ARCHIVES V – JULY 13, 2002 THRU OCTOBER 24, 2002
October 24, 2002
Do not allow yourself to be alarmed by the terror all around, but just wake up to the seriousness of the hour. Watch and pray that you do not fall into the temptation of the enemy to be lulled asleep and not care to take your place on the wall. For we all have a part to play in the protection and furtherance of the gospel and the kingdom of our God. Reach out to one another and build a net to catch those who have fallen into sin.
We must build each other up and bring encouragement and peace wherever you go. For many are falling into gross sin and might not come out of it unless you reach out to them. Our lives are not our own to spend as we want. We must be a net for others, not just for the lost but to the brothers who do not know where to turn. They have lost their way even through the church setting where man’s agenda had been first in priority and not the love of the brethren, but now is the time like never before to overlook the petty differences, to cast off all judgment and criticism, to die out to the flesh and be baptized in total brokenness. For I cannot move through the church in the state she is in. She must humble herself before Me before I can lift her up and fill her with My grace and glory.
There is so much to be done and no time to waste. Reach out to Me and cry for the brokenness needed. Unless the alabaster box is broken. the sweet fragrance of My Spirit cannot come through. Be faithful to Me, My people, by coming before Me and seeking My face for wisdom on how to stand against the evil strategies of the enemy. For he is surely coming about as a roaring lion seeking all that he can devour. He know his time is running out, and he knows his destiny, and his hatred for the Son of Man is burning full force. So he is after all who take a stand for My people Israel and for My plan and purpose on the earth.
Fast and pray to come against the distractions of the enemy and all that has taken My place in your heart. Return to your first love, to the place of devotion and zeal. Return to the place where you are out to please Me alone and cast down all fear of man. Don’t allow your flesh to get in the way of receiving a full blessing from Me. Come to the place where I can stir you within and fill you with My power so that My word goes out with signs following it. For I long to fill My people but you must come before Me for Me to do so.
Examine your heart and be honest with Me. If you don’t have a burden to pray, cry out to Me. Be real and do not pretend to be at a place that you are not at to please others. I can only work with those who are honest with Me. If you want to travail that My will be done, cry out to be filled with My spirit of intercession. Dance before Me and rejoice for the enemy is under your feet, and you have the victory of your King. Let out the victory shout and let My joy be your strength.
Believe and receive and My perfect peace will shield your heart. March out and conquer the land. Do not retreat by looking at the giants all around. Keep My promises before you and never let go. Do not be alarmed by the terror all around. Just join together and build that net of safety. Be worshipping warriors with head set like flint against the evil one. Be the overcomers I called you to be this day. For they overcame by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death.
October 16, 2002
Assume that you were the only one on a deserted island that had the wisdom of God operating in your life. What would you do? Would you reach out to Me and make the best of the time that you had with Me, or would you panic and allow the enemy to rob you of this precious time of intimacy? As you can see that any time allotted to you needs to be used in the best way possible in seeking My face and drawing close to Me. For this is the final hour and many are being persecuted for their faith.
Be still and know that I AM God and that I AM able to get you to the place you need to be. You need to be able to draw close in the secret place no matter where you are and under any time of circumstance. You need to be able to turn off the cares of the world, the distractions, and opposition of the enemy, and be able to stay quiet before Me so that I can lift you up and minister to you My grace and truth.
For yes, this is the final hour, and many will fall away, because of the great fear that will come upon the earth. And if you haven’t developed that secret place before Me, the tides will carry you away. Start now, My dear people, draw close and trust Me. Cast down the vain imaginations, and crucify the flesh, and bind all opposition away from you. Do not allow the enemy to conquer and divide. Stay close to each other. Love covers a multitude of sins.
Do not allow the enemy to cause you to become offended with each other. For unity is a powerful force against the evil one and he knows it. Lift up those in leadership daily. Keep an eye out for those who are weak. If you are able, reach out with a helping hand as led by My Spirit. But most of all draw together, and come before Me as one, and bask in My presence. Don’t worry about the time for this is the time of worship and praise and intercession.
Join together as one, and close the gaps, and prepare for the coming persecution. For yes, many will fall away, but if you dwell closely knit together in love and seek My face, no harm will come to you or your loved ones. Reach out to Me. Keep your eyes on Me alone, and walk in all the light that you have. Do not be careless and seek My wisdom in all things. This is the final hour, and you must be ready. Stay strong in My word and in My love. Stay covered with the armor of light and the power of the blood of the Lamb. Dwell close in the secret place.
October 7, 2002
Be not wise in your own eyes, but trust totally in My word to get you through. Stand on the Rock, and do not allow the schemes of the evil one to move you from your destined place in Me. Let Me reveal Myself to you totally, and allow Me to live My life through you unhindered. Surrender all to Me and start anew without any preplanned agenda.
Reach out and touch My face, and draw close to Me, and I will lead you into My secret chambers, for I want to prepare your heart for a mighty move of My Spirit. I AM in the process of tearing down walls within you and to do a deeper healing within if you are willing and open to go deeper in Me. For in your present state I AM at limited access to your whole being. I AM not able to flow through you in full capacity. For My river can only move through an open channel, one that has no blockage from the evil one. So come freely and come openly, and I will lead you into a higher level of worship and warfare through the method of deeper and more committed areas of intimacy with your Maker.
Reach out and touch Me, and let Me fill you to overflowing for this is the time and the hour to totally let go and to allow Me to live through you completely. I have promised you the latter rain and greater works with signs and wonders following My word, but you must be totally yielded and open for Me to do this work. Why do you not get excited over My presence? Why do you not show the joy that I have placed within? Why do you allow the cares and distractions of the world to take My place? For many have shown more excitement and interest in worldly matters than in that which pleases Me. For I call you to a deeper level of commitment to make a sure decision to cast down the vain imaginations and to stir your heart afresh to unite as one and to worship Me and to praise Me with joy and complete freedom.
What is standing in your way? Do not allow its access any longer for this is a new day, a new hour to start afresh to commit your heart totally to Me. You cannot pull down the strongholds of the evil one and promote My kingdom on earth unless you first take charge in your own life. Charity begins at home. Love your neighbor as yourself. Walk in integrity always. Pay back what you owe and be trustworthy. Be one that others can trust. Be an example of My faithfulness and portray My fruit of love. Shine My light so all can see for this is the final hour, and revival must first begin with you.
October 1, 2002
Tell My people My faithfulness to reach out to their innermost desires to please Me. Tell them that I will walk with them through the fire and through the rain and that I will reach out to them out of My innermost being. Deep calls unto deep at the sound of thy waterspouts. Cry out to Me and know that I AM faithful to meet all of your needs.
I see your hunger and thirst to be in My perfect will. So many are crying out for more of Me but do not know how to come into My inner chamber. To be in the secret place of the Most High you need to come to the place of true humility and repentance and dwell in the light that I have given you. In the midst of My perfect will you dwell with Me in My secret place and there you have My authority and power dwelling within you and through you to pull down strongholds of the wicked one.
Reach out to Me and know that I AM God and that I AM faithful to meet all your needs and desires. Yes, reach out to Me and know that I AM your God and that you are My people. I ask you to examine your heart to know if you truly want this power and authority and are willing to pay the price for it. For only through true humility and repentance will you obtain it. Ask of Me and I will give you the desires of your heart for you are seeking Me from out of a pure heart. Only those pure in heart will be able to see the good in all that I AM doing in you. Through all the pain and turmoil I AM strengthening you and preparing you, and you have held fast to My promises and have never let go.
You walk by faith and not sight and call those things that be not as though they are, because you see them accomplished already by the hand of your God. And much glory will be brought to My name because you never let go even though the flames get higher. Yes, I AM turning up the flames of My burning love, and I AM purging the dross, and I AM preparing to do mighty works through you. I AM preparing a vessel that I can pour My glory through, one that is not tainted by the wickedness of the world and its religious way.
Reach out and know that I AM God and know that in the very near future things will not be the same. For I AM tearing down the structures of man. I AM even frustrating the agenda of man. I AM removing the power and authority through the hierarchy of man made religion. I AM removing those out of office, those who are quenching the flow of My Spirit. Yes, I AM exalting those who are humble and bringing low those with proud hearts. It is coming close to the end of the hour, and I have reached the point of My long-suffering, and judgment begins in the house of the Lord.
So examine your hearts. Be ready and willing, and I will give you the fruit of the land. I will move mightily through those who dwell in My secret place. Those who are of a humble spirit and walk in true repentance I will do great works through. I will pour out great worship and intercession through those who are ready. And I will let out a shout, a victory cry, and My true warriors will come forth. Those who have been a threat to the enemy’s camp have been under great warfare, and they have prevailed. The Lion of the tribe of Judah is ready to cry a mighty roar through them. And the enemy will be scattered, and great multitudes will come forth. Yes, the captives will be set free.
Rejoice for the time is at hand. Be willing to pay the ultimate price. Your life for the life of many. What you give up for My name will be greatly reimbursed. Nothing will measure what you will reap in the exchange. Be My bride and I will be your King. The time is at hand.
September 29, 2002
Respond privately to me as I take you into the secret place for it is for only you and I to dwell together. This is our intimate meeting place that you must enter to develop the faith needed for the coming storm. For the holocaust following will be grievous, and many will lose their lives, because they didn’t keep their eyes on Me. For yes, persecution is coming to your shores, and you must waver not in unbelief and know that I AM faithful to take you through it victoriously.
Those who lose their lives for My word will receive a martyr’s reward which is mighty in My eyes and in My kingdom. So fret not, be strong and courageous, and I will give you a crown of glory. Reach out and know that I AM God and that I AM faithful to keep My promise to you of preservation for I keep My hand upon you, and I do not allow the enemy access to your life and even finances. He cannot do anything without My allowing it.
Know that all things that you face are for your good and the furtherance of My kingdom through you. Your dying out to the flesh brings much glory to My name, because I AM able to live through you and pull down strongholds using you against the enemy’s camp. Once again know that if I AM for you, nothing can come against you and harm you. What the enemy means for harm I turn for good. So do not focus upon the negative that might surround you. Look past it and know that you are dwelling in My victory that I purchased at the Cross. With My very own blood I defeated the enemy, and nothing can reverse that.
So rise up in My victory, and rejoice for you are in the palm of My hand. My ways are not your ways. Look past your own understanding, and trust Me no matter what comes your way. For this life is temporal in the flesh. Your true life begins as you leave the shell which you now dwell and walk in My glory. Life is precious, and you are to take care of yourself as much as you can by resting in My word and obeying the light that you have, but when it is time when I must call you home, a great rejoicing takes place in the heavens as one of My own comes into the fullest measure of My presence.
So know that your victory lies in the power of My blood, the word of your testimony, but most of all rest in the importance of loving not your life unto death. This is truly the day of salvation, a day to rest fully in My promises and My will for you, and everything I allow you to go through is only for your good.
September 19, 2002
You cannot have faith without fellowship. You cannot make it on your own. Draw close and let us reason it out together. Once you have sought My face, do not leave My side when you receive an answer. Walk with Me and talk with Me in the cool of the day. Make it a life style to include Me in everything that you do. For I have a part. I AM the air that you breathe. I AM the reason that you live so don’t go off on your own. Include Me, take Me along. Seek My face, and I will lead you the way you are to go.
This seems very basic, but I needed to say it to you. You might think you live each day with Me, but mostly you are independent of Me. I have come into your life to show you a new way to live so you wouldn’t have to struggle on your own, but you have kept your same habits. Draw back and truly examine your heart. I know you have committed your life to follow Me and have taken Me into your heart, but you assume you are living for Me, but you aren’t mostly.
Step back and truly examine your heart, those who are so busy with church related activity. Do you truly have time to seek My face and to commune with Me resting in My presence? Or are you just too tired to rest from all the tasks you assume are of Me? Step back and examine your heart that if I was leading you, why would I cause you to do that which would distract you from coming before Me?
I want to give you a type of respite—–a time to truly examine what takes up all your time. I want you to commit it all to Me and just rest. Yes, give it all up and let Me help you start over prioritizing those things that I have truly ordained and deleting the rest. You might feel that you are at a place that you can’t handle, but only for a moment. And then you will thank Me for helping you regain momentum to do the things most pleasing to Me. Seek My face and rest, and let Me rejuvenate you in My presence. Take things slow and let Me teach you the way to go and yes, take baby steps if need be.
This is a time of major warfare, and you cannot walk in My victory over the enemy if you have your own agenda. You need to be disciplined to know My voice and to take My orders and follow them. You are not falling back by starting over. It is most important that you do things My way, and your most important ministry is to Me first. Worship Me in the beauty of holiness, and I will prepare your heart to carry the burden of the Lord like you never have before.
I will fill you with My compassion, and cover you with My light and glory. I will radiate through you My power that will repel all evil against you. I will fill you with My love and power, but you must come to the place of emptying out so that I may fill you to overflowing. Joy will reign in your life, because of My will being fulfilled. It all begins with a place of humility and coming to repentance of your ways of independence.
Start over, My people, by truly seeking My face and examining your heart. Is what you are doing bringing glory to My name? Are you coming into a deeper place of intimacy because of what you are doing? Or is it all taking you away? Now is the time to decide, who will you serve. I AM calling you into true freedom to release in you what I have planted. Be obedient unto death and I will give you a crown of life.
September 9, 2002
Stir up the gifts that are in you. Don’t allow them to lie dormant for they have been given to you so that you can rise up in the power of your Lord and Savior. Realize that this is the hour where many will fall away, and at the same time, many will come on stronger than ever in the power and might of their God for the Kingdom of God is at hand. Cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead for these are the signs that follow those who believe, but you must rise up and be strong. Cast down the vain imagination that it has never worked in the past. Why should it work now? For I AM proving you, and I AM purging you and training you in endurance.
Walk not by sight but by faith, calling those things that are not visible as though they are, for they are done already in the faith realm if you believe. Claim the promises and confess them and walk like you have them. Waver not in unbelief for it is time to press in now for your loved ones more than ever. For the enemy has come to steal, kill and destroy, and that is your faith.
He is trying to cause you to give up on that you have believed for, because things look like they are getting worse rather than better. For I AM building you up, and I AM stretching you in the area of faith. Be surely convinced that I keep My word and will bring to pass My will in your life. All that I have put on your heart to claim as yours has been given to you when you first asked Me for them. Have this knowledge firmly grounded in your heart.
Stand on My truth, and never move off of My promises for they are a sure foundation. Never give up, and keep pressing in against the enemy. Every trial you go through see the good in it for this is training ground for what is ahead. This is on-the-job training and warfare experience for what is ahead. So praise Me for what I allow. Use each situation to the maximum potential that it holds for you. All things work together for your good.
How do you truly know that I AM faithful to set the captives free unless you have seen My deliverance in your life? How do you know I AM faithful in all areas unless you have seen Me come through for you? You have the experience and knowledge in your heart. You have seen Me move. So go out and reach out to others in faith standing on My truth for My kingdom is at hand.
Walk in My power and might, filled with My grace and truth, covered with My armor of light, and march towards the enemy, pulling down strongholds. Let out a victory shout and rejoice for the enemy is under your feet!
September 5, 2002
Wash yourselves, My beloved people. Make yourselves clean. Remove the spot and defilement from your garments for I AM coming soon for My Bride, but you must be ready. You cannot have the defilement upon you, the excrement and semen left upon you from your entertainment with the carnal world. Wash yourselves and make yourselves clean from the excrement left upon you as you entertained lusts with that of the spirit world.
For yes, this is a strong word, and many will not receive it, but you must present it if you want to be in complete obedience to Me. I cannot stress the urgency of the hour and the importance of you taking the time to wash your garments. You think I don’t see the thoughts that you have entertained in your heart, but those are the ones that are defiling you more so than those that are actually acting them out. You are the ones that are defiled through deception.
Believe Me, My children, that I love you, but I must shake you and I must scold you, because you cannot continue in a state of mind that is an open door to the enemy to rob you of what you need to truly overcome in these end times and to rise up as mighty warriors against the evil one. You must join together as ranks of beauty and holiness, and worship Me in spirit and in truth.
Cleanse your minds with the washing of water with My word. Yes, renew your mind daily, and cast down the vain imaginations stemmed from lust. Yes, the lust to excel even in My gifts to be recognized by others in the body. Do not let others lift you up falsely placing titles upon you that are not of Me. Love one another, and do not compare the gifts that I have placed within you with theirs. Did I not say that you are all important? The parts of the body that are noticed the least are those that are most essential.
So repent of the thoughts of jealousy and competition for they stem out of pride and hate, for love joins you all together, and gives you the peace that you need to be one. So rise up and repent, and cleanse your garments, for this is the day to rejoice for your Father has found you out. Whom I love I chastise and correct for you cannot make it in with unclean garments. Wash ye, make yourselves clean this day.
August 30, 2002
Examine your hearts, My holy ones, to see if you are truly in the faith or are just walking in what you want to do or say. Reach out and know that I AM God and that I am able to wash away the impurities that hinder you from coming into the fullness that I have called you to. What is standing in your way? What is the hindrance that you face each day? Cast them down and break the bondage.
Cry out for the grace that you need to break the addictions and to break away from the false securities, all those things that have kept you bound. Cry out for truth and for purity for many have accepted a form of doctrine that borderlines heresy, and many have misconceptions concerning My word. Open your heart and be teachable, and I will set you free. Don’t allow pride to keep you from receiving all that I have for you. Humble yourself before Me, and I will lift you up, for this is the day of jubilee, of the latter rain outpouring, and you must be ready so that I can use you in the fullest capacity.
Walk with Me, My holy ones, and do not give into your own agenda. Seek Me and allow Me to live My life through you, for there is no time to waste on the frivolities of vanity and empty living without My presence. Examine your heart to see if you are walking in all I’ve called you to. No holding back for it is later than you think. Put Me first in all things. Trust in Me that I will keep My word to you for I AM a faithful God, and I want to see you come into the fullness. Open your hearts and I will fill it with grace and truth so that you can be a light unto others. Examine your heart to see if you are truly in the faith for this is the day of salvation and the choice is yours.
Assume your responsibility as a watchman for My people Israel. Watch and pray that you will not be held accountable for the apathy and complacency that many face. Cry out that I will pour out My grace and open the eyes of the lost, those I gave the life of My Son for. For this life is not your own. You were bought with the price of the blood of the Lamb. Be living sacrifices that I may pour My glory out through you. Be yielded and I will do greater works through you to open the eyes of those held captive. Let My light and My love flow through you to touch those who are hurting. For they need Me and just don’t know it. They are deceived and filled with the lies of the enemy saying that they can make it on their own. Their god is their independence and their own belly.
So be sensitive to My leading. Be sensitive to My Spirit, and I will show you those to minister to. For I have divine appointments set for you, but you must be open to them. Wait upon Me and I will lead you on the path you are to go. This is a new day so be open to My will this day, and always be waiting for My return for I AM coming back for My bride who has prepared her garments. For I AM coming for My remnant, those who have prepared themselves in the wilderness, those who have broke away from the bondage and control of the taskmasters, those the enemy has used to hold the faithful back from coming into the fullness.
So rejoice, My lovely ones, and know that I have seen your hearts, and I AM totally pleased for you are My faithful bride and I AM coming soon. So watch and pray and draw close, and I will keep you safe until that day.
August 25, 2002
Worship Me in spirit and in truth and not pay attention to the demands made of you requesting that you limit My access to how much influence that I should have in the gathering of the saints. Be bold but move in grace in everything that you do and not be intimidated by the requests made by man. Be completely led by My Spirit, and I will always vindicate you, but watch the motives of your heart. May they always be based on loving your neighbor as yourself and loving Me with your whole heart, mind and soul.
For this is the day of salvation. This is the day to choose who you will serve. Will it be man or will it be Me? What did the apostles do in the days of the Early Church in the book of Acts? Did they obey when man tried to silence My words coming forth? No, they chose to love not their lives unto death, the words of their testimony and the blood of the Lamb?
Who will you serve in the day of persecution? If you cannot handle the brief display of opposition that you face now, what will you do in the days of famine when those who come against you the most will be those of your own household, church congregation, community, etc? I AM allowing you to face what I know you can handle now gracefully. Crucify the desires of the flesh to defend yourself.
Be always loving and respectful of authority, but never quench the flow of My Spirit. Speak boldly My words of grace and truth. Flow freely in My Spirit in all I have called you to do, and I will vindicate you in My timing. Repent of all of your evil ways that have been based on rebellion and self-vindication. Get back to the place you need to be. Lean not on your own understanding, but be still and know that I AM God.
Walk out My words of light daily. Be a living epistle of My grace and glory, and let My light transform those that watch your actions. If you walk in My will, there will be good fruit and repentance will come to those needed. But if you respond in rebellion, it will only enforce their actions of pride and rebellion. Love covers a multitude of sin and promotes My kingdom of light.
Do not fall into the snare of the fowler who only wants to bring division into every situation that you face. Call on My ministering angels to surround those whose spirits need tempering. Call on the fire of My love to melt the hearts of those steeped in religious pride. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves and watch My Spirit take over. Walk in My love and in My wisdom. Be sensitive to My leading and I will guide you in all truth.
Watch and pray that you don’t fall for the enemy’s devices, and your ministry in Me will soar. Reach out and touch Me and worship Me with all your heart. Remember that true worship is embracing My cross and walking in My resurrection power, and then My glory will fall upon you and those around you. For these are the days of testing and mighty searchings of the heart by My Spirit to see what is pure and what is of the flesh. For I AM out to purify and cut out all that is not of Me for I need a pure vessel to flow through.
Be humble and teachable at all cause, and cry out for the grace needed to keep the enemy under your feet. Do not lean on your own strength but upon Mine, and I will take you through in My victory, says your God.
August 20, 2002
Turn unto Me, My holy ones, and turn away from the deceptions the enemy tries to put upon you. Wake up and realize that there is not much time left to do the work of My kingdom advancing. Realize that this is the day to rise up and be bold, and put the enemy in his place, for he is coming to destroy My anointing among My people by causing them to relinquish control to him, and allowing him to take back the authority that he once has lost through My dying on the cross for you.
For My kingdom consists of joy, peace and righteousness and the greatest of all authority that you have is the power of My love flowing through you. Do not allow the enemy to dam up My power flowing through you by not picking up your cross and dying daily, for true worship is embracing the cross of Christ. Wake up, My people, for living the crucified life gives you the strength to pull down the strongholds of the enemy over the land. Realize that the only way to accomplish victory over warring with the enemy is dying out to the carnal nature, and rising up in the resurrection power of Christ.
Consume the power of reaping all that I have done for you on the cross by one simple step, and that is to embrace My cross and dying daily, for when you disobey My highest calling to love Me with all your strength and to love your neighbor as your self, you allow the enemy to rob you of all that I have died for you to have. Reason with Me this day that if you humble yourself before Me and pray, and seek My face, and turn from your wicked ways, then I will heal your land.
For many have given into the snares of the fowler and have not walked in My Spirit but have ministered only to their carnal nature which was nailed with Me upon the cross. Why do you allow yourself to miss out on all that I have for you by allowing your flesh to come down and to rule and reign in your life? Why do you settle for such an extreme indifference to My will and ways? For it grieves Me so to see My people coming at one another with such hatred by trying to preserve the flesh in every situation. For I use each and every one of you, all your differences and all those little things that can annoy, to crucify each other, and this is a good thing if you allow it to happen.
I admonish you this day to embrace My cross and reap the benefits of it for there are many. You will begin walking in My power and My strength, and My love will begin to flow through you like never before. Yes, My river will truly flow in power and strength and wash away the works of the evil one. My love repels darkness, and you will see the souls saved and blind eyes opened. The dead will rise up among you because they will see My life in you. When you die daily, My life reigns through you in power and strength.
So wake up and put the enemy in his place once and for all, and decree the victory over your life. Make up your mind to be truly committed to My walk, and say that I will die daily. I will embrace the cross of Christ. I will not be deceived for I am the elect of Christ, says your God.
August 17, 2002
The enemy has come to steal, kill and destroy the life of the Bride by quenching the flow of My Spirit through division and disunity, through bickering and gossip. The undercurrents and the hypocrisy must cease, My holy ones. Don’t you know that you are falling into the snare of the evil one by turning on each other instead of joining ranks, embracing each other in love, raising up your standard of righteousness, and equipping yourselves with the Sword and Shield?
You are not completely covered with My armor when you play into the enemy’s hands and turning on each other. Repent, My faithful ones, before it is too late for the poison, the root of bitterness, will destroy My work through you, and I will have to replace you with those who are ready and willing to be used. Do not allow yourselves to become incapacitated, to become a vessel of no use to Me. Wouldn’t you rather be a vessel of honor than that of dishonor? For I AM a just God, and I cannot allow sin in My presence, for I will go where My Spirit is at rest, a sanctuary of peace and power, of grace and love.
Examine your heart. Have you fallen into deception believing it is all right to talk about in a negative way those I gave the My life for. For love covers over a multitude of sin and believes the good in every situation. I see you through the eyes of faith. I see the finished article not the diamond in the rough. I see the brilliance of the Son in every one of you. So you are to do the same.
So don’t allow the enemy to rob you. It is too late to give into vanity and the deception that it is all right to run down your brother. Humble yourself before Me and each other, and repent of those things that are causing division. Do not fall into the snare of the fowler. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Let Me fill you with My grace and truth. Hug the neck of your brother in honest humility not with a deceitful heart. Take off the masks and be real and work out your differences. Be free of all pridefulness.
Your choice — to humble yourself before the Rock with a broken and contrite spirit or to be crushed to powder when the Rock falls upon you. Repent, and be united, My holy ones, and put the enemy under your feet, once and for all, says your God.
August 13, 2002
Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For if you surely ask of Me all that you need, I will be faithful to give it to you. Replenish your faith with the joy of your salvation which is Christ Jesus your Lord. Reach out to Him for He is your Rock. He is the Living Word to you. All His promises to you are yes and amen, but you must first ask to be able to receive.
Stand on My promises for there are many in which to base your life upon. I AM your sure foundation. Do not look at the wind and the waves. Stand behind your shield of faith, and believe only what My word says to you. As the storms come your way, waver not in unbelief, but stay grounded upon the Rock. Do not waver in doubt. Do not allow the fiery darts, the lies from the evil one, penetrate your heart. Cast down the lies immediately.
Know that nothing is impossible to those who believe My words to you. You can have whatever you say for life and death is in the power of your spoken word. Reach out to Me no matter what your situation is, for what the enemy means for harm, I turn for your good. For yes, all things work together for good for those who are the called out ones, to those who love Me, and give their lives to spread My good news of My faithfulness to save the lost and to restore the backslidden, to heal the sick, raise the dead. Yes, stand on the full gospel for which Christ gave His life that all may be free.
Replenish your faith with My grace and truth. Follow not the words of man for man is but dust and is an unsure thing. But I AM not a man who can lie, nor am I a son of man that I can change My mind. If I said it, I will bring it to pass. My words are a sure thing so trust in Me alone. Lean on Me and not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Me, and I will direct your paths. Yes, trust Me with all your heart no matter what you feel or see. Stand on My word and I will heal you. Yes, I will restore you, and make you stronger than before, for your trials are to prepare you.
You are to know without a shadow of a doubt that I AM faithful, and I can do all things, for I AM a miracle working God, and I AM out to bless you abundantly. So trust Me no matter what. Don’t move away from My word for it is the Rock for you, a sure foundation. And rest in Me. Apply My word to all situations big and small. Cast all your cares upon Me and let Me take over on your behalf.
The enemy is out to steal, kill and destroy, but he is under your feet if you stay hidden in Me. Keep your mind covered with the helmet of salvation and the power of the blood of the Lamb. Keep your heart covered with the power of My love and righteousness. And keep your feet covered with perfect peace carrying it wherever you go. Use your Sword effectively and keep your Shield up high, and you will overcome the fiery darts of the evil one.
You will overcome. You will prevail, My holy ones. The Captain of the hosts of heaven leads you in the battle. Wave His banner high for the Victory is yours, says your Lord and Faithful King.
August 5, 2002
Be still and know that I AM God. Clothe yourself with My armor of light, and march out to fight the evil one. Take back what the enemy has tried to steal from you, for I AM for you and no weapon formed against you can prosper. For this is the time for the end time harvest. Do not allow the enemy to sidetrack you from what really matters, and that is to draw the lost into the net.
Reach out and know that I AM faithful to anoint you and to give you the words to say so that you may touch their hearts with My love and glory. Reap that which you have sown by faith for now is the time to march in and take the land back from the evil one. Rise up and be bold and join ranks. Yes, you are to be in unity for you cannot make it on your own.
Submit to those I have assigned over you to care for your soul. For yes, I have raised up true pastors, those who will stand with you in this great end time battle. For yes, you must trust them for I have spoken wisdom into their hearts on your behalf and for your loved ones. For I have given them the Father’s heart on behalf of His flock. They love you with a passion to see you free and that you rise up as mighty warriors against the evil one.
Once again I beseech you to cast down the vain imaginations of suspicion and doubt for I AM not out to rob you of your calling but to prepare you for a double portion of My Spirit. So humble yourself before My throne of grace, and open your heart to receive a deeper revelation of My plan and purpose for your life. Reach out and know that I AM faithful to complete the work that I have begun in you.
Do not look at the circumstances in the natural. Stand on My word alone, and trust Me to keep My promises to you of healing, of prosperity, of spiritual abundance in your life. Do not doubt but believe and receive all that I have for you for this is a time of restoration. Yes, it is a time of healing and to take back all that is yours. Rise up and be bold and rest in Me and I will take you to the other side…….to the land flowing with milk and honey, of abundance for I have promised you a life of abundance. Do not settle for less than the best.
Be excited, My holy ones, for you are not defeated. You are just going through transition, a time of restlessness, a time of not knowing how to handle what is happening, a time of travail and of birthing. But you need to cry out to Me for the strength you need. Cry out for My presence and My anointing to take you through. For you are My warriors and I AM preparing you for the next level of warfare. Greater breakthrough entails greater warfare, but you will press through and succeed for it is I who has called you and raised you up.
You are Mine and I will lead you in the battle and together we will draw in the multitudes. Rest in Me, My holy ones. Reap a harvest untold of until this day, the greatest ever! So be ready for an empowering of light that will blind the evil one, those of his camp, and will draw in those I gave My life for. For yes, I died that all will have life, but My remnant must rise up and be the end time conquerors to bring it all forth. Be faithful to your calling. It is not time to slack off. Do not go by feelings but by faith and you will succeed in Me.
Cast your cares upon Me. Let the past drop away and step into new beginnings for today is the beginning of a new day to rise up as the overcomers I have called you to be. So march on, My holy ones, and rest in My joy, My strength, to carry you through for yes, this is a new day in Me, says your God.
July 30, 2002
Reach out and touch Me and know that I AM God and that I AM faithful to bless My people. Expect Me to bless you, and I will for I delight in the prosperity of My people who are Kingdom minded. Put first My kingdom and My righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. Do not receive the lies of the enemy when he says that to be kingdom minded, you need to be in poverty, you need to be humble and poor. For truly that is a lie of the evil one used to cause one to manipulate and control My people.
For I said in My word that if you don’t work, you don’t eat. You need to be able to fulfill your responsibility to your community and your God by stepping out and seeking out opportunities for one to work. If you seek, you will find. If you knock, the door will be opened to you. For it grieves me when I see one who calls himself My child to use My word to manipulate others to provide for them, to cast their responsibility upon others saying that they are to provide for the poor. For this attitude will be judged if not repented of.
I delight in blessing My people, but you must meet the conditions to be able to walk in prosperity. I want you to take the responsibility to pay off your debts even in the little things. If you borrow from your brother, then pay it back. Give back what you borrow and show your brother that you appreciate him. Do not cause your brother to stumble in ways that you overlook as important. Do not become so busy that you cannot be faithful in the little things. For it is the little foxes that spoil the vine.
And this is important for you to be credible by keeping your word to others, for being responsible to recognize others as important, by not being so busy that you can’t keep your word to others. If you want to prosper then you need to be aware of what is around you. Do not use and misuse people who I have created as important. I said that I would exalt the humble and the meek and bring down the haughty and the proud. Do not build a castle or a fortress with others as your servants. Do not build a ministry that lifts yourself up. Seek to build others up. Seek to serve others in your ministry.
Put Me first and I will show you the way you are to go. Take the time to seek My face and not My hand of provision. For I AM calling My people close to Me so that I can make them aware of ways that is opening the door to the enemy enabling him to rob you of your prosperity. It is the little things that you overlook that are important. I cannot stress to you the importance of caring for and loving the brethren, to be considerate of how they feel. Do not ignore one I gave My life for. Do not walk past one as though they are a statue. They are not dead so treat them accordingly. How can the world tell you by your love if the brethren has a hard time seeing My love and life in you?
You are My children but I want to treat you as sons but you are to act like it. Cast off your childish ways, and allow Me to mature you with the fire of My love, for I chastise those who I love. Many who are walking out long term trials with sickness and infirmity and even those who struggle with finances have tied My hands by their actions and behavior. I AM not free to bless because there is constant disobedience to My will and ways.
Do not become busy with large scale ministry if you cannot keep up with the small affairs of life. Be faithful in the little things and I will give you more. I AM calling My people to wake up to the areas of your life that you overlook as important. Wake up to those close around you that need your love and consideration. Serve those close to you with your faithfulness to keep your word and to be trustworthy. For I AM calling My people to be one of built up character that has been tested to be truly of Me. I AM looking for those who are pure of heart to be able to see Me. And I AM looking for those tried in the fire to be My disciples for you can tell them by their love. And those with the genuine article, I will delight in their prosperity, says your God.
July 24, 2002
Reach out and touch Me and know that I AM God and that I AM faithful to complete the work that I have begun in you. Reach out and grasp the fullest measure of My faithfulness on your behalf. Know that I walk with you through all the trials that you face. You have never been on your own for I AM preparing you for what is ahead. No time has been wasted in your life as you have walked with Me. Yes, through all the storms you have faced, I have held your hand when you allowed Me to. Sometimes you have run away from Me in dismay and have hid yourself from Me and My people, but I have always been faithful to draw you out and to encourage you.
I AM the One who causes you to yield to My will. You can take no credit for any good you have done in your life. It has all been Me working through you even purging the dross and sifting the impurities to the surface. So don’t get discouraged when it appears like you are backtracking and losing ground for that is a lie from the enemy trying to discourage you and to cause you to lose hope. Rise up and take a stand against the evil doings from the enemy. Rise up and take authority over the demonic powers sent to rob you of your joy and your prosperity in every area of your life. Tell the enemy that if I AM for you, who or what can ever come against you and defeat you?
Reach out and touch Me and know that I AM out to fill you to overflowing with My love and My glory. Yes, reach out and be filled completely with My Spirit. For this is the day of new beginnings. Old things are passed away, behold all things have become new. You are a new creation in Christ. Do not let the enemy lie to you saying you will never overcome, you are the same, just living in the flesh. Rise up and cast down the vain imaginations sent to distract you from My face of love towards you.
Yes, resume your speed. Do not get caught up with the cares of the world, even with those the enemy sends to defeat you. Bless those who appear to be your enemies. Stand on My promise of household salvation for loved ones who work against you. Die out to all forms of loss knowing that you have a heavenly inheritance stored up for you that far surpasses that of the world. Rejoice and know that I keep My promises. You will prosper and be in health as your soul prospers.
Once again just draw near to Me in our secret place, one I have established for only us. Each of My children are so special to Me, and I have a special place in My heart just for them alone. So draw close to Me, My little ones. Climb up upon My lap and rest your brow upon My chest. Listen to My heart beating for you. Yes, draw close and I will speak that which you need to hear, a word specifically for you to hear. Know that I delight in speaking to the heart of My people. Know that I delight in your intimate presence. Wrap your arms of love around My waist and let Me draw you into My dance.
Yes, just like a little child with father leading the steps with small feet upon feet. Yes, this has been a rare occasion for many, but I want to make up for lost time for the love and intimate innocence of a father’s love, untainted and uncorrupted. Yes, you can trust Me as your Father. I will never lead you astray. I will never lie to you for I keep My promises to you always. It is always in My timing, and sometimes you don’t recognize the answers to prayer because My ways are not man’s ways. My ways are much higher and so much better for you.
Just remember the times you yielded in obedience and reaped a blessing. If you held on to the flesh, you would still be miserable this day. Love overcomes a multitude of sins, and forgiveness is so much easier and sets the captives free to receive My blessings. So draw near and know that I see your pain, and know that I AM healing you even throughout all that you are going through. All things work for your good, because you are hidden in Me and I love you, says your Father God.
July 22, 2002
Resume your speed, and watch not for the fallen articles and debris that has been left after the storm for I AM doing a good work, and I AM doing a deep cleansing of all that is not of Me all over the land. Reach out and know that I will not leave you stranded in a deserted place for I will bring you out to a land flowing with milk and honey. For these are the days of new beginnings.
All that is not of Me will be washed away as I sweep through the land with the ferocious winds of My Spirit for I AM tired of all the turmoil within the camp of My people. And I AM tired of all the bickering and complaining and all the unthankful hearts, because if you were really thankful for all that I have been doing for you, you wouldn’t allow the enemy to rob you of your joy, and you wouldn’t allow the enemy to cause you to lose your focus on all your blessings. For it hurts Me so when My people complain about all their problems when if they really opened their eyes, they would see that they really don’t have any!
So I encourage you to wake up to the seriousness of the hour, and repent of your carelessness to allow the enemy to rob you of your joy and for your unthankful hearts. Reach out and let Me touch you and wash you clean. I cannot do the work needed if there is no repentance of the sin or even the confession that there is one even there. Reach out and know that I AM God and that I AM a just and righteous God, and I cannot allow sin in the camp.
In order to win the war you must be clean and focused upon My will and My ways. So I call you to draw close. Do not wander off into your own ways of doing things for you are playing into the enemy’s hand when you do. Reach out and touch Me, and humble yourself before Me, and I will lift you up and strengthen you, and cause you to stand to make it to the end. For the enemy will continue to come on strong to sidetrack you from entering into My promises.
He will come on strong to divide you for unity is of great essence to win the battle. Walk close with one another and love one another. Lift each other up daily in prayer. Do not think that just your needs are important for what you sow you will reap. If you want others to care for you in need, you have to care for them. Wake up and know that there is a cry going out across the land, the cry to be holy and clean.
All that is not of Me will be washed away for I will go through the land with the ferocious winds of My Spirit. I will sweep across the land like wild fire. All that is not built upon My rock will be burned up. Man’s ways of building My kingdom will be brought down low. I will take those even out of office those I have not placed, and I will fill them with a humble servant, one filled with grace and truth.
So know that I began a good work in My kingdom and I will complete it. Yes, My will be done, My kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. For I AM not pleased with man trying to take over. No, it is time to clean up the camp. It is time to build the house upon My truth, and all of the enemy and all of the flesh will be swept away, says your God, for I have come to clean house!
I AM calling you closer, My children. Deep calls unto deep at the sound of My waterspouts. With every rising breath that you take I AM doing a healing. So breathe deeply, My children. Exhale all that has weighed you down, and breathe in the freshness of My life, new hope, new beginnings, life in Me abundantly.
And I AM opening doors for you to enter, new opportunities for you to share My love with others, and I will pour out My anointing upon you that you may do My works in the land. I AM preparing your hearts so that I can move freely through you.
I AM taking away all that has been a hindrance to you. I AM stretching your faith and proving Myself faithful so you can boldly proclaim My faithfulness to others. And signs and wonders will follow My words coming through you, because all the hindrances will be gone.
So open up freely to Me, and let Me work deeply, and in return you will bless Me by your faith, and My people will be set free. It all begins with you as you open up to Me completely.
Now is the day of salvation. Now is the day to choose who you are to serve. Now is the time to put down anything standing in your way to serve Me wholeheartedly and completely. It is closer than you think to My return. I AM doing a shaking in the land. Everything that is not of Me will fall.
I AM preparing your hearts to do a complete and total surrender to My perfect will, no more holding back. This is the day of salvation. This is the day to take back all the ground the enemy has stolen and to walk in the inheritance that I have purchased for you.
You are My children and I love you, and I don’t want you to miss out of all the blessings that I have for you, and to prepare you completely for what is ahead. I want you ready, My children. I AM calling you near to search your hearts and to dispose all that is not of Me. I AM admonishing you, My children. Heed to the cry of My heart for you to be ready!!
The Lord is doing a shaking of the foundations, all false securities, all that we have put our trust in outside of Him. And if we are willing, He will show us these areas if we are serious about going on with Him to walk in the fullness of His will for our lives.
July 16, 2002
Come unto Me all who are weary and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, for I AM gentle in nature, and My yoke is light and My burden is easy to bear. Cast off all that has been sent from the evil one to weigh you down. Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves, that is full of grace and truth. and have keen discernment in all things for the enemy is coming in as a flood in ways you least suspect.
You need to be watchful at all times, because when you let your guard down, he moves in to try to steal, kill and destroy your joy and the anointing you have upon your life. For the enemy is always watchful and waiting for that slip up, that chink in the armor, that careless move. Be on guard at all times for yes, you are in a war zone, and there is constant battle going on around you that involves you and your loved ones.
Be sure that I have angels round about watching out for your safe keeping, but you have to live at all times covered with the power of the blood of the Lamb and seeking to walk in the perfect will of the Lord at all times. Be consistently watching and praying that you will stay fit for the battle, a watchman at all times. For this is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power with abundance of signs and wonders to draw in the lost and to restore those are backslidden. For I will move through you in the market place, as you visit with your families, as you live side by side with your neighbors in every day life.
For I will use you mightily, but you must be ready. You need to be covered with your armor at all times and alert to the tactics to divide you from the Body and to diminish your credibility as one who I will move through to bless the Body. For the enemy wants to bombard you at every move, and he wants to sidetrack you from your highest calling which is to minister to Me with your worship and your praise. He wants to distract you so that you will not be nurtured and strengthened by My fresh manna and meat coming forth through the minister of My word. Please be aware. Do not be careless of his tactics to separate you from others I have called to lift you up and support you in your faith and vision I have given you to press in for.
Resist the devil and he will flee. Repent of your carelessness. Pick up the pieces and go on for you are not broken to the point of no repair. Humble yourself before Me, and I will lift you up and restore you. For even your mistakes work for your good if you remain humble and teachable. For this is the day of salvation, for repentance, for restoration. Lift up the hands that hang down. Raise your head high for you are children of the King.
You are mighty warriors. Today is a new day for the old is passed away. New mercies await you daily. Cheer up for the best is yet to come. The enemy is under your feet. And you will stand and make it to the end victoriously because I say so. A mighty conqueror you are, and you will take the land. You will thrive, you will soar, you will overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of your testimony if you love not your life unto death.
If I AM for you, who can ever come against you and overcome you? Resume your position and move in on the enemy. Be aggressive with head set like flint. Move in and take the land and do not leave the spoils. Reap all the fruit of the land. Fear not for I AM with you. I AM your rear guard. I AM your Captain leading you on, and My glory is round about you. Be sure for you have ample cover. There are many more who are for you than those against you.
So prepare your gear, armor up, and move in on your enemy, and take back what the enemy has tried to steal from you. Take it all back and much more. Let out a victory shout, join ranks, and move on in for this is the day of Jubilee, a time of great rejoicing. Yes, shout and rejoice for you have the victory, says your Lord and King.
July 13, 2002
Assume that you were the only one left on this earth and that there was coming over the horizon a ferocious storm cloud. What would you do? Would you cry out to Me for protection, or would you run off by yourself and try to build some kind of shelter? Well, I come to tell you that there is a storm coming over the horizon, and it is one of a ferocious nature, and I AM telling you that the only way you are going to find shelter is by escaping into My secret place, a place of refuge and strength for you.
For you need to prepare, My people, by drawing close to Me, and letting Me fill you with My Spirit. For My mercy is new every morning, but you must come to Me daily to obtain it. For I want to nurture you with My love, and I want to build you up and strengthen you. For yes, I want to prepare you with My rain and My glory.
Look up for your redemption is coming quickly. Yes, I tell you this is the time and the hour for the catching away of My people. Yes, it is right around the corner, and I AM calling you. I AM beseeching you to come quickly, and hide yourself within My secret place. For this is the time and the hour where I will pour out My glory. For those who are ready it will be glorious and exhilarating for My power will flow through you like lightning, and the enemy will be blinded by the radiance of My Son glowing off of you.
But for those who are not ready, to those who haven’t prepared in the secret place, it will be deafening to you. For My power will crack like thunder, and there will be shakings like earthquakes round about. And all you will hear will be the effects of My power, but you will not hear My still small voice, and you will try to hide from Me, but I will find you out. For it will be too late to repent of your backsliding and your complacency, your nonchalant attitude towards drawing near to Me.
Don’t you know, My people, that the time is short? There is no time to waste on the frivolities, on the distractions of the world. Oh that My people would hunger after My presence. Oh that My people would lose themselves in My intimate presence and worship Me. For that is where your strength lies, where you receive the victory, to prepare for the coming holocaust. For it will come from the enemy, and it will also come from My hand of judgment. For I will laugh at your calamity for you denied Me.
I AM a righteous Judge, and I uphold My law throughout the land, and I cannot condone sin for I will punish those who habitually turn away from Me to do their own thing. Please turn away from that the evil one entices you with. There is no time to waste. Hide yourself within My secret place for this is the time and the hour to prepare, says your Lord and King.
I present Myself a Mighty God on your behalf, and I pour out My favor upon you, but you must draw near. I cannot make you turn to Me. I can only stand with open arms towards you. Come to Me, My Bride, My beloved one. Run towards Me now, and I will lift you up. Come, My dove, come to Me quickly, says your God.