APR 23, 2002 – JUL 11, 2002

ARCHIVES VI – APRIL 23, 2002 THRU JULY 11, 2002

July 11, 2002

Every day you come closer to hitting the mark with the grace of your God enabling you. But you must know that you will never reach the point of perfection that you strive for. For you being human can never reach that level of perfection that I dwell in. I said to be perfect as I AM perfect, but I do not mean it the way some of you have taken it to mean.

You have arrived only to meet the form of perfection that borderlines that of legalism and formalism in your behavior and actions. I want you to dwell in that which is based on grace and truth, and that is the quality of perfection that is pure and lasting which results in fruit which are Mine. So when you think you are striving to meet My conditions on the basis of perfection in the flesh, you are only beating against the wind, and that is a natural force that you can’t win by.

Seek My face and not My hand. Dwell in the purest quality of perfection which comes by dwelling in My presence, seeking My face, and communing with Me. Hide within My secret place, and I will fill you with the purest quality of perfection which is lasting. Teach your children to seek Me in the secret place for if you teach them young to draw close to Me, they will not wander away later in life.

Many cannot draw close to Me even now no matter how they try, because their mind is scattered about with thoughts from the world and its ways. They cannot settle down and be still and know that I AM God. They feel they have to do it all on their own, and that is why they err in seeking after perfection which is a sin in itself.

I want you to rest in the knowledge that I have started a good work in you and that I will complete it. Strive to do good but not to be perfect. Be complete in Me for I fill you with every quality that I AM. I AM a sevenfold spirit and complete in every way, and I will fill you with Myself.

Be consistent to seek Me, not only when you have a need, but always, day and night, through the good times and the bad. Yes, I have called you to rest in Me and strive not at anything for you are putting undue stress upon yourself. I have called you to rest and let Me take over through you.

So when you hear Me say be perfect as I AM perfect, do not take it that you are to strive for perfection but for that completeness that only I can give through communing with Me alone, by renewing yourself each day with My word, and by letting Me fill you to overflowing with My Spirit. I tell you this day to rest in Me, and I will do the rest, says your God.


July 8, 2002

Be sure, My child, that I AM doing a deep work in you of My Spirit and grace. I AM calling you to a higher plane of revelation concerning My Word and of My will in these latter days. I AM preparing you to be able to come apart from the cares of the world, and even of its enticements, and to be able to just come before Me in the Spirit of truth and holiness, and just bask in My presence.

Your heart is to know Me to the fullest, but this will take time. Relationship is not an overnight thing, but a process of opening up to one another in trust and honesty, so that each one can truly reveal that which is of their deepest soul. And I truly want to open up to you, and reveal that which is of My deepest part of My heart. I know that I can trust you, because I will pour out My wisdom upon you. And I will engrave upon your heart that which I have need for you to travail for, and to stand in the gap for. Yes, I will use you mightily, but you must always yield to Me in obedience no matter what the price or what man may say. Be bold and be strong for I AM with you, and I will accomplish through you My mission that I’ve called you to.

My people are so caught up with the cares of the world and its distractions that they don’t have the time or desire to come away from it all and just be with Me. And this hurts Me deeply not only because I lack their fellowship, but because they aren’t being prepared for the coming holocaust upon this earth. They need the strength of My Spirit to be able to stand. They need to be prepared for it by having spent much time before Me where it has become a way of life for them, to where it has become a delight and a thing to look forward to, to be able to spend time with Me.

Much is going to happen soon that if you haven’t developed that “secret place” within your heart, that place that you can withdraw into at any time, that all that is around you will overcome you and overwhelm you with fear, frustration, and defeat. So, do your part to encourage others to prepare by coming apart from the world and to draw into My presence. I need to be the number one focus of your lives, that which you live for, to worship Me and to serve Me in accomplishing My will and not your own.

I said if you would seek My face and My righteousness, all these things will be added unto you. All the world strives for will be your blessing if you only obey. Do your part to stand for truth, righteousness and integrity. Cast down and break covenant with all that is of the evil one. Laugh not and entertain not yourselves with that which grieves Me, but feed on that which is pure and wholesome, of good report, is of virtue which is Mine, and that which edifies yourself and others. Lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Me, and I will direct your paths.

Those who wait upon Me I will renew their strength. They will mount up as eagles. They shall run and not get weary. They shall walk and not faint. Always seek Me, and I will show you how to wait, to be still, and to know that I AM God, and that I AM faithful to preserve you, to keep you, and to make you strong so you can stand.

Be bold, and know that I AM God, and that I AM with you always, says the Lord. With My favor upon you, you can never be defeated. Just know I back you up every step of the way. If ever anyone comes against you, they are coming against Me, and I will be your defense. Just keep your heart right before God and man, and My favor will be upon you always, and you also will receive the favor of men.

Now, be blessed, and I will be your strength this day and always, and My love will flow through you to repel evil and to draw in those lost. Be blessed and be in peace, says your God.


July 6, 2002

The process that I take you through to bring you to where you need to be, at times, can be very trying where your flesh will cry out to be spared. But it needs to die. Just as with My Son Jesus as He cried out in the wilderness experience in the Garden, He sweat large drops of blood from the stress of wrestling with His own flesh. As He conquered all, He was able to submit in peace, and yield completely to My will victoriously. The same with you, as you cry out for more of My presence, and My transforming work to be done in you, the flesh cringes for it still does not want to lose control of its rule and reign in your life.

My love, through My fire, will come on in such strength that it will be overpowering like great waves rolling over you. Your spirit will rejoice, because this is what it longs for, the total breakthrough where you will overcome the flesh, and walk in My spirit in victory in the newness of life, the resurrected life of My glory and grace. You cannot succeed in this in your own strength, so you need not try. Just continue to cry out in travail and anguish through the birthing experience of bringing forth My perfect will in your life.

The breakthrough does not come easy. It comes through persistence through intercession of constantly coming against the strongholds, the dams that hold My Spirit back from flowing forth out of you. Continue to cry out for strength to overcome, and to press through and break loose of all the chains that bind you, to be able to freely run the race with no entanglements, and at the same time enable Me to flow through you with great power and force.

David had to come to the place where he let go completely. It was a great fight for his flesh had great power over his spirit. Even though he sought Me with all his heart, things he allowed to happen through his own pride, caused him to fall into great sin causing great wrath to fall upon him from his enemies. They sought to seek His life for he had opened himself up to this, because he got out of My will, and fell into the hands of the devourer, the evil one. You are in great safety when you draw close to Me, and die out to your flesh, and walk in My Spirit.

I had to take David through great strides of difficulty, turmoil and judgment where he truly humbled himself before Me, a Mighty God. For I love My people, and I chastise them and allow that which will cause them to truly seek My face in total dependence and humility. So, when you think and you say you seek My face and My hand to bring you to the place you need to be, be prepared to receive My fire for I need to burn out the dross, and I need to purge all that isn’t of Me, and I need to shake loose the foundations I have not established.

When I take you through deep waters, it will not be a quiet and easy experience, just like a woman giving birth to a child, with great travail comes forth the joy of bringing forth new life. And that is what I seek to do in My people, bring forth the new life I’ve placed in them, where there is none left of yourself, but only My Son shining through. So, be yielded and I will do a deep and quick work in you. Do not hold back for it will only prolong the process.

Great joy and peace will come forth at the breakthrough of death into life, a great transformation of power and love at My Son’s appearance. So, continue, My child, and trust Me for I started this good work in you, and I will complete it and by My grace you will stand, says your God.


July 3, 2002

Assume that you were so protected by My love that you weren’t able to comprehend the work of the evil one against you. Well, that is what I want you to do……to keep your eyes on My glory that you don’t see anything else. Realize My all-encompassing love for you, and keep your eyes on Me. For I AM pouring out upon you this moment My glory in brilliant colors. Yes, the prism of My glory is encompassing you. I AM encircling you in the brilliance of color of My glory as being in the center of a diamond and looking out. For I AM the rain, and I AM pouring out right now upon you. Now just close your eyes right now, and bask in the brilliance of My glory for you are in the midst of it right now, this very moment.

Walk with Me, My lovely one, My bride. Reach out and touch Me, for I want you to enter into a new dimension of My glory, for I want to wrap you in it as a prism encircling your very presence. Enter in and escape the realm of the evil one, for he cannot touch you within My intimate presence, within the embrace of My glory and love. Once you enter in, continue to seek Me even deeper, and I will allow you to enter in even deeper within My intimate embrace.

I AM pouring out upon you My healing anointing, for I want to set you free so that I can move through you, for you are My precious jewel, even My diamond in the rough, but I see you already perfected without any mar or blemish. Yes, you are brilliant to Me, and I AM beginning to see My reflection in you for you are walking in My glory. For as you stand in My presence before your Father God, and you allow My Spirit to shine through you, all that will be left of you is My glory shining through. Yes, it is the radiance of the Son shining through.

Look up for your redemption draweth nigh. It is closer than you have ever expected. Reap of the benefits of My kingdom for there are many. Reach out and touch them and draw them into your bosom. Pull them into your heart and gain access to your inheritance in full force now. It is closer now than when you first believed. Do not give up on the promise for it is right at hand. Yes, it is right at the door. All you have to do is to enter in and accept it. It is in My hand, and I AM reaching it out to you right now like a gift, receive it.

Do not look to the left or to the right, to the wind or to the waves. Look to Me, My beloved children. I AM your Father, and I have kept My word and have held it special for the appointed time when I was to give it to you. For I had a work to do in you, and you had to be ready to receive it. For if I gave it to you sooner than the appointed time, the process of preparation would be disturbed. And that is the most important part of perfecting your faith. For you are a diamond in the rough, but you are perfect in My eyes, and I AM beginning to see My radiance in you, the radiance of the Son of glory shines through you.

So do not look to the left or to the right. Do not lose focus of what I AM doing in you. Do not lose hope, but gain strength to continue to press on. Reach out now and hold on to Me. Yes, reach out to the hem of My garment and worship at My feet. Humble yourself before Me, and I will lift you up. You are at the place of highest power when you remain seated with Me at the right hand of the Father, the place of authority. So continue to worship Me casting down strongholds through your praises. Remain focused and you will break through, says your God.


July 1, 2002

Keep on seeking My face for I love you with an everlasting love, and I forever long for your presence, for you to meet with Me in the spirit of loveliness and beauty, and freedom of spirit. To be able to worship Me for who you are and not what others expect you to be. I will not allow My people to be put in a box and restrained. I want them to be free to truly express their love to Me in freedom of worship.

Yes, My child, you are feeling this expression within yourself. Your whole being wants to express true worship to Me. Every fiber of every muscle cries out for pure freedom. Don’t hold back in any way. Reach out for My strength to be an example of true release of the Spirit of holiness, of truth, of praise, of faith, and love. Be an example to My people. Be a light that will lead others on, to encourage them that it is all right to be themselves, the creation God made them to be, to be able to express their love to the Father with no restraint.

“Set My people free!” is the heart cry of the Father for this time for His Spirit is grieved over the bondage that has been manifesting all over His creation. For He created us to truly enjoy Him and to worship Him freely. If My people who are called by My name would humble themselves and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will heal their land and their soul. I will remove from their hearts all the hardness and bitterness, all the restraints. I will break down the walls, and release their spirit, and give them the freedom they cry out for, but don’t know how to receive.

Continue to seek My face, and press in for the release of My people from bondage. I want to see the freedom on their faces and in their hearts and in their step. I want even their feet to rejoice unto Me. Yes, I want to see a freedom in their walk and in their step. I want My people to dance and rejoice and celebrate and to enjoy Me. I want to enjoy them, but O this bondage. It keeps My intimate flow of love from truly touching their hearts to bring this release.

Keep pressing in against the strongholds. Like I said before, it is like coming at a rock with a chisel. If you are persistent, in time it will turn to powder. The same with the strongholds. As you stand in the gap and be faithful to worship Me and intercede, I will bring down the walls. I will crush the forces coming against My Church. I will set them free for I long to enjoy My children, says the Lord.

Yes, the battle is the Lord’s and the warfare is vigorous. It is a constant struggle, but the joy of the Lord is our strength and is a great weapon against the evil one. And the peace of the Lord is to reign over us like a shield of protection. His banner over us is His love, and we have the shield of faith and the sword of truth. Our feet are rooted and grounded in the message of peace, of reconciliation, of power and might.

With this in mind and in our hearts, we are to rejoice and be free and come against the enemy aggressively, no holding back but pressing in taking our land for the victory is ours and Jesus is our Captain. So, rejoice I say, and be free and celebrate our victory in Him!


June 29, 2002

Wake up, Church, and cast off all that would hinder you, and be united and seek My face, says the Lord. Keep your balance in all things. Seek wisdom and knowledge, and stir up your gifts and arise above the circumstances, and stand on My promises. Quit striving, let go, and let Me reign in your lives. Rest in Me and I will take care of your every need, for I AM your Heavenly Father, and I take care of My own.

I say quit striving to accomplish all the works and the programs and all the projects, etc. If you would just seek My face and My righteousness, all these things will be added unto you, and that is all the needs of the Church. Just rest in Me for it is My Body and I AM the head and I AM in control. Just trust Me and yield to My will. Be not as Martha being consumed with all the things that look like they need to be done, but be like Mary, being consumed with My presence, being at My side, seeking My heart and My perfect will.

Keep things simple and cease striving and rest in Me, says the Lord. Trust Me and yield to My will for it is all My program, and I AM the One who ordained it, orchestrates it, and will accomplish it in My timing and in My ways, says the Lord. My word to you, Church, is for you to obey and let Me be God, and quit being a hindrance to Me for this is a solemn word to you, and I cannot stress that enough. Just quit striving and give it all to Me and rest, and I will remove what isn’t of Me, and create My programs through you that will best accomplish My will through you.

Give all to Me and start anew. What is truly of Me will stand, and what isn’t will be removed. I want My order and My will in My Church. Are you afraid to give Me your all? Are you afraid to trust Me? Don’t you feel I AM capable to run My Church? There is too much that is not of Me in the camp. For I AM God, and I will have My way in this hour, for time is short, and I have a lot to accomplish through you, but you must be totally yielded, My people.

I say again. Let go of all that would obstruct My vision. Get back to the basics — to seek My face and My will. Prepare your hearts to turn over everything to Me. Take your true position in Me. Put on your armor and begin to march with one goal, one focus, one vision —– to pursue My holiness, My intimacy, My love, and to break through the gates, pull down strongholds and let My river flow!


June 27, 2002

Be still and know that I AM God. Know that I have called you and that I will sustain you every step of the way. When you walk through the fire and when you walk through the rain, I will be with you. Once you have sought My face, remain still and silent and wait upon Me, and I will speak into your heart My will for your lives. Remain still and wait, and I will fill you with the wisdom and knowledge that you will need as you prepare for what is ahead.

For yes, there is a storm on the horizon, and it is a fierce one, but I will enable you to stand bold, with head set like flint, against the evil one. Do not look at the intensity of the storm, but look to Me for I AM the One in control and not the evil one. What he means to bring harm, I always turn for your good. Yes, remain still and quiet so you can hear My still and small voice.

Remain in My secret place, and I will keep you safe from the storm. I AM your refuge and your strength, a very present help in trouble. Draw close to Me, My little ones. Never run away in panic. Remain still and watch what I will do on your behalf for I have you safe in the palm of My hand. Yes, I will shelter you from the storm. I will even keep you safe in the eye of it as it passes over.

For all things work together for your good, and you need to know that no matter what comes your way that I will shelter you from all harm. For I allow the wind and the waves to prepare you and strengthen you in your faith if you allow Me to do My perfecting work in you through them. Yes, remain still and quiet, and watch what I will do.

Even though you do not see a way out of the adverse circumstances that the enemy is using to come against you, just know that I AM faithful to deliver you through them. Know that it is all in My perfect timing that I will set you free —– not a moment after. For I keep you in the fire to purge the dross. I keep you in longer than you think you are able to bear, for I AM stretching you in your faithfulness to trust Me no matter what you see in the natural.

Trust in My heart of love for you even when you don’t understand what I allow, that is My hand towards you. For I only allow what is good and beneficial for you. For you need strong faith to prepare for what is ahead, and each trial you go through is strengthening you. So I encourage you to remain still and quiet before Me no matter what you hear or see, for I have warned you that there is a storm on the horizon, but it is I who is in control and not the evil one, says your God.


June 26, 2002

My child, I want to use your mountain experiences to teach you to fly into My loving arms. I want you to soar with wings as eagles, high above the power and principalities over your life, for there are many out to defeat you, to pull you back from succeeding in your mission, for you are breaking through unto freedom that you never knew possible. I want to show you how easy it is to fly, to soar in Me over every circumstance.

Like a small child, I want you to trust Me to be the Loving Father you never had that will take you from glory to glory in Me. I want you to excel through My Spirit in all the giftings I have placed in you for there are many if you would let go and yield unto Me for I AM your strength, your courage, your comforter, your creative ability. I AM everything you need to you. Whatever it may be, call on Me, and I will be unto you your need fulfilled.

Let go and let Me take you through every circumstance with victory in your wings. No more are you to go about as a chicken scratching in the dirt examining every negative aspect of every situation in doubt, fear and unbelief. I want to take you high above the situation where your victory presides, for you are seated with Me far above all power and principality at the right hand of the Father, the place of all power and authority.

So be who I called you to be. Grab hold of My hand, a strong and steady hand, one of perfect faith, and unite the faith that I have given you with Mine and trust Me. Dive out over the valley knowing that I will take you through in peace to safety. Launch out into the deep, and know I will take you through to the harbor of My safekeeping and prosperity and health.

I teach My children to trust Me like an eagle who would teach its eaglet how to fly. I let you go where you feel you are on your own as you step out in faith, and I will meet you with My manifest presence, because you trusted Me that I would come through. Each situation works the same way, but each one becomes more trying until you come to the place where you know beyond any shadow of doubt that I will meet you and be to you all that you need Me to be.

So, launch out into the deep. Lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Me and I will direct your paths, and cause you to stand courageously. With victory and success you will overcome every obstacle, and My love will flow through you abundantly, says your God.


June 24, 2002

Examine your hearts, My faithful servants. Examine your hearts to see if what you are believing is truly of Me. For many have picked up a form of doctrine that I did not give to you. And many have given into religious spirits without even knowing it. You go around judging others when you yourself have fallen from the truth in many ways.

I want you to be pliable to My working in you. Be open to My truth not to a form of doctrine that you have picked up through men. As you search your hearts, you will see areas that have held you back in serving Me to the fullest extent that I have called you to. As you search your hearts, you will see areas where you have been hindered from receiving a blessing from Me. Yes, I AM calling you to watch and pray and to search your hearts.

Do not be afraid of being open to My truth. Do not be afraid to see areas where you may be believing a lie for I promised you that the elect will not be deceived, because I AM leading you and guiding you into all truth. Yes, the truth will set you free, and as you search your hearts and be open to Me and My word, you will grow.

From glory to glory I will take you if you humble yourself at My feet and before My throne. Remember, I will exalt the humble and bring down those with a prideful heart. This is the day of salvation. This is the day I will set you free and to bring you to higher levels of My glory.

Reach out and touch Me and cry out for more of My grace. Be yielded and open, and I will give you fresh manna. Yes, I will feed you like calves in the stall. Hunger and thirst after righteousness, and I will fill you. Reach out to Me and I will heal your heart. Yes, My truth will set you free if you are open to it, says your God.

Reach out and I will fill you with revelation of My purpose and plan for your life. Reach out to Me and I will resist the enemy on your behalf. If you put Me first, I will supply all your needs. Be determined to do things My way even if you don’t understand them. For My ways are much higher than man’s. Don’t lean on your own understanding.

Be determined to receive fresh revelation of My will. Let go of the past and trust Me to lead you into all truth. Do not be afraid of being deceived. Let go and let Me have My way in leading you in the way you are to go. Walk by faith and not by what you feel to be My truth.

I AM telling you this day to let go of the past, and I will cleanse you of all false doctrine. I will set you free to walk in My grace and not by the Law. Reach out and I will touch you and put your feet on higher ground. Step out this day and let Me lead you afresh in My grace and truth, says your God.


June 18, 2002

Although there might not be any signs in the air of a coming storm, there is one on the horizon. And I warn you this day to obey My voice, keep My commands, and walk with Me closely, and I will keep you safe. Walk and pray even around the area that you live in and claim the land. If you don’t, who will, for I AM looking for even one who will stand in the gap for My people for whom I gave My life for?

As you walk the streets, claim them for My kingdom. Yes, walk the streets, and take note of areas that reek with many forms of oppression for I will make you aware of these. Yes, take notes literally in a notebook, and go over them in your prayer closet. As you walk, pray for My will to be done in the lives of the people and that I will pour out great grace and mercy endlessly. Be a good neighbor just like the Samaritan who put his life out for one left on the streets unwanted and not cared for. For this is the time and the hour to reach out like never before.

Be led by My Spirit. Do not go out only as an act of obedience or even obligation for you need My anointing for it to be of any effect. Watch Me and pray, and assume the responsibility of one who would give their life for others who I have died for. If you don’t, who will? Be open to My leading at all times for I will move mightily though you to touch the lost. When you go out, put this high on your list of priorities………….to reach the lost!

When you go to the market place, as you go to work, at the library or even the post office, keep your eyes open for that open door to walk through, that opportunity to share My grace, to spread My good news that I gave My life for them.

And as you obey My leading, I will pour out even a stronger anointing upon you. And signs and wonders will increase in your life. Do the work of an evangelist. Heal the sick, cast out demons and yes, raise the dead. Freely give what you have received. Yes, be as a free-flowing fountain springing up unto new life. For you reap what you sow. Plant seeds of new growth and watch what I will do.

Be faithful in your walk with Me by being open to My will, for your life is not your own. I paid the price for you. You are My Body, and I want you to go out and claim the land. Assume the responsibility of an evangelist, and walk and pray, and plant the seeds of faith wherever you go, for this is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power, and through you, My people. Do yourself a favor, and step out and see what I will do.

Yes, come out of your caves, even those who say they don’t have the time or a ministry that amounts to anything. Do not receive the lies of the evil one for all My people are important and very valuable to Me and My kingdom. So this day right where you are, step out and take a walk, and breathe in the fresh air, and claim new beginnings for you and your whole household. For what you plant for My kingdom, I will abundantly pour over and touch you with blessings immeasurable. As you put My kingdom first, I will supply all your needs. I will heal your land, and touch your loved ones with My grace and mercy. I will heal your body and renew your mind. Walk in My will, and I will bless you, says your Lord and Redeemer.


June 12, 2002

Rest assured that I have everything under control that you have been facing at late, for you know that through much tribulation will you enter into the kingdom of God. Realize that it is not by might nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord. It isn’t anything you can do to change the circumstances of which you face as you walk through the trials that which I allow for your purifying and your purging. For just like pure gold it must first go through the fire so that all the impurities will be brought to the surface to be skimmed off.

For yes the enemy has come in as a flood, but he can do no harm against you and your loved ones. If you walk with Me, you are under My protection. The enemy can do nothing without My allowing it. So trust Me in all things. Realize that I AM a sovereign Lord and ruler of all. Everything is under My control that you face each day, and that all things work together for your good.

So praise Me whether you feel you can or not and watch Me lift you up. Praise Me and thank Me for everything for I take you through the fire to prepare you for what is ahead. I do not allow anything that you cannot endure, but you must realize that you cannot do it on your own. You must let go of your worldly pride that says you can make it on your own. Let go of it and let Me be God in your life.

Once you step out in trust do not stumble when things look the opposite of what you expected. Trust Me and watch what I will do for suddenly circumstances will change and you will be on the other side. Yes, you will be walking in all the victory that you have claimed, but it is all in My timing. For you cannot rush the process for which I take you through. The process is even more beneficial than the finished product.

So rest in Me and in My faithfulness to complete that which I began in you. It is through much tribulation that you enter into My kingdom, and you learn much through what you suffer. Remember I AM Lord of lords and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and I reign mightily on your behalf. I rule sovereign in all the activities throughout the world. Yes, I AM King and Lord of all and the enemy is under your feet, because I have given you My name and My authority over him.

So rise up and repent of your failure to walk in the authority I’ve given you in every area of your life. Rise up, yes, pick yourself up and brush yourself off of all the debris for many have allowed the enemy rights that he does not lawfully have. He can do nothing without you allowing it. Cast down the vain imaginations and renew your mind with My word and walk in My victory for you have the mind of Christ. In this warfare you must believe no matter what you feel, because the enemy is coming on strong to distract you and try to rob you of your calling.

So hold on tight to Me, and I will lead you through the storm and bring you to the other side. And you will walk in the breakthrough that I have promised, and you will touch many lives with My power. Yes, you will set the captives free, heal the sick, raise the dead. For these are the promises to those who believe.

Remember it is through much persecution and also tribulation if you are to walk in My steps. I never said it would be easy, but you must trust Me. Every day seek My face and watch for My signs following My word. I keep My promises if you obey Me by resting in Me. Walk by faith and not by sight. Keep covered with My armor and keep pressing in on the enemy. He will retreat and you will take the land, because there are many more who are for you than against you. You are not alone in this battle for I have assigned ministering and warring spirits to protect you and surround you.

Rise up for you are more than a conqueror if you remain hidden in Me. For those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, says your God.


June 6, 2002

Walk closely after Me, My lovely ones, for I will lead you where you need to go. In the days ahead you will need to know My still, small voice because there will be dangerous times, and the only access to help is through My leading and guiding you. Watch and pray that you may know Me well. Stay close to My side and have an intimate walk with Me. It is for your own safety that you stay close to Me and not live independent of Me.

Once you know My still, small voice it is important that you obey Me. Like a small child, who walks away when a mother calls, you are not to be. These children are independent and rebellious, and for there own safety they need the discipline to teach them to obey. For when they get older and never learn to obey, their hearts become hardened to Me, and they can easily fall into the hands of the devourer.

So I encourage you. I even admonish you to leave the life that calls you to do your own thing, and draw close to My side for these are perilous times. And I said in My word that those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. And that is a promise to you of safety. For in My presence you will have refuge from the storm, a fortress to do battle from. I AM your covering but you must abide in Me.

Watch Me and follow in My steps as I lead you through by My word. Watch Me and follow My example. Everything that I have ever said to you about how to live has been for the preparation of walking in these last days. If you abide in My words, you abide in Me for I AM the Vine and you are the branches. My ways and thoughts are so different from your ways. That is why you have to trust Me, and renew your mind with My word daily. And when you run into an area in My word that you stumble over, you need to pray for more grace. For it is so important to walk in all My ways.

I love you, My bride, but you must walk closely after Me. For I will lead you and guide you in paths of safety and freedom and rest. Yes, I will lead you by streams of fresh water. I will restore your soul each day, and strengthen you by My Spirit. I will fill you with wisdom and truth that you will be a light to others to lead them to a safe haven. Watch and pray and rest in My faithfulness for I am raising you up a mighty, warring army, but you have to be totally Mine, says your Lord.


June 4, 2002

Once you have sought My face, don’t give up when it seems like you aren’t getting anywhere. For I persuade you to continue to seek Me. I promised you that those who diligently seek Me, I will reward with My presence, with revelation of an abiding light and direction. If you will seek Me with all your heart, I will give you the desire of your heart to know Me more intimately. If you will even dig deeper, I will give to you nuggets of deeper understanding of My word and My ways.

So I encourage you to dig deeper and never give up. I will give you what you long for—-to be able to come into a higher level of worship and warfare, to pull down the strongholds over your land, to have an open breakthrough of revelation and light. Nothing will be hidden from you if you dig deeper.

Do not compare yourself with other vessels of glory that I AM using powerfully at this time. You all have different seasons where I move through you in a more profound way than others. But don’t ever think I AM not using you to influence others that you come in contact with. But be careful, My lovely ones, that the enemy is right at the door ready to trip you up when you step out in ministry.

He will try to snare you in several subtle ways that you might not think are important, but remember it is the little foxes that spoil the vine. I say to you this hour to repent of your jealousies and competition. Repent of all pridefulness, and humble yourself before Me, and I will lift you up by filling you to overflowing with My glory and grace, My power and presence. For yes, I will enable you to overcome in the onslaughts of the enemy. Be on guard to areas where the enemy will try to retaliate when you are taking the land.

Rise up, My mighty warriors. Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. Make worship and warfare a way of life for you for it is now becoming more perilous times. Dig deeper. Come into My throne room of grace, and I will reveal to you nuggets of gold, of fine precious jewels, of rubies and diamonds.
Come out of your caves for I have preserved you for this time and for this hour. For I AM now bringing you more into the front lines of battle where you will even blind the enemy by the glory that reflects from your armor of light. As you gather together as one, the mighty brightness of My glory upon you will build to become a mighty force field of light. This is My love which is so pure and holy repelling that of darkness away from those I gave My life for. Those precious souls will respond to My glory and love and be drawn to you.
You will win them over by My presence upon you as you just yield to My Spirit. And as you reach out in gestures of love, My power will rush through you and touch them in their deepest parts. For they are so hungry for Me and just don’t know it or how to receive from Me. So I need you, My loved ones. I need you to be My vessels of light and revelation to those who are dying in sin. Be there for Me. Be always ready and yielded so that I can use you.

So do your part by coming before Me so I can heal you. Let Me touch you so I can fill you with My love. Open up completely to Me. Do not hide from Me or those I send to you your inner need to be completely set free, for this is the time and the hour for complete manifestation of My salvation upon your life. Claim the whole package for which I died for you to have. Be sure that My love will take you through to the end. You will overcome and you will win, says your Lord and King.


May 29, 2002

Examine your hearts, My lovely ones. Know that what I have called you to do I have prepared you for. Do not walk timidly but stand bold in the face of the giants that come against you. Know that there are many more mightier than those that are for you than those against you. Examine your hearts to see if you are walking in all that I have called you to do, no holding back in any area. Rise up and be bold and know that I have equipped you for the warfare. You have everything that you need to stand firm to the end.

So draw close to Me and rise up, and be sure that I AM your rear guard. I stand before you and My glory is all around you. Yes, I have you well covered and protected and preserved from the foe as you walk forth in the battle ground and take the land. Those flaming arrows that come against you are shielded from your heart. No, they cannot penetrate the force field around you which is My love for perfect love casts out all fear. Your mind is covered with My blood. Those thoughts the enemy tries to plant in your mind will not hold power against you, because you have learned to walk in My will casting down all vain imaginations that come against who I AM. For you have the mind of Christ.

I have made you a mighty warrior, because you are covered with My very own armor. I have given you My sword, and I have given you My shield. I embrace you with My love and cover you, and encourage you now to rise up, go forth and take the land. Possess all that I gave My life for you to have. Do not settle for less than the best. You are to be strong and healthy for My will for you is divine health. And you are to prosper and have success in every area of your life.

Come soar with Me, My lovely ones, high above all power and principality for you are seated with Me at the right hand of the Father. So I encourage you this day, this very moment, to rise up in the strength of the Lord. Rise up in dynamic power of My Spirit. The same power that raised Me from the dead dwells in you! Yes, I have made you mighty for you are warriors of light, and no weapon formed against you can prosper. Rise up and take the land for this is the day of salvation, says your Lord and King.


May 24, 2002

Rest assured that I have everything under control that you have been facing at late, for you know that through much tribulation will you enter into the kingdom of God. Realize that it is not by might nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord. It isn’t anything you can do to change the circumstances of which you face as you walk through the trials that which I allow for your purifying and your purging. For just like pure gold it must first go through the fire so that all the impurities will be brought to the surface to be skimmed off.

For yes the enemy has come in as a flood, but he can do no harm against you and your loved ones. If you walk with Me, you are under My protection. The enemy can do nothing without My allowing it. So trust Me in all things. Realize that I am a sovereign Lord and ruler of all. Everything is under My control that you face each day, and that all things work together for your good.

So praise Me whether you feel you can or not and watch Me lift you up. Praise Me and thank Me for everything for I take you through the fire to prepare you for what is ahead. I do not allow anything that you cannot endure. But you must realize that you cannot do it on your own. You must let go of your worldly pride that says you can make it on your own. Let go of it and let Me be God in your life.

Once you step out in trust do not stumble when things look the opposite of what you expected. Trust Me and watch what I will do for suddenly circumstances will change and you will be on the other side. Yes, you will be walking in all the victory that you have claimed, but it is all in My timing. For you cannot rush the process for which I take you through. The process is even more beneficial than the finished product.

So rest in Me and in My faithfulness to complete that which I began in you. It is through much tribulation that you enter into My kingdom, and you learn much through what you suffer. Remember I am Lord of lords and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and I reign mightily on your behalf. I rule sovereign in all the activities throughout the world. Yes, I am King and Lord of all and the enemy is under your feet, because I have given you My name and My authority over him.

So rise up and repent of your failure to walk in the authority I’ve given you in every area of your life. Rise up, yes, pick yourself up and brush yourself off of all the debris for many have allowed the enemy rights that he does not lawfully have. He can do nothing without you allowing it. Cast down the vain imaginations and renew your mind with My word and walk in My victory for you have the mind of Christ. In this warfare you must believe that no matter what you feel, because the enemy is coming on strong to distract you and try to rob you of your calling.

So hold on tight to Me, and I will lead you through the storm and bring you to the other side. And you will walk in the breakthrough that I have promised, and you will touch many lives with My power. Yes, you will set the captives free, heal the sick, raise the dead. For these are the promises to those who believe.

Remember it is through much persecution and also tribulation if you are to walk in My steps. I never said it would be easy, but you must trust Me. Every day seek My face and watch for My signs following My word. I keep My promises if you obey Me by resting in Me. Walk by faith and not by sight. Keep covered with My armor and keep pressing in on the enemy. He will retreat and you will take the land, because there are many more who are for you than against you. You are not alone in this battle for I have assigned ministering and warring spirits to protect you and surround you.

Rise up for you are more than a conqueror if you remain hidden in Me. For those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, says your God.


May 17, 2002

Reach out and touch the hem of My garment, and I will touch you with My healing power for I AM the God who keeps His promise of divine health and restoration. Reach out and touch Me and cry out to Me for this is the day of My latter rain outpouring, and I AM preparing to do greater works through you, My people, as you yield yourselves totally to Me. Reach out and touch Me and cry out like never before.

Open wide your mouths, and I will fill it with such mighty powerful words of creative force that will amaze those that do not yet know Me. Watch and see and be amazed yourselves as I work through your very own hands creative works of power and restoration for I said that greater works will you do because I go to the Father. Prepare yourselves for a mighty work of My Spirit, for I will cast off the works of the evil one, and replace them with that of My grace and glory for I AM coming to take over for the battle is Mine.

You have been faithful to hold fast and wait upon Me. You have never given up on My promises of My latter rain outpouring. And now is the time and the hour that I will pour out My power as you continue to wait upon Me and cry out to Me with all your heart. Gather together and worship Me like there is no tomorrow. Do not be concerned about time. Just lose yourself in My presence and cry out for the breakthrough that I promised you.

Yes, I will heal your land as you humble yourselves before Me united in My truth for My love is a reality and is a powerful force that is tearing down walls and fortresses around man’s hearts. And I AM rushing in as a mighty river washing away all filth and debris, everything that has dammed up My power. So open wide the prison doors and let Me in.

Don’t hold back any longer preventing the flow of My healing power. For once I do My deep cleansing in you, I will rush in and fill to overflowing all the areas the enemy has destroyed in your heart. I AM rushing in this very hour and filling you to overflowing with My river of glory. This is the time and the hour I will pour out My power and through you, My vessels of glory.

Cry out and watch and see as I sweep through you and touch the multitudes. As I heal you, I AM preparing you to be able to carry My glory that will blind the enemy’s eyes, and I will carry on with My plans and purposes of healing and restoration, and salvation is Mine says your Lord and King. Just cry out and watch Me fill you this day.


May 12, 2002

The fire of My love is all about you, and I AM purging deep by My Spirit all that is not of Me. I AM in the process of bringing forth a pure vessel full of My glory and grace that I may move through. This is the day of salvation. This is the day to decide who you will serve to your fullest potential. Nothing holding back because time is precious, and I desire you to draw near to seek My face that you may walk in My perfect will.

I AM discerning within you that there is an uneasiness about you. You are not resting completely in Me. You are holding back in areas and not allowing My healing process to take place in your heart. Do not be afraid to open up completely to Me for I know already what is going on within you for I ordained that you would be a pure and spotless bride cleansed by the blood of My Son. So come forth and be open and teachable before Me.

Pour out upon Me all that you are struggling with for there is a pulling and a turmoil within. But do not fight the process for it is the fire of My love that is bringing to the surface all that is not of Me. Cry out for greater grace that you may endure to the end without giving up hope. For the enemy is coming on strong with discouragement and defeat and hopelessness that you will not walk in My victory. But he is a thief and a liar and his main purpose is to distort My will and to rob you of My precious work of intimacy within you.

Do not look at the circumstances that which you face. Do not even look at how you have been behaving and look completely towards Me the author and finisher of your faith. Keep your eyes on My promises and I will bring them to pass in your life. Even if you do not see quick manifestations of your prayers, do not give up hope for I see your heart and your faithfulness to hold fast to My promises. It is all in My timing and you will see the manifestations of that which you have held fast to of healing and prosperity and a greater depth of intimacy with Me.

Your greatest calling is to draw close to Me and minister to Me and seek My face. That is your greatest calling and don’t let the enemy sidetrack you on to other things which he tries to make look important to you. Didn’t I even say in My word to let the dead bury the dead, you come follow Me? Now that is a pretty important occasion I would say, but My will is far more important.

Crucify the flesh, die out to your feelings and emotions that say look at Me, aren’t I important? Didn’t I say that you must decrease so that I may increase in your life? The way of humility is the way to power and grace. Follow My steps for I AM meek and lowly in character. Humble yourself before Me and I will lift you up. Yes, humble yourself before My throne of grace and I will exalt My power upon you.

This is the day of greater glory upon My people. A pure vessel I AM making you. So keep your eyes upon Me. Remember that it is the fire of My love that makes you clean. The power of My blood be upon you that you will endure to the end. My glory be upon My bride for I have called her an overcoming warrior with her main intent is to worship Me and to exalt Me and to pull down the enemy’s kingdom with My love and My blood and My glory.

Raise up your hands that have been held down weak. I breathe My breath into you this day and I encourage you to carry on. I will keep My promise to you. I will raise you up and flow through you for you are Mine says your God.


May 4, 2002

Even though you say that you know Me, you do not delight to know Me more. I want you to draw close to Me in the secret place and rest yourself in My presence. Delight to know Me more. Seek My face and not My hand. Know that I have all your needs provided for you if you put Me first and My will. Don’t you know that you cannot prosper if you deprive Me of your intimate presence? Don’t you know that you are defeating your purpose at large if your main delight is not to live for me?

I want you to know that you are purchased with the life of My Son; therefore, your life is not your own. Watch and pray that you do not fall into the temptation of vain living for anything outside of My will is empty and will not amount to anything. I love you, My children, and delight to fill you with My presence without measure. I want to pour out My glory upon you that I may touch others who are lost. I want to anoint you that I may move powerfully through you. But you must do your part.

You must cast down vain imaginations that distract you from coming into My intimate presence. Cry out that I may set you free from complacency and apathy and the deadness in your soul. Stir up the gifts I have given you. Refresh your vision and do not give up on the calling on your life. Come out of the desert and walk into your promised land filled with milk and honey and streams with grain overflowing. Be refreshed once again. Draw near and let Me touch you with My kingly anointing.

Rise up and be free to run to share all I’ve given you with others. Today is the day to reclaim your inheritance—-to take back what the enemy has stolen. Regain the ground. Be bold, be victorious, for I made you that way. Yes, I say to you, rise up and take the land, and I will revive you and breathe new life in you and give you a second wind. Go against that wall with praise in your hearts. Keep your eyes on Me, the Lord of the Breakthrough.

Rejoice for I am for you. No weapon formed against you will prosper. Draw close underneath My wing, and I will strengthen you and teach you to even fly higher than ever before for you are seated with Me in high places above all power and principality. It is time to soar and rise up from the dry places. I love you, My children, and I will see prosperity fall upon you in every area because you will know Me. Yes, you will know Me more intimately because you stay by My side in the secret place, says your Lord and King.


May 1, 2002

Come unto Me all who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Many have added unto themselves a load that is not of Me and have given the enemy an access to their finances by their need and desire to have more; but if you do not seek Me first in all your decisions, you give the enemy an open door so that he can rob you of the prosperity I have promised you. So I say today to repent of your independent ways, humble yourself before Me, and I will lift you up and fill you with My wisdom so that restoration will be brought back to your life.

I will keep that which you commit to Me. Let go and let Me have full control of all aspects of your life and then you will thrive in Me. This is the day to count the cost to see if you have what it takes to make it to the end. A shallow commitment will not take you through victoriously. It will only bring you many a battle that are not needed to go through.

Watch and pray that you don’t fall into temptation. Gather together and seek My face, and feast on My word that you may grow strong together as one, for unity is so important in order to stand against the wiles of the enemy. So I say to you this day to count the cost, examine your hearts as to if you are really walking in My will and not in independence, and gather together in unity, and I will bless you for I AM your God.

If you love Me, keep My commandments. If you love Me, love the brethren. If you love Me, feed My sheep. Cast down vain imaginations that seek to rob your faith. Trust Me in all things and rest, and allow My deep work in you to run its full course, for it is the fire of My love that purges you clean.

So draw close in the secret place, and hunger and thirst for more of Me. Don’t settle for a life steeped with lust and complacency. Draw your fulfillment from Me. Rest in My faithfulness. Walk in My ways and know that what you see in the natural could only be lies from the enemy, for when he is losing his grip on a situation, he fights harder!

And know that My fire brings all dross to the surface to be cast off. So don’t look with your natural eye. Look through the eyes of faith, for I began a good work in you, and I will complete it. I keep My word and I AM faithful even when you aren’t. So rest in knowing that I keep you in the palm of My hand for you are Mine, says your Lord and King.


April 23, 2002

Distinguish this day the difference between the lust of the flesh and the pride of man. There is not much, but one thing I want to say to you is that once you fall into the snare of prideful living, it is very hard to break away from it. The snare is very deep and very powerful to escape. It overpowers every area of your thinking. Your eyes become dim and the desires of your heart become tainted with its poison. But rejoice this day for I come to set you free. I come to open your eyes and purge your heart of all pridefulness and selfishness.

Watch and pray that your heart and mind will stay pure and that you will not fall into the snare of the fowler. Watch and pray that you will stay humble before Me and be open and teachable to My will and My ways. For you do not have time to waste, and it is not worth it to allow your flesh to become puffed up with the ways of the enemy. Cast down the vain imaginations immediately —- anything that would tear you away from My presence and also from having unity and intimacy with the brethren. For when your opportunity comes to be able to press into My will and My ways with another, watch that you are not robbed of it. For this opportunity might not come your way again.

Beware for the enemy is coming in his subtle ways to sidetrack you from coming into My intimate presence. He will use many different methods to rob you, and you need to be aware of this. Humble yourself before My throne of grace and I will lift you up. Do not let others hinder you. Be wise as serpents but harmless as doves. If you will cry out to Me, I will pour out greater grace. Do not try to make it on your own in any area. I say to you to be open and teachable at all times, because you don’t always know who I will send your way to get your attention.

Do not judge My vessels of service by their appearance. Do not give into pride and prejudice. Do not categorize yourself from others for I see all mankind as equal. I AM even tearing down the walls this day if you are willing. I will enable you to walk into a greater anointing. I want to say to you this day to be open to My guiding you into ways of ministry that you would not expect. Do not fear to reach out to the sick, the poor, or the lost for if you are led by My Spirit, I will always watch over you and bless you, but don’t step out and look for ministry on your own for the enemy loves to use this to rob you of times of intimacy and worship with Me.

Draw close to My heart and I will pour out My burden of intercession upon you, and I will prepare your heart for My glory and power to pour out upon you. Watch and pray that you don’t fall into temptation that the enemy will not rob you of My perfect will for your life. For I love you for you are Mine. You are faithful and I see your heart. Draw near in the secret place and expect My favor, a greater anointing in authority, and My presence, says your Lord.