GOD’S FAITHFULNESS – My Testimony – A Family Of Warriors

Yolanda's prophetic writing

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In My Garden by Joe Medrek


I just praise the Lord that He kept my father safe for twenty-six days in intense battle in WWII that he attributed his survival to prayer. And then after going through the worse battle of his life with a massive heart attack, I was able to lead my father to the Lord. He said that was the worse battle of his life and ended up saved! Yes, I am amazed how He preserved my father’s life to where I was the one to lead him to the Lord! Thank you, Jesus!

My mother also had a battle of her life through possession of the enemy where she almost drowned herself in the ocean. She remembered being washed to shore holding on to a large rock. Yes, I was able to pray the sinner’s prayer with her also. She didn’t show much fruit in her life for she had always had such a battle in her mind, but I had no doubt that she laid down and went to sleep in the Lord!

God is not through with my life. I also have had quite a battle in my life under intense stress through several situations and having to endure so much with my son having grand mall seizures three times a week for over ten years. At the time we couldn’t get him near a doctor. He would get severely traumatized. God broke that off of him and now he is on seizure medication. I battled such fear that he would fall and hurt himself and several times he did, but God was always there with such a presence where it touched other people in the emergency room. Levi is also a fighter having to endure frustration that not most people would be able to endure.

And most of all is my husband who has been able to endure much hardship in his life where he never gives us and keeps pressing forward. He was homeless because he left his hometown to get away with his friends and drugs. He came to Florida on a motorcycle and left everything just because he knew he had to get off of drugs. He was homeless and never pan handled like the others who spent the little they had on beer. My husband always made a way where he could work and earn enough for his basic needs. During this time of his life he got born again but was the most amazing thing is that he had no withdrawal from the drugs he had been on. God had his hand of protection upon him.

I met my husband in a church where the Lord brought our family together using Levi. Levi receiving a father after not having one his whole life started changing immensely. My husband was knocked off a loading dock on to the cement falling four feet and greatly damaged his back and with intense pain he still worked which greatly surprised the lawyer on the opposing side when he had to file suit. They could not believe how he was able to work for three years in his condition. Yes, Lee is surely an overcomer.

Yes, we are a family able to endure the battles of life and God is not through with us preparing us for what is ahead. We all only by the grace of God stand. I could write a book of my testimony even up to this point and the best is yet to come!!!