GOD’S FAITHFULNESS – My Testimony – From Seed To Bumper Crop

Yolanda's prophetic writing

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In My Garden by Joe Medrek


I met my husband fifteen years ago at a church I started to visit.  He came up to me and said that the Lord had placed a burden on his heart for my son, and that he was fasting and praying for him all week!  Then we all started sitting together. Levi was really attracted to the joy of the Lord that was on my husband.  We’d sit together with Levi in between us every week, and one week Levi pulled our heads together like he wanted us joined!

 When I first met my husband, the Lord put it on my heart to give him a very nice ring and to give it to him as a seed planted for his prosperity.  My husband had been homeless not long before I met him and got saved, got a job and an apartment.  He didn’t have much but he was faithful to the Lord and a good hard worker.  Since then the Lord enabled my husband to go to trucking school and get his license.  And he has been prospering ever since.

 I know the Lord isn’t through yet!  My husband had a bad fall at work.  He got knocked off a loading dock and fell four feet on his side right on the concrete.  While being out of work for over a year, he had to have surgery on his shoulder and wrist and has slight permanent damage on his back where his right leg is constantly numb. My husband had to have major back surgery and he is stronger and healthier looking now than when I first met him. 

My husband said he was going to buy me a Cadillac some day, and I would say “sure!” not really believing him.  I never desired one.  So after Lee got knocked off a loading dock three years ago, the Lord led him to file suit, and he was blessed by the Lord with enough money to get completely out of debt, pay off his house, and buy me a brand new Cadillac!

God is faithful.  So when you are led to plant a seed from the Lord, be ready for a bumper crop to come with enough to bless others!!!