DEC 4, 1999 – NOV 1, 2000


November 1, 2000

Psalm 91:1 – He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall dwell under the shadow of the Almighty.

Come into that secret place, My children, for there is where I will meet with you! Do not let the distractions of the world hinder you from coming before Me…from spending those intimate moments with Me that I have called you to.

I want to refresh you with My presence. I want to restore you with My love. I want to fill you to overflowing with My glory. I want to use you mightily in these end times. But you have to be made ready in My presence. And in My love I will set you free to set the captives free. Yes, I have to set you free first, My children, before you can minister to any other.

So come before Me so I may heal you and restore you and set you ablaze with My love. For I love you so much and want to spend time with you so that you may feast on My word and be blessed and encouraged and made on fire to go out and do My bidding in this world.

So come before Me and be made whole. Open up your hearts completely to Me and let me heal you. Let Me bring those walls down so I can completely touch you with My love. Do not hold back any longer. Be set apart for My purposes alone. And do not be sidetracked with busyness and complacency any longer and be refreshed in My love, says your God.

October 31, 2000

I AM calling you closer, My children. Deep calls unto deep at the sound of My waterspouts. With every rising breath that you take I AM doing a healing. So breathe deeply, My children. Exhale all that has weighed you down, and breathe in the freshness of My life…new hope….new beginnings….life in Me abundantly.

And I AM opening dorrs for you to enter. New opportunities for you to share My love with others. And I will pour out My anointing upon you that you may do My works in the land. I AM preparing your hearts so that I can move freely through you. I AM taking away all that has been a hindrance to you. I AM stretching your faith and proving Myself faithful so you can boldly proclaim My faithfulness to others. And signs and wonders will follow My words coming through you, because all the hindrances will be gone.

So open up freely to Me and let Me work deeply. And in return you will bless Me by your faith, and My people will be set free. It all begins with you as you open up to Me completely. Now is the day of salvation. Now is the day to choose who you are to serve. Now is the time to put down anything standing in your way to serve Me wholeheartedly and completely. It is closer than you think to My return. I AM doing a shaking in the land. Everything that is not of Me will fall.

I AM preparing your hearts to do a complete and total surrender to My perfect will. No more holding back. This is the day of salvation. This is the day to take back all the ground the enemy has stolen, and to walk in the inheritance that I have purchased for you. You are My children and I love you and don’t want you to miss out of all the blessings that I have for you and to prepare you completely for what is ahead. I want you ready, My children. I AM calling you near to search your hearts and dispose all that is not of Me. I AM admonishing you, My children. Heed to the cry of My heart for you to be ready!

The Lord is doing a shaking of the foundations….all the false securities….all that we have put our trust in outside of Him. And if we are willing, He will show us these areas….if we are serious about going on with Him to walk in the fullness of His will for our lives.

October 27, 2000

My children, I have called you out from among the heathen to do a deep work in your hearts so that in turn you can go back in amongst them and be a blessing unto them. Yes, I have called you out to draw you back in that you may be lights among the darkness, that you may be the purifier, the salt that they need that their lives may be refined. For without you, the called out ones, they have no one to lead them to the path of holiness that they may know My Son.

My Son died for all who will call upon His name in humble repentance of their wicked ways. Yes, they need the grace of their Savior to draw them in. They cannot do it on their own. they cannot repent or even see the Light without the grace and mercy which I pour out lavishly. So, be ready at all times for you never know when there is one around you who is searching and seeking with all their heart to know the Truth, the One True God.

Be ready at all times to pour out My love and grace upon those around you. For I am calling you to humble yourselves, and to repent of your own wicked ways of having your own agendas, of not seeking My face wholeheartedly as to how you should spend your time. For it is not your own time. It was purchased with the price of the blood of My own Son. And I did not lead you out that you might live a life of vanity of empty nothingness. I have given you a purpose and a plan and you need to seek Me to fulfill your destiny. You are not out on your own. I have a purpose to fulfill in you. So line up and stand in rank and march to fulfill your destiny.

And march right into the enemy’s territory and tear down the strongholds by your praises and your shouts and keep all the pieces of your armor securely fastened. Keep your eyes on Me and worship Me and move across the land with My anointing, My power and My glory. And be as one Body as Me and My Father are one. And stand in the gap sensitive to the wooing of My Spirit to draw unto Me in wholehearted intercession.

For I have not called the feeble but the mighty warriors to do My bidding in the land. And we win! The battle has already been won at Calvary. So march out and possess what is already yours, says your God.


October 24, 2000

Speak, My child. Speak the words aloud that which you hear in the secret place. Bring encouragement to My people by being a living testimony to My people those who I have died for. Many desire to know more of My love and faithfulness. Many have desired to walk in My perfect will but have been distracted by the fear and wisdom of man from going on the straight and narrow path that I have ordained for them.

But I have loved My people and have poured out My grace and mercy many a time and will continue to. But there will come a day when they will need to take a stand on My word alone. There will come a day when they will be truly tried in the fire and purified like gold. All the dross and impurities need to be brought to the surface and skimmed off so all that is left will be My faith in them. They need to know without a shadow of doubt that I am faithful and that I am all that they need.

Lean not on the arm of the flesh but lean on Me. I am your rock, your great provider, your dwelling place. There is great provision and protection within My arms of love for you. I have all that you need. I will protect you and care for you like a hen covering her chicks kept safe underneath her wing I will care for you.

So this day I encourage you to seek My face and search your heart to see if there is any root of unbelief where you have gone your own way. Trust in My ways and not those of man. Time is short, and I don’t want you off guard when the enemy really hits My people.

The storms of persecution are coming, and they will be heavy. But those who know My name will be safe within the refuge of My love. Look unto Me the author and finisher of your faith. Look to My word for it is truth. Cast down the fear produced by man through their knowledge. Don’t you know that the enemy moves through devices to sidetrack you from My truth? Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, and I will care for you says your God.


October 24, 2000

Come forth, My people, come forth! Do not be as the dead man, but rise up, mighty men of God! Rise up, mighty men of war, and come forth and praise Me. Shout a mighty praise of victory for we win. The battle is Mine and we win! Rise up from your sleep! Wake up from your complacency! The urgency of the hour is at hand.

To know the heart of your Father you have to draw close to Him to hear His heartbeat and to know His heart’s cry intimately. Let My burdens be thine. Let Me share the sorrows of My heart with you that you can help carry them, My people. Know the urgency of the hour and wake up. Be sensitive to My calling you, “Come away with Me!”.

To truly know My heart’s cry you need to draw close to Me. Put down all that would draw you away form My presence. Seek My face and not My hand, and I will supply all your needs, because you are putting My needs first. You are seeking the kingdom of God with all your heart. You are loving Me with all your heart, soul, and strength, and loving your neighbor as yourself. I see this finished work in you, My children. I cry out to My Father that you walk in this victory every day and always.

So be careful for nothing, but with prayer and thanksgiving bring your requests unto me, and then rest for I will take care of you. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. And be free, My children. Come forth and be the Church I have called you to be. And rejoice for the Kingdom is at hand for you. Raise the dead, heal the sick, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely you shall give!

Rise up, Lazarus. Take off your grave cloths, and come forth to be the mighty man I have ordained you to be. Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord!


October 21, 2000

Come unto Me all those who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. For you are My children, and you have gone through many hard battles but I am with you, and I am strengthening you every step of the way. Do not listen to the lies of the evil one for he is out to deter your progress in Me. You are out to take the land, and I am stripping off of you all your heavy baggage, and I am setting you free so that you can move swiftly in My Spirit.

Yes, My children, cast off all that has held you back. Take off the garments of heaviness and put on your garments of praise. And worship Me and draw close to Me and listen intently for I have so much to share with you about coming events. I want you ready spiritually and prayed up and already prepared as when these events take place for I want to loose an anointing through you that will turn the tides.

I want to open blind eyes through you and deaf ears that many can see My face and hear My calling them near. I want to save the multitudes through you. I want to set the captives free so that they can run swiftly the race before them. For many have been mortally wounded in the battle, and at present they feel that they are to no value to the kingdom of God.

So be ready to encourage and exhort and to lift up and heal and apply the oil of gladness upon their hearts so that they can rise up and be the mighty warriors I have called them to be. And there is no time to waste, My children, for these are crucial times. The enemy is coming in as a flood trying to scatter My people. But I have come to take over. I am the King of kings, the Mighty Warrior, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and I reign mightily over all the earth. And I am in charge of this battle. Nothing takes place that I don’t have my hand on. I am working all these events together to bring forth My mighty plan to bring forth My government in this land.

So rest in your Father’s love and have no fear for I am very near to you, more so when you don’t feel My presence. I am drawing you nearer to Me, and I am bringing you into My inner chambers, and look up, My chosen people, My children, My friends, for your redemption is drawing nigh, says your King.

October 21, 2000

Be blessed, My children, for I have given you so much to be thankful for. Do not allow the enemy to rob you by giving into the snare of ungratefulness. If the enemy can get you looking at yourself in a wrong light and feeling sorry for yourself and depressed, then he can get you to let go of your many blessings.

This is the day the Lord has made. This is the day to rejoice and to be glad in it and to put the enemy out of every area of your life for he is there only to steal, kill and destroy you and all your blessings. So be wise and diligent to seek My face and feast on My word and to gather with the saints. For this is a blessing not all freely have.

Many face persecution this day where they are not allowed to seek My face in the public gathering of the saints. Many do not have the ability or the means to go out and gather the materials you so freely have to study My word. Many do not have a Bible. And you, My children, have abundance.

So take this time and use it wisely. Gather with the saints and seek My face and worship Me wholeheartedly. Rejoice and be grateful that you have this privilege. And rejoice that you have My word openly proclaimed in the public gatherings. And you have My word in abundance and study materials and the internet at present where My word is being shared in abundance through prophesy.

Be blessed that you are safe in My love. I will always watch over you and protect you. I will supply your every need because I am your Father. Be grateful for your every blessing. Do not take any of them lightly, and never let the enemy cause you to be ungrateful and look at these things lightly because of the snares he sets up for you. Because his only mission is to separate you from My intimate presence and love, to deceive you by causing you to feel you have so much lack in your life.

Take your every blessing and cherish them for they are My gifts to you. I have given you the gift of nature to enjoy….My creation. I have given you My breath….My life in abundance. I have given you good things so that your youth will be restored as the eagles.

Stand on My every promise, My children. And rejoice for this is My will for you this day. And be grateful for My gifts for there may come a day when what you see before you may be taken away because of your ungratefulness. Wake up and be glad and be thankful for this is My will for you.
October 15, 2000

Arise, O Man of war and move mightily through Your people.  Let Your enemies be scattered in Your midst!  Pour out Your glory and Your strength upon Your people of righteousness and honor.  Your Holy City will be preserved and restored.  Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Wake up Your people to the time and the hour.  Open their ears that they can hear Your cry to pray.  Take the scales off their eyes that they may see the seriousness of the hour.  Join Your forces in unity, Lord.  Put a shield of protection around them.

Rise up, O mighty warriors, and prepare for battle for the warfare is intense and it is fierce, but we win because the Captain of the hosts of God leads us out to battle.  Check your armor, cleanse your hearts, and set your priorities straight.  Cast off anything that would hold you back for now is the time and the hour.   It is sooner than you think for Christ’s return!  It is right at the door.

We are at the threshold of a new dawn.  The night is almost over and morning is coming.  Weeping only lasts for the evening and joy comes with the morning.  It is time to rejoice for final prophesy is unfolding.  Everything has taken place, and now it is time for Christ to return for His bride.  The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come Lord Jesus!”

September 29, 2000

This is a dream that was a neat revelation to me of a basic truth I should have been walking in. I shared this with a friend and learned that it helped her also. So I am bringing it forth to you.

Before I went to sleep I was battling fear. Even though I prayed and quoted scripture the fear was still there. I dreamt I was in a house taking care of it for the owners who were away. I barely remember whether the owner told me I was going to have company or not. But all of a sudden without notice several people came into the house without knocking. No one introduced themselves to me, and they ignored me when I asked who they were. They just went through the house taking over.

I was getting upset because I didn’t know if they were the ones who were supposed to be there or not. So I said if no one is going to tell me who they are, I am going to call 911. A lady with a helmet covering her face took the phone preventing me. So I said I was going to go to the neighbor’s house to call, and she acted like she was calling over there to prevent me from getting help that way. I went back to the master bedroom where they were all gathering and commanded them to all leave. And then I woke up.

When I woke up, I knew of the boldness that I was to be walking in concerning exercising His authority over my life. And I knew the meaning of this dream. The house represented my life. The owner was God who left me in authority over my life to enforce His will being done. I was to enforce this authority in Jesus’ name and to not allow the demonic powers to infiltrate my life. The different rooms in the house represented different areas of my life. Even though we don’t always know the identity of the demons, we still have the autority to cast them out. Several people gathering in the bedroom, the place of intimacy, showed me that the chief purpose of these demons was to hinder our intimacy with the Father….to hinder us from resting in His faithfulness and His love and to know His heart and authority.

I just pray that this will touch those who do not yet have this revelation grounded in their heart. Also for those who need reminding that we are to exercise this authority. The enemy is so subtle at times, and if we drop our guard, he comes in and tries to rob us of this authority and tries to take over our lives. This is the life God gave to us to walk in His perfect will to be blessed. And In Jesus name we are to put the enemy out of every area of our lives, and take back what is rightfully ours. Come against all hindrances to the Lord’s perfect will being done through us in Jesus name!

I just covet your prayers that this revelation will not be robbed but just intensify. And that God’s people will truly be free to be the people He has called them to be.


August 29, 2000

Come one, come all, come unto My banqueting table of love for I have so much I want to pour out upon you of My glory and grace. Oh, My children, do not stay away. Come unto Me and feast upon all the hidden manna I have to bestow upon you. Do not stay away from the nourishment I have for you through My Word. It is your sustenance. Do not feel that you don’t need to come to Me daily for this nourishment because if you don’t you will surely die. Your spirit needs to be fed daily all the milk and the wheat, the grain that will make you strong, and the meat that you will become strong in Me. I have everything that you need contained within My Word.

So put aside all that would distract you. Put Me first. My presence and My Word are of utmost importance to you. So why do you try to make it on your own so much? Why do you struggle so to survive. Look unto Me, the author and finisher of your faith. For faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Not just reading My Word but speaking it forth daily in your conversations of life. Watch what you say for you will be blessed or cursed by what comes forth from your mouth. Do not set up your own snares. Don’t work with your enemy but against him for he is only out to steal, kill and destroy you and your life in Me.

So put forth your armor and your enforcements to good use. Do not let them lie idly not being used. Pick up My Word and be made strong. Sharpen your sword, polish your armor, stand behind your shield completely so that no firey dart can touch your mind. Do not look at circumstances but look to My Word. Confess My Word and walk in faith standing firmly on My promises and be strong says your God.v And arise from your sleep for the battle is at hand. Do not be complacent but be wise and prepare. If you cannot run now with the men against you, what will you do when the horses are loosed? I warn you now. Prepare now while you have time. Wake up from your sleep and prepare!


July 18, 2000

Come, My people. Come one and come all. Come to My banqueting table for there I want you to feast upon the hidden manna that I have in store for you. I want to reveal to you the secrets of My heart that I have to share. I have much to say. So come and draw close for I AM excited about what I AM about to do in your country. I have much in store for you of my blessings and My grace, for you have endured much suffering, and you have waited patiently for My return.

And My children I will come soon as the latter rain. I will refresh you like never before have you been refreshed. I will touch you like never before have you been touched. For you have been faithful, and you have served Me unselfishly putting My needs first and not your own. And now it is time for your rewards to be poured out for I AM very much pleased with you, My children. I AM extremely blessed that you come to me day and night and receive of My glory and grace and forgiveness.

I want to pour out My healing power and touch hearts and bring restoration to many. For many have suffered great loss through much persecution. Many have lost their loved ones and their homes and possessions, and they counted it all joy to suffer with Me.

Few will experience the pain that I agonize over, that My people who I have died for, that they prolong coming to Me. The hour is at hand where I will pour out My wrath, and at the same time I will pour out My glory upon those who are ready to receive it. Few will experience the abundance of My grace, because they have not spent their time getting ready for My return. They have hidden themselves from My intimate presence. They have fortified themselves with fortresses like steal that no man can penetrate. And even I cannot enter into the secret place of their heart that should be reserved for Me alone.

Come to Me, those who are weary and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Come to Me, those who have been beaten up in the battle. The warfare lately has been hard, and the enemy has been attacking right and left with his subtle attempts to steal, kill and destroy My bride. He has tried in many ways to divide her through deception.

Seek My face and not My hand and I will bless you. Seek ye first My kingdom and all these things will be added unto you. Do not become sidetracked in any way from pressing into My secret place. Press hard and believe that I AM faithful to enable you to overcome all the attacks of the evil one. It is not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord. My bride and I are one as My Father and I are one. Be one together with Me and worship Me and know I AM faithful, says your God.

May 30, 2000

Oh, My children, I have heard your prayers, and I delight in your presence for you honor Me.  And there is no one else in the whole world that can honor me the way you do for you are unique, My children.  You fill a specific purpose for Me that no one else can fill.  And I delight in your faithfulness to come apart from the world and sit before Me as My children.

So, I bless you as you go and do the things I have called you to do.  No matter how humdrum they may be to you, do them to My glory and be blessed in doing them.  For My anointing is upon you always for you are My called out ones, and I will do great things through you.  So be still and know that I am God, and that there is no other god before you.  You are My faithful few, and I love you so deeply.  So continue to draw unto Me and I will draw unto you.  Be still and know that I am God.


May 30, 2000

Yes, My children, I have brought you to this time and to this hour that you may trust in Me fully and completely.  You are My children and I am your God, and there is no one that could ever fill your place.  For I love you with a never ending love, a love that can never be broken.  So yield to Me, My children.  Let Me do that deep and complete work in you that you desperately need and are longing after for.

I cannot do the work unless you open up your hearts to Me completely.  And I will come in and sup with you and bless you beyond comparison to the ways of the world.  Anything that you have ever experienced will not compare to what I have to pour out upon you.  So rest, My children, and know that I am God and that I am a big god, bigger than you could ever imagine perceiving with the natural realm, bigger than words can portray.  So rest, My children, for I have begun the good and perfect work in you, and I am faithful to complete it, says your God.


May 17, 2000

My children, come into My throne room of grace for this is where I will meet with you. Be consistent in seeking My face, not sporadically, but as a way of life to come before Me. You are My Children, and I AM your Father, and I love you so. Come feast with Me around My throne of glory. I want to pour out so much of My fullness upon you. I want to fill you to overflowing of My glory and grace that I may touch those around you. I want to fill you with My compassion and My mercy. I want to move through you with greater works.

So, My children, don’t be weary or downhearted. I AM more than able to use you to the fullest capacity of My power. Be faithful to seek Me early, and know that I AM God, and there is no other than Me. I AM in control of all that you face daily, and all things work together for your good for you love Me. I see your heart, and you desperately want to please Me with your time. Don’t be weary, just rest in My faithfulness that it is I who began a good work in you and I will complete it. Rest in where you are in Me at this point and know that it will not be long before you will really take off. You will run with what I will give you to share with others.

And I AM speaking to you, My child. See I AM speaking through you now to others. What do you think of that?


May 11, 2000

“How many times have I called you unto Myself, My child, and you have listened to My still small voice? And I am speaking to you once again because you do come before Me to hear My voice. And I love you and I know you are Mine. And I have called you from the foundation of the earth that you would seek My face and that you would know Me, not just know about Me, but to know Me personally and to have an intimate relationship with Me even to the point where you may walk and talk with Me in the cool of the day.

Seek My face early where I may be found. Put Me first in all your every day activities. Include Me always and seek to know My will so that you will always be in the center of My perfect will so that My blessings will always be upon you. And that you give no place to the enemy by being careless as to not knowing My will, because it is so very important that you be where I would have you to be and to say and think that which is of Me always.

Today is the day of salvation. Walk ye in it in every aspect of your life and be blessed. Concentrate on knowing Me, My child, not just knowing about Me. Draw nigh unto Me, and I will draw nigh unto you and speak unto you that which you desire to hear Me say…that I love you and I need you to draw close to Me for I want to pour out upon you the deep burdens of My heart that I want you to bear with Me. For I have so much I want to pour out upon you of My glory. I want to see the captive spirits set free. I want to see the eyes of the spiritually blind opened. I want to open deaf ears that they may hear My words. Oh, I long for My people to truly engulf themselves in My love and in My glory.

To those who have ears that are tuned into My Spirit, let them hear what I have to say to the Church. For the time is nearer than you think, and I am about to pour out upon My Bride My glory but at the same time I will pour out upon those who are not ready My judgment for they have been complacent and uncaring concerning the hour. And I will do a shaking only because I love them and do not want to see any of My loved ones perish. Because if you draw too close to the fire, you will get burned, and it will be an eternal burning. And do not think it cannot come near you. Do not become so relaxed and at ease that you do not care that the enemy goes about as a roaring lion seeking all that he can devour and that means your soul and no man can be exempt from that if they are not careful.

So, draw close to My side and walk with Me. Seek My face to know My will and be alert. Watch and pray and know I will be with you always to the end of time. But be not complacent. Redeem your time because the day can become evil unto you if you are careless with your time. Hunger and thirst after Me, and I will fill you and empower you and alert you to the snares of the fowler.

Come to your destined time in Me where I will move through you mightily. You are My people, and I am your God, and there is no other god besides Me. And I move on your behalf always but you must stay with Me. Do not waver to the right or to the left. Walk the straight and narrow, sanctified and holy unto Me. I pour My grace out upon you now that you may seek My face and overcome now and forever, says your God.”


December 4, 1999

Be still and know that I AM God, for it is I who has called you for breakthrough. It is I that has called you to stand in the gap for breakthrough, one that will be of ultimate satisfaction for Me and My people, where they will be able to bask in My presence, to even swim in My glory, where even the waves of My glory will sweep and flow, rise and fall, and build in such intensity that where even the rush as of a mighty wind will not compare to its power.

For it is Me, the Lord of Glory, who has called you to press in that My people will be free to be the people I called them to be, a mighty army, for I AM the Lord God of Israel, and I AM a Mighty God, and I AM faithful to perform all that I sent My word to do. And My glory will fall upon My people like a blanket. I will engulf them with My glory, My love, and My power, and nothing by any means will harm them or hinder the flow of My Spirit through them.

Keep pressing in for you are a mighty warrior, and let worship be the tool that will pull down the strongholds. Let worship be your guide for breakthrough, for it is not by might nor by power but by My Spirit, says the Lord. And a mighty waterfall will develop in the Spirit with such mighty power behind it, and when it breaks forth, I will sweep across the land as a mighty river of love washing away all hindrances and pouring forth My love like never before over those I gave My life for. A mighty revival is coming, and it will cover the land, and nothing will be able to stop it, says your God.

And it all begins with just one who is faithful to come before Me and worship Me unconditionally as even a lifestyle of worship. Let Me move through you as a vessel of My glory, and be still and know that I AM God, and know that I AM faithful to bring forth all I sent My word to do. I AM a mighty God, and I have My way in the land. There is no other god. I AM the one true God, and I reign mighty, so rest in Me, says your God.