified and holy. Do you know what that is….it is religion! Religious spirits make you adapt to formalism and ritual and come under the dictatorship of a man controlling them!
God said come out from the evil taskmaster of religion. Be set free of anything that is connected with it. Yes, and be set free. Who the Son sets free is free indeed. God said if no one will praise Him the rocks will! I don’t want the trees to have to clap their hands and the rocks praise HIm. We must take advantage of the freedom of worship we have today because there will come a day it will be all taken away.
Delight yourself in His sweet embrace. Allow Him to take you by hand and twirl you and lead you in a dance that you will not forget. It is true that one night with the King and you will not be the same. If you desire to dance, step out to the leading of the Lord when He asks you for this dance. Take the first step and never turn back to the life of bondage. Yes, this is the day the Lord has made and we are to rejoice and be glad in it.
August 20, 2018
I’m calling My people to come and dance with Me. Let Me take you by the hand and romance you with the presence of My love. Let Me take you by the hand and run with Me to refresh you to put wind in your sails that you may even glide with Me as an eagle. Soar with Me, My beloved, soar high above all power and principality.
Let Me take you into My throne room to pray a kingly blessing upon you with My scepter. Kneel down before Me. Yes, bow down and I want to tell you a story of how I want to pour out My love through you.
Yes, I want to open up blind eyes that they may see My face to receive My warm embrace. I want to use you to open deaf ears that they may be in tuned to My still small voice that they may walk and talk with Me in the cool of the day. I want to use you to take them by the hand to lead them to My love that they may bask in My intimate presence.
Yes, be still and know Me to know your deepest most purpose that I have called you for, your mission and service. My bride, come sit at My feet and listen closely. I have marching orders. I have strategies for you to follow to combat the enemy. He has come to steal your mission with distraction but I have come to give you an abundance of all that you need as you commune with Me.
I have so much to share with you of My heart and I want you to delight in the life I have given you. No more are you to do without for in Me you have an ample supply of provision. Look to Me the author of your faith. Cast your cares upon Me. Be free! I’ve come to set you free, and it is in Me!
July 26, 2018
He who delights himself in the presence of the Lord shall abide in the abundance of grace and truth.
This is the day of the great falling away, and at the same time it is the day of great rejoicing and blessing in the presence of the Lord. Our Savior delights when we come into His presence and we abide with Him, when we sit at His feet and listen to what He has to say. He wants us to take the time to come apart from our busy life just to be with Him just to bask in His presence to delight in His secret place.
We need to have a close and lasting relationship with our King of kings. We need to delight in His presence not doing it because it is something we have to do or supposed to do but it is something that we delight in doing.
Yes, this is the day of many falling away from the King of kings. They chose to do their own thing to justify sin but to justify sin is opening the door to the enemy to deceive and that is the root of the great apostasy. It is the justifying of sin. We need to immediately crucify the flesh not harden our heart to it but come to the place where sin is not tantalizing to us.
We want to see the presence of God manifest in our life and to be able to have that we have to walk in His holiness because without holiness you cannot see God. You cannot experience God. You do not desire God. You go through the motions as one who is religious would go through not as one who is His child.
Be still and know that He is God that He is in control of all that you experience each day. Delight to know Him more. Cry out for wisdom, for discernment for these are evil days and many have chose the wide road to destruction.
They have resisted the way of holiness. They have chosen their own way, the wide way where they feel they can do whatever they want, and still have their sins forgiven. But when there is willful sin, when you know there is an opportunity to turn away to repent of the wickedness, and you choose to walk then your heart becomes hardened.
And before you know it you do not discern sin, and you lose your discernment for truth, and you are an open target for the enemy to draw you right back into the world. And it is too close for all hell to break loose to be dabbling too close to the doors of hell.
Because when you backslide, your heart becomes hardened.
You become like the world and what drew you to Him before would not be the same. It is an act of great mercy for some to return to God after choosing to walk a life of sin. Many do not return to Him.
He draws the prodigals because He knows the heart. He knows what caused them to fall away. Many hadn’t chose to do it because they just wanted to sin. Many have gotten greatly hurt in the church. Many have gotten deceived by the religious hypocritical ways from the taskmasters that have used them, to serve them, who made them feel guilty if they didn’t give them all their money, and all their time, to build their mansions, to build their kingdoms.
But God knows the heart of the true prodigal. He knows what happened in their heart and He is more gracious to them than the ones that have hardened their heart through sin.
For I say this is the day to pick up your cross and to delight to follow Him to see that resurrection power flow through you, to see Him live His life through you, to heal the sick through you, and to set the captives free.
We need to discern the true signs and wonders, the true glory of God from the counterfeit. We need to discern the true prophet from the false. Yes, we need to discern what is light and what is darkness and not try to mix the two because you end up with pure darkness when you try to mix it.
This is the day God is calling His bride to His side. He is calling them to prepare to search their hearts to see if there be any wicked way of manipulation, of competition, of jealousy, of pride, of religious activity, of spiritual pride, and every other sin the enemy uses to draw us into His snare.
Yes, believe and receive the goodness of God is upon you this day. In Jesus name.
July 25, 2018
I saw an article with pictures showing a mountain lion resting peacefully in a woman’s home on her couch after reading part of the article immediately I discerned that this was not of God and He would not even allow me to read all of it what that lady was saying. She was moving in witchcraft and accepting her methods is partaking of the occult and needs to be renounced and cast Satan out. This is so demonic.
I just came off a fast and my flags went up! I am so grieved at how the church has lost discernment rubbing shoulders with the enemy and accepting his nasty tactics to snare the church. Just because you might see good come out of his methods of healing, etc., it is an open door to great oppression in one’s life resulting in apostasy falling away from God.
I’ve seen people looking at their palms examining lifelines waiting in line to go get prayer! I’ve seen people say there is such a thing as holy yoga. You cannot mix light with darkness, the kingdom of God with Satan. People are justifying too many things especially with holidays overlooking the root and meaning of most of them saying since they are believers filled with the Holy Spirit it is OK. Right after I got born again and filled with His spirit the Lord showed me to not partake of Christmas any more and that was over forty years ago!
Many have gone back doing the things God delivered them of because of sloppy grace messages begin drinking, living in sin, partying like the world and thinking they are now ok with God. But God will let you return to your vomit if that is what you choose. Many talk themselves to believe it is all right to commit adultery saying God is allowing it.
Yes, He will allow you to sin if that is what you want to do! There are those who say it is all right to mix Christianity with Islam, and that all religions should join together even if they are idolatry religions. God, have mercy, wake up the church to truth and help them return to you before it is too late!
As I looked back over the 40 years walking with God I have seen many times I fell into deception. There were times I was so intoxicated with what I thought was God’s spirit that I lost good judgment just like if you were on alcohol. I’ve experienced a great shift in the atmosphere that was pure demonic. I’ve seen many false signs and wonders appearing to be the glory of God. I’ve seen counterfeit glory conjured up by those leading conferences where at the time I thought it was true.
I experienced what many called of God to open me up to what the Satanists use to have sexual encounters with their gods. Yes, and they say it is worship music that brings healing! I spoke out about this and was accused of blasphemy the Holy Spirit and coming against the anointed. I separated myself from a popular church leader that I used to post my writings through them.
I’ve experienced a lot since I came to know the Lord that would blow your mind how easy people fall into deception and follow the leader into gross sin! Yes, even having sex with all the women in the church! God preserves His bride. I might have been the only one not snared in this, but I saw it and experienced part of it.
The church is no longer a safe ground like when I first got saved I used to go feeling it was a refuge from the storm. I stayed alone but when I started getting close to the people I saw the backbiting, the gossip, the counterfeit acting one way for some and another in their true life, hypocrisy, religion. I never experienced any of that in the world. I learned how to gossip in the church.
Yes, these are facts and there are a true bride, a remnant that has remained holy choosing God over their own flesh and are partaking of the fruit of His resurrection power. And there is also the counterfeit church leading many into the hands of the enemy and we must be discerning for these are evil days.
I would not submit this post to many sites because many choose only to post what is acceptable or politically correct. Anything offensive to some would not be accepted. To speak the truth in love can only be accepted by a few for many are called but few are chosen to walk the narrow road, which brings the power and might and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. I rather stay unpopular and have all that instead of being in the limelight lifted up like a god.
I tell you right now to be ready for the worse persecution that will come from members of the church. There will be false and true prophets warring against each other and God will vindicate His! The war zone is in religion and it has crept into those who are even spirit filled believers. God said that even the elect would be deceived if He tarried His return too long!!!
Cry out for great grace and mercy that we will stand strong in truth for truth is part of our armor!!! Truth is what separates us from the world and gives us the authority over the evil one!!! To have His authority we must be under His authority!
July 23, 2018
My first audible prophesy from the Lord
“I say to you this day to step up to the plate. Step up to the plate to which I have called you to be a mighty army, to be the ones that I have called to do a mighty work through, to be lifted up high above the powers of darkness for you are seated with Me at the right hand of the Father, the place of power and authority and righteousness and holiness.”
“This is the day I have called you to step up to the plate and be righteous, be bold, be vigilant for the lion, the enemy is like a lion roaring looking for who he can devour, and if you have an open door that he can get into your life, he will invade and he will take over, he will destroy and he will kill, and he will rob.”
“I tell you this day that you need to check, check, check every area of your heart to see if there is any open door to which the enemy can enter in and invade your life. This is the day I am cleansing My army. I am cleansing My army. I am preparing them to go forth in power and might to take the land. Take it back. Take all that the enemy has stole. Take it back.”
“Be the army I called you to be. Do not waver for you are undefeated because I’ve made you that way. I have made you a righteous army. You are My bride, a bride wearing boots to tread over powers of darkness. They are under your feet. You are seated with Me. You have the same power and authority that I have in My name and through the power of My blood you can conquer anything.”
“So rise up take back what the enemy stole. Be true to Me. Be faithful to Me. Be a vigilant one, an undefeated army for you have My power, My might and My authority. You have My victory for I have given it to you at the Cross-when I defeated the enemy when I shed the blood, that blood washed away your sins and it also defeated the enemy.”
“His place is no longer a place of power and authority. It was taken away when he rebelled against Me. I took it away. Everything he does is unlawful. That is why he has to find legal right to invade your life You have to walk a life of repentance. You have to check your heart and be sure that what you are doing is of Me. Watch your motives. Do not manipulate to get your way for it will only defeat you for the enemy has no right except the right that you give him through unconfessed sin and unrepentant lifestyle.”
“So take up your cross and follow Me. Die out to the flesh and let My resurrection power flow through you. Be the army I called you to be to cast out demons, to raise up the dead, to heal the sick, to set the captives free for you are My body and I choose to walk through you through the yielded vessels that I have risen up.”
“So rise up and be strong. Be a mighty army for this is the day I have called you to defeat the enemy, to walk in it and experience it to the fullest this day and evermore. Be still and know that I am your God. I started a good work in you and I will complete it. I will make you yielded, a yielded vessel that I can flow through, for the Rivers of living waters to flow through. I am breaking down the dams that have held My love away from your heart. I am breaking them down that I may flow through and touch you that you would be holy, healthy, and a happy, fulfilled people.
So just rise up and be strong for I have called you to defeat the enemy”, says your God.
July 16, 2018
Yes, the Lord is calling the prodigals back to Him. It is not what you expect to see when you think of a prodigal. You might think of one that is gone off a good ways into gross sin and worldliness, but it isn’t quite that way. He is calling back to those who have hardened their heart and become independent.
There was a time when they were so hungry and thirsty for Him, His presence and His word. And for whatever reason got frustrated, hurt or abused in church life. Without realizing it they walked away.
Has there been a moment when you felt a tug on your heart but you didn’t respond to it? Were there days you didn’t take the time to bask in His presence to seek His face just because you wanted to be with Him?
He is calling you back to your first love where you get excited when you hear His name and want so much for Him to speak to you.
You might feel dry and awkward at times in your walk. Jesus never left you and is waiting and drawing you but you feel He is so far away. It is because you went off a long distance without even realizing it.
This can happen getting busy with church activities, with work or whatever you think is so important like Martha. You left the place of sitting at His feet just listening to Him speak like Mary.
Many are going through the motions with outward appearance but lacking His power in their life. When was the last time you truly witnessed to someone, led one to the Lord, saw a miracle happen with you praying?
When did you really experience the intimate presence of the Lord or if you even desired it? The Lord is calling His bride to come back home to be with Him to partner with Him in ministry.
He is drawing her into His secret place for this is past time to be ready. By His great grace and mercy there is a window of time left to get ready.
We need to be in a close relationship with Him because when all hell breaks loose and great testing many will fall away. Without His love flowing like a river in us and through us to others we will not make it to the end.
There will be a great shaking and a separating to take place in the church and we need to be in the place where He knows us intimately manifesting the fruit of His spirit.
Many had become complacent and returned to worldly living, sounding and acting like the world. We need to wake up to the seriousness of the hour. He is calling His prodigals home to Him to bask in His intimate presence and love.
Now is the time. Cry out that you respond to the call and to His mercy and grace.
June 22, 2018
We are all unique and must have the freedom to express whom God called us to be whether it is in worship or in life itself for life is to be an expression of worshiping the One who created us. We must break off the chains of bondage of legalism and religion and all control we allow to be placed upon us from others. We must cast off all competition and jealousy and love one another and esteem others over ourselves.
We must love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and strength. We must take advantage of the freedom we have to worship Him in the gathering of the saints. Worship like there is no tomorrow where our freedom could be taken away. We must shout and dance and express the freedom Jesus gave His life for us to have. If many can rejoice over a team in sports and act foolish and not care, why do we feel we have to be so reserved and dignified in the place where we should have the most freedom?
Yes, we are the church and we are to draw in the world with the freedom we have! We must show that we have a God who delights in us being joyful and free to be uniquely your own person!!! Who the Son sets free is free indeed!!!! Yes, we must allow ourselves to rejoice in His intimate presence and love for He is the King who died for us. Worship Him and adore Him and show Him how much you truly love Him.
Do not hold back. Allow Holy Spirit to flow through you expressing unconditional love for one another and for the One who gave His life for you to be free! Do not quench Holy Spirit for He delights in our freedom. When you hold back you grieve Him!!! Repent of religious works and mindsets and cry out for the freedom!!! Cry out to be set free!
Yes, take advantage for this season of preparation. There will be a transition and things will not be the same as today. If you did not take the time to get before the Lord to feast upon His word and to delight in His secret place, we will not be ready. If we did not take advantage of the freedom of worship we have, we will not be ready for what is ahead. When you worship Him unceasingly, He fills you up to overflowing of His power, strength, wisdom, and love. And most importantly you are being conformed into His image!
We are a Bride with boots on trampling over the enemy taking the land with every shout and every twirl and every clap of the hands you are knocking out the enemy! Raise up your banners and show who you stand for. Lift up the Captain of the hosts of heaven with a victory shout. Listen closely for His command when to be still and when to march forward uniting as His mighty army!!
Shout for freedom to reign. His kingdom come His will be done on earth as it is in heaven!!!!
June 16, 2018
Even in the deepest darkness I will be with you because you have known and trusted in My name. I am yours even if you walk away, I will always be there for you waiting and expecting your return. I will never let you go because I have called you forth as Mine even before the foundation of the earth. Before I created the universe I knew you and longed for when you would know Me and would be Mine.
I love you with the fiercest of loves, a ferocious fervency I have for you. I will protect you from all harm like a lion would protect her cubs. This is the end of the age and many are falling away. They have been chasing after other gods but I have entrusted in you the truth of My word. I have embedded it deep within your heart and you will never fall away. You have a deep discernment of what is of Me and what isn’t.
You have longed for My intimate touch upon your heart so that you would go deeper in Me. I have opened up My floodgates of glory and am ready to pour them out upon you. You will receive My authority, My power, to trample down powers and principalities just by calling out My name and worshiping Me.
I am your God and you are My people and I am ready to do a mighty work through you. I am giving out My marching orders and placing you in rank with teams with assignments I have you to do. I am repositioning My people in this very hour and giving you one new to you in command.
I am the Captain of the hosts of heaven and I am calling you to attention. This is the final hour and I am pouring out My power. In order to receive you must humble yourself and dwell in My secret place. Seek My face and not My hand. Be still and know that I am God and that I know all and in control of all.
Be very sensitive to My leading you how to pray. I have given each of you an assignment to pray specifically but you must know My directives. Do not become sidetracked with issues of lesser value. Time is of the essence.
There is a perfect timing to call forth and to tear down, when to snatch out of the fire and when to leave in for I am the Master Potter and My burning love is molding you into My image.
Consider yourself dead to sin and alive to who I am for I paid the price for your sins at Calvary. I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can go to the Father unless it is through Me.
I see My work finished in you. I see that you are perfect. Consider yourself alive to Me walking in My victory. See yourself as I see you and that is sinless. Consider yourself dead to the ways of the world and walk in it. Whatever you see through the eyes of faith you can have.
I promised you abundance of life and many walk in less than that. I promised you prosperity and many receive poverty. Do not receive the lies of the enemy. All that I gave My life for you to have do not allow the enemy to rob you of it. See yourself made whole. See yourself righteous for you have right standing in Me. Yes, I am your life; walk in the fullness of it.
This is a new day. Each day is a new beginning. Rejoice in it. Enjoy My presence. Draw close and I will fill your heart with My love. I will give you the abundance of who I am. The fullness of My spirit is yours if you abide in Me. Let me share the burdens of My heart with you that you may intercede that My will be done and My kingdom come now on earth as it is in heaven. Be my people and I will be your God.
I am doing a new thing each and every day. My river is ever flowing. Do not become stagnant with the necessities of life. Depend on Me and I will supply all your needs. Seek Me first and My righteousness and all these things the world strives after will be yours.
May 18, 2018
Be still and know that I am your God. No matter what happens in the natural know that I am faithful and that I am working all things together for your good. I am strengthening you as you bypass the things in the natural and look to Me, the author and finisher of your faith. I started a good and perfect work and I will complete it.
Commit all things into My hands and I will keep it that is I will keep it safe for you. Your treasures are hidden in Me where no dust or rust can harm it nor can anyone rob it from you. Did I not say to be watchful for the enemy goes about like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour, but if you stay hidden in Me, you and your loved ones will remain safe.
This is the day of the latter rain outpouring. Some say there will not be any major move of My spirit that is revival but I say if you cry out to Me to move, I will pour out My anointing upon you. I will burn up the dross in the land and bring My kingdom purposes but it is in My timing these things shall happen.
As the enemy comes in as a flood, I will raise up a standard against him. I will have justice in the lives of My people who have cried out to Me night and day. I have heard your cries and I am moving on your behalf. Keep looking to Me and rest knowing that I am sovereign and I have everything under My control. The enemy cannot touch you without My allowing it. And all things are working together for your good and the good of My kingdom says your God.
May 6, 2018
Come up higher in the revelation of who I AM for I made you to enjoy My intimate presence and love more than life itself. It is a shame that so many of My children do not enjoy Me and who I really am for I am a lover of life and My creation, and I want My people to truly take the time to do the same. I took the time to create nature and to give you a place to explore.
I have given you My spirit so that you can even explore the vast depths of My love. I want to give you the joy that is unspeakable that bubbles up when you least expect it in situations that in the natural you could never bring yourself to laugh. I bypass that of the natural and take you into the supernatural.
Yes, joy that is unexplainable. That is why it is so unspeakable for it takes you out of the natural and brings you to the place where you can overcome by My strength. Yes, I have given you My joy to come up higher like eagles that soar up higher by taking the currents of the wind and glide upon them.
That is what I want you to do. Position yourself seated with Me at the right hand of the Father, the place of all power and authority and allow that which is sent to defeat you and allow it to promote you. Take that which was sent to tear you down and allow it to build you up. And laugh at the enemy’s tactics and schemes. Decree that you have overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, the word of your testimony and that you love not your life unto death.
You have nothing to fear but fear itself that is sent to defeat you by building an image of your death and destruction. Cast down all vain imaginations and see yourself defeating the enemy. Soar with Me high above all powers and principalities for I call you My eagle saints and I am calling you higher!
March 21, 2018
To all believers in Christ Jesus,
This is the final hour of preparation before all hell breaks lose in the fullest measure. This is not saying that there will not be any glory falling from My presence I’m just saying that time is running out where you are able to prepare to develop that secret place within your heart where you are to dwell.
You have had ample time to develop this place within and what you have done with your time will show in the following days and years. If you have hidden My word in your heart because you have spent much time knowing Me, you will have the fruit of faith to show for it.
Many have battled so much in the realm of fear even though My perfect love casts off all fear they still have much trouble trying to overcome and walk in My peace. I’m not saying it is all over for you but I cannot stress the importance of spending quiet time with Me.
Even if you don’t feel my presence or feel that you are benefiting from what you are doing I know you are there with Me. I see your heart and your longing to break through. I said I would reward those who diligently seek My heart. Never give up in drawing closer to Me. Believe and you will receive the fullness of My presence.
I will open your heart and stretch the capacity so you can receive all that I want to pour out upon you. I want to unleash the secrets of My intimacy through My words to you. I want you to experience My power and authority over the enemy for I gave My life that you would do this. I gave My life that you would walk in the riches of My inheritance.
My kingdom is at hand all you have to do is tap into it and release it. Speak My words of truth and watch the signs and wonders follow. It is about believing and expecting Me to move in Your favor. Stand and watch Me move against the enemy.
Watch and see the salvation of the Lord fall upon your loved ones. Lay hands on the sick and see them recover. It’s not about what you can do but what I can do through you being a yielded vessel.
This is the day of the latter rain outpouring and it is also the day of the enemy coming in like a flood. Allow My river to carry you to My promised land. Take My hand and walk with Me. Allow Me to live My life through you for this is the day I will pour out My blessings upon you.
April 7, 2018
We must be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in all that we do, to walk and talk with Him in the cool of the day. He knows the desires of our heart and will meet us where we are. If you desire quiet time to worship Him, He will give it to you no matter where you are at because if you dwell in the secret place, you are in the position of worship at all times.
This is the day the Lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it. Never allow the enemy to steal your joy and the blessings God has given us by dwelling in the place of uncertainty, doubt, unbelief and worry. Be thankful for the peace and safety and our many blessings for they are far more than many have at this time especially those going through great persecution.
At times the enemy may make you feel guilty because you have so much and many are going through so much and without. But don’t receive the accusations of the enemy saying that you aren’t doing enough or that you aren’t serving enough or praying enough. If the Holy Spirit leads you, you are in the position to receive the burden of the Lord. If you have none at a time, just worship Him because that is the highest form of prayer.
Rejoice that your life is hidden in Him and that your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life. Forevermore we will be able to sit at His feet and learn more about His kingdom and how you can serve Him just by loving Him. We are to love one another just like He loves us to live in the spirit of forgiveness and grace forbearing one another. Allow His resurrection power and healing to flow through you by walking in His spirit crucifying the lusts of the flesh, the eyes and the pride of life. Yes, rejoice because He has begun a good work and He is faithful to complete it.
I felt inspired to write all this because even though I might not get many quiet times caring for Levi I felt His presence fall upon me in the middle of the kitchen. I had some beautiful worship music my dear daughter in the Lord gave me. She is such a jewel! I found myself sitting on the floor just basking in His presence. At church Sunday I wasn’t able to go as deep in worship as I desire because of being hindered but God makes it up for surely He gives us the desires of our heart and it is mainly to worship Him in His secret place.
April 6, 2018
A word brought forth to encourage God’s people
Just know that I love you when you come under attack from the enemy know that I take what the enemy is doing against you and turning it around for your good for you know that nothing can harm you or separate you from My love.
If you are one with Me and you are hidden within Me, the enemy cannot harm the most precious thing that you have and that is your relationship with Me. That is the highest commodity that you have, the thing that is most important and valuable to you.
The enemy can rob your health and your riches but he can never take My love from out of your heart so rest in Me. Draw close to Me. And trust that I am in control of all that concerns you. Your life is in My hands.
Listen for My still small voice for I will lead you only on paths of righteousness. I will give you the peace that passes all understanding and the joy, which strengthens you. You are Mine and nothing can ever change that unless you walk away from Me but I have prayed the enemy would never snatch you away from Me. Yes, you will be with Me through all eternity.
March 11, 2018
Today is the day the Lord has made and we are to rejoice and be glad no matter what the circumstance that we face knowing that it all will work together for our good. If we are not in open rebellion or in willful sin, then God promises good to come through our trials and tribulations conforming us into the image of His son.
The Lord orders the steps of the righteous. No matter what you may be going through God is in it. The enemy cannot do anything without God allowing it. Just like with Job the enemy had to go before the Throne of God to ask permission before he could touch Job or anything to do with his life.
We need to rest trusting in God’s faithfulness. He said that He would bring forth good, to prosper us, and to not bring harm, to give us a future and a hope. What the enemy has meant for harm God turns it for our good. We must stand on His promises.
Pursue peace with all men and especially to have it within our own heart for peace is a mighty weapon of warfare against the enemy. The joy of the Lord is our strength, another much needed weapon, but most of all we need to have God’s love flowing in and through us for without it everything we do is in vain.
God calls us to come before Him early to bask in His presence, to give Him the sacrifice of praise and to hear His voice to direct us each day.
I believe the Lord is saying to rest and know that I am your God and that I am in control of everything that you face each day knowing that only good follows you if you take My hand and walk with Me. I will take your circumstances and bring good out of them. I promise prosperity, and good health if your soul prospers in Me.
Take the hem of My garment and I will give you the abundance of life and liberty, the freedom to be whom I called you to be, the kind of creation that pleases Me.
You are unique. No one can do the things I called you to do. Don’t allow the enemy to lie to you saying that you don’t measure up. You are Mine and you are fulfilling what I called you to do.
Don’t look in the natural but look to Me for I am the author and the finisher of your faith. What I called you to do I will accomplish it through you. I started a good and perfect work in you and I am faithful to complete it.
If I died in your place when you were lost, how much more will I do for you now that you are My friend? Rest in Me, cultivate a deep relationship with Me, feast on My word, dwell with Me, walk with Me, and trust Me. Revel in My love.
Have a hope and expectancy of good things to come. Feast on My faithfulness to provide your every need even the desires of your heart because it is pure. The pure in heart will see Me and be satisfied.
Cast down the vain imaginations and all that distracts you and get back to the basic foundation of your faith for many have allowed the enemy to entice them with that, which isn’t of Me. Know the genuine article so that you will not be conned with a counterfeit.
Seek Me and not seek after gifts, signs and wonders. Seek to know the purity of My word. Allow Me to teach you Truth. Stretch your faith by taking My hand and walk forward. Never look back clinging to the past for I am doing a new thing.
Worship Me in spirit and truth. Outside of My truth is no life. Many have dabbled in that which is outside of My truth and taken in a mixture that has tainted My waters. A little leaven leavens the whole loaf.
Do not touch the unclean thing. Do not justify sin or you will let the enemy in. The little foxes spoil the vine.
Be Mine, be faithful and I will give you the Kingdom. Be content with the little and I will give you great things. Yes, I will give you abundance, the ample supply to be filled and to have the overflow in material and spiritual things.
I will give you revelation and strategies against the enemy if you stay hidden in Me. Delight yourself in My presence and I will give you the fruit of the land, the milk and the honey. Yes I will give you the meat of My word that you will be made strong.
It is all in Me. Allow Me to be your all and all and love Me, for yes, this is the day I have made and we will rejoice in it.
The Lord makes firm, the steps of the one who delights in Him. Psalm 37:23
If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land. Isaiah 1:19
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jer 29:11
January 29, 2018
Dear one, I am calling you to My side to walk with Me and to talk with Me in the cool of the day. Come morning or evening I want to be with you as a way of life of close communion with you for these are the latter days, and you need to know Me not to know of Me but to know Me intimately.
Many have gone off to do their own thing and have left Me out. They think they are still walking with Me but they are following after a counterfeit spirit that they think is Me. Yes, they have gotten deceived because they have opened the door through justifying sin wanting to do things that I am not allowing them to do. Many have departed from Me because they wanted to dabble in the occult. You cannot mix together good and evil, a little leaven leavens the whole lump.
Examine your own heart if you have compromised in any way in your walk with Me. If you can see any area even in the least amount, repent of it immediately for you do not want to open yourself up to a counterfeit spirit masquerading as Me. You have heard before of counterfeit Christs, and this is the hour where there are many leading many into apostasy.
I am calling you to My side to examine your heart so that you know you are pure and untainted by the ways of the world. Many churches are full of mixture and are not walking with Me. They have given over to pride making a name for themselves and robbing Me of glory and have given over to merchandizing the gospel robbing My people of the funds I needed them to use for other things that were important for the Kingdom.
Beware of the wolves in sheep clothing. Do not follow after those who call themselves Mine before testing the spirits. Do not always be sure of those who have a large following for wide is the way to destruction and many go that way.
I call you to My side because I love you and I want you to be sure that what you have is genuine. I want you to know for sure you are following after Me. And most of all I want you to know that you are Mine says your God.
January 9, 2018
The Lord says how sweet and how pure it is to Him when we give Him a sacrifice of praise when we feel so broken and only have feeble attempts to worship Him.
Yes, He takes what all we have to give Him and He will multiply it and bring abundance of peace, and joy back to us. He is a loving and understanding Father who forgives and remembers no more our shortcomings. He sees our heart and knows the attacks of the enemy to separate those from the body of Christ.
The enemy is coming on strong and many are greatly discouraged. Some feel like they need to just start all over with a clean slate. What a better way to start the year! What the enemy means for harm God will turn it all for good if we have a heart willing and repentant.
Be still and know the Lord He is God. He is in control of all we are going through and everything is working together for our good. If we just lay it all at His throne, He will be merciful and will pour out His divine favor over us. Never give up for He is faithful.
We don’t walk by how we feel or what we see even in our own walk, but we walk by faith trusting that He who began a good work is faithful to complete it. Many have had great breakthroughs and the enemy is retaliating. He is furious that in spite of all he has done against God’s people, they are still thriving. They keep pressing in gaining ground. They will never give up or let go of the Promises He has made to them.
December 17, 2017
Our inheritance is the Kingdom of God and it is at hand. In Him we live and move and have our being. He is our life. Without Him we have nothing. Then why at times do we go without seeking His face and go to Him only when we need something from His hand?
He wants more than that from us. He wants to commune with us that we may rest in His intimate presence and love. How can we be like Him if we don’t spend time to get to know Him?
He wants to strengthen us and give us His faith. He wants to bring us to the place that our only words we speak would be His words. He wants our thoughts to be His thoughts. He wants to live through us every step guiding us.
Yes, we must increase so He can live through us. That is when the true victory begins. Christ in us the hope of glory. It all begins when we consciously decide to allow Him to have our heart completely to do His will and not of our own, to delight in His presence.
Today is the day to make a commitment to draw close to Him and allow Him to bring change to conform us into His image…. less of us and more of Him.
Yes, Lord, live Your life through us I pray in Jesus name.
December 7, 2017
Be still and know I am your God. If you listen, you can hear Me calling your name in the still of the night. While you are dreaming of other things, I am waiting upon you to call out to Me, to call My name. Yes, I want to commune with you.
It is so important to know Me, not to just know about Me but to commune with Me. I am the way, the truth, and the life but you must take Me by the hand so I can lead you through the Promised Land that is full of milk and honey but it also has giants in the land lurking ready to take you out.
You must walk with Me and talk with Me as a way of life. You must know My voice to be safe for I will show you the way around the snares the enemy sets up for they are subtle and appear to be My ways but they are strategies of the enemy to trip you up.
Watch for the little foxes that spoil the vine, those little things of the flesh that appear to be good but they are false like false burdens and responsibilities, they only rob you of your time and distract you.
Yes, this is the day that I am fine-tuning for you in all areas so you will line up with My will. You will know the true from the counterfeit, the wheat from the tare. Even in your thoughts you must learn to cast down vain imaginations anything that lifts itself up against the knowledge of who I am and what I would have you to do.
You must walk in My truth, light and grace at all times. If you obey My will, you will walk with plenty and have good health. You will have soundness of mind and perfect peace if you keep your mind on Me. Yes, I love you, My child, but you must draw near and know Me says your God.
God is calling us to have deep communion with Him as a way of life. Father, I pray that You will take away anything that is in our heart that distracts us from having your presence in Jesus name.
November 22, 2017
I was reading in the Word and came across a point I did not understand so I got tempted to look in other translations and what I found was the opposite of what I read in the KJV Jeremiah 29:8. So I see that one way is the truth and the other is to lead you in a direction that is not God. We can tend to choose the way that is easy and makes more sense or the direction we would rather go. The passage was speaking of not trusting in your own dreams. The other translations said to not trust in the dreams of the false prophets. Not to go in the wrong direction I prayed and received the following.
Discern your thoughts and even your dreams that they be of Me and not of your own soul that seeks to drive you in a direction that is not of Me. You strive to get out from where I have placed you to be to strengthen you and to purge you with the fire of My love. Your trials are there to test you to see if your faith is pure. How do you know unless you are tested? I am there in your midst what you walk through. You are not alone. Thou it might not feel good it is for your good that you walk in this direction. You need to know that whatever you face you will come out as pure gold if you latch on to My faith, which is perfect. If you rest in My faithfulness and keep My promises before you, I will lead you to the Promised Land, the land that is full of milk and honey. In My timing I will bless you with all that you need. Did I not say that I would give you hope and a future? I will prosper you and bring you no harm says your God.
Many seek a bible translation that is easy to understand and that which caters to the soul but I tell you this day those translations will lead you away from truth for they are of a mixture. Stick with one that has been trusted for decades for the new are preparing you for that which is not of Me. Ask of Me and I will help you to understand for I am the way, the truth, and the life. There is no other way!
What you are being fed is not Manna but morsels that are leading and preparing you to go in a direction that is not God. The easy way is not the safe way. We must seek God and to learn His voice.
November 14, 2017
Whatever the enemy is trying to pressure you to do. Do the opposite! Repent, crucify the flesh, and intercede! Turn the tides on him in Jesus name! We must discern the strategies of the enemy mainly to divide the body of Christ. And he is coming on strong. Those he is trying to divide you from need you the most.
If you don’t love and forgive, you will never grow but stay right where you are. And that is not a good place to be. Don’t allow the enemy to get the upper hand. Allow God to move in you in a mighty way. It is the enemy who wounds and divides and causes situations to look a certain way but we must look past the natural and walk by faith.
Love believes the good in every situation no matter what it is God allows it for our good. To be like Jesus we must die out and allow Him to flow through us. Jesus is separating the wheat from the tares, the sheep from the goat, and He is proving our character, and purging us like gold going through the fire. Satan is out to divide and cause people to die out to the spirit of God and to live in the flesh with pride and resentment, not forgiving, and bitterness.
Choose today whom you will serve. Yes, the battle is getting stronger because God is rising up His army of mighty warriors. He is taking us through the proving ground to see what we are made up of and to see if He can trust us with His glory and power. He would not have brought you this far to lose you. Be strong and overcome the wiles of the enemy for this is the day when God is going to pour out His power and through you He wants to flow. Yes, Lord, I am listening.
November 7, 2017
Lord, draw me close into Your secret place where I will be able to bask in Your intimate presence and love. Restore to me the joy of my salvation and help me to overcome the onslaughts of the enemy in Jesus name.
As I pray writing this I notice that in the center of the word “onslaughts” I see the word “laugh”. What a place that is to be. What the enemy means for harm we are to rejoice in that God turns all things for our good. So we should laugh in the middle of onslaughts with the joy of the Lord being our strength.
This is the day the Lord has made and we rejoice in how the Lord delivers us through the storms of life. He enables us to get strong in trusting Him by seeing how faithful He has been through them all. He stretches us past what we feel we are able to bear.
We might see some areas in us, which might not look good. We must look to Jesus to align these areas with His love. We can only be willing to yield to His working in us. Some know that in the natural they don’t have what it takes to be like Him. They don’t feel they have the right words to say or to even have it on their heart to do the kind gestures to help or even able to have a heart to pray like they should, but by being honest with the Lord, He can take what we have and bring it to increase of His fruit and gifts to help others.
He can take our seed of faith and cause it to grow into a mighty oak of His faithfulness flowing through us. Yes, this is the day to rejoice for surely God is faithful.
November 7, 2017
Those who are prophetic will you speak out for truth even if all will turn against you? If your heart is right, God will make a way where others will listen and be set free from the error and even heresy that is steeped in the church. Yes, in the church. Where do you think the most persecution will come? Yes, from the church. Who persecuted Jesus but the religious zealots? Yes, religious!
Religion is a plague of hatred of the truth. It is having the appearance of God but denies His power. By appearance of God is that we try to say the right things and on the outward we try to appear holy but inwardly many are like ravenous wolves. Yes, there are many wolves in sheep clothing. They are breathing and exhaling toxic fumes of heresy, deception, error, and the mixture of true and false prophesy. They are leading many astray this very moment and many are lifting them up as one they can trust.
I tell you this day it will be the nameless and faceless generation, the nobodies that God will speak truth through. We must use discernment to know the true from the genuine voices. Many will fall away into deception into the great apostasy. Beware of those who have joined together with the emergent church. They are those who you have even rubbed shoulders with and have called your prophets.
Yes, beware of whom you will listen to in these coming days. God will reveal all that is hidden by the power of His love and truth. He will reveal the true from the counterfeit. He will remove their lamp stands! He will exalt the humble and remove the proud. Yes, these are coming up into the final days. There will be a great separation coming up. The chaff will be separated from the wheat.
The fire of His love will purge even the dross in our hearts. We will become a pure vessel fit for the Master’s use. Unless we are baptized in His brokenness, His sweet fragrance cannot flow forth. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves for yes, these are the final hours.
November 6, 2017
A message from Psalm 91
He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. It all begins in that secret place. Where is this place, how do you enter, and how do you stay there.
It is a place in the spirit that you can enter into, like a key to opening a door to receive all the promises for protection from God. It is a place that is hidden from all enemy forces, a place of safety and peace, and a refuge from the storms of life.
To remain hidden from harm at all times you must stay in this place of secrecy. How do you enter into this place and how do you stay there? You must enter in by going deep within your spirit man where God dwells, deep within your heart where communion begins with your Creator. This is the place where God first placed a conscience within you that had been seared by sin.
It is returning to that deep calls out to deep even as a babe you knew of this place. You knew Me before you were born; you knew of this secret place. It is returning to that oneness with the One who loves you and wants to dwell with you always. He is our dwelling place of safety but you must return to this place of safety by entering in.
Even after you become born again this place is sealed because of hardness of heart, the rebellion of sin, independence and pride. That place is sealed from you and you must have circumcision of heart to enter in. Almost like having scales removed from your eyes to see in the Spirit you must have this layer of hardness taken from your heart to be able to enter into this deep place.
Many are even afraid to enter into this deep place of communion with God. They even run from it but to have the promises of God operating to the fullest measure you must enter in and stay in this place.
Yes, sin, unforgiveness, and resentment seal over your heart where you cannot remain open and tender to God to be able to stay in the place where constant communion abides. Yes, our hearts must be pure to see God to walk in this communion, to abide in this secret place.
Return to this place of innocence, to this place you knew of even in the womb. You knew God in this place. He knew you and communed with you even before the foundation of the world. He knew His own and they knew Him.
He is in the process of restoring this communion even now as He ushers in the end time harvest. We must all enter that place of intimacy with God, that place of innocence, to that place of truly loving God, to that deep within the deep, to that secret place and abide hidden under the shadow of the Almighty.
Even though not all will enter into this secret place. Not all will desire this communion and intimacy with God. Yes, not all are His bride but to those who are He is in the process of doing a deep work cleansing the heart enabling them to enter in. He who began a good work is faithful to complete it.
I know the first step is recognizing the hardness of heart and the lack of desire to draw close to God, and then to repent of unbelief, rebellion, and idolatry, ask God to forgive, renounce the enemy, and ask God to enter in to restore the bridal love He had first placed in our heart for Him.
All you need to do is to be willing and He is doing that right now if you have read down this far. Say, “yes, Lord!” He will lead you in how to pray. This is the day of new beginnings, of restoration, for this is the year of the restoration of love for you! You are His bride and He delights over you and is excited for what is happening in you right now!!!
Come into that place of love, of safety and restoration, of being the Bride he called you to be. He is excited as a husband who wants to keep you in a safe place hidden from the snares of the enemy. Yes, Jesus is excited over having you alone in His secret place!!!
November 5, 2017
What does it mean to meditate upon God’s word but to dive into it and allow it to transform you completely mind soul, body, and spirit. The Word is life and breath to us, the only true sustenance that we have because it is true, pure, and lasting.
Forever it will guide us, deliver us, and fulfill us. It is the one sure thing that we have that has lasting value. Yes, it is like having treasures of gold in our hearts when we allow it to produce faith.
Faith in God’s word doesn’t come easy at times but when it does, nothing can take it away. It must be cultivated, pruned, watered, nurtured, and tapped into often. It is a true seed planted into the heart that produces a bumper crop for all to tap into. Yes, it is like a beautiful oak tree that has roots that go deep that reaches out to the natural waters of life.
Yes, we must abide in the Vine for that is where our life flows from and every Word that God speaks forth we must treasure in our heart. We must plant it deep by continuously meditating upon His word. What does it mean to meditate upon God’s word but to allow it to transform your mind where you walk and talk what has been hidden in our heart?
This is the day of the great falling away but those who abide in God’s word will forever be in a safe place. And surely those who abide in the secret place feasting upon His word will forever be kept safe underneath the shadow of His wing.
October 31, 2017
I cover God’s people with the power of the blood of Jesus that they will receive deeper revelation and discernment and awareness of the strategies of the enemy. I decree and declare that the enemy will not will not hinder and abort the fullness of His calling upon our lives as it is coming forth. In Jesus name. Many have believed for this day where there would be greater works, miracles, signs and wonders as the Lord ushers in the end time harvest of souls.
The Lord is increasing our capacity of being filled with the fullness of His spirit. He is opening our eyes enabling us to see in the Spirit clearer. He is increasing our vision to see and hear. He is positioning us in His army where we should be. Transition is taking place and many don’t understand what is happening. Don’t try to make sense out of anything in the natural but just believe and receive. Be willing to step out into the deep by faith. Take Him by his hand and allow Him to lead you and guide you into deeper truth.
Yes, this is the day of preparation for the greatest move of the Spirit ever. When the enemy comes in like a flood, God promised to rise up a standard against him. It will be like a tsunami of glory that will spread across this nation. Some will be wiped away by it because they had been playing around dabbling in things they should not have been. Others will rise up upon it and move in great gifts of the Spirit. Yes, this is the time and the hour God is pouring out His power. Be still and know that He is faithful. He started a good work and is faithful to complete it.
October 29, 2017
A Message of Restoration
Be still and know that I am your God. Yahweh is My name…the great I AM. I am the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega. Taste and see that I am good. Come close to Me in the secret place that I have appointed and anointed for you alone. Each has a special place in My heart for you to fill. Draw close and rest. Examine My heart for you. Every aspect of My heart is full of My love for you alone. If there were only you alone on this earth, I would have paid the ultimate price for you.
I love you even as much as I love my Son. Can you fathom the amount of love that is? It is as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky, as vast as the universe. There is no limit to My love for you. Bask in My love, drink deeply, dive in and even swim and get lost in My love. Lose yourself in Me for I love you so much and delight when you spend time with Me. I want to take you on adventures where I will touch multitudes through you. I have so much I want to share with you and so much I want to do using you.
Taste and see the abundance of the riches of My wealth that I want to pour out upon you and through you I want to build My kingdom. It is not just through building massive buildings to hold My people but to enable you to travel and build planting seeds, building orphanages, resting places to provide for those less fortunate. Yes, I want you to touch others with My love to plant seeds using the funds I will give to you.
Let go and allow Me to live through you. Be as the alabaster box, break open and allow the fragrance of My love to flow. Once you arrive at this dimension of yieldedness there will be no limit as to how far My anointing and power can flow. Yes, with greater works, signs, wonders, and miracles I will draw in the lost. I will usher in the end time harvest through you. Do you realize the power of My love that is within you ready to gush out? It is as powerful as the waterfall and it will escalate and sweep across the nation you dwell. I am looking for those yielded vessels. Yes, this is the hour I am pouring out My power says your Yah!
Father, stir up those deep wells, those waters that have become dormant. Spring up, O well, deep within my soul, gush up and overflow! You are my heart’s desire. I stir up the deep within my heart for You. Rekindle the fire of Your love within the heart of Your bride. In Jesus name I pray.
Deep calls unto deep at the noise of thy waterfalls: All thy waves and thy billows are gone over me. Psalm 42:7
October 17, 2017
A Message Of Restoration
The Lord is calling His bride to come by His side, to draw close, to rest in His intimate presence and love, to be still and know He is her God, that He will be with her through all that they go through, that they are not alone.
Yes, many just need to come aside from all the hustle and the bustle and just rest with Him knowing that He alone is all that we need. Besides Him there is no God, no answer or solution. Only He can meet all our needs. He just wants us to draw close and rest in Him.
Just bask in His presence, in His peace and love and allow Him to refresh and build you up for many have gone through hard times. If we don’t draw close to the Lord, then the enemy comes and brings the storms, the turmoil.
All it takes is to just sacrifice the time away from all the busyness and the distractions demanding our time. We must take authority over the works of the enemy to pull us aside and say “no more!” to him.
Be determined to come into our resting place in God. He gave us His son to give us an abundant life but it can be found only in Him. Rest, be still, and know that He is your God. The secret is in truly knowing Him and that takes intimacy.
Be at peace, draw close, and be refreshed this very hour. Breathe in so He can fill you up. Relax knowing He has everything under control. He has your back and He has good in store for you no matter how things look, they are all working for your good.
With God for you who can come against you and draw you away from Him? Only you if you allow it to happen. Cast off all the idols. Yes, all the electronics that binds you. Take authority over them. We possess them not the other way around.
Yes, this is the hour to be determined to make Jesus our all in all, our only desire, and stir up that love for Him once again. You always have time for the One we truly love!
It is not all about works but in being His bride and being close. Then everything else will take its rightful place. As we rest we begin to hear clearly. Just like a dance or a romance we must draw close. Allow the Lord to take the guard off of your heart. You can truly trust Him with your love.
So many have been so greatly wounded they’ve built a wall around their heart like a prison. God is saying it is all right to allow it to come down. It is safe with Him. Do not run from that place of intimacy. Allow the Lord to heal your heart and to be one with Him once again.
You cannot have that place of intimacy with God if you don’t truly trust Him. God is ready to take away all that binds you and keeps you from being by His side. Now is the hour He is pouring out His power to truly set us free to be the bride He called us to be.
Without this restoration we cannot function! We are just going through the motion without the true emotion of love. God’s love cannot flow out if it cannot flow in.
Father, I pray that this very hour will be a time of healing and Your bride being truly set free to be the one you called her to be in Jesus name.
Bride, worship your King! Yes, one night with your King and you will never be the same. Taste and see that the Lord is good!
October 9, 2017
A wreath to some might mean a symbol for death but to one who believes, it is a symbol of eternal life. It is all about how you see with your own eyes. Death and life come from what you speak forth from your heart. Death to some might mean finality but to others it means to live forever.
A tree to some might point to an end but to others it is a beginning to a new life for Jesus died upon a tree for you and me; and if you receive what He did upon that tree, you shall live forever. He is the way, the truth and the life, the only way to the Father for if you receive Him, you receive the Father; they are One.
Jesus came as a babe to die. He died so that we could be made right with the Father. He came so He could live in the hearts of those He died for. He came to give abundance of life, truth and love. He came so we would live for Him and to even die for Him.
Whether we live or die or to esteem a day or to not, it is all about Him. Whatever we do or how we do it we must love one another. Jesus prayed that we would be one as He and the Father are one.
It’s not about doctrine, which can divide, but what you allow to come forth through that the doctrine. The fruit that it produces determines if it is from God. Does it produce life or death? The letter of the Law kills but grace and truth produce life. The letter of the Law divides. Grace and truth enables one to live by faith and love.
When you reach out to one another, accept the flaws, which brings the uniqueness of an individual. Look for the gold hidden in one’s heart of the one who belongs to God. All are made in the image and likeness of who He is.
Find that Light that leads to the love that sets the captive free to live in liberty and justice for all. Pursue peace with all men. Agree to disagree on those things that do not matter. Do not allow the enemy to conquer and divide using religion. And most of all enjoy life to the fullest. Each breath that you take surely is a gift from God. And be blessed.
October 1, 2017
Jesus, Our Advocate
The Eternal is taking the bench; He’s ready to judge; He rises to lay out the people’s case. The Eternal will bring charges against those in positions of authority over His people. Isa 3:13-15 The Voice
No more will these wicked taskmasters have rule over God’s people. No more will they hinder coming forth God’s perfect will for the Lord will come like a flood and wipe out those who say they have the authority to oppress God’s holy people. This is the day to stand up and be counted in the army of the Lord, to stand in rank and follow our Commander in Chief, the Lord strong and mighty to save.
This is the day to be bold and confident and to know that He who began a good work is faithful to complete it. Even you now who are doing without basic needs God sees your every tear as you cry out to Him and He will repay and take recompense against those who have oppressed you and hindered you from going ahead. They have hindered your prosperity and they will repay for the Lord will take from those who are rich and give to the oppressed.
God will protect His people and He will provide for His people because their hearts are pure. Soon is the day of the great catching away of the saints and they have made themselves ready waiting and expecting His soon return. God will judge and He will set free those from the oppressor.
They will run and leap with joy at the revelation of the hope and future He has for them. This is the day for freedom and yes, this is the day for war; surely we have the victory.
September 21, 2017
The enemy has battled me hard in my life. It seems like when I have a breakthrough then I go through a period that seems like regression. When the dust clears and I gain my perspective of what the truth is, I push forward by the grace of God. This pattern I realize is what is called to be as transition.
Just like when a woman gives birth everything seems fine and she has control of what is happening then comes transition where she needs support to gain control of what is happening. She might panic and lose it for a period of time but with the positive support of loved ones she gains momentum and goes with the flow of birthing.
I believe that is what many are going through today. Many are a great threat to the kingdom of darkness and a great asset to the Kingdom of God and the enemy knows this. These people were proclaimed to be mighty ones for God. He would move mightily through these people but life has not been easy for them.
The truth is where there is great breakthrough comes greater encounters with the enemy where he sends his “big guns” to defeat, pull back, and hinder the flow of God’s spirit through them. I’ve seen many churches fall apart after they had a breakthrough in the Spirit.
Those who appear to be unlovely and a real trial to be around can be those who are in the cocoon period of their life. God is moving mightily in them and through them in spite of their flaws and soon they will push through and become the beautiful butterfly God called them to be.
I believe the Lord is wanting to say to these precious ones to be strong and to believe that He who began a good work is faithful to complete it. Do not look in the natural at your shortcomings where you don’t measure up to those around you and look to Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith.
You are accepted in the Beloved. He loves you just the way you are! He didn’t bring you this far just to leave you. By His great grace He will bring you all the way to the finish line with victory. He sees you already complete and that is how we need to see our self.
September 9, 2017
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have everlasting life. He did not come into the world to judge it but to save it. God does not retaliate with judgment just because one does not respond to His saving grace immediately. He woos and He works situations in our life to where we will respond to His call. He forever intercedes that His people that He died for will respond and walk in His victory over the devil.
Many see God through the eyes of the Old Covenant that if we do not meet the Law in every aspect of it, we would come under His judgment. Under the New Covenant Jesus died for all of our sins and gives us a heart to love and obey Him to where His law of liberty is embraced upon our heart. We become circumcised in the heart rather in the outward appearance.
God’s ways are not like men. They are so much higher. He overcomes evil with good and tells us to bless and not curse pronouncing judgment upon those who do not line up to the way we think they should. Just like those who keep the Torah if they think by keeping a few measures of it you are made right you are mistaken. If you receive justification under the Law, then you are required to keep all the Law, which no one can.
If you look up Law in the original Greek or Hebrew you will find out what covenant it is referring to. There is the Law of the Old Covenant and there is the Law of liberty that is the New Covenant of His grace, truth, and love. What good would it do for His kingdom if He came against the world now with judgment and wiped everyone out to hell? Can they repent and be made right with Him through that?
He died that we would be saved not that we would go to hell. He is long suffering and will never give up on His people. People need to quit siding in with the enemy and pronouncing death and judgment and agree with God and speak life!
September 8, 2017
These are the end of all times, and in spite of what the News says I am in control. It does not matter if this storm that was coming is the worse of all storms I will not allow it to go past what I’ve ordered it to do. I have called a demonstration of My power and might and no man HAARP can rally around and manipulate My elements without causing a disturbance in the heavens.
Whenever you play around with fire you are going to get burned. If you think you can manipulate what I have ordered to happen without getting a backlash from Me, you are greatly mistaken for I am Lord of the Universe, the Creator of all things and what I have created will operate the way I have declared it to happen.
These fires and great storms are a result of what man has done coming against My plan and order of the universe. You cannot act like you are god without causing a great disturbance that will come back at you and I am talking to scientists and liberals and those who resent who I am and what I stand for.
And in spite of your efforts to destroy and corrupt My plan and purpose for the nation of USA I will intervene and turn the tables for what the enemy has meant for harm I will turn it around for great good for those who I have died for.
And those who will be affected the worse by all this are those who not yet know Me. And their blood is crying out to Me from the earth. There is a price to pay for playing around with fire and for tampering with the elements. Your efforts to destroy before My time will only come against you.
I will protect My people. I will draw them close to My side. I will heal their pain and restore their loss and give them a reason to rejoice in knowing who I am in a brand new way.
There are those who are out to destroy this land and there are those called to rebuild it and to make it great. I am cleaning out the old and bringing in the new. It is not all over until I say it is no matter who is trying to retaliate or not.
I am the Lord and father of all, the Creator of the universe. I am the Sovereign Judge and I declare there will be justice and there will be recompense. The enemy will have to pay back one hundred fold of what he has stolen from My people and Me. What he has meant for harm I am turning it for good says your God.
September 2, 2017
A Prayer For Restoration
I pray abundant life for the people of Texas that they would prosper and be in health as their soul prospers. I pray prosperity of soul for the people of Texas that they would have perfect peace, that they would be comforted for their loss of loved ones and property, that the joy of the Lord be their strength, that they would be able to laugh at their calamity. Yes, that they would be able to laugh at their enemy because He who is for them will fight for them.
The Lord will bring restoration to that which was lost. They will regain bigger and better. I pray supernatural intervention from God that restoration would come quickly that there would not be a lot of hindrance in the natural.
I pray there will be signs, wonders and miracles and revival fire flowing rapidly. Many would come to know the love of God through all of this. They would be able to receive of His saving grace. Many would turn from their wicked ways in repentance with broken hearts able to receive from God.
Thank you, Lord, for doing a deep work of repentance for those of Texas and also I pray the same for Louisiana. I pray healing of hearts, of lives, of families, of homes, and communities. What the enemy meant for harm God will turn it all for great good.
This is the day and the hour God is pouring out His power upon Texas. So many are saying this is judgment. So I wanted to pray in agreement with God. And after praying I was led to pray the above. God leads man to repentance through His kindness and not by judgment. He says this in Romans 2. I pray great grace be poured out upon Texas in Jesus name.
God is not out to destroy but to lead all men unto Him by great works of kindness giving to those who do not deserve His great favor. Mercy be poured out upon Texas, Lord, that they will receive what they don’t deserve. If it is judgment, they deserve, I pray You will give mercy. Yes, Lord, none of us deserve Your great grace that You pour out abundantly. We all deserved judgment and You gave mercy by sending Your own Son to die in our place.
Those who judge need to look upon their own life and not point the finger at others. Only God can pronounce judgment! Judge not lest ye be judged. I pray that those will repent of playing God and saying they know what God is doing. He’s not out to destroy by wrath but to draw all men to repentance by His love.
Many need to come out from being under the Law and get to know God through His loving kindness and His grace. He pours out His rain upon the good and the bad that great good would come out of all of it. God did not send His Son to judge the world but to save it!
Many are operating out of the mentality of the Mosaic Covenant and not from out of the New Covenant of Grace for His blood had covered it all. He took upon Himself the curse of the Law. We must come in agreement with God and decree and declare His will and not the will of the enemy.
Father, I ask You to forgive us all of our judgment and we repent of it in Jesus name. We come in agreement with who You are for You are a God of love. This is the hour of great grace and love being poured out that all men would come to the knowledge of whom He is and be saved in Jesus name.
I am one to give a strong word and to not water it down but this is what I feel God’s heart is toward Texas. We are to speak life and not death. We are to bless and not curse; and yes, we are to love and not hate. You can tell God’s people by their love.
August 25, 2017
Those with religious spirits operate by manipulation and judgment and not by unconditional love and acceptance. They act like if you don’t line up to their standards, there is a price to pay. Just like with ISIS that is motivated by hate and radical adherence to their standards they torture others.
Jesus says to forgive others for they know not what they are doing but He also says to some that they are vipers and white washed sepulchers. He was talking to the Pharisees, those of a religious sect. Those in elite religions they expect everyone to line up to the way they are and actually will reject and hate those that do not.
We must test the spirits behind some of our own motives, mindsets and actions to see if they are truly of God. A good safe test is to ask our self “what would Jesus do in this situation?” He says to love the sinner but to hate the sin. Religion says to not show acceptance (love) until others do what they think they should be doing. These are the legalists.
Jesus sees others through the eyes of faith believing the best for others. He sees them set free, but the religious fear the negative actions of others and try to control them. Jesus will woo one to Him by mercy and grace. The legalists gain followers by fear of man, fear of rejection, judgment and accusation.
The body of Christ should unite by those things that matter like the pure doctrine of Christ, His saving grace, and repentance to His perfect will. Whether there will be rapture, or things that are of a personal conviction or the light that God gives us will always be different. Those things are what make us unique and we need to love and accept each other where they are.
There are things that will separate and they are covered in the word of God and must be handled correctly through the leadership of the church. On the whole we must learn to love one another and allow iron to sharpen iron. We are to die out and allow God’s love to flow.
Father, deliver the captives of the enemy of religion and set us free to truly love one another. Fill us to overflowing with Your grace and truth. Deliver us of all that brings torment and fill us with Your perfect love that cast out all fear. In Jesus name.
Religion breeds fear but having true relationship with Jesus spreads love. Yes, beloved let us love one another.
August 22, 2017
And you shall know that I Am God by the way My people hear My voice and the voice of a stranger they will not listen to. I am separating My people from the voice of those who say there is peace when there is no peace. These people are only giving false hope and causing those to not be ready when sudden destruction comes.
People will be anticipating a blessing when all that would be coming is a curse for cursed be those who do not heed to the voice of Almighty God. Many will not heed the voice of warning coming through the true prophets. They stoned them before and they will stone them again by their words.
Do not listen to those who distract you with vain empty words of peace. Do not listen to their stories of signs and wonders for they are only a smokescreen to the true glory that I will release through My people who were willing to die out to the ways of the world, the occult mixture, and false prophesy.
Woe to those who call that of darkness to be of My light. Woe to those who listen to the mesmerizers who travel with seducing spirits leading multitudes astray using their devices that conjure up strange sounds. Beware of the counterfeit. Discern that which is of Me for there is a church rising up in this hour that promotes all things to be allowed. They rub shoulders in worship with those who worship strange gods and keep idols of all types and this must not be.
You are to be a separate people. What union does light have with darkness? Come out from this, this very hour and prepare yourself with me in the secret place. Wash your garments. Set yourself free from idolatry, from the tales from the enemy and his devices to deceive.
This is the hour where I am pouring out My power and through a clean vessel I will flow says your YAH.
Isa 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; ‘For YAH, the Lord, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation.’” NKJV
1 Thes 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. KJV
2 Cor 6:14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? NKJV
August 13, 2017
I tell you this day to guard your heart for out of it comes the issues of life whether it to be pure or whether it to be of a defiled nature. Guard your heart for the way you respond to the truth of My word will either divide you from Me or it may draw you closer to Me.
I tell you that today is a day of judgment for if you would judge your own heart by My leading you will be able to repent and turn from any wicked attitude of your heart. Rather than to have Me bring you down you can quickly make things right by your own doing.
Repent now while there is still time to do so for many are bringing justification to their own words and deeds that do not line up to My will. They do not realize that when you do this, you harden your heart to know My truth and the enemy comes in to deceive and lead you in a direction that is against Me.
I say this day to judge your own heart. Be sensitive to those ways that are directed by the temptations of the soul. Be true to Me and I will raise you up as a people of divine nature those who have crucified the lusts of the flesh and allowed My spirit to flow through them.
This is the day to count the cost to see if you have what it takes to make it to the end to go all the way to the finish line with Me. Determine in your heart to die out and choose life abundantly but to do this you have to let go of your own plans and be yielded completely to what I would have you to do.
To many I would say to reach out and touch the hem of My garment as I walk by to receive the manifestation of complete healing for all that concerns your life. I want to touch you with My abundant life and set you free from any snares from the enemy.
Be still and know Me and trust Me and love Me. This is the day for great breakthrough if in your heart you get in the position to receive it.
Yes, check your heart to see if there be any wicked way that would prevent you from receiving all things from Me says your God.
July 28, 2017
If we are faithful to study the Word, the Lord will show us areas where we have had misconceptions understanding it. I’ve been studying on the armor on the belt of truth. I’ve always felt that having our loins girded with truth had more to do with walking in truth because what I thought loins were are actually the thigh. That is a silly mistake that blocked me from receiving the full revelation of truth.
After looking loins up in the dictionary I realize that it is the area that is around the hips which includes the reproductive organs. And boy the light came on. Having your loins girded with truth meaning we are standing in truth and what you speak forth will either produce life or death! Wow! There is power in the tongue and we are to stand in truth speaking in agreement with the Word of God and what God is saying!
Also knowing that God has set us free from the evil deceptive mindsets of the world, which are many. This is what sets us apart from the world that we know the truth and it is setting us free each day as He enlightens it to us. Praise the Lord! I just wanted to share just this little revelation from the Lord that was new to me. The belt of truth holds together all the pieces of our armor and when we are off in not knowing truth, nothing of the armor holds together.
And there are many misconceptions concerning the word what we may have learned in the past may not be completely true and that is why we must seek Him and allow Him to unlearn anything that is not completely right. There are many false doctrines, heresies, mixture that includes new age and occult practices, and just misconceptions in understanding the true meaning of the Word.
Lord, set us free from any of these and purify our heart, mind, soul and spirit with the truth of Your word in Jesus name.
God uses all things for our good! Even being not book smart God can turn around just a little error and make it a real powerful revelation in God’s timing. I’ve been interpreting that passage wrong for close to 42 years. God is cleansing our hearts of all that is not of him using a fine-tooth comb. He wants our sword clean and sharp and being used mightily and it can’t be if it isn’t completely glistening with His Spirit and truth.
July 21, 2017
I say to you this day to step up to the plate. Step up to the plate to which I have called you to be a mighty army, to be the ones that I have called to do a mighty work through, to be lifted up high, high above the powers of darkness, for you are seated with Me at the right hand of the Father, the place of power and authority and righteousness and holiness.
This is the day I have called you to step up to the plate and be righteous, be bold, be vigilant for the lion, the enemy is like a lion roaring looking for who he can devour, and if you have an open door that he can get into your life, he will invade, and he will take over, and he will destroy, and he will kill, and he will rob. So I tell you this day that you need to check, check, check every area of your heart to see if there is any open door to which the enemy can enter in and invade your life.
This is the day I am cleansing My army. I am preparing them to go forth in power and might to take the land to take it back. Take all that the enemy has stole. Take it back. Be the army I called you to be. Do not waver for you are undefeated because I made you that way. I made you a righteous army. You are My bride, a bride wearing boots to tread over powers of darkness. They are under your feet. You are seated with Me. You have the same power and authority that I have in My name and through the power of My blood you can conquer anything.
So rise up and take back what the enemy stole. Be true to Me. Be faithful to Me. Be a vigilant one, an undefeated army, for you have My power, my might, My authority. You have my victory for I have given it to you at the Cross when I defeated the enemy when I shed the blood, that blood washed away your sins, and it also defeated the enemy. His place is no longer a place of power and authority. It was taken away when he rebelled against Me. I took it away.
Everything he does is unlawful that’s why he has to find legal right to invade your life. You have to walk a life of repentance. You have to check your heart and be sure that what you are doing is of Me. Watch your motives. Do not manipulate to get your way for it will only defeat you for the enemy has no right except the right that you give him through unconfessed sin and unrepentant lifestyle.
So take up your cross and follow Me. Die out to the flesh and let My resurrection power flow through you. Be the army I called you to be to cast out demons, to raise the dead, to heal the sick, to set the captives free. For you are My body and I choose to walk through you the yielded vessels that I have risen up. So rise up and be strong. Be a mighty army for this is the day I called you to defeat the enemy to walk in it and experience it to the fullest this day and ever more.
Be still and know that I am your God. I started a good work in you and I will complete it. I will make you yielded, a yielded vessel I can flow through that the rivers of living water can flow through. I am breaking down the dams that have held My love away from your heart. I am breaking them down that I may flow through and touch you that you would be holy, healthy, and a happy and fulfilled people. So just rise up and be strong for I have called you to defeat the enemy, says your God.
July 18, 2017
In repentance and perseverance you shall overcome. When you delight yourself in Me, even in the secret place, you enable Me to wrap My arms around you to envelope you with My love and enable My streams of living water to flow through you cleansing anything that is not of Me out of your heart, mind, soul, and spirit. This is the day I am washing clean My bride and purging to the surface all that is not of Me and I am skimming it off.
I am enabling you to see how I would see during certain situations that you face. You say what would Jesus do and I will show you how I feel and how I would want you to think about things you face each day concerning people, trials and tribulations. Yes, I am purging the dross and making you clean and stripping you of all pride. I am training you to die out immediately so that My resurrection power can flow through you to touch others who are lost and in captivity from the enemy.
Taste and see that I am good and partake of all My blessings I pour out upon you. I bless those who trust in Me, and I am bringing you to the place of perfect peace and trust in Me. Rest, My child, in My faithfulness for it is I who has brought you this far and I will carry you all the way to the finish line with victory. I say to you this day that you are My good and faithful servant and I am most pleased with you.
Believe Me when I say I love you. Believe Me when I say that you have a hope and a future in Me. Believe that all My promises are yes and Amen. Believe when I say that I call all My loved ones unto Me to bask in My intimate presence and love.
Believe and receive for I have an abundance of blessings to pour out upon you. All you have to do is respond with a faithful heart and draw near and I will fill you with My presence and My forbearing love, grace, and favor.
For yes, this is the day for an abundance of rain to be poured out where you will be doing the greater works I promised you would happen. Be still and know that I Am your God and no other. I am the King of glory, the Sovereign one and yes; I have all things under My control. This is the day to just rest and trust for My guidance and wisdom to lead you.
Remain silent upon your bed. Wait upon Me. Wait for My soon return. I have a work to do through you. Be alert and yielded and I will give you My orders to direct you in the battle. Repent daily, stick close to My side, and I will lead you in paths of righteousness, says your Lord and King.
July 15, 2017
There has been a false stigma placed on women that is a deception of the enemy that many had believed that women were the ones who led man astray. Yes, this is false and I will tell you why.
All these years that I had been reading the Bible I thought Eve corrupted man when she was tempted by satan to eat of the tree that Adam was commanded by God not to touch. I never realized that Eve wasn’t even there yet when God told Adam not to touch the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. I always imagined them being together and God telling them both.
When Eve got tempted, Adam should have guided her not to eat of it. He should have been her spiritual head and tell her not to but instead he yielded to the woman being tempted and he ate with her. From the beginning man did not be responsible to obey God and to lead woman in obedience to God.
From then on many men have become the weaker spiritual vessel and women had to rise up like Deborah and go after the enemy. You see more women doing spiritual warfare in prayer meetings and being on fire for God while the men become laid back in the things of the Lord. This is a stigma placed on man because of the disobedience and rebellion of Adam. This has been passed on from generation to generation hindering spiritually men from being in divine order to God!
I prayed with my husband to break off this stigma of man being the weaker spiritual vessel where woman always have to rise up to be. Because Adam didn’t take the lead, the spiritual divine order of the family became perverted. Father, I pray restoration of divine order in the family in Jesus name.
Men need to break this off of them for it is a hindrance in their walk with God and in their authority over the enemy. Women need to pray with their husband to restore the spiritual divine order of their family where the man becomes the priest of their home in Jesus name.