December 3, 2007
Bow down and worship Me for I am the King of kings, and I love you and want you as My bride to be ready and willing to even die for me, to give up your life as a sacrifice of praise, holy and set apart unto me.
For this is the day to check your garments to see if they are clean and wrinkle-free, to see if your heart is made pure with the blood of the Lamb, or are you working your way as you say to heaven. For it isn’t by works that you are saved but by what I did on the Cross for you. For didn’t I say that “it was finished” right before I gave up My spirit unto My Father?
For I want you to know that I shed My blood so that you would be free, and I took the stripes upon My back so that you would be made whole, and I went back to sit at My Father’s right hand so I could stand in the gap for your victory. Yes, I made the way clear so that you could enter in to My throne room and that you would meet with Me in My power and glory and be filled with My majesty and grace.
Once again I call you to My side to meet with Me, but what are you doing with your time? Are you being consumed with the lust of the world that takes you away with its vanity and its distractions? What are you going to do in this coming season that is called to be the celebration of My birth?
Are you truly coming to worship Me and what I came to do when I was born on this earth? For I was born that I may die in your place, for even the sins of the whole world. I call you to meditate not only on My birth but on My life that I came to live through you. Are you yielding yourself fully to Me, or do you only say that you are?
For I see your heart and what you consume your time with. I want you to be honest with yourself. Are you just too busy to be with Me, or are you being complacent with what the world is doing at this time?
For I call you to My side to meditate upon My death and resurrection and what I want to do through you if you truly will pick up your cross and follow Me. For this is the time and the hour that I am doing a work of separation. So examine your heart to see what you really want out of this life.
Do you want more of Me so you can reach the lost with My saving grace, or do you want to continue in the way you are going? Are you truly hungry for more of Me, to know Me, to hide My word in your heart for I am the Living Manna, and I have come to sup with you. Will you take the time to bow at My feet and listen to what I have to say?
For I want to bring a change in you, but it will take your yielded ness and your commitment to My working in you. For it will take you saying “yes, Lord!” to all I will ask you to do. For it might take you to leave your loved ones or those who are close to you. It might take you to leave your prize possessions or to step down from your position in ministry so you could come apart from it all so you could just be with Me.
Can you trust Me to supply all your needs, or will you continue to work all those hours over the time that I require of you? For I am longing to be with you this season, this hour, this moment. Come rest your head upon My brow and let Me hold you close. Do you desire that or would you rather run like a wild stallion?
For truly this is the time and hour that I am calling you close to prepare you. Do not become distracted with the lights and the desire to busy yourself with the preparation for the coming hour, the festivities of it all. Isn’t it all about Me as you say? If so, come love on Me. Draw close to Me. Be still and know that I am God.
Don’t waste your time with that which amounts to nothing. Will it all prepare your heart for what is ahead. Don’t be blind to the tragedies of the coming hour as a result of having a life that is far from Me. If you draw close, I will make you ready. If not, you will be left behind and be consumed with all that will consume the world. Come apart and be Mine! Do not be complacent. Love Me, for truly this is the hour to draw near!
November 27, 2007
What is the key…….the key to holiness? It is in having a heart that is following hard after God who is our Creator, the Creator of the universe and all that is thereof. For we are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Master of the Universe. All things are held together by His great power held within His word which we have held deep within our hearts.
And now it is time to release that power which once was held dormant within our beings. And now we are ready to release this creative power throughout the whole earth……..to set the captives free who were held in bondage to several types of lusts and insecurities and fears of all types.
For we are not to be a people held in bondage, but a people who are called by My name to set the captives free. For this is the time and the hour for My people who are called by My name to humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways of unbelief and lust and insecurities and fears.
And I will be faithful to hear their cries in the night and to see their hearts of repentance, and I will come in a mighty way and bring revival, and I will come and heal your land and make all nations joined together in unity proclaiming that My will be done and that My kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven.
And I will bring them into the Garden where I received My victory to go to the Cross and die for all men to be saved from the wrath to come. Yes, I will bring you into the Garden where you will travail to have My heart beat as one with your heart, that you will allow Me to live My life through you, and that you will carry My burden of intercession through to fruition.
I decree that you will have breakthrough in the night and that you will have My joy in the morning. And that you will not remember the pain of giving birth or of having to go through the fire. For you were faithful unto death, and now I will give you My crown of life.
Yes, you will have My life flowing through you. The radiance of My glory will blind the enemy. Yes, My love will repel the powers of darkness coming against you as you go to set the captives free. Yes, I am your Captain, and I am your Rear guard. And My glory surrounds you like a cloud, and My angels are encamped round about you.
You have nothing to fear. So march onward into the enemy’s camp, and pull down the strongholds over the area in which you live for you have My authority. You carry My name. You have been faithful to submit to My orders of intercession, and now you are ready to break through even into higher levels of intercession.
And as you worship Me, I will release My heart cry through you for the lost. And you will see Me usher them in even as multitudes. As deep cries unto deep, I will see you and meet with you, and together we will join ranks of My armies around the world. And in one hour I will release My roar as a mighty cry of intercession, and the walls will come down that have held My people captive around the globe.
Yes, it all depends on one word “IF” My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and then I will come! And yes, I will hear. And yes, I will heal your land.
I will then pour out a mighty work of repentance. Yes, a gift I will pour out and bring revival, but first you must be honest with Me. You must cry out. And then I will heal you.
This is the key…….the key I am looking for. For it is the key of intercession. It begins with you stepping out in obedience, and I will do the rest. For I AM faithful. I AM your God. I will keep My word. Trust and obey. Rest and wait upon Me for this is truly the time and the hour. And I am calling you forth to do great exploits, to do greater works. For I will pour out great grace. Favor and mercy and justice I will pour out.
Do not pull back because you don’t see the fruit of your time in intercession. For didn’t I say that I would reward those who diligently seek Me? Isn’t it My burden that you carry, and didn’t I say that My word would not go out unless it accomplishes that which it was sent out to do?
Okay, with all that set in order. I want you to rest, watch and pray, and be ready. Yes, this is the time and the hour. Do not be held captive to time…..to how much time is in one day. For one year to Me could be as one thousand. And one day to you could be as two weeks. Yes, I am setting you free in all ways.
I am your strength. I am your joy, the peace that passes all understanding. You have My mind, My wisdom and understanding, My gifts and My power, and most of all My love. I have given you everything that you need. You have My blood that covers you, My faith that protects your heart from all the flaming arrows from the enemy. You have My word that renews your mind.
If I am for you, who can be against you!!! Press in, My faithful ones, and press in. Be secure in Me for I am your all in all!
October 30, 2007
Romans 6:18, 21 and 22 says Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness? What fruit did you have then in the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. But now having been set free from sin and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness and the end everlasting life!
This is a new day and a new hour, and I am stirring your hearts afresh to holiness. For this is where true life begins in Me when you yield your members of your body to righteousness, peace and joy. For isn’t that what the kingdom of God consists of? For if you are truly a citizen of My kingdom, you will portray the fruit of it.
No more are you to be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, but you are to present yourself slave to the One you love. Yes, you are to be a bond slave to the One who gave His life that you would be free. Oh yes, return to the One who truly is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Everything else is a counterfeit message if it doesn’t measure up with living the crucified life.
Aren’t you longing to have My resurrection power flow through you? Then you must die to the self life. Yes, you must climb up on My cross and reckon yourself dead once and for all. Only then will you truly live. For My ways are not the ways of man. They are so much higher.
It is so much easier to die out and love than to struggle your whole life with hate, un forgiveness and bitterness resulting in physical and spiritual death. For love brings My grace and peace to pour out upon all that you come in contact with, and it warms your soul because you know you are doing right.
Yes, it is a double portion blessing to love one another. For My greatest commandment consists of loving Me with all your strength, your mind and your soul and loving your neighbor as yourself. Yes, you must love yourself first. And what better way to do that is by loving others!
Yes, this is the end of the age, and you must first return to your Maker wholeheartedly in obeying My commandments. Cleanse yourself of all unrighteousness. Make sure your heart is pure. Repent of the ways of man and return unto Me. For I want to raise you up and use you mightily. Yes, I want to live My life through you with My power and glory, but you must be a holy vessel in which I can move.
Do not quench My Holy Spirit. Move only by My grace when ministering My truth for you want others to grow, and not stumble and fall away. Yes, be My servants and not one to the evil one. Make sure you aren’t being used by the evil one to sow discord within the body.
For yes, My kingdom is made up of grace, truth, righteousness, peace and joy. And love is the greatest weapon that you have. It repels all powers of darkness. Do not be swept away by the tools of the evil one. Beware of his snares for he is a liar and will portray himself as an angel of light to try to take you in, but he doesn’t play fair once you are in his camp. You might receive temporary relief through his ways, but great destruction will soon come.
Yes, return unto Me, the path of life. Crucify your flesh. Reach out to Me for this is a new day and a new hour that I will pour out My power, but you must be pure. Love Me, My people.
October 23, 2007
Deep within the heart of man is a calling to worship God with all of the heart, mind and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself, but if one is not raised with the nurture and admonition of the Lord, this call gets distorted, and the flesh takes over. This is not normal for one to live their life outside of their calling from the Lord. Yes, it is not normal to live your life not worshiping God who is the Creator of all things.
The truest form of worship comes when one is a small child innocent at birth not knowing the difference between good and evil. The same was as when Adam walked with God in the cool of the day innocent from not having the knowledge of good and evil, and then sin set in when he gave into the temptation to partake from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The truest kind of worship comes when we are born again and no longer under the curse. Then we are able to return to the innocence of not knowing good and evil, but knowing God and His will alone by having a one-on-one relationship where you walk in the cool of the day with your Maker, your God, the One who gave His life that you would become free to worship Him with all your heart, mind and soul, and to truly love your neighbor as yourself.
Let us return to our true calling in worship, and cast down all forms of pretense and hypocrisy. This is the time and the hour to be real, to be the people God called us to be. No more are we to serve the enemy by giving into control and manipulation to build up a name and a kingdom for self and to even get rich off of the Gospel and power of God.
For truly great wrath will fall on the impostors, those who say they are shepherds of God. For once they take the place of an impostor, not only does God have their number, but also does the enemy. For truly you are serving the kingdom of darkness to build it up and to strengthen the hand of the evil one when you take the place of one who uses God’s people for selfish gain.
For this is the day that God is separating His true people from those who are a counterfeit. He will raise up those who were cast aside as useless, because they didn’t have a known name. For they were once a nameless and faceless generation, but they were known by God as “the Faithful ones”, and God will honor their faithfulness by raising them up as a mighty army of worshipers. And He will pour out His power through them to cast down the false kingdom of religion and build up the kingdom of Truth and Light. And they will draw in the Harvest by the mighty flow of Love coming through them.
Yes, let us return to the truest form of worship, to the place of innocence as a small child, for if we don’t take on the form of the pure heart of a child, we will not see the Kingdom, nor will we see God! Let us return to having a heart of worship and of Love and Truth at its highest form. Let us return to God.
For if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chron 7:14)
Return unto Me. Be the people I called you to be. Come out from the unclean one of control and manipulation. Cast down the tools of the evil one, and be clean. I will give you your heart’s desire to be real, to worship Me, and to love in its purest form. Do not believe the lies of the evil one to give you fame and fortune by using My kingdom. Cast down the false kingdom and build up the True and love Me, My people.
Come out from the unclean thing. Set yourself free for this is the day and the hour of deliverance. I am calling you to My side. Come forth, My faithful ones, and lead forth those struggling to be real. Lead them out to the Light and Truth for this is the day of separation. This is the day of humbling, to change ranks, for I will raise up the meek and lower the proud. For I will say if this doesn’t happen many will lose their salvation!
I said the elect would not be deceived, but stricter measures are needed to restore. So trust Me during this work, through this time of shaking. For all, a time of discerning the true from the false is at hand. For a pure heart is needed in the end time work. Be ready for I AM coming soon, My children. Be ready, for truly this is a strong word of exhortation, says the Lord.
Message from Yolanda: I believe if we truly believe this word of prophesy and come into agreement, we can release the Power needed to wake those out of darkness, those who are truly of God who have been swept away to destruction by the evil one. This is the time to truly believe for our brothers and sisters, as well as the lost, for truly if these do not wake up to the Truth, they will be lost.
Let us stand in the gap for those struggling for at present they do not know their state. And great mourning will come at first when they start to see the truth, but great rejoicing will come as they are set free! Hold fast for the best is at hand for the enemy is a liar, and he has lost the fight! Be strong!
October 7, 2007
Will You Receive The Call?
(A Word of Admonition to God’s People)
Determine in your heart this day the price that you are willing to pay to receive My anointing flowing through you freely. Are you willing to give up those things that you have allowed to distract you from having My intimate presence, or will you continue to allow them to rule and reign in your life?
For this is the day that I am doing a work separating the men from the boys, that is those who are mature enough to say “no” to their flesh, those who are willing to say “no” to the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, and are willing to pick up their cross and follow Me.
This is the day that I am calling My loved ones to My side that they may be mighty, and that they may succeed in every work that I will call them to do. No more will they be called “defeated”, but they will be called “mighty conquerors, the righteous ones”.
Are you willing to pay that price? Are you willing to crucify your flesh so that you will have My resurrection power flow through you? Well, that’s what it will take this day and this hour. You can’t have both the satisfaction of appeasing your flesh and still have My anointing flowing freely.
You might have an occasional happening where I was able to use you, but that is not what it is all about. I want to be able to live My life through you. I want others to receive My love radiating through you at all times to set the captives free, to heal the sick, cleanse the leper and yes, to raise the dead, both spiritual and physical.
This is the time and the hour where I want to use your feet to carry My body to where I desire to go throughout the whole world. Yes, I want to wake up My body to the seriousness of the hour, for many will be left to the wayside because I was not able to use them in the great end time harvest of souls. Many will be brought into My kingdom by the multitudes as a result of the signs and wonders following My words flowing through My loved ones.
Yes, My great end time army will rise up and be strong and take over the land. The enemy no longer will appear to be in control, because My people were willing to pay the cost. They were willing to pray that My will be done, My kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven.
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and repent of their wicked ways, then only then will I be able to hear their prayer and heal their land. If they continue to go the way that they’ve been going, they will dry up, they will lose desire for Me and My word.
For beware this is the day of the great falling away. You can’t both have Me and mammon, Me and the world, Me and serving your flesh. There is a price to pay. Do you want it bad enough? Or is it something you think that you want? This is the hour of decision for I am calling forth My army of worshipers. I am ready to release My heart cry so that I can bring in the harvest and through you, My holy ones, I will travail, but you must be ready!
I am calling you this hour. Don’t let this call pass you by for this will be the greatest move of My Spirit ever, and I want you by My side! For I love every one of you, My precious ones. I am crying out to you this hour! Will you reply “yes, Lord”, or will you let it pass you by?
September 27, 2007
To those who have given themselves to the leading and ruling of the Lord Jesus Christ;
You need to stand up and be strong and know without a shadow of doubt that He is God and that there is no god like Him.
No matter what comes your way know that I AM in control, and without Me nothing would even hold together. I hold together all living things by the life and energy that I fill it to be. All living things and beings are kept alive by the breath of My Spirit. So why fear anything the enemy would bring your way? He cannot do anything without My allowing it. All things work together for your good no matter what it might be.
Trust Me, My children, for you are at the edge of a major breakthrough which will have waves of strength that will take you up to a higher level in My strength and power and glory. It will be a level of power that no one up to this point has ever walked in. You may question My servant Moses and the power and strength of the miracles through him. But what I will do in these end times ushering in the saints, the end time harvest of glory, will far bypass the strength and power brought through Moses.
You say, ” how can this be?”. What I will do will amaze the lost. All will bow down and know that I AM God, but not all will turn to Me even then, but still multitudes will be ushered in around the world and be brought into My holy city by trains, boats, airplanes. Many will even be transported by My Spirit. You don’t know the impact of the signs and wonders upon the world at large.
Whenever you will speak My word signs will follow. Yes, you will raise the dead, both spiritual and physical. You will heal the lame, the deaf, the blind, those with mental illness. All will be made whole just by receiving the anointing that will flow off of you. You will know that I AM God and know that I AM faithful. Your faith will be the result of seeing My word work in your life. You will be a living epistle of My love in action in you.
Why do you doubt when you see things not going the way you expected, the way that you prayed? Don’t you know that I know what is best for you? I am purging off the dross and setting you free from every hindrance to My flowing and living My life through you. Rest in Me, and take what comes your way, believing that I will give you the wisdom to walk in My will, to do the warfare through you, show you what doors to walk through and those not to.
I am in control, and I am always with you, so there is nothing to fear except fear itself, because it is out to rob your faith and your testimony. The enemy is out to run you down. So when you are able, come aside from your busy schedule and rest, knowing I care for all your needs. Yes, cast it all upon Me, for you were never meant to carry it.
Trust Me that I started a good work in you, and I will complete it. I will be faithful to the end. I will never leave you. Even though the fire gets hotter, you will come forth as pure gold, and mighty works I will do through you, because I have gone to the right hand of the Father.
I see you perfect through My blood. I see you complete in My love. I see you victorious through My grace. So go forth, My mighty ones, and reap the benefits of My life, My death, and My resurrection. Keep your eyes on My pure Gospel. Do not add or take away from it or great penalty will come upon you. But great the reward to those who keep My Word and walk in it!!!
September 2, 2007
Stay seated with Me at the right hand of the Father, the place of power and authority, far above all power and principality, for these are treacherous times, and you need to keep your eyes upon Me and My word. Cry out for grace for many are becoming overcome rather than being the overcomer I’ve called them to be. Yes, this is the time to overcome, to rise up and be strong, and to stand on My promises no matter what you see in the natural, for I am not a man who can lie or one who would change My mind. If I said it, I will do what I’ve said.
Yes, you need to rise up, and be strong, and rejoice for you do have the victory. Don’t allow the enemy to lie to you for he knows time is short, and he’s doing all he can do to try to pull you away when there is still time to do so. Remain faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.
Rejoice and be glad for I have overcome the world. I’ve done all I needed to do so that you could walk in victory, and strength, and power over the evil one. I know that you don’t feel like you are getting anywhere, and many probably feel like they are losing ground, but as long as you have a heart to cry out to Me, you will make it to the end. For I will lift you up and cause you to stand unwavering before the enemy. I will cover you with My armor of light and love and fill you to overflowing with My Spirit.
Yes, you will overcome because I say that you will. I’ve raised you up to be warriors, to be overcomers, to be a mighty army, and I will not leave you defeated in the trenches. I AM your Captain. I AM Faithful. Keep looking to Me, the author and finisher of your faith. Keep close to My side, and I will lead you through to safety. Keep remembering My words to you through the battle. Never look away to defeat and discouragement. All things work together for your good.
I am in control, and if I am for you, who can ever be against you and succeed? You are My beloved, My faithful ones. I’ve been with you through the fire. Fear not the flames for they are only there to strengthen you and to purify you; like gold going through the fire seven times, so you will be. I have never left you when you felt I have let you down. Cry out for restoration and grace, for My will is for you to be whole, for by My stripes you are healed. Yes, you will prosper and be in health as your soul soars in Me.
Isa 41:10 says Fear not, for I AM with you; be not dismayed for I AM your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with the right hand of righteousness.
So above all know that I AM Faithful, and that I love you, and that I will see you through to the other side, the side flowing with milk and honey. Persevere, waver not, be strong, and you will overcome!
August 9, 2007
Dwell in My presence, and I will consume you with My love, for I have been looking for a people
Who have trusted Me beyond measure. I am looking for a people who are completely sold out to Me who even love not their lives unto death. For this is the day to examine your heart once again to see if you are truly committed to Me………..to see if you really made up your mind to follow Me no matter what the cost. For the price of pure gold is a high calling, and it takes going through the fire to be purified. Are you willing to pay the cost to be one of My soldiers?
For I am gathering together My true remnant, and I am preparing them to go to the front lines of battle to pull down the strongholds the enemy has set up over lives and communities. Are you willing to stand in the gap for the land? For there are many crying out for mercy and do not know how to seek My face like you do. They don’t know how to draw close to Me in the secret place. So they need you to travail on their behalf for their breakthrough.
Once again I sound the alarm for the time is short, and you need to be ready and available to fight for the people that I gave My life for. I need you to travail that the lost would come to know Me and love Me and be saved from the wrath to come. Do not be concerned only for those of your household and immediate family, but for your neighbors, and those you pass by at the store, or at work, or wherever you may be.
Yes, the time is short! You don’t know how close it is to the time when the gates will be closed that no more may enter into My kingdom. So be ready and available to allow Me to flow through you with My love, and I will give you the words that will pierce the hearts that will cause them to break before Me.
Yes, this is the day for breakthrough, and through you I will flow with mighty signs and wonders. Do not give up on the vision I gave you years ago. Do not give up on My faithfulness for divine health and prosperity. For many have gone through the fire and do not see the fruit coming forth that they expected to see. Look past the natural, and look to Me for I AM the author and finisher of your faith. I started the good work, and I will complete it. Everything works for your good for I AM a miracle working God, and I AM in the process of restoring you, your loved ones, your finances, and all that concerns you.
So lift up your eyes to the heavens and rejoice, for you dwell in the palm of My hand, covered with My love, and with great promises in store for you. You can rest in Me for I care for you, and everything that concerns you. You are My faithful ones, seated with Me at the right hand of My Father, far above all power and principality. Soar with Me as the eagle. Look ahead to the victory for surely you shall overcome!
Yes, this truly is the day I have made and you shall rejoice!
July 3, 2007
When the heavens are as brass, what are you to do, but to seek the face of the Lord even stronger. Never give up when it feels like you are getting no where and even feel like you are losing ground, because that is a lie from the enemy to discourage you even more. For you truly are in a period of transition, and you must press through to get to the other side. The Lord says that He would reward those who diligently seek His face no matter how they feel.
For these are hard times for My people, and many are falling away. My seed within them has been allowed to be devoured by the enemy by the cares of life and even by the blessings that I bring forth. Don’t forget Me when I bless you! Don’t let your guard down even in the good times, because that is when the enemy is right at the door waiting to get in with his schemes and deceptions.
You might feel like you don’t need the Lord because everything is going so well. That is the greatest deception, because complacency and apathy have already entered in. Cry out for a heart of desperation for the Lord once again. Cry out for a hunger and thirst for His words to flow through to you, and for His presence, and a heart of worship. Don’t give up by looking around you at how the church is these days, but continue to seek My kingdom and righteousness and press in.
Yes, press in and birth My will in your life for truly you are in a period of transition, and with every push forward you might feel you are losing ground, but cry out. Yes, travail within and reach out for My life, My joy to be your strength, My peace and patience to be your stamina, and My great grace and glory to get you through.
Many are called but few are chosen to go on to the deeper things of My kingdom. Yes, what does My kingdom say when the heavens are like brass, but to press in! Never give up, because you are at the edge of a mighty breakthrough. Yes, at the edge of a mighty waterfall with a river flowing strong enough to wash away and repel all the enemy’s tactics in your life.
Remember My promises to you that you are to prosper and to be in health as your soul prospers. And that is the greatest blessing is that you prosper in having My presence within you, and that you are having My love flowing through you, and My gifts are constantly being stirred up and activated and being excelled in.
Yes, this is the day to listen closely, for My words echo through every corridor of My kingdom. Listen closely for what My kingdom is saying to you this hour. You are a unique and peculiar individual, because I made you that way, and only through you can I accomplish My will in the way I have intended. Don’t allow the enemy to hinder My glory flowing through you to touch the multitudes with signs and wonders following My words spoken through you.
Yes, in the marketplace, and in your neighborhood, with your family and friends. These are all building blocks as you speak faithfully and do what I show you to do. If you are faithful in the little things, I will give you greater authority. You show Me I can trust you with My light and glory being poured out by your obedience.
All things are passed away. Behold all things have become new for this is a new day for you. Walk in My grace and My love, believing My promises are yes and Amen, and that breakthrough is right at the door for you. Be blessed, and carry My sword and My shield, covered with the armor of My love, holding My name before you as a mighty banner to blind the enemy.
I cover you with My peace, and say “be encouraged!” for this is truly the day that I have made for you!
May 28, 2007
Are you walking through situations that you feel don’t measure up to be of My truth and victory? If so, then I want you to test the fruit of your heart at this time. Are you doing all that you can do to stand faithful and true? I am the one that is to judge, not you. I am the one that can truly see your heart and the efforts that you took to be able to overcome. I am the one that allows the severity of the trial so that I can purge and test you whether you will walk with Me or not.
You feel that you aren’t measuring up to My standards, but you aren’t the one to judge this. Your place is to do your best to draw close to Me in spite of all that is coming against you. Yes, your place is to draw close to My side and trust Me.
Do not measure your progress by what others are doing in their walk. Don’t even measure your progress by what My word says, because you can misplace the value of My word to fit your standards and not Mine. Be careful to not misinterpret My word to meet your needs and not Mine.
Many have used My words to tear down their lives by presuming that I told them to do a certain thing. They stood by this presumption through thick and thin, and it only brought them destruction. Don’t line up the value of your life by methods of legalistic interpretation of My word.
Seek My face and not My hand. Seek My heart and not My rod of correction. You are not the one to judge for I am. You are to watch Me by My example of faithfulness to keep you strong and not wavering in the face of the wind and the waves. You might think they are there to wipe you away, but they are My tools to strengthen you. Do not walk by what you feel or see but by My faith that causes you to stand.
Yes, this is the day to truly get your eyes off of your circumstances and how you are measuring up to your own standards and on to My love for you. For this is the day I want you to return to Me, and rest in Me, and know that all things work together for your good. For you are one of the “called out ones”. You are one of My special jewels, the apple of My eye. I see you perfect in My Father’s heart. He sees you through the Son, cleansed through the power of His blood.
So, you see you can do no wrong if your heart is right before Me. Yes, I look to the heart. I see deep past the outward flaws of the character. I see past the flesh to the spirit which is right before Me. I have made you righteous. I have made you pure. Yes, My child, you truly are Mine!
Yes, this is the year to check your heart to see if you have what it takes to get you to the other side. Yes, to the side where you know without any shadow of doubt that I AM faithful to keep you safe through all the storms that the enemy will bring your way. Not just the literal storm of nature, but through the hard times of testing when it looks like there is no way in the natural that you will make it through.
Many have already made up their minds that they aren’t going to put up a fight any more. They feel that they’ve been through enough suffering from the evil one, and they are ready to just go home to be with Me. But I don’t want that to be your confession. I want you to rise up in the strength and might of your Savior fully clothed with your armor of Light and say to the enemy that it is time for him to flee, and that you are going to stand strong and believe that all I promised to you to have is yours!
Don’t be timid, but rise up strong. I say to you this day to banish all phobia! Don’t allow any trace of fear to dwell in your mortal body. This is the day of salvation to be set free so that you can run the race ahead without anything holding you back. I made you an overcomer. I made you a part of My mighty army that will not stand in the face of danger and waver.
You are mighty in My name. I’ve given you My authority. You wear My badge of courage, My helmet of light. You are covered with My blood that keeps you safe from all harm. You have My word, My Sword, to slash the enemy. Don’t cower back in doubt, unbelief, and fear for that is what the enemy wants you to do, but rise up strong!
Yes, you have what it takes to get to the other side……..to the land flowing with milk and honey…….the land of promise. You have what it takes to walk in your inheritance for I died that you would have life in overcoming the evil one. There are many out there who needs you to fight on their behalf for you are a mighty warrior.
Cast your cares upon Me and worship Me for truly this is the day of your salvation, for your victory to manifest, to receive your total healing, and to walk in all that I’ve ever promised you in My word. Yes, this is truly the day to rejoice for you walk by faith and not sight believing and not falling back. This is the day to press in and birth My will to be done in this earth as it is in heaven. Yes, this is the day to rejoice for My victory is yours!!
What do you see in the natural? Does it line up with My word? If not, then cast down that stronghold with My Sword. Yes, be a warrior and cast down the lies and the threats from the evil one. Don’t allow them to rise up like walls of a castle to fence you in. Be free this day to walk in Truth, to walk in Light and freedom, and proclaiming that My joy is your strength. For this is a new day. Old things are passed away, all things have become new. I breathe in you My life and My strength.
Receive, My beloved, be refreshed in My love. Draw close and I will touch you and raise you up. Breathe in and receive for this is your day of new beginnings to walk in My word refreshed and strengthened to proclaim your victory! You are strong! You are courageous! Yes, your are Mine!!!
April 12, 2007
Today is the day of great challenge for My people, for the enemy of your soul is coming forth with great power, with the main effort to steal, kill and destroy those who I have called forth to be My ambassadors in this earth. He knows that if he can wear them down spiritually that it will effect their mental, emotional, and physical well being. He knows that if he can get them to separate themselves from Me that he can fill them up with all kinds of negative reports.
You need to buckle down and read My word wholeheartedly, not just so you can say that you read it, but so that you can say that you ate it, and that it is your life source of your inner being. Yes, this is the day of great challenge to My people that they overcome and be all that I called them to be. Yes, I’ve called you to be a light in a world of darkness, and to proclaim My name, and that I came to save lives. Tell them that I came to give abundant life to all who will believe that I AM.
Yes, I AM all that man will ever need for I open the blind eyes so that they can see Truth. I open deaf ears so that they can hear life flowing from the Father as a rushing wind freeing up the captives. For when you receive My grace, many will escape the snare of the fowler as a bird set free from a cage.
For so many are so bound up with lies brought forth from the enemy. They believe every negative report and are full of fear. Others are just deluded to believe that everything is alright, and live like there is no tomorrow, and I am talking about the day of judgment when I separate My people from those who will be destroyed.
So I tell you this day to press in deeply into My presence and never give up. Even in the face of danger believe in My faithfulness to set you free. Rejoice for this truly is the latter day, and I am preparing My bride for a great catching away. Yes, it takes deep crying unto deep, day after day, pressing into My presence. Yes, I tell you this day to never give up. Look past the circumstances, and keep My word before you. Keep marching forward for I am giving you the land. Yes, a great inheritance I’ve given to you because you have remained faithful.
Feed My sheep. Reach out to the lost. Proclaim My Truth alone. Be My ambassadors. Be ready for a great outpour of My Spirit. I keep My word to heal, and restore, and to bless.
Hold on, My lambs, through the wind and the waves, through all the storms of life, and I surely will lead you by streams of My living water, and enable you to lie down in peaceful pastures. Keep close to Me now, and press in for I AM Faithful!
April 8, 2007
Through much trial and tribulation do we enter in. For the Lord is doing a deep work in our spirit in preparing us for what is ahead. And that is why I am allowing you to go through the fire of testing so that I can pull out the dross so that I will have a pure vessel to move through with My glory. You must keep your eyes fixed on Me knowing that I am faithful to keep My words of promise to you.
Yes, I have said that in order to have life, you must first die to your self life. In order to have My resurrection power, you must go to the Cross and choose to walk the steps that I walked through…….. To go to the Garden to make the choice to love not your own life, but to choose My abundant life that only comes after you have gone to the Cross and chose the crucified life for your daily lifestyle.
Why do you fret when I say you must first die? Don’t you know that in order to have My power flowing through you, you need to be a pure and empty vessel full of My light, truth and glory alone? Not one trace of flesh must remain after I do My purging work, but you must choose to submit yourself to My purifying work. Yes, to have My life flowing through you, you must die, and that is why I take you through the fire. All that will remain will be My glory. Yes, My Sh’Khinah glory indeed!
As you walk through the flames of My burning fire, know that it is My love that is taking you through for I need for you to be ready to be able to stand against the enemy. You need to be able to stand strong with head set as flint against anything he hurls at you in the way of flaming arrows. Yes, he is even pulling out his big guns against you to destroy you.
You must keep behind your shield of faith knowing My word in your heart. Don’t accept any of his lies for he wants to rob you of your health and finances and he wants to wear you down. Keep believing that My joy is your strength and that all things that you go through are for your good. For I am your God and I am in control of all things. If you serve Me, I work all things that are meant for harm for your good.
So I tell you this day to rest in My faithfulness. Even though your prayers look like they are not answered, don’t lose faith in Me. Keep faithful unto death and I will give you My crown of life. Overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of your testimony, choosing death over life. Yes, in order to walk in My resurrection power, you must choose the crucified life.
Rejoice, My little lambs, for you have remained faithful to walk in My truth. You didn’t want to go an easier way, and this separates those who are truly Mine from the counterfeit. Yes, I know who are Mine, and I draw you close this day. I gather you together as one for this is truly a day to rejoice, for this is a new day, a new hour for My power.
And My flame of love for you is burning brightly for all the world to see. Yes, you are My flaming ones. You are arrows of flaming glory against the evil one, because it is My love in you that burns brightly. As I burn your hearts with My love, know this day that I am for you, and nothing and no one can ever rob you of what I have placed in your heart this day.
I am taking you higher to a new level of faithfulness. You have passed the test. You have never given up in the face of danger. You have trusted Me no matter what I’ve allowed you to go through, and yes, I reward you with My presence in a greater dimension than ever before. Yes, this is the day of My power and glory, and I truly rejoice in you, for you are Mine!!!
February 27, 2007
Compare yourself with the children of Israel. Do you constantly have to go around the same mountain before you learn your lesson, or do you immediately catch on to what I am trying to teach you and gain ground from the enemy? For I have promised you much land, and I have promised you that you would have life and more abundantly, but you must obey My words and not escape My work of chastisement when you choose to do your own thing.
For I am about to do a new thing, and it will take obedience on the part of My people for it to get accomplished. For I will move through My people in greater works through a mighty move of My Spirit. For I will raise up My army from their slumber, and I will make sure that they are covered with My armor of Light and Truth. And My Love will go before them and also be their rear guard.
For this is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and you must be equipped with My Sword of My Spirit, which is fully charged with My grace and truth, and also I am shining up My shield of Glory, which is My Faith that will blind the enemy and reflect all his flaming arrows right back to him.
Yes, no weapon formed against you will prosper, for I am preparing you for a mighty move of My Spirit where I will freely move through My army. For I am their Captain, and their hands will be Mine to heal, to raise the dead, to comfort and to embrace, and set free the captives. My eyes will be seen through their eyes. As others see Me through them, they will be drawn to Me, and the words that they will hear will pierce their hearts for they will be Mine. They will be full of My Power and Glory.
For yes, I am preparing My bride, and she will be seen as a bride with boots on, and she will be recovering all that the enemy has tried to steal from her. There will be no counterfeits in My camp, no deception, just My Truth will rule and reign. For I am cleaning up My bride of all she has picked up in the past of false doctrines, error, and even heresies concerning My death and resurrection.
All that she has picked up in the past that wasn’t of Me she will discern and be set free of all that has set her back in her progress in Me. Yes, I am setting her free now to run freely like a bird set free from a snare.
Yes, she is beginning to run. She is beginning to see My Light and Glory and run to it. For yes, this is the day of My latter rain outpouring, and My bride will be ready for when My rain falls, all will see My Truth from error, the genuine from the counterfeit, the true gifts from the false, even the true shepherd from the false.
For the scales are falling from their eyes and they will see, and they will speak, and they will do signs and wonders, for it will be My power through them, says your God.
February 7, 2007
This is the day and the hour that I am stirring afresh My people to holiness and all that they should do in this day of preparation. For I am calling My remnant bride together and in unity they will seek My face and worship Me, and they will pull down powers and principalities by their worship and intercession alone.
For I am pleased with My bride, and I am calling them together. I see their hearts of thirst and hunger for Me. Yes, cry out deeper for Me that I may fill them to overflowing of My wisdom and knowledge of Me. Yes, deep calls unto deep this hour, and I am ready to fill My faithful remnant to overflowing. Come before Me and bow down and I will bless you. Yes, I will activate those gifts that lie dormant in you. Yes, I am ready to fill you up.
Like a small and helpless baby bird rise up and open wide and I will fill your mouth with My words that they may flow out to touch the nations……those who are crying out for Me right now. Yes, pray for those countries that come upon your heart in intercession for I am pouring out My burden upon you for you are hungry for it.
Cry out for My people, for Israel, that they will see My light and respond to My saving grace. Be ready for I will roar through you and now, My people, for I am ready to break forth the flood gates of heaven and My glory will come down in torrents. Yes, it is beginning to rain and I will refresh you. Yes, I will refresh your heart and stir you to holiness. I will pour out more light upon you and the grace for you to walk in it.
You know those areas you’ve questioned Me about. Those areas you don’t understand about your lack of holiness, or of discernment, or even of the lack of conviction of My will and My ways. I’ve seen your heart and your questioning Me why I was allowing this and not allowing that to happen in your life. And you were faithful to wait upon Me and for My timing to lead you into a deeper walk of holiness.
And yes, you are ready, My bride, My beloved and faithful ones. Yes, I am pleased with you and I am bringing you up higher for this is the time and the hour. You are faithful. You are My remnant and through you I will pour out My power, My love and My glory to touch the nations says your God.
There is nothing that is impossible to those who believe and trust in My faithfulness to perform My word through. I said that you would do greater works because I went to be with My Father and I entrusted to you My power, my wisdom and My might to perform the miracles, the signs and the wonders that will draw in the lost. And I will speak to those hearts those deep things that no one else knows besides Me, and this will get their attention that I AM God and there is no other like Me.
Yes, I will touch their hearts with those areas they’ve cried out to Me for, but they didn’t know that I heard them. For now I will teach them the way to come before Me and to receive My saving grace. Yes, I died for them! I know who are Mine and will respond, and I will lead you to them. They will be ready and they will see My light and glory radiating off of you. Yes, there are multitudes prepared and coming forth for I am ushering in My end time harvest and yes, through My bride I will flow mightily with such extravagant love and glory, peace like a river, and the joy unspeakable that they cannot refuse.
Yes, this is the time and the hour. Open wide the flood gates of heaven. Open wide your hearts. Be ready and be willing and I will use you! But remember that without holiness you will not see God. So stir your heart afresh this day to holiness.
January 13, 2007
A Word of Admonition
For the truth will set you free, but you must know the Truth. Not what others tell you to be truth, but what My Spirit will clearly show you in My word. For this is the end times, and it is not a new thing for others to be carried away by the trickery of the evil one and to be deceived.
For I AM separating the men from the boys, the teachable from those who hold on to the pride esteemed by the enemy. Yes, for this is the day of the end time outpouring, and it is to be a downpour of Truth that will fall upon those who have ears that can hear My voice. Know Me and My word alone, and I will set you free and place you on a path of great adventure and prosperity in every area of your life.
You must be full of My grace and truth and to be willing to share Truth at all expense. You will be judged and criticized even by others in the Church, but know that you are not to defend yourself for Truth will defend Itself.
You are My bride, and I am cleaning you up and getting you ready for I will move through you in greater works with signs and wonders, but you must be discerning to know what is of My Spirit and what is of the evil one. You must know My truth and be willing to be set free of any error, lies, deception, and even presumption from the enemy.
This is a new year, and I am about to do a new thing, but you must know Me and My word which are one. You must never allow the enemy to separate you from Truth. You know that the little foxes spoil the vine. There is never a little white lie for that in itself could open you up for great deception. You must be pure in ever aspect of life and godliness. You must walk in My ways. You must cover yourself with a garment of praise and have your loins girded up with Truth, but always mix Truth with grace or it cannot be heard.
There must be no mixture in My Church. My bride, you must be pure. Never cast down any check in your spirit. Always check what you hear with My word and ask of Me for guidance in interpretation. My Son is pure and is full of grace and truth, and you must be the same. Yes, this is the end times and you must carry upon you My light in purity in all that you do and say.
Do not just repeat what you hear to be popular teachings but make sure it is Truth. Be open to those who question what you say for to be defensive is a sign of great error for My truth does not need defense. Your pride is what is rising up not My Spirit within you. So be teachable for I come to set you free. I am doing a separating work for My Body must be pure.
December 12, 2006
In the midst of the storm there is peace only if you have set your face like a flint towards the Son. Yes, only if you have kept your eyes upon Me and not looked upon the circumstances of your trial can you have true peace in Me. Many have wavered in doubt and fear because they have come out from behind their shield and allowed the enemy to pierce their heart with his fiery darts of fear and unbelief.
Yes, this is the end times and you must watch and pray that you will not fall into the snare of the evil one. Escape the clutch of the evil one and become restored by getting your trust back and start rejoicing that you do have the victory and that all the promises I’ve made to you are truly yes and Amen to you. Rejoice in that every day is a new day in Me and that the past is washed away. Rejoice in that all things work together for good for you. Yes, even your mistakes work together to bring about My plan and purpose for you.
Seek My face, trust in Me, and lean not upon your own understanding, and I will direct your paths. Don’t waver in doubt and unbelief when you try to figure out how things will work for good. Just commit all things into My hands and rest in My faithfulness to bring good about for your.
Yes, My will is that you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers in Me. Yes, that is the condition. You must prosper in Me alone and not rely upon your own strength. Put first My kingdom and My righteousness and all things will be yours. I will provide all your needs if your trust is in Me and you put My will first.
I love you, My child, and I want My best for you, but you must draw close to Me, and gather with the saints, and worship Me. You must be sensitive to My leading you and never quench My Holy Spirit in you. Love Me and honor Me and I will give you long life.
Never look at the circumstances. Never fear but rest in that I am your heavenly father and I care for you. Believe in what I’ve said to you in My word and never doubt My words even though things may not work out as you’ve expected. Only believe and you will see the salvation of the Lord in every area of your life.
I am sovereign and I am in control no matter what you feel or see. When you don’t understand My hand, understand My heart in that I love you. These are My words to you and I never fail. I will only allow you to go so far before I will pull you back. I will not allow you to stumble and fall. I encourage you to walk by faith and not by sight and just trust Me. I will always enable you to take the next step if you are willing to step out and trust Me. I train you just like how a mother eagle trains her young to fly. And yes, I want you to learn to soar in Me, but you must allow Me to train you to walk by faith.
Yes, this is the end times and you must know My voice, and you must know when to step out so that you will always be safe. Yes, these are dangerous times, and you must know My marching orders, and when to take the land for there are many bombs planted in the land.
Many are called but only are there a few who truly march out and receive their marching orders and receive victory because they waver in doubt and unbelief. When I say march out, you must obey Me and yes, in My timing. Never hesitate to obey for My timing is of utmost importance for your safety.
Be like the Bereans and know My word that you will not be deceived. For many take the words of many men and take them as truth when they are only error. Know My words and follow Me alone.
These are My words of comfort and exhortation to you.