December 28, 2021
I have such a burning in my heart to lead others into the throne room of God to worship Him with such abandonment to leave everything behind and just be with Him lovingly to just bask in His presence!
Close to twenty years ago I was worshiping in the congregation of saints and Holy Spirit took over through me. I felt something rising up in me and out of my mouth came the loudest roar I have ever experienced. With my arms raised upwards I felt such power streaming through me towards heaven.
When the roar stopped I went to my knees like a wet noodle and I told the Lord that if He was going to put that kind of power on me He’s going to have to give me a body that can contain it. It felt like it was going to blow me apart. It was only loud in the spirit realm because the lady sitting right in front of me did not hear it!
When the power was streaming through me the Lord said He was repelling the power of darkness away from the lost so that they could receive His saving power. He told me to stand in the gap believing that the body of Christ would come to the place of worship where He would release this “roar” travail around the world in unison and this would usher in the end time harvest of souls for His kingdom.
Yes, that is why He placed an anointing upon me to be able to worship. That is the vision and focus of my worship intercession. I know it is coming close to this release of the travail of the Lion of Judah. Yes, many are birthing forth the will of God and I believe there will be a travail coming forth as they give birth in the Spirit. Many would be drawn into His secret place and be able to worship and pour out their heart of love towards Him that they have never experienced before in such intensity. And they will begin to travail and that travail will turn to a mighty roar. Just let it flow forth in Jesus name.
I want to encourage women to worship in dance even if you don’t feel graceful, feel too heavy, etc. Just step out in faith and He will take you into His arms and lead you in the dance. Just let go and let Him flow through you. If you feel led, I made several worship videos of me dancing and worshiping last week. I know they are a gift to those who He is sending them to so they will be able to receive an anointing to worship in dance. They are under my photos under videos. Be blessed in the intimate presence of God. And those who can’t dance in the physical I believe you will receive an anointing to dance in your spirit while you just bask in His presence.
And I know Jesus is roaring over Israel right now that they would give birth crying out to know Him as their Lord and Savior. The whole world will be filled with the glory of God!!!
December 22, 2021
“Taste and see that The LORD is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him and makes His Abode in Him.
Yes, we are entering into a time that many are not aware of, because the enemy has caused many to become distracted with what they thought was of Me.
Many had been blinded, so they could not see Me drawing them forward into new Light and entry into My Spirit Realm.
Many have been listening to the lies of the enemy and could not hear what I had to say about the times and the seasons they are entering into.
Even though it seemed that they were hindered, they are still at the exact time where they are able to perceive and receive My Calling them deeper.
I AM opening their eyes so they can see, and opening their ears so they can hear, and making their heart open and pliable.
I AM taking out all of the old and dissolving it… all the old mindsets, thoughts, and misconceptions of who I AM and who I want them to be.
I AM burning it all up and setting them on a path lit up with My Truth and Glory.
Yes, taste and see that I AM a good and faithful God. I set you on a path of truth and righteousness, began a good work, and I AM faithful to complete it.
You will see and receive Revelation — for this is the hour of My Power,” says your LORD and King.
December 22, 2021
Taken from John 20:2
The “one that Jesus loved” is what was said about the Apostle John. Yes, that is what he was known by. This isn’t to say that Jesus loved him more than the others. This might have looked that way because John was seen sitting close to Jesus with his head upon His chest. This was the position that John chose for himself to be close and “in love” with Jesus, the position of intimacy or closeness.
This position of intimacy is open to all of His people if we take it for our lives deep in our heart the truth that surely we are the one that Jesus loves. One who responds to the love of Jesus in a way that enables Jesus to pour out His love in a tangible way is truly the one who Jesus loves, as I say this position is open to all. Many are called to it but only a few are chosen to go all the way into the place of becoming His bride. The Lord is knocking upon our hearts for us to open up to him to have His deep and loving communion with Him. For some this comes as they mature in Him as they long to have more of Him in their lives, where they grow up from a babe in Christ to be His loving and faithful bride.
I pray that whoever reads this that you will receive the invitation to go deeper with Jesus to develop a relationship where you walk as one with Him where He is able to live His life through you. For surely deep is calling unto deep at the sound of His waterspouts. Yes, we are to use every situation to draw us closer to Him, to develop a deeper trust in Him, and to receive the grace to be able to die out and allow Jesus to live His life through us.
December 20, 2021
You can tell a true prophet by the authority that they carry when they walk into a room. They know that they don’t need to wear a title or make it clear to others that they are one.
A true prophet is not comfortable with the ways of the world and tends to be a loner. The church does not accept many true prophets. They speak out the truth and what God gives them not fearing they will offend anyone.
Just because one writes by the leading of the Lord does not make them a prophet. Those called to the office of the prophet Jesus has personally come to them.
A prophet speaks the truth and not a mixture of that of man or of the enemy. They do not follow the popular teachings of man but hear closely the voice of God and only that will they speak because they have a holy fear of the Lord upon their heart.
I’ve been writing about God and by His leading since I was a very young child without anyone teaching me about Him. Yes, I’ve been writing for over twenty years since I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit but that does not make me a prophet.
Others have corrected me because I look at myself as just the postman. Much of my writing bypasses my brain and I don’t always live it. Like my husband has said that if I would only live what I write I would be very strong in the Lord.
Some have added prophet to my name and I get convicted of this. A holy fear comes upon me if I would allow this to get by without correcting them. I’ve never called myself a prophet and I will not allow anyone to add that to my name! I am just a vessel God uses!
December 18, 2021
“My child, don’t walk away. Stand by My Side. Look into My Face and receive My sweet embrace. All your sins were washed away. With My blood — you were set free.
Forever rest in My finished work of Grace. Be set free to live endlessly. Forever you will reign with Me seated at The Father’s right Hand… the place of Victory.
There never has been a moment as precious as the one when you came to Me to receive My love for you at Calvary.
Kings and princes have died and gone on, but My Love for you will grow and live on and on.
Testify of My Love and Favor over your life. Remember all that I’ve done for you. When the enemy comes against you, tell him to flee and rest confidently.
Be still and know that I fight for you. Be assured that I will not lose the fight. Even if it looks like I’ve been defeated, know that only good is there for you.
Resume your place with Me at the Throne… the place far above all power and principality.
Together we will soar and we will reign. No foe can ever have victory over you because of My finished work at Calvary.”
December 12, 2021
I know the Lord has had me do things a whole lot different than many others in the church. Even after praying to make sure that I am on track He continues to have me do things the same way.
A couple of years ago I heard a lady say that many would feel like a fish out of the water with the coming season…this New Era. I didn’t know what she meant and I don’t have a clear understanding of this New Era that many of the church talk about. And I’ve prayed and have been praying about it! Then I wrote the following.
Do you feel that you have been left behind from entering into a dimension that you cannot relate to or is it that the Lord has preserved you from even entering in?
This is the time and the hour where many have left behind the simplicity of sharing the Gospel and living the separated sanctified life to partaking of a god of unknown depths of darkness that one should never enter.
We are seeing in this hour a division taking place to where one cannot even relate to the other. One might feel that they are being old fashioned when looking with awe upon how far the camp has gone forward without even being aware.
Have you been left behind or have you been left out of this great turmoil of atrocities that aren’t even of My spirit?
One may say that you feel like a fish out of water but are these waters that one should have never entered?
This is the time and the hour of great deception where one might believe they are following after Me but they are following after the evil one.
Is it that many have grown tired of not having the “glory” as some call it and want to be enticed with “encounters”, but the only encounter you must have is with Me, the one true and holy God…. the single One not the one of the mixture of true and false ways.
Many have dabbled in the occult and believed the lie and now call it truth and are in a realm not known by many.
Do you want to dabble in unchartered waters of dangerous entities or do you want to bask in the sweetness of the streams of Living Water flowing from My throne?
The choice is yours and it is one that could change your life. I say to you this day to stay on track. I will never leave you or forsake you.
December 11, 2021
I knew a lady whose family went through a financial trial and had no money for food. She served guests what she had and never told anyone about her lack. People would leave bags of groceries on her doorstep.
My husband was homeless and he walked miles to go to a day labor place so he could earn money to eat! He slept on the beach and never was a burden to anyone! When I met Lee, God put it on my heart to buy him a gold ring with a topaz stone in it. I barely knew him. The Lord used me to plant a seed for his prosperity. I didn’t know I would be a part of his future. Now he owns a home and completely out of debt.
Lee always worked no matter how bad he felt! He got knocked off a loading dock and fell three feet and hurt himself really bad. He worked three years in that condition. The Lord had him sue the company because someone could really get hurt there worse or even get killed. The other doctor and lawyer couldn’t believe how Lee could work in that condition!
If God calls you to live by faith, you really have to make sure it is God! He says that if you don’t work, you don’t eat. Even the apostles never were a burden to anyone and they worked! And the only one who needs to know your lack is God. That is living by faith in Him!
I knew a pastor who once said that if God no longer provides for this ministry, then the time for this ministry is over. The Lord will provide because it is His! Many have their emphasis on how to get money for their ministry and they get so busy that they can’t give God any quiet time to be with Him.
So I admonish those who seek out men to get funds for “their” ministry to seek God’s perfect will and repent if need be!!! And I warn others to beware of having false burdens and false compassion! The enemy can easily rob you! Not all are doing the Lord’s work.
December 9, 2021
At times you may not experience the intimate presence of The LORD that you want to dwell in, and you begin to be tempted to say, “Why, LORD? I want to commune with You and feast with You.”
And then you remember that He likes for you to seek after Him and find Him. “Run after Me! Pursue Me! When you seek Me with all of your heart, you will find Me.”
You may go through a time when His Presence is abundant, and then you will experience a dry time.
He has never left you. He just wants you to press in so He can take you higher. He wants to reveal more to you of who He is.
Are you willing to pay the price to press in and know that He is God even though it may feel He is nowhere to be found?
Yes, we walk by Faith and not by sight or feelings. He is there even more when you don’t feel Him!
It is the ones who are more precious to Him — who stay close to Him — when they don’t experience Him. He said He would reward those who diligently seek after Him.
“But without Faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him,” Hebrews 11:6.
“Draw me away! We will run after you. The king has brought me into his chambers,” Song of Sol 1:4.
December 4, 2021
“To the praise of His glorious Grace, which He has freely given us in The One He loves,” Ephesians 1:6.
As I was communing and basking in The LORD’s presence, I felt to write the following.
When I look into Your Eyes, I see Love. I see Grace.
I see that same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwelling in me quickening my mortal body.
I see you saying…. “Come be with Me and feast with Me, for I want to set you free with the truth of My Word.
I AM life. I AM abundant life. I AM the same Spirit that brought life to you when you first believed and received My Righteousness.
I want to bring you into a deeper dimension of who I AM.
Commune with Me and know Me not just to know about Me but to really experience the glory of My Grace that you are made free to receive in Me.
Life is abundant and free in Me. There is no lack. There is no remorse. Everything works together for your good. You gain much through all that you experience in Me.
Reach out and touch Me and receive life. My lifeblood is flowing in you cleansing every impurity.
Yes, I forgave all your sin and healed all your distress so that you can just rest. Rest in Me by streams of Living Water rushing freely.
Say now that this is the day that I have made and I will rejoice in it. Be free and stay free,” says your LORD and King.
November 26, 2021
In my situation in caring for my son I tend to fall into the area of isolation because it is so hard to deal with him and be able to do other things. Also the enemy would like to compound it by adding other areas to isolate me from the body of Christ.
In everything that we do concerning personal convictions God will make a way where we still can love one another and have fellowship in the body. Anything that would cause you to become cut off from the body of Christ or isolated from others is not God!!!
In everything we do there must be a balance of grace and truth!!! Jesus is full of grace and truth in perfect balance. If we come out of that balance, something is wrong.
God is not the author of confusion and if we are having a hard time discerning God’s will, something is wrong, but at the same time we aren’t to compromise what we know God is showing us to do.
Our walk of faith and obedience must be tempered by love. Faith works by love. If what we do isn’t motivated by love or causes us to not accept others, it isn’t God. We must accept each other’s walk.
November 19, 2021
Can one be so “heavenly” minded that you become no earthy good…that is no one can relate to you?
And I believe that can be deceiving & hypocritical because Jesus ate with the sinners & laughed at their “clean” jokes. He laughed a lot & He wasn’t a man pleaser. And He loved to dance.
Yes, I want to be myself and be like Him too! I wrote this because I wanted to share a joke here but I didn’t because what would others say or think. Some think I am out of character if I share animal videos!
People will have to overcome because by God’s grace I’m going to be I and take the mask of religiosity off. And if someone doesn’t like it, they can unfriend me or pray for me and not with charismatic witchcraft prayers.
God wants to deal with who we are and not what we pretend to be and I believe others want the same. God can’t change us if we don’t admit who we truly are! I am sure this will stir up some religious spirits.
No one walks 100% in the Spirit, and if one thinks they do, they are really conned. If we were at that point, Jesus would take us up. Like Enoch walked with God, and he was no more!
God wants us to be real even to our self. We can try to fool our self at times and not admit the motive behind what we do.
Do we do things to be seen by man? Do we try to make a name for our self? Do we ever rob God of glory? God is looking for one who will admit it when they fall into pride.
Will we humble our self by falling upon the Rock or will we be crushed when the Rock falls upon us?
Yes, Lord!
November 8, 2021
Who do you say that I AM?
I said, Jesus Christ our Messiah
And what do you think I have come to do?
Just like I set the Israelites free from Pharaoh, I have come to set America free from tyranny.
Be still and know that I AM God and that I am faithful to accomplish what I have set out to do in turning the tides in America. You’ve been under a heavy load of oppression for many years and many do not even know how to live without it.
It has weighed you down and caused much stress and illnesses. It has caused contention and strife between family members and even within your own members of your physical body.
I want you to know that in spite of all the oppression you have been under My people have faithfully served me to the best of their ability.
You have served me unwavering but there have some that have given prey to the attempts of the enemy to deceive you so that you would lose much power against him.
And I have come to set you free from that heavy load of opposition through deception.
Rejoice for the King has come and the glory of the LORD has risen up upon you.
November 3, 2021
“”I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, The LORD Almighty.” … With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for,”” Isaiah 6:5b,7b.
Some have asked me what I had asked forgiveness for, and I say to them that if I have not offended you, then I thank The LORD for that.
I have asked The LORD to forgive me and He forgives and forgets, and I should do the same.
Many times we hold on to the things we have done and feel bad about them, and that isn’t what The LORD wants us to do. He said, “I don’t condemn you. Just go and sin no more!” (John 8:11)
The enemy can take the things we say, even though we might be right in what we said, but if we had a wrong attitude, or just saying it in the flesh, he can take it and bring condemnation to the one saying it and the one who heard the words.
These are the days The LORD is bringing to light those things in our heart that is not like Him. If we are open and teachable, we will see a lot of this because The LORD knows we are willing to change.
He pours out more of the gift of repentance. He wants to transform us into His image, and this is an ongoing thing.
If we are His, then He will take all things and work them together for our good and the good of others. Many are becoming more transparent and repenting in front of others.
He said if we humble our self, He would lift us up. He is out to humble the proud. Do we want to fall upon the Rock or do we want the Rock to fall upon us?
The worse kind of sinner is the Pharisee! Religious spirits are the most hateful, proud, and critical spirit there is.
It is so unclean that it disgusts The LORD and turns people away from Him and that is what He hates. Religion is the easiest snare to fall into.
Self-righteousness is when you take credit for your walk of holiness, which really isn’t holiness at all. You are not set apart for The LORD but for the enemy to use and abuse others through!
Having received more Light to walk in isn’t always a comfortable place to be. You can stumble into more snares having more Light, which you would think would be the opposite.
The enemy attacks those constantly who have more Light to trip them up into having a wrong attitude. We must constantly check our heart for spiritual pride!
The closer you get to The LORD the more you can see that you are unlike Him. Just like the Prophet Isaiah said….”woe, for I am a man of unclean lips!”
Being more sensitive to The LORD is a good thing because He can show us when we fall into the snares of the enemy.
He is faithful to continue to pour out His gift of repentance upon us.
Holiness is a walk of separation unto Him allowing Him to live His life through us. He wants others to see Him and feel His presence. He wants to use our hands to heal the sick and to set the captives free. We must stay free.
Who the Son has set free is free indeed, and Jesus has truly set us free!!! He began a good and perfect work in us and He is faithful to complete it.
October 26, 2021
Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb. You taught me wisdom in that secret place…Psalm 51: 6.
Deep called unto deep even in that secret place you called me even in the womb, and you began to give me wisdom even there in that deep dark place before I ever came to see the Light you were there.
Spirit to spirit you led me and talked to me through nature. You were there leading me and guiding me until that day when I finally opened my eyes to begin to see Your face.
You gave me joy and a peace that passes all understanding. Truly You knew me even before the foundation of the earth. You know Your people those You have called and have chosen to be Yours.
Truly there are vessels of honor fit for the Master’s use. Thank you, Lord. I am Yours!
October 9, 2021
Jesus invites us to bask in His presence to be with Him. Not just to hide under His wing or sit at His feet but also to dive into His heart, His inner being, and the deepest most part of whom He is.
He calls us His own and He calls deep unto deep to give us a taste of breaking free of who we are into who He is. He wants to conform us into His image.
Yes, taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the one who trusts in Him and makes their abode in Him.
One night with the King and you will never be the same. Not just one night but just one moment being deep in His heart is life transforming.
He invites us in saying, “come, be with Me and rest with Me.”
Like being by streams of Living Water refreshing you with His perfect peace it will be.
Are you thirsty for more of Him? Like a dry sponge, drink Him up.
October 7, 2021
“You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about Me.” John 5:39.
Do we truly know the One who died for us at Calvary?
Does our heart burn to know Him even more?
How can we share the saving grace of the Cross-at Calvary if we only know Him at a distance?
We know Him through His word but not experientially knowing Him. We can just know about Him because we believe His words but never spend that quality time being close to Him, just basking in His presence to know Him more.
If we really wanted to know Him more, we would be in that place where we can’t get enough of Him. He has so much to share with us of His being, His attributes, and His quality of love in different expressions.
When was the last time your heart burned to share His saving grace with another?
When was the last time you witnessed one getting born again?
How can we share His love with another if we don’t know of it in a way that is life changing?
Do we still battle the same bondage as when we say we came to know Him many years ago? Why is that so?
He is life changing. His breath is to flow through us bringing life and health to every part of our being.
He says if we draw close to Him, He will draw close to us. He draws us near but do we harden our heart and not respond?
These are the days of the great awakening to those who has believed they were already right with Him. Many have just gone through a religious experience even though they spend much time studying the Word they do it in a way that keeps Him at bay.
They dive into the Word thinking they can find him but they do it only with their mind and not their heart. He knocks upon the door of our heart but do we truly allow Him to come in and be The LORD of our life, or do we hold back and think we can have all the blessings and still live our own life?
He must be The LORD over our whole life. To have His authority we must be under His authority. To have His blessings we must bless Him with our undivided love and devotion.
Yes, this is the end of all times and we must examine our heart. Do we truly know Him or do we just know about Him?
Do we truly believe His word? If so, it would be life changing. If we truly believe what He did on the Cross-for us and that He has given us His resurrection power to live His life, we would be bursting forth this life changing experience, and it would only get stronger as the years go on.
Many have been going back into the world and into other things, like New Age practices, because they are actually bored with a life of religion that has no power or true life giving qualities from The LORD.
Taste and see that The LORD is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him and makes His abode in Him!!
I pray that we truly examine our heart before it is too late to know the truth whether we truly know Him or not. We need to cry out to Him Abba, Father, bring change into our life and our heart.
If we want more than just a religious experience, which that is what it is without true communing with our LORD and Savior, we need to cry out for it!
Many have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues but show no good fruit or growth from having it. Then you can speak to one without the Baptism and they have more of a burden for the lost, better fruit, and a true life changing experience.
What causes the difference? It is our heart not truly responding to His love and His saving grace.
Yes, this is the hour to truly cry out and to die out and truly make Him our all in all! We need to truly be sold out to Him and loving Him wholeheartedly, or we are not going to make it in the coming days when we need to truly trust Him.
How can you trust someone you don’t really know? In the Word whenever you read “he knew his wife” meant he became intimate with her.
Are we at that place where we truly want to know the One who gave His life for us?
We must open up our heart and allow Him to come in and to bask in His love and saving grace.
Choose this day who you will serve…. will it be to continue in our self-serving lifestyle or will we give it all to Him?
October 5, 2021
When you are a caregiver with no respite, your whole life is wrapped around that one person you care for.
You don’t have any other outlet to express who you are or who you are to become with other people and activities.
When you make a special friend, you tend to wrap around that person way too much in the way of companionship and could demand too much from them not realizing that you are just a minute factor of that person’s life when you have made them a majority of your own.
We must make Jesus the majority of our life and not a minute factor.
That is how He feels when we are too busy with a multitude of interests and barely have a moment to spend with Him. Everything we put much more emphasis upon that draws us away from Him has become an idol.
We might say that we have no time to spend with Jesus. Even pastors of a Church can get too involved in being a pastor, that they have no time to be with the One who called them into ministry.
We do that which we really want to do. We make time to be with the one we love. We make time to do those things we really want to do, and that is why I feel left out at times when I don’t hear from those I feel were special friends. That is how Jesus feels!
I know I do the same with those who have tried to reach out to me to develop a relationship with.
I need to reach out and make more close relationships rather than just having that one special friend because that one friend has many other interests and I am just one of them and I need to give myself to more people.
Staying with the one person who accepts you as you are and you feel comfortable with is too much of being in the comfort zone when God wants us to stretch out and become who God called us to be.
I realize that not all can handle the real me but there are those who will benefit from whatever good God placed in me.
Yes, we learn by journaling out our true feelings. Instead of allowing your thoughts to get jumbled up rolling around in your mind put them down on paper and deal with them. Cast out the bad thoughts and hold on to the good and develop on them.
Lately I have felt like a butterfly that is coming out of a cocoon. When you have had much in your life to hold you back, you tend to feel like an ugly caterpillar stuck in a cocoon.
Those who have been in the enemy’s snare for so long don’t know how to relate to the real world to enjoy the beauty of nature and relationship.
They’ve been too bound up and beat up by the enemy to be able to truly live. They just exist trying to make it through another day.
Some are called “hard cases” and many have given up on them but they have a value in them that the enemy fights to be released. These “hard cases” are diamonds in the rough and are true warriors and a real threat to the enemy.
I remember one lady saying that those who have been the weakest link in the body of Christ will truly become the strongest! Those who struggle, never give up.
The LORD never will give up on you! He sees you perfect through His blood and through His love. He sees you precious in His sight.
The LORD doesn’t see all the flaws. He sees perfection. Be at rest in who you are and love yourself. Know that you are a work in progress and beautiful in His Sight.
September 17, 2021
Following Jesus into His garden isn’t always to be a place of the fragrance of the flowers and butterflies but it is a reminder of the agony displayed that comes with dying.
We must follow Him until we have come to the place of having the willingness to put aside the cares of the world and repent of allowing them to have a hold on us.
Going into His Garden is following Him to the place where we say “not my will but Thine be done”. Until we are willing to truly say that, we are still alive and have not come to that place of being crucified with Him.
Until we come to that place of agony to struggle on our knees to accept that final work of crucifixion, we are still alive in the flesh.
If Jesus struggled with this to the place of the stress of it breaking forth blood, how much more for us?
For Jesus didn’t struggle with His place of unwillingness, but for ours. Those blood vessels bursting weren’t from His unwillingness to die, but for it of the whole world.
He took our place by His grace and carried it to completion so all we have to do is take up where He left off for us, His victory.
In order for Him to carry the Cross of Calvary, He first had to die the death to the flesh nature that we have. He was sinless and we are sinful.
Yes, we must follow Jesus into the Garden to die the death of the sin nature. Then and only then will we be able to pick up our Cross and follow Him.
Then when we enter into His garden, we will be able to truly partake of the fragrance of His flowers, feel the cool breeze of His presence, enjoy the livelihood and the sweetness of butterflies, the fluttering and beauty of the birds, and all of His creation.
September 15, 2021
In order for a butterfly to be able to spread its wings and be what God called it to be, it first had to spend ample time in The Secret Place in its cocoon.
Deep calls unto deep at the sound of its waterspouts.
Yes, we must go deep within The Heart of God, be still, and know Him.
Wait upon Him until you know what He’s called you to do with the Freedom and the Anointing needed to be not just to do but to just be who He called you to be.
Whom the Son sets free is free indeed and Jesus has set us free — if we do our part to appropriate it.
Spread your wings and fly high above all power and principality.
Allow those things the enemy sends to bring you down take you up, excel you, propel you, and cause you to rise up.
Be like the Eagle that allows the turbulence to take it higher causing anything that has tried to hold on to drag it down and destroy has to fall to the wayside.
Yes, look to nature for it is our example. There is a lesson learned by watching and waiting upon The LORD to tell us the story just like Jesus telling the parables. He wants to teach us — but we must be equipped to listen.
At the Father’s Feet is the place to begin. Humble yourself under the mighty Hand of God and He will faithfully lift you up.
September 8, 2021
“Examine your heart this very hour. What is it that you really want or desire?
Do you want more of Me? Then ask and receive for I want to fill you up to overflowing of all that I have to offer of My abundant strength, My life to flow through you.
Ask and I will give you the nations for your inheritance. All you have to do is ask and then speak forth your blessings of prosperity.
Do not confess that you have lack but say that I am abundantly blessed with prosperity, good health and every gift that I have to offer.
Yes, taste and see that I AM a good God and that I have the very best for My People who serve Me with all of their heart, soul and strength.
This is the day of new beginnings. Let all of your past cares just fade away and take my life as your own. Allow Me to live My life through you.
I have a lot of lives that I want to touch through you even this very day. You might not notice the lives that you touch as you live your life. You are encouraging others by your strength and by your light.
Now rest in Me for I began a good and perfect work in you and I AM faithful to complete it, says your LORD and King.”
August 31, 2021
“Let Go and Let God!” What would happen to the Church if we truly did?
We would be The Triumphant Army that He called us to be!
Having heard this phrase for so long but feeling I was unable to do it, brought me to the place of realization that I am not alone in this.
This is a matter-of-fact place where we feel we have to be in total control over everything in our life.
I have a hard time just relaxing, because I am spending so much energy trying to be in control and this purely drains your energy.
What if you just let go? What will happen… you may think.
Some hold on because they are afraid if they don’t, they will lose their mind. To just let go and let God watch over everything concerning your mental health is hard to do.
I know The LORD has held me together so many times, having to deal with a mother who battled mental illness.
I have come so close to having a nervous breakdown, with symptoms of being right at the edge…. and then watching after prayer The LORD take every symptom away.
I have said that you can come so close to losing it — and then come around with the state of a sound mind.
With God for you, nothing or no one can come against you and rob what God has ordained for you to have!
Like with your health, many battle anxiety and high blood pressure and being in a state of fatigue, mainly because they are afraid of letting go and allowing God to take over!
They feel they have to keep everything under their control. With the fear if they don’t, what will happen with their lives? Another lie of the enemy this is!
If we let go and trust God, we will see things automatically turn around, because we will be looking through the eyes of Faith and not the fear of evil being in control.
Holding on and being in control is another form of manipulation, which is from the enemy. Yes, it is witchcraft, because instead of allowing God, you are allowing another god to rule and reign in your life!
How about the area of relationships?
Are we trusting God to bring these together, or are we too worried about being accepted, that we put on a mask and try to control who we are, instead of just being ourselves?
This is another way the enemy drains our energy. We are working overtime in so many ways. We carry a full load of just living life without the joy, which is to be our strength.
We burn our energy needlessly when we try to be god over our life. There is only one you and no one else can fill your shoes and do what God called you to do so we need to be the person God loves as He transforms and conforms us into His image.
His burden is light and His yoke is easy.
“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My Yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I AM gentle and humble of heart; and you will find rest. For My Yoke is easy, and My Burden is light….” Matthew 11:28-30.
God doesn’t place a heavy load upon our lives so heavy that we don’t have the time or the strength to come apart and be with Him. We are too busy and too distracted with things we think He is calling us to do. Yes, another form of being in control with what we think is His Ministry through us. Another lie from the enemy!
The LORD wants us to put Him first in the day and to spend quiet un-distracted time, just basking in His Presence and receiving His Direction and feeding upon His Word.
And also, to carry His Burden of Intercession can be a heavy load at times if we try to carry it in our own strength.
You can look and see that the flesh can dictate every area of our lives if we are not careful — even spiritual warfare — where we feel we have to fight the enemy.
The LORD says to be still and know that He is God and that the battle is His. He is the Captain and He leads us in the battle. He said He would raise up the Standard against the enemy.
The LORD says this is the way it shall be, and even the enemy must obey Him.
The enemy knows when he has legal rights and that he doesn’t have to obey us. If we have an open door to evil, through rebellion, bitterness, unforgiveness or pride, the enemy will move in and take over.
Another way we can just let go and allow God to be God in our life through repentance and obedience.
These are the days when we must examine our hearts and the ways we are living, and see what is standing in our way from walking in The Fruit of His Spirit and having Victory, Prosperity, Divine Health and Happiness.
Some may not even know The LORD, because religion has been dictating their lives and robbing them from having the True Life, that can only come through knowing Jesus.
He said taste and see that The LORD is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him and in His ways.
It’s not too late to learn to walk in His Ways and to be healed in our Mind, Soul, Body, and Spirit. This is the Day of Salvation, of His Saving Grace to take over every area of our lives.
All we have to do is just let go and let God have us completely… to quit thinking we have to be in control, and just rest in His Faithfulness this day…. and always!
Father, I pray that You pour out this very hour, Your great Grace and Mercy and Divine Favor and set the captives free.
Who the Son sets free is free indeed and Jesus has set us free!
Let’s walk in it, by letting go and allowing God to live His life through us, and blessing us with His intimate Presence, Power, and Glory!
August 19, 2021
In this insanely indifferent place that we deem to call Religion…
Many are drawn into an aspect of representing Christ — but in a way that is purely powerless.
There is a form of godliness but it has no power, because it is of the flesh, the mind, and not of The Spirit.
You cannot walk with the impression of The Word without accepting its full package that is the fullness of The Gospel.
We must accept the laying on of the hands to heal the sick, and binding and losing to cast out demons, to set the captives free.
These signs will follow those who believe. They will speak with new tongues, which are a heavenly prayer language, which is perfect.
We must believe we can raise the dead, both spiritual and physical.
How can we cast out demons, if we have need of the same?
We must dive into The Word — openly receiving it all — asking for Revelation and Application.
To escape the clutches of the evil one, we must come under full submission to The Spirit of The Living God.
Yes, this is the day to reach out and touch the Hem of the Father’s Garment and be set free, to be all that God has called us to be. He needs us to be the Light in a dark world with His Life to share.
This is the hour to usher in the end-time Harvest of souls. The Harvest is ripe but the workers are few. Their minds are upon distraction upon distraction and not upon The Word that brings Life.
Yes, there is a famine in the land of the true Word. Everything else has taken precedence.
We must return to our First Love and cry out to escape the apathy, indifference, complacency, vanity…. and the list goes on!
August 11, 2021
“Be still and know that I AM God and that I will be with you through the storm, through the fire, and through the flood.
You might say, “What must I do to be saved, to be free from all torment and despair?”
Draw close to Me in the secret place and know that all things work together for your good and for the good of your loved ones if you have committed them into My care.
Believe that I use all things to conform you into My Image. When I allow the fires, the floods, and every other type of adversity, I AM only allowing you to be able to test My Faithfulness so you will see that I AM with you always even to the end of time.
You need to know Me by My attributes. Learn of Me and see what I can do through My Miracle working power how I’ve helped others through My Word.
My Word and Faith in it are your greatest commodity. It isn’t your money that can save you from all harm or to buy your health.
You can see those who’ve had great wealth and still died through much adversity and disease. When it is your time to go, only faith in My Faithfulness to save will get you through where you need to go.
Many do not yet know of My Faithfulness to save. Yes, this is the day to know Me that I AM the great I AM and there is no other.
What must you to do to be saved?
Yes, know Me and love Me and trust Me as your Father. I gave My all that you would be saved.
Receive My Love and My Faithfulness this day. Rest in Me, draw close to Me, and know that I AM closer than a brother, and that I will never leave you till the end of time.
Faith is being faithful and knowing Me not just knowing about Me. You grow through relationship with Me not through having head knowledge. You must have heart knowledge by seeing and receiving My goodness and My Love.
Taste and see that I AM good. I pour out My miracle-working Power upon you every day. My Grace is sufficient to save.
Yes, be still and know Me and love Me. Lay your head upon My Breast and hear My Heart beating for you. Know that My Love for you enabled Me to endure great suffering.
That great love I have for you alone took Me to The Cross for you, and that same Love will bring Me back for you to take you home with Me.
We will ride upon white horses with you by My side. We will conquer all for My Kingdom reign. Yes, I AM your King and you are My Bride and forever will be.
Take one step forward trusting Me and know the end of the story, says your LORD and King. I AM coming soon. Be ready!”
June 24, 2021
“In everything, give thanks, for this is The Will of God that you go through your trials and testing with patience and with fortitude knowing that all things that you go through are working for the good of conforming you into the image of My Son.
Remember that I will never allow you to be tested beyond what you are able but will with the test provide the way of escape that you will go through the test with victory.
This is the day that I have made and I want you to rejoice in whatever you face knowing that you do have the victory over it already.
I see you from the beginning that you are indeed a true overcomer. You do not fret but have the assurance that I AM with you leading you and clearing the way that you will walk in My Perfect Will.
I see you from the beginning of every day with The Sword of My Spirit and The Shield of My Faith that is pure and powerful cutting through every obstacle and any hindrance of the enemy.
The enemy might think he has gained access to your life to trip you up in a snare but I even use that for your good in preparing you and bringing you to the next level in Me.
All things you go through work together for your good even those that seem to be a total defeat. So rejoice and be glad knowing that I AM with you and I AM for you guiding you and guarding you.
Yes, if I AM for you, who or what can come against you?
Rest, My child, in My Faithfulness.”
May 25, 2021
Having a lifestyle caring for a special needs child isn’t an easy one but I am learning that God uses all things for our good in preparing us for the future and conforming us into His image.
I had many years, over 40, to adjust to this lifestyle but it still doesn’t make it an easy one. I’ve seen over the years parents who placed their child out of their life because they weren’t potty trained at six years old or because their lifestyle was disrupted. Many realize their life is one of isolation because of the behavior of their child. The neighbors don’t want to come around or friends because they can’t handle the constant noise and disruption.
You learn that your life is not your own even your quiet time is very slim, but what do we do when we have the freedom and the peace and quiet. Do we use it getting quiet with the Lord or do we gather with the saints to worship and dance and let out a loud “alleluia!”
Do we act like the widow with the mite with our time giving all that we have or do we give the Lord five percent and keep the rest? The widow gave a small amount but it was all she had.
The Lord has graced me that when I have that quiet moment, He draws me near immediately. He takes me up in worship and dance a lot easier than before because He knows my heart. I delight in His presence. Like Paul and Silas, they were able to worship and praise and be filled with joy in prison.
When we can look at our hardships and suffering, and use it for His glory, you know you are getting close to His heart. Our trials are tailor made and the harder the better you reap from them! God prepares those who have suffered with constant financial trials and has done a mighty work in their heart along with those who have suffered constantly with physical pain. Through much suffering come much grace and glory!
I have looked at others and coveted those whose life was like a constant social party and a vacation. I’ve looked at those women who can take much time to get quiet and be pampered one way or another. I’ve looked at those who have the freedom to go and do whatever they want and wondered if they are really happy deep down in their heart. Are they allowing all this freedom to mature them in the Lord or do they use it in vanity?
I know I waste time I could be in the Word or prayer with Levi but I allow the enemy to say to me that I am just too tired which in the natural I am but no excuse we do what we truly desire to do. So, we all need to examine our heart to see if we are using all that God gives us to the best potential according to His perfect will.
Yes, I look at my trials and thank Him because for some reason God has trusted me with such a constant battle with trials that those who have no fear would have a hard time with. God knows who I am and knows He can trust me and I thank Him that I will be prepared for what is ahead because I didn’t choose to escape what life God had for me.
I pray that we all take the time to examine our heart to see if God has our heart, our time, and all of our love or if there is something else eating it all up. Idolatry is a subtle deception that we refuse to face and cover it over with justification but that only keeps us bound up to it.
We need to face the facts and the truth about everything, our motives, our ambitions, and our heart attitudes to see if it is all pure in Jesus’ name.
May 25, 2021
“Determine in your heart this day whom you will serve!
Will it be the desires of your own heart, or will you seek My Face to see what I have for you to do?
Many go off without ever asking Me if it is My Will to do what they plan on doing. It is important that you break that habit of independent life style and seek My Face and wait upon Me.
I AM The Way, The Truth, and The Life. The only way to The Father and Salvation is through Me, but if you continue to go forward on your own, you will miss My Perfect Will for your life.
You will go through trials needlessly, because I allow them to get you to seek Me and to humble yourself before Me.
This is the day of the great falling away, because many deceive themselves thinking they are following Me and they aren’t.
You either follow after Me, or you follow the enemy’s devices and schemes to sidetrack you.
Many are engaged in things they shouldn’t be. They might look innocent but they are dangerous just because they eat up your time that you should be spending with Me.
Examine your heart why you have lost desire to seek My Face, to commune with Me, and to wait upon Me.
I long to have you back in My Arms where you love My Presence. Return to your first love when you were excited to say My Name, and to meet with Me, and to see what I will do through you.
Love Me with all your mind, soul, and spirit and love others as you love yourself. Many do not even have love for themselves. How can they love others?
Wait upon Me and I will do that deeper work that you desperately need. All hindrances will be dissolved; all obstacles will be taken away when your heart is set upon Me.”
April 19, 2021
Cast all your cares upon The LORD for He cares for you.
Lay back and rest in His arms for He really cares for you! Trust and obey is the only way to survive the battles of the enemy.
Yes, trust Him for the battle is The LORD’s. Don’t take it upon yourself; just rest in His faithfulness.
Pray for wisdom, the knowledge of His will, and the grace to walk in it. He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to bear and He will provide the way of escape from it with victory in your wings.
Yes, you can flee like a bird out of a snare. He keeps all of His promises. Yes, and amen is His answer to every one of them.
This is the day The LORD has made and we are to rejoice and be glad in it. Every one of our trials is tailor made to conform us into His image and to bring good into our life.
Expect the good and watch and see. Keep expecting with a positive attitude and the assurance that He is in every step that we take directing us holding our hand in the wilderness.
He says walk this way. Do not turn to the left or to the right and do not look back with regrets for surely all things have worked together for your good bringing you to this day where you can receive divine favor, perfect peace and the joy of The LORD being your strength.
Rest and believe for He is doing a mighty work in you. When you are weak, admit it and allow Him to be your strength. Confess your true feelings to Him. Be real. He doesn’t want a mask.
If you are cold, be cold and cry out to Him. He will do the rest. He began the good work in you and He is faithful to complete it.
April 9, 2021
“I want you to keep in mind that anything that you say or do that is not led by My Spirit is part of the plan of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy, that which is of Me.
I have come that you would have an abundant life full of My Spirit flowing through you and in you.
This is the day of the great falling away and it all begins with coming in agreement with the enemy’s plan to steal, kill and destroy My plan for your life.
I have promised you that you would have a future and a hope and many cannot see how this can be. They have had so many fiery trials and can’t see My light breaking through bringing them freedom.
I want you to know that all things are working together for your good in preparation for what is ahead. If you hadn’t been through what you’ve had, you would not be ready for what is coming.
One day you will look back and thank Me for all that you’ve been through in your life. You will see that it was all tailor made for your good.
Seek My Face and not My hand.
Expect Me to move and I will.
Thank Me for all things the good with the bad.
Humble yourself before Me and I will lift you up.
And most of all draw near to Me in the secret place to hear My voice.
You need to stay tuned to My frequency at all times. These are the end of all times and you need to be led by My Spirit.
“My whole being follows hard after You and clings closely to You; Your right hand upholds me.” Psalm 63:8.
March 25, 2021
Before I began writing this I saw in my mind’s eye someone leading many people through an open door. Even though this is the time of the pandemic no one was wearing a mask following each other into this room and closing the door. I felt that this is so dangerous. And then I received the words “America is under siege”.
The freedoms you once had as a nation are being taken away. Even those who think they are regaining them are only spreading lies and deception. They think they can demand them back by rebelling against the policies concerning the pandemic. They see an open door so they barge it open and fill a room with those of the same agenda. They gather together and shut themselves up in a room spreading the same lies about the freedom they regained. And this is dangerous because not only are they spreading lies and deception but they are spreading the pandemic.
We must use the wisdom of God and pray for the knowledge of His will and for the grace to walk in it. You can only regain the freedom that the Lord gives you. Anything else is from the evil one to set you up for destruction. Who the Son sets free is free indeed and He has come to set us free through obedience to His perfect will.
Do not follow the multitudes that think they are using faith. Faith that is not led by God’s spirit is only presumption used to set you up to fall based upon the pride of man. This is the day of the great falling away and it all begins by first falling into a snare of lies and deception where one believes they are regaining their freedom.
Yes, America is under siege but at the same time there is a great separation that is taking place. God is separating those who are going on with Him walking in His grace and truth from those who put their own will first. Fear of man brings a snare and the pride of man brings a falling away.
Yes, Taste And See
March 16, 2021
“Taste and see that I, The LORD, am good. Blessed is the one who trusts Me and makes their abode in Me.
Many choose to place their trust in many things and choose only to come to Me as a last resort but if you choose to place Me first in all things, I will give you all that you need and take care of beforehand every situation that may arise bringing good out of it.
I AM the Master Builder. If you allow Me to build your house, it will never crumble and fall. You will have a sure foundation and a safe one that the enemy can never steal, kill or destroy from.
Yes, taste and see that I AM good. Dwell in the secret place of My Presence and delight in My many blessings for I delight to give abundance to My Children.
I delight so much that you will not be able to contain all that I want to pour out upon you.
If you would only come to Me, rest in Me, and delight to bless Me with your undivided love and devotion, I will turn one minute of your time and cause it to feel like you have spent one hour with Me.
That is how much I want to bless your attempt to bless Me.
Riches and honor will follow you all the days of your life. Trust Me in all things even those that look like they have the most harm.
Don’t look in the natural realm. Look to Me only for I AM the author and finisher of your faith. I began a good and perfect work in you and I AM faithful to complete it.
Yes, taste and see that I am a good God and a loving God and I will only bring what is best for you in conforming you into the image of My Son. Selah.”
March 7, 2021
Don’t allow your heart to be troubled and be not dismayed, for The LORD knows every hair on your head and everything that you feel and experience in your life and He is there with you carrying it all so you don’t have to.
Cast all of your cares upon Him for He cares for you. He doesn’t want you to carry the load alone. Let go and allow God to take over your life. Allow Him to live His life through you.
Do not worry because He doesn’t worry for you have the mind of Christ. Don’t try to understand His Ways for they are so much higher than yours… too lofty for you to comprehend.
Just trust in what He allows and know that only good will follow you all the days of your life.
This is the day of the beginning of woes. Many will fall away because they don’t trust Him. Many will think that The LORD has left them because of what He allowed them to go through.
Out of desperation they cried out and it looked like He didn’t answer them. When you don’t understand His hand, know His heart is full of love and goodness for you.
Reach out and touch the hem of His garment and He will heal you and make wholeness out of your broken dreams and heart. Touch Him and He will bring peace where there is pain, joy where there is sorrow.
Trust Him to bring an abundance of life. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Follow Him and trust and He will never let you down.
Examine your heart to see what stands in your way to having perfect peace, trust, and joy for all of His promises are yours if you will only believe and receive them.
February 16, 2021
Our son Levi kept me up all night with frequent urination. Instead of trying to get some sleep I got before The LORD and wrote the following.
Jesus is in the midst of the storm saying, “Peace, be still” to it.
Listen closely to what He has to say to you. Hear His still small voice and His whisper of Love. He has a great love for you in that He allows the severity of the trial because he can trust you in it. He knows you will remain faithful to keep His Word.
Look for the good in every situation for God has promised that all things will work together for the good.
What the enemy has meant for harm God will turn it for your good. The LORD will not allow you to be tested beyond what you are able to bear but will provide a way of escape so that you are able to bear it.
So, look for the good and that way to escape whether it is provision or more grace. Expect to receive it because it is yours.
Be still and Know He is God and that He is in control of everything you go through. Satan cannot do anything without God allowing it.
Satan does not have the power over death and destruction. Just like with Job he had to go to the Father to be able to touch Job’s life.
Draw close to God and He will draw close to you. He is closer than a brother. He is always with you but will manifest His intimate presence and love when you draw near to Him.
Be at peace and be patient in all things you go through. You can endure all things through Christ who strengthens you. Jesus is your rock and salvation, your high tower that you can run into.
Be at peace and rest in His faithfulness in the midst of the storm. Be assured that He will not allow you to be tempted to become dismayed, discouraged, or disappointed. His grace is sufficient.
You can stand unwavering. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Every trial God is strengthening you to be able to stand stronger every time you are tested. Great grace is yours. Perfect peace is yours.
Endurance is your trademark and patience I have given you to withstand everything that is allowed in your life. You are a saint of God, a mighty warring worshiper. With every clap of your hands and every twirl that you make you are slapping the enemy down a level. Be free to worship, to sing, and to dance for the victory is yours.
Jesus defeated the enemy at Calvary so you can walk undefeated through every battle. You stand unwavering with forehead set like flint against the enemy. You will not back down but will continue marching forward conquering the land God gave you.
All the promises are yes and Amen to you. Claim them all and stand on them. Do not move off of them no matter what you face. They are yours. Don’t allow the enemy to rob you of them.
Do not look at any contrary circumstances for they are lies. Anything that causes you to doubt or fear cast down.
This is the day The LORD has made. We shall rejoice and be glad in it. The victory is yours no matter what you feel or see.
Pray for God’s Wisdom, the Knowledge of His Will, and the Grace to walk in it. Wait upon Him and He will show you the way you are to go.
It is important to stay in the center of His perfect Will. Don’t allow yourself to panic or fear and make decisions upon that. You do not have a spirit of fear but of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind. Your decisions are to base upon His wisdom and knowledge alone.
Be assured that He will show you the way you are to go and the grace that you need. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
The LORD will sustain you through the trial and restore you to health. The LORD will not allow you to be tested beyond what you are able to bear.
Right off I want to say I do not speak to draw in an audience or build a popularity following. I have been kicked out of the modern day prophecy schools because they restrict the true word of the Lord. They say that we must only edify and never give a strong word. This keeps the saints in the dark and in the high chair being spoon-fed baby food and not able to eat the meat!
It is hard for a true worshiper to attend the modern day church. Most services start with man’s agenda and break up with the same. To sing three or four worship songs and then break to go to the announcements is teasing to one who loves to lose themselves in His presence and it also teases God because he delights to have our full undivided attention and love.
How can anyone just turn off God’s presence to listen to the agenda of the church anyhow? Personally I rather not even begin to worship if I know that when I am truly engaged, I have to back off!
Worship is to be a way of life where we place God first making sure we walk pleasing to Him. Many make their own plans without even acknowledging if He is even in their plans. Those in ministry make a name for themselves calling their ministry after their own name and not His. They build their own kingdom on what they choose out of the Word that would attract a certain group of people. His kingdom is to come and His will is to be done on earth and not the will of the church!
Many embrace sale tactics of the world based on manipulation and witchcraft to draw in the money to reach what they say “the lost”. Many are so busy with their ministry that they don’t have time to truly worship the Lord, or to even draw their family into His presence. Maybe this is why many in the church are sick and that we don’t see the signs that are to follow those who believe.
To have authority over the kingdom of darkness we must truly be following after that of the Kingdom of Light…. joy, peace, and righteousness. Freely you have received and freely we are to give of the gifts he gives us. To charge for prophecy is the same spirit that sorcerers move in. Rebuke that spirit and not support it and repent of being a part of it!
Charging for prophecy, healing, counseling, prayer, and teaching when God says to gather together to equip the saints for their own ministry is so wrong! Now this has nothing to do with the gifts of art, music, writing, books, etc. That is a category that takes money to produce and we sell when God leads and how we are to do it.
We are to let His spirit move and guide us. Yes, true worship is balanced and based upon grace and truth as a way of life following after the Lord Jesus Christ!!!
This is the hour to really seek God to see if what we believe or what we are doing is truly based upon His truth and will!
January 19, 2021
“Be still and know that I AM God.
Have I ever brought you to a place in your life where I did not come through for you with provision or peace?
I might have brought you to a place where I stretched your faith but that is a much-needed place to be.
In the midst of all the turmoil I AM there with you showing you the way you are to go. If you lean on Me and not on your own understanding, I will direct you in My Perfect Will.
Yes, be still and rest and I will provide you with streams in the wilderness to refresh you. I will give you fresh manna that you will become strong. In the midst of the storm I will say, “take My hand, I will guide you.”
Be still and hear My Voice. Don’t predetermine what I will say for that is witchcraft. My Ways are higher than yours.
I don’t think the way man does, unless you are totally tuned into My Voice and are close enough to know My Heart and My Ways. I AM bringing you to that place through My Word and by communing with Me.
We are one as My Father and I are one. I AM bringing My Believers to the place of unity being of one mind and in one accord with Me.
The is the day of the great falling away because My People follow their own agenda and look for ways to justify it.
Die out to your own plans and purposes. They will bring you to ruin. Trust Me, lean on Me, and follow Me alone. I will never let you down, says your Yah.”
January 9, 2021
Those who have been falsely accused and ostracized I will vindicate. I will call them by My name. I will deliver them and set them on high and bring honor to them and show them My salvation.
Do not fear what man can do. I will come in and like a flood bring forth what is needed to do away with the evil and bring in My truth and light to purge out all the darkness.
Never fear that I won’t intervene in a mighty way. It might look like I am doing nothing and allowing the enemy to have his way but when you least expect and suddenly, I will come as a Mighty Man of War and with My legions of angels purge and do away with the darkness in the land.
I will have My way and My plan and purpose in the land. And I will say when it will happen and what will happen to bring forth My kingdom and My dominion in the land says your Lord and King.
I say there is a window of opportunity to bring forth My truth and My light before I allow the darkness to take over as a way of judgment to those who will not turn to Me.
I say there is a purpose for the enemy. He is only a tool in My hand. He thinks or he makes others think he has free reign but he knows he first has to come before Me in My court before he can do anything like with Job.
He looks for a legal right to attack My people so keep your windows and doors shut to him and keep your heart clean so he cannot enter. The enemy will come to steal, kill and destroy.
I have come to bring life and abundantly so stay close to My side seeking My will, My favor, and My grace. You cannot make it on your own. You cannot work out your own salvation. With fear and trembling and with much grace will you enter in.
The next stretch of the race will be treacherous. Many will lose their lives through famine and disease. Store your treasures in heaven where they can’t be stolen. Consider that the length of your days is in My hand and rest that the enemy cannot do one thing without My allowing it.
Be faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life. This is the day of the great falling away and following that the great tribulation. You know the end of the story in that we win. I paid the price with the blood of the Lamb.
I came forth victorious over all things including death, hell and the grave. And if you stay close to My side you will ride with Me upon white horses to set up My kingdom reign. Yes, this is the time and the hour.
He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation. Psa 91:14-15
The fear of man brings a snare. But whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe. Prov 29:25
So Satan answered the Lord and said, “Skin for skin! Yes, all that a man has he will give for his life. But stretch out Your hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will surely curse You to Your face!” And the Lord said to Satan, “Behold, he is in your hand, but spare his life.” Job 2:4-6
JANUARY 3, 2021
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you: not as the world gives, give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid….John 14:27.
Even in the midst of the storm I am with you. I will never leave you especially when you are in the midst of a storm with chaos all around you. Be still and know that I am your God.
Do not doubt my faithfulness. If you don’t feel my presence know that I am with you even more than when you experience my tangible presence and love. I am stretching your faith that you will reach out to me and take my hand so I can guide you to the Living Streams of my Waters.
Taste and see that I am good. Experience me by feasting upon My words that I promise to bring to pass in your life. Reach out and touch the hem of my garment so I can minister to you my healing power.
December 24, 2020
You are not being tempted beyond what you are able to bear. Every temptation has a way to be able to escape from them. Resist the devil and he will flee. He is coming in as a flood because he knows that you have what it takes to defeat him.
This is the day that the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it. Rejoicing is as spinning like a top, like a whirlwind that the enemy cannot touch or come near the glory and presence that I have within. My glory is all around you.
Reach out and touch the hem of My garment and receive the healing power to touch other lives not just your own. I am in control of the fire and the wind and the waves, and I have given you My authority over them all.
Be still and watch Me work against your adversary. The battle is Mine. Cast all your cares upon Me because I care for you. Rejoice for you have the victory and all things work together for your good!
December 17, 2020
We are the family of God but some of the family might appear more peculiar than others. Didn’t the Word say that we are to be a peculiar people and that we aren’t to be like the world? We are to accept each other where we are at in our walk with the Lord. If anyone knows me closely, they know that I do things differently than others.
Yes, this season and for the last 46 years I have not celebrated Christmas in a traditional way. I left the Roman Catholic Church and got saved. When I was at my lowest point, the Catholic priest told me that I was really messed up and not to expect a miracle!
Well, that was enough for me and I left the church and ended up at a Spirit filled church where I shook under the holy conviction of the Lord. I needed a lot of deliverance and still am walking it out because of what has been in the blood line or whatever.
In my first marriage I had a Christmas tree and the dog next door ran into the house and knocked it down on top of Levi when he was three months old. God protected him! I never enjoyed Christmas with my very dysfunctional family. We never had company and I was the only child and it was a very unhappy time.
I remarried and we had a tree. I was sitting by it and was thankful I was able to buy my parents some really nice gifts and I received some very nice ones also but I was not happy and I prayed, why, Lord! Then later I found out about the pagan roots of Christmas celebrated in a traditional way with the tree. I had no problem giving it all up because God was preparing me for it anyway.
The church I was in that taught about the pagan roots was legalistic and I prayed every year since then that I would know His truth about whether I was to celebrate and every year I kept feeling I was not. One year He gave me a word why He didn’t want me to. I had always gone to the candlelight services and in my own way I could go deep into worship and dance and I could feel the Holy Spirit being quenched upon the congregation. I didn’t see true joy and the worship didn’t flow freely.
I seek to draw close to the Lord and that is my gift to Him. If I was to decorate I would love to have had a manger scene with some blue and white lights glowing…anything that would set the atmosphere of an intimate worship with Him. To me this time of the year is very busy and distracting with bright flashing lights that I don’t like.
I never felt it was right to teach children about believing in a lie Santa Clause and now I see Santa everywhere in the church which baffles me. I know there was a true Saint Nicholas but I believe he wouldn’t have liked what the world made him out to be. There are a lot of lies mixed up with all that.
I love Jesus and I worship Him in the Spirit of holiness. The other night I watched the celebration of the birth of Christ with the music group, King and Country, and I cried throughout it all especially The Little Drummer Boy. I just could imagine the humble birth place of the Lord and this little poor boy giving Him all that he had out of the pure love of his heart.
I wrote something a while back about the evergreen tree being a symbol of life that had endured the hardest of times and its roots went deep, and then the Lord had me write, what happens when you cut it down and deck it up with tinsel and lights. It dies!!!!
I just pray that if this is the true time to celebrate the birth of Christ, that you will find time and plenty of it to get before Him in His secret place and just bask in His intimate presence and love. That is my prayer for you this Christmas season.
December 15, 2020
Father God, I come before you this day and thank you for your great faithfulness for your mercies are new every morning.
I thank you that you are in control and that all things will work together for our good according to your riches in mercy in Christ Jesus.
I thank you that you have given us the grace to walk by faith and not by what we feel or see. In the natural things do not look good according to the Election but we will not let go of Your miracle working power and intervention.
You said whatever you believe for according to Your Will we shall receive if we asked in faith and with a pure heart. You said to pray that Your will be done and your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
Many might not know Your perfect will whether President Trump will get in for another four years, but we do know that you said to pray your will be done as it is in heaven.
We know that there is no evil in heaven and if the liberals get their way, our nation will be completely taken over by evil and that is not your will.
We know that in Revelations Your spirit will be taken out of the way from holding evil back but only you know the time frame for that.
If we don’t know clearly that you are doing that now, we press in for holiness and righteousness and justice to prevail.
I know many have become discouraged with what is happening in the natural where it looks like no one of power and authority on earth will intervene, but You are King of kings and you sit on the Throne of the Highest Court and what you say overcomes all other authorities.
I know you stand for Justice and with what has happened with President Trump’s votes were stolen, that you will make Your Justice prevail over this Election fraud.
I pray that you will give President Trump and all who stand with him new wind in our sails, that You will lift him up and encourage him, and refresh his faith and the vision you have given him for America.
I cover his mind, body, soul and spirit with the power of the blood of Jesus. Yes, LORD God, give him new wind in his sails and don’t allow him to give up along with others.
We must stand together and stand strong for Your Will, Your Holiness, Justice and Righteousness to prevail in America.
You are a miracle working God and I pray that You will be our King over this nation. I lift You up, King Jesus, and pray for Your mighty intervention, great grace and divine favor to prevail over all evil in Jesus name I pray.
November 21, 2020
“Be silent upon your own bed and listen intently to what I have to say.
This is the end of what I would call for you to be the time of peace and comfort upon the earth. Taste and see that I am good if you remain close to Me at all times.
The Kingdom suffers violence and the violent take it by force. Remain faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life. The pearl of great price does not come easy. It will cost you your whole life and everything in it.
My faithful ones will know My Voice and will follow Me throughout all the turmoil and chaos. I will keep on pouring out My perfect peace and My wisdom upon you that you will know what to do and to be able to avoid the snares of the evil one.
Keep hidden in My secret place by consistently communing with me covered with My Armor of Light to blind the enemy. Stay behind your shield and don’t take in what is happening all around you.
Do not listen to the threats of the enemy to undo what President Trump has put in action. I have given him the momentum. It was My Plans and Purposes and not his.
If I AM for you, do not fear what man can do to you. Keep pressing in and believing without doubting and watch and see what I will do in your midst. I split the Red Sea and I can do it again and even greater than that.
Do not let go of this window of opportunity that I have given you. Yes, Satan will have his time and soon. Much needs to take place before you will rule and reign with Me.
My Revelation prophecy will unfold. It has to happen that way.
Many are filled with false hopes of another story that is not of Me. History must repeat itself in the natural before My supernatural reign will take place.
Taste and see that I AM good. Blessed is the man that trusts in Me and makes his abode in Me.”
November 8, 2020
“I AM your LORD and I say to you this day, ‘Why do you doubt My faithfulness in bringing in President Trump to fulfill two terms?’
I have called him before the foundation of the earth that all this would take place in the last days. Hearts of men would grow cold against Me.
Evil would take over because the evil one would bring in his ‘big guns’ out of panic of losing his stronghold over the hearts of men.
Multitudes will draw into My kingdom out of desperation for My intimate Presence and Love. My Remnant Bride would grow stronger as I, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, would rise up in fury against what is taking place against President Trump.
I have called before the foundation of the earth that there would be a window of time where I would rise up as a mighty man of war and tear down strongholds over the land.
All would see the transformation I would do in America. Multitudes would see that I AM God and they would not deny My works in the heart of the people.
They will come to know Me as their LORD and Savior. Yes, this will draw in the end-time Harvest.
This is only a window of opportunity to draw close, be still, and know that I AM your God. What will take place in the land will confound the wise.
Then I will allow the retaliation of the enemy to take place, and all that is written in Revelations.
Beware of those that will try to discourage My People. Guard your heart with all diligence. Press in to know Me and My Will,” says your God.
“For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire,” Isaiah 66:15.
October 31, 2020
“Taste and see that The LORD is good. Blessed is the man that trusts in Him and makes his abode in Him,” Psalm 34:8.
“The one and only thing that can make a man truly alive is to have Me live My life through him.
My Will being done through a life brings the greatest fulfillment and satisfaction.
Once a person comes to that place of total dependence upon The LORD, they come to the place of total protection and power over their life.
I give them the Power and Authority to bind the enemy’s plans from happening and to loose the plan of The LORD.
The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy but I have come to bring an abundance of life, health and happiness. You are to prosper and have success and fulfillment in every area of your life.
Yes, taste and see that I AM good. You can only do this if you spend time with Me. The more time you spend the more of My Presence you shall have.
It will come to the place where you will walk and talk with Me in the cool of the day. Those who dwell in The Secret Place of The Most High, shall abide under My shadow. That shows how close you can be.
You are hidden in Me from the enemy if you draw close to Me as a way of life, not only when there are hardships, but to where it is a delight to you to dwell and worship Me in My Holy Presence.
See you need to delight in who I AM. I AM a Holy God and those who draw near to My Holy Presence will die out to that which is not of Me.
You will lose interest to those things of the world. Your fulfillment will be in putting My Plans and Purposes first to promote My Kingdom on earth, as it is in Heaven.
So if you want the greatest fulfillment in your life, draw close and taste of Me, for I AM good and I have the greatest of blessings to pour out upon you over every area of your life.”
October 15, 2020
This is the day of the great falling away from the faith that God gave us to be able to believe and receive His good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Many have compromised and covered over their faith and went their own way rather than the way God called them to walk which is repentance, having a change of heart and life.
Jesus said to pick up your cross and follow Him wherever He may lead even through paths of destruction and danger. He said He would never leave us or forsake us.
Many do not even know how to live the crucified life because the message of the Kingdom has been so watered down. It has been hard to even discern who is of Him from the world.
We have a choice every day to do what Jesus says or to do what the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, or the pride of life dictates.
Every man was born with a conscience that tells you not to sin. It seems that the first thing a small child learns is to disobey and to lie. The responsibility of a parent is to nurture and admonish a child to follow the ways of the Lord.
Many have not had parents that raised them in the way of the Lord and when tempted, they continue to harden their heart, which seared their conscience. The more one sins without repentance the further away they become from following after God.
That is when the Holy Spirit comes in with holy conviction upon our hearts and gives us the gift of repentance. Yes, repentance to follow God is a gift. Man would never choose to follow God because man’s heart is at enmity with Him. We are born in sin because of the sin of Adam being passed down.
Yes, Adam! God told him not to partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Eve was tempted to eat from the tree. Adam never spoke up warning her to not do it. He just gave in and ate with her!
Many say that Eve tempted Adam and that it was all her fault sin came into the world. Adam never took his place of authority over her to guide her to obey God. This is the same sin of Ahab. When a man is weak, then the sin of Jezebel, the manipulator (witchcraft) comes in. Men of God need to rise up and take their rightful place of authority in the home!
Let us get back to the thrust of this message. Back before we were even born Jesus saw us in His father’s eyes and He received the desire to go after us in intercession and prayer. The Holy Spirit wooed us until we were safely in His kingdom. Jesus forever intercedes for us at His father’s right hand to keep us from falling away.
We have a choice every day whether to follow after God or to do our own thing. Jesus says that death and life are in the power of your tongue. He says to choose life by following Him in repentance.
Many think they have to give up everything in the world immediately. No man can ever become perfect no matter how hard they try. Religion makes you think that you can. To become born again you receive a new life. It is a walk conforming to the image of the Lord by His grace and truth alone and not by our own works.
If you do not know Jesus in a personal relationship, today is the day for your salvation. If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, then tell Him you believe in Him.
Tell Him that you believe that He died in your place at the Cross of Calvary.
Ask Him to cleanse you with the Blood that He shed so that all your sins can be washed away.
Ask Him to come into your heart to be the Lord of your life.
If you do this, you will become a new creation, a brand new person, and you will need to learn how to live this brand new life. In His Word, the Bible, He will guide you. Ask Him to lead you to new friends He has for you to share this new life following after Him.
There is eternal life in His word. Faith in His word is your greatest commodity. Invest in your heavenly bank account with your finances by giving to His ministry, feeding the poor, the widow, and the orphan as He leads you. Be wise with your finances by obeying the law paying taxes, being honest, etc.
Yes, for all of us today is a new day. We are to choose each day that we will serve either Jesus or the enemy of our soul. We are to pursue peace with all men. We are to forgive those who have done us wrong. Love covers a multitude of sins and keeps us in a safe place.
Draw close to Jesus in His secret place by communing with Him. He will lead you and guide you into all truth. It is not by might nor by power but by His spirit. Jesus is the fullness of grace and truth and He wants to live His life through you. Salvation is a walk of grace and truth with the Lord.
September 15, 2020
Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. Ask of God and He will give you what you desire to have.
One of my favorite passages in God’s holy Word is Psalm 91. I like meditating upon the first verse. He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
This is the door or the key to receiving the abundance of promises concerning His protection over us. He will reward those who diligently seek after Him. Even though many times it may feel like you are receiving no revelation at all we are not to give up but to keep knocking, and seeking after, and asking Him for more.
The terms “secret place” and “shadow” give you the feeling of something deep and it could be interpreted in many different levels of revelation. No matter what I would receive through revelation I knew that there was to be more I was looking for.
The secret place is the place of rest trusting in God’s faithfulness to protect, to provide for, and to make secure in Him. It is a place of perfect peace and tranquility. It is the place where you always have enough of His intimate presence and love.
It is being in the manifested presence of Almighty God. It is the place where you long to run into and hide. It is your hiding place, your place of security and surety, your confidence, conviction, certainty, and sureness.
Father, I escape by faith and hide deep within Your secret place and rest from the turmoil that I can face in life. I rest in Your faithfulness to provide, to make secure and safe.
As I seek to go deeper into this secret place, I see that this place is not a realm, but a person! It is being in Jesus! He is your secret place
The LORD says, “Yes, if you seek Me with all of your heart, you will find Me and abide in Me for I AM your all in all.
If you dig deep, you will find Me for I AM more precious than gold and more brilliant and more pure than the light of a diamond.
If you seek Me, you will find the treasures, the gifts, I have for you for I AM the gifts of the Spirit.
I AM the triune God, three in one, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I AM the fullness of the godhead. If you seek Me, you will find abundance of life and your prosperity in all things.
I AM your wisdom, your breath, your life source, and the one who holds everything together for without Me there is nothing.
I AM the air that you breathe, your life’s sustenance, your protector, healer and guide
Dwell in Me and with Me. Take Me with you and commune with Me. I AM closer than a brother and better than a life long friend.
Let us run together and be free to enjoy the life that I created. Dance with Me, sing with Me, and let Me live My life through you and in you.
Taste Me and see that I AM good.”
September 7, 2020
“Even though at this time everything seems to be disrupted by the plans and purposes of the enemy, you must remember and know that I AM involved in everything you go through and I AM working together all things for your good.
Rest in the working process that I use to conform you into My image. How do you know that your faith is genuine, unless I take you through The Fire to purge out all the dross?
Rest in the way I do things for My Ways are so much higher than man’s. Rest in everything that I allow you to experience for through the trials you see Me work Miracles, Signs, and Wonders.
In the valley, you experience the deepest of My intimate Presence not on the mountaintop that you desire to go.
Use the Fire of My Love to take you to places that you would normally dare to go. Allow it to work to the fullest measure.
Allow My Plans and Purposes for your life to take place. Never run from the purging Fire of My Love.
I AM doing a quick work in My finishing process in your life. There is not much time left for Me to bring you to the place you need to be in Me.
Yield to Me wholeheartedly every area of your life that I will bring Change, Repentance, and Willingness into your heart.
Yes, this is the time and the hour I AM pouring out My Power and through My willing vessels. You must be willing to stand strong with head set like flint and run towards the promised land I have for you.
Do not give it up to the enemy, for he comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
Stay with Me for I bring the abundance and the fullness of My spirit in your and through you,” says your God, Yah.
For thus says the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” Isa 30:15
Behold, I have made your face strong against their faces, and your forehead strong against their foreheads. Like adamant stone, harder than flint, I have made your forehead; do not be afraid of them, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they are a rebellious house. Ezek 3:8-9
August 23, 2020
“Trust in The LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths,” Proverbs 3:5-6 emphasis added.
“Whatever you are going through, whether it may be great or small, I want you to trust Me in it.
I AM the author and the finisher of your faith. I AM the one who has called you before the foundation of the earth to follow after Me.
Wherever I may lead you, or whatever I may allow you to go through, I AM there with you strengthening you, encouraging you, and being everything that you will ever need through it.
All that I allow is working together for your good in conforming you into My image. I would never allow you to through anything that you cannot bear and even allowing you to have a door of escape if there needs to be one.
Today is the day of the great falling away, because many try to escape all that I have called them to go through.
All that gives them is a time of comfort, but it doesn’t give them the opportunity for their faith to be strengthened as they see Me work in their present situation.
I want to stretch your faith so you are able to see My faithfulness work in your behalf.
I AM calling you to just trust Me. Rest in Me and know that I have ordained all that I allow in your life and I AM using it all for your good in preparing you for what is ahead.
If you weren’t able to experience all the difficulties that I’ve allowed, you would be weak and not ready to stand strong and to be bold against the evil one.
You are My bold and victorious ones, which I love so deeply. I forever intercede that you would overcome all and recover all,” says your LORD and King.
August 17, 2020
Jesus and His Word may be misunderstood in many ways, but those who are called by His name will humble themselves and cry out to Him for their lack of understanding and discernment.
They know that without His intervention, they cannot do anything that is worthwhile for His Kingdom.
They are but a vessel that His Power flows through. His Words flow through them and even bypass their brain because those Words are not theirs. They are just a vessel of His Power and Glory.
Humble yourself before the mighty Hand of God and He will lift you up and create in you a ministry, that will turn the tides of the evil one and cause multitudes to come into The Kingdom.
“Fast those things that are a distraction to you, and pray, seeking My face desperately for these are the end of all times and you must be prepared to stand strong before the evil one.
You are the ones who need to rise up and be the light in a dark place, those who bring hope to the hopeless, peace to those who are in turmoil.
You need to overcome the onslaughts of the enemy to silence you and to hold you captive. Cast off any chains that bind you and run freely with the word of My Grace to reach those who are dying.
Seek My Face and I will be found. Draw near and I will be your strength and live My Plans and Purposes through you. Yes, rise up; be strong, for indeed you have the victory this day.
Continue to stand strong behind your Shield of Faith and wave your Sword against the evil one and decree you will not be silenced. Be covered with My Armor of Truth and Light and bring honor to My Name.”
July 25, 2020
My peace I give to you, not the peace that the world gives but perfect peace that lasts and endures through all the hard times; yes, the tribulation, the turmoil, and chaos, through the desperation of the soul. My peace is like a river that soothes and refreshes and gives an abundance of life-giving grace and restfulness in My spirit.
Be still and know that I will be with you through the hardest of times, through the threats of the evil one to dismantle you, to try to throw you off course using fear and manipulation. Cast off the cares that bind you and allow My joy to be your strength. Dance and sing for you are free in Me.
Your spirit soars like an eagle high above all the powers of darkness for you dwell with Me seated at the right hand of the Father, the place of all power and authority over the evil one. And because you are seated in Me through you flows My power to bind and to loose, to tear down and to build up, to cast off. Through Me flows the power to blind the enemy and to confuse his plans to steal, kill, and destroy.
Listen up now, My children; the heavenly hosts of heaven are on your side to fight off every weapon of darkness formed against you. You shall not be alone as you stand up against the hordes of hell using your sword and shield. Yes, march in and take the land by faith because it is a heavenly kingdom that rules over all the powers of darkness.
Worship Me wholeheartedly. Rejoice unceasingly because I have given you all that you need to live victoriously. Draw near in My secret place and rest upon My breast. Yes, draw near and I will share the rest says your God.
You will not be tested beyond what you are able to bear. With every test, I will give you the rest that you need for I am faithful to be there and supply all that is needed to endure.
Trust, remain faithful, hold on and I will guide you with the Light that will pierce the darkness. Because I am with you and you are hidden in Me you can conquer anything.
July 12, 2020
After asking the Lord about what is our destiny as a nation, about the condition we are in and whether our next president will make a difference for the better, what we are to do and how to pray and to prepare, I wrote the following.
My child, there is chaos all around you. In the city streets, many have turned to worship the false gods of rampage (violent, riotous, or reckless action or behavior) and lust. They have loosed themselves to be taken over by those that practice witchcraft curses. They are tools in the enemy’s hand to steal, kill, and destroy freely.
All you can do is pray and hide in My secret place. Flee persecution by obeying the laws of the land. If you obey the king, there will be peace for you. Do not allow rebellion to guide you to defend your rights. That is not the kind of fruit My people are to portray. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
These last days are days of much terror all around you but you must remain at peace if you dwell close to me hidden in the secret place. Yes, this is a time of much turmoil and confusion but you will have perfect peace hidden in My secret dwelling place.
Draw close to me; be still to hear My voice. Spend time with Me. Hide My word in your heart and obey Me when I say to fear not. Do not worry about what you are to eat. I will lead you and guide you through the wilderness and provide for you. Leave the affections for all things and grasp on to Me for I am everything that you need. Lean on Me, trust Me, and be faithful by keeping My word.
These are the last days. All things are passing away and I make all things new. Do not hold on to that of this kingdom, which is passing away. Look to My kingdom of peace, joy, and righteousness, which is being established in the hearts of those who are Mine. It is a heavenly kingdom, which is at hand.
My power and My glory will be demonstrated through My remnant bride. They have given up all to serve Me. They have risked their lives to lift Me up and I will come to fight for them for yea, I am the Captain of the host of heaven. I will come the way I said I would upon a great white horse. Read about My coming in Revelations and know that My word is true says your God.
July 11, 2020
“What I have called you to do is not of your self but by My spirit to root out, to pull down, and to destroy, to throw down, to build and to plant,” Jeremiah 1:10.
When I call you to speak, do not be afraid of their faces for I will give you the words to say.
I will be with you to deliver you and to give you the strength to stand bold as a lion and fearless.
There are giants in the land and in the natural are taking over, but what are you to do but to rise up and to be strong. Seek My face and My strategy against the evil one, for I AM greater in you than he who is in the world.
The Kingdom suffers violence — but the violent Kingdom dwellers take it by force. Yes, My people, rise up and be strong.
Do not look to the natural realm at the works of darkness, but look to Me, the author, and the finisher of our faith. I have called you to take the land, to promote My Kingdom to come, and My Will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Lean not upon your understanding but lean upon me as to what you are to do. I know the way in the wilderness and the way you are to go. My Kingdom Business will be done strategically and not in the way a man would do it for My ways are so much higher.
Be still and know that I AM your God. Be still and come together to seek My face. Yield to Me all that you have and I will use you in ways that you could never imagine. Do not look at the darkness all around and how you possibly can make a difference.
Be the light and the love in a world that has been held captive. Be those that portray My fruit. This is the day to shine brightly and to allow My Spirit to flow. And as you do, you will tear down the enemy’s plan.
You shall overcome by The Blood of the Lamb, the words of your testimony, as you love not your life unto death.
Trust Me, wait upon Me, and expect Me to move. Be a people that are spontaneous and are anticipating Me to move in greater works with signs and wonders that man cannot deny or to compete against the works of darkness.
You have dynamic power within you. Do not allow the enemy to rob you or to quench My Spirit in you. Armor up. Stand on My word behind your shield of faith. Speak My decrees over the land.
Fear not, for I AM with you. Be not dismayed for I AM your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.
Now with all My words in your heart let out a victory cry for we win!
June 22, 2020
“Be still and know that I AM God.
I AM the One who controls the evil one. He cannot do anything without My allowing it.
Know that what he means for harm has always worked together for the good of My Kingdom reign upon the earth.
Trust Me and do not pay attention to the evil that is all around you. Know that it is the beginning of woes and I AM using it to draw in the lost. I preserve My People through every calamity.
Let go of the way things used to be in America. Let them go and welcome the new for I AM doing a new thing. Old things have passed away and all things have become new.
Do not worry about having the strength to endure all that is coming. Lean upon Me for I AM your strength. When you are weak, you are strong. Let go and allow Me to be your strength and your courage.
These are the final hours before I will come in like a mighty man of war to put the enemy in a chokehold.
No more will he be allowed to torment My People for I made them to be a light in a dark place and My glory will radiate through them and blind the enemy.
I will bring confusion to the enemy’s camp and everyone that refuses to follow Me I will wipe away as in the flood.
Be wise as serpents, gentle as doves, and bold as the Lion who is in you. Yes, allow Me to roar through you pulling down the strongholds that keep My people bound.
Allow Me to roar through you to usher in the end time Harvest.
Be at peace for I AM your God and I got this. Just trust Me.”
May 19, 2020
“Sons of God, arise from your place of slumber and your apathy.
Arise with healing in your wings. Soar high above all power and principality for you are seated with Me and in Me in the place of all power and authority.
Quit scratching in the sand dealing with temporal circumstances like a chicken and soar high as the eagle that allows the currents of the storm to take it to the place above the storm.
Circle around in My Spirit realm and allow Me to show you where you are to focus your concentration.
Don’t focus on the results of the turmoil but on the root cause of it. Don’t just chop off the branches but get to the root so that it can’t come back.
Yes, My children look to Me, the author and the finisher of your faith. Grab hold of My hand and I will lead you in the path you are to go.
Many who call themselves fathers will not lead you on the right path. There is a mixture you need to avoid. Darkness and Light can never mix together. What I hate you must hate.
Avoid that which has the appearance of evil. If it smells like a skunk, it is a skunk . If something looks evil take it that it is evil.
Don’t trust in something that has the appearance of darkness. You don’t need that to reach the world. They have enough of that. They need the Light to set them apart.
They need My grace and truth to touch their heart so they can tremble under My anointing. Yes, deep in their heart they long for holiness, truth and that which is real.
They don’t need to be baited with something they are familiar with.
These are the last days and you need to live the sanctified, set apart life for you are vessels of glory and honor that I AM going to use in a way I’ve never done before.
I’ve done extreme and mighty miracles as splitting the Red Sea but what I will do in these last days will make such an impact upon the hearts of the lost that I’ve died for that they will not help themselves but to just come into My fold.
Yes, I will touch their heart with love, glory, and righteousness.
Yes, soar high above the many distractions of the enemy. Lose yourself in My Warm Embrace.
Be still and know Me. Listen closely for I have directions you need to follow. Yes, listen up!” says your God.
May 13, 2020
I feel a stirring in my spirit, the beginning of a birthing that has been delayed by distraction. I pray in Jesus name that the body of Christ, the remnant army of God, rise up to the place of intercession where they begin to birth forth the will of God over this nation and in Jesus name this birthing will not be stopped up but will go full course and release a mighty travail as it takes place!!! Let it be Lord God! The Lord is with us through transition leading the way when we feel we have lost the way. Hold on tight to His hand in the place of intimacy feeling His heartbeat knowing His heart cry listening closely to His command. Bear down for the Lion of Judah is beginning to roar that will escalate across the nation and across the whole world. He is building His kingdom and ushering in a mighty revival where multitudes are coming into His kingdom. Yes, this is hour of His mighty power being released over us and through us. In Jesus name!
April 30, 2020
“In the midst of all the turmoil and chaos, I AM there with you, wooing you, that you would come and be with Me.
Lay your head upon My Breast that I may bring comfort to you and strengthen you with My life-giving Spirit.
I want to quicken you with My life and fill you to overflowing with My Love. My Word is your bread and I want you to feast upon it.
Drink of Me for I want to refresh you. No one can ever separate you from My Love, which flows in you.
Open wide your mouth that I may fill it with all that I have to set others free. I want to give you more than you can contain of who I AM.
I AM power. I AM love. I AM the fire to burn up the dross.
Listen closely. Be still and know I AM your only God. I will fight for you for your freedom from the evil one. Trust Me to set you free to be the people I called you to be.
This is the hour I will pour out My power against the evil one. Through you, I will do great works that will confound the wise.
Signs, wonders, and miracles I will do in these latter days that no one can deny that it is I who is moving in your midst.
I will destroy the works of the evil one. What he does will be in no comparison to the power I will pour out through those who love Me.
So rest in Me. I have you in the palm of My hand. In My secret place, you are being built up. Do not let anything deter you from My intimate presence and love.
Yes, this is the hour I will pour out My power. I AM making you ready. Use your time wisely,” says your God.
April 27, 2020
Cleanse your hearts those who are double-minded. Do not be like the Nicolaitans who clean the outside of the cup but inside are like ravenous wolves. This is the day of the great falling away and at the same time, many are drawing closer to God than ever before. Judge not lest ye be judged for with the same measure that ye judge you will be judged.
Beloved let us love one another for love is the greatest weapon that we have against the evil one. Curse not or you will be cursed for what you speak out will come back upon you whether it be curses or blessings. Watch what you say for there is a great power that lies within your spoken words.
Yes, examine your heart to make sure there is no legal right given to your enemy. Obey the laws of the land unless they cause you to come against your Lord and Savior. Teach your children to walk in the ways of the Lord for when they get older they will have them to fall back on. Read Proverbs and pray for the wisdom and grace to walk in His ways.
Love one another for there is a great power that lies within the one you love. Your love will cause them to stand firm in the day of testing. All will be tested to see what they have is real. There are many wolves in sheep’s clothing leading many astray. Pure love will bring to the surface what is there. God’s ways are so much higher than our own.
Seek ye first His kingdom and righteousness and all things you need and desire will be yours. Open wide your heart so that it will be filled with all God has in your favor.
April 20, 2020
The enemy wants to parade around wearing a crown like a king and to have the radiance like a corona but all he has is a counterfeit of the radiance of God’s glory. Those who truly know the Lord know that nothing can counterfeit God’s true glory, which is His Son. Anyone who tries to counterfeit the true glory of God is nothing more than a MORON. Just switch the letters and see who the enemy truly is.
He is truly dense to think he can con God’s remnant bride. Jesus comes to give abundant life and the false one comes only to steal, kill and destroy! The only way the enemy can get any glory or honor is by terrorizing God’s people.
In the beginning, satan was called Lucifer the covering cherub, which was a worship leader, made up of musical instruments. He had a radiance upon him of beauty and light. He wasn’t satisfied with His position from God and got jealous of the One who has the true radiance and glory of the Father that he could never have. He is still trying to counterfeit God’s glory to con and lead multitudes astray.
He comes with fury against those who love the Son and this virus is only the beginning of the manifestations of his fury against us, but we overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, as we love not our lives unto the death. We have the choice to stand on God’s word and use our Sword against the fear and confusion and chaos or give in to him and allow him to take us over. It is too close to the end to do that.
We must stand up and take charge over him and say “no more” will he try to rule and control us. God has given us the freedom to choose life and life abundantly!!! Many will rise up and use their authority and run toward the enemy. They will not retreat. They will follow the leading of the Lord as He leads us in this battle against the enemy of our soul.
The enemy is such a con artist that he has conned himself to think he has the upper hand. The Lord will allow him to go so far before He finishes him off where he will fall into his own snare. He will surely reveal his identity that he is trying to obscure because when he is revealed he has lost his power.
Father, bring to light what we need to see so we can throw the stone just like King David did right between the eyes. This giant surely will fall in Jesus’ name.
April 17, 2020
Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusts in Him.
Teach us your ways, O Lord.
Even in the midst of all the chaos the Lord is upon His throne working together all things to promote His kingdom promises upon the earth. His people will always have an ample supply of all that they need.
Even if you do not understand what the Lord may be allowing in your life, know that you can always trust His heart and that his motives are always for your good, and in that alone, it affects the good of His kingdom purposes and plans that you are to be involved in.
You are to prosper and to be in health as your soul prospers. The condition to receive His promises is that your soul prospers only in Him.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things the world seeks after will be yours.
Prosper in having pure motives in all that you do. What you sow into the Kingdom you will reap only if what you plant is given to bless others, to bless Him and His kingdom. If you bless, surely you shall reap blessings upon your own life.
You are lifted up as you lift others up. You are edified if you edify others. What you do unto others will be done unto you.
Bless those who persecute you that fiery coals of conviction will be poured out upon their head. Bless and not curse. Do not take vengeance. If you bless and forgive, God will take care of your enemies.
Give and you shall receive in that measure that you give. God’s principles work against the grain of the soul realm. That is why walking in the Spirit is also called walking the crucified life.
When you ask God to teach you His ways, be ready to receive an ample supply of His grace to be able to yield to His ways, which are so much higher than ours.
In order to conform into His image, you must die out to who you are and welcome the new creation to manifest. Step by step your old ways are dying out as you walk into the new.
To have the resurrection power of God you must let go and allow God to have full control of your life and to trust Him in it. Then surely you will be able to say to others, “taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusts in Him, and walks in His ways”.
March 30, 2020
God says to go lay hands on the sick and watch them recover. He said to heal the leper, those who are contagious. What does man say besides to not go, lock your self in and don’t touch or be around anyone who might be contagious?
God says that nothing by any means can harm us and that no plague will come near our dwelling. What does man say besides everything sent from the enemy can and will harm us and will come near our dwelling.
God said though 1,000 will die at your side and 10,000 at your right hand will die but we will just watch and see the reward of the wicked. What does man say besides the plagues will touch millions and multitudes will die including Christians.
We have a choice to walk in fear or faith to trust in the wisdom of man, which is based upon fear, or to trust in the wisdom of God based on faith.
Yes, we are at the crossroads. Who will we trust and what will we do about our future. The choices that we make this day will determine where we will end up. This is such an important time. You could say this is being in the valley of decision. Many are seeing for the first time what is truly in their heart. Some may choose to justify it and just say they are walking in wisdom and that they are just obeying the laws of the land. But it is much more than that. Don’t allow yourself to be fooled. If you truly ask yourself what is behind the decisions you have been making, most will say it is fear.
Those who truly believe know without any doubt that nothing by any means can harm them and that no plague will come near their dwelling. If you truly believe, then your first priority would not be to separate yourself from everyone and isolate yourself in your own home. You would be seeking God as to how you can help others. How can you help others if you do not call them and then go to them to bring them what they might need? You would be seeking God as to how to use this opportunity today to promote His kingdom to reach the lost.
If you put His kingdom first and His righteousness, all these things will be added unto you and that is healing, health, protection, prosperity, and all your needs being met.
Father, I pray that we will all search our hearts to see what is really there whether we are walking in faith or are we going to continue fooling ourselves. God’s people do not walk by sight, what they feel or see, and what man and the enemy says, but they walk in faith based upon the truth of Your word.
March 26, 2020
We have all been given the measure of faith that we need to accomplish the goals that God has given us to do. Some have the faith to run towards the giants like King David. Some have the faith to go out and reap the harvest of souls. Some have the faith to be the troops that have the gifts of helps, mercy and grace to lift the spirits of those being wounded.
Some feel they should stay in their caves and pray and cover those who are out in the war zone. Whatever we are called to do we must stay united and back each other up and not hinder their mission because you might not understand how they can have the courage to go out and do what they do.
Then you have those who are willing to risk their lives to save others like those in the medical profession, the firemen and police, etc. Each person has enough to do if we just cover each other in prayer and make sure to encourage one another. We are His body and we need to allow Him to move freely through us all.
We must remember that God would never allow us to be tested beyond what we are able to bear. We all have a mission, a calling and a purpose, and we must trust Him to accomplish it through us. Most of all we need to bind the spirit of fear from hindering God’s plans and purposes through us.
We must cover the government officials that they make the right decisions and bind them from being used by the enemy to accomplish his plans and purposes.
Intercession is the key being led by Jesus who forever lives to give intercession for us. Allow His spirit to flow with the gifts of knowledge, wisdom and great grace. This is truly the hour God is pouring out His power. We must have great expectancy to see Him move this very hour.
Yes, this is the hour for great signs, wonders and miracles to see Him be glorified. Allow your faith and gifts to soar and watch God move! What the enemy has meant for harm God is turning for great good in bringing forth His kingdom.
March 24, 2020
To be honest I battle a lot of fear. Then I thought God uses trials to separate those who know of His love from those who are just religious. Wow! The fearful, the abominable, the liars, perverse, etc., are all in the same category! Lord, pour out Your great grace upon your people and those who think they know you make yourself real to them so they will make sure they have the genuine article.
Now is the time to know for sure who you serve. You see those who seem to not live right know more of His love and are resting than those who seem to have it all together and are full of fear. Religious spirits can really con people to think they are right when they are not, and that is very dangerous!!!
Father, set the captives free this very hour to be able to know Your love in a deep and profound way. I pray for encounters with you that will change us from deep within. We need you to pour out Your great grace and deliver us from every idol, every distraction, and everything that separates us from loving You with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength and that keeps us from loving our neighbor as ourselves.
Father, deliver us from everything that keeps us from interceding like we should, standing in the gap for the lost, coming against the works of darkness, and from allowing You to live Your life through us. Holy Spirit, pour out Your fire and rain and purge out all the dross, reveal the truth that is hidden deep within, and revive us with Your holy rain, grace, and glory.
We need you for this is the final hour. Too long the enemy has had the church bound and allowing him to take over. We have given him much ground because we had been lulled to sleep by counterfeit spirits that we thought was Your spirit. Wake us up. Give us the discernment that we need. Let us be so sensitive to Your spirit guiding us. Let us turn off all the noise and listen to Your still small voice.
Forgive us for the idolatry, for the hate, for the division! We want to be in agreement with You, Lord, that we would be one as You and the Father are one. In Jesus’ name, I pray!!!!
How well do we know Jesus? The only way to tell is when He takes us through the fire. Then He separates the dross from that which is pure and shows us whether what we have is the genuine article or not. Now is the hour to truly tell!!!
March 23, 2020
Yes, these are the last days and I am doing a mighty work within My church. I am pouring out My abundance of grace this very hour but you must humble yourself and cry out to Me to move in your midst. You must lay hold of the horns of My altar and pray for mercy to be poured out upon those who do not yet know Me.
You are My people and I am willing to do a mighty work through you but you must be willing and yielded for Me to do so. Cry out for My abundance of grace to touch your households this hour and stand upon My promise that you and your household shall be saved. Cry out for My abundance of grace to be poured out with the gift of repentance and holy fear upon your nation for if you humble yourself and pray and turn from your wicked ways, I will hear your prayer and heal your land.
I yearn to see My people cry out to Me because they love Me and want to see Me move on their behalf. I long for My people to love on Me to draw Me close to be intimate with Me. This is the time and the hour I will pour out My power with signs, wonders and miracles and through you I will move says your God.
Because God is for us no weapon formed against us shall prosper. As we gather together and be faithful to the King of Kings He will move mightily on our behalf. He will set us free from all the powers of darkness and what the enemy meant for harm will work together for our good. We will come out stronger through this as the King of glory purges us with the fire of His love. Just draw near and worship Him in His secret place. Deep calls unto deep at the sound of His waterspouts.
February 27, 2020
Detest and forsake the ways of the Nicolaitans for they clean the outside of the cup but inwardly they are like ravenous wolves biting and devouring each other.
This is the day of great falling away but at the same time, many are drawing closer than ever before. They are bowing down before their God with hearts of repentance and trust.
Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Those things the world seeks after you will be blessed with as a by-product of just seeking My face and doing My will allowing Me to live My life through you.
Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him. Yes, taste and see the richness of the love and grace I have to pour out upon you as you forsake the ways of the world and follow Me. Do not do those things to be seen by man to be promoted but silently and hidden do those things that please Me alone.
I see your heart as you humble yourself before Me in repentance and I alone will lift you up. I will open those doors no man can shut and close those doors no man can open.
Trust Me unceasingly and I will give you the fruit of the land and the richness thereof. You will prosper and be in health as your soul prospers.
February 23, 2020
Some might call this place the dark night of the soul. Many have come up to a time in their life where they are having a hard time coping with what they are facing. All along up to this point they have been walking fine trusting in their salvation having the faith to face their everyday situations but this is something new and they feel that they are out of control not able to cope or even to stand in faith.
What does this sound like but a time of great transition? What the Lord is using to promote many the enemy is making it to appear to be a time of great defeat and loss.
Cast down the vain imaginations that fear brings and hold on to the Father’s hand and He will lead you through this great valley of depression and He will show you that you have a great horizon up ahead.
There is the promise land waiting for you as you continue to press in with all your mind, soul and spirit. You have great grace and divine favor to lead you to victory where you will reap what you have sown.
You have planted much as you walked in obedience and I have promised you that I would prosper you and give you health as your soul prospers in Me.
So just tell the enemy that you aren’t receiving what he is offering. Cast down those vain images for they are all lies. What the enemy has tried to bring forth in your life I will bring good out of it.
You will have a great breakthrough where you will stomp out all defeat, depression and despair and you will run with a great testimony of My faithfulness says your God.
Where there has been depression I will bring joy. Where there has been defeat I bring victory. This is the day that I have made. Now rejoice in it. If I am for you who can come against you?
February 13, 2020
In the deep recesses of your heart, there is a place, a secret place, that no one knows about except Me. In that place I want you to dwell, to meet with Me. Be still and know Me and love Me, depend on Me, and trust Me for I know what it will take for you to become who I called you to be, to be Me in the flesh where I am able to live My life through you.
You are to be My yielded vessel of peace, joy, and righteousness. No more are you to serve vainglory as your taskmaster to earn My love and acceptance but to just accept that truly you are My son. You have been trying to earn My love when all you needed to do is to just receive it.
This is beyond the time when I called My people to perform acts of being under the Law. This is the time of My great grace and mercy being poured out upon you. So many are being deceived that all they needed to do is to perform works of righteousness to be right with Me when I gave My blood that you would have right standing with My love. To be right with Me all you need to do is to accept that you are My son and receive My love and all that I’ve done at Calvary. You are a joint heir with Me with the Father.
This is the day I am pouring out My glory upon My true sons, the yielded ones who have given their lives to be one of sacrifice, a living sacrifice that I can live My life through. Yes, be still and know Me and love Me and trust Me. No matter what you experience in the natural know that it will all work for your good in conforming you into My image.
January 27, 2020
Psalm 139:23-24…. Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!
This is the end of the age and all you need to do is to seek My face and place My kingdom first above all else. Examine your own heart as to why you do what you do. Are you doing things to be seen by man having an ulterior motive or is it from having a pure heart to serve My people and Me?
Many go through the motions of having a pure heart but only I can see the heart and those who are discerning can tell by the fruit. Many start out right but if the enemy has an open door through pride then deception comes in and what is meant to build up My kingdom ends up being what many use to build their own.
Many start out lifting up My name but end up lifting up their own name building their own ministry wrapped around their own agenda. And this is where you find many in sheep’s clothing who aren’t sheep at all but are wolves leading multitudes astray. Pride is all it takes to rob Me of My glory and to exalt your own self.
Beware that where pride lurks there will come a fall. Humble your self before My mighty throne of grace and I will lift you up in My glory and My presence will surround you with miracles that are of Me and true signs and wonders.
Put Me first and My kingdom and all these things will be yours. You will prosper and be in health as your soul prospers.
Father, I pray that You would expose anything that is not of You and is of the spirit of pride. Make us a vessel that You can trust to carry Your glory in Jesus name. Make us people that are open and teachable to Your will and Your ways.
December 31, 2019
I am doing a deep work in the heart of My people this coming year. It is a work that you would not expect to happen in your life. It is all about change. Turning from your ways and turning completely around to do My ways.
Repentance is turning away from sin and turning completely to Me in soul, mind, and body. When you completely turn to Me and turn from, you make a commitment to keep going forward no turning back.
So many in the past seasons turned back to what I had delivered them from justifying their actions to say they are of Me when they are not.
I am doing a separating work this year and have been doing it. Many have found that they no longer go to the activities they had done for years. They are simplifying their lifestyle and standing on that which is most important.
Many have searched their hearts and found that much of what they were standing on was not of Me. Through it all they made a commitment to seek My face alone and do what I say and not what the crowd is saying.
Many are shocked to see that those in the church are no different than the world except they call themselves redeemed, sanctified, and set apart, but set apart from what?
Much deception lies in how extreme grace has become. It is no longer sanctifying grace but it has become the license to carry on your own way of living preserving the realm of the soul rather than crucifying it.
Many will find that they no longer have been following after Me but the deceiver, the enemy that comes to steal, kill, and destroy the walk that I had set them on. Many have lost the fear they had in their heart of Me, the reverence for a holy walk.
This New Year many will drift farther away and many will become more sensitive to My truth and separate more from the ways of the world because of their deep hunger for Me. Yes, you will see a big difference this year in the way the church will become and many will not feel comfortable with it.
Don’t allow the enemy to steal from you what I placed in your heart when you first came to know Me. Crucify the flesh. Latch on to Me and I will lead you on My path of holiness. Peace, joy, and righteousness is in My kingdom.
December 10, 2019
As you continue to press in seeking My perfect will for your life you will run into many circumstances sent by the evil one to deter you to get you off track so that you will lose focus on that which is most important in your life and that is to know Me and know Me more intimately, to commune with Me as a way of life and not just when you are in desperate need. You are to have a heart of desperation just to know Me because you love Me and want to seek My face.
As you go forward in pressing into knowing Me I want you to cry out to Me to break off any chains that bind you from worshiping Me. The enemy’s chief focus is to quench the flow of true worship. Even though worship is to be a way of life of serving Me in the spirit of holiness, it is most important to worship Me with the saints freely.
This is the day of the great outpouring of My spirit but you must be ready, prayed up, having spent time diligently seeking My face and basking in My presence just because you love Me. The enemy is at the same time causing many to have a cold heart towards Me and to become complacent and apathetic.
You must stir up the zeal that I once placed in your heart. Cry out that I will break off those chains that bind you for I have come to set the captives free. This is the latter days dispensation of holiness many need to tap into in order to truly seek My face to know My truth and grace and to pursue and carry out My perfect will for the Kingdom not just for your personal life.
If you do not press in now, you never will because there comes the day when the time allotted to truly enter in is over. Times from that point will become more harder to get close to Me if you haven’t already made that place of communion set sure.
The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy and that is your place of honor with Me. When you are with Me experientially, the enemy cannot break in. If you are not set sure with Me, he will take over. Many will enter in as by the skin of their teeth, but I don’t see that for you if you make this day a turning point for your life says the Lord.
Take this day to make the decision to change your ways. If you aren’t seeing the fruit you truly desire, then you need to press in, cry out, and allow Me to show you the way out. Yes, pick up your cross, follow Me, and leave that of the world behind. Many don’t even see they have allowed vanity to take over.
Because I love you I will move on hearts to make them tender again. I will pour out My grace and mercy to enable you to truly enter in. Yes, I come to make you willing to walk with Me. I will open the eyes of those who truly need Me to work in them. I will open ears to be able to hear My voice.
The enemy has come to steal, kill and destroy. I’ve come to give life abundantly, John 10:10. It is your choice to make. I cannot make it for you.
Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 2 Corinthians 10:5
“The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed, Luke 4:18
And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, Joshua 24:15
NOVEMBER 17, 2019
As I sat down to get before the Lord the word inconsistency came to me. As I looked it up I see that it means the act of not being in agreement with something, not compatible with another fact or claim, not always acting or behaving in the same way.
Then the thought that being complacent is being satisfied with the way things are and not willing to change. It is being stagnant and not pressing in for the overflow of the Spirit of God.
Yes, My people are not willing to change their worldly ways. They want to add Me to their agenda and not seek Me for what I am doing.
You cannot mix that which is of light with that which is dark. They will only come up with a mixture that is not of Me. It is a man-made plan to appease the flesh to try to draw in the lost or to be able to live one’s life without having to adapt to a life of My truth and holiness.
When you live a life that is inconsistent with My will and ways, you end up in a backslidden condition thinking that you are following Me. That is the seed of deception and the beginning of falling away from Me. You cannot have both the world and Me together.
To win the lost you must have My true anointing that touches deeply one’s heart. A man of holiness can draw one into My presence just by walking by another. Yes, by one’s own shadow a man can fall under the conviction of My spirit.
This is the day of the great falling away all because people won’t let go and allow Me to flow through them. They put up a dam to protect their heart from My truth. They guard their hearts so they can’t feel and respond to My convicting them of sin.
Women sin by not setting a holy standard that others can follow. Their egotistical vain lifestyle only shows their inconsistency to My truth. Many are wrapped up in themselves and are blind to it believing they are following Me when only they are following after the enemy. They bit the bait of deception that they can have it all, their vain proud life and call it sanctified.
Yes, it is all about being consistent with what you read in My word and casting off the ways of the world and breaking ties with the enemy. This is the day to choose holiness over harlotry, truth over having a mixture, and casting off vanity and putting on My armor. If the enemy has one ounce of inconsistency in your life, he can have your whole life.
OCTOBER 27, 2019
Most of God’s people desire to dwell there, deep in the secret place of the Most High, but they do not understand the concept of what it really means. Is it a state of mind or is it really a place in the spirit that one can enter and dwell?
Once you understand the place of My spirit that I want you to enter you will never want to leave it. It is a place of deep communion with Me, a place where you will remain hidden from any outside threats from the enemy, a place where you continually are being lifted up and strengthened.
Yes, it is a special place within the Father’s heart that is created just for you, a place where you and My son are one with Me for I love you as much as I love My son. I see you and My son as one.
Remain silent and allow Me to draw you deep within My heart and there you will stay and walk continually from that place.
Deep calls unto deep at the sound of My waterspouts. Yes, from that place you will receive breakthroughs within your spirit taking you from glory to glory that will transform your whole life.
You will have streams of Living Water flowing through you and within you. You will begin to receive life that will restore your mind, body, soul, and spirit. Yes, you will be in a place of continual joy and refreshing grace.
Deep within the Father’s heart, you will receive pure wisdom and knowledge and the gifts of My spirit will continually flow. You will have My life-giving spirit flowing continually transforming those who are around you. This is the most dynamic place that you can be.
I cannot stress the importance of having a close intimate walk with Me. It is the secret to being able to walk in constant victory overcoming the threats and attacks of the enemy.
Come bask in My presence. Delight yourself in My secret place, your place of safety, your refuge and strong fortress. It is the place that I created for you alone to dwell, says your God.
OCTOBER 22, 2019
Praise the Lord! The name of my message is Plant A Seed By Faith.
When I was asked to bring forth a word for the offering, immediately the Lord started downloading what I should say. Without even praying whether this was His will, I knew right then. So, this is why I am up here knowing that the grace of God will meet me here.
It might not be the traditional message one would hear at this time but it is what He gave me.
He gave me several thoughts and each thought you could take and pray over and be able to receive so much from them that they could transform your life in the area of giving.
1. The first thought He gave me was whatever you do to the least of these you are doing as unto Him.
This determines if God can trust us with large sums of money to see whether we would allow them to flow like a river for His kingdom or whether we would hold them back and use them for our self.
This also determines whether He can trust us with the gifts of His spirit. Will we flow in them bringing glory to our self, or can He trust us with the great power that brings forth signs, wonders and miracles?
Can He really use us as a vessel that He can trust? Whatever you do to the least of these you are doing as unto Him. It is a good thought to examine our heart with.
2. The second thought was to plant a seed by faith and to expect a bumper crop from it.
It isn’t in the amount of monetary value in that seed but the amount of the faith of God that we attach to it.
Like in the area of helping the homeless. They have such a large need that it is overwhelming to make an attempt to help; even if we gave each of them one hundred dollars, would that change their life? It would last for maybe a night in a motel where they could get a shower, sleep in a bed, and get a hot meal. They might not even have a car or clean clothes to be able to go to work. They have nothing.
So what are you going to do? How can you help? Most people just avoid them, but if you follow the leading of the Lord and plant a seed, it might be only a dollar, but attaching the great faith of God to that dollar could transform one’s life.
For an example when I first met my husband in church, not long before he was homeless. He didn’t have much but he was faithful to go to work. He lived by the principle that one need not beg for bread that God would provide if you are faithful to follow His leading, and he was faithful.
The Lord led me to buy him a very nice gold ring. I barely knew him, and when I handed him this ring, I didn’t have the joy one receives when giving a gift to another. God used me only as a vessel to plant a seed into his life for prosperity not knowing that three months later we would be married and that seed would affect my life as well as Lee’s.
After being married for several years Lee ran into a fiery trial and ended up with a large sum of money that he was able to pay off our house, get completely out of debt, bought himself a brand new Harley Davidson, and he bought me a brand new Cadillac, which he had confessed that one day he would.
So you can see that one seed following the leading of the Lord can transform one’s life.
All God expects is that we be faithful, yielded and obedient to give whatever the Lord places upon your heart.
3. The third thought He gave me was that He doesn’t expect sacrifice but that we would only obey Him.
It is very important to have a close walk with the Lord to be able to discern His voice from that of the enemy.
Many people have sacrificed a lot. They sacrificed much of their time and money and it wasn’t by the leading of the Lord. It was through the pressure of man. They might have planted a seed that was to be their electric bill, or their rent, or they might have given so much time that it affected their marriage.
So you see that if we do not follow the leading of the Lord those seeds that we plant will not bring forth good fruit for yourself or for His kingdom because He is not in them. When we are prompted to do something that God is not leading us to do, it’s not going to benefit His kingdom at all.
We need to examine our heart to see what is the true motivation for what we do. Is it from the pressure that comes from man, or is it to be seen by man, is it from the enemy, or is it from the grace that flows from the Father’s heart?
God does not look upon the outward actions but He looks to the motives of the heart.
We need to separate the true flow of His spirit and obey that.
It is important to cast down all other thoughts that are just vain empty imaginings that will not bring forth good fruit.
If we obey God by placing His kingdom first, then all of our personal needs would be met.
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.
When you see a need, give it to the Lord, and watch Him work out all of the circumstances, and bring it forth in His timing and in His way.
It is all about Him and His kingdom, and He provides for His own plans and purposes. When we get in the way, we just thwart them. I looked up the word, thwart, and it means to oppose successfully, to prevent from accomplishing a purpose, to frustrate or baffle a plan. God’s ways are so much higher than what we can even understand.
So, that is all that I received from the Lord, and I give it back to the Lord, and plant it as a seed, and I add His faith to it, because it is His words and He will bring forth a bumper crop from them. And I pray this in Jesus name.
If we take each of these thoughts and pray over each one allowing the Lord to do a work in our hearts, I am sure that they would transform our own life in the area of giving. When you give with a pure heart, whatever you sow surely you shall reap.
OCTOBER 18, 2019
Taste and see that the LORD is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him and makes His abode in Him.
Rest in the faithfulness of The LORD Jesus Christ. He is always there with you leading you and guiding you into all truth.
He is the fullness of all grace and truth. He enables you to walk in His perfect will as you lean upon Him and depend on Him.
There is never a thing He would ever ask you to do He would not give you the enabling, the grace, to do it.
This is the day of the great falling away mostly because men tend to be independent. They don’t lean upon Him for the strength to do what they are called to do.
Once they become independent, they aren’t leaning upon Him and are trusting in themselves to make it through and that is so wrong. It is the root of pridefulness.
We need to trust in Him and be always dependent upon Him to lead and guide and enable you to do your calling.
Be sure that He would never lead you in a direction that you weren’t able to walk successfully. He would never allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to bear.
In all things, you have the strength in Him. His faithfulness is always with you.
Lean not upon your own understanding or faith. In all things acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
Yes, it is all about Him and how we are all wrapped up in Him. We are one with Him, completely dependent upon Him, and desperately in love with Him. We can never make it on our own.
It is dangerous to even try. It is an open door to the wrong type of independence, which is sensual, prideful, and full of sin, and yes, the root of one who falls away from Him.
September 25, 2019
The calling on my life is worship intercession, but there have been times where I felt to just throw in the towel because the warfare upon worship was so intense.
I remember one time I actually was leaving a conference because I could not break through even to worship.
One man asked me where I was going. I told him what I felt and he said not to look on the warfare, but to look to Jesus who leads us in the battle. He has the breaker anointing and He will make the way.
From that day on I’ve kept my eyes on Jesus and was able to have a breakthrough in worship.
Times have even gotten more intense than before. Many praise teams have been robbed from congregations. People are having a hard time singing out, because of the spirit of intimidation.
There has been much oppression and deadness of spirit during worship that it is disheartening where I just feel like crying out to Jesus to set the captives free.
We can’t work it up in the natural. Only Jesus can set us free!
Recently I was deep in worship and felt led to kneel down. I’ve never had a problem wherever I’ve been to kneel down on hard surfaces — but this was different.
I felt it and really bad upon my knees and legs. I said, “LORD, what do I do? I don’t want to quench Your Spirit when you lead me to bow down, but in the natural, I just can’t take it!”
I had ordered kneepads, but to dance freely in them felt like weights upon my legs! I had been praying, “What do I do, and what is happening?” And the following Word came to me.
God is calling us to release unto Him a level of worship that cannot be accomplished in the natural.
For those who are desperately in love with Him, He will bring a breakthrough that will take us from this realm of glory to the next.
When we realize and admit that we cannot do it, He will take over. We must surrender all and wait upon Him. He sees our heart. He will do His part because we have been faithful.
In the natural, it might look like we have lost it all and have no strength to succeed or have that sacrifice to offer. The enemy has come in like a flood and has robbed all that there is in the natural realm.
To those who have faith and have never lost the vision and have their treasure stored in Him, we will see His Glory.
Our hearts will explode with praise. Our hearts burn for Him for that release of His heart cry as a mighty roar.
Yes, we will see His will accomplished and His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven.
Bear down and cry out for a mighty birthing of His Will to take place and a mighty harvest to come forth.
This is the hour when He will pour out His power!
September 12, 2019
“You might feel like you are surrounded by that of the enemy, but the truth is that you are surrounded by My love, My peace, My understanding, and My great grace.
Ask and you shall receive all that you need to fight off the enemy’s plans against you. Ask for wisdom and knowledge of My perfect will. When you are in My perfect will, you are in a place of peace and safety.
I AM Jehovah Jireh, your provider. I will provide for you all your needs just ask Me and I will give to you your provision and this will bring you peace.
Draw close to Me in the secret place, be still and know that I AM your God. Many do not know Me intimately because they don’t spend time with Me. They know about Me but they don’t know Me as the One who gave His life for them.
Seek My face and you will find Me when you seek Me with all of your heart. Knock and the door will be opened for you. Yes, press in! Ask, seek and knock until you break through.
Don’t give up when you feel that the heavens are like brass. I reward those who diligently seek Me even when they feel they aren’t making progress with entering into My presence.
Run after Me and keep pressing deep. Deep calls after deep at the sound of My waterspouts. I AM waiting for you there as you press in deeply.
Let go and let Me be all that you need. Quit striving and just rest in who I AM for I AM faithful. Let go and just bask in My abundance of grace, love and peace.
Swim in the abundance of My faithfulness. I AM all that you need. Just rest in who I AM. I AM faithful, just trust Me.
Many are striving at this moment because they won’t take the time to be still and really know Me. They are in turmoil because they work and not rest.
They assume they know what they are doing but they don’t. Instead of flowing in My grace, they are circling around in the chaos that is all around them.
The work of the enemy is to keep you busy and distracted from Me and My perfect will to love Me, to know Me, and to rest in Me. All it takes is a moment to set apart to be with Me.
I will give you what you need. All you have to do is ask Me, seek Me, and continue to knock until that door opens up and you receive that breakthrough that you need. I AM that answer. Just be with Me.”
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you,” Matthew 7:7.
September 1, 2019
“Draw close to Me in the secret place of the Most High and I will fill you with the understanding of My perfect will for your life.
When you draw close and be still knowing that I AM with you, you can rest in My faithfulness to accomplish what I have set forth to do in your life.
Many are not sure that they will even stay yielded to My will when things really get rough. I assure you that whatever I have called you to do you will have My grace to do it.
I will not allow you to be tested beyond what you are able to bear. It might feel like it is more than you can bear but that is where you go past the natural into the supernatural by faith.
By yielding wholeheartedly to My will my anointing will take you into realms that you wouldn’t even think possible. I can take you past the realm of pain so your body can bear the unimaginable.
I can take you past the realm of emotion where My perfect peace can take you through the worse of situations that isn’t even possible to endure.
I told you I would give you the words to say if you are being tried in court, words that would confound the wise. And even more, I will give you the strength and the endurance to go long distances even without food if need be.
You can overcome only if you are willing to die for Me. That is what gives you the strength to overcome the fear of man. To be My end-time army you must be determined in your heart to lose all for My Kingdom.
You need to love Me above all else. And you must be willing to deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Me.
I AM calling those who are completely sold out to My agenda and not their own. To count the cost before you start the task gives you the victory at the start.
Those who prosper in all their ways are willing to be sold out in accomplishing it. Many go off unprepared to finish the race.
They look to a prize that isn’t even in the package because they are looking by the flesh and not by the Spirit.
You cannot understand supernatural things with the carnal mind. My ways are far above yours. My thoughts supersede your own thoughts.
To make it to the end you must be willing to give all that you have. You need to be a soldier willing to die for My cause. What is it all about? Do you really know?
Many are wrapped up in false doctrines ready to escape what is ahead rather than preparing their heart.
To get into My Kingdom is through much tribulation where you are willing to die out to all affections.
All ties to the world need to be broken off where all that is left is you and Me where I will take you into the garden like I had to go and struggle to get to that place where it is not your own will but Thine will be done.
If that means my possessions, my family, my comforts, My life, then let it be Your will is what needs to be settled before you can truly go all the way with Me.
If it is your reputation, then you have to let it go. Nothing can stand in your way. That is what My bride needs to be willing to do and be for Me.
Thou you slay me, yet I will trust you needs to be settled in your heart. You need to walk by faith and not by sight or how you feel. This is the end time army I AM raising up.
They overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, as they love not their lives unto death. Many leave the last part off but without that, you truly aren’t an overcomer,” says your LORD and King.
August 2, 2019
Be still and know that I am your God and know that there is no one who can do what I’ve called you to do the way that only you can do it because you are a unique, one of a kind individual that loves, thinks and acts the way that I have ordained for you alone.
There is no clone for you. There is only one of you. There might be others who look like your twin but still they have a complete and separate way of being.
Step up to the plate and be real not the way you think others would have you to be but the way I would have you to be. You are to please Me alone and not man. I will lead you and guide you into all truth that is the way you are to relate to others allowing Me to live through you.
This is the day of the great falling away mainly because many neglect to heed My calling them into My throne room daily. They are to come before Me allowing Me to bless them with My kingly anointing and commission to do My work that day. They have their own agenda and work hard to accomplish it.
If you seek Me first and put My kingdom first, I will supply you with all your needs, wants, and desires. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and My righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.
Seek My face and seek to love Me more deeply. Open your heart wide so I can fill it. Do not withhold any area of your heart from Me. Love Me whole-heartedly and not double minded.
Die out and repent of the world and its allurements to hinder you from knowing Me and loving Me more deeply. Draw close to Me in the secret place and wait, be still, and allow Me to fill you with My love.
JuLY 8, 2019
Open up your eyes so that you can see. Open up your ears so you can hear Me calling your name. Examine your heart for there is a rumbling and a quaking coming over the land. Yes, there is a major shifting taking place and if you are not on the right side, the side that I am on, you will fall off into the sea of forgetfulness. Yes, many will forget that they ever knew Me.
Both in the spirit and in the natural many are falling off into a major falling away. They have chosen to live in the state of complacency rather than to become hot for Me and My ways. They look at it like they have much time to return to Me but I say this very hour that if you do not cry out for mercy and for restoration this hour, you will never be able to return to the place you once had with Me as before when you desired to seek My face and to serve Me and to love My people. You will never be able to experience the delight of My intimate presence and love and the anticipation of seeing Me move with great signs and wonders.
For the enemy is taking over the land with a vengeance to steal, kill and destroy what I have set up. But he cannot do it because I am greater in you than he who is out to destroy the world. If you stay close to My side, we can still accomplish all that I have called you to do, that is to raise both the spiritual and the natural dead, to heal the sick, to save the lost, to open up blind eyes so they can see Me, and to open up deaf ears so they can hear Me calling their name, and most of all to set captives free so they can know Me and love Me and become part of My end time army.
Rise up, My mighty warriors, and let out a victory cry that we win over the lies of the enemy for I am building up My kingdom that lasts throughout eternity and I am king and I reign victorious. So I call you to My side, to the place of safety and victory, says your Lord and King.
You are my hiding place. You will preserve me from trouble. You will surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7
June 30, 2019
Seek and you shall find. Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened to you for if you do not seek, ask, or knock; you will not find that which you are seeking after.
Today is the day that many do not even know what they are seeking after. Many are just going astray blindly going after every whim without even determining what I would even have them to do.
That is where independence without Me can get you, blindly seeking after empty and vain methods of appeasing what the flesh would want or desire to do.
This is the day that if you do not have your goals set upon what I would have you to do, the enemy will surely come in and lead you astray from My perfect will for your life.
You need to have your goals based upon what pleases Me and not what you plan on doing. Many make plans without even asking Me what My plans are.
This should not be. You need to be concerned about doing what I would have you to do. That is what living for Me is all about. It is to be a vessel I can use to live My life through.
Remember that I called you into My kingdom to serve Me alone and to die out to your will and ways.
Consult Me about everything you are to do. That keeps you in a safe place being in the center of My perfect will.
Teach your children to walk with Me at an early age. Set the example for them to follow. Pray with them. Teach them to talk with their Heavenly Father and to expect to hear My voice.
Teach them to walk with Me as a way of life early and when they get older, they will never depart from Me. Even if they fall away for a season, they will return to Me. My life will be in them. They will feel it and be sensitive to it. Their heart will be tender to Me.
This is the day when many are falling away. They were never taught to walk with Me. They might appear to know Me but it is only a religious experience. It wasn’t real and it could not keep them.
They went seeking after fulfillment in other places not even knowing that they never knew Me. This is so dangerous. They weren’t fulfilled in Me and went seeking after other things because they didn’t think I would supply what they needed.
Check your heart daily. Check your walk daily. Make sure your salvation is sure. Then you will forever be Mine and nothing will ever pull you away. Your love for Me will last throughout eternity because it is from Me.
June 23, 2019
Lord, draw me and I will run after You. You are my high tower, the One I run into and am safe. There is no one like You who loves me like you do with the love and understanding that I need. I trust you because you began a good work in me and you are faithful to complete it. I am made in Your image and likeness. You are the reflection of the glory of God. You radiate His face with such a glowing expression of love, grace and truth. And I want others to see your face in me. Live your life through me. Use my hands to heal. Create through me. Let your will overtake my will. Let my will and Yours flow as one. Take my heart and mold it. Allow me to think only your thoughts. Let my actions be living your life alone.
June 20, 2019
Examine your heart. What do you see?
Do you see a sanctuary, a resting place, or do you see a place of unrest and turmoil?
Be still and know that I AM your God. All things are working together for your good no matter what they are. I AM in control of every aspect of your life. Expect My hand to move mightily on your behalf.
Remember the days of old when I moved mightily in the lives of the apostles? Well I will work even in a greater way in the coming days in lives that are fully committed to Me.
Taste and see that I AM a good God. Blessed are the ones who trust in Me. I will lead and guide you into all truth. You will know the truth and it will set you free. Remain faithful to Me and I will give you the desires of your heart.
When you lie down your sleep will be sweet. You will not be disturbed by sudden fear because you set your mind upon Me and you keep your heart a place of rest and perfect peace. You have invited Me into your heart and that is where I will dwell.
Yes, when you examine your heart, what do you see?
Do you see a garden where you can walk with Me or is it a place of iniquity and transgression where the enemy lurks?
The choice is yours. You can have what you want in your garden by the thoughts you plant there.
The seeds that you plant and water will grow to be trees of righteousness with roots that go deep into the truth of My word, or you can plant seeds that come from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which produce fruit of performance based acceptance and/or rejection.
Think on things that are good and lovely, of a good report, that are pure, and full of My wisdom and light. Where there is My light no darkness can ever take root.
Yes, this is the day to examine your heart and make pure anything that is not of Me. Choose to cast out and uproot, tear down, and cleanse, and build back up those things that are watered by the truth of My word.
Rest in My faithfulness for I began a good and perfect work in you and I am faithful to complete it.
June 14, 2019
Deep inside every one of us there is a calling to share the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives. He has come to set the captive free to rejoice and to be glad in every day He has made. He has given us the freedom to rejoice in His faithfulness to set captives free to be who God called them to be.
He has called us to be overcomers that everything we’ve ever had to go through has worked together for our good to further the Gospel with the testimony of His faithfulness.
Do not hide who you used to be and through His grace has become. Do not be ashamed of your past for it is not you any longer for you are a new creation. All those old things have passed away and all has become brand new. Do not allow the old to drag you down. Do not accept any of its ties. Break them all off and run freely!
You shall leap! Yes, you shall rejoice and run in the freedom God has given you. Be His mouthpiece. Stir up His gifts and allow them to flow freely. Expect the signs, wonders and miracles to follow you. You have the Word of life within you and that same seed is to multiply His life in others.
Be the vessel He can live His life through. Be that overcomer through the blood of the Lamb, the word of your testimony, as you love not your life unto death.
June 5, 2019
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. Jeremiah 17:7
Seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened for you. Ask and you shall receive for if you don’t show me confidence in asking, I will not bring forth what you desire to receive.
Many hold in their heart their desires not truly believing that I would bring them forth. They lack confidence that I even receive them and am willing to answer their prayers.
If you truly trusted Me, you would run to me with every request. You would cast every care upon me and not hold on to them and worry whether every need would be fulfilled.
I am calling My bride forth that she would be confident that I would supply their every need even in the darkest hour that I would come forth and be faithful.
I am in the process right now to purge the dross all that would hinder your pure faith to come forth. I am bringing to light every care and every hindrance this very hour and making you willing to let them go.
Let go and allow Me to be God in your life. You need to quit striving to do it all in your own strength. You need the energy to run and to hide in your heart My pure word that you may pour it out upon the multitudes.
Keep your focus upon Me for I am the author and the perfecter of your faith. I am the one who began the good work in you and I am faithful to complete it. I am the one who woos you to my side and enables you to rest in My intimate presence and love. I am the one who you can confide in and be real with me.
I know you already but I long to hear you pour out your innermost concerns and what you struggle over in your heart. Don’t carry it alone, My child, for I love you and I want to lift your load so it will be easy to carry.
Rest in My presence. Don’t fret about the future for I will not allow you to go through anything that I will not see you through giving you the strength and the grace to endure and to walk through victoriously. Yes, this is the final hour. You need to be real with Me for I long to pour out My love upon you and lift you up.
You are seated with Me far above all principality and power. Come up above that which the enemy wants you to be focused upon. You are not a chicken scratching in the dust for you are an eagle soaring high with Me. That is your position. That is your goal. Focus high and I will bring you through every trial and fiery circumstance with victory.
May 30, 2019
Father, I pray that you will show us any area of our heart which is an open door giving the enemy legal rights to steal, kill and destroy.
Show us any area of our heart which we have stuffed any form of bitterness towards another not fully forgiving.
Show us any area of our faith, which isn’t pure and is of presumption.
Show us any area of our heart where we are believing a lie whether it is in doctrine, misconception of the word, heresy, false religion, etc.
Show us any area where we have crossed over into new age practices and the occult.
We choose to be a people that is a pure vessel that You can live your life through, to show Your power through with mighty signs, wonders, and miracles. We choose to be an army You can trust not to rob You of any glory!
Re-kindle the flame of Your love within us; make it fresh and clean as a newborn babe. Stir us afresh where we become excited to come into Your presence with expectancy, anticipation and spontaneity!
Put a deep love for Your word in our hearts with a deep understanding of it. Pour out Your burden upon our hearts, not one that we stir up in the flesh, and enable us to pray it through. Help us to stay focused upon Your will and Your ways.
Get us ready to stand firm with head set like flint against the enemy where we overcome by the power of Your blood, our bold testimony, loving not our lives unto death.
We repent of playing church with a party spirit! We repent of wasting time not realizing the seriousness of the hour. We repent of every form of idolatry and addiction not being fully satisfied with only You. May our deep and lasting comfort be from You!
Raise us up a mighty army full of warring worshipers I pray! In Jesus name!!!!
May 30, 2019
We carry the power of death and life in the words that we say and also there is great value in what we carry in our heart towards another person.
Not forgiving another presents to God a person with the stain of sin still upon them not allowing His blood to wash it away. Forgiveness presents to God a person who has a clean slate, no sin, allowing the blood of Christ to wash them clean.
Don’t be that person who joins hands with the enemy, the accuser of the brethren, to have something to use against a person when he goes before God. Don’t give the enemy that ammunition of accusation.
What you speak against a person is like throwing poisonous darts at them. What you feel in your heart can either bring life or death. We must bless and not curse. To choose to forgive brings life and peace; to not forgive brings death and torment.
No matter what we feel or what we may have experienced through the actions of another we must always bless and not curse. Most of the time what we feel are just lies from the enemy that we choose to agree with. We must cleanse our hearts, go to the Lord for His grace, and go to the other person you have ought with. Most of the time you will find out what you have experienced was just the work of the spirit of division.
May 17, 2019
There is a shift rising up in the land and many do not know how to adapt to it. They say that Your ways are not our ways for they are so much higher.
I say to you that if you listen closely to what I have to say and not waver in unbelief, I will lift you up higher that your own personal beliefs and allow you to tap into what is Mine.
This day I say to you that you have the mind of Christ. You can think as I think and you can do as I do for you and I are one. We are to move as the Father directs. I AM the Captain of the hosts of heaven and I lead you in the battle.
You are My troops and you follow My leading alone. I direct your steps that you may align correctly in the company that I have placed you. You must know your position and be aligned up in it in order to move forward in My plans and purposes.
These are the latter days and many are losing contact with what is real, what is true, and what is of Me and are mixing up with that of the enemy. Many are infiltrating into the camp with false doctrines and heresies and are causing division.
Beware! Watch over your heart. Guard what is true and follow Me. Do not follow the multitudes that follow those that entice and seduce them.
Walk by faith discerning the true from the counterfeit for many are falling astray into that which is evil, the occult, giving the enemy entrance into the camp.
You must be under My lordship to be able to use My authority over the evil one. The enemy knows that if he has legal right, he can invade to steal, kill and destroy.
Check your heart to see if there be any wicked way within you. Repent and get back on the straight and narrow way. Few are chosen but multitudes have been called. Keep your position, as a righteous one, and I will do the battle through you.
May 15, 2019
“Rise up and be strong for there isn’t anything the enemy can do to defeat you if you remain hidden in Me and your heart is pure and tender before Me.
Cry out for the land, for restoration and for peace and for the Bride of Christ to rise up before Me with the spirit of repentance.
They have begun to war against each other rather than the enemy who has infiltrated the camp. He has sowed discord within the brethren and has thrown poisonous darts and venom upon those who are precious before me.
Do not cover what you know to be true. Yes, proclaim truth and My grace throughout the land. Do not mix what is precious with that which is vile or you will reap severe repercussions from doing it.
Remain silent upon your bed and wait patiently for Me for I will ride up as a mighty warrior, the Captain of the hosts of heaven, and I will do battle on your behalf.
I will not allow the enemy to have what you deem to be precious to your heart and that is your worship. Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. Long for Me to return to you what the enemy has stole. He cannot have it if you won’t let go of it.
Unite together and cry out and let out a victory shout. Worship is a mighty tool of warfare and the enemy seeks to corrupt it, to pervert it and make it unclean. Cry out for those who are pure in heart, which love Me with all their mind, soul and strength.
Worship Me in spirit and in truth and I will restore to you even one hundred fold what the enemy has tried to steal from you this day”, says your Yah!
May 7, 2019
“Taste and see that The LORD is good. Blessed is the man that trusts in Him,” Psalm 34:8.
“I AM calling you to trust in Me no matter what you see or experience in the natural. It is of My divine nature to have a people who are called by My name to trust Me.
I have raised up a people who experience great exploits, because they take Me at My word and take great risks, (Daniel 11:32b). They are a people that develop great faith, because they see My faithfulness as they step out upon My word.
As you step out by faith I will take you by your hand and direct you. You are a people that no matter what you see in the natural you will not be hindered or distracted from pursuing your vision that I’ve given you.
Keep pursuing the goal that I’ve placed before you. You will pursue, overtake and recover all that the enemy has tried to steal from My Kingdom purposes and plans, (1 Samuel 30:8).
I have a perfect timing and a strategy for you to use. You just need to be still and know that I AM faithful to give you the wisdom and the knowledge needed in every type of warfare with the enemy.
There is a time that you need to be still and a time to advance, but never a time to retreat. Keep advancing towards the goal of My higher calling for you, (Philippians 3:14).
Fear not, for I AM with you. Be not dismayed for I AM your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness, (Isaiah 41:10).
Because I AM for you what can man do to you. The enemy cannot do anything to you unless I allow it, (Psalm 118:6). And because I AM a good God, I only allow what is good for the sake of My Kingdom and for your perfection in Me.
I AM conforming you into My image. I AM purging out of you all that is not of Me. I AM taking you through the fire of My love that you will come out like pure gold.
All your trials are tailor made. I will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to bear, (1 Corinthians 10:13). You have been given the measure of faith needed to successfully overcome in all things.
Keep your eyes upon Me. Draw close to Me. Keep My words hidden in your heart. Take hold of Me and I will lead you through the battle zone.
I AM raising up an army that will remain faithful. They will overcome by the Blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and will love not their life unto death.
That is what they are made up of. They are My overcomers and I have great trust in them to carry My Glory, My Mantle and My Power.
Yes, these are the final hours. Remain faithful even unto death and I will give those the crown of life.”
April 30, 2019
“Listen, My child, to what I have to say to you for this is the day of the great falling away and many are falling away because they don’t heed My call to pray, to seek My face, and to draw near.
It doesn’t take much to fall away from Me. I will never leave you.
The enemy comes with the bait to entice you with distractions and you bite the bait. You indulge yourself with those things that are vain, empty, and without My purposes in them and think that they are bringing fulfillment when all they are doing is eating up that time that you need to be with Me.
Do you lack intimacy with Me, having that desire just to bask in My presence?
That is a danger sign that you are living a life independent of Me. You are doing your own thing and heading nowhere for being outside of My intimate presence and love brings death.
If you do not connect with Me being the vine, it brings death and destruction.
Pride is your worse enemy and religion for you need to be connected with those that are of the same mind as Me.
You need to connect with those that have the same vision that I once gave you. Have you lost your vision?
Does it not motivate you to press in for it, to prepare yourself to see it manifest?
The enemy is out to steal the vision and your purpose. He is causing many to strive after what the world strives to have. I said if you put Me first and My kingdom purposes, then all these things will be added unto you.
If you work to gain material provision, the enemy will come in and steal it all away and you will be left with nothing. If you live for Me, you will have the abundance stored in a safe place within My ever-flowing waters of provision.
You will also have My joy strengthening you and My peace, My shalom, which you can never purchase which is priceless.
Draw near and be restored. Recommit your life to follow Me. Allow Me to restore your vision and your purpose and position in My Kingdom” says your LORD and King.
March 26, 2019
This is the day of the great falling away, but it also is the day where many have made the choice to build themselves up upon their most holy faith by diving into the truth of God’s Word.
Many say many versions are tainted and not pure. They have material in them that have been added in and there are most important words that have been taken out. God said to not do these things.
Many are being lured away unto another agenda, which is not God’s will. There are these little rabbit trails that you are being taken on away from the Truth of God’s Word and these add up.
A little bit here and a little bit there seems not that important when you feel you are gleaning so much more on the whole.
This is the deception!
Anything that takes you on a mission that is being out of God’s perfect will is the snare. If God said to not add or take away from His Word and you deny this and go ahead doing it, you are in rebellion to His truth and will and are opening yourself up to deception.
This is the day God has called us to examine our heart to find those “little foxes” that spoil the vine.
Yes, what is that vine but our union with Jesus, who is the way, the truth, and the life?
God is calling us to die out to our way of doing things and to grasp hold of His way. Yes, this is calling for a dying out which can be painful.
The enemy says that if you do it that way, you will be missing out on a blessing. He says to take and eat of that apple.
It won’t hurt anything. But yes, it will for partaking of any form of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil produces death.
In doing so it builds up the self-life within us. It builds up pride and independence, which is witchcraft in manipulating God to do things our way.
Yes, God is calling us to die out to the traditions of men and the pride of life. He’s calling us to die out to the lusts of the flesh and the eyes.
He’s calling us to take Him by the hand and follow Him trusting Him that His ways are perfect.
He will give us what we need and not what we think we desire. His spirit will lead us on paths of righteousness, which are full of His pleasures…. those things that cause us to be fulfilled beyond what we ever could hope or imagine.
His paths are full of that deep and pure peace, that great joy that continually revives us, and that Love that is ever flowing.
Yes, this is the day we are called to choose life by following Him even in those little areas that seem to be unimportant but in Him every little thing He calls us to be of great importance.
They are what truly build up His character in us.
Think about that!
March 15, 2019
This is all about having a divine exchange. Yes, Jesus wants to meet with us where we’re at. He doesn’t want us to put on. He wants us to be real for He loves us unconditionally. He cannot change what we don’t present to Him. He wants us to present our real feelings about who we are. Yes, give it to Him as an offering in exchange for who He is. He wants us to give Him our life so He can live His life through us. Could this be an even exchange? It doesn’t seem fair for Him to give us His perfection for our imperfection but that is who He is. He is one that gives a divine exchange…. His grace for our sinfulness, His mercy for our lack of worthiness, His faithfulness for our faithlessness. He is our Master and we are here to serve by just being a yielded vessel, giving all that we have out of broken desperation. Yes, He loves us for who we are. He doesn’t want anything less or anything more, and He will take what we are which to Him is beautiful and even make a more amazingly beautiful creation bringing us from glory to glory as He molds and shapes us into the image of His Son.
March 8, 2019
Worship warfare is a very delicate subject for the battle wages and is strong against us when we are pressing in to worship the King! The enemy wants us to keep our eyes on the battle and because it is so strong it feels like we are not making headway even into His presence. Yes, you are being wrapped up in the fight, but the battle is not ours but it is the Lord’s. We must keep our eyes on Him and not the battle and worship Him! He is our Captain and He leads us through the war zone as we take the land!
As a worship intercessor, I have been greatly hindered for many years pressing in to take the land. I remember once in the middle of worship wrapped in the war surrounding it that I could not break through even to worship the Lord. I was ready to throw in the towel and leave the church. That is how much I had been hindered and frustrated. One man asked me where I was going and I told him. He said to get your eyes off the battle and on to the Lord for He is your captain and He leads you in the fight. From that time forth that is what I’ve done and I’ve had mighty breakthroughs.
After having a breakthrough into higher realms of the spirit the enemy sends his big guns to defeat and pull us back. One time I was worshiping and interceding behind the praise leader. That is where the church had positioned me back then. He would speak forth in prayer and prophesy what the Lord would place on my heart. As I was interceding I felt a breakthrough building up and ready to release. And yes, it did! It was so powerful that the force of it knocked me towards the wall and my husband felt it at the back of the church. Then the enemy started to attack the church. There was a split between leadership and the church folded up!
We must be vigilant and aware of the tactics of the enemy. When we have breakthrough many feel that they can relax because they have taken ground. No, this is the time to gear up and press in against the enemy even more. Instead of him coming in with a backlash we come against him even harder! Many times when we receive a healing or financial blessing or one gets saved in the family we rejoice and let down our guard and the enemy comes in. Yes, beware of his tactics.
Yes, worship warfare is a very delicate subject and we must be ready to
March 6, 2019
In order for the King of Kings, the Captain of the hosts of heaven, to accomplish His plan and purpose in the land we must come into the right position with Him. In order for the bones to completely shift into position to enable the birthing of His perfect will, we must be positioned, for the enemy has had a hay day hindering the plans and purposes of the Lord.
The worshiper must become a warrior. The worshiper and the warriors must march in unison as one mighty army to take over the land! Yes, in order for the Lord to accomplish His plans and purposes we must become sensitive to His leading to turn our worship into war for there is a time and a place for everything. There is time to draw deep into the secret place, and there is a time to follow the Captain into the battleground and sweep the land free of the plans and purposes of the evil one.
We must bulldoze out the evil forces and clear the land and prepare the way for the King of glory to set up His kingdom. Yes, now is the time to position our selves to be ready and prepared for the major shift in the spirit to birth His will and not our will! Time to be ready for a major shift into a major move to take the land.
February 13, 2019
Concerning the Kingdom of God, we must let go and let God for His kingdom is not of this earth.
Are many feasting upon false hopes and denying the reality that the state of the land is beyond repair that we are in the position headed for judgment?
All this trusting in false hopes what it is doing is numbing out the reality that we must get ready. We must get our house in order that is we must get our heart right before God with fasting, prayer, and repentance.
How does this all fit together? God said that we must humble our self before Him and seek His face and pray and repent of our wicked ways. Then and only then will He hear our prayers and heal our land.
There is a division in the land both in the church and in the secular world and many have come under the mindset of the world looking for false hopes to satisfy and to sustain through the period of spiritual drought. Many do not see clearly because their vision has been tainted with false hopes of promises that cannot be fulfilled.
The land is evil within. No wall can protect us from it. It will only shut us up within the evil that has already taken over the land. Yes, the evil is already taken over with hordes of demonic entities that have possessed the multitudes.
Be blind no longer. Open up your ears to hear the truth! Do not listen to the naysayers that say there is no hope at all for I have a remnant bride that has made herself ready for this day with Me at her side and we will ride through this land upon white horses and along with troops of angelic messenger armies that will overthrow the evil, and we will set up the Kingdom of the King of all kings.
Yes, but we must ride with Him and overthrow the false hopes. We must look to Him as king and not the false prince of peace over the nation. We must cast down and repent of listening to the false hopes over the nation because it is only blinding us of the truth of the condition of this nation.
The things of this earth are coming down. God is doing a new thing. A new creation has to take place for a true godly kingdom to take place. All things have to be done away in order for the new things to take over.
We must not trust in the natural temporal realm. Our treasures are to be in heaven. We are just passing through. We must pull up our stakes and move on to bigger and better things that God has for us. We are citizens of heaven and are just passing through so we must totally let go and allow God to take over. His kingdom comes and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
The church needs a shaking to bring on an awakening! In 1 Corinthians 5:5 the apostles turned over a man caught in incest to satan for the destruction of his flesh so that his soul would be saved. Do we really believe Father God would give the church peace in the land when we need a shaking? All that would do is to lull the church into a deeper sleep, complacency and to indulge in more self-destruction.
God knows what the church needs. He is a good God and we must trust in His plans and not our plans of what we think we need. Our ways are usually the opposite of His. Many are holding on to what He will tear down.
Yes, we must let go of our preconceived notions of how to set up His kingdom and to seek to know how to come in agreement with His plans!
February 5, 2019
Yes, it is just too big for one person to handle the intercession that needs to come forth to accomplish God’s purposes in the land. There has to be a coming together in unity with one mind and one purpose to accomplish this fete. Many have tried to intercede to give birth to the will of God that must come through in their life without success. There has to be a coming together with all positioned in the right places to accomplish this both midwives and intercessors.
Many years ago I was in the middle of high praise, that is when Holy Spirit totally takes over and a shift begins to happen. Praise just flows out of you like a river! As this was happening my arms went up and out of me came the deepest most powerful roar and as it was happening the Lord said that His power was flowing forth over the area repelling powers of darkness enabling the lost to respond to His saving grace. It was so very loud and I found out that the lady sitting in front of me did not even hear it. Yes, it was loud in the spirit realm where the powers of darkness heard it.
When the roar stopped, I went to my knees like a wet noodle and I told the Lord that if He was going to put this kind of power upon me that He needs to give me a body that can contain it. It felt like it was going to blow me apart! He said for me to stand in the gap for the body of Christ around the world to come together in unity in high praise and He was going to release His roar through His people around the world in unison and this would usher in the end time harvest of souls.
Yes, that has been my focus of my worship and intercession for over twenty years around the time a prophet from Christian International said over me that I was in the third trimester of birthing forth the will of God. Now we are in the worse condition our nation has ever been in where the enemy looks like he is succeeding in killing off the human race, birthing has begun.
I was reading an article about how tragic things have gotten for the unborn and the plans and purposes of the enemy to kill off babies after they were born I started to intercede and it came out so forcefully that it felt like I was lashing out at the enemy. It was so powerful that it was taking my strength out of me. I went to my knees not knowing whether to fall over on my side in a fetal position or to my knees. So I found myself on my knees hunched over and I felt a birthing take place in the Spirit. I know this is symbolic of what the body of intercessors are now going into and it is not by our might or power but by His spirit for this to come to fruition!
I know the enemy is right at the door ready to devour the birthing of the perfect will of the Lord, but it is not our plan or purpose but the Lord’s! He’s been interceding for this day to come forth for generations and now is the time and the hour to give birth and to see God move in His power and might against the evil one.
Yes, His kingdom will come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven!!!!!
February 5, 2019
Travail, bear down, for I feel a birthing is coming for God’s perfect will over America!!! It is beginning now!!! Many have been in the third trimester for a long time! Now is the time!!! Bear down and cry out and push!!!!!!!!!! Cry out, save the babies!!!! Come against socialism! Come against sterilization!!!! Cry out to Jesus, for strength!!!!!!
I pray the midwives will position themselves to back up those in birthing in Jesus name. I pray all position themselves now in fasting and prayer, in travail. I pray strength be poured out over the intercessors giving birth now in Jesus name!
Father, break down the dams that have held Your river back! Take away the hardness of heart. Yes, the stony ground and give us Your heart of flesh. Draw us into Your heart to feel Your burden for the lost, for the unborn, for those being tortured, for those things you are burdened for. Yes, Lord, now is the time!
I pray this will not be a dry birth but will be carried forth swiftly by Your river and in Jesus name the devourer will not succeed in killing it when it is being birthed! I cover all with the power of the blood of Jesus and Psalm 91 for protection against the forces of evil trying to prevent this from happening.
He has tried all his strategies to prevent this day by putting the church to sleep, by mesmerizing her with intoxicating demons, be deceiving her with false doctrines that only distracted her from the truth of God’s perfect will.
Because Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and because of His mighty intercession on our behalf, He has reigned victorious over the enemy’s plans, and this day has arrived that many have believed for.
Yes, this is the day for war, and the day for a mighty breakthrough for the Bride!!!!!
January 28, 2019
The Lord tests our faith in hearing the call of the Lord upon our life and our determination to fulfill it.
When Jesus’ mother Mary told Him to create new wine at the wedding, Jesus said that this isn’t my time to show My glory yet, but Mary knew it was time and spoke it into existence and Jesus fulfilled it.
We are to be determined that even when it looks like an apparent “no” is being given to us, we must press it into existence the fulfillment of our faith in the promises of our Father led by His spirit.
Also when the poor woman who wanted Jesus to heal her child, Jesus said deliverance is the children’s bread, but the woman said: “but even the dogs eat the scraps that fall under their Master’s table”. Jesus fulfilled her request because He saw she had great faith initiated by the Father.
That is hard to understand why Jesus made a confession that sounded like it wasn’t His will to do something but after the one who confessed that it was, Jesus did what they said.
I feel the Lord is saying that delay is not denial. When it looks like He is saying “no” and in your heart you know He has made a promise to you, be persistent for in His timing you will receive the manifestation of what you know you have by faith.
Hebrews chapter eleven is full of those that wavered not in unbelief when it looked like they weren’t yet to receive the promise. And some died not “yet” receiving the promise! Yes, not yet, but God does not forget their faith, but somewhere and at some time His people will see the fulfillment of those promises of those who never let go of the faith He gave them.
We do not walk by what we see but walk by faith. The spiritual realm is more real than the temporal natural realm. God’s ways are much higher than those of men. You cannot understand His ways with the natural mind because man tends to judge but He moves by mercy.
Every situation is different, that is why we must always seek Him and never put Him in a box, which produces religion, and witchcraft, which is trying to manipulate God to meet up with our own agenda. Yes, we must walk by God’s faith and not by presumption, which is mainly manipulating God or witchcraft.
“Yet” is a powerful word and we must draw it into the present by our faith and determination to not ever let go. When Jesus’ mother asked Him to create wine, He said it wasn’t “yet” His time but she drew it into the present by speaking it forth.
Yes, faith will draw it into the “now is the time” fulfillment. Those with genuine faith will never let go of what they know they have and will draw it into manifestation.
Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forevermore. The kingdom of God is at hand and we must walk in it.
January 22, 2019
Listen closely to what I have to say for it is not by might nor by power but by My spirit says the Lord.
If you trust in Me and My words abide in you, you can say anything to this mountain of adversity or any infirmity and it has to move out of your life, out of the region that you live, even out of your nation for I have given you the right and the authority to move mountains!
This is the day I have made and you will rejoice in it. I have given you all that you need to succeed in the call I’ve placed upon your life. Many do not know their call because they do not draw near to receive directions. In order to follow My call you must listen closely.
Take the time to seek My face, to draw near. To pick up My burden, you must hear My cry of intercession. You must feel My heart, the heaviness I bear over the many adversities that plague My people.
I said if you would humble yourself and pray and seek My face turning from your independent evil ways, I would heal your land. But you continue with your own agenda of how you assume I would handle these things. And it is wrong to assume. You must receive My confirmation and through My word, either spoken to you or written to you in My scriptures.
Many do not seek My face to know My heart. They have become hard and uncaring. If they would only allow My spirit to flow through them the agenda of the enemy would be brought low.
Do you really want to know what I care about? Then be still and know that I am God. Know that I am in charge of all things but I have given you the authority to cast down, to build up, and to decree, to break curses. Yes, you have My power and might to do what I have ordained. You have that power through your spoken word.
So I call you this day to draw close, listen closely, be open to My direction, and be ready to release My heart cry. Be open to My leading you to what to say this very hour says your Lord and King.
January 9, 2019
A Word for 2019
I want you to consider the future of this nation and what you can do about it.
If My people who are called by My name would humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear their prayer, forgive their sin and heal their land.
Yes, this is the condition you must meet in order for Me to come in like a flood and wipe out the evil of the land. Be sure to know that all these things the evil one is doing are not gone unnoticed. I see ever tactic, every scheme and maneuver of the enemy and every strategy he is using to take over this land but mainly he is using the complacency and deception in My people to take over.
My people who are called by My name will rise up in My power and in My name will pull down the strategies and the strongholds of the evil one. They will rise up with head set like flint and run towards the giants. They will not retreat when things look like they are getting worse for them. They will use the Sword of the Spirit, My word, to hack off their heads.
Yes, the major heads of the enemy come in twins, or pairs like pride and prejudice comes in a pair. Yes, they work together. I will show you these pairs if you continue seeking Me. They will be defeated if you attack both at the same time. Like crime and destruction go together. You must get the doorkeepers to clear the pack. You must even go for the root, not just the branches or it will build itself back up.
You must draw close and consecrate yourselves like many already are. Most of all you must know Me intimately. You must draw close and allow Me to walk through you leading and guiding you into all Truth. You must know My name and use My authority, as it is yours. You must resist the evil one and he will flee, but most of all you must not fear for the enemy rules and reigns through his tactics of causing one to fear through terror.
Yes, many are fearful. They don’t know any other way to be. I will set the captives free from fear and they will rise up a mighty army and conquer the enemy. My will be done. My kingdom will come on earth as it is in Heaven.
I am sovereign, King of the universe, and My plan and purpose for this nation will take place. Do not worry or fear for I fight for you. If I am for you, who can be against you, says your Lord and King.