I pray that you will be blessed as you visit my site. Take the time to relax and enjoy the presence of the Lord and listen to the music. Browse and see what I have to offer you here in the way of blessings. Scroll down the archive indexes and see where the Lord leads you to in the way of prophetic writing encouragement. My book, We Need To Start Somewhere, is free for you to enjoy. You can download it as an e-book and see what the Lord had me to go through to catch the vision of pressing in for personal revival. Yes, it all starts with one pressing in for the intimacy of the Lord and then you share it with those close to you and it causes a ripple effect spreading out to others. And also breakthrough comes as you spend quiet time pressing in to have more of His presence and anointing upon your life. Deep calls unto deep!
The song you are listening to is LOVE LIKE NO OTHER by Bob Forbes.