APR 2, 2004 – OCT 19, 2004



October 19, 2004

Stir up the gifts that are within you. Don’t let any of them to lie dormant for this is the time for war. Every power and principality in the heavenlies have been charged to pull you down, but you must rise up and be determined to allow My Spirit to pull them down by you continuing to worship Me and keeping your focus on My truth alone.

Do not allow the enemy to sway you by the severity of the circumstances surrounding your life. You must rise up and believe that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Keep believing that I AM faithful, and that I am in control, and that all things will work together for your good. Keep your armor on. Make sure that each piece is securely attached, and be determined to take your stand on My promises no matter what the enemy tries to say to you. Do not listen to anything that doesn’t line up with My word.

You must walk in My light and My love. Don’t allow any darkness quench the flow of My Spirit in you. Examine your heart to see if you are really ready to rise up and overcome. Have you allowed anything to stand in your way, or have you settled for less than My best for your life?

Watch your confessions when you are walking out physical trials. Never say that any illness or infirmity belongs to you, because I redeemed you from the curse of the Law. I have set you free by the power of My blood so that you may have an abundant life full of health and prosperity.

So when the enemy tries to attach to you his infirmities, do not receive them. They don’t belong to you. And for those who have walked faithfully with Me but still have had to battle the enemy’s tears upon your life, just know that these trials will end if you keep My promises close to your heart. You do have the victory, and My word is true no matter what your body says.

This is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and I AM preparing My bride. Everything you are going through is working in preparation for your stand in My army. Yes, I AM making you mighty warriors, and I AM using your trials to strengthen you and to purge you of all that would hold you back. I’ve called you My overcomers, and you will rise up against any hindrance the enemy puts before you, and you will continue to press in because you know My truth. Yes, I have called you to overcome all the snares of the fowler.

I’ve called you to truth and light and love. Put on your garment of praise. Do not be defeated by despair because things seem to be getting worse in the natural. Stay behind your shield of faith and use your sword to tear down the strongholds. Let out a mighty shout for the walls are beginning to fall. Be ready for it is beginning to rain, and My river will flow and mightily through My people for I AM faithful.

October 15, 2004

Why do you keep insisting on wandering away from My intimate presence? Why is it that you do not stay by My side? Don’t you know that when you walk close to Me that you are in a place of protection? Those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High are those who stay in a place of refuge and safety and are strengthened with My power and wisdom to do exploits. Those who are strong are those who stay in the center of My perfect will and that is in a place of close communion with Me.

I know that the enemy keeps attacking you with busyness and complacency, but you must rise up and overcome, and return to the place where you belong and where you long to be. I know that you are most blessed in your heart when you delight yourself in My presence. Yes, this is the place where you long to be. So I want you this day to be determined to not allow the enemy to rob you of those things that truly strengthen you and refresh you. Do not allow him to rob you of that secret place that you have with Me.

This is the day of salvation……the day where you need to make the choice of whether you want blessings or curses, life or death. For outside of the true vine there is no life. There is no life in that place of independence for truly it is a place of stubbornness and rebellion, a place of control, manipulation and idolatry.

So I AM calling you close and blessing you with the gift of repentance if you are ready to turn from your wicked ways. Yes, I AM coming on strong, but you need to know the way it truly is. You need to call things what they truly are. You need to return unto Me and delight yourself in My will.

Yes, refresh yourself by the streams of My living water. Refresh yourself in My word. Build yourself back up by praying in My
Spirit. Worship Me in the beauty of holiness. You have no time to waste. Do not allow the enemy to overcome you, but rise up this day. Shake off the chains of bondage, and examine your heart for any unforgiveness or bitterness or any door the enemy can enter.

I love you, My children, but you must return. Don’t allow the enemy to fool you by making you think being busy in things that appear Christlike is being in My will. Anything that is outside of spending time close to Me is outside of My will. I’ve called you to worship Me and to commune with Me. Return to your place of safety and that is under My blood dwelling close to Me in My secret place.

October 6, 2004

At last I’ve come of age you might say, but what you need to say is that you have finally gained enough maturity in Christ where you are able to discern truth from error. For so many in the body of Christ have given into every wind of doctrine just because it was spoken forth by a well-known prophet or teacher. This must not be. You must be like the faithful Bereans who search the scriptures comparing what they have heard with the truth of God’s word.

This is the day of the latter rain outpouring and one of the weapons the enemy is using against God’s people is deception and pride. Pride because of having an unteachable spirit in justifying the error even though they see it plain in the Scripture. Once you see the truth through the grace of God, just rejoice because I have said that the elect would not be deceived. Yes, maybe for a period of time, but they will see the light and truth and be set free made stronger than before able to show the error to others with such an anointing and grace enabling others to see the truth.

Halleluia! for I have come to set the captives free so that they might delight in My presence. Escape the clutch of the evil one and run the race unhindered by the traps of the evil one. Freedom is what I have called My people to be, and grace is to be their banner.

Love is to be your greatest weapon against evil for it is the only weapon strong enough to repel it. Don’t fall into the snare of bitterness and retaliation when you find out that you have been ensnared by the enemy using man. For man is not who you are to come against. Bless those who have portrayed your enemy. Pray for those who use you.

Do all things in My name and for Me, and I will reward you if you have worked with a pure heart with motives of love to only please Me. Even when you tithe into My kingdom, do not worry about where the money goes or even if I get it. Just give and you will receive pressed down and overflowing. Yes, you will reap from what you sow.

This is the day and the hour where I will reward My people. I will separate the sheep from the goats, the men from the boys, the fearful from the faithful. And I will raise up My army of warring worshipers who will march across this land promoting grace and holiness. They will stand up for Me no matter what the cost for they have learned to love not their life unto death.

Yes, this is the final hour, and I AM cleaning up My bride. And they will be a people of truth and holiness, and they will be man enough to admit when they were wrong and strong enough to know when they have been given the choice to be set free. Yes, error and deception are a snare, but don’t allow pride to keep you bound.

I love you and I draw you near. Resist the enemy and he will flee. Watch and pray and wait upon Me for I will pour out My burden of intercession upon you and even a greater anointing that you may worship Me in spite of the enemy trying to hold you back. I see that he has tried to greatly hinder you, but you will prevail for I AM pouring out greater grace. I just want you to be receptive and sensitive to My Spirit and never give up on My keeping my promises to you.

Yes, you will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony as you love not your life unto death. Be ready for this is the final hour.

September 23, 2004

Like a cool breeze I AM refreshing you. As you seek My face and not My hand, I will provide for you. Take My word deep into your heart and stand faithful for I AM calling you to be My end-time embassadors of Truth to the nations. I AM calling you to remain faithful no matter what circumstances that you face.

These are the end-times, and you need to be able to stand, to remain firm without wavering, rejoicing that all things work together for your good. How do you know that you are faithful to My word unless you are tested?

I want you to examine your heart and your circumstances at this moment, and see what you desire most. Does your spirit cry out for more of My intimate presence or are you allowing your flesh to rule and reign because of temporary suffering? You have the choice to seek out that which will comfort the flesh or you can take your time to seek My face dwelling close to Me in My secret place.

Rejoice, My people, for I AM preparing you causing you to look to Me moment to moment for your comfort and strength. And as you seek My face, I will give you the wisdom to step out by My guidance to gather together all your needs.

So no matter what circumstances that you face, you can choose to give the devil a black eye by rejoicing in your heart that he cannot take My presence from you. Rejoice that no matter what the enemy tries to take away from you that you are going to turn around and rejoice and worship Me knowing that I AM faithful and that My word is true for I AM in control. Look to Me and see what I will do for suddenly I can turn it all around and multiply My blessings to you.

I promised the abundant life full of prosperity and health but you must dwell in Me with a pure heart. Bless others. Yes, lift your brother even over yourself. Commit all things into My hands. Let go and allow My ministry flow through you to prosper, for only those things you commit to Me will dwell in safety. I will only prosper the fruit of My hands, and all else I will destroy.

I send a warning out to the pastors to be truthful and do not scatter the flock for you will reap what you sow. In this time of testing I AM examining the fruit of the heart of man. Do not yoke yourself with the deeds of unrighteousness. Keep your heart and mind pure, and I will bless you, for I AM your everlasting Father and the true Shepherd of the flock.

I will gather the remnant under My wing and give them a time under My refreshing grace for the battle has been long and hard but you do have My victory. Use this time to be refreshed, for what the enemy means for harm I will turn for good.

September 7, 2004

Many of My children are being tested to see what kind of character that they have at this time of their life. How do you know what you are made of unless you are tested? Many are failing the test but at the same time many are beginning to see that there are major adjustments that need to be made in their character and makeup.

Unless you are tested you don’t know what kind of faith that you have. Is it true faith based on the character and fruit of My Son, or is it faith based on head knowledge only? Once you begin to see where you are lacking, you need to repent and begin to dive into My word even deeper to get My word really grounded in your heart so that nothing by any means can shake you.

Some fall asleep in peace like Jesus in the bough of the ship while the disciples cried out for their lives. They didn’t follow the example of their Lord and lie down in peace knowing that I was in complete control and that they would be safe. Why would their Lord lead them out to sea knowing that a dangerous storm was out there to destroy them?

Let the Lord lead you and guide you into all truth. And at the same time allow Him to crucify your flesh so that you would only rejoice in time of trial being content with all that you have. Always remember there are others facing trials that far exceed that which you face. For I know that which you are able to bear, and all that I allow works together for your good to conform you into the image of My Son. Each trial will bring you closer to the mark that you will need to bear. Each trial through the fire of My love will purge your heart of all that is not of Me.

I am trying you like fire that purified pure gold. Like silver tried in the oven seven times My word is. And My word will also purify you in the fire of My love. So when you find yourself facing uncomfortable situations, allow My Spirit to take you through the test in victory. Know what is ahead of you when you overcome. The only way I overcame what was ahead of Me was knowing the fact that My glory would rule and reign over all the power of the evil one. My death would bring life to multitudes, and My resurrection would crush the enemy. It both takes the death and resurrection to bring the victory in your own life………..the death to the flesh and life everlasting in Me.

So know this day that what you manifest as you are being tested is the fruit that you behold. Is it fruit of the flesh bringing forth death or fruit of My Spirit bringing forth life? Allow My Spirit do its perfect work in you. Choose life this day, and believe that what you face is for your good. It is all in the attitude of your heart. The choice is yours to bear.

August 25, 2004

This is the day I draw you close and ask you if your heart’s desire is to serve Me or to continue doing what you have always done. For I AM calling you close so that you can truly examine your heart to see what is your true answer. For many have come into the camp so that they can benefit by the teachings that are brought forth, that is the manna and the wine, but then they don’t put to good use what they have heard. Just like looking in the mirror and then walking off unchanged by what they’ve seen.

Yes, when the Lord shows you what image you are making on your surroundings, and you don’t do anything to change it, then you are bringing upon yourself a true disappointment. For when you receive an opportunity to change, but then you deny it, you fall into a snare that cannot be remedied.

This is the day to truly examine your heart to really see if you want to go deeper with Me, but this rectifies a charge that will cost you your life. Are you willing to die so that I will live My life through you? Are you willing to step out of the way so I can have My way in you? For when you die, then you are truly able to live My life unhindered. It is only you that stands in the way of having My victory.

For in My dying on the Cross, I brought life to multitudes. And I saw this as I struggled with it in the Garden. I had to look past the suffering and the shame so I could see the glory in doing God’s will. And it is the same with you. Every time you meet up with the opportunity to choose, choose the route that brings life and that is the crucified life.

Love not your life unto death. That is where your victory lies where you will have true peace and joy. Allow My love flow through you as you make up your mind that My way is the only way.

Do not fall into the snare that the enemy sets up. Choose abundant life. Cast off the cares. Cast off all that would hold you back and run the race before you unhindered. For love is the greatest weapon that you have and the only one that you need so that you can win the war with the enemy. Yes, love took away the sting of death. Because I loved you, I died for you. Will you die that I might live?

I need My body to join together with one purpose and that is to worship Me with their lives. I call you to a life of brokenness. No more depending on your self or even living for self but to seek My face. Yes, humble yourself before Me. Cast off the pride and prejudices. Cast off the jealousies and competition. Whose gifts are you bringing forth anyway? Any true gift of My Spirit belongs to Me and should not be owned or even sold. Repent of taking into your own hands what I should do by My Spirit. Do not put Me in a box and prostitute My goods through My servants.

I charge you to stop giving into the enemy’s devices. Quit falling into his snares. Quit justifying your wrongs. Don’t cover over the fruit from your own heart and be real so that I can bring a change in you. Don’t hide the error of your ways, but expose them.

For this is the day I AM drawing you close that you may choose who you may serve. Life and death are in the power of your tongue and actions. Choose life. Choose love. Choose life in My Spirit. For yes, this is the day of repentance. Open up your heart and receive My free gift.

August 18, 2004

Are you experiencing in your heart the onward pull to go deeper with Me? Then don’t allow it to pass you by. Be sensitive to the leading of My Spirit and respond immediately. No matter what you are doing respond to My calling you close. Deep calls unto deep at the sound of My waterspouts.

Examine the stirring within your heart. Is it that which comes from being in My intimate presence, or is it a drive within to accomplish something that you feel that needs to be done concerning My kingdom purposes? I want you to make sure that you are not just being driven by the spirit of busyness and religiosity, because anything I would set you out to do would not rob Me of your precious time before Me. You need to draw close to Me and examine those stirrings within your heart and make sure they are of Me.

I want you to be able to hear My voice clearly so I can direct you on the paths you are to take. I want to give you the discernment that you need to know what spirit you are being guided by, because that which is of the counterfeit has been directing the paths of many of My children these days. They are being tossed about by every wind and doctrine and not by the simplicity of My pure word directing them.

This is the time and the hour where I will be separating the men from the boys. Yes, I will choose this hour those who will dip their hand into the stream to drink and leave those that bow down before every tree and idol. For when you leave all your cares into My hands is one thing, but to go about unaware of what is around you while you partake of every need that you have is where many fall short.

You need to watch and pray while it is still day for there will come a day when those who are unprepared will be taken away by the streams of deception being poured out. Yes, I AM doing a separating work and those who have responded to My call to go deeper will be able to hear clearly and respond to My call.

I love you, My children, and I want you to be ready for I AM drawing together My remnant who will be of one mind and will be in one accord with My plans and purposes. I will draw them together even around the world and place in their hearts the draw to go deeper into My presence. They will know My word, because I have filled them with My grace and truth. They will worship Me with the song of the Lord, and they will dance upon injustice and will release My deep and powerful heart cry for the lost, and you will see the multitudes rushing into My presence, and salvation and grace will be theirs.

Yes, this is the final hour. Don’t let it pass you by. Be sensitive to My drawing you close. Love Me with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself. And most of all, love the brethren, for then and only then will the world know you by My love.

August 8, 2004

Come apart from the cares of the world and rejoice for the King of Glory is in your midst. This is not the time to dwell upon all that could weigh you down, but it is the time to forsake the cares of the world. Yes, cast them aside and I will pick them up for you. For I have provided for you your every need. I have died so that you would be able to live abundantly with Me by your side leading and guiding you into all Truth. Yes, I AM filling you up this day with My grace and truth as you partake of My glory. As you lose yourself in My glory, I AM filling you with all the ammunition that you need to defend yourself against the evil one.

I AM even admonishing you to come apart from the cares of the world and abide in My presence as I fill you with My resurrection power. As you forsake the works of the flesh and abide in Me, I AM taking care of your every need. Abide in Me. Let My words abide in you. Let My faith take you through. All you need to do is rest in My faithfulness to bring forth the Promised Land in your life. Let Me take you to the other side where My victory reigns and My sovereign will rules.

This is the day and the hour to make a choice of who you will serve. Life and death lies in the power of your choice. Yes, you can choose life in My word, or you can choose to carry your own burdens, your own cares, but they will weigh you down. And you will not have My strength. You need My joy, My peace and My love ruling and reigning in your life, and that only comes as you forsake all and follow Me.

My kingdom consists of love, joy, and My righteousness. Every time you choose to walk in My will, strongholds fall that have been set up to hinder you. The enemy’s plan is to hinder you from truly worshiping Me with your life, not only when you bow before Me, but as you choose to be a living sacrifice of praise before Me.

I choose you to be My warriors of Light. I choose you to be My bride and My beloved. I choose to live My life through you. What do you choose? Your future lies this day in your very own decision. Cast off the cares of the world. Pick up your cross and follow Me and walk in My glory. My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Let this be your testimony. They loved not their life unto death. They overcame by the blood of the Lamb, and the enemy was defeated.

July 29, 2004

It is not by chance that you find yourself where you are today for the enemy has plagued many with the spirit of obsession, and many have lost their way that leads to peace and prosperity. Yes, many have been more concerned with appearance than with truth, and have gotten themselves wrapped up in a form of worship than being in the true spirit of it all.

I have called you to worship Me in spirit and in truth only because you love Me not that you would meet the credentials to be accepted by man. This is the time and the hour where I will pour out My power upon those who truly worship Me because they love Me and delight themselves in My presence. I will pour out My glory upon them in mighty waves that will sweep through the land causing a mighty revival of truth and holiness.

Yes, My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and will turn from all forms of wickedness because I will pour out mighty gifts of repentance to enable them. Many who will cry out to Me will be satisfied with their heart’s desire for true holiness not just the form. They will move by My enabling alone because they desired My grace and not their own strength to overcome which is legalism.

Do not strive to do right in your own strength. Let go and let Me live My life through you. Rest in Me and delight in Me, and I will do the rest for when you rest you give Me the authority to do mighty works through you and in you.

So, do not be obsessed with trying to please Me or man. Be yourself and accept yourself as you are. Be the person I called you to be. Do not fall under false pretense trying to put on a mask of competition. Do not fall into jealousy of your brother, but rejoice in all that I do through him. For you are all one. When one rejoices, you all should. When one gives a testimony of My faithfulness, you should rejoice as if it is your own testimony.

Do not allow the enemy to divide you. Be aware of his tactics this day for he is a liar, and his aim is to steal from you your joy and peace, and mainly your love. So, don’t allow him any access to your thoughts. Cast down the vain imaginations immediately, and keep your heart covered with the power of My love.

This is the end of time, and if you don’t have love, you will not make it. If you don’t have true love, you will not overcome the onslaughts of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy the brethren. Join together as one and worship Me. Seek My face because you love Me. And walk in true holiness not just the appearance or form of it, and I will bless you with My presence and My power. I will pull down the strongholds as you praise Me alone.

Yes, this is the hour of great power, and it all comes as you humble yourself and be real. I can only work with your real self not the counterfeit. Quit striving in your own strength and rest in Me, and watch Me move for I AM your God and I AM faithful.

July 15, 2004

Come before Me, My little ones, and bask in My presence for I long to pour out My glory upon you and prepare you for what I AM going to do in the near future. For the enemy has been coming on like a flood trying to hinder you from coming before Me, but you are called My overcoming army and you have prevailed the onslaught of the enemy, and once again you are able to hear My voice. I reward those who diligently seek My face. Even though the heavens may appear as brass, you continue to come before Me. And now I AM ready to pour out My glory and fill you to overflowing with My spirit of grace and truth. You cannot walk righteously unless you have the balance of the both.

Have you not known that the great reward of your faith is peace, My glory, and joy unspeakable? My kingdom does not consist of meat or drink but of the following factors: a faith that overcomes no matter what comes before it, peace that passes all understanding, and a pure joy which is your strength, and above all, love which is the perfect bond that holds it all together. Love Me with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. Yes, love the brethren, not by appearance only but from a pure heart.

For this is the time to truly examine your heart to see if you are walking in all My ways. You need to make sure you don’t have any open door in which the enemy may enter. Make amends with your enemy by blessing him and most of all, forgive those who have come before you with a heart of repentance, and those who have not, pray for My mercy to fall on them that they will come to repentance.

Be strong, be bold, for the Lord thy God is with you. Do not take heed to the lies of the evil one and fear his reports. Stand only on My word. Yes, do not take thought to any lie he tries to ensnare you with. Do not pay attention to your emotions for they are based on lying circumstances. Stay close to My side and feed on My words alone, and let Me renew your mind and heal your wounded heart. Yes, I have come to make you strong once again. And rejoice for I AM a faithful God, and I AM in control of all that you’ve been going through. Yes, rejoice, for what the enemy has meant for harm is working for your good. Yes, all things work together for your good because you are Mine.

I come to bless you and honor you and give you favor. Expect My words to operate in your life for I promised you the abundant life full of My grace and glory. I wish that you may prosper and be in health as your soul prospers should be your prayer for all the saints just as My apostle prayed. Yes, that is My will and expect not less than the best that I have to offer.

Yes, the enemy has set out to hinder you, but you have prevailed to seek My light, and I have come to meet your heart’s desire to know Me more intimately. Draw close to Me and wait upon Me. Be still and know that I AM God. Do not fear the evil report. Respond only to the Truth for I know who My favored ones are. Yes, I know My people, and I will keep them safe in the evil day when the enemy comes to try to defeat you.

For the fire only comes to purify you and to bring all the impurities to the surface. I AM not finished with you for I AM comforting you into My image, and when I AM finished with all of you as one, My glory will blind the evil one, and his plans will be confused. So draw close to Me.

Deep is calling unto deep. I AM ready to travail through you if you make yourself available. Believe and you will receive My awesome outcry for the lost for I love them so and gave My life that they would be saved from the wrath to come.

Be sensitive to My leading. Die out to your flesh and walk in My power, and I will bless you beyond measure. Yes, you will be greatly rewarded for your faithfulness to loving not your life unto death. May your confession be bold, tempered with My grace, and My truth ever lead you for I AM your God.

Out of the hearts of babes comes praise. Be sensitive to My leading you close to where My glory falls, and it is upon the hearts of My little ones. In order to enter My kingdom you must be like children who have pure hearts. I will move mightily through My children. Yes, the youth I will pour a powerful anointing upon and yes, signs and wonders will follow their steps, and an awesome revival will follow the outpouring of My glory upon the youth.

So, I call you to unite as one, the fathers and the sons, the mothers and the daughters, and worship Me, and expect a great move of My Spirit, for I AM faithful.

July 2, 2004

Escape from the clutch of the evil one, and I will lift you up, for many find themselves in a place that they have not been before, and they do not know how to get out of it. But I AM calling you to escape from the clutch of the evil one and run towards Me, and I will set you free from the giants of your life. Yes, many have been in the midst of insurmountable tragedies in their lives. It seems like one mountain of troubles after another, a never-ending trial effecting every area of their life. But it may seem that I have left you fatherless, but the fact is the other way around. You have pulled away from your first love and have found yourself deep in the clutch of the evil one.

If you aren’t worshiping Me and basking in My presence, then you have lost your focus on what it is all about. I called you to be Mine, to walk with Me and to be My bride, but many have lost their zeal and have allowed themselves to be entertained by the things of the world to the extent that they have become complacent to My word and communion with Me. And this cannot be. You cannot both have Me and My presence and the ways of the world. For I have called you to be a holy nation, a peculiar people, one that is set apart from that of the world. And now there are many that have allowed themselves to get entangled that it is hard to them apart.

I AM calling you to repentance to come apart from the unclean thing. Cry out for mercy that I will clean your heart from the effects, and that I will set you free from the desires and lusts that have led you astray. For this is the hour where the trials will either make you or break you. I AM separating the men from the boys, those who are willing to pay the price to crucify their flesh and those who choose to continue to be mesmerized by the things of the world. You have to make the decision whether you want blessings or curses, life or death and the fruit thereof.

Walk with Me and I will bless you and restore to you all that the enemy has robbed you of. But if you continue in your ways this day, you will surely die. Do not believe the lies of the evil one by giving up on My promises. Do not listen when he says that he has better for you for he is a liar and a thief, and he only comes to steal, kill and destroy. I’ve come to give you life and that abundantly, but you must serve Me, deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Me.

Crucify the lusts of the flesh, the eyes and the pride of life. Draw close to Me and I will draw close to you. Keep My word deep in your heart and use it against the evil one. Put up your shield of faith and reapply each piece of armor for I paid the price that you would be fully clothed enabled to stand against the powers of darkness. Reposition yourself with Me seated at the right hand of the Father, the position of power, high above all powers and principalities. Let out a victory cry and join ranks once again and worship Me. Then the enemy will be blinded by My glory. Your enemies will be scattered with confusion and will turn on each other, and you will escape and run and be free once again stronger than ever.

Rise up, My holy ones, for it is time to dance and to shout and rejoice for I said I would never leave you or forsake you or to allow you to fall into a snare. Apply My word each day to your life and My blood, and keep your eyes on Me, and I will lead you through. Do not allow the shame or condemnation to defeat you, for they are only lies of the evil one. Cry out for greater grace and My mercy and be restored. For I AM calling My bride together, even those with boots on, to close up the gaps and build the wall, to sound an alarm, to blow the shofar and be united in one faith under one God for I AM and evermore shall be, and I will not be defeated. Those I died for I will not lose in the fight. They are sealed with My Spirit. If you will to do My will, I will carry you through and MY victory will be yours, for I AM your Lord and King.

June 19, 2004

I AM calling forth My bride to be strong. I AM admonishing you to receive those who are weak. Receive all with the power of My love. Don’t overcompensate for the many weaknesses that you might be seeing in your character at this point by putting on a mask and covering over your need to be set free.

For there are many in My body who are struggling so. They have not dealt with the roots that sin has built up from their past life. For many are struggling with pornography. Don’t be hush-hush up about this subject. My people need to be set free and the enemy is taking advantage because he knows he can. He knows if he can stay hidden, he will have the power to keep My people in bondage.

Come forth, My holy ones, and express your need to be set free. Don’t hide behind the shame and the condemnation that so many are feeling for this is what is causing you to come under even severer attack from the enemy.

Sin is sin and there is not different levels like with the mortal sin teaching some have experienced. For what did I say adultery is but to lust after a woman in your heart. And what is murder but to be angry with your brother. I look at the heart not what you do on the outside.

What I tell you today is to come forth and be open to those I will lead you to for My church is not a group of healthy people already set free when they come in but is a hospital where I can perform heart surgery through the power of My Holy Spirit. Let Me slay you so that you may lay under My power that I may bring to the surface those issues that need to be uprooted. Let Me purge you that you may be clean through and through by the fire of My love. For no unclean being can dwell where My fire is. I will burn them out if you allow Me to.

Be open with Me. Do not be ashamed for I love you. I see you pure and already set free. I see you through the power of My blood. For I died for you that the enemy would not have a hold on you. But you must choose life, and you must choose blessings. You must choose to live the crucified life that I may fill you with My life. I love you, My children. I see you clean and holy and separated from the evil one and his ways. I see you as mighty overcomers, My vessels of righteousness, the set-apart ones.

So rise up in My glory this day. Bow before My feet and worship Me for the victory. Reach out and touch the hem of My garment. Do not let any spirit of religiosity bind you from receiving life or giving life. Don’t be offended by this message for it is a much needed one. It is time to grow up and be the Bride I called you to be. Love one another. See others who are struggling the way I see them. See them through the eyes of faith. Do not mark them as hopeless, for that is a curse in itself. Come and bless the brethren. Treat them as you would have them treat you. Yes, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That is the Golden Rule that continues to stand this day throughout eternity.

I called you to love and only then will you conquer the foe. Be aware of the tools the enemy uses for he is subtle. For it is the little foxes that spoil the vine. I AM the vine: you are the branches. There is no life outside of Me. You cannot make it on your own for only I can do the impossible. I admonish you this day to receive those who are struggling. See them through the eyes of faith for all are vulnerable to the same sins. No one is better than the next.

Humble yourselves before Me and I will lift you up as one. When one is struggling, you all are struggling. Do your part by being strong in Me and praise Me for I began the work, and I AM faithful to complete it.

Receive this message and be aware for there will be those who will come forth, and the evil one will try to cut them off, but do not allow it. Be strong! Let My love overcome the wicked one and My light overcome the darkness. Allow My Spirit to flow to set the captives free this day.

“Return Unto Me!”
June 2, 2004

Resume the responsibility of a dedicated servant, one who has chosen to give his life for the service of sharing the gospel. Have you allowed the cares of this life distract you from ministering in the calling that I have even raised you up to have? It is not just having meat or drink to be in My kingdom, but to be full of My peace, joy and righteousness.

But many have gotten distracted to where making a dollar is your main priority. Didn’t I say that if you put Me first and My righteousness all these things will be added unto you? But you haven’t been putting Me first, and you are striving after these things along with the world.

What do I have to do to wake you to the seriousness of the hour? You must know that nurturing yourself with My holy word and drawing close to Me in the secret place is what you need to be able to make it through in this hour. for the enemy is coming on strong to try to snatch you away from My intimate presence. He knows that when you are close to My side and loving Me and walking in My perfect will that he cannot harm you. He can’t even break your focus upon the Lamb when you are wholeheartedly loving Him.

But many have allowed their hearts to grow cold, and they no longer desire My presence. They have allowed themselves to become beat down because in the fight they were relying on their own strength. If you do not delight yourself in My presence, you do not have My anointing and power to combat the enemy and pull down his strongholds.

Instead of running into the refuge of the Lord and His fortress, you give yourself captive to the enemy’s devices. You feed your belly like there is no tomorrow, and feed on every tidbit of nastiness and evil that he puts out for you.

Wake up before it is too late! This is a final warning, because the storms are getting even stronger. If you can’t hear My voice now when you are running against men, what will you do when the horses are loosed? Why don’t you hear My voice? It’s because you don’t seek My face and quiet yourself down.

My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and I will heal their land. But those who continue in their sin and disobedience, I will pour out My fire upon you. Yes, My wrath and judgment will fall upon My people for I love them and want to see them returned unto Me.

I pray healing and restoration upon My people that they would rather fall upon the Rock that they would become broken rather than the Rock falling on them and crushing them to powder. Which will it be? The choice is yours to make. Do not be satisfied with less than the best which is in My intimate presence. Awake to the seriousness of the hour. I AM calling you back.

(An Encouragement for Close Fellowship)
May 26, 2004

Beside still waters I will lead you. I will supply all your needs if you will look to Me and Me alone. Have I ever left you where you had to beg for bread if you put Me first in your life? Then why do you fret now when your faith is tested so severely? When you are tested in this fashion, you are experiencing the fire of My love that has come to purge the dross that is deep in your heart. When you have trouble trusting Me, it is because you have put other things in your life before Me. For I have promised you that if you put Me first and My righteousness, I will surely supply all your needs, and you will not lack any good thing.

This is the day of the latter rain outpour of My Spirit, and I have come to pour out both fire and rain. I have come to purge you and to make you pure in heart. How many struggle with attitudes against your brother? How many struggle with giving Me the first fruits of your day for I delight to be with you where you will both bask in My presence and at the same time serve Me in the intercessions of My heart. For yes, I have come to share with you the burdens of My own heart if you will get before Me and be still and listen closely. For I have not called you to carry the burdens that you have chose to bear but My own.

Listen closely to My own heart cry for I long to travail through you to change the tide for many are in great loss and spiritual upheaval of their soul and need their lives turned around, and I need you to cry out for them. These situations you are not aware of, because these people have hidden this situation well, because they have chose to look to Me alone. For they are a rare breed, and I AM most pleased with them, but at the same time the enemy has come on strong like with Job to sift them like wheat. For I have My hand upon them and will only allow the enemy to go so far, but I need My midwives to step in and to press in for their breakthrough.

Now is the day for salvation and for the latter rain outpour of My Spiirt, but you must be ready and willing to be used in a mighty way. Do not put your own comforts first. Seek My face and put My will before your own, and I will bless you in ways that you have never imagined could happen in your lifetime. For I will raise you up as spiritual kings and priests of war. Yes, I will strengthen you with My armor. I will teach you how you should wear it, and I will teach you how to use it. I will undo the lies of the evil one about spiritual warfare. I will pour out fresh truth and manna upon you and set you free that you may run even towards the enemy with courage in your heart. I promised that your enemy would be scattered even into seven directions. You are not to retreat but to stand bold with head set like flint against the evil one. Don’t back down on My promises, pursue your inheritance for I have given you the land and even the nations as your inheritance.

Yes, this is the day of the latter rain outpouring of My Spirit, and it all begins with you. Are you ready to be used mightily? Are you ready to forsake all for My power and might to flow through you? Why do you allow the enemy to distract you? Why are you satisfied with less than the best for I have called you not only to serve Me but to be My most intimate friends. I love you and I call you to My side to lead you by quiet streams to bless you with My presence that you have never experienced before in this measure. Yes, I AM ready to pour out My Spirit out upon you in full measure, but you will never be able to hold it or even contain it unless you have first been in My presence where I can stretch you and even measure all your heart can contain.

If you fall upon Me, I will break you like the alabaster box and pour out through you My fresh and sweet fragrance. But if I fall upon you because of your rebellion to My will, you will surely turn to dust, for I cannot allow My people to continue to go their own way and say that they know My name. These are the end times, and you must prepare before Me. The enemy has come to sift you, and I have come to turn up the flames for I must have a pure in heart people. Draw close to Me and continue in close fellowship, and only then will you have My peace and My joy flow as one through you. And only then will you know My love through the storms. And only then will I be able to lead you by still waters and refresh you and restore you. Yes, draw close while you have the time.

May 11, 2004

Reach out and touch the hem of My garment for I AM about to pour out an abundance of rain. Yes, this is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and I AM about to pour out an anointing that will break the yoke of bondage that has been upon My people. Yes, I AM about to set the captives free and refresh the weary. Why don’t you just bow down and worship Me, and cast all your cares upon Me so that I can lift you up once again?

I know its not getting any easier for the enemy knows that these are the end times, and his time is running out. So he is coming on like gangbusters trying to devour all that he can, and he is using spiritual pride, and he’s using complacency and deception and all kinds of tactics to divide the brethren. Especially those who were once close friends in My body, but don’t allow this to happen. Unite yourselves closer than ever, and pull down the strongholds over your individual areas in which you dwell.

And yes, those who dwell in Israel, I want you to make sure that you keep covered with My love so that you can shine out with My glory and grace. I want to draw in the lost with a special grace. Yes, I want to touch those that have such a hatred for My people, and turn them around so that they will become a mighty army that lifts up and protects My kingdom. Yes, I want to raise them up to be dread warriors against the enemy. They will no longer be dread warriors towards My people but towards the enemy who once raised them up and trained them to devour My people.

So, I say to you this day, Israel, you will no longer be called one who not only will be hated by the world but one who will be treated with respect, because they will know that they have a God who will back them up showing signs and wonders. Yes, I will pour out fire from heaven, and devour My enemies, those who will not turn even when I reveal Myself to them, for I AM a just God, and I gave My life that all would be saved.

So, I want you to rejoice that you are not on your own for I promised that I would be with you till the end of time and that no weapon formed against you will ever prosper. I will supply all your needs and care for you like a chick underneath My wings. Fret not for the enemy will not destroy you. What the enemy means for harm I turn for your good. So, I want you to rejoice and even dance in the streets, because you do have the victory, and every enemy that comes against you will be scattered in seven directions.

Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day of the latter rain outpouring, and I AM calling you to stand with Me, and pray for My peace to reign in the land. Pray that My will be done, and My kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven. Rest in Me for I will restore you and bless you and give you a long life. Draw near as I draw near to you. Yes, draw close, and I will hold you near, and pour out a kingly anointing upon you. I raise you up as My mighty warriors and My worshippers that know only Me as their God. I AM most pleased with you. I delight in you. I love you, says your God.

(A Message of Hope)
April 24, 2004

Count your blessings one by one. Don’t let the enemy rob you of them for there are many. Many this day fall into the category of being ungrateful mainly because they lack the quality of counting their blessings each day and thanking Me for them. Not saying that these are an unthankful people, but that they have fallen into a snare set by the enemy and that they cannot see or even experience all that I have blessed them with.

I have come to set free these captives and to give them life more abundantly. Yes, I have come to set them free and turn the tides on the enemy. For these people are a mighty army that the enemy has tied up their giftings and even their fruit have gone dry. The enemy had carried them away captive, because a part of their armor was not used properly, and the enemy was allowed to get into their life unaware of.

Even though there was an opening he could get in, he didn’t allow it to be known that he was even there, because of deception on the part of the prisoner. But I have come to bring life by exposing the enemy’s plans by shedding light on all areas of deception and exposing the enemy.

Yes, I have come to set the captives free and to raise them up so that they can stand strong once again. I have come to restore their first love and to give them zeal and fill them with My joy once again for this is their strength.

Do not be afraid or even alarmed because of the state of the church this day for I have come to do a separation, those who are ready to go on with Me and those who are just going through the motions of being sincere. For My fire will do this separation, and those who remain standing are those who are My true overcomers who I will move mightily through.

The battle has been long, and it has been heavy, but I have been preparing you through it, though it may be through financial lack or even attacks on the physical body, all has been necessary for the preparation. For I AM truly raising you up, and I AM filling you with My gifts, and I AM sending you out for war that is even greater than before for you are My “dreaded foes” toward the evil one.

You are the ones that no matter what the enemy throws your way that you will not give up on My promises, because you only see Me through your shield of faith, and you have prepared your sword that which only is true comes forth from your mouth, and this pierces the heart of the evil one, because he cannot get you to even believe a lie.

You are set free and are stronger than before, because now you are aware of the enemy’s tactics having been held captive for so long. And now experiencing My true presence you are filled with My glory and light. Yes, you are My “dreaded warriors” toward the evil one, and you will reign victorious in Me.

I love you and I see you perfect through My Father’s eyes. You are My bride, and I raise you up to stand bold. You will not be defeated. You will pull down strongholds by your worship alone. You will dance upon injustice. You will triumph with the shout of the trumpet, for I AM letting out My war cry across the land.

I AM uniting the camps to be one in Me. I AM stirring the gifts that they may speak life and health and peace for I come to gather in My harvest, and I come to romance My bride in a time of intimacy. So gather together in My secret place and prepare for I AM going to do a new thing but you must be ready.

Rest in Me for I AM faithful and I AM in control. All things have always worked for the good of My people. What the enemy meant for harm I AM now turning for good for “I AM” this day and forevermore.

(A Refresher in the Basics)
April 12, 2004

Once again I draw you near and explain to you that it isn’t what you say that is important and powerful, but the faith behind it that is powerful. Words are just empty if it doesn’t carry the power or the “dudamus” that brings the thing said to pass. That is only in certain situations though. Because on the other hand if you speak in the negative of My promises, then the enemy automatically adds his power to your spoken words and brings them to effect. So I say to you this day to watch your spoken words!

Life and death are in the power of your tongue. So speak life and add My power to it by adding faith, and believe that what you say will come to pass. I know these are basic terms, but you need to be reminded. Faith is not just a formula, but true faith is a relationship with the One who died and rose again and now lives forever. Reach out and touch the hem of the Father’s garment, because He longs to touch you and heal you and set you free. Bow down and worship the One who gave His life for you that you would reign victorious with Him.

Don’t allow the enemy to defeat you and rob you of what is yours. Believe that the enemy is under your feet and that all My promises are “yes” and “Amen” to you. Have you ever wondered how your trials will ever come to an end when in the natural it looks like an impossible situation to complete? Well, that is My business to consider. All you need to do is to look to Me, the author and finisher of your faith. Just look to Me for I will keep My words to you. If what you prayed is according to My will, then I have heard you. And if I heard you, then you know that you have the promise that you requested.

In the meantime between the asking and the waiting, I want you to rest and believe that you have already received the answer. Now that is a pretty simple formula, but when the fire is added in the middle of the trial, you start to panic and why is that? Because the fire is sent to purge and purify My holy vessels. Its a good thing. So rest once again in Me.

This is the day of salvation. This is the day to count the cost and examine your heart whether you are walking in all the light. If your heart does not condemn you, then do not receive the enemy’s report. Do not listen to his lies. Cast down the vain imaginations that are sent to destroy your faith. I said that you are to prosper and to be in health as your soul prospers. And if you spend your time delighting in My presence and walking in My will, then you will overcome in the onslaughts of the enemy. Yes, he has come to destroy you, but I have come to give you life. So stay on My side and keep My commands, and you will truly reign victorious in Me. For I have truly said it and I will bring it to pass.

April 2, 2004

Rest your weary head upon My brow and draw close, My little lambs, for I come to lead you by streams of living water where I will reveal My grace and truth to you to prepare you for what is ahead. Let go and allow Me to be King of all kings and Lord of all lords to you. Let Me have total control of all that concerns you, and rest in My faithfulness to provide all your needs. Seek Me and worship Me in the beauty of holiness for this is the day for new beginnings. Let the past melt away.

Forgive all who have offended you, and bless them with My peace. Yes, bless them that they may know Me and My ways. For when you forgive, you release them from the snare of the evil one, and you commit them into My care. And bless them that they may know of My saving grace that I AM their Savior and their Lord and that I came that they may have life abundantly.

Now, My children, I want you to receive My blessing of peace and prosperity. Receive My healing power that you may be whole. And step aside that I may live My life through you. Yes, let Me show you how you should live where you can have joy unspeakable and be full of My glory. For I AM ready to ascend on high to pull down the strongholds of the evil one. For you have remained faithful to worship Me enabling Me to be first in your lives. This gives Me great power to overcome the evil one over your home and communities and yes, over your state and nation. For when you praise Me, you crush the evil one under your feet, and allow him to be My footstool, for we are one and we work together when you obey Me and My will.

I can do nothing to overcome the evil one without you being by My side for you are My bride, and forevermore we shall be together. But now is time of great warfare, and there will be great loss for those who try to make it on their own. You cannot have great faith without relationship with Me. Yes, I have defeated the evil one at the cross, and it is finished. We have the victory by faith, but you must apply this to your life. Be sanctified unto Me. Walk in My holiness and obedience to My will. Worship Me as a way of life. Love Me, My holy ones, by loving the brethren. Die to your flesh, and allow My resurrection power to flow out, and My love will surely repel the evil one.

For this is the day of salvation, and the choice is yours to make. I came to save your whole man, and make My life a reality to you every day. Without My love you are nothing. Without My Spirit you have no life. Without My breath, life will end, so draw near, for there is no life outside of the Vine, so consecrate yourselves unto Me this day. No turning back for this is the time to reap the harvest, and a bumper crop indeed!

So rejoice and be glad for I give you the victory. Don’t look in the natural, but continue to press in and believe, and I will keep My promise to you if you remain faithful to the end. Keep covered with the armor of light. Stay behind your shield of faith, and wield your sword against the evil one, and I will continue to bless you with the grace and the strength that you need. Stay united and continue to march in taking back what is yours as a mighty army. You are My bride, and I love you, says your King.