AUG 4, 2003 – OCT 26, 2003


October 26, 2003

Do not mistake the anointing with a true move of My Spirit for the enemy will try to counterfeit My gifts as My true rain begins to fall. For the enemy is the great impostor and appears like an angel of light to try to dissuade you from My truth. Do not walk by the leading of what you feel, but walk by faith in My words, for My people will know My voice and an impostor they will not follow.

Do not be afraid of being deceived for I preserve My precious ones who are called by My name. For this is the time of the great falling away for many will follow after the signs and wonders and those teachings that they desire to tickle their ears. For deep in their hearts they do not love the truth and rather follow the leading of their own flesh. Watch and pray that you don’t fall into temptation for these are the end times and the enemy is coming on as a flood trying to prevent many from the great catching away of My Spirit. Yes, he is trying to prevent My people from entering into that secret place that I have prepared for them.

For to be able to truly enter into My Spirit you must have close communion with Me to be able to be ready for the catching away of My Spirit. For it is closer than you think, and you must be ready. Enter not into temptation, but cast down the vain imaginations that entice you in this hour. Keep your heart and your mind pure. You might be able to fool many with your words and actions, but I see the heart whether you are truly walking in My holiness or not.

Do not be tricked by the enemy by thinking you can get away with the things others cannot see. For it is the little foxes that spoil the vine. Cry out for the conviction of My Spirit and repentance for those areas that you have give into and have come close to searing your heart with. Repent before it is too late. The price is too high to pay to be dabbling in those areas that you shouldn’t. Keep your eyes and your ears pure. Do not listen or watch the enticements of the enemy. Crucify the lusts of the flesh I admonish you before it is too late.

For I have come to prepare your heart for a deep and mighty move of My Spirit, and you must be holy to be able to enter in. For the enemy will move like wild fire trying to devour My innocent ones, and he will move with great deception to bring on a major following after his spirit, but don’t be caught unaware. Do not follow after the anointings of the latter day without first testing the spirit behind it. I promised that the elect would not be deceived, but only if they have kept themselves pure, covered with the power of the blood of the Lamb, and with the armor of My light. So be ready for the great outpouring of My Spirit and also for the flood of great deception from the enemy.

As My glory falls, the enemy will also pour out of his spirit the signs and wonders and miracles to trick many. So spend your time with Me drawing close and learning to hear My still, small voice. Spend time worshiping Me so I can build you up and edify your spirit. For this is the day of My glory, but you must be ready. Be harmless as doves, but wise as serpents filled with My grace and truth. Let My love be a powerful weapon to you to cut down the enemy’s camp for love covers a multitude of sins and unites the brethren. My love repels the enemy. And let My peace engulf you with truth and My joy be your strength. I love you, and draw you close. Be ready, says your God.


October 23, 2003

Refresh yourself in My intimate presence, My precious lamb. You are not alone when you go off by yourself to seek My face, for I AM with you always even to the end of time. I want you to escape the snare of the fowler of the gross sin that you have been tempted with of comparing yourself with others. For I have told you before that you are just as important, and even at times more important, than those that receive more notice from others in the Body. To have a name doesn’t get you anywhere in My kingdom, but having a faithful heart does. So I want you to repent of the failure of comparing yourself with others and feeling that you aren’t important. What do you feel is more important to Me….. being popular or being faithful? Now that is a silly question, but it needs to be asked.

What are you striving for by being so diligent with your ministry? Do not spend all your time trying to keep up with things that you feel are important. Cast them aside for a while, and just rest in My presence and be willing to pay the price of really being a yielded vessel to Me. Your ministry is to Me first, and when you are faithful to that high calling will you be able to be faithful to My bride. So don’t feel that you are all alone, when you go off by yourself to seek My face, for I want to prepare you to do a deeper work in you so that you can bring forth that fresh manna that will promote growth and refreshment to My bride. For many are weary and worn out from the battle from trying to make it on their own.

Give Me your ministry completely, or you will lose it by making it an idol. You cannot separate Me from the ministry I called you to. Yes, I have called you to a life of worship in that secret place so I can build you up and strengthen you so that you can truly rejoice and speak forth My words that will promote life and healing. Yes, I will fill you with grace and truth, because you have known My name. I will strengthen you and set you free so that you can run with a word that will spread to the nations of My great coming out. Yes, I will come forth with signs and wonders. Even in the marketplace My anointing will be strong for I AM ready to move through you with greater works. For I have promised you the rain and that I would shine My glory and love through you.

Like Moses you will be, because you have spent time in My presence away from the cares of the world and the regiment of traditional type of ministry. The amount of time you spend in ministering to My people is not what is important. It is the quality of time. I want to speak through you words of revelation to get to the root to set the captives free. No more will My people have to fill out questionnaires for prophetic counseling that completely takes away the need for faith in My Spirit. No more will My people have to pay for the true gifts that I freely will give. I have said that if you put Me first and My righteousness, then I will supply all your needs. Then why do you feel you need to overcharge so that My people can get fed and strengthened and equipped for the battle ahead?

You have been in training, but the real battle is up ahead, and I want to prepare your heart and cleanse you from the effects of snares you have fallen into. This is the day to reap truth and life by the grace I will pour out on a willing heart. Are you truly desiring change? Are you willing to pay the price? Everything for My presence, My anointing and My glory upon you. Check your heart to see if you are really meeting the requirements of what is truly important to Me.


October 2, 2003

Listen closely, My children, to what I have to say. In order for you to be able to overcome in the onslaughts from the enemy, you need to be able to hear My voice, and to be able to hear My voice, you need to draw near to Me in the secret place that I have for you and Me to dwell together in. Yes, I have a special place for each of My children deep in the Father’s heart. You need to be able to trust Me and draw near, and settle yourself down and rest, and expect for Me to speak to you. Remember I have no favorites. Each of My children are special to Me, and I have ample time for all of them to come to bask in My presence and be built up.

For these are the latter days of My outpouring, and the enemy is coming on strong with the purpose of hindering you from drawing near to Me. He has also come to divide you from having the fellowship of the brethren, but do not let him. Cast off the offenses from the enemy, and let My love flow through you no matter what the enemy hurls at you. Be very sensitive to the tactics of the enemy, because he will even try to use you to come against others in the body.

Watch what you say! Make sure your words are always faith filled and tempered with love, for what you say can come on like a curse and cause much damage to the faith of others. Always build up and be positive, and never expect others to line up to your own expectations of what you feel holiness should be. Each of My children have their own sphere of light they are to walk in. What I may allow one to do I would not allow another. Let My word be your guide, and My Spirit interpret it for you.

Unite together in the major issues of importance concerning the doctrine of Christ like the Virgin Birth, the death and resurrection of My Son, the Second Coming, the Rapture, the blood atonement. Add not to or take away from My precious promises and My truth. Do not allow the enemy add to My words that which I did not say concerning sensationalism, because much that has gone out concerning My Son borderlines heresy. You know what you need to wake up to. If you are open and teachable, I will show you the error of your ways, and allow you to return to the simplicity of having a childlike trust and a love to draw near to the Father.

So I encourage you this day to not allow yourself to become so busy that you cannot come before Me to seek My face and quiet enough to hear My voice. Come before Me in the cool of the day and partake of the beauty of nature. Listen to the sounds all around and cast your cares upon Me, and yes, rest. If I provide the needs of the sparrow, how much more for My children?

Cast off all forms of pride and independence, and humble yourself before Me and allow Me to bless you. For yes, this is the day of the latter rain outpouring, but you must draw near in that special place I have for you in the Father’s heart. As the hart pants after the water brook so my heart pants after you, oh Lord. May this be the cry of your heart. Stir deep the well that longs to come forth with joy unspeakable and fullness of glory. Break down the walls that keep My love from entering in. Receive abundance of healing, and rise up this day to take the land.


September 14, 2003

I AM calling you to a deeper place in worship that you have never experienced before, a place where you can just bask in My presence like being by streams of living water continuously rushing from the throne room of God. Yes, I AM calling you closer than ever before to prepare you for what is ahead, for you need the refreshing that takes place only within the secret place of the Father’s heart.

Come apart from the cares of the world. Leave them all in your Father’s hands for He cares for you dearly, and He is more than able to take care of them all. Just rest in My presence, and concentrate only on those things that I have promised to you. Believe without doubt or wavering no matter what you see before you.

Believe only for the best, and see the good that can take place in every situation, for this is the time and the hour to choose who you will believe. Will it be the lying circumstances, because if they go contrary to My word and will for you, that is what they are…..lies. Or will you stand on My promises that will manifest in My perfect timing? Believe the good in every situation for truly all things work out for the good if you love Me and are called according to My purpose.

Now just rest in Me, and concentrate on My faithfulness. Be faithful and believing unto death, and I will give you a crown of life. Examine your heart if you are truly resting in Me. If not, then you need to realign your thoughts and actions according to My word. Cast down those vain imaginations of the worse that can possibly happen when going through the fire.

Remember My faithfulness of My deliverance and restoration to others, and all the times I have set you free before. I never waver from My promises. I AM always constant. You can count on Me to keep My word. Maybe not the way you expected, but believe that My ways are perfect. I know what it takes to transform you into My image. Don’t you know that I AM your Father, and I know what is best. Just trust Me always.

Yes, believe Me and stay faithful, and I will give you a crown of life. And there will come a time when you will bow before My throne and cast it before Me. I will always bring you health and good fortune if you trust in Me. Remember this is the day of salvation. This is the hour to choose whether you will rest in Me or just strive after the wind.

I love you and want to bring you into a deeper place in Me, but you must learn to be still and to take every opportunity to come before Me. Don’t let the cares of the world discourage you. Don’t worry about the timing of things whether you will meet that debt deadline. Didn’t I say that My people will never beg for bread? I will always fill your mouth with good things if your heart is stayed on Me.

For this is the time of the last trump, so be ready by resting in Me. As deep cries out to deep, every hindrance will dissipate as the rain upon the field. For the great catching away will come when many are caught unaware, but to those who are ready, they will know the time and the hour for they have made themselves ready in the secret place. They will know the tug in their spirit “come up higher,” and they have followed closely My call.

So when I call you to come apart from the cares of the day, follow Me, for I will surely lead you by those streams of living water, and I will prepare you by the refreshing of My Spirit. And My joy and My peace will be your strength, for this is the final hour for the catching away of My saints.


September 5, 2003

This is the final hour for the catching away of My saints, and I AM drawing those close who have not made a final commitment to forsake all for My kingdom, for this is My lasting heart cry that all would know and love My Son, not to just know by a casual relationship, but to have a deep and intimate one, one that will even benefit those you are related to. Be sure that once I’ve called you to My side, it isn’t just to be a benefit only to yourself but to those who you know and love.

So know that everything that you do and say has a lasting effect on those around you, either good or bad. Don’t you know that you are the only epistle that many have to read? You are the only output from My word that many check the fruit of while they are contemplating whether they want to jump in and follow My Son or not. Examine your heart to see whether you are willing to forsake all for My kingdom. Love not your life unto death says My word.

While you are contemplating whether you have what it takes to make a full commitment, pray for those who have backslidden for this is the final hour. Do not be concerned only for your own well being, but for those who do not yet know Me. Reach out to the lost with a heart of compassion. Be available to give a helping hand and to pray if they have any needs. Be an example that they can easily adapt to not just one who will preach My word and then expect them to follow. Live My word in a practical way. Don’t just be a hearer or a sayer of My word, but be one who lives My word.

For this is the final hour, and I AM gathering My sheep together as one for many have gotten lost in the shuffle. Many have fallen away, because those who are called by My name didn’t even live My word within the walls of My own church. I AM calling you to repentance that you will love one another. How can the world know you by your love, if even those of the brethren cannot see your good fruits? Don’t just call yourself a disciple, be one, for I AM coming against the spirit of hypocrisy in this final hour. I AM calling those to take off their masks and be real. Many who are even calling themselves a Christian do not even know Me for to know Me you are to love Me and love those who I died for.

So I AM calling you to do a searching of your heart. Be troubled over the condition of it at present, and cry out to Me for change. Do not continue in the way you are going or you will surely die. Be sure you are right with Me in every aspect. Do not cover over these areas of lack any longer for I have come to give you life and that abundantly in your spirit, soul and body. I have come to give you spiritual life that you would excel in the gifts and would have a tender heart of compassion. I’ve come to take away the heart of stone and to give you a soft and pliable one.

Yes, I have come to heal your heart and set you free so that you can run with My word and set others free. Yes, this is the final hour, and I have come to shake lose the bonds of the evil one, and give you joy unspeakable and fill you with My glory. Be free, My beautiful one. Be free to be My bride completely this day for this is the final hour, and you must be ready, says your Lord and King.


August 26, 2003

I AM calling you to be part of My latter rain outpouring of My glory. I want you to yield yourself to Me completely so I can flow through mightily with the gifts of My Spirit. For once you commit yourself fully to Me, I AM able to complete the work that I have begun in you. For this is the day where I AM calling the remnant together to be My bride untainted by the seduction of the enemy through entertainment the world has to offer.

Set yourself free from the distractions and the deception of the enemy telling you that you can take your time and just lay back and waste it. For the time you have is so important for you to escape the wrath that is coming upon the earth. And don’t you know that My judgment will first fall upon the house of God, those who are not ignorant of the enemy’s devices, but choose to act like they are blind to them.

For your actions will catch up with you if you give into empty and vain lifestyles that just mesmerize you and just eat up your time. I tell you to break lose of the hold of the enemy, and cry out that I pour out My grace and mercy upon you that you will be set free. Because if you continue in the way you are going, you will surely die. For there is no life outside of the Vine. For I AM the way, the truth, and the life. Outside of Me there is no life.

So don’t believe the lies of the enemy saying that you are doing just fine the way you are going. It is not too late to repent of your wicked ways. If My people who are called by My name will seek My face and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear them from heaven, and then I will heal their land. If they continue in their wicked ways of independence, pride, and deception, then great wrath will fall, and if they still won’t turn back to Me, then there will be final damnation of their soul.

For I AM not a man who can lie or even a son of man who can change his mind. What I have said in My word, I will bring to pass. Many pick and choose out of My words what they want to live by. They continue to believe that I will bless those who live a life of deceit and disobedience. Where did I say all liars go? Those who call themselves by My name and continue to live a life of sin are living a lie and need to repent before it is too late.

Wake up before it is too late for this is the final hour to prepare. Do not waste your time on the frivolities of the enemy and the life of vain empty living. Everything isn’t just given to you without a fight. You are either going forward in Me, or you are living a life that will bring forth death. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. What is in your heart will come forth from your mouth and the fruit thereof.

Repent, I say to you this day. Cast off the complacency and cry out for the restoration of the hunger and thirst you once had. You have fallen into the snare of the fowler, and it is up to you if you truly want to escape. You can’t make it on your own. Divine health, abundance of life in My Spirit, overcoming the enemy, and prosperity in every area of your life comes from living in the Vine. Outside of Me, there is no life.

So return this day. Return unto Me. The choice is yours to make. Seek My face while it is still day. Gather with the saints, and cry out to Me. If you deprive yourself of the fellowship of My Spirit, then you will pay the price. You will lose everything that you once had.

Two or more gathered in My name, I AM there with you. Cry out for My intimate presence, and I will meet with you. Yes, I will meet you where you are at. Come one before Me, and be still and know that I AM God. Come many and worship Me, and I will pull down the strongholds over your life. Cry out for souls, and I will bring them in. Do not be slack in your calling. Stir up your gifts once again, and be the mighty warrior I called you to be. For this is the final hour, and I AM calling you back, says your Lord.


August 14, 2003

Take my hand and follow Me. Do not be one who only follows after man, but be one who can also be a leader. Remember that to be great in the body, you must be willing to be a servant, one who is willing to be a vessel of My power and might.

Remember to be great in My body you must have a heart of humility and be willing to be vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy through those who have been greatly wounded. These are My people, but they have not yet learned how to take their authority over the evil one and to rise up in the victory won for them at the Cross.

The enemy uses them as a target of prey to pounce on those who are close to Me, those who are strong and mighty in Me, because they know who they are. But they haven’t always been that way. They were able to find their place in My body early and were able to be discipled in the way that I have ordained all My children to be.

But these are those who have had so much more to overcome than others, and the enemy knows that once these warriors break lose, that they will be a great threat to the kingdom of darkness. And that is why the enemy constantly comes against these ones trying to keep them bound up so that they will never rise up and take their stand.

And I need those who are strong to show an abundance of love and support to those who are weak. Forgive them for they know not what they are doing when they come against you. For even through these types of trials I AM molding you into My image if you will cast down the imaginations to defend yourself, and to give up on them, and mark them as hopeless. For remember those who appear to be the weakest in My body will turn out to be one of the strongest links.

Cast down the vain imaginations. Look past the natural at all the adverse circumstances, and rejoice in that I keep My word, and that My promise to you to be completely manifested is closer than you think. The enemy is out to rob you of it at this point, to wear you down by tempting you to bring it forth in your own strength. For you do not have what it takes to bring it forth. You cannot combat the forces of darkness with carnal weapons. Only by faith and by worshiping Me will you bring it forth.

Watch and pray and draw close in the secret place. Keep your eyes upon Me and rest in My presence, and I will build you up, and give you what it takes to go on and succeed in the battle. For you are losing your joy and your peace, because you haven’t been before Me, and reaping the benefits of My words. Worship Me and delight yourself before Me, and I will lift you up once again, and I will restore your place in Me.

Remember the great times you have had with Me when you gathered with the saints and completely cast off your cares upon Me? My house was a place of refuge until you got your eyes off of Me and on to what was behind the scenes. Yes, the undercurrents, the hypocrisy, the backbiting was all in My body, because the enemy had access to the camp through the sin of competition and criticism. Do not let that happen once again.

Do not allow the spirit of offense to divide you. Allow My love to blind the enemy and to repel his tactics to divide you. Let My love flow like a mighty river to build up and refresh My people. How will the world know you by My love if you don’t allow it to flow? For My body needs healing and restoration. Captives need to be set free. Signs and wonders need to follow My words, but they need to have the freedom to flow. Do not quench up My Spirit or My gifts.

This is the day of salvation. This is the day to be sensitive to My leading and to unite as one in My love. For I have come to tear down and to build up, to edify and to encourage My little ones. And those strong in the faith, reach down and yield a helping hand to those who are struggling. For you are all one in My love. Do not leave anyone behind, for those who seem weak now will be of great asset in the near future for My power and might will flow mightily through them, for they have paid the price by not giving up through the fire and through the storms.

Think on those things that are above. Do not dwell on that which will weigh you down. Cast all your cares upon Me for I truly care for you. And as you reach out to care for others, I will carry you through to the end. Beloved, I AM calling you to love one another. Do not drag one down to try to excel to the top. For you are all My Bride, and only as one will you succeed in your calling.


August 4, 2003

This is the day of salvation. This is the day of the great outpouring of My Spirit, and I AM drawing you close unto Me, that I may prepare you and strengthen you, for what is coming forth from the loins of the evil one will bypass all that has been common to man, for he is birthing forth a multitude of false rain, of false anointings and callings, and many will be swept away by his deception.

So I AM drawing you close to prepare you that you may stand in the evil day. And having done all to stand, I beseech you to love your brethren. Pay off your debts whether physical, financial, social, or in whatever area you are lacking. Get your homes in order, and get your priorities straight, for this is the time to make sure you do not have an opening to where the enemy can enter. Yes, pay off your debts. Owe no man anything except that you may love him. I’m not saying that you can’t go forward as you have been, preparing for your future, but use wisdom, and do not be extravagant or wasteful. Be ye content with whatever you have. Do not worry about tomorrow for I will provide all your needs according to all riches in glory through Christ Jesus.

Today is the day in which I will pour out My glory. Yes, this is the third day, and My anointing will fall in power and might, but you must be ready in a practical way as well as in the spiritual. Walk by faith and not by sight. Keep My words before you, and let them lead you through the storm. Waver not in unbelief. I AM preparing you, and I AM shaking you that you may be the pure bride that I have called forth. Waver not in unbelief, but be faithful, and I will lead you forth in victory, for I AM your God, and there is no other.