March 19, 2001
He who is thirsty come to the streams of Living Water that come from the throne of God for there is an abundant supply for all. Yes, come to the River of Life that flows down from the throne of God. Open up your heart, and let the streams of cleansing water purify you, and set you free that you may be an open cistern that the Spirit of God may flow through.
This is the day when many are in the valley of decision with the most important choice to make whether to give up their life or not. For if they choose to give up their life, they will reap eternal life for choosing the Way Maker. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No man goes to the Father but through Him. And also those who have chosen Life, die out even more and choose abundant life.
For Jesus said, “I come to give you life and more abundantly.” But the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, to even try to destroy your life source within you, by bringing distractions of vanity before you that you would not commune with your God. But do not let this happen. Cast down the vain imaginations that cause you to look away from His face unto other things for this is idolatry, and from this you will reap death. So pick up your cross and follow Me for I AM your life-giver. I AM your Manna, your provider and the one true God.
And yes, I have come to give you life and more abundantly, but you must choose Me. Cast down all that would try to stand in your way. Look unto the path of righteousness, and do not turn back to what you have left behind. Press forward for the prize that is set before you. Run as you would to win a crown, but this crown will never perish, and there will come a day when you will choose to cast your crown before My throne and bow at My feet.
Be ablaze with My love, My faithful ones, followers of the new covenant of life. Be ablaze that I may touch others through you. Choose this day to spend your life with Me, to cast down anything that would stand in your way, and reap the benefits of My kingdom of prosperity and health and spiritual abundance. Reap life for I gave My life for you. Give your life completely to Me, not just in words but in heart felt actions.
Sit at My feet and bask in My presence, and I will give you the wisdom and
understanding that you long for that you may dig deeper into My word as a mine seeking for fine gold and precious gems. Yes, I am the way, the truth, and the life, and the only way to the Father. Seek Me early that I may be found and never lose My abiding presence upon you says your God.
March 15, 2001
This is the day of salvation. This is the day of the third day anointing to be poured out upon My people. This is the day to choose who you are to serve. Life and death both are in the power of your hand. Speak forth the oracles of God. Speak forth what you hear in the secret place as you dwell in My presence. Do not be afraid of who speaks against you, My people, for the enemy has loosed his messengers to deter you from speaking forth My holy words. He has loosed his demonic power to shut the mouths of My prophets, but I AM there standing at the door. Whoever knocks upon the door, I will open it up to him.
For this is the day to choose. Will you serve man and be silent, or will you speak boldly what I would have to say. And it will not be easy, My people, My holy ones, because the words spoken against you will be in disguise of love and concern and guidance. But they will not bring peace but torment and confusion. So cast down the thoughts the enemy would seek to plant in your heart against My work through you. Cast down the vain imaginations the enemy would even use to try to destroy you and your walk with Me.
So rise up, My mighty warriors, and seek to fasten securely your armor. Put on your breastplate which is My righteousness, and stand bold with forehead as flint against your enemy. Stand behind your shield that no fiery dart he seeks to send will inflict pain within you heart. Cover your mind with the precious blood of the Lamb. Be strong, My faithful ones, rise up and take the land. Stand on My truth, love and My grace, and never deter from the promises I have given you of the latter rain outpouring. For I will pour it out upon My remnant, My bride, and I will do greater works through My people.
So rise up, My people, for this is the day of salvation, the day of My third day anointing, the day of My power and glory being poured out. Do not let the enemy come against you now and destroy your place in My army of My mighty warriors of worship. Seek to lose yourself in My presence, and yes, worship Me endlessly, and I will loose upon your enemies all My warring angels for the battle is Mine.
So rejoice for I AM for you. I will vindicate you. Do not seek to defend yourself. Just put on a cloak of humility. Be open and teachable, and I will give you the land. Seek My face and not My glory, and I will pour out upon you My presence like never before, because I seek to use you mightily. And I love you because you are My bride, says your God.
March 9, 2001
I come to fill your hearts this day with My fire, My passion, and fortitude, to put Me first in all your ways. This is the day to choose which life you would rather have. Is it a life of fire and glory from My intimate presence, or do you choose a life of vanity, for there is no comparison with the fulfillment that you will reap from Me if you give Me your all? I purchased your life at the Cross of Calvary, but I still give you the choice this day if you will let it go, if you will give it to Me completely. For I have said to you in my word that what you hold on to you will lose, and what you lose for My sake I will abundantly multiply back to you with the benefits of My glory and grace.
I see your hearts even those who have gone cold who have given up on the vision I have given you years past. For I come to give you life and life more abundantly. I have come to give you My Spirit that you would rule and reign with Me. You are seated with Me in the heavenlies at My Father’s right hand, the place of power and authority. And I have reigned victorious over the enemy for I have even placed him under your feet. He is My footstool. He cannot do anything without My allowing it.
So do not look at your circumstances that they are out to defeat you. Didn’t I say that all things will work together for your good? And that means all the trials and tribulations that I allow to strengthen your faith and to purify your heart with the fire of My love. Your faith needs to be tried with fire to be purified as gold and silver tried in the oven seven times.
So remain faithful and open your heart to the fire of My love for I want to burn within you with My passion for the lost. Draw close to Me and dwell in My intimate presence. Learn to even dwell in My secret place always for this is a place of refuge for you. Don’t you know that all you need is the fire of My love to repel the enemy and to draw in the lost? All you need to do is worship Me, and I will take care of the battle.
I AM sending My fire and My rain, and I AM raising up the current of My all-encompassing love as a river, and it is strong enough at this point to bring down all that has blocked it in the past. It is coming as a tidal wave of glory, and it will sweep across the land with power and might. And the strongholds of the enemy will be brought down, and multitudes will come to My river and receive My saving grace.
Yes, revival starts with you this day. Are you willing to allow Me to fan the flames within your heart of My fire and glory? Are you willing to truly burn for Me with the passion of My glory? Cry out to Me for this deeper work, My children, for this is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power, says your God. Burn for Me, My children.
March 7, 2001
In the quiet place I draw you, My children, the place in which I can speak to you, because you have given Me your full attention. Cherish the quiet place in which My presence dwells. Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. You will not always have that quiet place in which you can dwell in the natural, but you must develop that relationship with Me now where you know My voice, because you commune with Me often. How can you truly know Me if you don’t spend time with Me? And I AM stirring up even more the hunger within your hearts for My presence, because you spend time with Me.
To those who have much, much more will be given, but to those who have little, even that will be taken away. Because you don’t spend time stirring up your spirit within, you are dying within. You are falling into the snare of complacency, and the enemy is out to rob you of the little that you have. So guard your precious jewel, your time you spend with Me, and polish it up by spending even more time with Me for your time is precious. Do not waste it on emptiness and on vanity.
Stir up the gifts within you, My children. Come before Me and seek My face, and even dwell in My presence for I AM preparing you for what is ahead. For the enemy surely will come in as a flood, and destroy what you have with Me of My communion if you let him. He will come in with strange fire, with signs and wonders, and enticements of the world. He will loose his spirits of seduction to try to drive you away from My intimate presence. So I warn you, My people, if your heart has gone cold towards Me. If you do not get excited at the thought of being with Me, then cry out to Me for mercy and My grace that I may lift you up out of the miry pit of complacency.
Return to your First Love, the precious intimacy of your Lord and Savior, the one you would even die for. For now you won’t even live for Me! Your time you have robbed from Me. You have put Me on a shelf and occasionally take Me down to appease your guilt of not being with Me. For I see your hearts, and I see who’se hearts who are truly in love with Me. For this is the time and the hour for which I will pour out My power, and also I will pour out My glory in judgment. I said I would shake you and wake you to the seriousness of the hour for My heart grieves over your state of heart at present. Be yielded, My children, to My deep working within you. Repent of your worldly and wicked ways, and I will lift you up for I want to bless you, and I want to use you, but you must be ready, says your God.
March 6, 2001
My children, listen closely to what I have to say to you….. for this is a most serious time to come before Me daily to seek My face and to abide in My presence……. for you need to develop with Me an abiding commitment where you will put Me first above all else in your life. For yes, this is a most serious time to know Me and abide with Me for you cannot make it on your own. You need Me and not be independent of Me for that is a snare set up from the enemy making you think you can make it on your own.
Don’t be confident in your own measures to make it in this world for they will surely fail. The financial system of this world is under the control of the god of this world. And the one world government headed by the spirit of antichrist is out to demolish what I have set up through My people. But, My children, My Word will stand strong throughout the onslaughts of the enemy. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in this world, and I am Lord of all, the sovereign ruler of the universe, and I have control over what the enemy will set out to do.
All things will work together for the furtherance and building up of My kingdom on this earth. So do not look at the circumstances surrounding you. Do not look at the negative circumstances that are there to stretch your faith for I am taking you through the fire to purge your faith and purify your heart. I am your loving Father, and all I allow you to go through is for your good. Even the trying of your faith in areas of financial support and also in healing are there to get your eyes upon Me to stand on My word of promise that I AM everything you need.
I am your healer, your provider, your refuge and fortress, and comforter. I am your all in all. So don’t trust in your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Me and I will direct your paths. Do not fall in the snare of the enemy of pride and independence. Humble yourself before Me. Turn from your wicked ways and seek My face and pray, and I will heal your land. I will bring revival to this land and also to Israel because I am a God of promise. I stand by My word and I will faithfully perform it.
Draw close, My little ones, for I am a place of safety for you. Do not hesitate to come before Me often. Seek Me early where I may be found. Dwell in My secret place that I have for you alone. It is a place no one else can enter except you and I, a place of intimacy, a place of love for Me and My Bride to dwell. So stay by My side and rest for I will fill you with My glory so that My presence can touch the multitudes with My saving power.
Be blessed considerably with My challenge to you to overcome all the enemy has set up to deter you from My presence. Overcome all, and I will give you My crown of life, says your God.
March 4, 2001
During these times of unrest among My people, I AM doing a deep stirring in the hearts of those who are called by My name. For centuries My people have looked to Me, the author and finisher of their faith, for encouragement and for direction. But now many have been self-sufficient and reliant upon their own measures to bring about My will which is false. I am not in it.
Many are going about their own business of how to promote My kingdom using trickery to draw My people in, and I am not in it! Why put up a front that appears to be worldly and then when you draw them, hit them with My gospel? Is that the way I drew you to Myself or did you willingly know what you were getting into? Even though you might not felt you were ready for My glory to touch you, it was My timing. And I was always open and honest to you about what I was doing in you. I drew you by My holiness and My convicting fire, the fear of the Lord.
And you responded and you shook under My anointing in My presence. And you knew this was the time and the hour to turn your life over to Me. Then why do you feel I would draw others to Me through you using trickery, conning My people to come forth with seduction and allurement of the ways of the world? I tell you this day that I am not in this! And what you see will not last of those who have been drawn in by deceit.
So search your hearts and turn from your wicked ways of using My name to draw My people in an ungodly way. I don’t have to point out specifics. If you are truly Mine, you will know what I am speaking of. So rent your hearts and not your garments. Humble yourself in My presence, and I will lift you up. Turn from your wicked ways, and I will heal your land and bring revival. And I will bring in the multitudes for the end-time harvest is Mine to reap.
So sow your seed and not sparingly. Be abundant with your giving both in the natural and in the spirit, and I will multiply whatever you give to Me, and bring forth a hundredfold harvest for My kingdom. For this is the time and the hour that I will pour out My glory, and it will be done My way, says your God.
March 1, 2001
There is a fountain that I have placed within you that I want to increase the force of My Spirit within to where it will burst forth with power and might and bust down the walls that have held My river back. Yield your hearts completely to Me that I may do the deep work needed. There is a river of life that has been hidden within you, and it is time for it to come forth in mighty power and might that it will touch the multitudes with My glory.
Do not hold back, My beloved children, for this is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power upon you and through you. For this is the latter days, and I will do a mighty work in My church, a deep cleansing from within, for My bride needs to be pure, and she needs to be ready in order for me to completely flow through her.
So cast off anything that would hinder Me from using you in any way. Cast off the cares of the world and all complacency, and come before Me often in My secret place where I may nurture you with My love where you may bask in My presence and be made strong. I will open your heart completely that you may receive all that I have for you. I love you, My children, and I AM pleased with you.
Do not be dismayed. Do not lose hope. It does not matter how long it takes before you see the manifestation of your loved ones for I AM doing a deep work in them because of your faith that you are standing on My word of faithfulness to bring them in. Be sure that I have heard your prayers, and I AM faithful to complete the work I started in you. Just rest in Me and bask in My love for I AM your Father, and there is no other that will love you the way I do.
Be still and know that I AM God, for this is the final hour and your place of safety is within My will. So stay close to My side, and draw close and listen to My heart cry, and I will lead you and guide you in all truth.
March 1, 2001
Two or more gathered in My name ……. here I AM with you in your presence. Yes, I truly delight to meet with My people when they gather in My name in unity, in one accord, seeking My face, My will, and My ways. Although many say they are gathered in My name, they still have their own agenda and that leaves Me out, because I will not join in and anoint something that I did not initiate; therefore, you end up having a meeting in My name and I am not there.
For this greatly grieves My Spirit that I have to partake of a gathering that I have no part in. And I am tired of your solemn assemblies void of My power and life. And many are leaving the assembling of My people to stay at home where they say they are seeking My face, but many are not but are partaking only of the wicked ways of the world, namely watching the TV filling themselves to the brim with the ungodliness and vanity that the enemy offers.
And this grieves Me because if My people who say they are gathered in My name were truly seeking My will for their services, this would not be happening. My people would be joined in unity and would be blessed in My presence, and My will and My ways would be proclaimed. My life and My Spirit would be drawing them closer to each other and to Me. For I long for intimacy with My people. I long for them to be one where My will alone would be proclaimed. How are we to reach the lost in a mighty way if we are not one, with one mind and in one accord, for I am not in unity or agreement with that which I did not initiate.
So seek My face and humble yourselves and turn from your wicked ways of having your own agenda, and I will bless your gatherings in My name. And I will pour out My anointing and My presence in a mighty way. And I will pour out My giftings, and signs and wonders will follow My words. And you will see the healings and deliverances and salvation of your loved ones that you have believed Me for. It is all up to you. You are the one that is holding up the show. I AM ready and I have been ready, but I cannot move where I do not have the complete freedom to do so, says your Lord.
February 27, 2001
Yes, this is a day of great awakening among My people, and at the same time great judment will fall, because I have called My people unto Myself, and yes, I have warned them many times about their wicked ways, the ways of the Pharisess. I have warned My people even of the ways of the Nicolaitans. I have warned them of their arrogance and their stubbornness to walk in My ways.
But no, they go about setting up their own agendas of how I will draw My people into My kingdom. And yes, they use wicked schemes of how they can use their own fancies, the things they delight in, their own justification of their wicked ways using it as a scheme to bring My people in. For I abhor it! I am not in it at all! You are using My words and signs will follow My words, but I am not in it! And this is witchcraft! I warn you, My people, that if what you are doing in My name and you are trying to use My authority in it, and I am not in it, I will come in a fury and judge you of this wickedness.
Some may use even occult practices, some may use manipulation, some may soak My people of their finances just to hear My word to be made strong! Why do you charge My sheep such high wages to receive My words? Why do you allow wickedness in the House of the Lord? I turned the tables in My temple before where the money changers made My house a den of thieves. And I will do it again!
I say to you this day to wake up and examine your ways and your heart to see if what you are doing is truly of Me. If you don’t judge yourself and repent of your wicked ways, I will come and I will come with a fury and will remove your lamp stand, says your Lord.
February 23, 2001
This is the day of great awakening among My people, for I have fore-warned them long enough of the pending judgment that is coming upon the land, but My people sit idly like if there is no tomorrow. They do not prepare themselves for the future, but they waste their time going on with the foolish empty gestures of wasting their time. I love My people but I need to shake them to wake them to what is ahead. For the enemy goes about as a roaring lion seeking all that he can devour, and My people are sitting pretty, content in their many blessings, and are not drawing near to Me like they have great need. For you do have great need!
You need to be dwelling in My secret place where I may nurture you with My words and My Spirit so that you will be ready. Yes, I will pour out My Spirit in a mighty way, and at the same time I will pour out My glory in judgment. I have forewarned you many times in My word that when I bless you, do not forget Me! For this is a very dangerous place to be, in the place of prosperity and not seeking My face, for this is when the enemy tries to come in and wipe you away when you are unaware of his pending attack. Your guard is down and you are content and feel like you have no need.
For, My people, you need to be in the state of constant need of Me always. That is one of the reasons I allow your trials is to purge your heart of your independence and your cocky attitude that you can make it on your own. So, My people, I call you unto Myself. I admonish you to draw close to Me, to dwell in My secret place for this is where you will find your strength, and this is where you will be built up and made ready for what is ahead. For I will shake you and I will wake you, says your Lord.
Many times I have called My people unto Myself, but they say they are too tired or too busy or even too wrapped up in their futile attempts to satisfy themselves with entertainment. For you are going about it all in vain. This is not what your life is all about in Me. I am not something you put outside of your life and briefly come to visit occasionally. I have come to dwell with you, to be with you, to share My life with you!
Now, My people, I call you now to come apart from your life of futility, and abide in what I have to offer and that of abundant life. This is the day of salvation. This is the day to choose. Do you want Me to be the Lord of your life or is it Beelzebub, the lord of this world who you choose? For you cannot both serve in the kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness at the same time. You need to set up residence with Me alone! Yes, this is the day of salvation. The choice is yours to make. Will you choose My glory and partake in My greater works ministry in reaping in My harvest, or will you partake of My judgment? Seek My face early where I may be found, says your Lord.
February 19, 2001
I say to you today to not look upon one another as to what I would have them to do but to keep your eyes upon Me, for I AM your way in the wilderness. I AM the way you are to go for without Me you have no light. So why hesitate to cleave unto Me by looking at what your brother is doing? Did I make that clear to you? It is of utmost importance that you keep your eyes upon Me for I will have you doing things that no other in your church may be doing. You may be the only one doing things differently. And I AM your sure foundation, your stepping stone. Don’t be like others who have stumbled over My words. Receive My word for it is life for you, your sustenance. So feed upon it daily. Take it in deeply for it is your nutrition….what you need to grow and to be strong in Me.
This is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power and My glory but yes, at the same time will My judgment fall. So do not be like those who were slack in making themselves ready for I have warned you before that My judgment would first fall in the House of the Lord. My people will be tested and tried to see if their hearts are pure….to see if their motives are pure. For when My fire falls all dross will be burned up, and all that will stand is what is based on My word, My love, and purity, and My holiness.
So be sure, My children, that hearts will be exposed because I love you, and I cannot allow you to continue in the ways you are going or you will be destroyed. No flesh will revel in My end-time army; only those who are nameless and faceless. And yes, many wonder whether what they are doing is pure, whether it is My perfect will. Well, continue to look to Me, and I will expose your hearts, and you will know My will and you will know your motives and attitudes of the heart.
So be encouraged, My children, for I AM your Father and I love you deeply, and I don’t want anyone to miss out on all the blessings that I have in store for you. Many miraculous things I will do in your midst. Many blind eyes will be opened both physically and spiritually. Many will see their life as it is at present in their lost state and then will be able to receive the ministry of reconciliation of the Father and Son.
Yes, I AM doing work in the hearts of those I have died for. I will bring them to Me by the drawing of My love through you. And I will also work in the hearts of the fathers and sons restoring their love for each other. Yes, I will turn the father’s hearts toward their sons and the sons to their fathers. And yes, it will be glorious. My love will flow like a river among My own people as they allow Me to heal their hearts, and the river will build and flow out into the world and multitudes will turn to Me.
But yes, first judgment will come to the House of God. And yes, if need be, I will shake them to awaken them to the seriousness of the hour for they must be ready. Wake up from your slumber. Cast off the complacency and the busyness. Be as Mary at the Father’s feet. Be not entangled with the affairs of this world but be about your Father’s business. And your highest calling is to worship Me and to dwell with Me in My presence. The secret to your break-through is in intimacy with Me. There is no other way except by being in My secret place for that is the way to My glory and power.
So, keep your eyes on Me and not on what I show your brother to do. You are unique and have a unique walk and no other can take your place. For you are My beloved child, and there is no other that can take your place. And because I love you, I pour out My power to purge you and purify you and make you clean within and without. My blood has made you pure in spirit, but I see your heart and I will make you as you see Me. For the pure in heart will see Me. And we will be one in intimacy. As I and My Father are one so as My children will be one with Me….one mind, one heart, one purpose.
So lean upon Me, the author and finisher of your faith, and be encouraged for I draw you unto Myself. I pour out My fire because I love you, and I don’t want you to miss out for I AM excited over the victory we will share and the glory for our enemy is the defeated foe and is under our feet, but you will experience his casting into the lake of fire. So be excited, My little lambs, and rejoice for the victory is ours, says your God.
February 15, 2001
Peace I give to you not as the world gives. The peace I give you is perfect and it is lasting. It does not depend on the present circumstances or surroundings. I give My peace to you. And in return, you give Me joy….. because when My children rest in My peace, it delights My heart for it is My heart’s desire for My children to rest in My provision and protection.
Do not look unto the arm of the flesh but look unto Me. I AM weaning you of all you feel you need to depend on. I AM your all in all. I provide all your needs. I AM your light in the wilderness. I AM your refuge in the storm. I AM your Prince of Peace and your Bright and Morning Star. Yes, I promised you life abundantly that includes divine health and prosperity of all sorts.
So do not be weary, My children, or troubled because of your apparent circumstances. Look unto Me for I will care for you. I will provide all your needs. Be thankful for all that you have for I promised that My children would not lack any good thing, and also they would never have to beg bread. I will be with you always even to the end of time. So receive My peace and rest in Me. Draw closely underneath the shadow of My wing. Dwell in the secret place I provided for you which is My perfect will.
So seek My face early. Lean upon Me. Cast all your cares upon Me. Let go and let Me be your loving father for I AM all you need. This is the day of salvation for you. Choose this day who you will serve. Will you choose My peace, or will you continue to strive on your own, says your God.
February 15, 2001
Be still and know that I am God. Know that I have called you to do a work of restoration through you for this is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power. But woe to those who have not made themselves ready by coming before Me and seeking My face as to My will for your lives. Because all of you have an important part to play in My end-time battle, and if you do not know where your place is, you will be outside of My will and that is outside of My safety and open for the hands of the enemy to destroy you.
No, you will not lose your salvation per se but you will lose your inheritance of wealth and riches immeasurable because within My walls – which is My will – is safety and peace and health, prosperity. No, you will not lose your soul for I know you, My people, but you will lose your kingly inheritance. So now is the time and the hour to cross over Jordan and come into your promised land flowing with milk and honey, wine and wheat, in an abundant supply of fruit and gifts, and righteousness and My glory.
So do not be slack in coming before Me. Seek My face early where I can be found. Rent your heart and not your garments. Repent of all that is not of Me of having your own way, your own agenda and time schedules for which you think I should move in – for I have no place in the rituals of men. I have no place in the agendas of men. No, I will not be placed within a box. I (My Spirit) am a God of unlimited freedom. And I desire to pull down the plots set up. The confinement of My Spirit must go.
If you do not permit Me to have free reign of your meetings, I will go where I can, and I will mark your church as Ichabod – a temple where I no longer dwell. So I warn you, My children, open up your heart completely and let go of all that is not of Me. And be open and teachable for I have so much to share with you concerning My will, but you must be open to it. So come before Me with fastings and with prayer. Intercede that others will know My will – for My will is a place of safety unto you, says your God.
February 12, 2001
As the mountains surround Jerusalem, I surround you with My glory. You are My people and I am your God, and we walk together in the light of My Son. To him who lifts up their voices in praise unto Me, I will fill them and empower them to walk this land in complete freedom and victory. So look unto Me for I AM your God, and I have come to set you free that you may rejoice completely in Me. No holding back whatsoever from the enemy for I have made him your footstool. He is under your feet, and no weapon formed against you shall prosper.
I have crowned you with My loving kindness. I have filled you with My grace, and you will succeed in all you put your hand to because I see your heart is pure and you are a light in the wilderness that others may see My Son. So rejoice I see the finished package of your life, and My glory surrounds you like a cloud. My love flows through you like a river.
My word is impacted with My power so speak it forth boldly and see what I will do in your midst for this is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power. And many signs and wonders will follow your life because you have been before Me. And I will shine forth through you that others will see. And My love will flow forth in abundance and others will be drawn to the warmth of My Son. So continue to look to Me. Do not gaze away. Look longingly and I will touch you and empower you with My might.
February 6, 2001
My creation has gathered together as one to worship Me for they know their Redeemer. They know the One who will deliver them from the destruction that has fallen upon them because of the fallen nature of Adam. They know the One who came to redeem all mankind from the curse that has fallen upon them because of the sin of the one man Adam. And because of the One who gave His life that all men would be free comes the glory and the grace that also redeems My creation.
For I have come that all would have life and more abundantly. Seek ye first My kingdom and My righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Even those things the world seeks after will be given to you in abundance that you will be able to turn around and bless many. Even to those who have much will end up with much less than you because they didn’t seek Me first but went after mammon…… for you can’t both have a heart after riches and also able to seek My face too.
Yes, seek ye first My kingdom and all these things will be added unto you. Because you put My will first, then I will look after you and supply all your needs. You will not go without for you are My children. You are royalty….a kingdom of kings and priests. You are children of the King Most High. So consider this day where your heart is. What do you seek after? What is your heart’s desire? For if you seek after Me, you will be filled. But if you seek after the riches of the world, you will go without for vanity is in your heart.
And I am ready to purge hearts of all that is not of Me. What takes up most of your time? Where do you seek your fulfillment at? If you examine closely, you will discover the deception of your heart for you have been justifying your wrongdoing. If you could only see the error of your own ways, you would turn from them. Look again, My children, who do you really serve? Who is seated in the throne room of your heart?
Choose ye this day who you will serve. Choose Me and choose life. You cannot both have your foot in the kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness at the same time. What fellowship does light have with darkness? Do not let the enemy fool you to think you can have the dainties of both kingdoms. As I have said before this is the time and the hour to pour out My power but you must be a willing and obedient vessel….a vessel with pure motives and desires. A vessel free of pride and yearns to be one of humility.
Follow My example as unto death and I will give you the crown of life. My resurrection power only falls on those who choose to live the crucified life. Pick up your cross and follow Me. This is where the abundance of My power and glory, My mercy and grace, My giftings and fruit all come after you have conquered the flesh at the Garden, been at the Cross, died with Me and also have risen to new life with Me….the power and glory of the resurrected life in Me. You will never be the same if you truly choose the cross, says your God.
February 3, 2001
This is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power, but how many of My people truly know Me, not just know of Me, but truly have an intimate relationship with Me? How many truly take the time to come before Me and just listen to what I have to say to them? My people, I would admonish you to come before Me daily, and seek My face and listen to what I have to say. Do not come before Me with your own agenda pre-planned in a format and precisely timed as to how long you will spend praying for each item for this is not My will. Come with an open heart ready to press in for My will to be done through you.
Yes, this is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power, but are you ready to be the vessel I called you to be to carry that power, for if you are not truly ready, that power that I will pour out upon you could not only destroy you but those around you. I need you to empty yourself of anything that is not of Me, all of your pre-planned agendas of putting Me in a box. Get rid of all of that immediately. Empty yourself of all of that format of formalism and religious traditions of how to seek My face. Just humbly come before Me open to receive My will.
This is a new day, a new beginning for you to let go of all of the past, and start fresh seeking My face and My will for how I will use you in the latter-day outpouring. For I will pour out My Spirit in abundance of dynamic power. Signs and wonders will fall from the sky. Lightning and thundering will fall at the outset of My spoken words through you, for I said greater works you will do for I have gone to the Father, and I have sent My Spirit back to do the bidding of the Father in the land.
And thunderings of fiery conviction will fall on the unrepentant heart, both in the camps of believers and unbelievers, for I said judgment will first fall in the house of the Lord, then to the unsaved. The terrible day of the Lord is at hand, and there is no time to waste with your own agendas of how to gratify your own flesh and how you would serve Me, for My ways are not the ways of man nor my thoughts your thoughts. My ways are so much higher!
Do not lean on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Me, and I will direct your paths. I say to let go of anything that would trip up your time. Don’t even listen to your thoughts saying that you are too busy to come before Me or too tired or too distracted with self-gratification. What is more important, to please yourself or men, or to please your God? I AM your Father and I said to not have any strange gods before you for I AM jealous of your time and commitment to Me.
So let go of all the distractions of the world and even of men who say they want to do My will. Be careful who you listen to because there are many wolves in sheep’s clothing ready to devour you with snares and lies of the enemy. They will try to do anything to try to sidetrack you from My intimate presence unknowingly. They don’t realize that they have given into the service of the enemy is trying to trip My people up.
So I say to you this day to be wise as serpents and gentle as lambs. Put on your armor securely and seek My face. Look longingly, keep your gaze on Me, never look away for I AM your life, the light in the wilderness, the true vine, your sustenance, your provider. I AM all things to you: the Prince of Peace, Mighty God and also your Father. So look unto Me says your God.
February 1, 2001
Be still and know that I am God, and that I am He who is in control of all things that you face, and that all things work together for your good because you love Me and are called according to My purposes and plans alone. Come unto Me and draw near to Me, and I will share My heart with you. There have never been a people before who I have loved as much as I love you. You are the apple of My eye, My beloved and faithful remnant, and I have so much that I will do through you during these end times.
Yes, I will pour out My glory upon you as never before. Yes, My glory will fall upon you and radiate through you and touch those around you. Yes, even in the market place you will see My power move through you touching lives. Yes, I will cause others to fall under conviction by My Spirit touching hearts, and I will pour out My gift of repentance, and I will cause hearts to be receptive to My words and My love flowing through you.
So prepare your hearts and be ready for a mighty move of My power. Draw close to Me, and sit in My presence and bask in My Son light for I will fill you to overflowing, and I will heal you and prosper you and give you a mighty testimony to share of My faithfulness to move in your life.
Encourage others of My faithfulness and let them know that I have no favorites. I gave the life of My Son for all who will accept Him into their hearts. Reach out and touch others with My love. Do not hold back. Be available at all times for you never know when someone is hurting and needs a helping hand.
So draw close to Me as I call you near. Be available by preparing your hearts in My presence. Strip off all that would hold you back from running the race with endurance. Keep looking to Me the author and finisher of your faith. Trust not in your own strength but in all things look to My power flowing through you.
Stay in rank. Do not get out of line. Do not accept responsibilities I didn’t assign for you. Do not be a men pleaser but only be concerned with pleasing Me. Do not get wrapped up with busyness or works religion for your highest calling is to sit at My feet and to learn of My ways and to receive direction from Me alone. I will lead you and guide you into all truth. I will give you My wisdom and knowledge. I will give you understanding and discretion.
Be faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life. Forsake all for the Kingdom. Continue to be My faithful followers and rise up and take the land. This is the time and the hour to pour out My power. And I AM waiting on you to line up with the ways I have shown you. Do not be hesitant to step out and trust Me. Discern the times and do not be negligent of your calling. Do not be slack in counting the cost for it will cost you everything, a pearl of great price.
So look unto Me and I will lead you on. Do not become weary in doing good for in due time you will reap the reward of storing up treasures in heaven and not on earth where moth and rust can destroy and man can steal. You have a heavenly bank account, and I give you My name. So draw on Me, and I will supply your needs endlessly. You are My children, and I am your Father, and I fail not. Lean on Me and not on your own understanding and I will direct your paths for I am faithful, says your God.
January 29, 2001
Be still and know that I am God for there is no other god before you. Your heart is pure, therefore, I can pour out upon you My mysteries of revelation. Seek ye first My kingdom and My righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Seek My face and not My hand, and I will bless you with what is most important to you. This is the day of salvation. Choose ye this day who you will serve. Will it be the lusts of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, or the pride of life, or will you crucify these lusts of the flesh and the pride thereof? The choice is yours to make, but I would have you to choose life.
I admonish you to not give in to that which is of vanity….that which robs your time and side tracts you from hearing my voice. Come before Me often and seek My face for I have so much I want to share with you concerning the latter rain outpouring that I have promised you days before. Yes, many have held on to the vision I have given you many years ago. Many have been faithful to press in no matter what they have seen in the natural. Many have felt that I just wasn’t going to move with My power and glory.
But didn’t I say I would pour out My spirit upon all flesh….that young men would dream dreams and old men would have visions in the terrible day of the Lord. Didn’t I say that My handmaidens and menservants would prophesy and that signs and wonders would follow those that believe? I am not a man that can lie or a son of a man who can change My mind. If I said it, I will perform that which I said. My word will go forth and perform that which I sent it to do.
So fret not that things are taking so long to happen. I am in total control, and My timing is perfect, and I work all things together to bring forth My purpose on this earth. So seek ye first My kingdom and righteousness. Fret not at what you see in the natural . Put your faith in Me, and I will move mightily in your midst. My chief desire is to bless My children with what they need and also the desires of their hearts. I love you, My children, and I am preparing you for a mighty move of My Spirit. Everything that I allow you to go through is in preparation for what is ahead.
I am working in you My patience and endurance. And My joy is your strength. I give you My peace that passes all understanding. I give you My faith that moves mountains in your life. The enemy’s attempts to try to distract you will fall like smoke in My midst. He is a defeated foe and My victory is yours. I have given you all that you need to take the land and to maintain the victory. Stay behind your shield of faith and keep your sword handy. Keep it clean and sharp by staying in My word….by meditating on it during your day. Keep My word hidden in your heart and obey with a submissive heart.
My children, I am your Father, and I am training you up. I love you with a never-ending love. There isn’t anything you can do to make me love you any less. You are the apple of My eye, My beloved children, My friends, and brothers. I am your God and you are My people. We are one deeply united as a kingdom of kings and priests.
Shake off anything that would try to weigh you down and run with endurance the race that is ahead of you for this is the last stretch of the race. The finish line is right up ahead. Claim all that I died for you to have. Do not allow the enemy any access to that which is rightfully yours. Rejoice for the battle is the Lord’s and the victory is thine for this is the end times and there is no time to waste, says your God.
January 27, 2001
Come unto Me and let Me share with you My heart concerning what is going on concerning Clinton, the former recognizable president of the United States. For I have given My wisdom to President Bush concerning what has taken place concerning the vandalism and theft in the White House. I have prompted him to let go of this and not give in to the snare of the fowler and the spirits of vandalism and theft for this is the plot of the enemy to trip My people up by having them draw attention to the works of the enemy.
My ways are not your ways nor My thoughts your thoughts. The way a man would handle this is to prosecute and to draw attention and drain taxpayers money on court trials that would only continue to give My people a bad name around the world. Let it go is My cry and My will. Start anew and start fresh with a new view on how to tackle the affairs of the country and how it will affect the world.
Seek My face and not My hand. Share My love. Seek ye first My kingdom and My righteousness and all these things will be added unto you and that is wisdom and understanding and knowledge of My will and ways. Forgive your debts, forgive those who trespass against you. Cover over the sins of your brother with a blanket of love. Seek only to edify and not to judge or tear down. Do good to those who despitefully use you and bless those who curse you.
Be My light in this world of darkness. Follow the example that I have placed in this mighty man of Mine. Yes, President Bush is a mighty man of high stature in My kingdom. I know him well. He is My friend and yes, I do commune with him often. So rejoice for the battle is Mine and, the victory is yours but maintain it, My children, by keeping My beloved, President Bush, covered with prayer.
Intercede with Me often for him for he needs to stay covered for these are treacherous times, and the enemy is looking for a way in to bring harm and to deter My plans. So keep him on your heart and pray for this is the time and the hour for war. Do not let down your guard. Seek to draw close to Me and always be willing to obey My will, says your God.
January 26, 2001
Come, My children. Come into My most holy place for I delight to meet with you in the beauty of My holiness. Come, My children, bask in My presence. Let Me touch you with My unfailing love. Come unto Me, My beloved children, and let Me hold you close. Let Me teach you My ways now. Let Me grow you up into maturity. Let Me call you forth, My mighty conquerors. For in Me alone you stand.
Come unto Me, My children, and let Me take you on a journey of untold mysteries that only I will share with you alone, for I have promised you hidden manna that is set aside for you alone to glean from. My word is alive and is a light unto your path that you may not stumble into the snare of the fowler. For each of you are a precious gem and a unique vessel in which I pour out My glory, and through you, I will touch the multitudes.
Come unto Me, My children, and let Me fill you with My grace and truth, My wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Let Me stir up within you a deeper hunger for My word….an even unquenchable thirst for My presence. Come unto Me and let Me fill you to overflowing for this is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power upon you. Now is the time to let Me prepare you through the fire, to stretch you out of your comfort zone, that I may conform you into My image.
So, My children, come unto Me and let Me fill you and touch you with My love that in turn, you may touch others. Be that yielded vessel that I can pour out of My love and glory that I may touch the lost. Let Me stir within you My giftings of revelation that I may touch the hearts of many….even those deep secrets not revealed to others. For I AM pouring out upon you this day giftings for prophetic evangelism. Let Me speak through you to touch the hearts of the lost. Let Me draw them in through you.
Come unto Me, My children, and let Me finish the work that I have begun in you. Let Me lift you up to be My vessels of honor and grace and glory, for now, is the hour to pour out My power, says your God.
January 25, 2001
Come unto Me all who labor needlessly to get into My secret place….all who have a hard time entering into a place of intimacy with Me….for I did not make it a practice that needs to be strived for but a place to just enter into. My children, sit at My feet and just rest. Relax in My presence and just let Me take you away.
Be conscious of My words that I have spoken to you before as you have studied and meditated upon the scriptures of My living Manna, the Bread of Life, your sustenance. You are not opening yourself up to a place of empty nothingness that many who are led in false practices do, but you are opening yourself up to communion with your Lord.
Do not be afraid to enter into My presence that you may be led astray or deceived or think it may be strange what you may experience. These are just lies of the evil one trying to deter you from My presence. And also those who are afraid to enter in because they are still hiding from Me because of guilt, shame and condemnation. Some are even afraid that I may say something that they cannot accept or even obey and will be left in a far worse position than before they entered in. These are all lies and need to be cast down. Do not give ear to the evil one. Do not allow him to distract you from My presence any longer.
For I have created you, My beloved children, to be able to enter into My secret place that you may dwell and rest and to be nourished, refreshed, edified and built up, strengthened and even equipped for battle. I AM your all in all. I AM all you need in My presence. Leave your cares to Me for I truly care for you. Give Me all your concerns and burdens, and let Me take control of all your circumstances facing you today. Give no thought for past failures and worry not about tomorrow. Just rest now in My presence and let me take you away.
Let Me speak to you what you long to hear of My love for you. Open up your heart and let Me enter in and touch every area and bring healing. Let Me tear down the walls you built up to protect yourself because of past hurts. This only creates your own prison of woundedness. Be willing, and obey My call to let go, and let Me have it all, and I will bless you. I will cause you to be the person I created you to be….free and carefree in My love and care. Let Me truly be your Father and let Me love you, My children. Let Me build you up and strengthen you. For this is a new day….a new beginning for you….to be able to truly enter in and be blessed in My secret place, says your God.
January 22, 2001
Be bold, My mighty warriors, for now, is the time to take the land. Rise up and put on your robes of righteousness that I Myself have purchased for you with the shed blood of My son Jesus. Put on your crown which I. Myself gave you, the helmet of salvation. Gird your loins with truth. Stand upon the soundness of My word alone. Cast everything else to the wayside. The wisdom of man is of no use to you that will benefit you in My kingdom. Cast it out of your way for it is only a hindrance to you. For in My truth is fullness of joy and righteousness forevermore just by standing upon My word and proclaiming My word to all who will hear.
Rise up, My mighty warriors, and take the land. Equip yourself with My weapons of warfare. My word and My shield are what you need to stand firm in these end times. Use your sword against the enemy of your soul. Do not receive any of the lies that he throws at you. Do not let him pierce your heart with his fiery darts. Shield yourself with My faith. Do not trust in your own faith whether you have what it takes to stand. Look to Me, the author and finisher of your faith.
I AM your healer, your deliverer, your provider, your comforter. I and My word are one. I AM all that you need, so look to Me. Seek to develop an intimate relationship with Me as you study My word to live a holy life. Seek to know Me and My ways. Do not allow your studying of My word separate you from coming before Me with a heart full of love and hunger for My presence. Seek My face and not My hand. Draw close to Me as I draw you closer. Run to Me, My beloved bride.
You are the only one for Me. Each and every one of you are like a precious jewel to Me. You are the apple of My eye, and I love you so. I long to spend those quiet moments with you as you leave everything behind to just be with Me. Rise up, My mighty warriors, and take the land. Love your neighbor as yourself and pursue peace with all men. Love is My most powerful weapon. My love will put the enemy to flight. Allow Me to fill you with My glory as you allow Me to empty you of all that will hinder the flow of My Spirit through you.
This is the day of salvation. Choose ye this day who you will serve. Both blessings and cursing can both flow from the same stream from your mouth gate, but I would have you to choose life. So watch over and guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life. Feast upon My word and renew your mind and speak life for there is great power in the tongue. Do not allow the enemy to cause you to become your own enemy by bringing curses to your own self and family and everything that pertains to your life.
Yes, this is the day of salvation. The choice is yours to make who you will serve. It all depends on whether you will win or lose the battle. All these areas are of utmost importance in appropriating My victory in your life. Do not let any stone be not unturned. Seek your heart if there be any root of unbelief or vanity….anything that would distract you from pressing into having a life of purity and holiness. For godliness and purity are of great gain in My kingdom.
Yes, seek My face and not My hand. Seek My will and My ways. Pursue peace with all men. And overcome the lust of the flesh, the eyes, and the pride of life. I have given you all you need to walk victoriously. Rise up and take the land. Make sure you have no door open to the evil one. Guard your thoughts, your words, your motives and actions. And guard your time. Do not allow the enemy to rob it from you with the vanities of the world. Cast them down! Resist the temptation. Nothing can compare with what I have for you. Draw close to Me, My children, and I will raise you up mighty warriors, says your God.